Summer Youth Camp Module

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Project LIT (Literacy, Inclusion, & Transformation)


Subjects English, Math, Science

Topics/Areas Basic Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, Physics
Learning A. Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills in mathematics by
Objectives evaluating complex arithmetic expressions, solving equations, and applying
geometric concepts to real-world scenarios.
At the end of B. Enhance scientific inquiry and design thinking by understanding physical
the session, forces and using this knowledge to create and improve engineering projects.
the students C. Strengthen communication and collaboration skills through mastering
should be able grammatical accuracy, working in teams, and effectively presenting ideas and
to: results.

General Overview
This comprehensive activity is designed to enhance students' skills in mathematics, science, and
language arts through a series of interconnected tasks. In mathematics, students will evaluate complex
arithmetic expressions, solve linear and quadratic equations, and apply geometric principles to real-
world problems. The science component focuses on understanding the effects of gravity, air resistance,
and impact force, and applying this knowledge in designing and testing egg parachutes. Additionally,
students will develop their language proficiency by mastering subject-verb agreement, working
collaboratively in teams to share ideas, and effectively presenting their findings. This multifaceted
approach aims to foster critical thinking, creativity, and effective communication among students.

Activity 1: Quiz Bowl (Math and English)

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the activity, the students will be able to:
a. evaluate complex arithmetic expressions involving order of operations, such as addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division;
b. demonstrate proficiency in calculating final prices after applying percentage discounts,
considering additional promotions based on quantity purchased;
c. compute areas of geometric shapes (square and circle) and determine remaining space after
placing one shape inside another;
d. demonstrate the ability to solve linear and quadratic equations involving one or more
variables; and
e. correctly identify and apply subject-verb agreement rules in sentences, distinguishing
between singular and plural subjects and matching them with appropriate verb forms.
 The students will be divided into five groups.
 Each group will be provided with a pen and a slate board.
 The quizmasters will post 15 questions derived from English and math.
 Each group will have a set amount of time to answer each question, depending on its difficulty.
 Once the time is up, each group must raise their slates.
 Each correct answer is worth one point.
 Each question will present a mathematical and English concept, which the quizmasters will
briefly discuss to elaborate further.
 The group with the highest points will receive a prize.


Question Answer Concept

1. Evaluate the following expression: 14 MDAS
8+3 X (10-2) / 4
2. Evaluate the following expression: 11 MDAS
12 Fractions
2 3
3 4
5 1
+ × −
6 2 ( )
3. In a local market in Tabuk, a vendor is So, Ana will pay Percentage discounts
selling bananas at ₱60 per kilogram. The ₱359.10 for 7
vendor decides to offer a 10% discount for kilograms of bananas
customers who buy at least 3 kilograms. after both discounts
Additionally, there is a promotional offer: if are applied.
a customer buys more than 5 kilograms, they
receive an extra 5% off the discounted price.
If Ana buys 7 kilograms of bananas, how
much does she pay in total after both
discounts are applied?
4. Lena has a square garden with a side length 321.5 square meters. Area of Circle and
of 20 meters. She wants to place a circular Square
flower bed in the center of the garden. The
radius of the circular flower bed is 5 meters.
What is the remaining area of the garden
after placing the circular flower bed?
5. Which figure completes the series? C Abstract reasoning

6. Find the value of y if 2y−7=11 9 Linear Equation

7. Solve for the x in the equation: 1 Quadratic equation
3 x −5 x+2=0
8. Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school. are Subject-Verb
9. One of my sisters (is, are) going on a trip to is Agreement
10. The movie, including all the previews, (take, takes
takes) about two hours to watch.
11. George and Tamara (doesn't, don't) want to Don’t
see that movie.
12. Either my shoes or your shirt (is, are) always is
on the floor.
13. The committee (debates, debate) these Debates
questions carefully.
14. The committee members (leads, lead) very Lead
different lives in private.
15. All of the CDs, even the scratched one, (is, are
are) in this case.

Activity 2: Egg Drop Activity (Science)

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the activity, the students will be able to:
a. explain how gravity, air resistance, and impact force affect the egg's fall;
b. use the design process to create, test, and improve their egg parachutes; &
c. work in teams to share ideas and present their design and results effectively.
 This activity challenges students' creativity through the creation of egg parachutes.
 Students will be divided into five groups.
 Each group will receive a set of materials necessary to construct their egg parachutes, with no
standard design imposed.
 The objective for each group is to design and build an egg parachute that successfully prevents
the egg from breaking upon landing.
 Each team will have 30 minutes to complete their parachute design.
 Following the designated time, each group will launch their egg parachute from a specified
 Egg
 Plastic
 Yarn
 Rubber bands
 Tape
 Scissors
 Newspaper
Concept behind the activity:
The concept behind an egg parachute revolves around principles of physics and engineering designed to
slow down the descent of the egg, thereby reducing the impact force upon landing.
Principles and Concepts
 Gravity and Free Fall: Gravity pulls objects towards the Earth, causing them to accelerate as they
fall. Without any intervention, an egg dropped from a height would fall rapidly, resulting in a high
impact force upon hitting the ground.
 Air Resistance: Air resistance, or drag, is the force exerted by air against the motion of an object
moving through it. By increasing the surface area of the falling object, air resistance is increased,
which slows down the descent.
 Parachute Mechanism: A parachute is designed to increase the surface area of the falling object,
thus significantly increasing air resistance. The parachute catches air and creates drag, slowing
down the fall of the attached object—in this case, an egg.
 Impact Force Reduction: By slowing down the descent, the parachute reduces the velocity of the
egg when it reaches the ground. A slower fall means less kinetic energy and, consequently, a
smaller impact force upon landing. This reduced impact force helps prevent the egg from
The egg parachute activity not only demonstrates fundamental physics concepts but also engages
participants in hands-on learning and creative problem-solving.

Summative Evaluation

Grade level

Instructions: Read the following questions then encircle the correct answer.
1. What is the solution to the linear equation 2x+3=9
a. 3 b. 2 c. 4 d. 5
2. If a book originally costs 40 pesos and is on sale for 20% off, what is the sale price?
a. 28 pesos c. 36 pesos
b. 32 pesos d. 38 pesos
3. A rectangular garden measures 15 meters by 10 meters. What is its area in square meters?
a. 120 m² c. 175 m²
b. 150 m² d. 200 m²
4. Solve for x if 2x+5=15.
a. 5 b. 7 c. 8 d. 10
5. The team of scientists (has, have) been researching the project for over a year.
a. Has b. Have
6. Either my mom or my dad (is, are) coming to the game.
a. Is b. Are
7. The committee (meets, meet) every Wednesday to discuss new policies.
a. Meets b. Meet
8. Neither John nor his friends (was, were) at the party last night.
a. Was b. Were
9. The news about the accident (was, were) shocking to everyone.
a. Was b. Were
10. The police (is, are) still investigating the case.
a. Is b. Are
11. What is the primary purpose of the parachute in the egg drop activity?
A. To increase the weight of the egg
B. To slow down the descent of the egg
C. To make the egg spin during the fall
D. To change the direction of the egg's fall
12. How does increasing the surface area of the parachute affect the fall of the egg?
A. It decreases the air resistance and speeds up the fall
B. It has no effect on the fall
C. It increases the air resistance and slows down the fall
D. It makes the egg fall in a zigzag pattern
13. Which of the following materials would be most effective in reducing the impact force on the egg
upon landing?
A. A heavy metal container
B. A container lined with bubble wrap
C. A container made of cardboard only
D. A container wrapped in plastic wrap
14. Why is air resistance important in the context of the egg parachute activity?
A. It decreases the weight of the egg
B. It helps the egg container to float in the air
C. It slows down the falling speed of the egg
D. It increases the gravitational pull on the egg
15. Which scientific principle explains why the egg parachute slows down the egg's descent?
A. Gravity
B. Newton's First Law of Motion
C. Air Resistance
D. Centripetal Force

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