Matoran Guard Codex

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“Unity. Duty. Destiny.”

After the Great Cataclysm shattered the old way of life for the population of Metru Nui,
the Toa Metru elected to perform a mass exodus from the City of Legends, taking the Matoran to
the surface of Aqua Magna, to an island they named Mata Nui in honor of the Great Spirit.
Living in a tribal lifestyle, the people of Mata Nui grew in harmony with nature and the island
around them. Crafting facsimiles of their forgotten past, Kanoka disks were replaced with
bamboo projectiles, powered weapons took the shape of spears, and airships grew to be replaced
by trained Rahi. For a time, there was peace.

This all changed soon enough. First Makuta Teridax sent forth his corrupted Rahi, then
the Bohrok Swarm, then the threat of the Bohrok-Kal, the Rahkshi, and soon after, Makuta
Teridax himself. A myriad of threats conspired to shatter the peace by which the people of Mata
Nui strived to live by - and in response, the Matoran grew in power. Forced to defend their
village walls, they learned to fight with the strength and ferocity of Toa, and made each Matoran
worth ten of their kind.

Training was not all the Matoran gained, however. Harmony with Rahi led the Matoran to
create strong bonds, such that the beasts could be used as valuable assets in battle. Ussal cart
gunners, Dikapi riders, Gukko forces, and other Rahi, as if a statement by nature in defense of
the Matoran, stand side by side with their allies, facing threats with bravery and loyalty.
Additionally, ingenuity has struck the Matoran, as their most skilled engineer, Nuparu,
constructed the Boxor, and later the Bouldershot - massive armored walkers capable of going
toe-to-toe with a Bohrok - these tools serve as a valuable vanguard for the Matoran of Mata Nui.

Occasionally, a Matoran is brave enough or sufficiently pure of heart that they may lead
their brothers and sisters in combat. The Chronicler’s Company, the Captains of the Guard, and
the hands of many a Turaga step forward to lead their comrades to victory. With unity, they shout
orders across the battlefield, inspiring those that are loyal to them to fight on, and win at any

On the battlefield, the Matoran Guard is a combined-arms horde army. An individual

Matoran’s weapons are relatively weak, but rarely does a Matoran not fight along dozens of their
allies. Additionally, the faction features a number of powerful, single-model units that provide
heavy firepower and armor to their force. If you are looking to play the Matoran Guard, learn to
use numbers and positioning to your advantage, and defeat the enemy through a wealth of

Common Rules:
● Captain’s Orders - This unit may issue one Order per Round to the soldiers under their
command at the start of their Command Phase. Orders may only be issued to friendly
Infantry units whose unit leader is within 6" of this unit, and have the Matoran Guard
keyword. To issue an Order, pick a target unit and choose which Order you wish to issue
from the list below. A unit may only be affected by one Order per Round.
○ Open Fire - Re-roll To Hit rolls of 1 for all the models in the ordered unit for the
duration of either the Shooting or Fight Phase.
○ Sustain the Barrage - The ordered unit makes an addition To Hit roll for every
To Hit roll of 6. These additional hits cannot cause further rolls.
○ Advance! - The ordered unit adds 3” to its Movement characteristic, and adds +1
to its Advance rolls until the end of the Round.
● Unique Orders - Each Commander unit has one unique order that is added to this list
that only that unit may provide.

Warlord Traits:
● Because I’m Little - Subtract -1 from enemy To Hit rolls when targeting this unit.
● Faithful Worker - Friendly Matoran Guard units within 3” may reroll failed Wound
● Know the Land - The first time an enemy unit moves within 6” of this model, roll a D6.
On a 3+, the enemy takes D3 Mortal Wounds.
● Dug In Like A Fikou - This unit, and all friendly units within 3” are treated as being in
Light Cover at all times.
● Island-Hopper - Add +4” to this model’s Movement characteristic.
● The Small Blade - If this model slays the enemy’s Warlord, you gain 2D3 Victory Points
from Slay the Warlord instead of 1.

Command Point Stratagems:

● Command Reroll - 1 CP - Reroll a single die.
● Insane Bravery - 2 CP - Have a unit automatically succeed its Morale Test.
● Counter-Defensive - 2 CP - After an enemy unit that Charged fights, you may choose
one friendly unit and immediately fight.
● Tactical Prowess - 2 CP - Use this stratagem before a Commander has issued Orders.
They may now target friendly Vehicles and Monsters with their Orders.
● Volley of Fire - 2 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the Round. All friendly units’
weapons that deal a random number of shots instead deal their maximum (e.g. Versatile
D3 weapons are treated as Versatile 3) until the end of the Round.


● Gukko’s Eye - 1 CP - Use this stratagem on a Gukko Force unit before it has performed
any ranged attacks. Increase the AP characteristic of all of its attacks by +1 (e.g. an AP -1
attack becomes an AP -2 attack).
● One With Nature - 1 CP - Use this stratagem in the enemy’s Shooting Phase after they
target a unit with the Matoran keyword with a ranged attack. If the unit of Matoran is not
within half range of that enemy’s attack, subtract -1 from their To Hit roll.
● Ambush! - 3 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the Round. All friendly Matoran
Guards units may treat their ranged weapons as Personal weapons, and gain an additional
● Obedience - 2 CP - Use this stratagem whenever a unit of Matoran Guard, Matoran Disk
Throwers, Veteran Guard, or Veteran Disk Throwers is about to take a Morale Test. The
Test is automatically passed.
● People of the Great Spirit - 1 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the Fight Phase on a
unit with the Matoran keyword. This unit rerolls failed To Hit rolls.
● Neverending Struggle - 2 CP - Use this stratagem on a unit with the Matoran keyword at
the start of the Movement Phase. This unit may Advance and Charge in the same Round.
● The Iron Gauntlet - 2 CP - Use this stratagem in the Fight Phase. Increase the Attack
characteristic of all Boxor or Boulder Shot units is increased by +1.
● Healing Waters - 2 CP - Use this stratagem before a unit of Matoran Healers performs
their Heal Thy Brother ability. Instead of healing D3 lost wounds, they heal 2D3.
● Scramblers - 2 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the Movement Phase on a unit with
the Rahi keyword. This unit may move twice, but may not perform any ranged attacks.
● Too Close To Miss - 1 CP - Use this stratagem on an Ussal Cart Gunner at the start of the
Shooting Phase. If the target of this model’s attacks is within half of the attack’s
maximum range, its attacks automatically hit.
● Scouting Formation - 2 CP - Use this stratagem on a unit of Dikapi Riders in the
Movement Phase. They may move twice.
● Swooping Assault - 3 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the battle. Instead of
Deploying a Gukko Force unit or a Kahu unit, you may declare it to be flying above the
battlefield. It may perform the Ambush action once per battle, instead of Deploying
● Doing Her Duty - 1 CP - Use this stratagem whenever a friendly unit with the Matoran
keyword within 3” of an Ash Bear is targeted by a ranged attack. Roll a D6; on a 2+, the
Ash Bear may take the wound instead.
● Rahi Power - 3 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the Round. All friendly units with
the Rahi keyword have their Strength increased by +2, and the AP characteristic of all of
their attacks raised by +2 (e.g. an AP 1 attack becomes an AP 3 attack).
● Desperate Shot - 2 CP - Use this stratagem on a Kolhii Ball Catapult before it makes any
shooting attacks. It may fire its Kolhii Ball Arm in the Heavy configuration even if it has
moved in the preceding Movement Phase. Doing so causes it to take D3 Mortal Wounds.


● Could’ve Been Makuta Bones - 3 CP - Use this stratagem when a friendly Matoran
Guard unit with the Character keyword is slain. Roll a D6; on a 2+, it may instead be
placed in your Deployment zone at 1 wound.

Unit Catalog:

Commander - Jaller, Onepu, Kongu, Hewkii, Hahli, Nuparu, Chronicler’s Company, Turaga,
Captain of the Guard
Troops - Matoran Guard, Matoran Disk Thrower
Elites - Boxor, Veteran Guard, Veteran Disk Thrower, Matoran Healer
Fast Attack - Dikapi Rider, Ussal Rider
Heavy Support - Boulder Shot, Kolhii Ball Catapult, Ash Bear, Ussal Cart Gunner
Flyer - Gukko Force, Kahu, Kewa
Sergeant - Koro’s Champion, Matoran Technician, Dikapi Sniper, Ancient Ussal
Dreadnought - Takanuva on Ussanui


“Our people are the most courageous warriors in all of Mata Nui, and we are not afraid to
challenge the Makuta’s beasts if we must…” Although Jaller is known throughout most of the
Matoran Universe for his feats of valor as a member of the Toa Heroes, there was a time where
he served alongside his fellow Matoran. During his time on the island of Mata Nui, he was
Ta-Koro’s Captain of the Guard, protecting his village from innumerable threats, and turning it
into the impenetrable bastion it came to be. His pursuit of discipline and precision from the
guardsmen of his village was renowned, and although his demanding nature would sometimes
draw conflict between him and his troops, he was generally known to be a kind and
compassionate leader. Trusted by Turaga Vakama, and a friend of the Chronicler Takua, he
would one day find himself forced to leave his friends behind, journeying throughout the
Matoran Universe on a quest to find the Toa Nuva, and ascertain their survival - a voyage that
would transform him and his five travelling companions into the Toa Inika.

Kolhii Staff, Spear, Bamboo Disk

Keywords: Character, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Infantry, Commander, Unique, Matoran Guard
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 70 PTS

● Nothing Gets Past the Captain of the Guard - The Captain of the Guard must keep a
keen eye if he is to keep Ta-Koro safe - All of this model’s attacks automatically hit their
target. Additionally, this model has +1 to Wound rolls against enemy Characters.

● Unless He Wishes it - Once per battle, when a friendly unit with the Matoran keyword is
charged, this model may Heroically Intervene at any range.
● Captain’s Orders
● Unique Order
○ Targeted Weak Point - The ordered unit improves its AP characteristic of all
ranged weapons by 1 if the target of their attacks is within half range.

Wargear - This model may replace its Kolhii Staff and Kolhii Shield with a Spear and Bamboo
● Kolhii Staff and Kolhii Shield - This model has a 5+ Invulnerable Save against ranged
attacks. Default.
● Spear and Bamboo Disks - 0 PTS.

5” 4+ 4+ 4 3 4 4 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Kolhii Staff 1” Melee 5 1 No

Spear 2” Melee 5 1 No

Bamboo Disk 24” Repeater 2 4 1 No

“I am the Captain of the famous Onu-Koro Ussalry Regiment, Champion of Ussal Racing, and
Special Aide of Whenua, our great Turaga.” Onepu takes immense pride in his work - as well as
the veritable litany of titles it’s earned him. As he is quick to point out, his primary duty is
leading the Ussalry of Onu-Koro, defending the village from the myriad of Rahi and other
creatures that lurk in the underground tunnels. With the advent of the Great War, this task has
expanded beyond the borders of his island home as the Matoran Guard grew to confront threats
throughout the universe. Onepu may be a demanding leader, but he is also a spirited warrior,
willing to take on enemies even if they far surpass his own strength and stature. When the
Ussalry charges, Onepu is more often than not at the forefront, urging his riders onward into

Kolhii Staff, Bamboo Disk

Keywords: Character, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Infantry, Commander, Unique, Matoran Guard
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 70 PTS


● Special Aide (Aura) - Onepu’s studious career aiding his Turaga has made him a
capable assistant - Friendly units with the Character keyword within 3” gain +1 on their
To Hit rolls.
● Rahi Archivist (Aura) - Before journeying to Mata Nui, Onepu once worked as a Rahi
archivist. Now he is free to pursue his fascination with the creatures, and use his
knowledge against them when needed - This model, along with friendly infantry units
within 6”, rerolls failed Hit and Wound rolls against enemy units with the Rahi keyword.
● Captain’s Orders
● Unique Orders
○ At A Trot - The ordered unit may advance and fire Heavy Weapons at a -1 To Hit
penalty, and may advance and fire Repeater/Personal weapons at no penalty.
Versatile weapons are unchanged by this Order.

5” 4+ 4+ 4 3 4 3 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Kolhii Staff 1” Melee 5 1 No

Bamboo Disk 24” Repeater 2 4 1 No

“May the wind be ever underneath your wings.” Kongu was, for much of his career as Captain
of the Le-Koro Gukko Force, known for demanding a similar level of perfection as Jaller. Where
the two differed, however, was Kongu’s stoic and serious nature. Where Jaller exercised a policy
known as the “Anvil of Trust”, Kongu held no such niceties. He was determined to achieve
victory at any cost, and was a pragmatic leader. And although his methods could be cold, they
did produce marvellous results; the Gukko Force of Le-Koro was - and still remains - one of the
finest air cavalry units in the entire Matoran Universe. Over time, the influence of Toa Lewa
would soften Kongu’s hard exterior, and although he retains his drive for victory, and keen eye
for discipline, he has also found himself just a little bit more comfortable around his pilots.

Kanoka Launcher
Keywords: Character, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Infantry, Commander, Unique, Matoran Guard
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 70 PTS


● Stern Leader (Aura) - A disciplined soldier, many of Kongu’s friends describe his sense
of humor to be lacking - Friendly Matoran Guard units within 6” may use this model’s
Leadership characteristic instead of their own.
● Gukko Captain - Friendly Matoran Guard Flyer units no longer have a minimum
movement requirement.
● Captain’s Orders
● Unique Orders
○ Air Assault - The ordered unit may immediately move up to their Movement
characteristic, ignoring terrain.

5” 4+ 4+ 4 3 4 3 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Kanoka Launcher 24” Repeater 1 5 1 No

“You miners and tree swingers are out of shape. In Po-Koro, we used to climb pebbles like this
every day, just for the view.” Hewkii is something of an irregularity amongst the figureheads of
the Matoran Guard. Although he is just as valourous as any of the other members of the Inika or
the hands of the Turaga, he is better-known as a Kolhii star than as the head of the Po-Koro
Guard. His love of sports has carried over from his time as an Akilini disk salesman on Metru
Nui, even though the memories of that past are long since lost to him. Hewkii is outgoing and
well-respected throughout all of Mata Nui, enough so that he was able to learn from the
Ga-Matoran Macku how to swim - a skill most Po-Matoran lack. When the Bohrok siege of
Po-Koro came, he was at the forefront of the defense, and he shined in a similar role during the
attack on Ga-Metru, where his skills as an athlete would be repurposed as those of a warrior. In
the subsequent years, though he refuses to relinquish his staff, he admits that there are more
prescient matters at stake than a simple game of Kolhii.

Kolhii Staff, Kolhii Ball, Bamboo Disk

Keywords: Character, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Infantry, Commander, Unique, Matoran Guard
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 70 PTS



● Team Player (Aura) - Excelling at Kolhii, Hewkii knows how to support his teammates
in a pinch - Friendly units with the Matoran keyword who are within 6” have a 5+
Invulnerable Save against ranged attacks.
● Right-Hand Matoran - This model always fights first in the Fight Phase, whether it has
been Charged or not. If it is fighting a model with the same ability, each of you roll a D6,
and whoever rolls higher goes first.
● Captain’s Orders
● Unique Orders
○ Stand Your Ground - The ordered unit may treat its ranged weapons as Personal
weapons for the duration of the Round.

5” 4+ 4+ 4 3 4 2 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Kolhii Staff 1” Melee 5 1 No

Kolhii Ball 9” Personal 1 4 1 No

Bamboo Disk 24” Repeater 2 4 1 No

“One of the first events I had to record during my time as Chronicler was the destruction of the
village of Ta-Koro. But never did I think such a tragic history as this would ever need to be
written.” Hahli is an often-overlooked Ga-Matoran. Though she is exceptionally intelligent and
bright (picking up ancient languages - both written and verbal - with ease), her shyness often
prevents her from earning the recognition she rightly deserves. Despite this, Turaga Nokama
would one day see fit to foster in her a career as a Kolhii star, which would lead Hahli to fame
amongst the Matoran of Mata Nui. This new station would also encourage her to become more
brave and outgoing, as she traveled across the island to train with various individuals in Kolhii
techniques. Eventually, she would go on to replace Takua as the Chronicler of the Matoran Guard
following his transformation into Takanuva. With the arrival of the Great War, she was pushed
into a command position, taking it upon herself to see this conflict through to its bitter

Chronicler’s Staff, Kohlii Staff

Keywords: Character, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Infantry, Commander, Unique, Matoran Guard
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 60 PTS


● Overlooked (Aura) - Hahli finds herself often overlooked and ignored by those more
loud and brash than her, a trait which sometimes saves her life - Friendly units with the
Matoran keyword who are within 3” are treated as being in Light Cover.
● Champion - This model’s Advance rolls are always treated as being equal to 6.
● Captain’s Orders
● Unique Orders
○ Double-Time - The ordered unit may perform shooting attacks even if it
performed the Withdrawal action in the preceding Movement Phase.

Wargear - This model may replace its Chronicler’s Staff with a Kohlii Staff and Kohlii Shield.
● Chronicler’s Staff - Default
● Kolhii Staff and Kolhii Shield - This model has a 5+ Invulnerable Save against ranged
attacks. 0 PTS.

5” 4+ 5+ 4 3 4 2 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Kolhii Staff 1” Melee 5 1 No

Chronicler’s Staff 1” Melee 5 2 No

“I’m an engineer, not a poet. Besides, a practical name will be easiest for you monsters to
remember. I’ll call it -- Boxor!” Engineering has always been Nuparu’s greatest talent, ever since
his time in Metru Nui. There, he was instrumental in the creation of the city’s chute network,
duplicating Zakaz’s prototype chute system using only illustrations, fragmentary records, and
extant scraps provided to him. This gained him such trust from Turaga Dume that he would later
commission Nuparu to create the Vahki. After the Great Cataclysm, though Nuparu retained his
skills, he did not have many opportunities to practice them. Relegated to structural engineering in
the Onu-Koro mines, his talents served him little in comparison. The day the Bohrok came to
Onu-Koro, however, was different. A tragedy for those around him, it was the greatest day in
centuries for him, as he found himself suddenly supplied with an abundance of high-quality
materials. Finally, the opportunity to prove his worth had presented itself, and he was certain not
to let it pass him by. As the first Boxor walker crashed its way through the tunnels of Onu-Koro,
Nuparu cemented his role in the Matoran Guard forever.


Experimental Kanoka Rifle, Bayonet

Keywords: Character, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Infantry, Commander, Unique, Matoran Guard
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 70 PTS

● Upgrades - Nuparu has always tinkered with technology, whether on Metru Nui or Mata
Nui - At the end of the Movement Phase, pick one friendly non-Commander Infantry unit
within 3” of this model. Roll a D3, and apply the resulting modifier to the targeted unit
for the rest of the battle. The same unit cannot receive an upgrade more than once.
○ 1 - +1 Strength and +1 to the AP of all of the targeted unit’s Melee weapons.
○ 2 - +1 Armor Class.
○ 3 - Ballistics Skill improved by 1 (e.g. a Ballistic Skill of 4+ becomes 3+).
● Captain’s Orders
● Unique Orders
○ Fine-Tuning - The ordered unit’s Versatile weapons no longer have a -1 To Hit
penalty when Advancing and firing, and their Heavy weapons no longer have a -1
To Hit penalty when moving and firing. Note: this order may be applied to
Cavalry units.

5” 4+ 4+ 4 3 4 1 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Experimental Kanoka Rifle 24” Versatile 1 7 D3 No

Bayonet 1” Melee 5 1 No

Chronicler’s Company
“May their hearts prove greater than their size would suggest!” The group known as the
Chronicler’s Company is a small collection of misfits, loners, and wanderers from across Mata
Nui, those few who didn’t quite fit in or were in some way different from the other members of
their villages. Named for and led by Takua the Chronicler, these seven Matoran defended the
Kini-Nui temple while Tahu and his team descended underground to confront Teridax. It was
thanks to their efforts that the Toa were able to reach the Makuta’s lair, holding off wave after
tireless wave of Rahi, even in the face of what seemed to be an overwhelming assault, until
reinforcements could finally arrive. They are a testament to the unity of the Matoran Guard -


against all odds, their bonds have withstood the fires of the Great War, and the heroic efforts of
the Chronicler’s Company provide a beacon of hope to Matoran across the universe.

Bamboo Disk, Spear

Keywords: Character, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Infantry, Commander, Unique, Matoran Guard
Size: 65mm
Cost: 102 PTS

● Defender of Justice - With multiple members, the Chronicler’s Company is able to
oversee the battlefield with greater fidelity - This unit may perform Captain’s Orders
twice per Round instead of once.
● Power of Teamwork (Aura) - The inspiring loyalty and camaraderie of the Chronicler’s
Company has the power to lead Matoran past the brink of destruction, and towards
victory - If a friendly Matoran Guard unit within 3” of this unit is targeted by an attack,
subtract -1 from the enemy’s Wound roll.
● Captain’s Orders
● Unique Orders
○ Trust - The ordered unit may perform ranged attacks against enemy units that are
engaged in melee combat with friendly Matoran Guard units.

5” 4+ 4+ 4 4 10 9 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Bamboo Disk 24” Repeater 2 4 1 No

Spear 2” Melee 5 1 No

The life of a Toa is a curious one. Matoran who happen upon - or are granted by destiny - a Toa
Stone find themselves granted immense power and grow physically stronger and larger, taking
on the form of a Toa. For years, centuries, or in some cases millennia, Toa serve to protect and
aid Matoran. When their destiny has been achieved, however, they are able to transform one
more time, becoming a Turaga. Though comparatively small and weak, a Turaga retains control
over the elements, and with a mind hardened through years of experience, they assume the role
of leadership and guidance for the Matoran they once protected. Many Turaga find themselves


taking to the field alongside the Matoran Guard, as their responsibility to protect the Matoran
does not end where the battlefield begins.

Turaga’s Staff, Elemental Burst

Keywords: Character, Turaga, Kanohi Capable, Infantry, Commander, Matoran Guard
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 70 PTS

● Leader to their People (Aura) - As the oldest and the wisest, Turaga are the dedicated
leaders of Matoran societies - Friendly Matoran Guard infantry units within 6” may use
this model’s Leadership score instead of their own (for the purpose of Morale Tests), and
gain +1 movement and attacks. This model may not benefit from the effects of this rule.
● Judge Me By My Size - Though they are similar in stature to a Matoran, Turaga were
once legendary Toa heroes, and retain much of their skill and power - This model always
fights first in the Fight Phase, whether it has been Charged or not. If it is fighting a model
with the same ability, each of you roll a D6, and whoever rolls higher goes first.

Kanohi Power:
● Kanohi - This model may take one Kanohi from the Toa Codex Kanohi list. By default, it
has none.

5” 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 2 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Turaga’s Staff 1” Melee 5 1 No

Elemental Burst 18” Repeater 1 5 2 Yes1

1. This attack deals Elemental damage.

Captain of the Guard

During their time on Mata Nui, each Koro was largely responsible for its own defense through
various means - for example,Ta-Koro’s establishment of the Guard, Le-Koro’s Gukko Force,
Onu-Koro’s Ussalry, and so on and so forth. For each of these groups, Captains would be elected
to oversee both the defense of each village, and the training of soldiers. These Captains of the
Guard were typically the individuals who were most trusted by the Turaga, and were usually the
highest-ranking Matoran in each village. After their return to the Matoran Universe, however,

this tradition would find itself surviving even in new surroundings. Divisions of the Matoran
Guard are headed by Captains, who operate independently of the organization as a whole. With
the authority to launch assaults as they see fit, they roam from island to island, aiding local
forces, or establishing safe zones for civilians. Though they are no longer guarding the island of
Mata Nui, they nonetheless guard the people of the universe - a more difficult, but even more
noble task.

Heavy Kolhii Staff, Spear, Kanoka Launcher, Bamboo Disk

Keywords: Character, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Infantry, Commander, Matoran Guard
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 60 PTS

● Shall Not Step Back (Aura) - Captains of the Guard are charged with the protection of
their Koro, and will fight to the death to see their village kept safe - Friendly Matoran
Guard units within 6” who have the Infantry keyword end the Movement Phase within 3”
of another unit of the same type force the enemy to reroll wound rolls of 6 against those
● Unique Orders
○ Take A Breather - The ordered unit regains D3 lost wounds. If it is made of
single-wound models, D3 lost models return to the board within 1” of their unit.

Wargear - This model may replace its Heavy Kolhii Staff with a Spear, Kanoka Launcher, or
Bamboo Disk.
● Heavy Kolhii Staff - 0 PTS
● Spear - 0 PTS
● Kanoka Launcher - 4 PTS
● Bamboo Disk - 0 PTS

5” 4+ 4+ 4 3 4 2 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Bamboo Disk 24” Repeater 2 4 1 No

Spear 2” Melee 5 1 No

Heavy Kolhii Staff 1” Melee 6 1 No

Kanoka Launcher 24” Repeater 1 5 1 No



Matoran Guard
The standard infantry unit of the Matoran Guard is a fighting force not beholden to supply lines
or industry. Using their training from their time on the untamed island of Mata Nui, the Matoran
Guard primarily utilize natural weapons and equipment that they may gather from nearly any
island. Though their tools may be crude, they make up for their weakness with versatility, and
are able to effectively serve in almost any environment. When the Matoran Guard lands on the
shores of an enemy island, they are often able to re-equip all of their forces within a matter of
hours, if that, by scavenging wood, stone, and other materials wherever they are available.

Bamboo Spear
Keywords: Infantry, Troop, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Matoran Guard
Quantity: 12-20
Size: 25mm base.
Cost: 5 PTS per model (60 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Strength In Numbers - Matoran are weak individually, but an army of them is an
effective fighting force - This unit gains the ability to reroll To Hit rolls of 1 when there
are more than 6 models alive.

5” 4+ 4+ 4 3 1 1 6

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Bamboo Spear 2” Melee 4 1 No

Matoran Disk Thrower

Though many members of the Matoran Guard prefer natural weapons such as bamboo spears and
stone daggers, some remember their time as akilini players on Metru Nui, or as disk throwers on
Mata Nui. There, they used their armaments as a tool of sport, but with enough skill that they
could also be wielded as weapons as needed. With Kanoka disks now almost as common
throughout the Matoran Universe as Kanohi masks, they are often the first targets of island


assaults where Matoran Guard units seize either foundries or resource depots, where they may
acquire bulk quantities of Kanoka for use as weapons.

Stone-Edged Disk, Obsidian Disk

Keywords: Infantry, Troop, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Matoran Guard
Quantity: 12-20
Size: 25mm base.
Cost: 6 PTS per model (72 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Not Just For Sport - Matoran Disk Throwers train with Kanoka for sporting purposes,
but a bamboo disk is still a viable weapon if needed - This unit’s “half-range” (for the
purposes of Repeater weapons) is treated as being 3” greater.

Wargear - One model in this unit may equip an Obsidian Disk:

● Obsidian Disk - 5 PTS.

5” 4+ 4+ 4 3 1 1 6

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Stone-Edged Disk 24” Repeater 1 4 1 No

Obsidian Disk 24” Personal 1 6 1 No


“The Boxor is a one-and-a-half-ton bipedal walker, with a crew of one. Its heavy armor, built
from the remains of fallen Bohrok, shields its operator and pilot, who can - from the safety of its
controls - wield an arsenal of powerful weapons. By default, a Boxor walker carries two massive
pneumatic claws, which strike with a force of over 700 psi, and can punch clean through a
Bohrok’s headplate. Inventive engineer Nuparu has also added the potential for elemental fuse
guns or auto-disk launchers, supplanting the already-destructive power of the vehicle with
ranged firepower. With each victory against the Bohrok, we gain more materials, and more
Boxors - but we need more pilots! We call on you, brave Matoran, to wield these powerful
weapons, and take the fight to the enemy! Mata Nui’s future is in your hands.”
-Excerpt from a recruitment tablet issued to various Matoran population centers during the Great

Pneumatic Claws, Auto-Diskthrower, Elemental Fuse Cannon

Keywords: Cavalry, Elite, Matoran, Construct, Kanohi Capable, Matoran Guard
Quantity: 1-3
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 50 PTS per model (50 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Built By Matoran - The heavy armor of the Boxor keeps its driver and operator
well-protected - This unit has a 4+ Invulnerable Save against ranged attacks.
● For Matoran - This unit may move through cover as if it were not there.

Wargear - This model may replace its Auto Diskthrower with an Elemental Fuse Cannon.
● Elemental Fuse Cannon - 5 PTS.

Pivot - This model has a 90 degree pivot.

6” 4+ 4+ 5 6 5 2 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Pneumatic Claws 3” Melee 6 2 No

Auto-Diskthrower 24” Repeater 2 5 1 No

Elemental Fuse Cannon 18” Personal 3 5 1 Yes1, 2

Weapon Profiles:
Auto-Diskthrower - Fixed: Front
Elemental Fuse Cannon - Fixed: Front

1. This attack deals Elemental damage.

2. This attack automatically hits targets within 12”.

Veteran Guard
The most experienced members of the Matoran Guard, and originally protectors of the island of
Mata Nui, the Veteran Guards wield some of the best equipment available; their armaments
include protoiron spears made from ore veins mined deep within Onu-Wahi, as well as ornate
warhorns. They have stood against the threat of Rahi, Bohrok, Rahkshi, and more, and lived to


tell the tale. Veterans are the original instructors of many newer members and units, passing
along their expertise to the recruits who’ve joined the Guard’s cause. Their warhorns are used
throughout the training process to provide orders, and serve a similar role on the battlefield:
relaying orders from commander to troop at a greater distance.

Protoiron Spear
Keywords: Infantry, Elite, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Matoran Guard
Quantity: 12-20
Size: 25mm base.
Cost: 7 PTS per model (84 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Strength In Numbers - Matoran are weak individually, but an army of them is an
effective fighting force - This unit gains the ability to reroll To Hit rolls of 1 when there
are more than 6 models alive.
● Warhorn (Aura) - The sound of the Guard’s warhorn summons allies to a fight, and
bolsters their courage - When this unit is targeted by an Order, it may then apply that
Order to a single friendly Matoran Guard unit (who is eligible to receive Orders) within
3”. This is performed before any additional Orders are resolved.

6” 3+ 4+ 4 3 1 1 7

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Protoiron Spear 2” Melee 5 1 No

Veteran Disk Thrower

In most cases, Kanoka disks are endowed with their own powers, ranging in various qualities and
makes which influence their abilities. However, when purified protodermis or specialized forges
are not available, throwing disks can also be made of bamboo - in this case, they are entirely
powerless, but far cheaper and more expendable. That being said, there are little-known ways to
bestow some measure of power upon even disks of such simple construction. Referred to as
Tribal Disks, these artifacts are a particular rarity. Specially made by the Toa Heroes, Tribal
Disks have been bestowed with elemental energies, allowing their Matoran wielders to strike
with the same elemental fury that a Toa does.

Gilded Tribal Disk, Stone Dagger

Keywords: Infantry, Elite, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Matoran Guard


Quantity: 12-20
Size: 25mm base.
Cost: 8 PTS per model (96 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Not Just For Sport - Matoran Disk Throwers train with the Kanoka for sporting
purposes, but a bamboo disk is still a viable weapon if needed - This unit’s “half-range”
(for the purposes of Repeater weapons) is treated as being 3” greater.
● Tribal Disks - This unit’s ranged attacks do not require line of sight, so long as the target
is within half of the attack’s maximum range.

6” 4+ 3+ 4 3 1 1 7

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Gilded Tribal Disk 24” Repeater 1 5 1 Yes1

Stone Dagger 1” Melee 3 1 Yes2

1. This attack deals Elemental damage.

2. Add +1 to Wound Rolls made with this weapon.

Matoran Healer
On the island of Mata Nui, natural (and unnatural) risks were abundant, whether they were the
danger of Rahi attacks or the expected sort that come with living near the crater of a volcano.
Thus, the few Matoran who were gifted in the art of healing - those who could tend wounds,
create medicinal poultices, and even pull beings back from the brink of death - were highly
prized. With the Matoran Guard’s return to the Matoran Universe, the need for skilled healers has
skyrocketed, as the war leaves many Matoran in grave need of aid. On the battlefield, something
as simple as the ability to stitch a wound or set a damaged limb is an indispensable talent, and
one that many Matoran healers feel it is their duty to perform.

Herbal Poison
Keywords: Infantry, Elite, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Matoran Guard
Quantity: 3-6
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 10 PTS per model (30 PTS per minimum size unit).


● Heal Thy Brother - Matoran Healers make excellent use of the herbs and poultices
available on their island home - Once per Round, at the end of the Movement Phase, this
unit may provide medical attention to a nearby injured unit within 3”. If the unit contains
any models with wounds lost, it recovers D3 wounds. If the unit is made up of 1-wound
models, D3 slain models return.

5” 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 7

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Herbal Poison 12” Personal 1 4 2 No

Fast Attack:

Dikapi Riders
Dikapi are among the many varieties of Rahi who claim Mata Nui as their home. Flightless
desert birds, they are able to go several days without food or sleep, and can run for hours on end.
This makes them ideal as scouts and messengers, and natural steeds for the Matoran of Po-Koro.
As the ranks of the Matoran Guard expanded over time, the use of Dikapi only grew further, as
they proved to be more than capable cavalry units, with the ability to quickly harass enemies or
scout their positions. As weaponry advanced in quality beyond spears and disks, and the wastes
of Po-Wahi became popular training grounds for sharpshooters and riflemen, the Dikapi would
naturally become acclimatized to the sound of gunfire - a fact that their riders would make quick
use of.

Poleaxe, Microkanoka Jezail

Keywords: Cavalry, Fast Attack, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Matoran Guard
Quantity: 5-15
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 9 PTS per model (45 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Endurance - Dikapi are extremely quick creatures, standing perfectly still one moment,
and sprinting at a breakneck pace the next - Add +1” to all of this unit’s Advance and
Charge rolls.
● Too Fast To Catch -This unit has a 6+ Feel No Pain.

Wargear - Any model in this unit may replace its Poleaxe with a Microkanoka Jezail.


● Poleaxe - Default
● Microkanoka Jezail - 2 PTS.

9” 4+ 4+ 4 4 2 2 6

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Poleaxe 2” Melee 5 2 Yes1

Microkanoka Jezail 28” Versatile 2 5 1 No

1. To Hit rolls of 6+ cause guaranteed wounds.

Ussal Rider
Where Dikapi birds are fast and agile mounts, Ussal crabs occupy a vastly different niche.
Renowned for their strength and toughness, Ussal crabs are capable of hauling tremendous loads
of cargo with relative ease. In Metru Nui, this made them ideal for transportation, carrying goods
from Metru to Metru. On Mata Nui, however, the need for freight hauling has been significantly
reduced. Nonetheless, Ussal crabs are loyal and personable creatures, and have a close
attachment to their Matoran riders. For this reason, the Ussalry was developed as a prototype
heavy cavalry. Faster than a Matoran and better-armored, Ussal crabs are capable of bringing
their riders into combat, and even aiding them with their large pincers, which are able to crush
enemy armor with little difficulty.

Pincers, Rock Hammer, Firespitter

Keywords: Cavalry, Rahi, Vehicle, Fast Attack, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Matoran Guard
Quantity: 3-9
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 14 PTS per model (42 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Tough Shell - The armored carapace of an Ussal Crab protects it from most attacks -
This unit has a 5+ Feel No Pain.
● Wall Crawler - Ussal Crabs are able to climb up vertical surfaces, and even on ceilings,
so long as their rider is able to hang on tight enough - This unit ignores vertical terrain
when moving.

Wargear - Every model in this unit contains Pincers. Any model in this unit may replace its Rock
Hammer with a Firespitter.

● Pincers - Default. 0 PTS.

● Rock Hammer - Default. 0 PTS.
● Firespitter- 2 PTS.

6” 3+ 4+ 5 5 3 2 6

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Pincers 1” Melee 5 1 Yes1

Rock Hammer 1” Melee 6 1 Yes2

Firespitter 12” Personal 1 4 1 No

1. If an enemy unit successfully charges against this model, it may perform Overwatch with its
Pincers as if they were ranged weapons.
2. To Hit rolls of 6+ cause 2 hits instead of 1.

Heavy Support:

Boulder Shot
Expanding on the original design of the Boxor was a natural step for Nuparu. While Kolhii Ball
Catapults were relatively sufficient ranged weapons, their inflexibility and lack of mobility
would often cost the Matoran Guard even if victory were to be achieved. As such, ranged
weapons capable of being mounted on the Boxor were developed; the Bouldershot cannon was
one of the early attempts, developed after the Toa Nuva’s experiences involving the Bohrok-Kal.
Using the powers of Magnetism and Vacuum, Nuparu was quick to discover a method of rapidly
propelling projectiles of any weight class through an energized tube. Unfortunately, the process
of energizing said tube was a difficult one, as the caliber of power source required to do so was
scarcely found on a tropical island. Providence would dictate, however, that the Boxor were both
uniquely equipped with generators capable of powering Bouldershot cannons, and also strong
enough to carry them into battle, circumventing the weaknesses of the Kolhii Ball Catapult. With
a few form factor changes, the Boulder Shot was born.

Bouldershot Cannon, Magmashot Cannon, Pneumatic Stabilizers

Keywords: Vehicle, Heavy Support, Matoran, Construct, Kanohi Capable, Matoran Guard
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 65 PTS


● Stabilized Platform - The pneumatic claws of a Boulder Shot serve as decent stabilizers
if needed, but deploying their levelling and righting mechanisms takes valuable time - If
this unit did not move in the Movement Phase, add +1 to all of its To Hit rolls in the
Shooting Phase.
● Keep Firing - This unit may either shoot or Charge after performing the Withdraw
action, but not both.

Wargear - This model may replace its Bouldershot Cannon with a Magmashot Cannon:
● Bouldershot Cannon - Default
● Magmashot Cannon - 5 PTS

Pivot - This model has a 90 degree pivot.

Weak Point:
● Rear

5” 4+ 4+ 7 7 9 2 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Bouldershot Cannon 40” Blaster 2D3 8 D3 Yes1

Magmashot Cannon 24” Blaster D6 10 D6 Yes1

Pneumatic Stabilizers 1” Melee 5 2 No

Weapon Profiles:
Bouldershot Cannon - Fixed: Front
Magmashot Cannon - Fixed: Front

1. This attack may target enemies who are not within line of sight, though at a -1 To Hit penalty.

Kolhii Ball Catapult

The Kolhii Ball Catapult is one of the oldest designs adopted by the Matoran Guard. Developed
en masse shortly after first contact with the Bohrok Swarms, though based off of technology far
older, they serve a simple and direct function: propel a large stone into enemy formations.
Fortunately for the Matoran Guard, boulders of sufficient size are easy to source almost
anywhere in the universe, with no particular requirements aside from being enough to cause

significant damage if used offensively. With frames constructed from timber harvested from
Mata Nui, as well as Bohrok corpses, Kolhii Ball Catapults are capable of firing projectiles far
heavier than one would anticipate given their materials, and are vital parts of any siege, both for
attackers and defenders.

Kolhii Ball Arm

Keywords: Vehicle, Heavy Support, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Matoran Guard
Size: 65mm base.
Cost: 85 PTS

● Charging Spikes - Large bamboo spikes cover the base of a Kolhii Ball Catapult,
protecting its frame from assault - If this model is Charged by an enemy unit, roll a
number of D6s equal to their Charge roll. For every unmodified result of 6, the enemy
unit takes a wound.

Pivot - This model has a 45 degree pivot.

Weak Point:
● Rear

3” 5+ 3+ 6 7 9 2 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Kolhii Ball Arm * * * * Yes1

-Light 36” Heavy D6 9 2 No

-Heavy 72” Heavy D6 12 3 Yes2

Weapon Profiles:
Kolhii Ball Arm (light) - Fixed: Front
Kolhii Ball Arm (heavy) - Fixed: Front

1. Whenever this model chooses to make an attack using this weapon, it may choose one of two
profiles to use its weapon in: Light or Heavy.
2. A model can only fire a Kolhii Ball Arm (Heavy) if it remained stationary in the preceding
Movement Phase.


Ash Bear
One of the many species of Rahi who call Mata Nui their home, the Ash Bear is a veritable wall
of muscle. While admittedly quite peaceful in most circumstances, they are fiercely territorial,
and are known to go utterly berserk if they perceive their land as being threatened. Many
Matoran on Mata Nui would learn the difficult way that an Ash Bear’s claws and teeth are not to
be underestimated, and that it may at any moment shift from being a quiet and stoic creature to
one of rage and carnage. They are also surprisingly intelligent, and some have traveled with
members of the Guard to fight by their side against strange new threats.

Crushing Jaw, Brutal Paws

Keywords: Monster, Heavy Support, Rahi, Matoran Guard
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 30 PTS

● Protector of the Forest - Ash Bears are usually not hostile creatures, but in defense of
their forest, they will go to any end to see intruders driven out - You may reroll To Hit
rolls of 1 from this unit.
● Vanguard - This unit has a 5+ Invulnerable Save.

7” 3+ 5+ 5 6 3 1 9

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Crushing Jaw 1” Melee 7 2 No

Brutal Paws 1” Melee 6 1 Yes1

1. This attack makes D3 To Hit rolls per attack.

Ussal Cart Gunner

After the Great Cataclysm, only a few technologies were brought with the fleeing Matoran of
Metru Nui. Firearms were among the many devices that were largely considered lost to history.
While this made initial defense of Matoran villages on Mata Nui difficult, it also encouraged a
natural growth and rediscovery of weapons technology based on the supplies and resources
naturally available on the island, such as the Shardburst Cannon. Its inventors, a group of
Onu-Matoran, first realized the principles of the weapon after a mining accident involving Madu
Cabolo, and the shrapnel generated by its explosion. With the fruit already an established volatile

compound, the Onu-Matoran were surprised to observe the strange interactions the juice of the
fruit had with chalk deposits, as it would create a thick, clay-like paste which could burn with
tremendous force, but delay the explosion by releasing its energy over a longer period of time.
With this recipe, the Shardburst Cannon would be developed - essentially a wooden box full of
specially-designed arrows. Each arrow’s haft is a rod of Madu paste that when burnt, fuels the
arrow and propels it out of the box and into a target. Each box can contain and fire dozens of
arrows at a time, making the weapon easily capable of firing on moving or otherwise
difficult-to-hit targets.

Shardburst Cannon, Pincers

Keywords: Cavalry, Monster, Vehicle, Heavy Support, Rahi, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Matoran
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 55 PTS

● Tough Shell - The armored carapace of an Ussal Crab protects it from most attacks -
This unit has a 5+ Feel No Pain.
● Screening Shots - The massive rate of fire from a Shardburst cannon, and its multitude of
projectiles make it difficult for even particularly fast units to dodge an attack - Add +1 to
all To Hit rolls targeting enemy Flyers and Fast Attack units.

Pivot - This model has a 90 degree pivot.

5” 3+ 4+ 5 7 6 2 9

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Shardburst Cannon 28” Repeater 2D3 6 1 No

Pincers 1” Melee 5 1 Yes1

Weapon Profiles:
Shardburst Cannon - Fixed: Front, Left, Right

1. If an enemy unit successfully Charges against this model, it may perform Overwatch with its
Pincers as if they were ranged weapons.



Gukko Force
During their time on Mata Nui, each Koro would specialize in a different branch of armed forces
to protect their borders and people. For Le-Koro, the heavy presence of local Gukko birds would
be a key aspect of their military. The Gukko Force is conceptually simple, featuring two Matoran
to one Gukko bird. One rider acts as a pilot to direct the Rahi, while the other rider takes the
position of a gunner, firing crossbow bolts or disk salvos from the creature’s back. While not as
complicated as many of the other air forces in the Matoran Universe, the Gukko Force’s
members are relatively easy to train, and exceptionally fast and nimble for their size.

Bamboo Crossbow, Disk Launcher, Ironclad Beak

Keywords: Cavalry, Monster, Vehicle, Rahi, Fly, Kanohi Capable, Matoran, Flyer, Matoran
Size: 65mm base.
Cost: 80 PTS

● Airborne - Version 3: This model cannot Charge at ground units, can only be Charged by
units with the Fly keyword, and can only engage in melee combat with units with the Fly
○ Hard To Hit - Your opponents must subtract 1 from To Hit rolls for attacks that
target this model in the Shooting Phase.
● Nimble - Enemy units reroll Wound rolls of 6.
● Repeaters - The bamboo crossbow and disk launcher of a Gukko Force pilot fire quickly
in order to make up for the lack of stability that comes from firing on Gukko-back - This
model ignores any penalty to its To Hit rolls when targeting enemy Flyer units (e.g. Hard
To Hit).

Pivot - This model has a 90 degree pivot.

15-35” 3+ 3+ 6 6 7 2 9

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Bamboo Crossbow 24” Repeater 1 5 1 No

Disk Launcher 18” Versatile 2 6 1 No

Ironclad Beak 1” Melee 6 2 Yes1


Weapon Profiles:
Bamboo Crossbow - Fixed: Front, Left, Right
Disk Launcher - Fixed: Front

1. This attack ignores Invulnerable Saves.

A larger and tougher variant of the Gukko, Kahu are huge, hawk-like creatures that share a
similar loyalty to that seen in their smaller cousins. Of note is their remarkable ability to create
energy fields with their wings, which they use to achieve incredibly high flight speeds. This,
combined with the creature’s immense strength, gives it a unique role in the Matoran Guard, as it
is able to carry immense boulders, tree trunks, or other pieces of debris, and use the energy field
from its wings to turn what is already a destructive payload into one arcing with power. The
shockwaves of these “bombs” hitting the ground can utterly devastate enemy formations, and
deal tremendous damage to clustered targets.

Heavy Disk Launcher, Ironclad Beak

Keywords: Cavalry, Monster, Vehicle, Rahi, Fly, Kanohi Capable, Matoran, Flyer, Matoran
Size: 65mm base.
Cost: 95 PTS

● Airborne - Version 3: This model cannot Charge at ground units, can only be Charged by
units with the Fly keyword, and can only engage in melee combat with units with the Fly
○ Hard To Hit - Your opponents must subtract 1 from To Hit rolls for attacks that
target this model in the Shooting Phase.
● Energy Field - Kahu create energized fields using their wings, which can slow and
neutralize projectiles - This model has a 6+ Invulnerable Save against Ranged attacks.
● Energized Debris - Kahu are trained by Matoran pilots to emulate the behavior of
smaller birds, namely the act of flying food items into the sky to drop them and crack
them open. For the much larger Kahu, however, flying high with boulders and tree
branches, and combining them with the energy produced by their wings can create
devastating effects - This model may drop a Energized Debris as it flies over enemy units
in its Movement phase. To do so, after this model has moved, pick one enemy unit that it
moved across. Then, roll a D6 for each model in that unit. For each roll of 5+, the target
unit suffers 1 Mortal Wound. If there are more than 5 models in the unit, the required roll
of 5+ is lowered to a roll of 4+.

Pivot - This model has a 90 degree pivot.

10-25” 4+ 3+ 6 7 9 2 9

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Heavy Disk Launcher 24” Repeater 3 8 2 No

Ironclad Beak 1” Melee 6 2 Yes1

Weapon Profiles:
Heavy Disk Launcher - Fixed: Front

1. This attack ignores Invulnerable Saves.

Smaller than a Kahu, the common Kewa bird was largely a scavenger on Mata Nui. There, it
used its speed to dive from high altitudes into the cool blue waters of Aqua Magna and retrieve
unsuspecting fish. Additionally, they were regarded as quite sociable creatures, and could be
tamed and summoned via flute song, which would eventually spawn the Gukko Force as a
concept. Today, the Kewa is no longer a subject of amusement and merriment among the
Matoran Guard. It is instead a powerful tool, a scalpel with which to cut into the enemy’s forces.
Using its speed and its sharp claws and beak, Kewa are excellent air-to-air fighters, engaging and
cutting down enemy flyers in a blur of feathers and talons.

Mounted Disk Thrower, Ironclad Beak, Protosteel Razor Talons

Keywords: Cavalry, Monster, Vehicle, Rahi, Fly, Kanohi Capable, Matoran, Flyer, Matoran
Size: 65mm base.
Cost: 85 PTS

● Airborne - Version 3: This model cannot Charge at ground units, can only be Charged by
units with the Fly keyword, and can only engage in melee combat with units with the Fly
○ Hard To Hit - Your opponents must subtract 1 from To Hit rolls for attacks that
target this model in the Shooting Phase.


● Vulture - Kewa are predatory birds, and often fight each other over prey. As such, they
have experience fighting flying creatures - This model rerolls failed To Hit rolls against
units with the Fly keyword.

Pivot - This model has a 90 degree pivot.

10-30” 3+ 3+ 6 5 7 4 9

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Mounted Disk Thrower 24” Repeater 8 4 1 No

Ironclad Beak 1” Melee 6 2 Yes1

Protosteel Razor Talons 1” Melee 5 1 Yes2

Weapon Profiles:
Mounted Disk Thrower - Fixed: Front

1. This attack ignores Invulnerable Saves.

2. To Hit rolls of 6+ cause an additional hit.


Koro’s Champion
Though the strength of a Koro’s defense often lies upon its multitudes of loyal and well-trained
soldiers, some Matoran see the protection of their village and their people as more than just a
responsibility: they view it as their duty. These individuals, most often referred to as the Koro’s
Champions, are the bravest and most headstrong Matoran from throughout the universe.
Equipped with better weapons and armor, they are as valorant as a Toa, and are both willing and
able to go head-to-head with enemy commanders and high-profile targets.

Obsidian Hatchet, Relic Disk

Keywords: Character, Infantry, Troop, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Matoran Guard
Attached To: Matoran Guard, Matoran Disk Thrower, Veteran Guard, Veteran Disk Thrower
Size: 25mm base.
Cost: 12 PTS



● Line of Defense - A Koro’s Champion is an honorable warrior, who fights the biggest
and strongest of enemy combatants - This model and the unit it is attached to reroll failed
To Hit rolls when targeting models with the Character keyword.
● Stalwart - Friendly Matoran Guard units within 3” roll two dice when performing
Morale Tests, and use the lower result.
● Armored Warrior - Using what little materials are available by which to make armor, a
Koro’s Champion engraves stories of their fights and their victories on their protective
plates - This model always fights first in the Fight Phase, whether it has been Charged or
not. If it is fighting a model with the same ability, each of you roll a D6, and whoever
rolls higher goes first.

6” 4+ 4+ 4 * 2 2 6

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Obsidian Hatchet 1” Melee 6 2 No

Relic Disk 24” Repeater 1 5 1 No

Matoran Technician
Throughout the Matoran Universe, the Matoran are known as great architects and craftsmen.
Diligent, coordinated, and efficient, they are the creators of empires, and the builders of much of
the world around them. It is considered a great tragedy by many that Matoran who once strived
to enhance the world with their creations are now driven to instead create weapons of war.
Responsible for the construction and maintenance of many of the weapons utilized by the
Matoran Guard, their Technicians handle much of the logistics behind their army, and
occasionally join their fellow Matoran on the field, dashing from Boxor to Boulder Shot with a
spanner and a dynamo core in order to fix, tweak, and maintain their allies’ equipment.

Relic Wrench
Keywords: Character, Infantry, Troop, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Matoran Guard
Attached To: Boxor, Bouldershot
Size: 25mm base.
Cost: 11 PTS

● Ancient Tools - Add +1 to Wound Rolls made by this model or the unit it is attached to if
they are targeting a unit with the Vehicle keyword.


● Repairs - The unit this model is attached to regains 2 lost wounds at the start of each
round. Additionally, the attached unit’s Armor Class is increased by +1 if it is not at full

5” 5+ 5+ 4 * 1 1 6

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Relic Wrench 1” Melee 4 2 Yes1

1. If the target of this attack has an Armor Class higher than this weapon’s AP, it wounds on 4+.

Dikapi Sniper
While Dikapi Riders are already sufficiently capable scouts units in their own right, firing
weapons from the back of a Rahi is no easy task. As such, many Dikapi Riders are trained to
bring their Rahi to a halt before firing, rather than attempt to land shots while on the move. This
tactical doctrine, while relatively successful, would also find itself as the progenitor of a new
innovation: those Matoran who find themselves particularly gifted with the art of sharpshooting
are often attached to Dikapi units as an auxiliary with a special role. Carrying larger and more
powerful rifles, they use the speed and stamina of their mounts to emplace themselves on optimal
perches capable of overseeing entire battlefields, from which they rain death upon the enemy.

Trophy Microkanoka Jezail, Lightstone Blunderbuss

Keywords: Cavalry, Infantry, Sergeant, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Matoran Guard
Attached To: Dikapi Riders
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 23 PTS

● Endurance - Dikapi are extremely quick creatures, standing perfectly still one moment,
and sprinting at a breakneck pace the next - Add +2” to Advance and Charge rolls made
by this model and the unit it is attached to.
● Too Fast To Catch - This model has a 6+ Feel No Pain.
● Steely-Eyed - Dikapi Snipers must see past the terrain and trust their steed to navigate it,
while they focus on the dangers ahead - This model, and the unit it is attached to, reroll
ranged To Hit rolls of 1.



9” 5+ 3+ 4 * 3 1 6

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Trophy Microkanoka Jezail 36” Versatile 2 6 1 Yes1

Lightstone Blunderbuss 10” Personal 2D3 6 1 Yes1

1. This model cannot attack with both its Trophy Microkanoka Jezail and its Lightstone
Blunderbuss in the same round.

Ancient Ussal
Ussal, like Visorak, are one of the few species of Rahi who grow as they age. However, unlike
Visorak, Ussal crabs go through a metamorphic period once they reach a certain size, and
become what is known as an Ancient Ussal. This transformation is characterized by a number of
physical changes. Firstly, their size increases dramatically - whereas a normal Ussal crab can seat
a single Matoran, an Ancient Ussal can hold multiple Matoran with ease. Secondly, their
carapace grows in various ways - both toughening and growing in thickness, their chitinous
exoskeleton also grows small spikes and ridges, which serve to protect its joints and deter
attackers. Depending on the individual, they may additionally shift colors to a more muted tone.
Finally, this change is also marked by an increase in intelligence, becoming capable of not only
understanding complicated orders, but forming their own plans as well as adapting to
circumstantial changes. For these reasons, some Rahi scientists believe that Ussal crabs are not
Rahi at all, but rather extremely limited Oropi. This theory is made difficult to prove, due to the
relative difficulty of finding an Ussal who has survived long enough to grow to such a size.

Massive Pincers
Keywords: Character, Monster, Sergeant, Matoran, Matoran Guard
Attached to: Ussal Riders
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 17 PTS

● Very Tough Shell - The armored carapace of an Ussal Crab protects it from most
attacks, and an Ancient Ussal’s armor is thicker and more expansive - This model has a
5+ Feel No Pain. Additionally, this model and the unit it is attached to may reroll Feel No
Pain rolls of 1.
● Wall Crawler - Ussal Crabs are able to climb up vertical surfaces, and even on ceilings,
so long as their rider is able to hang on tight enough - This unit ignores vertical terrain
when moving.

6” 3+ 4+ 6 * 4 4 6

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Massive Pincer 1” Melee 7 D3+1 Yes1

1. If an enemy unit successfully Charges against this model, it may perform Overwatch with its
Pincers as if they were ranged weapons.


Takanuva On Ussanui
“A light among the shadows. The prophecy is fulfilled.” For centuries, legends foretold the
coming of the seventh Toa, a being of pure light who would take up arms to save the Matoran,
and cast down the evil Makuta. When Takua - the Chronicler of Mata Nui and an uncannily
brave and curious denizen of Ta-Koro - discovered the Kanohi Avohkii, the Matoran of the
island renewed their faith in the ancient prophecy. Though his quest would cost him greatly, and
send him across the length and width of the island, he would eventually find the seventh Toa - in
himself. Donning the mask, Takua became Takanuva, the heroic figure meant to restore balance
to the universe. Knowledge that had until now been buried in his mind enabled him to construct a
vehicle to ride into battle, which he dubbed the Ussanui. Thusly armed, he would go forth to
stand against the forces of the Brotherhood wherever they may be found.

Elemental Attack, Staff of Light, Midak Skyblaster

Keywords: Toa, Light, Kanohi Capable, Fly, Vehicle, Dreadnought, Unique, Matoran Guard
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 380 PTS

● The Seventh Toa - The arrival of the Seventh Toa has been prophesied for millenia - If
this model is not deployed during the initial Deployment phase, it rerolls To Hit rolls of 1
in the Fight Phase for the duration of the battle.
● Voyager - Takanuva, even as a Matoran, made a name for himself through his relentless
exploration, and his refusal to stand still - Once per battle, during the Movement Phase,
this model may perform the Ambush action.
● White and Gold - This model has a 4+ Invulnerable Save.
● Airborne - Version 3: This model may only be Charged by units with the Fly keyword.


○ Hard To Hit - Enemy units subtract -1 from their To Hit rolls against this model.
● Could’ve Been, But I’m Not - Takanuva’s life is one of narrow scrapes and near misses;
a fact that has spawned his catchphrase - Whenever this model is slain, roll a D6. On a
4+, Toa Takanuva is placed anywhere wholly within 3” of Takanuva on Ussanui, and the
latter model is removed from the field. He loses his Midak Skyblaster attack, but gains
the Character keyword.

Kanohi Power:
● Avohkii - This model’s Elemental Attack is improved.

Takanuva on Ussanui statline:

* * 3+ 6 7 25 * 10

Toa Takanuva statline:

6” 3+ 3+ 6 6 5 3 10

Damaged Statline:
Remaining W M WS A
18-25 10” 2+ 3
10-17 8” 3+ D3
1-9 6” 4+ 1

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Staff of Light 2” Melee 7 2D3 Yes1

Elemental Attack 24” Repeater 2 6 2 Yes1

Midak Skyblaster 24” Versatile 2 6 3 Yes1

1. This attack deals Light damage.


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