Xian Corporate Alliance Codex

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“The Vortixx couldn’t care less who wins or loses, or who reigns, as long as they get paid.”

The Xian Corporate Alliance is a loose coalition of businesses who consider warfare to
be in their stockholders’ best interest. Hailing from the island of Xia, the Xian Corporate
Alliance is a combination of advanced war machines, slaves, mercenaries, riot police, and
robotic constructs. The group is headed by the deceitful and business-savvy Vortixx, a reptilian
species who, above all else, prioritize profit. Having converted much of their island into a
polluted, industrial hellscape permeated by the cracks of whips, the sounds of machinery, and
claps of thunder from their scorched sky, they seek now to plunder the other factions of the
Matoran Universe for their resources.

The Xian Corporate Alliance is not an especially loyal group. Its units are not particularly
coherent, and many differ vastly in design philosophy. However, due to their massive industry,
they are granted several major boons. Chief amongst them is their ability to specialize their
infantry and vehicles for certain combat encounters; most units in the Xian Corporate Alliance
have several customization options which can be equipped to counter specific enemy factions.

The Xian Corporate Alliance features a number of subgroups. Its troops include members
of Civil Security - dangerous corporate police who are as corrupt as they are brutal. Additionally,
they feature a number of massive war machines, such as tanks and artillery, that output high
amounts of firepower. The Xian Corporate Alliance is amongst the most dangerous factions in
the game at range, but this is both their greatest strength and their greatest weakness. Xians are
usually weak in melee, and thus require heavy firepower to protect themselves from the enemy,
and the havoc they could wreak in close range.

If you’re looking to play using the Xian Corporate Alliance, you should be focusing on
ranged assault. The Xians carry a number of abilities that allow them to deny the enemy
offensive options, and protect their ever-expanding zone of domination. Additionally, their
armored fighting vehicles and constructs offer strong spearheads should the need for a
high-speed offensive push arise, though it is important to remember that these vehicles and
constructs are often vulnerable when alone in the field. Playing the Xian Corporate Alliance
rewards intimate knowledge of the enemy’s tactics and strategies, and although players must
work to avoid the faction’s major weakness, its strength more than makes up for it.



Common Rules:
● Overcharged - If a unit has this rule, once per battle, during the Shooting Phase, it may
declare all of its ranged attacks to be Overcharged. Enemy units may not make
Invulnerable Saves against Overcharged attacks, though they may still make Feel No Pain
● Advanced Technology - If a unit has this rule, its Overwatch shots hit on 5+, instead of
the standard 6.

Warlord Traits:
● Enhanced Shielding - This unit, and all friendly Xian Corporate Alliance units within
3”, are treated as being in Light Cover at all times.
● Money Makes the World Go Round - Enemy units subtract -1 from their Attacks
characteristic (to a minimum of 1) when targeting this unit.
● There’s a Principle in Business - You may add +1 to this model’s wound rolls if it did
not move in the preceding Movement Phase.
● Unshakeable Will - Once per battle, target a friendly unit within 9” with the
Overcharged rule. The unit’s next ranged attack is considered to be Overcharged. This
attack does not count towards their once-per-battle usage of the Overcharged rule.
● Drainage, You Boy - The enemy player loses 2 Command Points when this model is
● Well-Funded - Add +3” to this model’s Movement characteristic.

Command Point Stratagems:

● Command Reroll - 1 CP - Reroll a single die.
● Insane Bravery - 2 CP - Have a unit automatically succeed its Morale Test.
● Counter-Defensive - 2 CP - After an enemy unit that charged fights, you may choose one
friendly unit and immediately fight.
● Amalgamated Targeting - 1 CP - Use this stratagem in the Shooting Phase before a unit
with the Construct keyword performs their attacks. Said unit may reroll To Hit rolls of 1.
● Damage Control - 1 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the Round. Pick a vehicle unit
from your army that has degrading statline tracks and is wounded. Until the end of the
round, use the top row of that vehicle’s damage table, regardless of how many wounds it
has left. This effect ends immediately if the model is reduced to 0 wounds.
● Superior Elementalists - 2 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the Round. Pick a unit
of Toa or Skakdi. This unit’s Elemental Attack is treated as a Versatile 3 attack instead of
Repeater 1.
● Improved Ammunition Capacity - 1 CP - Use this stratagem in the Shooting Phase
when a unit of A-1 Atmos Tank Killer Suits fires their Illuminator Missile. If the attack
misses, it is automatically refunded.



● Self-Destruct Protocol - 2 CP - Use this stratagem in the Fight Phase. Pick a unit of
Civil Security Drones, and roll a D6. That number of Drones explode, dealing D3 Mortal
Wounds to all models within 3”.
● Piercing Rounds - 1 CP - Use this stratagem in the Shooting Phase before a model with
the Character keyword in your army attacks. Invulnerable Saves cannot be taken by any
target of the character’s attacks.
● Nanomachine Repairs - 3 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the round. All units
with the Construct keyword regain D3 lost wounds.
● Target-Oriented - 2 CP - Use this stratagem at the end of the Round. Select a unit from
your army. If the unit is within 3” of an Objective marker, or if it did not move during its
activation, then it adds +1 to its Armor Class and 6+ Invulnerable Save until the end of
the round.
● Ballistic Retrograde - 1 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase. Select
a unit from your army. The unit’s Ballistics skill is improved by 1 until the end of the
● Seldom Seen - 2 CP - Use this stratagem whenever a unit of Nynrah Ghosts attempts to
upgrade a friendly unit. Instead of rolling a D6, you may choose which upgrade is given.
● Anti-Offense Formation - 2 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the Round. If a unit
with the Civil Security keyword ends the Movement Phase within 6” of another unit with
the same keyword, it gains +1 to its Armor Class.
● Breakthrough Formation - 2 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the Fight Phase. All
units with the Civil Security keyword who charged in the previous Phase add +1 to their
Attacks characteristic until the end of the Round.
● Enhanced Scanners - 1 CP - Use this stratagem after a unit from your army has declared
its targets in the Shooting Phase, but before any To Hit rolls are made. Pick one enemy
unit. This unit does not receive the benefit of cover against your attacks in this phase.
● Field Reassembly - 2 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the round on a Civil Security
Peacewalker in your army. This model may immediately replace one of its modules with
any other module on the list.
● Upper Management - 2 CP - Use this stratagem at the end of the round on a Chief
Executive Officer in your army. The round is automatically considered profitable for the
effects of their “Profitable Assault” ability.
● Static Pulse - 1 CP - Use this stratagem after a unit of Wildlife Pacification Lancers has
attacked an enemy unit, but before they have made their weapon effect rolls. The enemy
unit loses the ability to move on a 5+ instead of a 6.
● Enhanced Recovery Arm - 2 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the Round. Increase
the range of all Engineering and Analytics units’ “Recover” ability by 3” until the start of
the next round.



● Genetic Force - 1 CP - Use this stratagem whenever a unit of Synthcorp Bio-Shapers

perform their “Cellular Reconstruction” ability. Instead of reviving a model with 1
wound, the model is revived with D3 wounds.
● Heavy Transport - 1 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the battle. Instead of
embarking infantry units in an Ash Bear Armored War Caravan, you may embark 1 unit
with the Vehicle or Construct keyword.
● Specially-Designed - 2 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of a round on a unit of Death
Seekers. Remove 1 point from one of the following characteristics: Weapon Skill or
Ballistic Skill. Conversely, add 1 to the other. This effect lasts until the end of the round.

Unit Catalog:
Commander - Technodespot, Strategic Mainframe, Chief Executive Officer, Foreman
Troops - Civil Security Gunners, Slave Corps, Skakdi Mercenary Group
Elites - Wildlife Pacification Lancers, Synthcorp Bio-shapers, Nynrah Ghosts, Civil Security
Fast Attack - Civil Security Drones, Death-Seekers, Fohrok
Heavy Support - Civil Security Peacewalker, Brimstone Artillery Cannon, AA-S3 Anti-Armor
Destroyers, Engineering and Analytics, A1 Atmos Tank Killer Suit
Flyer - Nomad BM-6 Bomber
Carrier - Ash Bear Armored War Caravan
Sergeant - Piraka Scum, Peacemonger, A2 Atmos Heavy Suit, A2 Atmos Scout Suit, Exalted
Dreadnought - X2 War Walker


The burgeoning field of cybernetics is a popular one on Xia. In only a few short centuries, this
technology has been developed to such an extent that cybernetic augmentations and limb
replacements are considered by some to be even better than natural parts. As a result, trends
towards “self-augmentation” are rising, with a great deal of those seeking fame, promotions, or
victory in battle turning to modifications rather than skill or practice - secretaries downloading
information straight into their brain crystals, construction workers installing compact
exoskeletons to improve lifting capacity and endurance, etc. A few in particular see no limit to
the extent of their modifications. These individuals, known as Technodespots, have become more
machine than Vortixx, completely unrecognizable as the beings they once were. Loyal servants
of their corporate overlords, their consciousness is buried under so many enhancements that it is
impossible to know what foul aspirations lie beneath the surface, plated under networks of
cables, PCUs, dynamos, pistons, and panels.



Power Lance (shooting), Power Lance (melee), Staff of Command, Hyperphase Flayer
Keywords: Character, Monster, Commander, Kanohi Capable, Vortixx, Xian Corporate Alliance
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 90 PTS

● Allegiant (Aura) - The silent and murderous presence of a Technodespot keeps all allies
in line - Units within 6” may use this model’s Leadership characteristic instead of their
● Not One Step Back - This unit has a 5+ Feel No Pain.
● Energy Condenser (Aura) - Drawing power from nearby sources and redirecting it on a
whim, weapons capable of utilizing said energy can be boosted to their fullest potential -
Friendly Infantry units within 12” may reroll the damage die of any weapon with variable
damage, and take the higher result.
● Advanced Technology

Wargear - This model may replace its Power Lance with a Staff of Command or a Hyperphase
● Power Lance - Default
● Staff of Command - 10 PTS
● Hyperphase Flayer - 5 PTS

6” 4+ 2+ 6 6 6 2 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Power Lance (shooting) 36” Heavy 6 7 1 No

Power Lance (melee) 1” Melee 7 2 No

Staff of Command 12” Versatile 3 6 3 Yes1

Hyperphase Flayer 24” Blaster D6 6 2D3 Yes2

1. When this model wounds an enemy using this attack, the targeted enemy’s Leadership
characteristic is lowered by a 2.
2. This attack deals Electricity damage.



Strategic Mainframe
The Strategic Mainframe construct was originally developed as a corporate advisor. In the light
of several tumultuous executive shifts in a variety of companies, the Compusoft Data Acquisition
group began engineering the Corporate Mainframe. Initially, it was a room-sized computer,
which accumulated massive amounts of data in order to output basic cost-minimizing business
plans. The computer’s ruthless efficacy and lack of empathy was immediately realized, and
raised concern. Additionally, the major limitations of all data input requiring manual entry meant
that it often failed to account for a number of factors. Nonetheless, decades of development led
to extensive miniaturization of the hardware, mounting it onto a robotic frame capable of
acquiring its own data. At this point, non-corporate applications for the mainframe’s unfeeling,
goal-driven programming were realized, and capitalized with great haste. Now, Strategic
Mainframes are common amongst many different Xian battlegroups, serving as valuable and
loyal advisors to executives across the Matoran Universe.

Lightstone Blaster
Keywords: Character, Infantry, Commander, Construct, Xian Corporate Alliance
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 95 PTS

● Strategic Calculations - The simulation engrams of the Strategic Mainframe constantly
update with new information, allowing it to alter its tactics on the fly - Each time this
model is activated in the Command Phase, decide whether this model is in Offense or
Defense mode. Depending on the mode, its abilities change.

Offense Mode Abilities:

● I Don’t Like You Either (Aura) - Friendly Xian Corporate Alliance units within 12”
may reroll To Hit rolls of 1.
● You Have My Sympathies (Aura) - Friendly Xian Corporate Alliance infantry units
within 6” may add +1 to the AP of all weapons.
● Time to Die - Once per Round, during the Command Phase, select one friendly Xian
Corporate Alliance unit within 6”. This unit may Advance and perform ranged attacks at
no penalty regardless of their weapon type.

Defense Mode Abilities:

● Programmed to Resist Intimidation (Aura) - Friendly Xian Corporate Alliance units
within 6” automatically succeed Morale Tests.
● The Most Reliable Computer Ever Made - Select one friendly Xian Corporate Alliance
unit within 6”. This unit’s To Hit rolls (both in the Shooting and Fight Phases) are treated
as being 2+.


● I May Challenge Indefinitely (Aura) - Friendly Xian Corporate Alliance units within 6”
treat every To Hit roll of 6+ as 2 hits when performing Overwatch.

5” 6+ 4+ 5 4 5 2 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Lightstone Blaster 12” Personal 1 4 2 No

Chief Executive Officer

“Nothing is more important than your health, except for your shareholders.” On Xia, the
enviable position of Chief Executive Officer is both a blessing and a curse. Though they are
titans of industry, with hundreds of workers under their command and thousands of years of
accumulated wealth, their position can be as fleeting as it is luxurious. Only the most ruthless,
cutthroat, and determined of Vortixx survive the political game that comes with power. Those
that do occasionally find themselves pressed into less-than-desirable circumstances. To have
achieved their rank, they must be nothing if not pragmatic, and do whatever makes their
shareholders happy. If one must fight, however, they feel that it is better to do so entombed in an
armored fighting machine wielding weapons of mass destruction than it is to be staring down the
end of a sword.

Driver Cannon, Cluster Rockets

Keywords: Character, Vehicle, Commander, Construct, Xian Corporate Alliance
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 90 PTS

● Ironclad Domina - The powerful mechsuits wielded by Xian CEOs protect them from
most harm, and can withstand a great deal of damage - This model has a 4+ Invulnerable
● As Long as They’re Paid (Aura) - Once per battle, during the Command Phase, target
all friendly Xian Corporate Alliance units within 6”. These units may not move under any
circumstances, but may reroll failed To Hit rolls.
● Profitable Assault - At the end of each Round, count how many friendly models were
slain, and how many enemy models were slain. If the number of enemy models slain is
higher than the number of friendly models slain, this model gains +1 wound, and they
may perform shooting attacks twice during the next Shooting Phase.
● Advanced Technology


Weak Point:
● Rear

7” 5+ 3+ 6 6 5 1 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Driver Cannon 48” Blaster D3 11 D6 Yes1

Cluster Rockets 12” Heavy 6 5 D3 Yes2

1. Enemy units may not make Invulnerable Saves against this attack.
2. This attack may target enemies who are not within line of sight, though at a -1 To Hit penalty.

Even the most skilled of executives cannot be everywhere at once. Though they may hold what
is effectively reckless idolatry in their corporation, they may never be an omnipresent eye and a
guiding hand at every layer of the production chain. Just as a crawler needs legs, executives need
Foremen. Little more than glorified middle management, Foremen exist to remind their lessers of
their superior’s will. With a near-complete level of independence and authority, their directives
are clear - “Do whatever you have to in order to get the job done.” Fielded in large, mechanized
lifting suits, their presence allows units under their control the oversight required in order to
accomplish more difficult, strenuous tasks.

Loader Lifter Grip, Arc Torch

Keywords: Character, Vehicle, Commander, Vortixx, Construct, Xian Corporate Alliance
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 80 PTS

● My Achievement - Whether by force or by loyalty, a Foreman inspires a redoubling of
efforts in their troops - Once per battle, during the Command Phase, target a friendly
Xian Corporate Alliance unit with the Infantry keyword within 12”, and add +1 to the
result of all of their To Hit rolls for the rest of the Round.
● Portable Cover Generation (Aura) - Smoke canister launchers mounted via hardpoints
on their mech allow Foremen to create a smokescreen, obscuring them from prying
enemy eyes - Once per Round, instead of shooting in the Shooting Phase, this model may


use smoke generators. If this model does so, all friendly models within 6” are treated as
being in Heavy Cover.
● Armored Chassis - This unit has a 5+ Invulnerable Save.

6” 4+ 4+ 6 6 5 4 7

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Loader Lifter Grip 1” Melee 6 D3 No

Arc Torch 6” Personal D6 5 1 Yes1

1. This attack automatically hits its target.


Civil Security Gunners

The name “Civil Security Gunners” is as much a rank as it is a tongue-in-cheek joke at the
expense of their members. As the ultimate goal of almost every Civil Security member is to be
promoted out of the field, nearly every single officer is “gunning” for a better station (as it is one
of a scant few ways a Vortixx male will ever achieve a modicum of power during their lifetime).
Make no mistake, however, Civil Security Gunners are well-trained, and accurate marksman.
Though their tactics are not particularly viable outside of an urban setting (prioritizing
rank-and-file volley fire through narrow columns of enemies), it is an unspoken truth that Civil
Security forces are the main line of defense between Xia and any hostile forces in the Matoran
Universe, and thus must serve as both the police as well as the professional soldiery of Xia.

Twin Reaper Cannon, Cordak Repeater

Keywords: Infantry, Troops, Kanohi Capable, Vortixx, Xian Corporate Alliance
Quantity: 10-15.
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 14 PTS per model (140 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Hold the Line - Civil Security units typically respond to riots and civil disturbances on
Xia. As such, they have a great deal of experience forming a wall against terrifying
enemy hordes - If this unit did not move during the Movement Phase, enemy units
attacking this unit reroll wound rolls of 6 until the next Movement Phase.


● Overcharged
● Advanced Technology

Wargear - The entire unit may replace their Twin Reaper Cannons with Cordak Repeaters:
● Twin Reaper Cannon - Default
● Cordak Repeater - 0 PTS.

5” 6+ 3+ 5 5 1 1 6

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Twin Reaper Cannon 18” Versatile 2 5 1 Yes1

Cordak Repeater 24” Repeater 1 5 1 Yes2

1. This attack deals Electricity damage.

2. Unmodified hit rolls of 6 cause a Mortal Wound in addition to any damage normally dealt.

Slave Corps
Woe be to those who find themselves signing away their lives to a Xian corporation. If they are
lucky, they will be the product of a weapon’s test that kills them instantly, or a worker in some
underground bunker where they will never see the light of day again. Those that are unlucky,
however, find themselves in much more peril. Hazardous construction projects, deepcore mining
operations, or “foreign outreach programs” claim hundreds of lives with alarming regularity. If
the rarity should occur that a Matoran survives their service long enough to attempt escape or
turn their weapons on their corporate masters, the attempt will be short-lived. Bombs
permanently grafted into their necks ensure that no matter how far an escapee may run, it will
never be far enough.

Phased Plasma Rifle, Arc Rifle

Keywords: Infantry, Troops, Kanohi Capable, Matoran, Xian Corporate Alliance
Quantity: 10-20.
Size: 25mm base.
Cost: 5 PTS per model (50 PTS per minimum size unit).




● Failsafe - Equipped with bomb collars, it is unwise to be near to a Matoran Slave when
they die - Whenever a model in this unit is slain, roll a D6. On a 6+, every enemy unit
within 3” takes 1 Mortal Wound.

Wargear - The entire unit may replace their Phased Plasma Rifles with Arc Rifles:
● Phased Plasma Rifle - Default
● Arc Rifle - 0 PTS.

5” 6+ 4+ 4 3 1 1 4

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Phased Plasma Rifle 24” Repeater 1 5 1 No

Arc Rifle 24” Versatile 2 4 1 Yes1

1. Unmodified To Hit rolls of 6 cause 2 additional hits.

Skakdi Mercenaries
While the law on Xia is generally subject to the whims of whomsoever wields the largest bank
account, the same does not hold in the rest of the universe. As such, the need for a force capable
of performing less-savory deeds wherever they are needed throughout the Matoran Universe
became apparent. Skakdi mercenaries are the solution to this issue. Loyal (for the right price),
and unhindered by morality or ethics, they will do any job their corporate masters ask of them.
On the rare occasion that a mercenary group fails, is captured, or slain, it is a simple matter of
disavowing any and all ties to their group and hiring a replacement team - preferably one with no
qualms wiping out the survivors of the last team, just to tie up any loose ends.

Protosteel Knuckles, Rattler, Chopper, Slugger, Combi-Shooter, Slicer

Keywords: Infantry, Troops, Kanohi Capable, Skakdi, Xian Corporate Alliance
Quantity: 10-18.
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 13 PTS per model (130 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Body Powers - This unit gains 1 Power from the Skakdi Powers list.



● Elemental Teamwork - This unit gains access to elemental attacks so long as 2 models
in the unit are still alive. If the unit has been reduced to 1 model, it may no longer
perform Elemental Attacks.

Wargear - The unit may gain as many additional unique powers as there are models in the unit.
This unit may not have more powers than there are models currently alive. Additionally, 1 model
in the unit may abandon its Rattler for a Chopper, Combi-Shooter, or Slicer. Any model in the
unit may abandon its Rattler in favor of Protosteel Knuckles or a Slugger.
● Additional Unique Power - X PTS per selection
● Protosteel Knuckles - 0 PTS.
● Rattler - Default
● Chopper - 5 PTS
● Slugger - 1 PTS
● Combi-shooter - 5 PTS
● Slicer - 0 PTS

6” 4+ 4+ 5 5 2 2 6

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Protosteel Knuckles 1” Melee 6 1 No

Rattler 24” Repeater 1 6 1 No

Chopper 1” Melee 5 2 No

Slugger 24” Heavy D6 5 1 No

Combi-Shooter 12” Personal 2 7 1 No

Slicer 1” Melee 5 1 Yes1

Elemental Attack 18” Repeater 1 5 1 Yes2

1. This attack deals Acid damage.

2. This attack deals Elemental damage.




Wildlife Pacification Lancers

When Xia was first attacked by the Tahtorak, the woeful underequipping of its local protective
teams became startlingly apparent. This was quickly rectified by the establishment of the
Wildlife Pacification Lancers, a for-profit Rahi removal service. On agreement of payment,
Wildlife Pacification Lancers will suit up with their advanced electrolight generator packs. These
backpack mounted generators create a constant static energy field, channeled into their bident
staves; said staves are attached to cut-down rifles, which allow Pacification Lancers to fire arcs
of lightning through the air at their target. Smaller Rahi can be immediately and efficiently dealt
with by massive tangles of electric bolts, while massive Rahi are generally either stunned or
scared off. Multiple skilled Lancers working together can manage to corral particularly
dangerous Rahi into stasis vaults, where they may either be safely disposed of or transferred to
laboratories for further study.

Electrolight Staff (shooting), Electrolight Staff (melee)

Keywords: Infantry, Elite, Kanohi Capable, Vortixx, Xian Corporate Alliance
Quantity: 6-12
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 11 PTS per model (66 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Rahi Tamer - Trained in handling Rahi incursions, Wildlife Pacification Lancers are
more than capable of fending off wild beasts - This model may reroll To Hit rolls of 1
against units with the Rahi keyword.
● Lightning - Arcing from one target to another, electrolight is a dangerous tool, capable
of stunning large groups with a single attack - To Hit rolls of 6+ cause an automatic
attack against the nearest enemy unit within 9”. This effect may chain indefinitely.
● Advanced Technology

6” 4+ 4+ 5 5 2 3 9

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Electrolight Staff (shooting) 12” Versatile 2 5 1 Yes1, 2

Electrolight Staff (melee) 3” Melee 5 1 Yes1, 2

1. This attack deals Electricity damage.

2. On a successful wound, roll a D6. On a 6+, the target’s movement speed is reduced by -3” for
the duration of the next round. This effect cannot be applied to the same unit more than once.


Synthcorp Bio-Shapers
For millennia, scientists have studied the power of nature, and the very force of life itself. One of
the greatest successes in this field is Synthcorp, a biotech corporation that eschews ethical
considerations in favor of scientific progress. The first major breakthrough Synthcorp made was
the development of quasi-biotic nano-materials - controllable, synthetic flesh, in other words. As
development continued, further projects saw light. One laboratory was able to produce a gel that
could harden to virtually unbreakable degrees with the application of an electric current. Another
produced an acidic agent that could be manually triggered with a subsonic pulse. The ultimate
weapon in Synthcorp’s arsenal, however - and the tool that has kept it out of any pesky
courtroom litigations - is the so-called “black goo”. Known only through hushed tones, it is a
metamaterial capable of assuming the qualities of any material, creature, or being its controllers
wish. The first and last corporation to attempt thievery of the black goo’s patent found their
secretary missing and their CEO keeled over dead on top of their desk, with a trail of viscous
slime leading out the nearest window. A week later, that same corporation was bought and
dissolved by Synthcorp.

Dissolving Agent
Keywords: Infantry, Elite, Kanohi Capable, Vortixx, Xian Corporate Alliance
Quantity: 3-9
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 23 PTS per model (69 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Duplicating Agent - The fabled “black goo” of Synthcorp, this programmable
metamaterial can copy the appearance of any being, and can turn an enemy against
themself - Once per battle, during the Command Phase, this unit may spawn a clone
within 3”. This clone copies the appearance, abilities, weaponry, and stats of one enemy
model. This clone is treated as its own unit. This effect may not be performed to duplicate
any model with a point value greater than 200, and may not be used to duplicate a unit of
Synthcorp Bio-Shapers. Additionally, the same enemy unit may not be duplicated twice
in one battle.
● Cellular Reconstruction - The wounded may have new life breathed into their bodies
through the dark sciences of the Bio-Shapers - Once per Round, at any time, revive any
model without the Vehicle or Construct keywords within 6”. This model is revived with 1
● Hardening Agent - A lesser-known product, “orange goo” is capable of transforming
from a fluid into a rigid solid; incredibly resistant to damage, it makes a potent body



armor - Once per battle, during the Command Phase, target a friendly unit within 3”. This
unit now has a 4+ Invulnerable Save. This unit may target itself with this effect.

4” 6+ 3+ 5 4 2 1 9

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Dissolving Agent 12” Personal 2 9 1 Yes1

1. This attack deals Acid damage.

Nynrah Ghosts
The Fe-Matoran of Nynrah are unnaturally skilled craftsmen; to some, their overwhelming
ingenuity and skill even borders on the supernatural. Coupled with their elusivity and isolation, it
is easy to understand where the moniker of “Ghosts” comes from. Indeed, Nynrah Ghosts seek to
live quiet lives. Their true calling is in silent business deals and the creation of powerful weapons
- or in some cases, powerful individuals. Despite their disinterest in war, it represents not only an
opportunity for them to test their inventions, but unfortunately sometimes an eventuality that
cannot be avoided. As such, the rarely-seen Nynrah Ghosts may sometimes be found amidst the
edges of the battlefield, observing the bloodshed and taking notes, and retreating into the fog of
war at the first sign of trouble.

Zamor Launcher, Nynrah Ghost Blaster, Midak Skyblaster

Keywords: Infantry, Elite, Kanohi Capable, Matoran, Xian Corporate Alliance
Quantity: 3-6.
Size: 25mm base.
Cost: 24 PTS per model (72 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Loners - The Nynrah Ghosts prefer to be far away from their clients, and even further
away from battle - If this unit is not within 12” of friendly models, it gains a 4+
Invulnerable Save.
● Upgrades - Experiments on living subjects can sometimes yield terrifying and monstrous
results - Once per battle, during the Command Phase, select a friendly Infantry unit and
roll a D6 to give them one of the following upgrades. If this unit is killed, the targeted
unit loses their upgrade.
○ 1 - Backblast - This unit takes D3 Mortal Wounds.
○ 2 - Accuracy - This unit’s Ballistics and Weapons skill are treated as being 2+.


○ 3 - Unique Powers - This unit gains 1 power from the Skakdi Powers list.
○ 4 - Antidermis Injection - This unit gains 1 power from the Makuta Powers list at
the same strength as a Son of Makuta.
○ 5 - Reality Warping - This unit may perform the Ambush action once per battle
during any Phase (rather than exclusively during the Movement Phase).
○ 6 - Horrifying - Enemy units within 3” of this unit have their Leadership
characteristic reduced by -3.
● If You Build It - Enemy units automatically succeed on charge rolls against this unit.

Wargear - This unit may replace their Nynrah Ghost Blasters with Zamor Launchers or Midak
● Nynrah Ghost Blasters - Default. 0 PTS.
● Midak Skyblaster - 5 PTS.
● Zamor Launcher - 5 PTS.

5” 6+ 4+ 4 4 1 1 9

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Midak Skyblaster 20” Versatile 2 7 1 Yes1

Nynrah Ghost Blaster 24” Versatile 2 5 1 Yes2, 3

Zamor Launcher 20” Repeater 1 *4 1 Yes4

1. This attack deals Light damage.

2. This attack deals Shadow damage.
3. This attack deals Electricity damage.
4. This weapon always wounds on a 4+.

Civil Security Metro-Protection

In the early days of the Civil Security program, Metro Protection was one of the largest
divisions. Akin to Civil Security Gunners, Metro Protection officers are trained in hand-to-hand
combat, and armed with powerful blades and batons capable of stunning their opponents. As the
program continued, however, the need for urban pacification units became less apparent. Instead,
a new use had been found for their training and tactics: bodyguard detail. As Civil Security units
were no strangers to accepting bribes, Metro Protection units are now more commonly seen
clearing out hostile environments for Vortixx VIPs, or even protecting them from mobs and


crowds. Surprisingly loyal to their charges, Metro Protection officers crush resistance under the
lash of their baton.

Autopacification Stun Baton, Electro-chute Blade, Phase Protection Shield

Keywords: Infantry, Fast Attack, Kanohi Capable, Vortixx, Xian Corporate Alliance
Quantity: 5-10.
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 15 PTS per model (75 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Brand Loyalty - Whenever a friendly Xian Corporate Alliance unit within 6” is being
targeted by a ranged attack, this unit may roll a D6. On a 3+, this unit intercepts the
attack, and takes 1 Mortal Wound.

Wargear - The entire unit may replace their Autopacification Stun Batons with Electro-Chute
Blades and Phase Protection Shields:
● Autopacification Stun Baton - Default
● Electro-Chute Blade and Phase Protection Shield - Reduce the unit’s Movement
characteristic by -1”. In exchange, this unit gains a 3+ Invulnerable Save. 0 PTS.

6” 3+ 6+ 5 5 2 2 6

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Autopacification Stun Baton 1” Melee 6 D3 Yes1, 2

Electro-chute Blade 1” Melee 6 2 Yes1

1. This attack deals Electricity damage.

2. When this model wounds an enemy using this attack, roll 2D6. On a 10+, the enemy unit’s
Attack characteristic is lowered by 1 permanently (to a minimum of 1).

Fast Attack:

Civil Security Drones

The Civil Security program is, like many other public works on Xia, understaffed. The costs of
surveilling an entire island are fundamentally too high for the initiative to cover, and so, they
turned to the city’s surveillance drone system. Several aftermarket upgrades to the existing


surveillance drones allowed individual officers in the field to operate with backup, even when
none was directly available. Autonomous (though limited in intelligence), Civil Security Drones
are capable of performing reconnaissance, as well as providing fire support for their agents.
Equipped with advanced hyperlight refractors, they are capable of bending the light around them
to cloak their appearance, which they often use to close in on their targets unaware and stun them
with integrated tasers.

Shock Prod, Anti-Gathering Detonator, Hyperphase Beamer, Chain Claws

Keywords: Infantry, Fast Attack, Construct, Xian Corporate Alliance
Quantity: 3-9.
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 14 PTS per model (42 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Cloaking Subroutine - Civil Security Drones are nearly silent, and their hyperlight
refractors allow them to infiltrate the battlefield unseen - This unit may perform the
Ambush action once per battle.
● Overcharged
● Advanced Technology

Wargear - May take 1 additional piece of gear (other than the default equipment).
● Shock Prod - Default
● Hyperphase Beamers - Default
● Anti-Gathering Detonator - 15 PTS
● Chain Claws - 15 PTS

9” 4+ 4+ 4 4 2 1 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Shock Prod 1” Melee 5 1 Yes1

Hyperphase Beamers 12” Personal 1 5 1 No

Anti-Gathering Detonator 6” Grenade D6 6 1 No

Chain Claws 1” Melee 5 1 Yes2

1. This attack deals Electricity damage.



2. If a model in this unit is slain in the Fight Phase, it automatically makes 1 attack against the
model that killed it.

Vortixx are not, by nature, beings skilled in the art of direct warfare. Though their technological
prowess is almost unrivalled, the average Vortixx is of relatively little use in the field. As such,
many Vortixx who are pressed into service find themselves expiring quickly; it was MechaLive,
a fairly small corporation, who first came up with an exceptional usage for the abundance of
deceased Vortixx. Utilizing the foundations of a weaponized drone system, MechaLive figured
out a way to utilize a Vortixx’s corpse as a computer core (an action that prevented their ascent to
the Red Star). Selling the services of their newly christened “Death-Seekers”, the undead
abominations of MechaLive sit, silent and unmoving, in storage until such time as they are
needed. As their lights flicker to life and their cybernetic enhancements activate, they
immediately scan the surrounding area, and within moments are uploaded with information of
their directives, which they will follow until such time as either their orders are complete or their
body has been destroyed.

Integrated Missiles, Anti-Armor Laser Cutter, Flame Projector, Acid Saw, Rotary Multi-Cannon
Keywords: Monster, Vehicle, Fast Attack, Fly, Vortixx, Construct, Xian Corporate Alliance
Quantity: 1-3.
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 74 PTS per model (74 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Contempt For The Living - Reroll hit rolls of 1 during the Shooting Phase.
● Hover-Bed - Dangerous terrain offers no resistance to the hover systems of a Death
Seeker - This unit may ignore vertical distance when moving across terrain.
● Explosive Core - The power cores implanted in a Death Seeker are only balanced by its
life support. When a Death Seeker is felled, the cores go critical. - When a model in this
unit is slain, roll a D6. On a result of 6, all units within 3” take D3 Mortal Wounds.
● Overcharged
● Advanced Technology

Wargear - Every model in this unit may take 1 additional piece of gear (other than the default
● Integrated Missiles - Default
● Anti-Armor Laser Cutter - Default
● Flame Projector - 20 PTS.
● Acid Saw - 25 PTS.


● Rotary Multi-Cannon - 25 PTS.

9” 4+ 3+ 5 5 4 3 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Integrated Missiles 20” Repeater 2 5 D6 No

Anti-Armor Laser Cutter 30” Laser 1 14 2 No

Flame Projector * Versatile 1 6 1 Yes1

Acid Saw 1” Melee 6 2 Yes2

Rotary Multi-Cannon 20” Repeater 6 5 1 No

1. This attack automatically hits its target, and targets all enemies within 12” in the Front arc of
this model.
3. To Hit rolls of 6+ deal an additional two automatic hits.

Throughout the history of the Matoran Universe, the Brotherhood of Makuta has been no
stranger to intrigue and deception. The Fohrok were ultimately just one of a great many of plots
that failed. When their creators, a group of Nynrah Ghosts, discovered the nature of the Fohrok,
they sabotaged their creations, forcing the Makuta to clean up both the rogue machines as well as
the Nynrah Ghosts who created them. On that fateful day, all of the Ghosts who participated in
the construction were killed - all except one. Providence spared him, and buried within his mind
was the design for the Fohrok: an army of insectoid machines fashioned after the Bohrok,
capable of wielding elemental powers and equipped with a durable chassis. Fast, dedicated, and
dangerous, the Fohrok are completely loyal, and will throw themselves to their deaths to see their
tasks completed.

Elemental Attack, Headbutt

Keywords: Infantry, Fast Attack, Construct, Xian Corporate Alliance
Quantity: 6-18
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 12 PTS per model (72 PTS per minimum size unit).



● In Service Of The Corporation - Add +1 to this unit’s Advance rolls.

6” 3+ 3+ 5 5 1 1 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Elemental Attack 18” Repeater 1 5 1 Yes1
Headbutt 2” Melee 5 1 No

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Elemental Attack 18” Repeater 1 5 1 Yes1

Headbutt 2” Melee 5 1 No

1. This attack deals Elemental damage.

Heavy Support:

Civil Security Peacewalker

Peacewalkers, given their prodigious size, are quiet beasts. Most who come to face the wrath of
its arsenal of weaponry are unaware it has them in its sights until its weapons unload on them.
Peacewalkers were originally developed in accordance with Civil Security’s “shoot first, detain
later” policy, as tools to replace the aging RKM Dermis Shell Cruisers, who were insufficiently
armed and armored to serve in the field. Massive, tripedal monsters, Peacewalkers are highly
modular, and have autonomous, semi-autonomous, and manual functions, allowing field agents
to control them in particularly tense situations. Additionally, their phase shields - upscaled
versions of the personal ones used by Metro Protection officers - protect them from most
damage. That being said, even critically damaged Peacewalkers are capable of serving their role,
and many have been seen operating with surprising efficiency even when missing multiple legs.

Plasma Cannon, Anti-Infantry Gatling, Electrostun Tazers, Stun Gas Dispenser, M2020 Net
Launcher, Pacification Grasper, Automatic Flame Projector, Dragon Grenade Launcher, AP
Direct Fire Rocket Pod
Keywords: Vehicle, Heavy Support, Vortixx, Construct, Xian Corporate Alliance
Size: 65mm base.
Cost: 155 PTS.



● Technological Terror - Peacewalkers are capable of being piloted in multiple ways,

each offering a different strength and weakness - At the start of the battle, choose one of
the following profiles for the vehicle: Autonomous, Semi-Autonomous, or Manual. If the
vehicle is Autonomous, the first time it takes enough damage to be considered slain, roll
a D6. On a 3+, it may immediately make attacks as if it were the Shooting Phase before it
is slain. If the vehicle is Semi-Autonomous, it treats its Advance rolls as a 6 at any given
time. If the vehicle is Manual, it rerolls To Hit rolls of 1.
● Phase Shields - The phase shields of a Peacewalker are energy-intensive, but utilize the
vehicle’s advanced sensor array to detect incoming projectiles, and activate in short
bursts - This model has a 5+ Invulnerable Save.
● Modular - The equipment slots of a Peacewalker allow it to accept various different
weapon systems, requiring only a brief maintenance session for changes to be made -
This model has 4 utility modules. It may fill these modules with any items listed in its
wargear. It may not take the same item twice.
● Overcharged
● Advanced Technology

● Plasma Cannon
● Anti-Infantry Gatling
● Electrostun Tazer
● Stun Gas Dispenser - Roll a D6 for each enemy unit within 6” of this model during the
Fight Phase. On a 5+, that unit subtracts -1 from all of its To Hit and Wound rolls in the
Fight Phase.
● M2020 Net Launcher
● Scanner Suite - Enemy units may not perform the Ambush action within 15” of this
● Swivel Mount - Any Fixed: Front weapons wielded by this unit become Fixed: Front,
Left, Right.
● Enhanced Hydraulics - This model’s Movement characteristic is increased by +2”.
● Pacification Grasper
● Automatic Flame Projector
● Dragon Grenade Launcher
● AP Direct Fire Rocket Pod
● Enhanced Phase Shields - This model’s 5+ Invulnerable Save is boosted to a 4+.
● Psychometric Disintegrators - Enemy units within 6” subtract -1 from their Leadership
characteristic and subtract -1 from Advance rolls.
● Kinetic Armor - Every time this model is wounded, add +1 to its next To Hit roll.
● Berserker Aerosol - Friendly units within 3” add +1 to their Leadership and gain an
additional attack. This effect does not apply to Vehicle or Construct units.


● Self-Destruct Function - Once per battle, remove this model from the field. All models
within 6” take D3 Mortal Wounds.

Pivot - This model has a 90 degree pivot.

8” 3+ 2+ 7 7 9 2 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Plasma Cannon 24” Heavy D3 8 *1 Yes1

Anti-Infantry Gatling 20” Repeater 10 4 1 No

Electrostun Tazer 8” Personal 1 *2 1 Yes3, 4

M2020 12” Personal 1 6 0 Yes5

Pacification Grasper 3” Melee 6 2 Yes6

Automatic Flame Projector 12” Repeater D3 6 1 Yes7

Dragon Grenade Launcher 20” Grenade D6 9 1 Yes7

AP Direct Fire Rocket Pod 26” Versatile D6 9 D3 No

Weapon Profiles:
Plasma Cannon - Fixed: Front, Left, Right
Anti-Infantry Gatling - Fixed: Front, Left, Right
Automatic Flame Projector - Fixed: Front
Dragon Grenade Launcher - Fixed: Front
AP Direct Fire Rocket Pod - Fixed: Front

1. This attack may be performed at Low Power or High Power. A Low Power attack deals D3
damage. A High Power attack deals 3 damage. If it is performed at High Power and the To Hit
roll is a 1, this model takes 1 Mortal Wound.
2. This attack automatically wounds its target.
3. This attack deals Electricity damage.
4. On a successful hit, roll a D6. On a 4+, the targeted unit’s Movement characteristic is reduced
to 0” for the duration of the next Round.
5. On a successful hit, the target’s Movement characteristic is reduced to 0” for the duration of
the next Round.


6. If the target of this attack is considered unable to move (e.g. per the effects of the Electrostun
Tazer, M2020 Net Launcher, etc.), this attack deals double damage.
7. This attack automatically hits its target.

Brimstone Artillery Cannon

The Brimstone Artillery Cannon should not, by most rights, exist. Analysis of the machinery by
rival companies has determined that, given its size, it must create an immense amount of heat
such that it would surely vaporize the weapon or otherwise render it inoperable. Additionally, its
ability to fire a beam of energy with tangible weight baffles most scientists. The Brimstone
nonetheless fires anyway, producing a powerful stream of sickly green energy that passes across
the battlefield and directly into enemy units. Within moments, these enemy units begin to swell
as their internal structure ruptures, and a wave of that same emerald-colored energy bursts out of
them to strike their allies. All the while, with each new order placed, the designers of the
Brimstone laugh, counting their ever-growing pile of coin.

The Brimstone (Half-Power), The Brimstone (Full Power), Gauss Disruptor Array, Nova Burst
Keywords: Vehicle, Heavy Support, Vortixx, Xian Corporate Alliance
Size: No Base, 3.75” by 4.75” profile.
Cost: 155 PTS.

● Unstable Core - The Brimstone’s mysterious energy core has a tendency to react
explosively if the weapon it is attached to is destroyed. - When this model is slain, roll a
D6. On a 5+, this model explodes, dealing D3 Mortal Wounds to all units within 6”.
● Minimum Safe Distance - The arcs of emerald-green energy the Brimstone fires have
been known to leap back to it and damage its own components if fired at targets too close
by - This model’s artillery cannon has a minimum range. If an enemy unit is within the
minimum range, it cannot fire on said unit with The Brimstone (Half-Power) or The
Brimstone (Full Power).
● Advanced Technology

Wargear - This model may replace its Gauss Disruptor Array with a Nova Burst Disruptor.
● Gauss Disruptor Array - Default. 0 PTS.
● Nova Burst Disruptor - This model may no longer perform the The Brimstone (Full
Power) attack. 15 PTS.

Pivot - This model has a 45 degree pivot.



Weak Point:
● Rear

5” 6+ 4+ 7 6 8 1 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

The Brimstone (Half-Power) 6-36” Heavy D6 10 D6 Yes1, 3

The Brimstone (Full Power) 12-72” Heavy 2D6 12 D6 Yes1, 2, 3

Gauss Disruptor 24” Repeater 1 5 1 No

Nova Burst Disruptor 24” Repeater 10 5 1 Yes4

Weapon Profiles:
The Brimstone (Half Power) - Fixed: Front
The Brimstone (Full Power) - Fixed: Front
Gauss Disruptor Array - Fixed: Front
Nova Burst Disruptor - Fixed: Front, Left, Right

1. This attack ignores cover.

2. A model can only fire The Brimstone at Full Power if it didn’t move in the preceding
Movement Phase.
3. Whenever this attack kills an enemy model, roll a D3. On a 3, every unit within 3” takes 1
Mortal Wound.
4. This model automatically succeeds on 2D6 Overwatch shots when charged.

AA-S3 Anti-Armor Destroyers

The workers of Ammutech Solutions are - in a legal sense - not combatants. Armed with
experimental AA-S3 recoilless rocket delivery systems, they are, in technical terms, engineers
who are field-testing products in active fire zones. As such, they are not beholden to Xian
legislation regarding ethics in war. This shield is legally flimsy, but largely sufficient to allow
their weapons to be deployed in combat despite being blatantly in violation of law. However, as
one of the largest ammunition exporters on Xia (both to allied and enemy forces), it is impossible
to prosecute them for their crimes. Almost every Cordak round, lightstone battery, or plasmatic
capsule wielded by the various armies across the Matoran Universe, at some point in its life, goes
through an Ammutech Solutions warehouse, and for that reason alone the Xian courts will look
the other way for their flagrant ethical violations during their weapons testing.


Stable Ammunition, Chemical Ammunition, Unstable Ammunition

Keywords: Infantry, Heavy Support, Kanohi Capable, Vortixx, Xian Corporate Alliance
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 105 PTS.

● Tank Killer - If this unit is targeting a model with the Vehicle keyword, it deals an extra
D3 of damage per hit.
● Automatic Tracking - The AA-S3 applies automatic digital tracking markers to its target
whether or not its shot lands, ensuring that future shots are more accurate - Every time
this model performs a ranged attack against a unit, whether it hits or not, it adds a
Tracking Beacon to the model. If there is more than one of this model on the field, their
Tracking Beacons stack (e.g. if one of this model applies 1 Beacon to an enemy, and
another of this model targets that enemy, it now has 2 Beacons applied).
○ 1 Beacon - Friendly Xian Corporate Alliance units may reroll To Hit rolls of 1
against this target.
○ 2 Beacons - The target no longer gains any benefit from being in Cover.
○ 3 Beacons - Add +1 to all To Hit rolls from friendly Xian Corporate Alliance
units against this target.
○ 4 Beacons - Friendly Xian Corporate Alliance units attacks against this target
automatically succeed.
○ 5 Beacons - Add +1 to all Wound rolls from friendly Xian Corporate Alliance
units against this target.
● Overcharged

Wargear - This model may replace its Stable Ammunition with Chemical Ammunition or
Unstable Ammunition.
● Stable Ammunition - Default. 0 PTS.
● Chemical Ammunition - This attack deals Acid damage. This attack deals no damage to
units with the Vehicle or Construct keyword. 5 PTS.
● Unstable Ammunition - Unmodified To Hit rolls of 1 cause a backfire, dealing D3 Mortal
Wound to this unit. 10 PTS.

5” 6+ 3+ 4 5 3 1 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities



Stable Ammunition 30” Heavy 1 10 D6 No

Chemical Ammunition 30” Heavy 1 10 2D3 Yes1

Unstable Ammunition 30” Heavy 1 12 3D3 No

1. This attack deals Acid damage.

Engineering and Analytics

Engineering and Analytics is a rather successful reclamation and repair corporation on Xia. Their
technicians are skilled, and their mechanics intimately familiar with most vehicles and constructs
they are commissioned to work on. The experience and skill of their employees is unfortunately
also the corporation’s greatest vulnerability, as salvage and repair operations are inherently
dangerous to their most valuable asset: their workers. For this reason, the XM101E Repair Drone
was developed: an advanced, multi-legged drone operated via remote piloting that can perform
the same duties and tasks as a field agent, without the needless risk of potential operator loss.
The drones are typically equipped with a number of tools for various purposes, including
welding torches, graspers, torque wrenches, drills, cranes, and saws, along with advanced
sensory and gyroscopic equipment. Additionally, ranged payload delivery systems built into the
carapace of the drone can be used to clear debris or create ziplines. Alternatively, when the
payload of these systems is of a more explosive nature, they can output a surprising amount of
damage alongside their repair functions.

Fabricator Array, Double Havocspear Cannon

Keywords: Monster, Heavy Support, Kanohi Capable, Construct, Xian Corporate Alliance
Size: 65mm base.
Cost: 105 PTS.

● Repair - Directive One of Engineering: That which is broken can always be fixed. - Once
per Round, during the Command Phase, target a friendly Xian Corporate Alliance unit
with the Vehicle keyword within 3”. Said unit recovers D3 lost wounds.
● Restore - Directive Two of Engineering: Those who can repair have a duty to do so. -
Once per battle, during the Command Phase, target a friendly Xian Corporate Alliance
unit with the Vehicle keyword, and recover all of its lost wounds. This unit may not
perform the Repair and Restore abilities in the same turn.
● Recover - Directive Three of Engineering: Your tools are expensive. Never leave them
behind. - Any friendly Xian Corporate Alliance models with the Construct keyword that
die within 3” of this unit are not considered slain. Instead, they are considered


undeployed reinforcements, and may be deployed at the start of the next Movement
● Overcharged
● Advanced Technology

Pivot - This model has a 90 degree pivot.

Weak Point:
● Left, Right

6” 5+ 4+ 6 6 5 6 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Fabricator Array 1” Melee 6 1 No
Double Havocspear Cannon 20” Blaster 2 6 2 No

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Fabricator Array 1” Melee 6 1 No

Double Havocspear Cannon 20” Blaster 2 6 2 No

Weapon Profiles:
Double Havocspear Cannon - Fixed: Front

A1 Atmos Tank Killer Suit

The A1 Atmos Suit was the result of a project in development for several hundred years.
Originally inspired by the Exo-Toa, the designers of the A1 felt that it lacked sufficient
protective capabilities for its user; in turn, the developers of the AT Mk IV Coiled Railgun were
encountering difficulty in making the technology of their weapon accessible to vehicles. The
solution to both group’s issues was presented in the form of the Atmos Suit, an armored diving
suit used for underwater salvage and repair by some coastal corporations. The suit was strong
enough to lift many times its weight, and protective enough to keep its pilot alive when under
attack by Rahi. Mounting the railgun on one arm but keeping the suit’s carbon-tipped drill, the
two corporations were successful in creating the A1 Atmos, an armored suit capable of
withstanding most environments and cleaving through armor like paper.

Antitank Railgun, Carbon Drill, Illuminator Missile



Keywords: Vehicle, Elite, Vortixx, Construct, Xian Corporate Alliance

Quantity: 3-5.
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 26 PTS per model (78 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Mobility Boosters - The jet boosters on the legs of an A1 Atmos, while not strong enough
to grant it flight, do allow it to move through difficult terrain with ease - This unit may
ignore vertical distance when moving across terrain..
● Designated Function - Whenever this unit wounds an enemy unit with the Vehicle
keyword, it deals 1 Mortal Wound in addition to the damage dealt.
● Advanced Technology

Wargear - This unit may equip a number of Illuminator Missiles equal to the number of models
in the unit.
● Illuminator Missile - 25 PTS.

5” 4+ 3+ 6 6 3 2 9

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Antitank Railgun 30” Heavy 1 13 2 Yes1

Cardon Drill 1” Melee 7 1 No

Illuminator Missile 56” Blaster 1 14 2D6 Yes2

1. If the target of this attack has already been damaged by the Carbon Drill attack, this attack
deals double damage.
2. This attack may only be performed once per battle. Additionally, it may not perform any other
attacks in the Shooting Phase if it performs this attack.


Nomad BM-6 Bomber

The Nomad BM-6 was, like many Xian war vehicles, originally designed for an entirely separate
purpose. Its large hangar space was considered desirable for long-distance travel, and its compact
form made it capable of transiting between multiple domes more quickly than conventional



water or air ships. Additionally, its quick-jettison function, capable of airdropping supplies in
seconds, allowed it to deliver packages to areas without proper landing fields or were otherwise
too unsafe to land in. The Nomad’s offensive potential was quickly realized, however, when a
shipment of explosives was attacked by Skakdi Raiders, and the crew was forced to use their
cargo to defend themselves. Once reports reached aeronautics engineers in Xia that its cargo
jettison function could be weaponized, the inclusion of smart rockets and a targeting computer
was a quick one.

Quad Bubble Turret, Twin Destructor Cannons

Keywords: Vehicle, Flyer, Fly, Xian Corporate Alliance
Size: 92mm base.
Cost: 95 PTS.

● Smart Bombs - Rockets dropped from the stowage bay of a Nomad Bomber seek their
targets using a complicated laser-guidance system, and a computer system aboard the
BM-6 - This model may drop a Smart Bomb as it flies over enemy units in its Movement
Phase. To do so, after this model has moved, pick one enemy unit that it moved across.
Then, roll a D6 for each model in that unit. For each roll of 5+, the target unit suffers 1
Mortal Wound.
● Airborne - Version 2: This model cannot charge while airborne, can only be charged by
units with the Fly keyword, and can only engage in melee combat with units with the Fly
○ Hard to Hit - Your opponents must subtract 1 from To Hit rolls for attacks that
target this model in the Shooting Phase.

Pivot - This model has a 90 degree pivot.

* 6+ * 6 7 10 1 8

Damaged Statline:
Remaining W M BS
7-10 10-20” 3+
4-6 10-15” 4+
1-3 10-11” 5+

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities



Quad Bubble Turret 24” Repeater 4 5 1 No

Twin Destructor Cannons 24” Versatile 2 9 D3 No

Weapon Profiles:
Quad Bubble Turret - Fixed: Front, Rear
Twin Destructor Cannons - Fixed: Front


Ash Bear Armored War Caravan

The Ash Bear War Caravan is a versatile vehicle. Easy to maintain - its parts need infrequent
maintenance or recharging, and are easily replaceable. Rugged - the vehicle is amphibious, and
capable of functioning in heavy rain, snow, heat, or mud. Armored - it is capable of withstanding
a multitude of blows from small arms with little issue, and even operating after impact by
heavier anti-tank weapons. Spacious - it is capable of carrying a complement of troops within, an
entire mobile command center and communications array, or a large quantity of cargo. For all of
these reasons and more, the Ash Bear War Caravan is a go-to carrier for the Xian Corporate
Alliance, as it serves a simple, yet necessary function.

Quad Bubble Turret (x2), Battle Cannon

Keywords: Vehicle, Carrier, Xian Corporate Alliance
Size: 92mm base.
Cost: 75 PTS.

● No Survivors - If this model is slain, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield
and before any embarked models disembark. On a 6+ it explodes, and each unit within 3"
suffers D3 Mortal Wounds.
● Troop Transport - This model has a transport capacity of 20 Xian Corporate Alliance
models with the Vahki keyword. Additionally, it may transport up to 2 Sergeant or
Commander models.
● Fire Everything - The armored weapons of an Ash Bear Caravan are capable of
targeting enemies without optical contact, instead using thermal imaging and onboard
cameras - This model may perform shooting attacks when engaged in melee combat.
● Overcharged
● Advanced Technology

Pivot - This model has a 45 degree pivot.



Weak Point:
● Rear

* 6+ * 6 8 10 1 8

Damaged Statline:
Remaining W M BS
7-10 12” 3+
4-6 9” 4+
1-3 6” 5+

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Quad Bubble Turret 24” Repeater 4 5 1 No

Battle Cannon 24” Blaster 1 8 D6 No

Weapon Profiles:
Quad Bubble Turret - Fixed: Front, Left, Right
Battle Cannon - Fixed: Front


Piraka Scum
Skakdi gangs have long since been an issue for the Xians. Even with the advent of the Civil
Security program, most Skakdi gangs simply retreated to underground hideouts and consolidated
in force. On the rare occasions one of their foul warrens is raided and cleared, gang leaders are
given one of two options. The first is that they be put to death, effective immediately. The second
is that they be armed, trained, and pressed into service, assisting mercenary teams in whatever
tasks need performing. When facing down the barrel of a gun, the choice is clear to most Skakdi.

Elemental Railgun, War Hatchet

Keywords: Character, Infantry, Sergeant, Kanohi Capable, Skakdi, Xian Corporate Alliance
Attached To: Skakdi Mercenaries
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 20 PTS.



● Body Powers - This model, and the unit it is attached to gain 1 free power from the
Skakdi Random Powers list.
● Form Ranks, Maggots - The harsh and guttural commands of a Piraka drive their squad
into battle; they fear what is behind them more than what is in front of them - This model,
and the unit it is attached to gain +1 to their Attacks characteristic if they Charged or
were Charged in the previous Phase.
● Overcharged

6” 4+ 4+ 6 * 2 2 6

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Elemental Railgun 24” Personal 2 6 1 Yes1

War Hatchet 1” Melee 5 D3 No

1. This attack deals Elemental damage.

Nearly every Civil Security Officer spends their career in search of promotion. Only the
highest-ranked officers are trained as Peacewalker pilots, most of whom are handpicked by
Makuta Antroz himself. However, the path to promotion is a difficult one, as carelessness and
incompetence are granted no clemency by one’s superiors. Conversely, if one is too skilled, they
may find themselves indispensable in their current position. For those who fall into the latter
category, the rank of Peacemonger exists: armored officers who bridge the gap between Gunners
and Metro Protection, they feature both powerful weaponry and riot gear. Equipped with heavy
rebreathers, their main function in combat is to dispense fields of stun gas before spearheading
charges where they may safely make arrests, immune to the effects of their own paralyzing nerve
agent. The last thing their victims see is the silhouette of a massive warrior emerging from the
mist before the quick dispension of a truncheon signals the end of consciousness.

Heavy Twin Reaper Cannon, Power Baton

Keywords: Character, Infantry, Sergeant, Kanohi Capable, Vortixx, Xian Corporate Alliance
Attached To: Civil Security Gunners, Civil Security Metro Protection
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 24 PTS.



● Smoke - Carrying a bandolier of stun gas grenades, a Civil Security Peacemonger is
authorized to poison the atmosphere of the battlefield with a thick, vision-obscuring mist
- Once per Round, during the Shooting Phase, this model may deploy smoke grenades. It,
and the unit it is attached to, gain the benefits of Heavy Cover. However, this model may
not perform any shooting attacks in the Shooting Phase if it deploys smoke.
● Commanding Presence (Aura) - With better equipment, tougher armor, and more
ferocity, Peacemongers inspire courage in their allies - Friendly units within 3” that have
the Civil Security keyword may use this model’s Leadership characteristic instead of their
● Overcharged
● Advanced Technology

5” 4+ 3+ 6 * 2 2 9

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Heavy Twin Reaper Cannon 24” Blaster 2 7 D3 Yes1

Power Baton 1” Melee 5 1 Yes1

1. This attack deals Electricity damage.

A2 Atmos Heavy Suit

Experimentation on the A1 Atmos suit began almost immediately after it entered production.
Though it was already a massively bulky and cumbersome piece of protective equipment, it
proved to be the ideal candidate for field testing new and more advanced ablative armor systems.
Considering the safety of the suit’s operator, even in the case of catastrophic ablative armor
failure they would still be encased within more than a dozen inches of solid armor on each side.
As fortune would have it, the ablative armor program was a tremendous success, allowing the A2
Atmos to enter prototyping as a more despecialized version of the A1 Atmos, with greater
firepower for eliminating multiple targets.

Microkanoka Autogun, Carbon Drill, Mk II Heavy Power Knife

Keywords: Character, Vehicle, Sergeant, Vortixx, Construct, Xian Corporate Alliance
Attached To: A1 Atmos Tank Killer Suit
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 30 PTS.


● Reactive Armor Plating - Thin plates embedded inside the armored chassis of the A2
Atmos create miniscule explosions, destroying projectiles before they can damage
vulnerable internal components - Attacks against this model, or the unit it is attached to,
reduce their AP characteristic by -1 (e.g. an AP 5 attack is treated as an AP 4 attack).
● Armored Subsystems - This model and the unit it is attached to have a 6+ Invulnerable
● Overcharged
● Advanced Technology

Wargear - This model may replace its Carbon Drill with a Mk II Heavy Power Knife.
● Carbon Drill - Default
● Mk II Heavy Power Knife - 9 PTS

5” 3+ 3+ 6 * 4 2 9

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Microkanoka Autogun 24” Repeater 6 4 1 No

Carbon Drill 1” Melee 7 1 No

Mk II Heavy Power Knife 1” Melee 7 D6 Yes1

1. This model performs 1 less attack with this weapon.

A2 Atmos Scout Suit

At the same time as the A2 Atmos Heavy Suit was being developed, its designers were curious
about the potential utility of the atmospheric protective systems of the original A1 suit (for which
it was named). Pressurized against all forms of exterior hazards, the A1 Atmos was capable of
withstanding crushing depths, toxic fumes, scorching heats, freezing temperatures, and all other
manner of environmental difficulty. This simple fact made it ideal for scouting missions and
reconnaissance, if it were not for the fact that the suit was too large and conspicuous for the task.
In response, the A2 Scout was developed: a lighter, quieter alternative to the A1, mounted with
better optical systems and communications arrays. Though more vulnerable to direct attack, its
speed allows it to withdraw from combat as quickly as it could enter it.



Micromissile Gauntlet, Carbon Drill, Mk I Heavy Power Knife

Keywords: Character, Vehicle, Sergeant, Vortixx, Construct, Xian Corporate Alliance
Attached To: A1 Atmos Tank Killer Suit
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 27 PTS.

● Mobility Boosters - The jet boosters on the legs of an A1 Atmos, while not strong enough
to grant it flight, do allow it to move through difficult terrain with ease - This model, and
the unit it is attached to may move through cover as if it were not there.
● Blink Function - A2 Scouts utilize an advanced Kanohi field component, capable of
mimicking the powers of a Kanohi Kualsi to a limited extent - Once per battle, during the
Movement Phase, this model and the unit it is attached to may perform the Ambush
● Overcharged
● Advanced Technology

Wargear - This model may replace its Carbon Drill with a Mk I Heavy Power Knife.
● Carbon Drill - Default
● Mk I Heavy Power Knife - 6 PTS

8” 3+ 3+ 5 * 3 2 9

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Micromissile Gauntlet 18” Versatile 4 5 D3 No

Carbon Drill 1” Melee 7 1 No

Mk I Heavy Power Knife 1” Melee 7 D3 No

Exalted One
The intricacies of the internal culture of each Xian corporation is limitless. Many corporations
engage in behavior that, from an outside perspective, appears barbaric and ritualistic.
Additionally, no two corporations are the same. MechaLive, the group responsible for the
construction of the infamous Death-Seekers is one such example. Gripped by hubris, the
scientists and engineers responsible for the reanimation of the dead sometimes take to
worshipping the most successful and powerful of the Death-Seekers. The Exalted Ones are



nigh-deified figures at MechaLive, worshipped for their lethality and armed with both further
advanced weaponry, as well as ornamental, ceremonial armor befitting of their status. Though
Death-Seekers do not truly live, a quick glance at their foul smirk indicates that through some
divine means, they know, even in death, exactly what they have become.

Integrated Missiles, Anti-Armor Laser Cutter, Heavy Gauss Railgun, Electro-Scythe

Keywords: Monster, Vehicle, Sergeant, Fly, Vortixx, Construct, Xian Corporate Alliance
Attached To: Death-Seekers
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 48 PTS.

● Contempt For The World - This model may reroll failed To Hit rolls during the
Shooting phase. Additionally, it may reroll Wound rolls of 1.
● Hover-Bed - Dangerous terrain offers no resistance to the hover systems of a Death
Seeker - This model, and the unit it is attached to ignore vertical distance when moving
across terrain.
● Explosive Core - The power cores implanted in a Death Seeker are only balanced by its
life support. When a Death Seeker is felled, the cores go critical - This model in this unit
is slain, roll a D6. On a result of 6, all units within 3” take D3 Mortal Wounds.
● Overcharged
● Advanced Technology

Wargear - This model may replace its Anti-Armor Laser Cutter with a Heavy Gauss Railgun.
This model may additionally take an Electro-Scythe.
● Integrated Missiles - Default
● Anti-Armor Laser Cutter - Default
● Heavy Gauss Railgun - 5 PTS.
● Electro-Scythe - 25 PTS.

9” 2+ 2+ 6 * 4 3 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Integrated Missiles 24” Repeater 2 5 D6 No

Anti-Armor Laser Cutter 36” Laser 1 14 2 No

Heavy Gauss Railgun 48” Heavy 1 10 D6 No



Electro-Scythe 2” Melee 7 D3 Yes1

1. To-hit rolls of 6+ deal an additional two automatic hits.


X2 War Walker
The X1 Protosteel Kahu is one of the earliest examples of bipedal walker technology developed
on Xia. Built in limited numbers in the waning days of a Nynrah Ghost’s sanity, it uses an
advanced, highly reactive power source capable of surpassing the power requirements of the
walker it is attached to. After its designer finally lost what little of his mind remained, the
already-high value of his walkers shot up greatly; after several millennia, the X1 Protosteel Kahu
had retained (and increased) their value - due in part to their rarity, but primarily due to their
unreplicated power generation. Out of fear of losing what few Protosteel Kahu remained, Xian
corporations turned to up-armoring and upgrading the weapons systems of their Kahu. In the
end, however, it would be another Nynrah Ghost who would revitalize the X1 Protosteel Kahu
project with the creation of the X2 War Walker. A massive harness capable of tapping into the
energy source of the X1, it requires a small crew of Vortixx to man the multiple weapon systems
on board, but in exchange offers both protection and massive firepower capable of methodically
vaporizing any enemy combatants. Ultimately limited in its production due to the small numbers
and “collector’s factor” of the original X1 line, X2s are rare but horrifying sights for those who
oppose the Xians.

Monolith Lightstone Blaster, Magnetized Cluster Rockets (x3), Screening Lasers, Protosteel
Cleaver, Tail Pivot Autogun
Keywords: Vehicle, Dreadnought, Vortixx, Construct, Xian Corporate Alliance
Size: 7” by 10” profile, 50mm base (after first death).
Cost: 580 PTS.

● Belly of the Protosteel Beast - The X2 War Walker’s massive batteries, and its highly
explosive Lightstone cannon ammunition, make for a dangerous mix - Whenever this
model is slain, roll a D6. On a 4+, it explodes, and all models within 2D6” immediately
suffer D6 Mortal Wounds. Additionally, on a 2+, a second model is spawned on its
location, using the X1 Protosteel Kahu statline. This model takes no damage from the
explosion, but loses access to the Monolith Lightstone Blaster, Screening Lasers, and Tail
Pivot Autogun weapons, in exchange for a 4+ Invulnerable Save.



● Destroyer of Worlds - The X1’s smart stabilization computer assists its pilot in both
maneuvering and aiming, ensuring that its movements are precise and accurate - This
model automatically rerolls To Hit and Wound rolls of 1.
● Self-Repair Program - A living machine, the X2 automatically responds to damage by
engaging failsafe mechanisms within its internals, allowing it to utilize multiple backup
systems should the primary ones be disabled - This model regains D3 lost wounds at the
start of each Round.
● Colossus - This model may perform ranged attacks and charges even after it has
performed the Withdrawal action.

Pivot - This model has a 90 degree pivot.

Weak Point:
● Rear

X2 War Walker Statline:

* 4+ * 8 9 20 * 10

X1 Protosteel Kahu Statline:

8” 4+ 3+ 7 10 9 2 10

Damaged Statline:
Remaining W M BS A
13-20 6” 2+ 4
7-12 5” 3+ 3
1-6 4” 4+ 2

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Monolith Lightstone Blaster 6-60” Blaster 2 15 2D6 Yes1

Magnetized Cluster Rockets 30” Repeater 2 7 D3 No

Screening Lasers 24” Repeater 8 5 1 Yes2

Protosteel Cleaver 1” Melee 8 D6 No



Tail Pivot Autogun 12” Versatile 2D3 5 1 No

Weapon Profiles:
Monolith Lightstone Blaster - Fixed: Front
Magnetized Cluster Rockets - Fixed: Front, Left, Right
Tail Pivot Autogun - Fixed: Rear

1. This weapon may only be fired if the model did not move in the preceding Movement Phase.
2. This weapon may only be fired during Overwatch. Additionally, it automatically hits its target.



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