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UINSA International Young Scientist Competition 2022

Indonesia, 2-3 July 2022

Sub Theme: Environmental Science

“SHRIMLIZER (Shrimp Shell Fertilizer): Innovation of Liquid Fertilizer

Waste Shrimp Shell with EM4 Biocatalyst to Accelerate The Growth of Chili

Amaliya Putri1*, Rizka Maulida Septiana2, Wahyu Setia Budi3

Department of Food Technology, Diponegoro University
Department of Management, Diponegoro University
Department of Public Administration, Diponegoro University

Abstract: Shrimp shell contains protein, chitin, and calcium carbonate. The quality of shrimp waste based on its
nutrient content is quite good and suitable to be used as material for making liquid fertilizer, but until now this waste
has not been processed and utilized optimally, causing environmental pollution, especially odors and poor
environmental aesthetics. The purpose of this study was to determine that shrimp waste can be used as liquid organic
fertilizer, to know how to process shrimp waste so that it can be used as liquid organic fertilizer, to determine the
effect of using liquid organic fertilizer with bacterial biodecomposer EM4 on the growth of chili plants and to know
the nutrient content in liquid organic fertilizer from shrimp shell. The method used in this study was an experiment
by trying several samples of the experimental design to measure the growth of chili plants for 10 days with
fertilization 2 times a day. There are 5 samples with a ratio of shrimp shell composition and EM4 bacteria, namely
(I) 20%: 10%, (II) 30%:10%, (III) 40%:10%, (IV) 50%:10%, (V) 60%:10%. The best research result of Shrimilizer
in sample V with a ratio of shrimp shell and EM4 bacteria was 60%:10% where this sample gave better chili growth
results, namely the stem length was 5 cm and the leaves were more fertile and fresh. These results were better than
the use of chemical fertilizers which only experienced a stem length of 2.8 cm. The nitrate content contained in the
SHRIMLIZER is 37.6 mg/l while the pH is on a scale of 6.9. Those value met the Indonesian national standard which
sets the nitrate level for liquid fertilizer between 33-38 mg/l. For its own pH between 4-8.
Keywords: : Liquid organic fertilizer, Shrimp shell, EM4 bacteria, Chili Plants
According to (Keraf, 2002) the emergence of environmental problems is a moral problem of human behavior.
The environment is not merely a technical issue. Poor waste management will become a serious problem in the
surrounding environment. In addition to causing unpleasant odors, the presence of waste because of its nature tends
to reduce the quality, function and ability of the environment. The presence of waste directly or indirectly causes
inconvenience or negative impact on the health of the surrounding community. This is because the pattern of waste
treatment is always associated with relatively expensive technology and management. However, not all waste has
such a perception. Through the development of existing research, many types of waste can be recycled for reuse.
Data on the potential of shrimp in Indonesia Shrimp is one of the important commodities in Indonesia. The
Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) released data on an increase in national shrimp production by 2.6%
from 338,060 tons in 2009 to 352,600 tons in 2010 and currently from year to year the potential for shrimp continues
to increase, which is estimated to increase by 7.4 on average. % per year (Trenggono, Diamantina, & P., 2019)
(Trubus, 2019). The development of shrimp farming is one of the missions of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and
Fisheries led by Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, who targets this year's shrimp production to increase by 32 percent
compared to last year's to more than 785,000 tons. In the last 5 years, national shrimp production has increased
significantly, namely 13.9% per year by looking at the land potential and development potential as well as the
technology we already have. National shrimp production in 2015 is targeted at 785,900 tons or an increase of about
32% from shrimp production in 2014 of 592,000 tons (KKP, 2019).
Shrimp demand is predicted to remain positive along with the increase in population, income, urbanization, and

UINSA International Young Scientist Competition 2022
SHRIMLIZER (Shrimp Shell Fertilizer): Innovation of Liquid Fertilizer Waste Shrimp Shell
with EM4 Biocatalyst to Accelerate The Growth of Chili Plants

demand for healthy food (FAO, 2008)(Munuera-Aleman, Delgado-Ballester, & Yague-Guillen, 2003) For example,
shrimp shell waste is a by-product of the frozen shrimp processing industry. Shrimp shells and crab shells from
seafood waste are potential sources for the manufacture of chitin and chitosan, which are commercially potential
biopolymers in various industrial fields. The benefits of chitin and chitosan in various fields of modern industry are
quite numerous, including in the pharmaceutical, biochemical, biotechnology, biomedical, food, nutrition, paper,
textile, agriculture, cosmetic, membrane and health industries. In addition, chitin and chitosan and their derivatives
have properties as coagulation emulsifiers and emulsion thickeners (Marganof, 2003).
The by-products are heads, shells and tails of shrimp. Shrimp shell contains protein (25% - 40%), chitin (15%
-20%), and calcium carbonate (45% - 50%). The chitin content of shrimp shells is less than that of crab shells. The
chitin content in crab waste reaches (50%-60%). However, the raw material that is easily obtained is shrimp, so the
process of making liquid fertilizer uses waste from shrimp shells (Soetomo, 1990). The quality of shrimp waste based
on its nutrient and nutrient content is quite good and suitable to be used as material for making liquid fertilizer, but
until now this waste has not been processed and utilized optimally, causing environmental pollution, especially odors
and poor environmental aesthetics.
Organic fertilizers have long been known to farmers, long before the Green Revolution took place in Indonesia
in the 1960s. However, since the Green Revolution, farmers have started to use a lot of artificial fertilizers because
they are practical to use and most of the high-yielding varieties do require high macronutrients (NPK) and must be
available quickly. According to (Simamora & Salundik, 2005), Liquid organic fertilizer is fertilizer that comes from
animals or plants that have undergone fermentation. the chemical content in it is a maximum of 5%. Another
researcher, (Hadisuwito, 2007) said that liquid organic fertilizer is a solution of decaying organic materials from plant
residues, animal waste, and humans which contain more than one nutrient element. The recent awakening of public
awareness of the impact of using anorganic fertilizers on the environment and the decline in soil fertility has
encouraged and required the use of organic fertilizers (Waryanti, Sudarno, & Sutrisno, 2012). In the short term,
chemical fertilizers are indeed able to accelerate the planting period because their nutrient content can be absorbed
directly by the soil, but on the other hand, in the long term it will have a negative impact. negative impacts, such as
land shifts. The hardness of the soil is caused by fertilizer residues or residues from these chemical fertilizers, so that
as a result the soil is difficult to decompose. Chemical properties are relatively more difficult to decompose or break
down compared to organic materials. The harder the soil, the harder it is for plants to absorb nutrients. Use a higher
concentration of fertilizer to get the same yield as the previous crop.
The process of root distribution and root aeration (breathing) is disrupted and results in the roots not being able
to function optimally and this in turn will reduce the production capacity of these plants (Notohadiprawiro, 2006).
Combining the existing potential with agricultural and environmental problems, the researchers took the initiative to
utilize shrimp shell waste in restaurants and fish auction places as an ingredient in the manufacture of liquid fertilizer
with the help of EM4 bacteria, while to determine the effectiveness of the liquid organic fertilizer that has been made,
in this study we used fertilization experiments on chili plants.
From the background above, in this study the following problems can be formulated: 1). How is the process of
making liquid organic fertilizer with shrimp shell waste? 2). How is the effect of liquid organic shrimp shell fertilizer
on the growth of chili plants? 3). How about the test results for liquid organic fertilizer from shrimp shells? Based on
the formulation of the problem above, the objectives of this study are: 1). To know the process of making liquid
organic fertilizer from shrimp shell waste 2). To determine the effect of using liquid fertilizer from shrimp shell waste
on chili plants 3). To know the nutrient content in liquid organic fertilizer from shrimp shell. The benefits to be
achieved from writing papers and the broad impact on the development and utilization of science and technology in
society. There are several benefits from this research, which are as follows: For researchers, 1). Provide writer's
creation and innovation 2). Develop science and technology 3). Increase knowledge about the growth and production
of chili plants by providing liquid organic fertilizer from shrimp shell waste. For Society, 1). Providing information
to the public about the benefits of processing shrimp shell waste 2). Providing solutions in making environmentally
friendly liquid fertilizer. For Government, help improve community welfare by utilizing shrimp waste that pollutes
the environment.

UINSA International Young Scientist Competition 2022
SHRIMLIZER (Shrimp Shell Fertilizer): Innovation of Liquid Fertilizer Waste Shrimp Shell
with EM4 Biocatalyst to Accelerate The Growth of Chili Plants



Needs analysis

Data collection

Sample making

Experimental design

Sample repair

Sample testing

Make a Report


Figure 1. Graphical Research Flowchart

Explanation of Flowchart of Research

2.1. Analysis of needs

Needs analysis includes identifying the needs of the jobs or conditions to be fulfilled in a new product or
product changes, which take into consideration the various needs that intersect between the various
stakeholders. The need of the results of this analysis will have to be implemented, measured, tested, associated
with the identified business needs, and defined to the level of detail sufficient for system design.
2.2. Data collection
The collection of the data we use to use two ways:
1) Data collection was conducted Direct observation (Observation)
Data collection in this study was taken through an observation of experimental or experimental
method, namely by looking at the height growth of chili plants that had been given SHRIMLIZER,
Chemical Fertilizer, and Water. With this experiment, data will be obtained. In this study, we used
quantitative data analysis techniques. Because this research is focused on the chili growth process.
2) Research library (Library Research)
Writer looking for some data to support the need for this product, including standard data needed for
liquid fertilizer and how to test it.
2.3. Sample making
Research population in this experiment consisted of vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) and EM4
bacteria. Meanwhile, research sample in this experiment was the concentration of vannamei shrimp
(Litopenaeus vannamei) which consisted of 5 kinds of concentrations, namely: 200gr, 300gr, 400gr, 500gr,
and 600gr.
Therefore, variables in this study shared into 3 section:
1) Independent variable: the independent variable of our study was the shrimp shell concentration.
2) Dependent variable: the dependent variable of this study was the growth of chili plants by observing
changes in height on the stems of these plants.

UINSA International Young Scientist Competition 2022
SHRIMLIZER (Shrimp Shell Fertilizer): Innovation of Liquid Fertilizer Waste Shrimp Shell
with EM4 Biocatalyst to Accelerate The Growth of Chili Plants

3) Control variable: the control variables in this study were chemical fertilizers and water given to chili
plants as a comparison of the growth of the chili plants.
2.4. Experimental design
Design of research experiment in this study is explained with table below:
Table 1. Design of Research Experiment

Sample A Sample B Sample C Sample D Sample E

Control Control
(X:Y) (X:Y) (X:Y) (X:Y) (X:Y)
100:200 100:300 100:400 100:500 100:600 treatment
X = EM4 Bacterial Dosage (100ml)
Y = Amount of Shrimp Shell that has been mashed (grams)
Research procedure in this study shared into 2 section:
1) Tools and Materials
Table 2. Tools and Materials Needed
Tools Materials
Gloves Shrimp shell waste
Measuring cup EM4 bacteria
Pipette/Injection Water
5 Small Container
2) Work Step
The process of making liquid organic fertilizer In this research, several stages are needed in making
liquid organic fertilizer, namely:

Figure 2. Graphical Making SHRIMLIZER

2.5. Sample repair

This improvement is done when the program / product experiencing problems or issues that do repairs for
the sake of conformity of products with the initial draft.

UINSA International Young Scientist Competition 2022
SHRIMLIZER (Shrimp Shell Fertilizer): Innovation of Liquid Fertilizer Waste Shrimp Shell
with EM4 Biocatalyst to Accelerate The Growth of Chili Plants

2.6. Sample Testing

To support this product, we carried out 2 tests on its content, namely nitrate and pH. This test was carried
out at the laboratory of the UPT Lamongan District Health Office.
2.7. Make a Report
This stage is the final stage in the preparation of product SHRIMLIZER.
3.1. Research Results
We provided 7 chili plants for the experiment and we named each sample A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.
1) Composition of 200gr (Sample A):
Table 3. Result Sample A
Days to 1 (before treatment) 10 (after treatment)
Height (cm) 20 21
Change The condition of the stems and The condition of the stems and leaves looks wilted
leaves of plants that are less and drooping
In sample A, plants is using a fertilizer with a composition of 200gr we can see that before treatment
and after treatment the plant changed its height from 20cm to 21cm after 10 days with the following plant
conditions, namely standing but not so fresh and the stems slightly wilted, that's because the composition
of the shrimp is 200gr.
2) Composition of 300gr (Sample B):
Table 4. Result Sample B
Days to 1 (before treatment) 10 (after treatment)
Height (cm) 16 18.5
Change The condition of the stems and The condition of the stems still looks infertile and
leaves of plants that are less so do the leaves.
In sample B, plant is using a fertilizer with a composition of 300gr, we can see that before treatment
and after treatment the plant changed its height from 16cm to 19.5cm after 10 days with the following plant
conditions, namely the condition of the chili plant standing with the condition of the chili plant being
slightly wilted and the leaf condition being weak. not so fresh.
3) Composition of 400gr (Sample C):
Table 5. Result Sample C
Days to 1 (before treatment) 10 (after treatment)
Height (cm) 21 23.8
Change The condition of the stems and The condition of the stems is getting taller, but the
leaves of plants that are less condition of the leaves is still a little wilted
In sample C, plant is using fertilizer with a 400gr composition, we can see that before treatment and
after treatment the plant changed its height from 21cm to 23cm after 10 days with the following plant
conditions, namely a change in the height of the chili stem but the leaves were still slightly wilted so that
the plant looked bent.
4) Composition of 500gr (Sample D):
Table 6. Result Sample D
Days to 1 (before treatment) 10 (after treatment)
Height (cm) 23 26.2
Change The condition of the stems and The condition of the stems is getting taller, but the
leaves of plants that are less condition of the leaves is not fresh
In sample D, plant is using fertilizer with a 500gr composition, we can see that before treatment and
after treatment the plant changed its height from 23cm to 26.2cm after 10 days with the following plant
conditions, namely changes in stem height in chilies and less fresh leaf conditions.

UINSA International Young Scientist Competition 2022
SHRIMLIZER (Shrimp Shell Fertilizer): Innovation of Liquid Fertilizer Waste Shrimp Shell
with EM4 Biocatalyst to Accelerate The Growth of Chili Plants

5) Composition of 600gr (Sample E):

Table 7. Result Sample E
Days to 1 (before treatment) 10 (after treatment)
Height (cm) 23 28
Change The condition of the stems and The condition of the stems stands upright and the
leaves of plants that are less leaves of the plant are fresh.
In sample E, plant is using a fertilizer with a composition of 600gr, we can see that before treatment
and after treatment, the plant height changed from 23cm to 28cm after 10 days with the following plant
conditions, namely the plant grew more fertile with increasing stem height and fresh leaf condition.
6) Chemical fertilizer from shop (Sample F)
Table 8. Result Sample F
Days to 1 (before treatment) 10 (after treatment)
Height (cm) 17.5 20.3
Change The condition of the stems and The condition of the stems is getting taller, but the
leaves of the plant is a little condition of the leaves is not fresh.
less fresh.
In sample F, plant is using store fertilizer, we can know that before treatment and after treatment the
plant changed its height from 17.5cm to 20.3cm after 10 days with the following plant conditions, namely
changes in stem height from leaves, namely leaves that are less fresh.
7) No fertilizer/water (Sample G)
Table 9. Result Sample G
Days to 1 (before treatment) 10 (after treatment)
Height (cm) 16 16.8
Change Good condition of stems and The condition of the stem height is up 0.8cm but
leaves the leaves are a little wilted
In sample G, plant is not using any fertilizer or using only water, we can know that before treatment
and after treatment the plant changed its height from 16cm to 16.8cm after 10 days with the following plant
conditions, namely the growth of chili plants there was only a change of 0.8cm on the day 10 and the
condition of the stems and leaves are slightly wilted.
3.2. Data Analysis
Table 10. Mean every sample
Chili Plant Growth Length (cm)

Days to Sample A Sample B Sample C Sample D Sample E Sample F Sample G

100:200 100:300 100:400 100:500 100:600 Chemical Water

1 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0

2 0.3 0.3 0 0 0.7 0.2 0
3 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.3
4 0 0.1 0 0.3 0.3 0.4 0
5 0 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.1
6 0 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.1 0
7 0 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.1
8 0 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.6 0 0.1
9 0 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0 0.1

UINSA International Young Scientist Competition 2022
SHRIMLIZER (Shrimp Shell Fertilizer): Innovation of Liquid Fertilizer Waste Shrimp Shell
with EM4 Biocatalyst to Accelerate The Growth of Chili Plants

10 0 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.1

Total Gain 1 2.5 2.8 3.2 5 2.8 0.8

Mean 0.1 0.25 0.28 0.32 0.5 0.28 0.08

In this study, the data collected is data about the results of observations obtained from observations of the
SHRIMLIZER test results on the growth of chili plants. To make it easier to explain the experimental results,
we present the experimental data in the form of a graph below.

High Gain Chili Plant

Series 2


2.8 2.8
3 2.5

1 0.8

Sampel A Sampel B Sampel C Sampel D Sampel E kontrol Sampel G

Figure 3. Graphical Making SHRIMLIZER

3.3. Process of Processing Shrimp Skin into liquid organic fertilizer

One way to utilize shrimp shell waste is to make liquid organic fertilizer that is environmentally friendly.
As for how to make this liquid organic fertilizer as follows:
At the initial stage, the shrimp shell is separated from the shrimp flesh, then washed. after that mashed with
a blender until crushed and added water. After that, all you have to do is mix the shrimp shell with 100 ml of
em4 bacteria and 1 liter of water. Make each shrimp shell, either 200, 300, 400, 500, or 600 grams with the
same mixture of em4 bacteria. Finally put the mixture of shrimp shells and em4 bacteria into a bottle and let it
ferment for 1 week and it's ready to be used as fertilizer.
3.4. Effect of SHRIMLIZER on Chili Plants
Based on the results of the study, the effect of SHRIMLIZER on the growth of chili plants for 10 days,
with shrimp shell concentrations of 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 grams. The best SHRIMLIZER concentration
was obtained, which was 600 grams, with a plant length growth of 5 cm. From these data, it was obtained that
the higher the concentration of shrimp shells, the faster the growth of chili plants. This is because in the shrimp
shell there is a chitin substance that can function as an immune system in plants, so they are not susceptible to
disease. And a mixture of EM4 bacteria containing Photosynthetic Bacteria (Rhodopseudomonas Sp), Lactic
acid bacteria (Lactobacillus Sp), Yeast (Saccharomyces Sp), Actinomycetes, and Fermented Fungi (Aspergillus
and Penicillium) which can accelerate plant growth.
3.5. Test SHRIMLIZER into Laboratory
The nitrate and PH tests on our SHRIMLIZER were carried out at UPT. Lamongan district health office
laboratory. in the test results the nitrate content contained in the SHRIMLIZER is 37.6 mg/l while the pH is on
a scale of 6.9.

UINSA International Young Scientist Competition 2022
SHRIMLIZER (Shrimp Shell Fertilizer): Innovation of Liquid Fertilizer Waste Shrimp Shell
with EM4 Biocatalyst to Accelerate The Growth of Chili Plants

Figure 4. Result Test SHRIMLIZER

From the results shown in the picture, the nitrate content of 37.6 mg/l has met the Indonesian national
standard which sets the nitrate level for liquid fertilizer between 33-38 mg/l. For its own pH, pH 6.9 has also
met the Indonesian national standard which sets the pH of liquid fertilizer between 4-8.
3.6. Product Advantages and Disadvantages
1) Cheap and easy raw materials
2) Is an Environmentally Friendly Liquid Fertilizer
3) Safe to use
4) Fertilize plants
5) Accelerate plant growth
6) Improve the chemical and biological properties of agricultural land
1) The process required in the manufacture is quite long because it waits for 1 week to ferment
2) The smell of the product is not good

UINSA International Young Scientist Competition 2022
SHRIMLIZER (Shrimp Shell Fertilizer): Innovation of Liquid Fertilizer Waste Shrimp Shell
with EM4 Biocatalyst to Accelerate The Growth of Chili Plants

From the results of the panel, it can be concluded as follows:
1. The best SHRIMLIZER (Environmentally Friendly Liquid Fertilizer) is a concentration between 600gr of
shrimp shell and 100 ml of EM4 bacteria with a height growth of 21cm to 26cm after 10 days of treatment
with the condition of the plant growing more fertile and the condition of the leaves being fresh and fertile.
2. The effect of shrimp shells on chili plants containing chitin and calcium carbonate with a mixture of EM4
inoculation containing Photosynthetic Bacteria (Rhodopseudomonas Sp), Lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus
Sp), Yeast (Saccharomyces Sp), Actinomycetes, and Fermented Fungi (Aspergillus and Penicillium) which
can accelerate plant growth is proven by the increase in height in stems and fresh and fertile leaf conditions.
3. The nitrate content contained in the SHRIMLIZER is 37.6 mg/l while the pH is on a scale of 6.9. Those value
met the Indonesian national standard which sets the nitrate level for liquid fertilizer between 33-38 mg/l. For
its own pH between 4-8.
1. It is hoped that this research can be used as a reference in the development and further research.
2. There are still many shortcomings in this study, therefore further research is needed, which is expected to
improve the shortcomings in this study by standardizing extracts and, adding concentrations, and extending
the observation time of stem and fruit growth in chili plants.


Thank to Allah, the beneficent, and the Merciful. Praise and gratitude to Allah for giving them strength
and guidance for the writer, so that this project can be finished accordingly. Blessing and Peace be on
Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his relatives, and all his followers.
The written of this project entitled “SHRIMLIZER (Shrimp Shell Fertilizer): Innovation of Liquid
Fertilizer Waste Shrimp Shell with EM4 Biocatalyst to Accelerate The Growth of Chili Plants”. This
project is written to attend the Unisa International Young Scientist Competition (UIYSC), Sunan Ampel
State Islamic University Surabaya.
There are a number of people who have been so helpful and supportive for us from the beginning of
our project until it is achieved. To all of them, we wish to extend heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for
their contribution directly or indirectly. In this precious moment, we would like to express our sincere
gratitude to:
1. Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum. as dean at Diponegoro University
2. Dr Heni Rizqiati SPt MSi as head of study Food Technology
3. Dr. Hardjum Muharam S.E., head of study Management
4. Dr. Widiartanto, S.Sos, M.AB as head of study Public Administration
5. Ahmad N. Al-Baarri, S.Pt., M.P., Ph.D. as our wonderful advisor. They carefully and patiently
read our drafts and made the correction on my mistakes. Their guidance and suggestions motivated
me in completing my project.
6. To our parents who always cheer us up to not give up and show the greatest opinion why we must
stay optimist to finish this project.
7. All of our friends who have made our days more colourful and our project more meaningful. Thank
8. All parties that cannot be mentioned one by one, thank you for everything.
Semarang, 6 Juny 2022

UINSA International Young Scientist Competition 2022
SHRIMLIZER (Shrimp Shell Fertilizer): Innovation of Liquid Fertilizer Waste Shrimp Shell
with EM4 Biocatalyst to Accelerate The Growth of Chili Plants


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