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MASTERISE HOMES CHINH SACH THANH TOAN VA TIEN DO THANH TOAN DU KIEN PAYMENT POLICY AND ESTIMATED PAYMENT SCHEDULE 1. QUY BINH CHUNG GENERAL PROVISION 1. Chinh sch ban hang thu cap 4p dung déi vdi nha lién ké sn vudn/nha lién ké vudn (“S8n Pham’) thudc Du 4n Khu 86 Thi Sai Gon Binh An (Biéu Chinh Tu Khu Lién Hop San Golf - Thé Duc Thé Thao ~ Vui Choi Giai Tri Va Biét Thu Rach Chiéc) (Ho3c Tén Goi Khac Theo Quyét Binh Cua Co Quan Nha Nuéc Cé Tham Quyén Hoae Chu Bau Tu Tai Tung Théi ‘Diém) toa lac tai Phuéng An Phu, Quan 2 (Nay La Thanh Phé Thu Otic), Thanh Phé Hé Chi Minh, Viet Nam co tén thung mai la The Global City ~ sau day goi la “Dy An” noac “Dy 4n The Global City” The Secondary sales policy applied for the townhouses/townhouses with garden (the Product’) at the The Project of Saigon Binh An Urban Area (Adjusted From Rach Chiec Goft - Sports - Entertainment And Villas Complex] Or Any Other Names As Approved By Competent Government Agencies Or The Investor From Time To Time) in An Phu Ward, District 2 (Currently Known As Thu Duc City], Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam with commercial name as The Global City - hereinafter refered to as "Project" or "The Global City Project’. 2. Quy dinh vé “Dang ky Tham Dy”, “Dang Ky Thanh Céng”, “Giao Dich Thanh Céng” Regulation on “Participation Registration’, “Successful Registration” and “Successful Transaction” 21. Dang ky Tham Du Participation Registration Bang ky tham du dude hiéu la khi khach hang da hoan tat ky Phiéu d3ng ky tham, du va da hoan tat chuyén Tién dat truéc cho Cong ty TNHH Méi gidi Masterise Agents (‘Bang Ky Tham Dy") Participation Registration is construed that when the customer has completed the Application for Participation and completed the Advance amount transfer to Masterise Agents Agency Company Limited ("Participation Registration’). 22. Dang ky Thanh Céng Successful Registration ‘Bang ky thanh céng dude hiéu [a khi khéch hang da hoan tét ding ky nhan chuyén nhhudng hop déng mua ban d6i véi San Phdm bang viéc hoan tat ky Ban dang ky 8 Xac nhan dang ky va da thanh todn xong Tién dat trudc ("Dang Ky Successful Registration is construed that when the customers have completed the aspiration registration to choose to receive the transfer of the sale and purchase contract for the Product with the completion of signing the Aspiration Declaration Tru 2 chin - Hé Ch Minh in phng Ha Na 1 (26139159159 Master Aa Pr. 179 Xa Lo HO NO. ang 1 Toa ana 726, Times Cy, E Sblesamastersenomescom Prinbs Bln. TPHCM {ASO Mian Kha Hal BS Trang, 8 NBL (wnracterachomes com TRAINGHIEM XUNG TAM AMEMBER OF MASTERISE GROUP MASTERISE HOMES Form, the Registration Confirmation and completion of payment of the Advance Amount (the "Suecessful Registration’) 23. Giao Dich Thanh Cong Successful Transaction Giao dich thanh céng duse hiéu Ia giao dich ma khach hang da hoan tat viée ky Van bban théa thuan/Théa thuan dat coc hoc van ban cé hinh thc tong tu va da hoan tat thanh toan t6i thiéu s6 tién Bot 1 (dam bao dat it nhat Ia 10% téng gia ti chuyén. nhugng) theo auy dinh tai Van ban théa thuan/Théa thuan dat coc hoc van ban cé hhinh thdc tucng tu ("Giao Dich Thanh Céng*) The successful transaction is construed to be the transaction in which the customer has completed signing the Agreement/Deposit Agreement or similar documents and paid the minimum amount of the first installment amount (ensuring at least 10% of the total transfer price) as prescribed in the Agreement/Deposit Agreement or similar documents (the “Successful Transaction’). |. CHINH SACH THANH TOAN VA TIEN BO THANH TOAN DU KIEN PAYMENT POLICY AND ESTIMATED PAYMENT SCHEDULE 1. PHAM VI AP DUNG ‘SCOPE OF APPLICATION Chinh sach thanh toan va tign dé thanh toan du kién quy dinh dudi day 4p dung didi véi cae giao dich ma khach hang da Bang Ky Thanh Cong ké tu ngay 25/02/2022 cho dén hét ngay 30/04/2022. This payment policy and estimated payment schedule as stipulated below is applied for the transactions that the customers have completed the Successful Registration from 25 February 2022 until the end of 50 April 2022 2. CHINH SACH THANH TOAN PAYMENT POLICY 2.1 Thanh toan bang vén tu c6 Payment by own capital ‘Det thanh Thanhtoan | Thanh toan toan Lich thanh todn chuan sém Payment Payment schedule Standard | Accelerated installment payment payment Tién aat truée 1ty déng 1b d6ng [Advance amount billion VND_| billion VND 70% (sau khi tr [100% (sau khi tru Trong vong 07 ngay ké tiingay ky xdc | Tién dat rude) | Tién dat rude) Bott |nhan dang ky 10% (after 100% (after F installment | Within 07 days from the signing date of | deducted the | deducted the the Registration Confirmation ‘Advance “Advance amount) amount) ‘ry chin - HS Mi Yan pang Ha + (0203919159 stor an P79 8 8 NBL Yang Toa 26. Tres Cy E Slesdrtersehomescom Pingo Sten.02 TPH 4S8Minn Kom @ Hal Borung HANG wormmastorsaormscem TRAINGHIEM XUNG TAM A MEMBER OF MASTERSE GROUP MASTERISE HOMES ‘Bet thanh Thanh to’n | Thanh toan toan Lich thanh tosn chudn som Payment Payment schedule Standard | Accelerated installment payment payment paz | Wong vong 6Onaay Ké tingay den han 2 |thanh toan Bott toe instoinene {Within 60 days from the due date of installment pars Tong vong 6O naay Ke tinaay Gen han AS |thanh toan Bot 2 toe instehment | Within 60 doys from the due date of 2 installment para Tong vong 6 naay Ké tingly dn han gt | thanh toan Bot 5 lo inctcsrment {Within 60 days from the due date of 3 installment pars Tong vang GO nady KE tinady Gn han at Ithanh toan Dot 4 : ove instonrmene {Within 60 days from the due date of 4 installment pate [Tong vong 60 naay Ke tinaay Gen han © |thanh toan Bot 5 ove instesmment {Within 60 doys from the due date of 5* installment bay [Tong vong 60 naay Ké tinaay dn han 7 |thanh toan Dot 6 owe inctg nent | Within 60 days from the due date of 6 installment TTrong vang 60 ngiy ké tingay dn han mae [ere neers ae instcment | Within 60 days from the due date of 7 installment bot9 _|Tronavong 60 naay ké tiinaay den han st ehanh toan Dot 8 . ove instalment [Within 60 days rom the due date of patio [Tong vong 60 ngay ké tiinaay dén han tO | than toan Dot 9 low instevmene |Within 60 days from the due date of 9” linstalimene CChinh sch chiét khsu Discount policy o% 08% $6 tién thanh todn cua ting dot o6 thé sé dude phan bé tai ngay khdch hang ky van bin chuyén nhugng H9p déng mua ban San Phdm dé phi hap v6i (i) tién d6 thanh todn quy dinh tai Hop déng mua ban San Pham ky véi chi dau tu va [ii) tién do thanh toan cho Ben chuyén nhuong theo van ban chuyén nhusng Hop déng mua ban San Pham nhung khong thay di “Try 3 chinh - M6 Ch Minh an phing Ma Net ‘T (o28) 39159159 Master an Pha "79X08 Ha NO, “Yang Toa nha 126, Temes Cy, E_salesgasterisehomescom Pingo On, 02 TBHCM ‘56 Minn kha Ha Trung, 8 NOE Senmastarsahomes mn TRAINGHIEM XUNG TAM A MEMBER OF MASTERISE GROUP MASTERISE HOMES tin 46 thanh toan nay. ‘The amount of each installment might be allocated on the signing day of Product Sales Purchase Agreement Transfer Agreement that complies with (i) payment schedule as regulated in the Sales Purchase Agreement (SPA) of the Product signed with the developer and (ii) payment schedule to the Transferor as regulated at the Product SPA Transfer Agreement provided that such payment schedule shall not change. 2.2 Thanh toan bang vén vay ngan hang Payment by financial package 22.1 Chinh séch thanh todn theo san phém vay chudin 50% Payment policy under standard financial package 50% - Trung hgp khach hang Iva chon thanh toan bang von vay ngan hang 50% muc gia chuyén nhugng (da bao gém thué GTGT), khach hang sé duce nhan hé tra lai suat (“HTLS") va phi tra ng truéc han nhu sau: In case the customers make accelerated payment by bank loans of 50% of the transfer price (VAT included), they shail receive interest rate support ("Interest Rate Support’) and early repayment fee from the developer: CHINH SACH/POLICY (CHI TIET/DETAILS Muc du ng vay Outstanding debt '50% gia chuyén nhuong (da gom thus ctcn 50% of transfer price (VAT included) Muc du ng dugc huéng HTLS (Outstanding debt supported by Developer '50% gia chuyén nhugng (da gom thud Ten 50% of transfer price (VAT included) Lai suat va théi gian HTLS Interest rate and Period of Interest Rate Support Lai suat 0% trong vong 24 thang ke ti! gay giai ngan nhung khéng vust qua ngay 3112/2023 Interest rate is 0% within 24 months from the drawdown date but not exceeding 31 December 2023 Thdi gian n han no géc ké tungay gidi ngan dau tien Period of grace for principal as from the date of the Ist disbursement Lén tdi 24 thang nhung khdng vuot qua ngay 31/12/2023 Up to 24 months but not exceeding 31 December 2023 Phi tra no trudc han trong thoi gian HTLS Early repayment fee during period of interest Rate Support 0% Tign 48 gidi ngan thanh ton Disburse progress for payment “Ty 8 chinh - M6 eh Minn Master an Pha "79 Xa U8 H8 NO, Putge On,@2 THEM TRALNGHIEM XUNG TAM Yan phng Ma Nei “ng Toa nha 26, Times Cy, ‘S0 Minn kha @ Ha! Bo Tra, M8 NGL (026) 39189159 Eleccimastorschomescom MASTERISE HOMES ‘h thanh ton két hop vén ty cé va vay ngan hang Payment by both equity ot thanh @ financial package ton Lich thanh tosn a Payment Payment schedule Khdch hang thanh | Ngan hang insealiment ton vén tu cS gidingan Paid bythe | Disbursed by customer'sown | the bank capital Tién dat trude 1 ty déng [Advance amount 1 lion VND Tiong rg 07 ny nay ynac | TO EOU og |nnan dang ky rotten gat truce) installment [within 07 days from the signing date of |70% fatter deduct (he Registration Confirmation ne Advan Dot2 Trong vong 60 ngay ké tu ngay dén han. St? |thanh ton Bot 1 low instalment | Within 60 days from the due date of installment pots Trong vong 60 ngay ké tiingay dén han gt |thanh toan Bot 2 love Within 60 days from the due date of 2~ installment | Within 604 Trong vong 30 ngay ké tu ngay dén han than ton Bots sox Within 30 days rom the due date of 5 bat4 instalment installment |Trong vdng 60 ngay ké tu ngay dén han than toan Oot 3 love Within 60 doys from the due date of 54 installment pots _ [Tong ving 60 ngay Ké ty naay aén han gt |thanh tosn ot 4 hose instaitmene_ | Within 60 days from the due date of 4* instaliment Gia chuyén nhudng diéu chinh tang so véi phudng an. thanh toan chuan (*) 04% Increasing of transfer price incomporison to the standard payment option (*) 961 v6i cdc giao dich ma khdch hang da ho’n tét Bing Ky Thanh Céng chém nhét ngdy , phan diéu chinh tang nay sé dugc hé trg toan bo. For every transaction that the customers have completed Successfull Registration no later “ry 28 chinh- M6 Chi Minn ‘Yan phong Ma Noi (028) 39159159 eto Am Bh "79 Xa U8 Ha NB, Yang Tos nha 136 Ties Cy, E Songemastorsshomescom Pitndo iin G2 THEM 1458 Minh Kha Q Hal Ba Trung. Ha NOL rae mantersenomescon TRAINGHIEM XUNG TAM A MEMOER OF MASTERISE GROUP MASTERISE HOMES: Lich thanh toan két hop én ty c6 va vay ngan hang Payment by both equity ‘Bot thanh . & financial package tosn Lich thanh ton Payment Payment schedule Khdch hang thanh | Ngan hang installment toanvéntyeé | gidingan Paid bythe | Disbursed by customer's own | the bank capital Tién dat true 1ty dng [Advance amount Tillion VND Trong vang 07 ngay ké tu ngay ky xc | 10% (sau ki tre Bot? |nhan dang ky phate 10% (after deducted ¥ installment | Within 07 days from the signing date of the Registration Confirmation na amount) Trong vong 60 ngay ké ti ngay dén han Oot? |thanh toan gt on installment |Within 60 days from the due date of F installment Trong vang 30 ngay ké tiingay dén han thanh toan Bot 2 70% Within 30 days from the due date of 2" Bet installment x 3 by ke w noay dé. installment _|Trong vong 60 ngay ké tu ngay dén han thanh toan Bot 2 a Within 60 days from the due date of 2" installment id chuyén nhugng diéu chinh tang so véi phudng an thanh toan chuan (*) 55% Increasing of transfer price incomparison to the standard payment option (B63 vei cae giao dich ma khdch hang da hodn tat Bing KY Thanh Céng chém nhat ngay 30/04/2022, phan diéu chinh tang nay sé duc hé tro toan bd For every transaction that the customers have completed Suecessfull Registration no later than 30 April 2022, the increasing of transfer price will be subsidized 56 tién thanh todn clia tung dot c6 thé s8 duce phan bé tai ngay khach hang ky van ban chuyén nhugng Hdp déng mua ban San Phdm dé phi hop véi (i) tin d6 thanh toan quy dinh tai Hop déng mua ban San Pham ky voi chu du tu va (i) tién do thanh todn cho Bén chuyén, hugng theo van ban chuyén nhugng Hop déng mua ban San Pham nhung khéng thay doi tién 66 thanh toan nay. The amount of each installment might be allocated on the signing day of Product Sales Purchase Agreement Transfer Agreement that complies with (i) payment schedule as regulated in the Sales Purchase Agreement (SPA) of the Product signed with the developer “ry 8 chinh - H6 Chi Minh van phong Ha ne + (028) 39189159 ‘Masten Bh, 179 Xa) Ha NO, ington nh 26, Ties iy, E Shiex@mastersahomes com Bingo Bin 02 TPM ‘458 Minh Kha Ha Bo Trung, 8 NOL ‘wmmastreehomescom TRALNCHIEM XUNG TAM [A MEMBER OF MASTERISE GROUP MASTERISE HOMES than 30 April 2022, the increasing of transfer price will be subsidized. S6 tién thanh toan cua tung dot cé thé sé dugc phan bé tai ngay khach hang ky van ban chuyén nhugng Hgp déng mua ban Sin Pham dé phu hop véi (i) tién do thanh toan quy dinh tai Hop déng mua ban San Pham ky véi chu dau tu va (i) tién do thanh toan cho Bén chuyén nhugng theo van ban chuyén nhugng Hgp déng mua ban San Pham nhung kh6ng thay doi tién 49 thanh toan nay. The amount of each installment might be allocated on the signing day of Product Sales Purchase Agreement Transfer Agreement that complies with (i) payment schedule as regulated in the Sales Purchase Agreement (SPA) of the Product signed with the developer and (i) payment schedule to the Transferor as regulated at the Product SPA Transfer Agreement provided that such payment schedule shall not change. 2.2.2. Chinh sich thanh toan theo sin phim vay chudn 70% Payment policy under standard financial package 70% - Truéng hdp khdch hang Ia chon thanh toan bang vén vay ngan hang 70% gid chuyén hudng (da bao gém thué GTGT), khach hang sé duce nhan hé tro lai sudt (HTLS") va phi trd ng trude han tis chu dau tu nhu sau: In case the customers make accelerated payment by bank loans of 70% of transfer price (VAT included), they shall receive interest rate support ("Interest Rate Support’) and early repayment fee from the developer: CHINH SACH/POLICY CHI TIET/DETAILS Muc dung vay Outstanding debt "70% gid chuyén nhuGng (da gém thus cTcn 70% of transfer price (VAT included) Mic du ng dugc huéng HTLS (Outstanding debt supported by Developer 70% gid chuyén nhuong (da gém thué ctcn 70% of transfer price (VAT included) Lai suat va théi gian HTLS Interest rate and Period of Interest Rate Support Lai suat 0% trong vong 24 thang ké ti gay gidiingan nhung khéng vust qua ngay 3112/2023 Interest rate is 0% within 24 months from the drawdown date but not exceeding 31 December 2023 Thai gian n han no géc ké tungay giai ngan dau tien Period of grace for principal as from the date of the ist disbursement Len t6i 24 thang nhuing khong vast qua ngay 30N2/2023 Up to.24 months but not exceeding 31 December 2023 Phi tra no trudc han trong théi gian HTLS Early repayment fee during period of interest Rate Support Tién 46 gidi ngan thanh toan Disburse progress for payment “Try 2 chinh - M6 Ch Minn Meter an Pha "79X08 H8 NB, Putmae0ldn,a2 TRHCM TRAINGHIEM XUNG TAM Yan phong Ma wot “Ying Tos nha 126 Times hy, ‘AS0}Minn kha a Trung, NGL 0% (028) 39159159 E Gilongimastoreshomes com A MEMBER OF MASTERISE GROUP MASTERISE HOMES and (i) payment schedule to the Transferor as regulated at the Product SPA Transfer Agreement provided that such payment schedule shall not change. 2.2.3. Chinh séch thanh todn theo sn pham vay chudn 80% Payment policy under standard financial package 80% Trung hep khach hang Iua chen thanh todn bang von vay ngan hang 80% gid chuyén nihugng (da bao gém thué GTGT), khach hang sé dude nhan hé tro Iai suat ("TLS") va phi tra ng truéc han tir chu dau tu nhu sau: In case the customers make accelerated payment by bank loans of 80% of transfer price (VAT included), they shall receive interest rate support ("Interest Rate Support’) and early repayment fee from the developer: CHINH SACH/POLICY CHI TIET/DETAILS Muc du ng vay Outstanding debt {80% gid chuyén nhugng (da gdm thus Ton 80% of transfer price (VAT included) MUc du ng dude hudng HTLS Outstanding debt supported by Developer {80% gid chuyén nhucng (4a gém thus ran 80% of transfer price (VAT included) Lai suat va thoi gian HTLS Interest rate and Period of Interest Rate Support Lai suat 0% trong vong 24 thang ke tu gay giai ngan nhung khéng vust qua ngay ‘31N2/2023 Interest rate is 0% within 24 months from the drawdown date but not exceeding 31 December 2023 Thal gian an han ne abe ké tu ngay gid Ngan dau tien Period of grace for principal as from the date oftthe Ist disbursement Bhi tra no truéc han trong thai gian HTLS Len tdi 24 thang nhung khong vuot qua ngay 31/12/2023 Up to 24 months but not exceeding 31 December 2023 Early repayment fee during period of interest | 0% Rate Support Tign 48 gidi ngan thanh ton Disburse progress for payment ich thanh toan két hop vén ty cé va vay ngan hang Payment by both equity ‘Dot thanh & financial package toan Lich thanh toan - Payment Payment schedule Khéch hang thanh | Ngan hang installment toanvéntucé | _gidingan Paid by the | Disbursed by customer's own | the bank capital “Tu 38 chin - HS Cai Mion Yin phdng Ha noi 1 (028)39159189 Masters An Ph 179 a US HO NBL Ving Tou aha 136 Times Cty, E taiewamastersehomescom pao oién,@2. TPHEM TRALNGHIEM XUNG TAM 458 Min Kay Ql Ba Trung, MO NOL Tién dat truée iy déng |Advance amount 1 billion VND Trong ong 07 gay KB ngay ky xa | OR eau koi s Dott inhan dang ky 10% (after deducted installment |Uthin OF ays rom the signing date of |9% fatter ded the Registration Contimntion ead Trong vong 60 ngay ké tu ngay dén han Bgt2 [than toon Dott vos snetarenane | Within 804093 hom the due date of installment Trong vong 30 ngay ké tu ngay dén han bet a3 [Rann tons ge? aos thin 30 dye rom the due date of 2 instatment |Whin 30. Gia chuyén nhugng diéu chinh tang so véi phudng an thanh toan chuan (*) esx Increasing of transfer price incomparison to the ‘standard payment option (*) 961 v6i cc giao dich ma khdch hang da hoan tat Bang KY Thanh Céng chém nhat ngay 30/04/2022, phan diéu chinh tang nay sé dudc hé tro toan bo. For every transaction that the customers have completed Successfull Registration no later than 30 April 2022, the increasing of transfer price will be subsidized. $6 tién thanh todn cuia tng dot c6 thé sé dugc phan bé tai ng’y khdch hang ky vin ban chuyén nhugng Hgp déng mua ban San Phdm dé phu hop voi (i) tin dO thanh ton quy dinh tai Hop déng mua ban San Pham ky vai chu du tu wa (i) tién d6 than toan cho Bén chuyén hhugng theo van ban chuyén nhugng Hop déng mua ban San Phém nhung khong thay 46i tién 6 thanh toan nay. The amount of each installment might be allocated on the signing day of Product Sales Purchase Agreement Transfer Agreement that complies with (i) payment schedule as regulated in the Sales Purchase Agreement (SPA) of the Product signed with the developer and [i) payment schedule to the Transferor as regulated at the Product SPA Transfer Agreement provided that such payment schedule shall not change. 3. TIEN 86 THANH TOAN DU KIEN ESTIMATED PAYMENT SCHEDULE ‘3:1 BGi véi phudng 4n thanh ton chuén, phudng én thanh todn két hgp vén ty cé va vay gan hang theo san pham vay chun, phudng an thanh toan sém In respect of standard payment option, payment by both equity & standard financial package option (50%), accelerated payment option MASTERISE HOMES ‘aang an thank | Phang anthank | Phang an anh toankethep vontu | toankethopvén ty | toanket hop vén ty cevavay ngin hing | ¢6 va vay ng hing | 6 va vay ngan hing heosan phimvay_ | theosan phim vay” | ‘theo ssn phim vay “husnson chute 7% “hush 90% payment byboth | Payment byboth | Payment by both sautya sancard | equtys stoncard | equity standerd bt than Thanh iinoncietpackege | fnanci package | Manco! package foun | Uchahan | Tau | Thnhtodn | Ore cpt 70% option ‘00 option Payment cin ich imocatmene | Pave | stonaars | ACEBEIES agen | oa | ‘mang sen payment | Payment | ng |yitate., | amenn | Ngan | ‘hing! | Nin tanh tosn 8°23 |woan van | nang git than tosn | hang gi venues | ,098m | "tee | “ngan | vontwes. |" ngan Wed by tne |OR4® | palsy. |oibured ald by the | Olburzed customer ‘the | bythe | customer | by the byown customer | ‘Bonk | “byewm’ | onk cootar town capa! capitol énaseeruse | 19509 | yygong | Udine 19/4500 Wana Advance | Toition | , 29993, | ‘bien ition Tin amount VND ND VND ND Tonge 7 AUF ngayustagiy | 10% taut fox jaun [lO (eu fru nen aa po aw ‘Sixsemnan” | watenatt | vurenaye [TENS ‘wdce a ott gang ruse) sce) ay | 10% (ater we 10% (after installment] Within O7 dos | 10% (after | 008 after | Geaucted {ener deducted fromthe aging | deducted hel aeaveed ne | 2 eaucte 7 dateor | Advance | Advance | {2 othe Ace regatrion | cmoun) | amoung | Advance Adverce ance éantemarn mount Trang wong 6 cgay kway giz | “Sennantnann S| neat installment | Within 60 days oe 1 (oe te ‘romthe due onecrr scsoinent Tys2chinh-schimion Yen phone Hane 1 oar Toca Patt an Tang ena reves. | Stigiranateaomescom pinioolwaz ne "eRe oar ra ae TRALNGHIEM XUNG TAM A MEMBER OF MASTERISE GROUP MASTERISE HOMES: bots 7 installment "Wrong vong 30 ngay ke wnaay ‘den han thanh toan Bs 2 Within 30 days {rom the due ‘date of installment 70% 20% rong vong 65 ngay ke tu ngay ‘den han thanh toan Dot 2 within 60 days rom the due. ‘sate of 2" installment 10% 10% ot 4 oy installment "rong vong 30 ngay ké wnaay ‘Gen han thanh toan Dot 3 Within 30 cays {rom the due ‘date of 5 installment 50% "rong vong 65 ngay ke tu ngay ‘den han thanh toan Dat 5 within 60 days rom the due ‘gate of 3° instaliment 10% 10% Bots e installment "rong vong 6 ngay ké wnaay ‘Gen han thanh ton Bot 4 within 60 days ‘rom the due ‘date of” Installment 10% 10% ote e installment "rong vona 60 ngay ké tu nady ‘den han thanh, toan sts within 60 des from the due ‘date or * installment 10% ot7 a instalment Trang ving 65 ngay ke tnaay | gy ineterame | Mn 60 days ‘tom the due Sore oro instalment Chin seh Git khs Discount policy on oon ‘ig chuyen nid 6a ting ngs vata thanh team ehuan () Increasing of transfer price on ™ - incomparson to the stndrd payment opti (*) 96 véi cc giao dich ma khach hang da ho’n tat Bang Ky Thanh Céng chém nhat ngay 30/04/2022, phan diéu chinh tng nay sé dudc hé trd toan bd. For every transaction that the customers have completed Successfull Registration ne later than 30 April 2022, the increasing of transfer price will be subsidized. 4. LUUY NOTES = 96XX Ia gid tri chuyén nhusng; 96XX is the transfer price; -Tién d6 thanh toan quy dinh tai chinh séch ban hang nay nham muc dich tiép thi sin phdm dun va cho su Iya chon cua khéch hang. Tién dé thanh todn cy thé s8 duge ghi nhan tai Hop déng mua ban; Payment schedules stated in this sales policy is for the marketing of project product and customer's selection. The specific payment schedule shall be regulated in the sales and purchase agreement; - Ap dung d6i véi khach hang [a c4 nhan (‘KHEN’) dung tén trong hep déng mua ban. khéch hang Ia doanh nghiép ("KHDN') dugc chu dau tu hé trg lai suat va phi tra n¢ truéc han voi mac t6i da bang [ai suat va phi tra ng truéc han hé trd cho KHCN, Phan [di suat va phi tra ng Try s8.chinh - H6 hi Minh Van pong ma nel (028) 39159159 astern hst79 aU a NB, Tang Ton nh 726, Times Cy, E ShexGmasternehomescom Pitido bin 02 TPH 28 Minh Kha Q Ha 8 Trung, Ha NB ‘hae martersehomen com TRAINGHIEM XUNG TAM /AMEMBER OF MASTERISE GROUP MASTERISE HOMES CAC LUA CHON THAM GIA. CHUONG TRINH BANG KY MUA/THUE SAN PHAM DY AN OPTIONS FOR PARTICIPATING IN THE PROGRAM OF REGISTERING TO PURCHASE/LEASE OF THE PROJECT'S PRODUCT Chinh sch nay Sp dung ké tt ngay 25/02/2022 cho dén hét ngay 30/04/2022. This policy is applied from 25 February 2022 to the end of 30 April 2022. Khach hang sé chuyén khoan Tién dat trudc la 1 ty 4éng/O1 San Phém cho Masterise Agents va khach hang dugc quyén uu tién nhan chuyén nhugng San Pham thudc gid hang trudc tai su kién ban hang. $6 Tién dat trudc nay sé duge chuyén thanh mét phan gid tri thanh todn ‘Dot Ica Sdn Pham theo quy dinh tai tién d6 thanh toan. Customers will transfer an Advance amount of VND 1 billion/01 Product to Masterise Agents and customers are entitied to prioritize the transferring of the Products in the stacking plan first at the sales launch event. This Advance amount will be converted into a portion of the Ist payment installment value of the Product as specified in the payment schedule. Trong truéng hgp khach hang khéng dang ky nhan chuyén nhugng hgp déng mua ban adi véi San Pham hoac khéng dén tham du su kién ban hang thi toan be Tién dat trudc 01 ty dng sé khéng dudc hoan lai va khach hang c6 quyén su dung s6 Tién dat trudc nay dé dang ky mua/thué/nhan chuyén nhugng San Pham Dy An trong cac dot mé ban tiép theo hoc dé dang ky mua/thué/nhan chuyén nhugng San Pham tai cac Du én khac do Céng ty C6 phan Tap doan Masterise hoac céc chi nhanh, cng ty con cua Tap doan Masterise dau tu xay dung va/hoae phan phéi, mién 1a céc giao dich nay sé duge khdch hang thyc hién truéc ngay 30/09/2022 ("Ngay Hét Han”). Ké ti Noy Hét Han thi Masterise Agents duoc quyén gid lai bat ky Tién dat trudc con lai chua dugc khach hang sti dung hét In case the customer does not register to receive the transfer of the sale and purchase contract for the Product or does not attend the sales event, the entire Advance amount of VND 1 billion will not be refunded and the customer has the right to use this Advance amount to register to purchase/lease/receive the transafer of the Project's Products in the next sale launch or paying for purchases/leases of products of projects developed and/or distributed by Masterise Group Corporation or its affiliates and subsidiaries, with the condition that this Advance amount will be used before 30 September 2022 ("Expiration Date"). As of the Expiration Date, Masterise Agents reserves the right to with any remaining Advance amount that have not been used by the customer. Tru s@ chin - 6 chi Mint Yan phong Ha Not + (020) 39189199 Masters An Pha 179 Xa LOH NO Yang tos nn Y36, Ties Cy, _Stleseamasterschomescom Prado 016m, 02, TPHCM 456 Minh Kha, @ Mal BS Trung, Ha NB wou madteiehoreacom TRAI NGHIEM XUNG TAM AMEMBER OF MASTERISE GROUP

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