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“I am doing the same thing Toa do. I am saving one who cannot save himself.”

Champions of justice, protectors of the innocent, beacons of purity and safety. All of
these phrases and more come to mind when one thinks of a Toa. Selfless, courageous, and noble,
Toa serve as the front line of defense, protecting the more vulnerable species of the Matoran
Universe from harm.

Toa are taller, braver, and tougher than Matoran. Each Toa, along with their natural
enhancements, comes with the empowerment of a specific element. These elements include Fire,
Water, Air, Earth, Stone, and Ice, although there are also a number of less-common secondary
elements, such as Sonics, Plasma, Electricity, Magnetism, Gravity, Psionics, Plantlife, and Metal.

Toa of a specific element may wield and control these elements wherever they may be
found. Additionally, they may channel their elements through their weapons and tools. The last
weapon in a Toa’s arsenal is their Kanohi. Each Toa wields a Kanohi mask which serves a
specific function, such as enhanced speed, enhanced durability, stealth, accuracy, etc.

The Toa Heroes faction is mostly (but not entirely) made up of Toa, with support from
Matoran. Units such as Toa Beastmasters may bring Rahi to the field as support, and while their
vehicle selections are small in number, the Toa Terrain Crawler can serve in both offensive and
transportation roles. It is important to understand the powers each Toa brings, and how their
abilities interact.

Toa teams are traditionally led by Toa of Fire, and their Commander units reflect this. Toa
Tahu, Toa Vakama, and Toa Jaller are three highly powerful individuals with illustrious careers
serving the Matoran dutifully. However, they also may field Toa Matoro, or a Legendary Toa.
The former is a Toa of Ice, chosen by the Mask of Life itself as its emissary in this realm. The
latter is a malleable Toa - one whose adventures and elemental powers are of your choosing.

Additionally, there is the final form of a Toa: a Turaga. A traditional Toa’s life cycle
begins as a Matoran, as most Toa are transformed from a Matoran into a Toa through the power
of a Toa Stone. When a Toa has achieved their destiny, they may choose to make the ultimate
sacrifice and abandon their Toa powers, transforming into a Turaga - a being closer in stature to a
Matoran with limited elemental powers. While smaller and weaker than a Toa, Turaga are wise
and experienced, and trusted leaders of the Matoran populace.


If you are looking to play using the Toa Heroes, you should be focusing on a balanced
assault. Toa wield a number of powers and ranged weapons, and are able to handle a great deal
of damage. Additionally, Toa’s ability to use Kanohi make them a highly versatile army, as they
gain access to a number of unique and powerful, specialized abilities. Toa are strong forces made
only stronger through unity, working together with their teammates.

Common Rules:
● Kanohi Wielder - All Toa have a Kanohi they use. Units with this rule select one Kanohi
Power from the following list, which they can use in battle.


Hau - 15 PTS Mask of Shielding.

This unit gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save.

Miru - 15 PTS Mask of Levitation.

This unit gains the Fly keyword.

Kakama - 15 PTS Mask of Speed.

This unit rolls 2 dice when Advancing instead
of 1.

Pakari - 15 PTS Mask of Strength.

The AP of all of this unit’s Melee weapons is
increased by 2.

Huna - 20 PTS Mask of Concealment.

This unit may perform the Ambush action
once per battle.

Komau - 25 PTS Mask of Mind Control.

Target an enemy unit within 12” during the
Command Phase, and roll 2D6. Subtract the
targeted unit’s Leadership characteristic. Said
unit takes a number of Mortal Wounds equal
to the total result. This cannot be performed
on units with the Character or Construct

Ruru - 15 PTS Mask of Night Vision.

Enemy units who target this unit in melee
combat subtract -1 from their To Hit rolls.

Calix - 20 PTS Mask of Fate.


Enemy attacks reroll To Hit and Wound rolls

of 6.

Elda - 15 PTS Mask of Detection.

Enemy units may not perform the Ambush
action within 18” of this unit.

Sanok - 20 PTS Mask of Accuracy.

Add +1 to all ranged To Hit rolls made by this

Iden - 20 PTS Mask of Spirit.

After an enemy model with the Construct
keyword has been killed, you may remove
one model from this unit. In exchange, the
slain construct joins your unit.

Arthron - 10 PTS Mask of Sonar.

This unit may perform Overwatch shots on
enemy models that Ambush within their

Faxon - 15 PTS. Mask of Kindred.

This unit benefits from one enemy ability per
battle (such as a Skakdi power, or a
Commander unit’s aura buffs) for the duration
of the battle. If it copies an aura buff, it gains
the benefits of the buff, but does not apply it
to friendly units.

Garai - 20 PTS Mask of Gravity.

During the Command Phase, target one
enemy unit within 12” and roll a D6. On a 4+,
the enemy unit’s movement Characteristic is
halved during the next Movement Phase.

Volitak - 20 PTS Mask of Stealth.

This unit may be deployed up to 9” beyond
the edge of your Deployment Zone.

Kualsi - 20 PTS Mask of Teleportation.

This unit automatically succeeds on all
charges of 8” or less.

Kiril - 10 PTS Mask of Regeneration.

Once per Round, target a friendly unit with
the Construct or Vehicle keyword. This unit


regains 1D3 lost wounds. The Kiril cannot be

used from inside a vehicle.

● Elemental Warrior - Units with this rule may gain access to one of the following
elemental forms. If an attack form has a listed cost, this cost is added to the unit.

Elemental Bolt - 0 PTS This unit may precisely control their element,
throwing accurate and dangerous projectiles
of it towards their foes. This unit gains access
to the Elemental Bolt attack.

Elemental Blast - 0 PTS This unit may perform a quick, sudden, and
overwhelming burst of their element, covering
the entirety of a small area. This unit gains
access to the Elemental Blast attack.

Elemental Beam - 0 PTS This unit may channel their elements into a
beam that passes through multiple enemies
with ease. This unit gains access to the
Elemental Beam attack.

Elemental Bomb - 10 PTS This unit may unleash a powerful explosion

of their element, covering a vast area. This
unit gains access to the Elemental Bomb

Elemental Strike - 5 PTS This unit’s weapons are empowered by their

element, crackling with tremendous power.
This unit gains access to the Elemental Strike

Elemental Armor - 5 PTS This unit is cloaked in an impenetrable field

of their elemental energy. Once per battle,
during the Command Phase, add +1 to this
unit’s AC until the end of the round.

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Elemental Bolt 18” Repeater 1 5 1 Yes1

Elemental Blast 6” Versatile 2 6 1 Yes1, 2

Elemental Beam 20” Laser D3 7 D3 Yes1, 3


Elemental Bomb 12” Grenade X 5 1 Yes1, 4

Elemental Strike 1” Melee 6 2 Yes1

1. This attack deals Elemental damage.

2. This attack automatically hits its target.
3. After resolving an attack with this Form, you may target a different enemy unit within 6” of
the first target to make another Elemental Beam attack against. This attack may cause additional
attacks, to a maximum of 3 units targeted.
4. This attack makes a To Hit roll for each model in the targeted unit.

Warlord Traits:
● Kanohi Fighter - This unit gains an additional Kanohi from the Kanohi list.
● Rousing Speech - Once per battle, during the Command Phase, increase the range of this
unit’s Aura abilities by +6” until the end of the Round.
● Sympath - Once per battle, during the Command Phase, you may apply this unit’s
Kanohi ability to a friendly Toa Heroes unit within 6”. This effect lasts until the end of
the Round.
● Bulletproof Legend - Reduce the damage of any attack inflicted on this model by 1 (to a
minimum of 1).
● None Shall Pass - Whenever a friendly Toa Heroes unit within 6” is charged, this unit
may perform Overwatch against the enemy unit as if it were charged, even if this model
is engaged in Melee.
● What it Means to be a Hero - All friendly Toa Heroes units within 3” gain an additional

Command Point Stratagems:

● Command Reroll - 1 CP - Reroll a single die
● Insane Bravery - 2 CP - Have a unit automatically succeed its Morale Test
● Counter-Defensive - 2 CP - After an enemy unit that charged fights, you may choose one
friendly unit and immediately fight
● Suva Warriors - 1 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the battle. Target a unit with the
Toa keyword. It may gain an additional Kanohi power from the Kanohi list. This can be
performed multiple times, but an individual unit may only benefit from this stratagem
● Charge Up - 2 CP - Use this stratagem when a friendly unit of Toa is targeted by an
attack dealing Elemental damage. Roll a die. If the result is less than the number of Toa
models in the unit, the triggering attack automatically misses, and the next elemental
attack the Toa unit performs ignores Invulnerable Saves and deals an extra point of


● Teamwork - 1 CP - Use this stratagem at the end of the Movement Phase. If a friendly
unit of Toa is within 3” of another friendly unit of Toa, and they both target the same
enemy unit with an attack, add +1 to their To Hit rolls. This effect lasts until the end of
the Round.
● Toa Seal - 2 CP - Use this stratagem whenever an enemy unit is wounded by an
Elemental Attack. If the enemy takes 6 or more wounds from the attack, roll a D6. On a
3+, it is immediately considered slain, but remains on the field as cover. Bohrok may not
remove it as part of their It Must Be Cleaned ability.
● Enhanced Cover - 1 CP - Use this stratagem whenever a unit of Shadowwalkers uses
their Smokescreen ability. Increase the radius of the ability by another 3”, to a total of 6”.
● Redemption - 2 CP - Use this stratagem in the fight phase on a unit of Shadowwalkers.
Roll a D6 for each model in the unit; for each result of 3+, a model in the unit is removed,
and the enemy unit takes 2 Mortal Wounds.
● Shed Armor - 1 CP - Use this stratagem whenever an Exo-Toa is slain. Roll a D6, on a
result of 2+, the Exo-Toa is removed, and a single Vanguard Toa Model (as per Vanguard
Toa Team) is placed within 3”. On a result of 1, the model is removed as per usual.
● Friendship - 1 CP - Use this stratagem whenever a Matoran unit is benefited by the
effects of their Heroic ability. In addition to rerolling failed To Hit rolls, they may also
reroll failed wound rolls.
● Elemental Disks - 1 CP - Use this stratagem in the Shooting Phase whenever a unit of
Matoran Militia performs attacks using their Kanoka Rifles. The attack now deals
Elemental damage.
● Mythical Warriors - 1 CP - Use this stratagem in the Fight Phase. Pick a Toa Team or
Vanguard Toa Team unit from your army. Until the start of the next Round, all
unmodified melee To Hit Rolls of 5+ cause an additional wound roll.
● Defender of the Weak - 1 CP - Use this stratagem at the end of the Movement Phase.
Pick a Matoran unit in your army. If there is a Toa unit within 3”, the Matoran unit may
not be targeted by ranged attacks until the start of the next Round.
● Evasive Maneuvers - 1 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the Round on a wounded
Rockoh T3, Jetrax T6, or Axalara T9. This model moves at full speed, regardless of what
wound track it is on.
● Across the Sea - 2 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase on a unit of
Toa Marksmen. This unit adds 12” to their Kanoka Lance’s range.
● Elementalist - 2 CP - Use this stratagem in the Shooting Phase on any unit with the
Elemental Warrior ability. The targeted unit may use 2 ranged powers this Shooting
● Hardened Elements - 1/2 CP - Use this stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase on a
friendly Toa Team or Vanguard Toa Team. Add 6” to the range of this unit’s Elemental
Bolt and Elemental Beam, and 3” to the range of this unit’s Elemental Blast. The cost of


this stratagem is raised from 1 Command Point to 2 if it is affecting a unit’s Elemental


Unit Catalog:

Commander - Toa Tahu, Toa Vakama, Toa Jaller, Toa Matoro, Turaga, Legendary Toa
Troops - Toa Team, Matoran Militia
Elites - Vanguard Toa Team, Beastmaster, Marksmen, Toa Medics, Combat Armorers
Fast Attack - Pathfinders, Shadowwalker
Heavy Support - Toa Terrain Crawler Combat Pattern, Exo-Toa, Midak Skygunners
Flyer - Rockoh T3, Jetrax T6, Axalara T9
Carrier - Toa Terrain Crawler Transport Pattern
Sergeant - Toa Team Leader, Captain of the Guard, Spotter, Sniper, Alchemist, Combat
Engineer, Oathbreaker
Dreadnought - Toa Kaita


Toa Tahu
“Only the enemies of Mata Nui have anything to fear from me.” Tahu was one of the first Toa,
created by the hands of the great forgemaster Artakha, then placed into stasis until such a day as
he and his comrades were needed again. That day came when Makuta Teridax initiated the Great
Cataclysm, and forced the Great Spirit into an eternal sumber. Tahu and his companions were
sent across the sea to the newly created island of Mata Nui. They quickly began disrupting
Teridax’s control of the island, protecting the Matoran inhabitants from corrupted Rahi, and a
swarm of Bohrok the Makuta directed at the island. Through much battle and the force of
destiny, the Toa Mata were reborn as the Toa Nuva, given the ability to share their Kanohi
powers in a grand display of unity. The Toa Nuva, with Tahu at their head, returned to the
universe wounded by the Great Cataclysm and shadowed by factions warring for control. Time
and experience had made Tahu less a warrior and more a leader, and he began to gather scattered
Toa to present a united force to fight and defend Matoran across the universe. For his valor, the
legendary craftsman Arthaka has taken notice of Tahu’s exploits, and granted him adaptive
armor, allowing him to fight in environments throughout the breadth of the Matoran Universe.
Toa Tahu has vowed himself to the defeat of Makuta Teridax, so that the Great Spirit may
awaken to a world cleansed of the shadow who would dare call himself Mata Nui’s brother.

Elemental Bolt, Fire Sword, Magma Swords, Rotating Fire Blades, Nynrah Ghost Blaster
Keywords: Character, Toa, Kanohi Capable, Infantry, Commander, Unique, Toa Heroes
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 80 PTS.


● Brash (Aura) - Friendly Toa Heroes units within 6” may reroll failed charge rolls.
● Stubborn - This model rerolls To Hit rolls of 1.
● Dutiful - If this model has lost any wounds, it gains an additional attack.

Kanohi Power:
● Hau - This model has a 3+ Invulnerable Save.
● Hau Nuva - This model has a 3+ Invulnerable Save. Additionally, during the Command
Phase, target a friendly unit within 3”; this unit gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save until the
start of the next Round.

Wargear - This model may select one appearance from the following list; Tahu Mata, Tahu Nuva,
or Tahu Mistika. Each appearance has different effects:
● Mata - This model wields a Kanohi Hau, an Elemental Bolt, and a Fire Sword. 0 PTS.
● Nuva - This model wields a Kanohi Hau Nuva, an Elemental Bolt, and Magma Swords.
20 PTS.
● Mistika - This model wields a Kanohi Hau Nuva, an Elemental Bolt, Rotating Fire
Blades, and a Nynrah Blaster. It also gains the Fly keyword. 30 PTS.

7” 2+ 2+ 6 6 6 2 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Elemental Bolt 24” Repeater 2 5 1 Yes1

Fire Sword 1” Melee 6 2 Yes1

Magma Swords 1” Melee 6 2 Yes2

Rotating Fire Blades 1” Melee 7 2 Yes3

Nynrah Ghost Blaster 24” Versatile 2 5 2 Yes4

1. This attack deals Elemental damage.

2. When wielding this weapon, increase the model’s Attacks Characteristic by +2.
3. This weapon boosts this model’s Armor Class by 1.
4. This attack deals Light damage.


Toa Vakama
“It was a time of sharing, remembering, building, adventuring, dreaming - but above all, it was
the time of my kind. The time of mask-makers.” One of Metru Nui’s finest mask-makers, Vakama
was once an ordinary Matoran who looked up to and idolized the Toa of his city. But when strife
forced him to adopt the mantle of a Toa himself, Vakama was faced by both his own dark
reflection, and the will of Makuta Teridax. Overcoming these challenges, Vakama emerged a
stronger and more capable hero, and claimed a rightful place as the leader of the Toa Metru, for
which his sacrifice and his struggle shall never be forgotten.

Kanoka Launcher, Elemental Bolt

Keywords: Character, Toa, Fly, Kanohi User, Infantry, Commander, Unique, Toa Heroes
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 99 PTS.

● A Skilled Mask-Maker - One unit of Toa’s listed Kanohi Cost is reduced to 0 PTS.
● Know a Weakness (Aura) - Once per battle, during the Command Phase, target an
enemy unit with the Character keyword. This model, and all friendly Toa Heroes units
within 6” add +1 to To Hit rolls when targeting the enemy unit, for the duration of the
● I Desire a Noble Destiny - This model has a 5+ Feel No Pain
● Legendary Strategist - Once per battle, during the Command Phase, select an Objective.
This Objective is now considered to be held by this faction for the duration of that
Round, regardless of whatever models are nearby. Alternatively, you may deny the enemy
1 Victory Point under any circumstances (e.g. Slay the Warlord, Linebreaker, etc.).

Kanohi Power:
● Huna - Once per battle, during the Movement Phase, this model may perform the
Ambush action.

7” 3+ 3+ 6 6 6 2 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Elemental Bolt 24” Repeater 2 5 1 Yes1

Kanoka Launcher 30” Versatile 2 6 2 No

1. This attack deals Elemental damage.


Toa Jaller
“None of them saw this transformation as anything other than what it was: the first step toward
a dark and dangerous destiny that awaited them all.” The leader of a group of Toa, dedicated to
the achievement of an impossible mission: ready to die at a moment’s notice, Jaller was the
captain of the Toa Inika. An impromptu group, the Inika served the goal of following in the
footsteps of the Toa Nuva, and ensuring that the Great Spirit Mata Nui would be reawakened.
Braving the desolate wastelands of Voya Nui and the vicious, cruel Piraka, and later the crushing
abyss of Mahri Nui, and the cunning Barraki, the Toa Inika and their leader share the same
dedication. Desperate and driven, Toa Jaller has fought for too hard and for too long to see him
or his friends fail after the journey they have taken, and if by their life or their death they can
achieve victory, he will stand before all the evils of the Matoran Universe.

Elemental Bolt, Energized Sword (melee), Energized Sword (shooting), Zamor Launcher, Power
Blade, Cordak Blaster
Keywords: Character, Toa, Kanohi Capable, Infantry, Commander, Unique, Toa Heroes
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 85 PTS.

● Cautious Leader (Aura) - This model, as well as friendly Toa Heroes units within 6”,
add +1 to all Overwatch rolls.
● The Anvil of Trust - Once per battle, this model may use Insane Bravery on a friendly
unit within 24” for free.
● Didn’t Fight to Lose - When this model is slain, it immediately makes an attack against
the unit that killed it.

Wargear - This model may select one appearance from the following list; Jaller Inika or Jaller
Mahri. Both appearances have different effects:
● Inika - This model wields an Organic Kanohi Calix, an Elemental Bolt, an Energized
Flame Sword, and a Zamor Launcher. 0 PTS.
● Mahri - This model wields a Kanohi Arthron, an Elemental Bolt, a Power Blade, and a
Cordak Blaster. 5 PTS.

Kanohi Power:
● Organic Calix - Enemy attacks reroll To Hit and Wound rolls of 6. Additionally,
whenever this unit is targeted with an attack dealing multiple mortal wounds, it may
ignore one of them.
● Arthron - This model may perform Overwatch shots against enemy units that perform the
Ambush action within its attack range.


7” 3+ 3+ 6 6 6 2 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Elemental Bolt 24” Repeater 2 5 1 Yes1, 4

Energized Sword (melee) 1” Melee 7 2 Yes1, 4

Energized Sword (shooting) 8” Personal 1 5 1 Yes1, 4

Zamor Launcher 24” Repeater 1 *2 1 Yes2

Power Blade 1” Melee 6 D3 Yes1

Cordak Blaster 24” Versatile D3 6 D3 Yes3

1. This attack deals Elemental damage.

2. When this model wounds an enemy using this attack, roll a D6. On a 4+, the target’s
Movement characteristic is reduced to 0” for the duration of the next Round. Additionally, this
weapon always wounds on a 4+.
3. Unmodified hit rolls of 6 cause a Mortal Wound in addition to any damage normally dealt.
4. This attack deals Electricity damage.

Toa Matoro
"Once long ago, a Toa had donned the Ignika and lost his life to save the universe. That Toa had
tried to be brave, but there was fear in his heart and he met his end with fear and regret. The
Ignika sensed none of this in Matoro — only a will and determination that rivaled even that of
Mata Nui himself." Rising from humble origins, Matoro carries a heavy burden, and is perhaps
the greatest Toa that ever lived - if only he could have survived to see that for himself.

Twin Cutter (melee), Twin Cutter (shooting), Elemental Bolt, Cordak Blaster
Keywords: Character, Toa, Kanohi Capable, Infantry, Commander, Unique, Toa Heroes
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 90 PTS.

● My Friends Will Not Die (Aura) - Once per battle, during the Command Phase, this
model may sacrifice itself. It is immediately removed from the board, and all friendly
models within 24” regain D3 lost wounds. If an affected unit is made up of 1-wound
models, D3 models return from the dead.


● Burdened by Glorious Purpose - Whenever this model takes enough damage to be

considered slain, roll a D6. On a 4+, it takes no damage, and instead regains 1 wound.
● I’ll Take it from Here - Once per battle, when a friendly unit is charged, this model may
Heroically Intervene at any range.
● The Strength of a Toa - Add +2 to the Leadership characteristic of friendly units with
the Toa keyword within 6”

Kanohi Power:
● Tryna - Once per battle, target an Infantry model, friendly or otherwise, who died within
12”. Roll a D6. On a 4+, the targeted model joins this model as a unit. This ability does
not work on models with the Construct keyword.

7” 3+ 3+ 6 6 5 2 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Twin Cutter (melee) 1” Melee 7 2 No

Twin Cutter (shooting) 6” Personal 1 5 1 Yes1

Elemental Bolt 24” Repeater 2 5 1 Yes1

Cordak Blaster 24” Versatile D3 6 D3 Yes2

1. This attack deals Elemental damage.

2. Unmodified hit rolls of 6 cause a mortal wound in addition to any damage normally dealt.

The life of a Toa is a curious one. Matoran who happen upon - or are granted by destiny - a Toa
Stone find themselves granted immense power and grow physically stronger and larger, taking
on the form of a Toa. For years, centuries, or in some cases millennia, Toa serve to protect and
aid Matoran. When their destiny has been achieved, however, they are able to transform one
more time, becoming a Turaga. Though comparatively small and weak, a Turaga retains control
over the elements, and with a mind hardened through years of experience, they assume the role
of leadership and guidance for the Matoran they once protected. Some Turaga, however, feel
more in tune with the Toa they once served alongside, and prefer to fight on the field than to lead
a village.

Turaga’s Staff, Elemental Burst


Keywords: Character, Turaga, Kanohi Capable, Infantry, Commander, Toa Heroes

Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 70 PTS

● Leader To Their People (Aura) - As the oldest and the wisest, Turaga are the dedicated
leaders of Matoran societies - Friendly Infantry units within 6” may use this model’s
Leadership characteristic instead of their own (for the purpose of Morale Tests), and gain
+1 to their Movement characteristic and an additional melee attack.
● Judge Me By My Size - Though they are similar in stature to a Matoran, Turaga were
once legendary Toa heroes, and retain much of their skill and power - This model always
fights first in the Fight Phase, whether it has been Charged or not. If it is fighting a model
with the same ability, each of you roll a D6, and whoever rolls higher goes first.

Kanohi Power:
● Kanohi - This model may take one Kanohi from the Kanohi list. By default, it has none.

5” 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 2 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Turaga’s Staff 1” Melee 5 1 No

Elemental Burst 18” Repeater 1 5 1 Yes1

1. This attack deals Elemental damage.

Legendary Toa
Although Toa Teams throughout history have traditionally been led by Toa of Fire - the Toa
Mata, the Toa Metru, and the Toa Inika being the most well-known cases - it is almost always the
case that teams work democratically rather than as dictatorships. No team can function without a
deputy, or a diplomat, or one of the various roles outside of leadership that serve to guide said
team to victory. While perhaps not as famous as great Toa like Tahu or Vakama, Legendary Toa
stand beside their team leaders with equally strong conviction, and a will to protect the citizens
of the Matoran Universe.

Kanoka Launcher, Warblade, Elemental Saber, Relic Cordak, Microkanoka Scatterblaster, Power
Shield, Zamor Launcher, Midak Skyblaster
Keywords: Character, Toa, Kanohi Capable, Infantry, Commander, Toa Heroes

Size: 32mm base.

Cost: 80 PTS

● Inspiring Presence (Aura) - Friendly Toa Heroes units within 6” may Withdraw, shoot,
and charge in the same round.
● Songs of Victory (Aura) - Add 1 to the Attack characteristic of friendly Toa Heroes
Infantry units within 3”.
● Elemental Warrior
● Evoker - This unit may take 1 additional Elemental Form (to a maximum of 2).
Additionally this unit may increase the range of all of its Elemental Bolts and Elemental
Beams by 6”, and increase the range of all of its Elemental Blasts by 3”. Finally, it may
make 1 additional attack roll when performing an Elemental attack Form.

Kanohi Power:
● Kanohi - This model may take one Kanohi from the Kanohi list. By Default it has none.

Wargear - This model may replace its Kanoka Launcher with a Warblade, Elemental Saber,
Cordak Blaster, Power Shield, Zamor Launcher, or Midak Skyblaster. Additionally, the Cordak
Blaster, Zamor Launcher, or Midak Skyblaster may be shoulder mounted, not replacing this
model’s main weapon, but a cost of an extra 10 PTS. It may also take an Elemental Intensifier.
● Kanoka Launcher - 0 PTS
● Warblade - 4 PTS
● Elemental Saber - 10 PTS
● Relic Cordak - 10 PTS
● Microkanoka Scatterblaster - 6 PTS
● Power Shield - Treat the AP of attacks against this unit as being reduced by -1 (e.g. AP 5
becomes AP 4). 4 PTS
● Elemental Intensifier - Increase the AP of all elemental attacks by 1. 5 PTS

6” 3+ 3+ 6 6 5 2 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Kanoka Launcher 30” Versatile 2 6 2 No

Warblade 2” Melee 7 2 No

Elemental Saber 1” Melee 6 D3 Yes1


Relic Cordak 24” Versatile D3 6 D3 Yes2

Microkanoka Scatterblaster 12” Personal 2D6 4 1 No

Power Shield 1” Melee 5 1 No

Zamor Launcher 24” Repeater 1 *3 1 No

Midak Skyblaster 24” Versatile 2 6 2 Yes4

1. To Hit rolls of 6 cause an additional hit roll.

2. Unmodified hit rolls of 6 cause a Mortal Wound in addition to any damage normally dealt.
3. This attack always wounds on a 4+.
4. This attack deals Light damage.


Toa Team
Since the dawn of time, Toa have often served in groups of six, representing multiple different
elemental tribes from the area they serve in. In the past, teams would synergize with the usage of
multiple different weapons, tools, Kanohi, and elemental forms, but by the start of the Great War,
this practice quickly fell out of favor. Fundamentally, the differences in equipment, training, and
skillsets meant that Toa were ill-suited for organized battlefield combat - as a result, practices
would quickly change to rectify this issue. The standardization of Kanohi, weaponry, and
elemental forms was quickly shown to be an effective way of improving a team’s unity, and
allowing them to more effectively operate in a large-scale conflict. Additionally, the presence of
multiple teams in close coordination allowed each team to cover each other’s weaknesses,
creating the very same synergy that the original six-member teams had.

Toa Tools
Keywords: Toa, Infantry, Troop, Kanohi Capable, Toa Heroes
Quantity: 6
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 15 PTS per model (90 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Hero’s Fortitude - Even at the worst of times, Toa will not fail - This unit has a 6+ Feel
No Pain.
● Kanohi Wielder
● Elemental Warrior


6” 3+ 3+ 5 5 2 2 9

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Toa Tools 1” Melee 5 2 No

Matoran Militia
Normally passive workers under the protection of the Toa, some Matoran have taken up arms to
fight alongside their guardians. Most select Kanoka Rifles, as they are easy to use and keep their
wielder far from the fray of melee combat. However, others charge into the fight beside their Toa
protectors, emboldened by the presence of heroes, wielding swords, shields, pikes, and other
repurposed tools. Though they are small in stature, they make up for their size with limitless
courage and tenacity.

Powered Sword, Combat Staves, Firework Revolver

Keywords: Infantry, Troop, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Toa Heroes
Quantity: 12-20, 6 PTS per additional model.
Size: 25mm base.
Cost: 6 PTS per model (72 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Heroic - The very presence of a Toa can inspire a Matoran - This unit rerolls To Hit rolls
of 1 when within 3” of a unit with the Toa keyword.

Wargear - The entire unit may replace their Kanoka Rifles with Swords and Tower Shields, or
● Powered Swords and Impact Shields - gain a 4+ Invulnerable Save - Default
● Combat Staves - 0 PTS
● Firework Revolvers - 2 PTS

5” 4+ 4+ 4 3 1 1 6

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Powered Sword 1” Melee 5 1 No


Combat Staves 2” Melee 4 1 Yes1

Firework Revolvers 24” Repeater 1 5 1 Yes2

1. If in combat, and a targeted unit attempts to perform the Withdraw action, immediately take a
free attack against them, hitting on 6+. Additionally, whenever an enemy unit succeeds on a
charge against this unit, you may immediately make overwatch attacks against them using this
2. This attack deals Elemental damage.


Vanguard Toa Team

First to the fray, the most experienced Toa teams charge headlong into combat. The Vanguard
Toa have seen countless battles and have earned the right to stronger armor and Power Shields to
protect themselves and their brethren. Hardened by millenia of conflict, Vanguards have also
improved the range of their elemental control, and cloak their weapons in a near-continual stream
of elemental power. Enemies who fight Vanguard Toa often see them from across the battlefield
wreathed in glowing arcs of their element, signifying their presence and challenging those who
would stand against them.

Elemental Swords, Rhotuka Shields

Keywords: Toa, Infantry, Kanohi Capable, Elites, Toa Heroes
Quantity: 6
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 18 PTS per model (108 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Power Shield - The heavy shields wielded by Vanguard Toa protect them from most
projectiles, and absorb kinetic energy - This model has a 4+ Invulnerable Save against
ranged attacks.
● Kanohi Wielder
● Elemental Warrior

Wargear - Any model in this unit may equip a Rhotuka Shield:

● Rhotuka Shields - 5 PTS

5” 3+ 3+ 6 6 3 2 10


Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Elemental Swords 1” Melee 5 2 Yes1

Rhotuka Shields 24” Blaster 1 4 1 Yes2, 3

1. This attack deals Elemental damage.

2. This attack automatically hits its target.
3. This attack deals Electricity damage.

Though it is a rare occurrence, some Toa prefer the presence of Rahi to that of their brethren -
perhaps due to the loss of their brothers and sisters, or perhaps because they never had a team to
begin with. Wielding the Kanohi Koramau not as a tool to control Rahi, they instead reinforce
the bonds between Beastamster and beast. The most common companions for Beastmasters are
Hahnah Crabs, Ash Bears, and Energy Hounds, all loyal creatures found in abundance in nature.
Toa Jaller was the first to discover Hahnah Crabs abilities as surprisingly stable and accurate
platforms for Cordak Blasters during the reemergence of the League of Six Kingdoms. Ash
Bears, due to their defensive nature, naturally bond with the protective presence of Toa, while the
aggressive Energy Hounds tend to share loyalty with more aggressive, duty-driven Toa.

Cordak Blaster, Pincers, Crushing Jaw, Brutal Paws, Gnashing Teeth

Keywords: Character, Toa, Infantry, Rahi, Fast Attack, Kanohi Capable, Toa Heroes
Quantity: 1 Toa, 3-9 Rahi
Size: 32mm base (Toa), 40mm base (Rahi)
Cost: 15 PTS.

Beastmaster Abilities:
● Pack Bonding - This unit contains 1 Beastmaster, and anywhere between 3 and 9 Rahi of
the same type from the Wargear table. Only the Beastmaster may be the unit leader.
● Alpha - The Beastmaster model has the Elemental Warrior ability. No other models in
this unit gain the Elemental Warrior ability.

Kanohi - Beastmasters automatically are equipped with a Kanohi Koramau.

● Koramau - This unit’s Coherency is treated as being 12”.

Rahi Abilities:
● Hahnah Crab


○ Protective - If a friendly Toa Heroes unit within 6” is charged, this model may
perform Overwatch with its Cordak Blaster as if it were being charged.
● Ash Bear
○ Guardian of the Forest - This model has a 5+ Invulnerable Save.
● Energy Hound
○ Tracker - This unit always succeeds on a charge roll against an enemy unit within
10”. If it rolls less than the required distance, the roll is treated as being exactly
the required distance.

Wargear - This unit must equip at least 3 Rahi. It may equip the same Rahi multiple times:
● Hahnah Crab - Each Hahnah Crab includes 1 Cordak Blaster and 1 set of Pincers. 10
● Ash Bear - Each Ash Bear includes 1 Crushing Jaw and 1 Brutal Paws. 15 PTS.
● Energy Hound - Each Energy Hound includes 1 set of Gnashing Teeth. 16 PTS.

Hahnah Crab Statline:

- 4+ 4+ 4 4 1 1 9

Ash Bear Statline:

- 3+ 5+ 5 6 3 1 9

Energy Hound Statline:

- 3+ 5+ 5 4 1 3 9

Beastmaster Statline:
6” 3+ 3+ 5 5 2 3 9

Rahi Weapons:

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Cordak Blaster 24” Versatile D6 6 1 Yes1

Pincers 1” Melee 4 1 No

Crushing Jaw 1” Melee 7 2 No


Brutal Paws 1” Melee 6 1 Yes2

Gnashing Teeth 1” Melee 6 1 No

Beastmaster Weapons:

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Toa Tools 1” Melee 5 2 No

1. Unmodified hit rolls of 6 cause a Mortal Wound in addition to any damage dealt.
2. This attack makes D3 To Hit rolls per attack.

“Remove the Kanohi, and the beast falls.” Such is the mindset of Toa Marksmen as they bring
enemy commanders into their sights. Their precision strikes are made possible by the advent of
the Kanoka Lance, a long-range Kanoka launcher that supercharges Kanoka disks and launches
them with unimaginable speed. The air resistance against the disk from its speed is so severe that
the target is struck by a superheated slurry more akin to protodermic plasma than a Kanoka disk.
However, this makes the lance difficult to aim for allbut the most experienced Markesmen, often
requiring specialized scoped Kanohi to utilize. By eliminating enemy leadership with little risk to
themselves, the Marksmen hope to end battles with minimal casualties to both sides.

Kanoka Lance
Keywords: Toa, Infantry, Kanohi Capable, Elites, Toa Heroes
Quantity: 5-10
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 16 PTS per model (80 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Exhale, Fire - Footwork and steady breath is the key to success in battle, especially with
ranged weapons - If this unit has not moved in the preceding Movement Phase, it may
reroll failed To Hit rolls in the Shooting Phase.
● Kanohi Wielder
● Elemental Warrior

5” 3+ 3+ 5 5 2 1 10


Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Kanoka Lance 36” Heavy 2 7 2 Yes1

1. This attack may target models with the Character keyword, even if they are not the closest
model. If there is a closer enemy model that is not a Character, you have a -1 penalty on your To
Hit rolls against that character.

Toa Medics
There are more ways to protect oneself than by fighting one’s enemies. Toa Medics are typically
pacifists by nature, preferring to use their Kanohi Amana to heal the injured, staunching
exsanguination and allowing allies to fight on through lethal blows. The continued survival of
their brothers and sisters in arms leads to peaceful victory, giving enemies the chance to
surrender and return to the will of Mata Nui after the battle is won. While pacifists, Toa Medics
still carry Toa Tools for defense and wield elemental might like their brothers and sisters, lest the
enemy see fit to attack a healer.

Toa Tools
Keywords: Toa, Infantry, Kanohi Capable, Elites, Toa Heroes
Quantity: 6-10
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 14 PTS per model (84 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Nightingale - Once per Round, if a friendly model within 12” is slain, this unit may
immediately move up to its Movement speed unless it is engaged in melee combat. This
movement occurs before any model which explodes performs its explosion.
● Elemental Warrior

● Kanohi Amana - During the Command Phase, target a friendly Toa Heroes unit with the
Infantry keyword but without the Construct keyword. You may heal a number of wounds
to that unit equal to the number of models in this unit. If the targeted unit has lost models,
you may return a number of models to that unit with a combined Wounds characteristic
equal to the number of wounds this unit would have healed. The targeted unit cannot gain
more models than its starting size.

5” 3+ 3+ 5 5 2 1 10


Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Toa Tools 1” Melee 5 2 No

Combat Armorers
Matoran are not always suited for direct combat. A great deal of them instead work in support of
their Toa Heroes by crafting weapons, armor, Kanohi, and Kanoka. Combat Armorers take their
craft into the chaos of battle, quickly adapting their allies' armor to suit the enemy forces while
scurrying about replacing broken weapons, retrieving knocked-off masks, and welding shut
armor cracks as they appear. Though they are not the greatest of warriors, they are the glue that
holds a fighting force together, and indispensable allies for the Toa.

Forge Tools, Arm Crossbow

Keywords: Matoran, Infantry, Kanohi Capable, Elites, Toa Heroes
Quantity: 6-12
Size: 25mm base.
Cost: 10 PTS per model (50 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Great Craftsmen - Once per Round, during the Command Phase, you may target a
friendly Toa Heroes unit within 3” of this unit. The targeted unit’s Armor Class is raised
by D3. A unit may only benefit from this once per battle.
● Hard as Nails (Aura) - Friendly Toa Heroes units within 6” have a 6+ Invulnerable

Wargear - This unit may equip a number of Arm Crossbows equal to the number of models in the
● Arm Crossbow - 3 PTS.

5” 4+ 4+ 4 4 1 1 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Forge Tools 1” Melee 5 1 No

Arm Crossbow 12” Versatile D3 5 1 No


Fast Attack:

In the southern reaches of the Matoran Universe, vast swathes of land go unexplored, and are
inhabited by increasingly dangerous Rahi. Occasionally, Paxorak warbands or other foes claim
territory in these far reaches. In these cases, the hands of Toa Pathfinders are required to ensure
the safety and security of the Matoran. Excelling in difficult and stressful environments,
Pathfinders are legendary scouts, able to spend weeks to months isolated and outside of
civilization. Using only their wits, their elements, and their equipment, they chart out
inhospitable islands, and fight an endless battle against the cruel and nefarious forces that creep
from the depths of the universe.

Zamor Repeater
Keywords: Toa, Infantry, Kanohi Capable, Elites, Toa Heroes
Quantity: 5-10
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 16 PTS per model (80 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Move Along - The key to moving across the battlefield is knowing where to step - Once
per round, during the Command Phase, target a friendly Toa Heroes unit within 6”. That
unit’s Movement characteristic is increased by D3”.
● Kanohi Wielder
● Elemental Warrior

7” 3+ 3+ 5 5 2 2 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Zamor Repeater 18” Blaster 1 *1 2 Yes1

1. This weapon always wounds on a 4+.

The Toa Code is a shining beacon, binding Toa to a moral standard above murder, thievery, and
deception - and Shadowalkers break that very binding. Toa demonstrate a visible distaste towards
working with Shadowwalkers, disturbed by their lethal Void Claws tearing through armor with


ease and the horrendous shriek of beings torn to atoms by unethical armaments. The mentality of
the Shadowalker is double-edged, however; they see their own lives as disposable as the beings
they cut down, leading them to often not bother defending themselves or wearing strong armor.
At most, they use their elemental powers to shroud their advance, wrapping themselves in
elemental smoke and leaving the enemy unaware until Void Claws rip through their bodies.

Keywords: Toa, Infantry, Kanohi Capable, Elites, Toa Heroes
Quantity: 5-10
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 17 PTS per model (85 PTS per minimum size unit).

● Backstabber - Loose morals do a wonder on the battlefield, especially from “honorable”
Toa - This unit’s attacks bypass Invulnerable Saves if the target of their attacks is engaged
in melee combat with a different friendly unit.
● Smokescreen (Aura) - Shadowwalkers hide themselves in clouds of their elements to
strike their foes unseen - Once per Round, as a power, this unit may create Elemental
Smoke. If this model does so, all friendly models within 3” are treated as being in Cover.
● Elemental Warrior
● Kanohi Wielder

7” 3+ 3+ 5 4 2 3 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Void Claw 1” Melee 8 D3 Yes1

1. Unmodified To Hit rolls of 6 cause mortal wounds instead of standard wounds.

Heavy Support:

Toa Terrain Crawler Combat Pattern

Originally made as a transport by the Order of Mata Nui, it was quickly realized that a great deal
of the Terrain Crawler’s internal space currently dedicated to life-support systems for passengers
could instead be replaced with weapon systems. By far the most successful weapon modification
was that of massive Cordak Blasters, capable of blasting through hordes of foes or tearing
through heavy armor. With the interior gutted, space once used for passengers is instead replaced


with massive amounts of ammunition, along with automatic belt-feeding systems leading into the
Cordak turret. The Crawler is an exceptionally stable platform, able to fire with accuracy even
while moving at full speed or swamped by attackers, making it deadly at range even while
harried by melee assault.

Mounted Cordak Revolver, Mechanical Claws

Keywords: Vehicle, Monster, Construct, Rahi, Heavy Support, Toa Heroes
Size: No Base, 3.75” by 10.25” profile.
Cost: 120 PTS

● Artificially-Enhanced Hide - This model has a 4+ Invulnerable Save.
● Techno-Organic Repairs - This model recovers D3 lost wounds at the start of each
● Forward March - This model may fire weapons while engaged in melee combat, though
with a -1 penalty to all To Hit rolls. Additionally, it suffers no penalty for Advancing and
firing Versatile weapons.
● Massive Beast - This model may obstruct Line of Sight.
● Explosive Munitions - When this model is slain, roll a D6. On a 5+, this model
explodes, dealing D3 mortal wounds to all units within 6”.

Weak Point:
● Left, Right

* 3+ * 8 8 9 2 8

Damaged Statline:
Remaining W M BS
7-9 9” 3+
4-6 7” 4+
1-3 5” 5+

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Mechanical Claws 3” Melee 9 2 No

Mounted Cordak Revolver 24” Versatile D6 12 D3 Yes1

1. Unmodified To Hit rolls of 6 cause a Mortal Wound in addition to any damage normally dealt.


The Exo-Toa was originally commissioned by the Brotherhood of Makuta as a defense system
for their strongholds across the Matoran Universe. The first iteration of the design was
autonomous, using an onboard AI for all functions. However, the option for a pilot to override AI
control was included, as the Brotherhood once worked closely with early Toa teams. These teams
would go on to become their dedicated Hagah bodyguards. After the Makuta’s betrayal, many
Exo-Toa were seized by Toa, who began appropriating the suits for their own usage. As the Great
War goes on, the Exo-Toa design has evolved, as Toa personalize and adapt their weaponry. The
suit’s onboard AI, largely ignored (or in some cases even removed by the pilots), is all but
forgotten, and the shoulder joint has now been made modular such that arms may be quickly
swapped out between various weapons. Popular equipment includes Electro Rockets,
Microkanoka Blasters, Midak Cannons, and Boxing Claws, an eclectic array of advanced
weaponry from various sources across the Matoran Universe.

Boxing Claw, Electro Rocket, Midak Cannon, Microkanoka Blaster

Keywords: Vehicle, Toa, Heavy Support, Kanohi Capable, Toa Heroes
Size: 50mm base.
Cost: 105 PTS

● Enduring - When wounded by an attack, roll a D6. If the number on the die is lower than
the damage inflicted, you may ignore it.
● Path of the Reach - Exo-Toa arms are able to extend great distances, extending their
melee reach drastically - Once per Battle (per equipped Boxing Claw), during the
Command Phase, this model may perform an attack with said Boxing Claw against a
visible enemy model within 6”. This may target an enemy unit this model is not engaged
in melee combat with, though it may not target enemy units engaged in melee with
friendly units.

Wargear – This model chooses 2 options from below. One option gains Fixed: Front, Right and
the other gains Fixed: Front, Left
● Electro Rocket - Default
● Boxing Claw - Default
● Midak Cannon - 0 PTS.
● Microkanoka Blaster - 0 PTS.
Pivot - This model has a 90 degree pivot.

6” 3+ 3+ 7 6 8 2 8


Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Boxing Claw 2” Melee 9 2 Yes1

Electro Rocket 30” Heavy 1 10 D6 Yes2

Microkanoka Blaster 20” Repeater X 5 1 Yes3

Midak Cannon 24” Versatile 3 7 2 Yes4

1. This attack deals D3 hits with each attack.

2. This attack deals Electricity damage.
3. This weapon’s number of shots changes based on the size of the unit it is targeting. If the
targeted unit has 4 (or fewer) models, it is treated as Repeater D6. When attacking a unit with 5
to 9 models, this weapon’s type becomes Repeater D3+3. When attacking a unit with 10 or more
models, this weapon’s type becomes Repeater 6.
4. This attack deals Light damage.

Midak Skygunners
Named after a Matoran who once helped the Toa Nuva, the Midak line of weaponry has proved
invaluable against heavy targets, as seldom are armors made to resist elemental Light. The
original Midak Skyblaster made by Artakha is near-impossible to replicate due to its master
craftsmanship, and thus is considered a relic reserved for only the most legendary of Toa heroes.
However, a less sophisticated weapon - the Midak Autoblaster, developed with inspiration from
the original Skyblaster - achieved production at a more manageable scale. While not as strong as
the Skyblaster, Skygunners armed with Midak Autoblasters rain destructive and explosive Light
with skill enough to reduce platoons of Rahkshi to little more than ash. Trained in aerial assault,
they are able to wield and utilize their bulky, shoulder-mounted weapons even while hovering
above the enemy. Their Mirus and stabilizing Propeller Claws lend them limitless aerial mobility,
while the aforementioned claws may function as powerful melee weapons if needed.

Heavy Midak Autoblaster, Propeller Claw

Keywords: Toa, Infantry, Kanohi Capable, Elites, Fly, Toa Heroes
Quantity: 5-10, 21 PTS per additional model.
Size: 40mm base.
Cost: 21 PTS per model.

● Master Crafted Armor - This unit has a 6+ Invulnerable Save.
● Elemental Warrior


● This unit is automatically equipped with a Kanohi Miru.

7” 3+ 3+ 6 5 2 2 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Heavy Midak Autoblaster 28” Heavy 2 6 1 Yes1

Propeller Claw 1” Melee 6 1 Yes2

1. This attack deals Light damage.

2. Wound rolls of 5+ ignore Invulnerable Saves and Feel No Pain abilities.


Rockoh T3
The earliest prototype of the T-series, Artakha himself was the mastermind behind the vehicle.
Initially designed as an airspeeder during its development, the original T2 was ultimately a
failure due to its ever-increasing scope. First a light speeder, it was then upgraded with a
prototype Midak Skyblaster, which had a prohibitively high power draw. This forced the addition
of a larger onboard power plant, which demanded greater armor, and thus greater thrust capacity.
As the T2 grew steadily more and more complicated, Artakha would eventually decide to split
the design, with the T2 returning to its original purpose as a light, skirmishing airspeeder, while
the T3 would begin development with many of the T2’s (now-discarded) assets.

Rockslide Cannons, Ramming Blades

Keywords: Vehicle, Toa, Fly, Kanohi Capable, Flyer, Toa Heroes
Size: 92mm base.
Cost: 115 PTS

● Airborne - Version 3: This model can only be charged by units with the Fly keyword.
○ Hard To Hit - Your opponents must subtract 1 from To Hit rolls for attacks that
target this model in the Shooting Phase.
● Built to Ram - The Rockoh’s ramming blades make it a guided missile - Once per Round,
this model may attack a unit using its Ramming Blades. In order to do so, it must succeed


in a charge against this unit. For every 4+ rolled in the charge, a Mortal Wound is dealt to
the targeted unit.
● Nimble - Enemy units attacking this model reroll To Hit rolls of 6+.
● Don’t Look Back - It’s hard to look around with millions of pounds of thrust at your
back - Elemental forms known by this unit gain Fixed: Front, Right, Left. In addition, this
unit may not take the Elemental Armor form.
● Elemental Warrior

Pivot - This model has a 90 degree pivot.

* 3+ * 7 7 8 3 9

Damaged Statline:
Remaining W M BS
5-8 10-25” 3+
3-4 10-20” 4+
1-2 10-15” 5+

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Ramming Blades 1” Melee 9 2 No

Rockslide Cannons 24” Versatile D3 7 1 No

Prototype Midak Skyblaster 24” Versatile 2 9 1 Yes1, 2

Weapon Profiles:
Rockslide Cannons - Fixed: Front
Prototype Midak Skyblaster - Fixed: Front

1. Hit rolls of 6+ reduce the targeted unit’s Movement characteristic by -3”.

2. This attack deals Light damage.

Jetrax T6
A staple of Toa pilots, the Jetrax is an extremely popular mid-range fighter. While not as agile as
the Rockoh or as armored as the Axalara, its main benefit is its versatility. Its multiple Midak
Skyblasters are capable of making air-to-air and air-to-surface attacks, and its already-admirable
speed can be augmented by shedding its side engines, which allow the vehicle to reach an even


higher top speed. For these reasons, it is one of the most common of the Artakhan aircraft
available to the Toa Heroes.

Mounted Midak Skyblaster (3x)

Keywords: Vehicle, Toa, Fly, Kanohi Capable, Flyer, Toa Heroes
Size: 92mm base.
Cost: 125 PTS

● Airborne - Version 4: This model can only be charged by units with the Fly keyword,
and can only engage in melee combat with units with the Fly keyword.
○ Hard To Hit - Your opponents must subtract 1 from To Hit rolls for attacks that
target this model in the Shooting Phase.
● Shed the Weight - Once per battle, during the Command Phase, this model may shed its
engines. Once it has done so, enemy units that target this model for attacks may not reroll
failed To Hit rolls under any circumstances, regardless of their rules. However, it
subtracts -3” from all Advance rolls, to a minimum of 1”.
● Don’t Look Back - It’s hard to look around with millions of pounds of thrust at your
back - Elemental forms known by this unit gain Fixed: Front, Right, Left. In addition, this
unit may not take the Elemental Armor form.
● Elemental Warrior

Pivot - This model has a 90 degree pivot.

* 3+ * 7 8 10 1 9

Damaged Statline:
Remaining W M BS
7-10 10-28” 3+
4-6 10-24” 4+
1-3 10-20” 5+

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Mounted Midak Skyblaster 24” Versatile 2 11 2 Yes1

Weapon Profiles:
Mounted Midak Skyblaster - Fixed: Front


1. This attack deals Light damage.

Axalara T9
The heaviest armed and armored of the T-series, the Axalara is extremely rare amongst the Toa
Heroes’ air support owing to the exorbitant cost of production. Featuring several feet of
protosteel armor on each surface, most Toa view it as an irresponsible usage of their resources,
and prefer to set aside the bulk quantities of metallic protodermis for forging weapons and armor.
Occasionally, however, Axalara are produced out of necessity, where they pay for themselves
handsomely - with a destructive hail of lasers and Midak Skyblaster shots.

Mounted Midak Skyblaster (2x), Tri-Stinger Lasers

Keywords: Vehicle, Toa, Fly, Kanohi Capable, Flyer, Toa Heroes
Size: 92mm base.
Cost: 135 PTS

● Airborne - Version 4: This model can only be charged by units with the Fly keyword,
and can only engage in melee combat with units with the Fly keyword.
○ Hard To Hit - Your opponents must subtract 1 from To Hit rolls for attacks that
target this model in the Shooting Phase.
● Forcefield Capacitors - When this model is wounded by an enemy attack, roll a D6. If
the number rolled is lower than the damage dealt, this model takes no damage.
● Strongly Armored - Half a bio of Protosteel encases the Axalara, making it one of the
heaviest craft to ever take to the air - This model has a 4+ Invulnerable Save.
● Don’t Look Back - It’s hard to look around with millions of pounds of thrust at your
back - Elemental forms known by this unit gain Fixed: Front, Right, Left. In addition, this
unit may not take the Elemental Armor form.
● Elemental Warrior

Pivot - This model has a 90 degree pivot.

* 3+ * 7 9 10 1 9

Damaged Statline:
Remaining W M BS
7-10 10-26” 3+
4-6 10-23” 4+
1-3 10-20” 5+


Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Mounted Midak Skyblaster 24” Versatile 2 11 2 Yes1

Tri-Stinger Lasers 16” Repeater 1 5 D3 No

Weapon Profiles:
Mounted Midak Skyblaster - Fixed: Front
Tri-Stinger Lasers - Fixed: Front

1. This attack deals Light damage.


Toa Terrain Crawler Transport Pattern

Provided as a gift by Axonn - a powerful warrior and Rahi enthusiast - the first Toa Terrain
Crawler was a heavily modified Rahi, capable of traversing through various dangerous
environments, healing its passengers, and shrugging off immense amounts of damage. A
singularly impressive and one-of-a-kind transport, the design was nonetheless inspiring for the
Toa Heroes, who at the time lacked a viable carrier. Using only aging and unarmed boats, Toa
Terrain Crawlers would circumvent many of the Toa fleet’s issues. Able to cross bodies of water
undetected, a small force of Terrain Crawlers can burst onto an enemy beachhead in the dead of
night, opening its hatches and revealing dozens of Toa, armed and ready.

Mechanical Claws
Keywords: Vehicle, Monster, Construct, Rahi, Heavy Support, Toa Heroes
Size: No Base, 3.75” by 10.25” profile.
Cost: 120 PTS

● Artificially-Enhanced Hide - This model has a 4+ Invulnerable Save.
● Techno-Organic Repairs - This model recovers D3 lost wounds at the start of each
● Chemical Restoration (Aura) - Friendly models within 3” of this model at the start of
the Round regain 1 lost wound. Additionally, units embarked within this model who are
wounded automatically recover all lost wounds. If the unit is made of single-wound
models, no lost models are returned.
● Transport - This model has a transport capacity of 12 Toa models or 18 Matoran models.
Additionally, it may transport up to 2 Sergeant or Commander models.
● Massive Beast - This model may obstruct Line of Sight.

Weak Point:
● Left, Right

9” 3+ 3+ 8 8 9 2 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Mechanical Claws 3” Melee 9 2 No


Toa Team Leader

What is a captain without a crew? Though Toa are formidable and powerful warriors, even they
are not flawless. Without one of strong mind and body to guide them, infighting and bickering
can occur, and disrupt the unity of a team. Team Leaders are typically represented by the Fire
tribe, owing to their brash and headstrong attitude - traits that serve them well in the leadership
role - though this is by no means a rule. Conversely, their boldness sometimes earns them
unnecessary hardship, and thus a Toa team often serves in synergy. With their leader’s might,
they march towards victory, but by their members’ council, they shy from defeat.

Kanoka Disk Launcher, Toa Tools

Keywords: Character, Toa, Infantry, Sergeant, Kanohi Capable, Toa Heroes
Attached To: Toa Team, Vanguard Toa Team, Marksmen, Toa Medics, Pathfinders,
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 17 PTS

● Steady - This unit and the unit this model is attached to may reroll Overwatch rolls of 1.
Additionally, the unit this model is attached to increases the AP of their melee attacks by
● Heroes Fortitude - This unit has a 6+ Feel no Pain.
● Elemental Warrior

Wargear - This unit may take 1 Kanohi from the Toa Codex Kanohi List. By default it has none.
Additionally, it may replace its Kanoka Disk Launcher with Toa Tools:
● Kanohi


● Kanoka Disk Launcher - Default

● Toa Tools - 0 PTS

5” 3+ 3+ 5 * 2 2 9

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Kanoka Disk Launcher 24” Versatile 1 6 1 No

Toa Tools 1” Melee 5 2 No

Captain of the Guard

Oftentimes the interests of the Toa Heroes and the Matoran Guard align. Thus, reinforcements
from the Matoran are often available and enthusiastic volunteers. However, without a formal
position in the Toa’s chain of command, the Matoran Guard often has to dispatch a Captain of
the Guard to manage their own forces, and maintain order on the field. Though ultimately
subservient to the Toa, they are a confident and capable authority in and of themselves, able to
manage their forces with proficiency and skill.

Protosteel Spear, Kanoka Rifle

Keywords: Character, Matoran, Kanohi Capable, Infantry, Sergeant, Toa Heroes
Attached To: Matoran Militia
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 14 PTS

● Loyalty - “Stand firm! The Toa are at our side!” - This model, and the unit it is attached
to automatically pass Morale Tests.

Wargear - This model may replace its Protosteel Spear with a Kanoka Rifle
● Protosteel Spear - Default.
● Kanoka Rifle - 0 PTS.

5” 4+ 4+ 4 * 4 2 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities


Protosteel Spear 2” Melee 5 1 No

Kanoka Blaster 24” Repeater 1 5 1 No

A necessary part of long-range operations, Toa Spotters are less heavily-armed than Marksmen,
and they are instead trained to provide support to the rest of their unit. Designating priority
targets using a Kanohi-mounted scope, they keep Marksmen focused on enemy leaders and
heavy units. In a pinch, however, they use shortened variants of the same rifles favored by the
Marksmen themselves, and share a similar level of skill and accuracy as their sharp-shooting
brothers and sisters.

Shortened Kanoka Lance

Keywords: Character, Toa, Infantry, Kanohi Capable, Sergeant, Toa Heroes
Attached To: Marksmen
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 19 PTS

● Target Delineation - When the air and earth are on your side, lining up the perfect shot
seems a lot easier - Once per Round, during the Command Phase, this model may pick
one visible enemy unit within 48”. The unit that this model is attached to adds +1 to all
To Hit and Wound rolls against that enemy unit.
● Sharpshooters - If this model or the unit this model is attached to is charged, its
Overwatch shots hit on 5+ rather than the standard 6.
● Elemental Warrior

5” 4+ 4+ 5 * 2 1 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Shortened Kanoka Lance 24” Heavy 1 6 2 Yes1

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Shortened Kanoka Lance 24” Heavy 1 6 2 Yes1


1. This attack may target models with the Character keyword, even if they are not the closest
model. If there is a closer enemy model that is not a Character, you have a -1 penalty on your To
Hit rolls against that Character.

The largest and most powerful weapons are reserved for Toa Snipers; in their case it is the
custom Kanoka Lance, upgraded and modified on a personal basis. These massive weapons not
only share their stock model’s destructive potential but surpass it, able to fire rounds straight
through enemy armor, and leave a simmering hole where the projectile strikes. This dangerous
ability comes with a cost, however, as Snipers often develop a certain level of pride, preferring to
take out enemy vehicles and Rahi rather than enemy commanders, viewing the former as a
greater threat than the latter.

Custom Kanoka Lance

Keywords: Character, Toa, Infantry, Kanohi Capable, Sergeant, Toa Heroes
Attached To: Marksmen
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 21 PTS

● Sharpshooters - If this model, or the unit this model is attached to is charged, its
Overwatch shots hit on 5+ rather than the standard 6.
● Elemental Warrior

5” 3+ 3+ 5 * 2 1 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Custom Kanoka Lance 48” Heavy 1 11 D3 Yes1

1. This attack automatically hits its target.

Alchemy is a common art amongst Matoran, especially those of the tribes of Water and Plantlife.
The ability to create powerful poultices and herbal remedies is a highly-useful one. When a
Matoran becomes a Toa, however, they often are forced to put aside their personal interests for
the greater good. That said, there are some who are skilled enough with Alchemy that their talent


as a Matoran becomes their primary tool as a Toa. Alchemists wield various and mysterious
tools, like vials of fire in a bottle, or a powder of pure light, or a smothering black smoke in order
to confuse, disorient, and dispatch their foes.

Light Grenade, Flame Jet

Keywords: Character, Toa, Infantry, Kanohi Capable, Elites, Toa Heroes
Attached To: Toa Medics
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 18 PTS

● Nightingale - See Toa Medics (This model moves with its attached unit when their
Nightingale ability activates).
● Preventative Medicine - Various herbal remedies can be used to bolster and increase the
strength of the wounded - The unit this model is attached to may raise either its Armor
Class or the AP of its Melee Attacks by 1 at the start of the battle.
● Black Powder - Once per battle, instead of shooting in the Shooting Phase, this model
may use black powder. If this model does so, all friendly models within 6” are treated as
being in Heavy Cover. This effect is automatically applied to the unit this model is
attached to.
● Elemental Warrior

5” 3+ 3+ 5 * 2 1 10

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Light Grenade 12” Grenade 3 7 2 Yes1

Flame Jet 12” Blaster 6 4 D3 Yes2

1. This attack deals Light damage.

2. This attack automatically hits its target.

Combat Engineer
A Matoran’s skill with a wrench is often a powerful asset. Forgemasters and builders, they are
typically the architects of the Toa’s various tools, vehicles, and weapons. Additionally, the
vehicles provided by Artakha are often built by Matoran in various hidden and secret foundries.
On the battlefield, however, Matoran learn to be quick and nimble. Dodging from ally to ally,


they provide support wherever possible, repairing and upgrading the Toa’s equipment, while
their automatic shoulder cannon protects them from enemy interference.

Forge Tools, Shoulder Cannon

Keywords: Character, Matoran, Infantry, Kanohi Capable, Elites, Toa Heroes
Attached To: Combat Armorers
Size: 25mm base.
Cost: 20 PTS

● Bigger, Better, Stronger (Aura) - All friendly Toa Heroes units within 3” automatically
have the AP of all of their Melee weapons raised by +2.

5” 4+ 4+ 4 * 2 1 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Forge Tools 1” Melee 5 1 No

Shoulder Cannon 18” Repeater 1 6 1 No

Though Shadowwalkers are known for their willingness to break the Toa Code, none are so
reviled as Oathbreakers. Toa that have failed or are otherwise disgraced are the only ones who
work alongside Shadowwalkers, as said cutthroats are the only ones willing to work alongside
them. Oathbreakers are typically lost in mires of despair, and seek to prove themselves in battle
to reclaim their lost honor. In fact, so desperate are Oathbreakers to prove their worth that some
of them may even take their own lives if they are victorious in combat, as they resent their failure
to have died protecting their allies.

Keywords: Character, Toa, Infantry, Kanohi Capable, Sergeant, Toa Heroes
Attached To: Shadowwalkers
Size: 32mm base.
Cost: 24 PTS

● Walk The Line - This model, and the unit it is attached to, may move through terrain as
if it were not there.

● Break the Spirit - A swift and crushing strike ends the battle before it begins - Whenever
the enemy performs the Ambush action, you may perform an Ambush using this model,
and the unit it is attached to, and immediately perform attacks as if it were the Shooting
● Elemental Warrior

7” 3+ 3+ 5 * 2 3 8

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Void Claw 1” Melee 8 D3 Yes1

1. Unmodified To Hit rolls of 6 cause Mortal Wounds instead of standard wounds.


Toa Kaita
“Named in prophecy, three will become one and walk the Path of the Warrior…” The ultimate
expression of unity, Toa Kaita are as rare as they are powerful. Relying on a team of three Toa to
become so trusting and reliant on each other that they are able to combine forces, a Toa Kaita is a
massive being who wields powers greater than the sum of their parts. Using the three Kanohi and
elements of their patron Toa, the Kaita upgrades them, and wields a nearly-unmatched physical
prowess. Unfortunately, such displays of teamwork are rare, as many Toa die before they can
achieve such a level of camaraderie with their teammates - that, or the stresses of war fracture
their unity.

Kaita Elemental Bolt, Cleaving Blade

Keywords: Toa, Kanohi Capable, Infantry, Monster, Dreadnought, Toa Heroes
Size: 92mm base.
Cost: 395 PTS

● Agility - This model has a 5+ Invulnerable Save.
● Unity - This model may take up to 3 Kanohi from the Kanohi list for free.
● Elemental Wreath - At the start of each Round, if there are any enemy models in Melee
combat with this model, roll a D6. On a 3+, the enemy takes D3 Mortal Wounds.
● Colossus - This model may perform ranged attacks and charges even after it has
performed the Withdrawal action.


● Kanohi Wielder
● Elemental Unification - This model may perform any 3 of the Elemental Forms listed in
its attacks section in the Shooting Phase.

* 3+ * 8 8 20 * 10

Damaged Statline:
Remaining W M BS A
13-20 7” 2+ 4
7-12 6” 3+ 3
1-6 5” 4+ 2

Weapon Range Type AP D Abilities

Kaita Elemental Bolt 24” Repeater 3 10 2 Yes1

Kaita Elemental Blast 6” Versatile 2 13 3 Yes1, 2

Kaita Elemental Beam 36” Heavy D6 8 2 Yes1, 3

Kaita Elemental Bomb 12” Grenade X 8 1 Yes1, 4

Cleaving Blade 2” Melee 11 2 No

1. This attack deals Elemental damage.

2. This attack automatically hits its target.
3. After resolving an attack with this Form, you may target a different enemy unit within 6” of
the first target to make another Elemental Beam attack against. This attack may cause additional
attacks, to a maximum of 3 units targeted.
4. This attack makes 2 To Hit rolls for each model in the targeted unit.


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