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164 Hostile adversarial, friendly, hospitable, His enemy looked at

adversary, non-antagonistic, him in hostile manner.

showing or antagonistic, non-hostile,
feeling antipathetic, sympathetic
opposition or inhospitable,
dislike; inimical
165 Shrivelled up withered, wizened beefy, brawny, Under the direct
cadaverous, burly, fit, hale, sunlight young plants
wrinkled and emaciated, gaunt, healthy, hearty, will shrivel up.
shrunken, haggard, skeletal, husky, chubby,
especially as a wasted corpulent
result of loss of
moisture or old
166 Inevitable certain, preventable It was inevitable that
ineluctable, doubtful, dubious, she would get a piece
impossible to inescapable, questionable, of glass in her foot.
avoid or evade necessary, sure, shaky, unclear
unavoidable, undecided,
unescapable unsettled
167 Strum Jam, pick, plunk, Strum chords on a
twang, noodle, guitar.
a sound made by riff, beat, thrum,
strumming a hum, drum
guitar or similar
168 Dwarf diminutive, big, huge, Without a step stool, it
midget, mini, large, tall, giant was difficult for the
a living thing miniature, dwarf to get anything
much smaller baby, pygmy done around the cabin.
than others of its
169 Contemporary coetaneous, asynchronous, He and I were
coeval, non-contemporary, contemporaries at
existing or coexistent, non-simultaneous, school.
occurring at the coexisting, nonsynchronous
same period of coextensive,
time coincident,
170 Profusion abundance, barrel, famine, lack, In the summer, my
basketful, paucity, poverty, dog is always covered
a considerable boatload, bucket, scarceness, deficit, with a profusion of
amount loads, lot, mass, inadequacy, fleas.
mess, mountain, insufficiency,
much scantiness

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