League of Six Kingdoms Codex

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“They were thieves, murderers, traitors, and liars, and easily the most beautiful sight he had ever

An ancient army, ordained by the Great Spirit himself, with the six most cunning and
dangerous overlords ever seen. Their legacy is infamy, and their six-part empire was vast. Yet at
the very height of their power, the warlords known as the Barraki vanished, and their holdings
crumbled to dust. They are the League of Six Kingdoms, and they have returned, thirsty for
revenge. Led by a council of six strategic geniuses - the Barraki - the combined efforts of the
League conquered swathes of the Matoran Universe in its time. The passage of millennia has not
dulled their lust for battle, if anything honing their desire to reclaim what they see as rightfully
theirs. Each Barraki is skilled in a unique aspect of warfare, and their troops reflect this fact.

● Pridak, the Shark

○ An iron-fisted ruler, whose troops are drilled and loyal - perhaps out of bravery, or
perhaps out of fear of their leader. Skilled in melee and slaughter, they cut down
their foes at close range. Pridak leads the Kingdom of Menota.
● Carapar, the Crab
○ A brutish, powerful brawler, whose troops are tough and well-armored against all
enemy attacks. Able to shrug off the most powerful weapons with ease, Carapar’s
agents know no pain. Carapar leads the Kingdom of Hakori.
● Ehlek, the Eel
○ An amphibious, paranoid creature, whose troops share his distinctive protosteel
claws, and lethality in melee. Quick and versatile, they adapt to the shifting tides
of battle with grace and speed. Ehlek leads the Kingdom of Ninaikar.
● Takadox, the Mantis
○ A mysterious, self-serving weasel, whose troops may hypnotize their enemies and
bend or break their will. A steady and ranged advance marks Takadox’s presence,
as his troops exert a constant pressure on their enemy. Takadox leads the
Kingdom of Makosu.
● Mantax, the Stingray
○ A quiet and parasitic warlord who views allies as tools to be exploited, and whose
duplicitous nature is shared by his troops. Lies and deception are their methods of
choice, as they reveal their true plans at the optimal moment. Mantax leads the
Kingdom of Ruangu.
● Kalmah, the Squid



○ A tenacious and determined despot, whose will to survive in all situations has
inspired his troops. Adept marksmen and survivalists, they use their skills to
ensure they are the last ones left standing at the end of a fight. Kalmah leads the
Kingdom of Parvamu.

The League of Six Kingdoms is divided into six titular Kingdoms, each based on its
leader’s natural characteristics, buffing the soldiers of said Kingdom in different ways. When
playing the League, one should build their army around a specific kingdom, and specialize its
army for that Kingdom’s function (e.g. making a Ninaikar melee army, a Hakori durability army,

Common Rules:
● Kingdom Edicts - When making a Detachment, choose 1 Kingdom from the list. Each
Kingdom provides a specific, unique buff. Units in the Detachment replace their
<KINGDOM> Keyword with the Kingdom of their Edict. Some units gain additional
buffs for having a specific Kingdom Edict. (For example, if a Detachment uses the
Parvamu kingdom’s edict, it gains a certain effect. Additionally, every Layamat
Immortals unit in the detachment would gain a bonus effect.) If each Detachment in your
army has the same Kingdom edict, gain an additional 3 Command Points.
○ Menota - Pridak’s Kingdom - Units from this Kingdom fear and admire their
warlord, Pridak. As such, they are less likely to flee from a fight. If they Charged,
or were Charged, add +1 to their Strength characteristic and the AP of all their
melee weapons for the duration of the Fight Phase.
○ Hakori - Carapar’s Kingdom - Units from this Kingdom mirror their warlord
Carapar’s tendency to use heavier and tougher armor, and undergo more strenuous
training. If an enemy unit targets a friendly Infantry or Cavalry unit with this
Edict for an attack, an unmodified wound roll of 1, 2, or 3 will always fail.
○ Makosu - Takadox’s Kingdom - Units from this Kingdom have been known to
be land-hungry, and unlike their warlord Takadox, remarkably consistent in their
advance. All ranged weapons in this Edict may be treated as Versatile weapons at
will (e.g. a Repeater 2 weapon becomes a Versatile 2 weapon. A Heavy D6
weapon becomes a Versatile D6 weapon).
○ Ninaikar - Ehlek’s Kingdom - Units from this Kingdom share their warlord
Ehlek’s lithe and acrobatic nature in combat, dancing across the battlefield in a
whirl of blades. Units with this Edict gain the ability to reroll Charge and
Advance rolls of 1.
○ Ruangu - Mantax’s Kingdom - Units from this Kingdom are well versed in the
art of mobility, and, like their warlord Mantax, know where to strike. For every


500 points in play, you may redeploy up to 2 units at the end of the Deployment
Phase, or 1 Objective, repositioning them to any valid location that they could
theoretically be deployed.
○ Parvamu - Kalmah’s Kingdom - Units from this Kingdom share their warlord
Kalmah’s tenacious and determined nature, winning no matter the cost. If an
infantry unit has this Edict, it may reroll a single To Hit or Wound roll per Phase.
Additionally, add 1 to the Leadership characteristic of all units with this Edict.

Warlord Traits:
● Sharing Misery - Add +3” to all of this model’s Aura abilities.
● Ebb and Flow - Friendly League of Six Kingdoms infantry units may move through
enemy models when performing an Advance, move, or Withdrawal action as if said
enemy models were not there.
● Know Thy Enemy, Know Thyself - Reroll Morale Tests for friendly League of Six
Kingdoms units within 6” of this model, and take the lower dice roll. Do the same for
enemy units within 6” of this model, taking the highest dice roll instead.
● Legendary Warlord - Increase this model’s wounds and Attack characteristic by 1.
● Great Slayer - This model may reroll one or both dice when performing a Charge.
● Resolve - This unit has a 5+ Feel No Pain.

Command Point Stratagems:

● Command Reroll - 1 CP - Reroll a single die.
● Insane Bravery - 2 CP - Have a unit automatically succeed its Morale Test.
● Counter-Defensive - 2 CP - After an enemy unit that charged fights, you may choose one
friendly unit and immediately fight.
● Emergent Force - 1 CP - Use this stratagem after a unit of Layamat Immortals has been
wounded. Add 1 to the success threshold of its roll to gain a unique power.
● Six Kingdoms, One League - 2 CP - Use this stratagem during the Command Phase on a
friendly League of Six Kingdoms unit. It is treated as having the same Kingdom Edict as
any fielded friendly Commander with the Barraki keyword of your choice.
● To the Pit - 1 CP - Use this stratagem whenever your Warlord is slain. The enemy does
not gain any Victory Points for the purpose of Slay the Warlord.
● Damage Control - 1 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the Round on a wounded
Aero Sled unit. Until the end of the Round, this unit uses the top track of its damage
table, regardless of how many wounds it has left. This effect ends immediately if the
model is reduced to 0 wounds.
● Acid for Blood - 1 CP - Use this stratagem in the fight phase when a unit of Ihaugafe
Praetorians is wounded. If Mantax is not present, they gain the effects of The Chosen
Few. If Mantax is present, the requisite 4+ roll becomes a 2+.



● Right Behind You - 2 CP - Use this stratagem during Deployment. You can set up a unit
of Manidi Spies in concealment instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any
of your Movement Phases, this unit can appear in battle - set it up anywhere on the
battlefield that is more than 3” from any enemy models.
● Flaying Tentacles - 2 CP - Use this stratagem whenever a Spider Crab is slain. Roll a
D6. On a 2+, it may make an attack using its Tentacles against the nearest enemy unit. On
a 4+, it deals D3 Mortal Wounds to all enemy units within 6”.
● A Test of Resolve - 1 CP - Use this stratagem whenever a unit of Paxorak Bruisers is
targeted by an attack dealing Electricity damage. They are no longer considered
Vulnerable to Electricity damage, and have a 5+ Feel No Pain.
● The Blooded Ones - 3 CP - Use this stratagem whenever a unit of Ihidauri Bladeweavers
had fought in the Fight Phase. They may immediately fight again, targeting a different
enemy unit.
● First to Fight - 2 CP - Use this stratagem whenever a unit of Ursare Shock Brigade
attempts to Charge. The enemy may not perform Overwatch against this unit, and for
every unmodified Charge roll of 6, the enemy takes a Mortal Wound.
● Volatile Brew - 2 CP - Use this stratagem in the Shooting Phase on a unit of Gawalai
alchemists. Roll a D6 for every model in the unit. Rather than a single grenade being
thrown, throw a grenade for each result of 5+.
● Get Over Here - 1 CP - Use this stratagem in the Shooting Phase on a unit of Atureas
Corsairs. Their ranged attacks ignore cover.
● Swooping Assault - 2 CP - Use this stratagem in the Movement Phase on a unit of
Atureas Corsairs or Atureas Deadeyes after they have moved. This unit may move a
second time.
● Undead Abomination - 2 CP - Use this stratagem whenever a Modified Stinger Whale is
slain. Roll a D6. On a 3+, the model acts as if it has not been slain for the rest of the
● Subtle Tactics - 2 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of combat, before the first Round
has started. D3 friendly League of Six Kingdoms units may move up to 6”.

Unit Catalog:

Commander - Pridak, Carapar, Takadox, Ehlek, Mantax, Kalmah, League Taskmaster

Troops - Paxorak Bruisers, Ursare Shock Brigade, Layamat Immortals, Matoran Guard Unit
Elites - Atureas Deadeyes, Gawalai Alchemists, Manidi spies
Fast Attack - Atureas Corsairs, Ihidauri Bladeweavers, Ihaugafe Praetorians, Hoverboard
Heavy Support - War Tortoise, Modified Stinger Whale
Flyer - Aero Sled
Carrier - Spider Crab


Sergeant - Vortixx Disciplinarian, Unrivalled Lieutenant, Skakdi Warmonger

Dreadnought - Nocturn


Pridak, The Shark

“If it were possible for a biomechanical being to be a perfect physical specimen, Pridak was it.
Even if his armor and weapons had been taken away, he would still have radiated power.” Now
spoken only in hushed whispers by night, the name of Pridak, the Ivory King, was once enough
to strike fear in the hearts of nations. Originally a minor noble from the province of Phaidua on
the Northern Continent, Pridak’s fierce temper and abnormal leadership prowess caught the
attention of Makuta Icarax, who offered him a position as his aide. During his time with the
Brotherhood, Pridak experienced firsthand the massive disparity between the Brotherhood’s
immense power, and their aloof and ineffectual approach to exercising that power. Since his
authority in the Brotherhood as a non-Makuta was rather limited, he eventually submitted his
resignation, and drew up plans for war. Using tactics inspired by the Brotherhood and a loyal
band of followers, he usurped the Duchy of Rhomahri in a bloodless coup, and from there began
a voracious conquest of his native Continent. From then on, it is said that he was never once
defeated in battle, despite a thinly-stretched, yet ever-growing force of conquerors. By the time
he negotiated the formation of the League of Six Kingdoms, he was known throughout the
Matoran Universe as the Scourge of the Great Spirit.

Ceramic Toothed Blades, Masterpiece Leechblaster

Keyword: Character, Infantry, Commander, Kanohi Capable, Unique, Barraki, Ihidauri, Menota,
League of Six Kingdoms
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 125 PTS.

● Imposing Presence - The Ivory King’s presence is so powerful and regal that oftentimes
enemies would rather die than engage him on the field - Enemy units who target this
model with any attack must roll a D6. On a result of 5+, they take 1 Mortal Wound.
● The Beautiful One - Pridak’s majesty is such that a mere glance from him can freeze an
enemy in place - Once per Round, when an enemy model within 24” performs an ability
in the Command Phase or attempts to use a Kanohi or Skakdi Power, both you and the
enemy may roll 2d6. If you roll higher than the enemy, their move fails.
● Disciplined (Aura) - All friendly units within 9” who have the Menota edict
automatically succeed on Morale Tests.
● Lest We Fail - Soldiers trained by Pridak are so loyal that they follow his orders to the
death, lest they survive and face retribution by their master - Once per battle, this model


may target a friendly League of Six Kingdoms unit who has failed a roll. They
automatically succeed on the roll. This effect works on multiple simultaneous rolls. (For
example, a unit of 10 Layamat Immortals makes 10 attacks against a squad of Toa. Of the
10 attacks, 5 succeed. Pridak then uses Lest We Fail, which means all 10 attacks succeed.
This effect does not work on rolls with multiple unique outcomes - e.g. this effect only
works on pass/fail rolls.)

7” 2+ 2+ 5 6 6 4 12

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Ceramic Toothed Blades 1” Melee 7 2 No

Masterpiece Leechblaster 36” Blaster 1 9 2 No

Carapar, The Crab

“...that had been a glorious victory, although the condition of the enemy did cut down on the
joyful sound of screaming.” Embers flit across the waves, axosteel dust crumbles from
once-proud weapons, and battlements lie in shameful ruins on the ground. Before them is a
titanic specimen of the Paxorak species, broadsword raised in victory, ready to pillage the spoils
of battle. Matoran cower in fear - their Toa protectors brutally slain against shattered walls -
already offering him tribute. This is Carapar, High King of Hakori, following the destiny handed
to him by the Great Spirit. Many Paxorak warlords have come and gone through the millennia,
but only Carapar has been able to both outsmart and outmatch every last one of them. Beneath
his rigid carapace lies an intellect rare for any being in the Southern Isles, capable of feints and
encircling maneuvers that lesser pirate lords find dishonorable or even unthinkable, able to
overcome any pretenders to his throne at the edge of the universe. This intellect proved his
decisive trait when braving the island of Zyglak, where he dealt a blow to the reptilian barbarians
so heavy that they did not trouble his kingdom for thousands of years thereafter. It was after
savagely crushing his last competitor at the old fortress of Horo Feyakhai that he at last claimed
the mantle of Warlord of the South.

Keyword: Character, Infantry, Commander, Kanohi Capable, Unique, Barraki, Paxorak, Hakori,
League of Six Kingdoms
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 115 PTS.



● Hide Like Armor (Aura) - Friendly units with the Hakori kingdom edict within 9” gain
a 5+ Invulnerable Save.
● Unnatural Strength - Carapar is able to draw out the greatest feats of valor in his
soldiers, inspiring them to strike harder than ever before - Once per battle, during the
Command Phase, this model may target any friendly League of Six Kingdoms unit. All of
the targeted unit’s melee attacks deal Mortal Wounds on a To Hit roll of 5+. This Mortal
Wound effect does not work on units with the Commander keyword.
● Natural Carapace - Carapar’s natural crab-like armor protects him from most
weaponry, but is weak to electrical blasts - This model takes one additional wound from
all attacks dealing Electricity damage. Additionally, this model has a 3+ Invulnerable

6” 3+ 4+ 6 7 6 1 12

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Broadsword 1” Melee 13 2D3 Yes1

1. This weapon makes 2 To Hit rolls per attack.

Takadox, The Mantis

“If all went well, in a matter of moments the beast would belong to him; body, mind, and spirit.”
Known by few and seen by fewer, Takadox of Odina has left a staggering mark on the universe
despite his near-complete absence from the historical record. As best as modern archivists can
piece together, Takadox began life as a simple negotiator on the isle of Nynrah, where his
complete lack of dignity allowed him to swindle even the staunchest customers out of their
widgets. Soon after, Takadox was likely the governor of a small Nynrahn colony on the isle of
Odina, where he led an expedition to investigate the island’s unusual geographical features. Soon
afterwards, a truly monumental number of Manidi corpses were found in mass graves, with
strange burn marks littering the landscape. Rulers of nearby islands began to act erratically and
irrationally, massacring their own troops to welcome the Kingdom of Makosu into their palaces.
It is speculated that Takadox found something in those caves that drove him to even greater
heights of power - but the sands of time are enigmatic, and it seems that we may never know the
true story of this, perhaps the most powerful of the Six Kings.

Twin Knives, Protosteel Rapier, Hypnotism



Keyword: Character, Infantry, Commander, Kanohi Capable, Unique, Barraki, Manidi, Makosu,
League of Six Kingdoms
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 115 PTS.

● Hypnotism - This unit may use either their weapons or the Hypnotism attack during the
fight phase.
● Pawns In My Game - Takadox does not have allies, but merely tools - and sometimes
tools are lost - Once per battle, Takadox may target any unit in the field, friendly or
otherwise, and declare them Pawns. If that unit is killed during that Round, you gain one
Victory Point.
● Warped Field (Aura) - The minor illusion powers of the Manidi come in handy for
Takadox in ensuring his survival - Friendly units with the Makosu edict within 9” are
treated as being in Light Cover. This model also benefits from the effects of Light Cover
at all times.
● Save My Soul - The traitorous Barraki Takadox is said to have died dozens of times
already. Each time his enemies find their celebration short-lived as the effects of his
hypnosis wears off, and they find their attacks to have struck thin air - When this model
is killed, you may roll a D6. On a 1, this model, instead of being slain, is removed from
the table and considered undeployed. On a 6, this model joins the team of the enemy who
killed it. They do not gain any victory points for the purpose of Slay the Warlord if this
was your Warlord. The model does not take the damage that slew it when this effect
occurs, but it retains any previously lost wounds.

Wargear - This unit may replace its Twin Knives with a Protosteel Rapier:
● Twin Knives - Default.
● Protosteel Rapier - 4 PTS.

5” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 3 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Twin Knives 1” Melee 5 1 Yes1

Protosteel Rapier 1” Melee 7 2 Yes2

Hypnotism 6” Personal 1 *3 * Yes4



1. This weapon makes two additional attacks per Round.

2. This weapon makes one less attack per Round.
3. This attack always wounds on a 4+.
4. Roll a D6 for each model in the targeted enemy unit. The enemy rolls an equivalent number of
D6. Add up the result of the rolls, and subtract their roll from your roll. If the result is positive,
you gain control of a number of models equal to the difference for the duration of the next round.
This effect is nullified if the model has the Construct keyword.

Ehlek, The Eel

“...the words ‘stop killing everything’ sounded to Ehlek like a foreign language.” Ehlek is, by all
rights, a mystery to the surface-dwelling denizens of the Matoran Universe. Alien amongst the
members of the Barraki, he stands as an outsider. A member of the aquatic Ursare species,
Ehlek’s people are considered highly advanced and enjoy an underwater life of paradise. Unlike
most of his brethren, however, Ehlek lusted for power. Not content with the simple life of coral
farming and artistic endeavors, Ehlek demanded leadership of his people, and during an annual
election, he would be blessed with the providence of surviving a “tragic accident” which ended
the political careers (and lives) of his opponents. As he took control, however, he began to
understand the pillars of sand his reputation was built on. Curtailing the freedom of his citizens,
he began to cast their disapproving eyes towards the surface, and as conflict brewed, martial law
was declared. With the Ursare’s freedom smothered under Ehlek’s fist, he grew increasingly
paranoid that his people would rebel and dethrone him, and thus an ever-expanding empire was
created: Ninaikar - its boundaries meant to stretch through all of the seas of the Matoran
Universe. With the martial might of the Ursare kept far from the capital, and busy slaughtering
those that lived above, there would be neither time nor manpower to create a revolution. His plan
was simple, but effective, and soon Ninaikar became such a prominent political entity that it
demanded the respect of the surface-dwelling Kingdoms, who would begrudgingly allow an
outsider and water-dweller to share tables with them.

Natural Claws, Scatter Leechblaster

Keyword: Character, Infantry, Commander, Kanohi Capable, Unique, Barraki, Ursare, Ninaikar,
League of Six Kingdoms
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 115 PTS.

● Cautious Assault - Ehlek is known for his caution and paranoia, and his multitudes of
backup and contingency plans - Once per battle, during the Movement Phase, target a
friendly League of Six Kingdoms unit that has a ranged attack. The targeted unit may



Advance or Withdraw, and perform ranged attacks at no penalty during the proceeding
Shooting Phase.
● At Arm’s Length (Aura) - The soldiers of Ninaikar all know the mantra drilled into
them by Ehlek himself: “Keep the enemy at arm’s length. One step further, or one step
closer, and you die.” - Friendly units with the Ninaikar edict within 9” of this model gain
the ability to perform the Withdrawal action at the end of the Fight Phase instead of
during the Movement Phase.
● Thin Like Bones - This model has a 4+ Invulnerable Save.
● Of Two Worlds - A creature of the sea, Ehlek’s fear and distrust of the outside world
only compounds upon itself as enemies present themself - Whenever an enemy unit
targets this model in melee, its Attack characteristic is increased by +1 for the rest of the

7” 3+ 4+ 5 5 6 2 12

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Natural Claws 1” Melee 5 1 Yes1

Scatter Leechblaster 12” Personal XD3 5 1 Yes2

1. This weapon makes D6 hit rolls per attack. If the target of its attack has the infantry keyword,
it makes D3+3 hit rolls instead.
2. This weapon makes a number of to hit rolls per attack based on its distance from its target.
When within 3” of its target, it makes 4D3 to hit rolls. For each 3” interval beyond this, it makes
a D3 less attacks (I.E. at 6”, it makes 3D3 to hit rolls, at 9” it makes 2D3, etc).

Mantax, The Stingray

“I have no friends. Only enemies I haven’t killed yet.” There was once a time when pyramids of
polished gold decorated the Southern Continent; when the vast majority of the world’s riches
were destined to flow only south; when merchants from every corner of the universe knew the
name of Mantax. The richest being in all of history, Mantax derived his limitless wealth from a
truly unprecedented scale of resource extraction and cheap manufacturing across the southern
reaches of the known universe. At the height of his glory, it is said that every settlement in the
universe bore at least one item of Ruangu manufacture, or was in some way involved with their
production. Unfortunately, this raw power was conducted off the backs of miners and workers,
Matoran and Atureas alike, whose working conditions approached slave-like qualities in many
cases. With this ill-gotten wealth, Mantax was able to bankroll the more extravagant excesses of


the League, such as a standing mercenary army in each Kingdom and a first-class fleet of
battleships and barges carrying deadly weapons. Although Mantax possessed no social graces,
and often made no attempt to ingratiate himself with his fellow Warlords of the League, no other
Barraki could deny that the sheer wealth he possessed, and the fact that it made him an
invaluable ally in any fight.

Fangs, Slayer’s Axe (shooting), Slayer’s Axe (melee)

Keyword: Character, Infantry, Commander, Kanohi Capable, Unique, Barraki, Ihaugafe, Ruangu,
League of Six Kingdoms
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 115 PTS.

● Lay In Wait - With the Ihaugafe’s ability to eschew sleep, Mantax is renowned for
burying himself in concealment and waiting for days on end to make an attack - This
model may be placed in concealment during Deployment. If it does so, it gains the ability
to perform the Ambush action.
● Hunter - Mantax is a fierce fighter, and will seize any opening to strike at his foe -
Whenever an enemy unit engaged in melee with this model performs the Withdrawal
action, this model may immediately perform attacks against the enemy unit as if it were
the Fight Phase.
● Strike At Speed (Aura) - Friendly units with the Ruangu edict within 9” of this model
add +1” to their Movement characteristic.
● Condemn - The Executioner of Ruangu and the Slayer of Atureas, Mantax’s judgement is
a death sentence - Once per battle, during the Command Phase, target an enemy unit
without the Character keyword. Friendly League of Six Kingdoms units add +1 to To Hit
and Wound rolls when targeting said unit for the rest of the battle.

6” 3+ 3+ 5 6 5 3 12

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Fangs 1” Melee 5 0 Yes1

Slayer’s Axe (shooting) 12” Blaster D3 5 2 Yes2

Slayer’s Axe (melee) 1” Melee 6 2 No

1. This attack deals Acid damage.



2. This attack deals Electricity damage.

Kalmah, The Squid

“In our time, entire nations bowed before us…cities fell…armies were destroyed.” Kalmah, the
Hierophant of Changes, and the Prophet-King of the Four Sisters gained absolute control of his
island home through a masterwork of political scheming. Appointed as the deputy leader of the
Monastery of Talarai, his promotion came during a violent raid by Steltian pirates, when the head
Abbot had a spear driven through his back. It was then that Kalmah would recognize the failures
of the Monasteries’ alliance system, as the Clan of the Doom Viper’s Fang failed to protect
Talarai as promised. Kalmah made a vow that day to change his homeland forever.
Double-dealing, he began to sell secrets to the Steltian raiders plaguing the Four Sisters,
including troop deployments, trade routes, and information on political rivalries. As the
Monasteries of the islands grew increasingly concerned with the mounting threat of the Steltians,
Kalmah would make an offer: in exchange for an oath of loyalty, he would unite the clans under
the flag of his kingdom, Parvamu, and drive the Steltians from their shores. Making good on his
promise, the Steltians suddenly found themselves facing the united forces of the entire Layamat
populace. So complete were their losses that not only were they repelled from the Four Sisters,
but they soon found the Layamat encroaching on their shores - a fact that would draw Pridak’s
attention, for he too had set his eye on the island. While he initially met Kalmah with hostility,
the uncompromising discipline of the Prophet-King was a potential threat, and Pridak knew that
the Layamat would make stronger allies than they would enemies.

Cordak Repeater, Energy Mace, Tuner Blade

Keyword: Character, Infantry, Commander, Kanohi Capable, Unique, Barraki, Layamat,
Parvamu, League of Six Kingdoms
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 115 PTS.

● What He Is Capable Of - Regain 1 lost wound at the start of each Round.
● Body Power - The Barraki Kalmah is reticent to share the true nature of his Kayi, though
one of the many rumors is that it grants him immunity to pain - This model has a 5+ Feel
No Pain.
● Acutely Aware (Aura) - Before his mutations, Kalmah’s time fighting against Stelt
attuned him to danger. After his time in the Pit, these traits were enhanced, allowing his
tentacles to detect danger subconsciously - Friendly units with the Parvamu edict within
9” may treat their Overwatch rolls as using their Ballistics skill instead of requiring a
result of 6.



● Weaponsmith - While in the Pit, Kalmah entertained himself through the breeding of
squids, and the construction of the Barraki’s weaponry - Once per battle, during the
Shooting Phase, target a friendly League of Six Kingdoms unit. Add +6” to the targeted
unit’s ranged attacks. Said unit may also ignore any penalties to their To Hit or Wound
rolls (such as a Flyer’s Hard To Hit rule, or the effects of cover).
● Greedy - If this model is holding an Objective, it provides 2 Victory Points rather than 1.

Wargear - This unit may replace its Energy Mace with a Cordak Repeater or a Tuner Blade:
● Energy Mace (Default)
● Cordak Repeater - 10 PTS
● Tuner Blade - 5 PTS

5” 3+ 2+ 5 6 6 4 12

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Cordak Repeater 24” Repeater 2 6 1 Yes1

Energy Mace 2” Melee 7 2 Yes2

Tuner Blade 1” Melee 5 1 Yes3

1. Unmodified To Hit rolls of 6 cause a Mortal Wound in addition to any damage normally dealt.
2. This attack deals Electricity damage.
3. If this attack wounds its target, make an additional wound roll. This effect may stack

League Taskmaster
Though the Barraki may be some of the greatest generals in the history of the Matoran Universe,
they are but six in number, and mortal at that. A well-placed arrow or dagger can put to rest any
aspirations of reclaiming an ancient empire, no matter one’s determination. As such, Taskmasters
exist to ensure more specialized interests are achieved. Well-trained, they rule in the Barraki’s
stead and are loyal lieutenants, but their primary function is to see their master’s will done. This
may include assassinating targets, stealing artifacts or key items, infiltrating and spying on
opponents, and other, darker and more nefarious tasks. Whatever errands are too dangerous or
too numerous for the Barraki to perform themselves, Taskmasters readily perform instead.



Trident, Buckler Shield, Bleeding Flail, Throwing Knives (shooting), Throwing Knives (melee),
Tuned Leechblaster, Noxious Flare
Keyword: Character, Infantry, Commander, Kanohi Capable, League of Six Kingdoms
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 90 PTS.

● Get the Job Done - A Taskmaster obeys the orders of the Barraki, and serves as their
eyes and ears on the field - Friendly League of Six Kingdoms units within 6” add +1 to
their Attacks characteristic for the rest of the round if they Charged in the Movement
● Unaligned - Special agents of the Barraki serve the League of Six Kingdoms as a whole,
not just any of its individual members - This model may not benefit from the effects of a
Kingdom Edict.

Wargear - This model may replace its trident with a Bleeding Flail, or Throwing Knives.
Additionally, it may replace its Buckler Shield with a Tuned Leechblaster, or a Noxious Flare:
● Trident (default)
● Buckler Shield (default) - This unit has a 5+ Invulnerable Save.
● Bleeding Flail - 2 PTS
● Throwing Knives - 2 PTS
● Tuned Leechblaster - 8 PTS
● Noxious Flare - 9 PTS

6” 3+ 3+ 5 5 5 3 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Trident 1” Melee 5 2 No

Buckler Shield 1” Melee 6 1 Yes1

Bleeding Flail 2” Melee * 1 Yes2

Throwing Knives (shooting) 6” Repeater 2 5 1 No

Throwing Knives (melee) 1” Melee 5 1 Yes3

Tuned Leechblaster 30” Personal 2 6 1 Yes4



Noxious Flare 12” Versatile 4 5 1 Yes5

1. The user makes two less attacks with this weapon. However, if the attack wounds an enemy,
their Movement characteristic is reduced by 1” during the next Movement Phase.
2. Subtract -1 from all To Hit rolls made with this weapon. However, it automatically wounds its
3. This weapon makes one additional attack per Round.
4. This weapon makes double the number of To Hit rolls if the target is within half of its listed
5. This attack deals Acid damage.


Paxorak Bruisers
The drums of Paxorak may be heard before they are even seen. Loudly announcing their
presence, Paxorak approach brazenly and openly. Sheltered from most damage by their thick,
natural carapaces, they march forward for glory and for ruin. Dictated by a strong code of honor,
the Paxorak are simultaneously the best and the worst of foes. They do not lie or cheat; their
tactics are fair and honorable, both on the battlefield at large as well as in a one-on-one fight.
They do not believe in ambushes, traps, or assassination, but rather the power of raw strength
and skill. Subterfuge, dishonesty, and betrayal are not concepts familiar to the Paxorak. The
concepts they do know of, however - bloodshed, war, plunder - do not bode well for their
enemies. As the drums of the Paxorak grow louder, those that stand in their way find themselves
having to make a simple choice: run, or die.

Warhammer, Heavy Flail, Machined Crossbow

Keyword: Infantry, Troop, Kanohi Capable, Paxorak, <KINGDOM>, League of Six Kingdoms
Quantity: 6-18.
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 12 PTS per model (72 PTS per minimum size unit).

● The Chosen Few - If this unit is run in a detachment using the Hakori edict, this unit is
upgraded due to their loyalty to their master, Carapar. This unit has a 5+ Feel No Pain.
● Carapace - Paxorak are susceptible to electriccal attacks, as it arcs through their natural
shell - This unit is treated as having the Construct keyword for the purposes of Electricity



Wargear - The entire unit may replace their Warhammers with Broadswords or Heavy
● Warhammer (Default)
● Heavy Flail - 0 PTS.
● Machined Crossbow - 4 PTS.

5” 3+ 3+ 5 6 1 1 7

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Warhammer 1” Melee 6 1 No

Heavy Flail 1” Melee 5 1 Yes1

Machined Crossbow 24” Heavy 2 5 1 No

1. To Hit rolls of 6+ cause automatic Mortal Wounds.

Ursare Shock Brigade

No army has ever won with a simple charge - victory through a single, applied force is a fool’s
errand. As each commander knows, it is through the clever application of all of their forces that
they may achieve dominance; thus is the role of an Ursare Shock Brigade. Small in numbers, the
lithe and agile Ursare are a spearhead. Their rebreathers make them fragile, and their light armor
does not save them from many blows. However, where one bane is given, so too is a boon, and in
their case, indeed it is a prodigious one. Each and every Ursare is gifted with magnificent
protosteel claws, from the lowliest soldier to the highest general. Razor-sharp, nigh-unbreakable,
and graceful, these weapons cut through flesh and armor all the same, ensuring that no force in
the Matoran Universe can stand between a Shock Brigade and its goal, be it capturing an enemy
bunker or cutting down an opposing general.

Natural Claws, Micro Leechblaster

Keywords: Infantry, Troop, Kanohi Capable, Ursare, <KINGDOM>, League of Six Kingdoms
Quantity: 6-12.
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 12 PTS per model (72 PTS per minimum size unit).




● The Chosen Few - If this unit is run in a detachment using the Ninikar edict, this unit is
upgraded due to their loyalty to their master, Ehlek. All troops in this unit gain an
additional attack.
● Light Infantry - Ursare Shock Brigades are trained to sweep across the battlefield and
spearhead assaults - This unit may Advance and fire Versatile weapons at no penalty.

Wargear - Any model in this unit may equip a Micro-Leechblaster.

● Natural Claws - Default
● Micro-Leechblaster - 2 PTS.

6” 3+ 4+ 4 4 1 2 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Natural Claws 1” Melee 6 1 No

Micro Leechblaster 12” Versatile 1 5 1 Yes1

1. This weapon makes an additional attack if its target is within 9”.

Layamat Immortals
The Layamat homeland of the Four Sisters is a tumultuous one. Massive, destructive storms
cover one island, impassable bramble and bogs another, and unbearable volcanic heat a third.
Much like their islands, the Layamat are isolated and lonesome. Their culture is structured
around monasteries, wherein a Layamat may hone their natural body powers through decades of
training. These monasteries vary wildly in function and style, with each one producing a certain
type of Kayi ability. Their loyalties are tenuous, with each monastery vying for control of its
neighbors and trying to learn their secret techniques. One monastery, however, known as the Path
of the Broken Armor, is widely celebrated due its enormous power. Its achievement was
legendary: the creation of several thousand Layamat “Immortals”, soldiers trained to harness
their Kayi and use it as a shield, protecting both their body and mind. The unintended side effect
of this shielding is a complete lack of empathy - the shock of war and violence cannot permeate
the bastion of their minds. Immortals shall never falter, they shall never know pain, or suffering,
or loss. They are as cruel as they are iron-willed, and they feel neither mercy nor guilt.

Warglaive (Shooting), Warglaive (Melee), Energy Axes (Shooting), Energy Axes (Melee)
Keywords: Infantry, Troop, Kanohi Capable, Layamat, <KINGDOM>, League of Six Kingdoms
Quantity: 6-12.


Size: 32mm base.

Cost: 17 PTS per model (102 PTS per minimum size unit).

● The Chosen Few - If this unit is run in a detachment using the Parvamu edict, this unit is
upgraded due to their loyalty to their master, Kalmah. Enemy weapons with a Damage
characteristic of 1 treat their AP as being -1 lower when targeting this unit.
● Unique Power - Layamat often train for centuries to master their Kayi art, but nothing
grants them power like the stress of combat - Roll a D6 whenever a model in this unit is
slain. On an unmodified 6, the unit gains one power from the Skakdi Powers table for
free (see the Common Rules section in the Skakdi Raiders Codex).

Wargear - The entire unit may replace their Warglaives with Power Axes:
● Warglaives - Default
● Energy Axes - 5 PTS.

5” 3+ 3+ 5 5 2 1 9

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Warglaive (shooting) 20” Repeater 2 6 1 No

Warglaive (melee) 2” Melee 6 1 No

Energy Axes (shooting) 14” Personal 2 5 1 No

Energy Axes (melee) 1” Melee 5 1 Yes1

1. This weapon makes one additional attack.

2. A model only has access to this attack if it has a body power (as per the Unique Power rule)
that is treated as a weapon.

Matoran Guard Unit

In the days that the Barraki conquered the Matoran Universe, they did so on the backs of their
Matoran soldiers. While none of the warlords particularly approve of this diminutive species, the
large numbers of Matoran available throughout the entire universe, as well as the relative ease by
which they are trained, and their fierce loyalty means that they are nigh-impossible to function
without. Despite being smaller and weaker than other species, absolute perfection is demanded



from the Leauge’s Matoran Guard units, who are forced into unfairly brutal and demanding
training. Multiple days straight without food or rest, nigh-impossible accuracy thresholds, and
oftentimes lethal combat drills, all in order to push them beyond the limits that their stature
presents. It is not uncommon that a Matoran unit find themselves mustered in the dark of the
night by a League Taskmaster, and given mere moments to achieve a battle-ready standard
before an inspection by one of the Barraki themselves, who are perfectly willing to slaughter the
entire unit to teach a lesson to any individual out of line.

Lightstone Blaster, Gilded Cutlass, Leechblaster, Kanoka Rifle

Keywords: Infantry, Troop, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, <KINGDOM>, League of Six Kingdoms
Quantity: 12-20.
Size: 25mm base.
Cost: 6 PTS per model (72 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Strength in Numbers - Matoran are weak individually, but an army of them is still an
effective fighting force - This unit gains the ability to reroll To Hit rolls of 1 when there
are more than 6 models alive.

Wargear - The entire unit may take one option for free.
● Gilded Cutlass - This unit gains access to the Gilded Cutlass weapon.
● Plate Armor - Add +1 to the AC of this unit.
● Leechblaster - This unit gains access to the Leechblaster weapon. This weapon replaces
the unit’s Lightstone Blaster.
● Airsteel Equipment - This unit adds +1” to its Movement characteristic, and adds +1 to
all Advance rolls.
● Geurilla Warfare Training - If this unit has not been Deployed, it gains the ability to
perform the Ambush action.
● Kanoka Rifles - This unit gains access to the Kanoka Rifle weapon. This weapon replaces
the unit’s Lightstone Blaster.

5” 4+ 4+ 4 3 1 1 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Lightstone Blaster 24” Repeater 1 3 1 Yes1

Gilded Cutlass 1” Melee 5 1 No



Leechblaster 16” Versatile 2 5 1 No

Kanoka Rifle 24” Repeater 1 5 1 No

1. Add +1 to the result of Wound rolls made with this weapon.


Atureas Deadeyes
“Death from above” has been the modus operandi of the Atureas for millenia. Their natural
wings give them the ability of flight, and their avian eyes allow them to see details at great
distance. Both of these factors have, naturally, made Atureas desirable marksmen throughout
history. As time has gone on, however, and technology marched onward, their lethality has only
grown. Using bizarre Xian technology, Atureas Deadeyes reject the gift of sight in favor of the
opening of a new sense: their mechanical eyes, linked to the weapons they wield, see not just
enemy targets but the very souls of enemies, making any manner of stealth entirely irrelevant.
Toa scouts utilizing the powers of the Kanohi Iden have reported being fired upon by Atureas
sharpshooters, whose very shots rend the Toa’s free-floating soul, and cause permanent damage.
Additionally, their unnatural eyes give them some minor degree of clairvoyance, allowing them
to see only a few moments into the future. As such, Deadeyes are prodigious snipers that attack
without warning, instantly obliterating their enemies.

Spirit Rifle, Arc Carbine

Keywords: Snipers, Fly, Infantry, Elite, Atureas, <KINGDOM>, League of Six Kingdoms
Quantity: 6-12.
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 14 PTS per model (84 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Augmentations - Enemies targeted by this unit who are in Cover are treated as being
exposed. Enemies who are blocked, or otherwise do not have a line of sight, are treated as
being in cover. These effects do not apply if the enemy unit is further than 24” away.
● Spirit Lanterns - The bizarre Xian tech that has replaced the eyes of Atureas snipers
allows them to see their targets’ souls, even through terrain and cover - Enemies who
perform the Ambush action within 24” of this unit, and are within line of sight, are
immediately and automatically targeted by Overwatch fire from this unit. This effect
triggers regardless of whether this unit is engaged in melee combat.



● Spirit Rifle - Default

● Arc Carbine - 0 PTS.

7” 4+ 3+ 4 4 1 1 7

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Spirit Rifle 48” Heavy 1 7 1 Yes1

Arc Carbine 48” Versatile 2 5 1 Yes1, 2, 3

1. This attack may target enemy Character models even if they are not the closest model, though
at a -1 To Hit penalty.
2. This attack deals Electricity damage.
3. Every To Hit roll of 6+ causes an additional To Hit roll. This effect may stack indefinitely.

Gawalai Alchemists
Alchemy is a fickle art. Its practitioners often begin in humility with the practice of salves and
poultices, typically for the benefit of the studious and those around them. Healing and bolstering
are often the prophetic imports of a sickly talent. Once one has mastered the art of sustaining
their allies, it is not long until their mind turns elsewhere, towards their enemies. Fortunately for
them, and unfortunately for others, chemical compounds make no small array of wondrous and
terrifying products. Sickly green gasses flow from the bottles and vials of Gawalai Alchemists,
while other pouches contain a dark fire that crackles with a sinister energy. Belts and bandoliers
of herbs, remedies, and poisons adorn their bodies, and their lungs, scarred by years of poisoned
air, produce a rasping wheeze through the thick and padded lining of their masks. Ethics and
mercy find themselves rebuffed, as madness gnaws away at the mind like acid does at the flesh.

Fire Bomb, Gas Bomb

Keywords: Infantry, Elite, Gawalai, <KINGDOM>, League of Six Kingdoms
Quantity: 6-12.
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 14 PTS per model (84 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Battlefield Medicine (Aura) - Enemy units attacks, when targeting friendly units within
3”, do not gain any benefits from their damage type (such as Elemental, Electricity, or
Acid damage). Additionally, at the start of the Command Phase, you may select one


friendly League of Six Kingdoms unit without the Construct or Character keyword who
is within 3”, who is not at full strength, and revive one lost model.
● Area of Effect - The toxin-laden bombs of Gawalai Alchemists work even better against
enemies who are condensed and packed into a tight space - Add +1 to any To Hit rolls
made by this unit if it is targeting a unit with 10 or more models.

5” 5+ 4+ 5 4 2 3 6

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Fire Bomb 9” Blaster 1 5 D3 Yes1, 2

Gas Bomb 9” Grenade 1 6 1 Yes1, 3, 4

1. This attack deals Elemental damage.

2. If the target of this attack has the Vehicle keyword, its damage is reduced from D3 to 1.
3. This attack deals Acid damage.
4. If the target of this attack has the Construct keyword, its damage is reduced from 1 to 0.

Manidi Spies
An ancient Manidi proverb is as follows: “Nobody knows who the best spy is”. This quote has
not stopped them from trying to hold the title, however. Manidi are, by nature, not skilled
combatants. Their bodies are frail, their musculature weak, and their constitution lacking.
However, what they lack in body they more than make up for in mind. With each Manidi
possessing the innate ability of hypnosis, they are the ultimate agents of espionage. Manidi may
spend centuries growing close to a target without leaving a single trace of having ever existed.
They live inside the feeling of entering a room for no reason, or forgetting a sentence just as it is
about to be uttered. Poison, coin, and lies are the weapons of Manidi spies, and all are used
liberally and in great quantities. They are unknown, unmeasurable, and unidentifiable right until
the very second their blade drives into one’s back, and by then it is too late.

Barbed Sword
Keywords: Hypnotist, Infantry, Elite, Kanohi Capable, Manidi, <KINGDOM>, League of Six
Quantity: 3-6.
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 22 PTS per model (66 PTS per minimum size unit).



● Windows to the Soul - Even a cursory glance into a Manidi’s eyes allows them the
influence to inspire sympathy and weakness from their foes - This unit has a 6+
Invulnerable Save.
● Hypnotic - This unit may choose not to fight in the Fight Phase while engaged in melee
combat. If it does so, instead roll a D6 for each model in the enemy unit. For each result
of 4+, you gain control of one model in the unit. This effect does not apply to units with
the Construct keyword. If the targeted unit has the Character keyword, roll 2D6; for a
result of 11+, the character falls under your control for the duration of the next Round.
● The Chosen Few - If this unit is run in a detachment using the Makosu edict, this unit is
upgraded due to their loyalty to their master, Takadox. They may reroll results of 1 when
using the Hypnotic ability.

5” 3+ 3+ 4 4 1 2 7

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Barbed Sword 1” Melee 5 1 No

Fast Attack:

Atureas Corsairs
While Deadeyes have been known to serve as highly effective snipers, not all Atureas share their
passion for ranged engagement - some prefer brutal, close-range combat. Traditionally serving as
pirates and raiders, Atureas Corsairs are shock troops, specializing in quick boarding actions
wherein they may sabotage enemy ships, allowing their allies to then pick off opponents with
precise cannon fire. On the battlefield, their role is much the same. Pushing forward with
dizzying speed, Corsairs bypass any and all defenses, striking at enemy objectives and disrupting
their formations, letting the rest of their forces sweep up what few survivors remain. Their tools
of choice - hand axes and grappling hooks - facilitate these tasks as intimate but versatile
weapons, pulling the enemy in, and then splitting them in two.

Hand Axes, Grappling Hooks

Keywords: Fly, Infantry, Fast Attack, Atureas, <KINGDOM>, League of Six Kingdoms
Quantity: 6-12
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 15 PTS per model (90 PTS per minimum size unit).



● Boarding Action - Atureas Corsairs are trained to leap from one ship to another in a
single bound during the heat of battle - This unit may Charge after performing an
Advance, though its Charge roll is treated as being 1” shorter.
● Marked For Death - Once per Round, during the Command Phase, this unit may target
an enemy unit within 18”. That enemy unit now takes double damage from all of this
unit’s attacks until the end of the Round.

8” 3+ 4+ 5 5 1 2 6

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Hand Axes 1” Melee 6 1 No

Grappling Hooks 16” Versatile D3 4 1 Yes1

1. Every time this attack wounds an enemy unit, the targeted unit is moved 1” closer to this unit.

Ihidauri Bladeweavers
Ihidauri are a prideful species. The members of their species are famed for having long
memories, and are prone to holding grudges. Indeed, it is not uncommon that a Ihidauri will train
for a lifetime to achieve revenge for a perceived slight, however minor. In fact, so ubiquitous is
training with the blade that it has become a school of art in their culture, the same as carving or
musical performance. Painting the battlefield with razor-sharp brushes and pigments of blood,
Bladeweavers view war as the ultimate opportunity to show their merit and test their artistic skill.
Prioritizing speed over durability, they wear only the lightest of armors in order to not hinder
their performance. Like dervishes, they fly across the battlefield, cutting down scores of foes
with lithe, acrobatic, and graceful movements.

Dancing Blades
Keywords: Infantry, Fast Attack, Kanohi Capable, Ihidauri, , <KINGDOM>, League of Six
Quantity: 6-12
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 15 PTS per model (90 PTS per minimum size unit).




● Bleed Them Dry - Ihidauri train and practice for far too long to make mistakes, even
minute ones - If this unit Charged or was Charged, To Hit rolls of 6+ during the Fight
phase cause automatic Mortal Wounds.
● The Chosen Few - If this unit is run in a detachment using the Menota edict, this unit is
upgraded due to their loyalty to their master, Pridak. They automatically pass Morale

8” 2+ 4+ 5 4 1 2 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Dancing Blades 1” Melee 6 2 No

Ihaugafe Praetorians
Many Ihaugafe are famously profit-minded and resource-hungry. Wherever there are minerals
and goods to be claimed, Ihaugafe are likely not far behind. Yet with their constant drive to
collect and hoard wealth, there comes an inherent danger - the more that they collect, the greater
the risk of theft. As such, the Praetorians evolved. Originally used as bodyguards for VIPs,
Praetorians were found to be better-served defending resource caches, mining towns, and
convoys. Their thousand-year-long training has made them reluctant to give up their objectives,
and they have been known to go weeks with neither food nor rest in order to see their superior’s
tasks done. Additionally, their species’ lack of a need for sleep allows them to operate as
full-time guards. Wearing heavy armor, they wield massive claymores so large that few creatures
could bear them, both as symbols of rank and dangerous weapons.

Claymore, Poison Blade, Fang Repeater, War Machete

Keywords: Infantry, Fast Attack, Kanohi Capable, Ihaugafe, <KINGDOM>, League of Six
Quantity: 6-12
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 17 PTS per model (102 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Leap - Ihaugafe have powerful legs, capable of allowing them to leap tremendous
distances from a standing position - Once per battle, in the Movement Phase, you may
move this unit anywhere within 36”, as long as it is 9” or more from enemy models. This
move ignores terrain, but they may not move further or Advance in that Phase after
performing it.


● The Chosen Few - If this unit is run in a detachment using the Ruangu edict, this unit is
upgraded due to their loyalty to their master, Mantax. They gain poisonous guts, and
whenever a model in this unit is killed while in melee combat, the enemy rolls a D6. On a
4+, the enemy unit takes 1 Mortal Wound.

Wargear - This entire unit may replace its Claymores with Poison Blades, Fang Repeaters, or
War Machetes:
● Claymore - Default.
● Poison Blade - 4 PTS.
● Fang Repeater - 8 PTS.
● War Machete - 4 PTS.

7” 3+ 3+ 5 6 1 2 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Claymore 2” Melee 7 1 No

Poison Blade 1” Melee 6 2 Yes1, 2

Fang Repeater 24” Repeater 2 5 1 Yes1, 3

War Machete 1” Melee 5 1 Yes4

1. This attack deals Acid damage.

2. A model with this weapon makes 1 less attack.
3. This weapon may target models with the Character keyword even if they are not the closest
4. A model with this weapon makes 2 extra attacks.

Hoverboard Dashers
Individual Matoran typically lack the combative prowess of larger, more physically-gifted
species. Their major deficits are strength and speed, both considerable disadvantages to forego
when on the field of battle. As a result, Matoran typically operate either in groups or with
advanced weaponry. Hoverboard Dashers utilize sophisticated flying technology, covertly
sequestered from its inventors in Metru Nui. Their hoverboards give them limited flight
capabilities, along with the capacity to mount larger weapon systems on board. Originally,
Hoverboard Dashers were used as scout units due to their speed and agility, though their internal



perception by the rest of the League forces was dramatically altered by a particularly
effervescent group of Dashers who fancied themselves more as a cavalry unit rather than a
scouting group. Much as the Barraki would prefer the Matoran play their designated role, they
cannot deny that the romanticization of battlefield tactics has improved Matoran morale to a
noticeable extent.

Swivel Cordak, Cavalry Saber

Keywords: Cavalry, Matoran, Fast Attack, Kanohi Capable, <KINGDOM>, League of Six
Quantity: 4-8
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 21 PTS per model (84 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Hover-Stabilization - The stabilization systems of the hoverboard allow it to keep its
weapon systems on-target even at high speed - This unit takes no penalty for Advancing
and firing Versatile weapons.
● Pursuit Special - This unit rerolls results of 1 for their Advance rolls.

8” 4+ 4+ 4 6 2 1 7

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Swivel Cordak 24” Versatile D3 6 1 Yes1

Cavalry Saber 1” Melee 5 1 No

1. Unmodified To Hit rolls of 6 cause a Mortal Wound in addition to any damage normally dealt.

Heavy Support:

Modified Stinger Whale

Stinger Whales were a valuable asset in the Pit, owing to their extremely heavy armor, their
venomous barbed tails, and general versatility owed to their environment. However, though
Stinger Whales are technically capable of breathing air, they lack any form of mobility on land.
Initial attempts to bring the creatures onto the surface proved highly unsuccessful, until the
Barraki warlord Kalmah was struck with a great deal of inspiration. Modified Stinger Whales are
mockeries of their aquatic cousins, equipped with a one-time modification of a set of thin,


spider-like legs. These additions are applied via invasive surgery, and once grafted on may not be
removed. The process of this surgery will often kill the host, but such a loss can be quickly
overlooked, as the legs themselves then take control of the whale’s body, puppeteering its corpse
across the battlefield and spreading the creature’s grim visage wherever it walks. Eventually, as
is often the case with whale carcasses, the presence of the gasses of decay will cause the
creature’s body to explode, at which point it will proceed to cover the area with a toxic, mildly
corrosive, and sickeningly-odored mist which has been known to wear down on the psyche of
those who inhale it. By this point, a Stinger Whale has outlived its usefulness, but will have left
dozens killed, and many more scarred for life.

Power Claw, Stinger Tail, Mounted Cordak Revolver, Takea War Cannon
Keywords: Monster, Vehicle, Rahi, Heavy Support, League of Six Kingdoms
Size: 65mm base.
Cost: 115 PTS.

● A Walking Corpse - This model may perform fights in the Fight Phase even after it has
been slain. If it is slain, it remains on the table, though it may not move, hold Objectives,
or activate in any Phase other than the Fight Phase.
● The Smell of the Sea - The decomposition of a Stinger Whale tends to cause a buildup of
gasses in the Rahi’s corpse, which, if pierced, can cause an explosive effect - When this
model has been slain, roll a D6. On a 5+, all models within 6” take 1D3 Mortal Wounds.
● Well-armored - This model has a 4+ Invulnerable Save.

Wargear - This model may replace its Mounted Cordak Revolver with a Takea War Cannon:
● Mounted Cordak Revolver - Default
● Takea War Cannon - 4 PTS.

Pivot - This model has a 90 degree pivot.

Weak Point:
● Right

6” 3+ 3+ 7 8 7 2 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Power Claw 1” Melee 9 2 Yes1



Stinger Tail 2” Melee 12 1 Yes2, 3

Mounted Cordak Revolver 24” Versatile D6 9 D3 Yes4

Takea War Cannon 48” Heavy 1 10 D3+3 No

Weapon Profiles:
Cordak Revolver - Fixed: Front, Right
Takea War Cannon - Fixed: Front

1. Subtract -1 from all To Hit rolls with this weapon.

2. This attack deals Acid damage.
3. This weapon makes 1 less attack per Round.
4. Unmodified To Hit rolls of 6 cause a Mortal Wound in addition to any damage normally dealt.

Pit War Tortoise

Pit Tortoises are amongst the numerous and belligerent locals of the Barraki’s aquatic prison.
Their thick, armored shells, covered in a dizzying array of spikes, renders them both heavily
protected from assault as well as lethal to provoke. Additionally, their cognitive array is
developed enough that they can be - over time, and through a great deal of effort - trained. These
factors alone would have made them quite appealing to the Barraki. However, what ultimately
led them to claim their station as the steeds and soldiers of the exiled warlords was their
modularity. Through either divine providence or sheer luck, it just so happened that Pit Tortoises
were highly susceptible to genetic or technical modifications, allowing one to be equipped with a
number of organic or mechanical additions which could seamlessly integrate with the Tortoise’s
biology. Though there were several popular choices for each of the Barraki, such as portable
force projectors, or even armored howdahs, the ultimate victor would be twin leechblasters, a
loadout noted for being both ruthless and highly effective.

Toothed Maw, Heavy Leechblasters, Force Projector

Keywords: Monster, Rahi, Heavy Support, League of Six Kingdoms
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 104 PTS.

● Hidden In A Shell - The thick, armored shell of a Pit War Tortoise is resistant to nearly
all attacks, leaving only its head and limbs as vulnerable areas - If this model did not
move in the Movement Phase, it may consider itself Hidden in its shell. While Hidden, its
Invulnerable Save is lowered to a 3+, but it may not perform melee attacks.


● Fierce Servants - Whenever this model kills an enemy model with a melee attack, it
recovers a wound.
● Spiked Body - Attempting to charge against a writhing and furious War Tortoise is a
difficult task - Whenever this model is charged by an enemy unit, roll a D6. On a 5+, the
enemy unit takes D3 Mortal Wounds.
● Well-Armored - This model has a 4+ Invulnerable Save.

Wargear - This model may replace its Heavy Leechblasters with a Force Projector or a Regal
● Heavy Leechblasters - Default.
● Force Projector - 18 PTS - Once per Round, during the Command Phase, select a friendly
unit within 6”. The targeted unit now has a 5+ Invulnerable Save.
● Armored Howdah - 10 PTS - This unit may be treated as a Carrier for the purposes of
embarking or disembarking units, though it may only carry 1 model with the Commander

Pivot - This model has a 90 degree pivot.

4” 3+ 3+ 6 7 5 2 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Toothed Maw 1” Melee 7 D3 No

Heavy Leechblasters 12” Versatile 4 6 2 No

Force Projector 9” Heavy X 4 1 Yes1

Weapon Profiles:
Heavy Leechblasters - Fixed: Front
Force Projector - Fixed: Front

1. This attack makes 1 To Hit roll for each enemy model in the unit it targets.


Aero Sled
Lesovikk’s personal impact on the Pit was minimal. His purpose for visiting was incidental, and
the day of his feud with Karzahni passed by many of the Pit’s denizens as any other day might.



However, it was ultimately his leaving the Pit that forever reshaped it. In his exodus, he left
behind an item of significant import - his sea sled. Capable of traversal both underwater and in
air, the Barraki were quick to capitalize on the design as it fell into their clutches, producing it in
large quantities. Serving as a more durable, protective, and well-armed version of the
Hoverboards wielded by their scouts, Aero Sleds are capable fighters in the hands of a skilled
pilot, and have sufficient speed and maneuverability to serve in long-range reconnaissance,
fighter, and interceptor roles. Their onboard fuel cells permit them several days’ worth of flight,
and enough thrust and lift to carry a pilot along with a passenger or cargo. So remarkably capable
was the design of the craft that its ultimate weakness came from its piloting, as many lack the
natural talent to operate the craft at its fullest capacity. Those that can, however, find it to be a
singularly dangerous and agile fighter.

Cordak Missiles, Microkanoka Gatlings, Landing Blade

Keywords: Matoran, Vehicle, Fly, Flyer, Kanohi Capable, <KINGDOM>, League of Six
Size: 65mm base.
Cost: 110 PTS.

● Airborne - Version 5: This model can only be Charged by units with the Fly keyword
while airborne.
○ Hard To Hit - Your opponents must subtract 1 from To Hit rolls for attacks that
target this model in the Shooting Phase.
○ Landing - This model may forego Advancing in the Movement Phase to instead
land. Once they have landed, they move as if they were a standard walking unit.
They also lose the effects of the Airborne and Hard To Hit ability.
○ Takeoff - This model may forego advancing in the Movement Phase to instead
take off. Once they have taken off, they gain the effects of Airborne and Hard To
● Dive-Bomb - This model may Charge against ground units. When this unit succeeds on a
Charge, the targeted enemy unit takes 1 Mortal Wound.

Pivot - This model has a 90 degree pivot.

* 3+ * 6 6 10 * 8

Damaged Statline:
Remaining W M BS A
7-10 10-30” 3+ 3


4-6 10-20” 4+ D3
1-3 10-15” 5+ 1

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Cordak Missiles 24” Versatile D6 6 D3 Yes1

Microkanoka Gatlings 18” Repeater 3 5 1 No

Landing Blade 1” Melee 7 D6 No

Weapon Profiles:
Cordak Missiles - Fixed: Front, Left, Right
Microkanoka Gatlings - Fixed: Front

1. Unmodified To Hit rolls of 6 cause a Mortal Wound in addition to any damage normally dealt.


Spider Crab
Spider Crabs were one of many creatures whose usefulness was first revealed during the
Barraki’s time in the Pit. Featuring a selectively permeable membrane across their entire body, it
was revealed that riders could effectively enter the crab’s hollow, air-filled body and take cover
from projectiles, which would be deflected or shrugged off. In addition, the creature’s large size
made it both a deterrent to more cowardly enemies, as well as a versatile troop carrier. On their
return to land, the Spider Crabs proved to not lose their effectiveness, as they - like several other
amphibious Rahi - could safely breathe the air of the Matoran Universe. Additionally, they
proved both strong and stable enough to carry large, automated turrets, which could be controlled
either by the crab’s “pilot” inside the creature or left to seek targets on its own. With flailing,
flagellant tentacles, and piercing claws, Spider Crabs are a bizarre and unnerving sight on the
battlefield, only enhanced by the knowledge that a horde of barbaric foes may spill from its guts
at any moment without warning.

Tentacles, Cordak Autoturret, Claws

Keywords: Monster, Vehicle, Rahi, Heavy Support, League of Six Kingdoms
Size: 65mm base.
Cost: 105 PTS.




● Well-Armored - This model has a 5+ Invulnerable Save.

● Semi-Permeable Hide - The translucent hide of a Spider Crab allows slow-moving
targets to pass through without harm, while shielding it from projectiles - This model has
a transport capacity of 18 League of Six Kingdoms Infantry models. Additionally, it may
transport up to 2 Sergeant models.
● Automatic - This model may perform ranged attacks while in melee combat.

8” 3+ 3+ 6 8 7 2 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Tentacles 3” Melee 6 1 No

Claws 1” Melee 8 1 Yes1

Cordak Autoturret 36” Blaster D3 6 D3 Yes2

1. This attack deals Acid damage.

2. Unmodified To Hit rolls of 6 cause a Mortal Wound in addition to any damage normally dealt.


Vortixx Disciplinarian
“Discipline is the soul of an army.” So historical texts have said, and so too say the leaders of
the League of Six Kingdoms. Ruling the universe is no simple task, but without loyalty, it is an
impossible one. The Vortixx Disciplinarians step in as the arbiters of that loyalty. Armed with
advanced Staves of Dominance, their nefarious weaponry strikes not just at the enemy’s body,
but at their mind as well. Whenever an enemy is wounded, their staff releases a psionic
shockwave - so strong that only the most talented of Ce-Toa could wrest control of it - which
seeks out those who regard the target as an ally. Attacks with the staff may only kill one target,
but devastate the psyche of those around them, turning brave and staunch legions to quivering,
frightened cowards, or for those who are particularly weak-minded, reduce them to a vegetative
state entirely.

Phased Kanoka Beamer

Keyword: Character, Vortixx, Infantry, Sergeant, Kanohi Capable, League of Six Kingdoms
Attached To: Paxorak Bruisers, Ursare Shock Brigade, Layamat Immortals, Matoran Guard Unit,
Manidi Spies, Ihidauri Bladeweavers, Ihaugafe Praetorians



Size: 32mm base.

Cost: 16 PTS.

● Technical Upgrades - The unit this model is attached to may add +1 to either its
Weapons Skill or Ballistics Skill.
● No Loyalty Does He Possess - Grueling training and the watchful eyes of a Vortixx keep
soldiers from deliberating where their loyalties lie - The unit his model is attached to uses
this model’s Leadership characteristic instead of their own.

6” 4+ 3+ 4 * 3 2 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Staff of Dominance 24” Versatile 1 6 1 Yes1, 2


Staff of Dominance (melee) 2” Melee 4 1 Yes1

1. Whenever this attack wounds an enemy unit, reduce the targeted unit’s Leadership
characteristic by D3 for the duration of the next Round.
2. If this weapon slays an enemy model with the Character keyword, every enemy unit within 3”
suffers 1 Mortal Wound.

Unrivalled Lieutenant
When the Barraki were sentenced to the Pit, their armies quickly unravelled, with infighting and
self-interest destroying what remained of their empires. Though much of the universe moved on
after the League fell, there were some individuals who did not. Endlessly faithful, the Unrivalled
Lieutenants waited for the day of their masters’ return. Stockpiling troops and supplies, they
retreated to the furthest corners of the Matoran Universe; treated as scum, they resorted to
mercenary work, piracy, or thievery, and were often rooted out by local Toa teams. Those that
entrenched themselves waited with limitless patience for a sign. The more astronomically-gifted
of them would scan the stars, night by night, looking for the prophesied return of their lords. And
for their faith and their loyalty, they would one day find themselves rewarded.

Trophy Kanoka Rifle, Gilded Bayonet

Keyword: Character, Infantry, Sergeant, Kanohi Capable, League of Six Kingdoms



Attached To: Paxorak Bruisers, Ursare Shock Brigade, Layamat Immortals, Manidi Spies,
Ihidauri Bladeweavers, Ihaugafe Praetorians
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 17 PTS.

● Species Skills - Each of the various Prime species serves a particular skillset to the
League of Six Kingdoms - At the start of the battle, select one species for this model.
○ Paxorak - This model, and the unit it is attached to, have a 6+ Invulnerable Save
against ranged attacks.
○ Ursare - This model, and the unit it is attached to, reroll To Hit rolls of 1 in the
Fight Phase.
○ Layamat - This model, and the unit it is attached to, are immune to the additional
effects of damage types (such as Elemental or Acid damage).
○ Manidi - This model, and the unit it is attached to, add 3” to the range of all of
their ranged weapons.
○ Ihidauri - This model, and the unit it is attached to, have a 6+ Invulnerable Save
against melee attacks.
○ Ihaugafe - This model, and the unit it is attached to, treat all of their weapons as
if they deal Acid damage.

6” 3+ 3+ 5 * 3 2 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Trophy Kanoka Rifle 24” Repeater 1 6 2 No

Gilded Bayonet 2” Melee 6 1 No

Skakdi Warmongers
Zakaz, the home of the Skakdi, was once considered to be a technological marvel. Great works
of industry and feats of engineering dotted its pastoral plains. Thanks to the Makuta Spiriah, this
is no longer the case. Though his mutation of the Skakdi species was a disaster for their psyche,
he did not change anything about their homeland itself. Great stockpiles of weapons, machines,
and equipment were left behind in the wake of what once was, and put to good use by Zakaz’s
now battle-hungry inhabitants. Skakdi Warmongers care not for whom they fight. By good
fortune or greased palms, they wield the largest guns they can carry - destructive remnants of
their island’s history. This equipment is cumbersome, and slows them to a crawl; thus, the


preferred method of engagement for Warmongers is to reinforce, and let the enemy come to them
if they dare. All those who are foolish enough to do so find the mistake short-lived, as they
survive just long enough to witness an endless stream of Kanoka fired at a blistering rate and
aimed in their general vicinity.

Heavy Mounted Autokanoka, Elemental Attack

Keyword: Infantry, Sergeant, Kanohi Capable, League of Six Kingdoms
Attached To: Paxorak Bruisers, Ursare Shock Brigade, Layamat Immortals, Matoran Guard Unit,
Gawalai Alchemists, Manidi Spies, Ihidauri Bladeweavers, Ihaugafe Praetorians
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 21 PTS.

● Skakdi Powers - This model, and the unit it is attached to, gain one unique power from
the Unique Powers table in the Skakdi Codex.
● Weapon Emplacement - The Heavy Mounted Autokanoka is rightly named; its weight is
immense, and it is unwieldy. Nonetheless, if mounted on a stand and braced properly, it
can output a hailfire of shots - If this model’s unit does not move in the Movement Phase,
it may consider itself Emplaced. While Emplaced, this unit may perform Overwatch if
any friendly unit within 6” is charged. If this model, or the unit it is attached to is
Charged while emplaced, they use their Ballistics skill on Overwatch (rather than the
standard 6+). Additionally, its Armor Class is increased by 1 while it is Emplaced.
Pivoting does not count as movement for the purpose of Emplacement.

Pivot - This model has a 360 degree pivot. If it is emplaced, it has a 90 degree pivot.

5” 3+ 4+ 7 * 4 1 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Heavy Mounted Autokanoka * * * * Yes1

-Emplaced 24” Repeater 4 7 1 Yes2, 3

-Mobile 18” Heavy 3 6 1 Yes3

Elemental Attack 18” Repeater 1 5 1 Yes4

1. Whenever this model chooses to make an attack using this weapon, it may choose one of two
profiles to use its weapon in: Emplaced or Mobile.


2. This model may only use this attack form if it is Emplaced.

3. Hit rolls of 6+ cause an additional two hits.
4. This attack deals Elemental damage.

Weapon Profiles:
Heavy Mounted Autokanoka - Fixed: Front


“What did he break?”
“The island.”
A hulking monstrosity with little intelligence, and a vicious attitude, Nocturn is a beast among
monsters. A lieutenant of Ehlek’s, Nocturn’s cruelty and stupidity would eventually culminate in
him cracking an island in half with a single blow, which would be the action that sentenced him
to the Pit. After the Great Cataclysm opened the prison to the waves beyond, he would occupy
his time ripping Zyglak into pieces with his bare hands, or challenging local sea creatures to
fights (either unaware or unconcerned with their lack of sentience). Though Nocturn’s low
intelligence is exploitable, he is still a ferocious opponent, and his ability to regenerate from
death’s doorstep makes it unlikely that any victory over him will be permanent. Many foes who
thought they had bested him have found themselves losing both life and limb in the few moments
they take after the fight to collect themselves.

Aqua Blades, Leechcannon, Tentacle Whip

Keywords: Ekedax, Monster, Dreadnought, Unique, Ninaikar, League of Six Kingdoms
Size: 65mm base.
Cost: 398 PTS.

● Regenerative Powers - Ekedax all wield regenerative powers, healing their wounds, and
even regrowing lost limbs - This model regains 2D3 lost wounds at the start of each
Round. It may surpass its maximum wound threshold this way. Additionally, this model
may not lose more than 8 wounds in a Phase.
● The Right Spot - There was a time when Nocturn could split an island with a single hit.
His skill and his strength have not diminished since then - This model’s attacks ignore
Invulnerable Saves.
● Rip and Tear - Once per round, during the Fight Phase, this model may target an enemy
unit with its Tentacle Whip attack, so long as that enemy unit is within 9”, and not
engaged in melee combat.


● Colossus - This model may perform ranged attacks and Charges even after it has
performed the Withdrawal action.

* * * 10 8 12 8 12

Damaged Statline:
Remaining W M WS BS
8-12 8” 2+ 3+
4-8 7” 3+ 4+
1-3 6” 4+ 5+

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Aqua Swords 1” Melee 8 2 Yes1

Leechcannon 12” Repeater 1 7 1 Yes2

Tentacle Whip 3” Melee 9 3 Yes3

1. To Hit rolls of 6+ cause a Mortal Wound in addition to any other damage dealt.
2. To Hit rolls of 6+ cause this model to regain one lost wound.
3. This model may only perform one attack per Round using this weapon.



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