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Philippine Administrative System and Structure

Administrative System

- Refers to a network of organization with specific rules and goals, structures,

resources and programs. It includes the internal processes of and the
interaction between among public organizations, which are constituted to
implement, help formulate, monitor or assess public policies.
- This system covers PA relationship with its immediate public in contact, as
well as the PA’s reactions to or how it is affected by the greater socio-
political and economic environment within which it operates.

Public Administrative System empowers people:

- To have access to PAS services;

- Makes operations transparent;
- Listen and works with people ;
- Procedures should be made simple

Administrative structure

There is no constitutional nor statutory prescription as to the number of

departments in the executive branch of the Philippine government. However,
functional distribution of work and performance of functions by the executive
have to be considered. Of course the control of powers of the president under
section 17 of Article VII of the 1987 Philippine Constitution task him with the
responsibility to faithfully carry out the mandate of the law and empowers him
to finally decide the number of departments.

Present PAS Structure

- Constitutional bodies:
1. Constitutional Commissions – Civil Service Commission, Commission on
Audit and Commission on Elections.
2. Constitutionally created/mandated special bodies - Commission on
Human Rights, Commission on Good Government, and Ombudsman.

- Executive Departments are clustered into different sectors:

1. General Government Sector – DBM, Finance, DFA, NEDA, Office of

the Presidents Secretary
2. Agriculture, Agrarian and Environment Sector – DA, DAR, and DENR
3. Trade and Industry – DTI
4. Infrastructure and Energy Sector – DPWH, DOE, DOTrans
5. Education and Manpower Sector – Dep Ed, DOLE
6. Health and Social Welfare Sector – DOH, DSWD
7. Defense Sector – DND, LTO, LRA, BFMP

8. Science and Technology Sector – DOST

9. Public Order and Safety Order – DOJ
10. Local Government Sector - DILG
- GOCC’s
- Chartered Institution
- LGU’s

Policy Guidelines for Implementation

Certain policy guidelines are observed in the departments. Program planning

and implementation must be in accordance with national policies. To ensure
economy and efficiency, to minimize duplication and overlapping of activities,
Bureaus and offices of a department are grouped on the basis of major functions.
There is decentralization of departmental functions in order to reduce red-tape, free
national officials of administrative details and relieve them of routine for local
matters. There is delegation of appropriate authority to subordinate official with
decision making made at a level closest to the community clientele.

Jurisdiction of the Department

The department possesses jurisdiction over bureaus, offices, regulatory

agencies and government-owned and controlled corporations assigned to it by law.
The Administrative relationship of the department with the sub-units and agencies
over which it possesses jurisdiction are of three categories.

a. Supervision and control

- If an office is under the supervision and control of another unit, it means that the
higher office;
- Has authority to act directly whenever specific function is entrusted by law or
regulation to a subordinate.
- Directs the performance of a duty;
- Restrains the commissions of acts;
- Reviews, approve reverses or modify acts or decisions of subordinate officials
and units;
- Determines priorities in executing plans and programs
- Prescribes standards, guidelines, plans and program
Administrative supervision

Relates to the relationship between a regular department and regulatory

- Oversee the operations of such agencies to insure these are manage
effectively, efficiently and economically; no interference in day to day
- Require submission of reports, conduct of management audit, performance
evaluation and inspections to determine rectification of violations, abuses,
- Review and pass upon budget proposal of such agencies, but may not increase
or add to them.
b. Attachment

This term applies to the lateral relationship between a department and the
attached agency or corporation for policy and program coordination.

- The department is entitled to have a representative in the corporate board of

the agency as chair or member
- The agency is required to come up with a periodic report on the status of its
programs and projects.
- The department provide a general policy through its board representatives
(general policies are outlined for the agency to guide its internal policies.
Internal operations area matter of internal concern for the agency).
x Authority Delegation

To implement plans and programs effectively, authority over and

responsibility for operations may be delegated to bureau directions and regional
directors. The extent of such delegation is circumscribed by the need for economy,
efficiency and effective implementation of national and local programs in
accordance with policies and standards developed by the department. The regional
field offices are the operating arms of the bureaus. As counterparts’ of the bureaus
in the regions, they are directly responsible to the bureau director for the operations
they undertake.

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