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—_—___——- Refining Composition Skills Rhetoric and Grammar for ESL Students ‘THIRD EDITION —=— REGINA L. SMAL_dY Maxwell Macmillan International Publishing Group Sn nen re n/p ty a Thing 2. Som tenes oer ‘Sretonlamensate pmanr sway ese oa er ati yh © 198, 8 by ni ang oo, Garant Preface “the hal elton of fining Composition Sb presen a negated propa of wig for igrintrmetharand avant adeno gi [riceoad lngutge. i combiner extensive pace in theta ate is Sn etic wth ew apron pamela {85 Rindbok fo wring: wan nd mean The pay a nce the academically inte Es ead were, the texas en {tual n developmen writing eoutes for ne spenrs who could "nett tom more guidance i eiang compositions. “ofung Composition dtr con accommodate the ned of xadent of sping dees of experience an levels of wg sil. hexpesenced ‘pete wil buds ald Souodstion fo weting begianng wi le Ose, ‘hich presents ee base pargraph pasers tefl for big schoo of Clegelcvel writing: aetuie, teseipare, thd expose. ‘Sve developing a rexsiting topic sence eran ‘ping tect. dtaied suppest ofthe coal ‘adits wo ave psrgrapi presented in thin uit may conser te chaps tn Unt One view ote experince woes mige Bgl the tot ith Ue Teo, ‘tie focurer she mupargaph en. Ths nt Induces he ‘Common atta of tapeniion sen we agurenion. Here the ce ‘ina on sro heer sextement and appropiate and well ges Sapper. Pct for Chspters 1 and 5, which provide inductions othe ps raph nd ey sespectvety, cach chapnerin Reining. Compostion ‘Ein focisct ona mcconclfnode of detlopment andthe conresione ‘sociated wt that mode. tah chapter cotta our ast components ‘ening slecsons, 3m imoocton tothe Metra pater: he Pleat ‘Smpositon alls (devices for achicvng concrons), and pre feview The stores perm are corel and clesiyexpianed and lies fe wth staden rps th can be used 2 dels at a the chee. a ett om composites tntrduces tetas Ct ‘Somponta arpa neceneyfrrevn nthe ‘rocea to aulons cach shop ncn excrete macy of he omposalon sil ihe grammar + Pagace sn eto. Therefore the grammatial stutures reviewed a encay {ise nse piety appopeite forthe revorie pate Abou {npn view auton to e comprehensive an ae ak ie dpm cine hee common problem ares for EL ster, The aoe clemein econ hereto mode™-O8 pars rom the faccnes ae ofcn desgaed to geoeate urbe weg pac ‘ra toca wri rae ec ‘Soca ting nsigoments frying bent ate provide seek mar anges nthe third eatin of Renin Compton ore ee eed ned mpnoved reading component: Each Apter Teepe Sapte 1 and 3) begs wth several temateaiy cosen ea ee atte eared coward ne errs of acaemlealyoented 1S, ions Te seins sc lomed by compretenston ection gue wesc tinted to genie try clas discus ad proce ey itp tise each shaper topics elnfoced Inte exaied eit nyo theeapce he reading posses aso feton 2 ramp toe es 24 0 ronal ting rng SREERA at te pnp of hvac app tm weing bo oie SETS itn" expanded ending component allows fo restr ‘eth Sn teaching eachere who wish to foes onthe academic cn teeta tan bein wane tnoistory essays wheres ache ‘Reet i local pyech an pn wh co ies cys hs eon nae» ches at the df Ah chaps anon spend om rontesding. The cheese, which sunms SRP Tape specs ofthe porcine type of fag oF ey i paberton cach chap, promises wha any WY ee Te ape pce he import ‘Steyr way of hese mode exercises, and expen have Deen tren tl a, eng Comer el tkSiopmenls scp sxep approach town whe peoidng reer ‘hip sen and sade coment Acknowledgments se woud lite tank our reviewer, ob cllegues. and ou dents sorting tet usb supgetons ding te preparaion of thc EL ‘Shae We ne capcily patel to Caper Mackin, Mary's band, ShetProidcaelp sn siding encouragement, wo Nagule tabi, ES. aesPeeacna, wo urged ue vo onder tis eto; abo Kathy Bt Neitz production managing eter who aw is con {Bough produce’ ate and eBCincy RLS Contents Unit One THE PARAGRAPH Chapter 1 Yotsoduction to the Paragraph “The opie of 2 Paragraph ‘The Tople Sentence Topoving the Top Sete ezine ope Seatnee xr Tope Beene supped my Coience ‘rors Cbeclst Chapter 2 ‘Yoe Natrative Paragraph READINGS Personal Discovery _—_ ram Te try of mp Te len ele wet composition Sie "erence evs of Tie and Smee ‘ponte Te Bape Grammar Review ls adr Peaency Yawn neue: Me Semple Present the sent owe nt eration compotion Sie "Gaerence “iperbial Cibe of Tine cram ae tea Helen Spl as he Pst Popes narrate Paragraph Checklist Eee an hi amar Gt” HEE Wong 25 Chapter 3 The Descriptive Paragraph or EADINGS:roporant People, txponant Pees @ tm he ay ly on s wr ti, 9° ey io Ray Monta, Sa Monaiy 2 compostion Sli 2 cc ace 3 Moaitexion 2 ‘re = Grammar Roses SR 2 "he Psi Voice wee Ate Woe Se Deserison af Peso oO Compostion Ss 103 ‘erenc toa tne Claes 10s pes maces m4 Deserve Pangraph Ceca Ns Chapter 4 The Expository Paragraph HEADINGS. Learing and Edvestin eget Chic Woon a swan" Ci Worn nd ise Sa ote Genron Hits and ci compotion ts = ‘exposttary Parag Checist Unit Two THE ESSAY (Chapter 5 Ineodvetion 0 the Essay 165 he Tt ene 166 ‘The Development Pargraphs 13 he Ourtne Chapter 6 The Bxample Essay READINGS. ‘The Power of Cutie snd Language sen ot at Cotta Catt on Number of Bamps ‘Choice of tangles compostion See "Goerence Cepsiztion of Sales "Poca nowece Pog Grammar Bove “Gerunds andInkaiives ‘Geum and nes Sbjct ‘rancor ‘oun Clee own Cluaer bee fom Quen ‘meampl tsa) Covel Chapter 7 The Comparison ant Contrast Bssay TIADINGS? People and Rare "a efor Tamora Cnon warring “rn Tots of Compan Emphases en Comparton or Contant acm of Organ Comportion Sele ‘oherence Grammas erie EN SO ‘onparons en ay or ten Compartson and Conivas say Checist Chapter 8 The Classification Essay 266 READINGS, A Het Society 269, "Poe Kind of gee hy “hy Sor hay of i Drs lar 0 = Ce ne ong, » penertame trict mien oe Ra cen a ae 8 Ce 2 cot a Sos conc = a te a eco = cornet. e compet 2 Reet oe e ne 8 on & sone 2 a so 2 Gehrieracrmn 2 Sm cmtnin = melas 8 coma s a 8 Seems crtie BS I ap ay co o Articles tor Classficnion. 298 ue ” cnr Ey Es Copter 11 hunny aso Copter 9h toes hay sy 30s aunt nd tt " eae ra 2 ‘alone, waa ™ ‘eats weg x aie % Beane thm "aig etn ae 2 wen & wan & eee meena Fa Cae % cong Fa CE rm & — : eB oo ‘Participiat Pheaen G 45, ‘tenon on ne e ie Argumentative lsary Checklist ar a Sy pena 3 Chapter 10th Cs sn et Aa “rn 3 bape 10 he Came anecs Man ty 992 MOP an eh ee 8 ce gage eft eT Sa eet % ot % er Rea ee oa : te male s wer 8 ee 3 “Multiple Causes ~> tfect 7 Boa it 4a Se pe % stn Fa “The Thesls Statement for the Causal Analysis Rows 332, ANDI 4 ares z an 8 cu & mene 8 a 3 Ee na ieee % Mer anTcComplenens Ss ini avn i doe Refining 2 Composition Skills Index 491 Unit One THE PARAGRAPH Introduction to the Paragraph ' as. paragraph? You pcb ow ha pargragh 2 | of sonences ahd tthe ha seence of hi group ade a ite btmoreto th ght fhe magi thane ese ofthe sentences te ths groupe ta ot eng 1 my tat [irarph i woop of cntenees. How do these semences at each thr? How dacs pargraph begin aod where docs en? Wit et ~ teamed paaraph hese are questo we-mwe h — ‘The Topic of a Paragraph Te an wih» area de 9 ro of snes tm Stoic ihe bys fe parapet te ppt cue Aad the following paragsphe which is about the babi OF sorklag, Species Siebing ciprets can be an expansive hit Considering thatthe sorage pics por pack eget nto ey Poe Sh se topes ol cpwetes «oy ape $20 pray on hr Aho ‘ome ya. thee sks hve se a st 873000 But he pie of ‘ots ol he ony expe get aks ea. Sie crete ‘stoke faa lene oat permeates ting Sled unre, and pet salar oon ft ew tone mut he eae more fe ‘tay hon noses do. Although kel onthe cot secant ecanse thihonare Secnt nrcton to the Pargragd © 5 40+ The Paragraph | a eters cae) you a mean, youca att one \ ‘cuore, rae ay Syn sr nxemerse 11 RSNA te ah amon or anorebated Shy he ftir oid hep. Wie the plea each room ‘Soin How, hon ew Yo ral, apne pace pos. ToWsh 8 1 fi exinatinn na cone wl ie ten th ii ‘hls pasap is about “hao best wraith couse Stadt wo are eee rte te atonng ces n order ops afew sion tn oh ter beste ar stnee, sameo o7 Fiend ncaa shih there po hal xin ake poo Feet ic thy tow away aker cach ahr ta SOD tins sho beret pone ge the cease change [itrcaannaon mask pot, eens wo ho ote fou ean ses node tobe proper forthe ‘Aogh usvally you ae signed topics co write about oe these taper eet ae Dt eee cal punpose our pargrapn wl ang Im eh OM, ae Bait See, Teton you Wl te 0 Pesit Yue Beau Se pou wl ned to nrow dow our topic wa more spite en ee come rer pose Tor carpi, tar wou eed oie aout Yur front ‘his paengrap i shout ———_—- aoe ep en chooses eu such = beso. Ahough yu could cy 2 her rs hy he He Be i lly atmos AL Blears sentences naming al the tings yoo ike abou Mec hat eure meresing for jour sender ityou narrowed down che wpe Feng mute plice in bexico, such a the Grest Temple i the eee eon shold berated Jaw as mh 8 pose I ahow the ple ence armed ere RECA Tie no wee atthe boy sea om apesh {ih psn se can erupt men the beach ll hay efeeta neo venhing wont sy. nado Spire ogo tomedne atten eqs satu Mary H Tete ne cana abot somedg o to thebech i creas ie ‘solve problerns, and to think. MM, Veronica Porta MEX 1 CO ee eve eee eer} i ry ove Seve ert def nie geet yey corsa Senet oak i eee sa at ie een oth igo = ‘tothe pts wl) that hey aise» cas hen er manta they te preset of Aca Spans nn, Ser rn ander nt sume, ten tony ober ways 0 seo Ge sane opie. Pot “Bee I ee ante na? tee oye tee a my omer war ne ee tata tan Bae Tet “Tis pagaph our ME Aton we make ations show eaves o out has, we Eneranbese the hemor In cto fo eer waco ‘Ss owes When you ste sone ea Ns ca ta tle fic pe, you ca bt te ner ice oboe igh encase fore th ve throat ‘Sul the atlowing paguphs te fl the opis, Writ th tpl each Sao te spe proved rat ge te diner Seg eae tr isi america mmc smerny Eathan avn ccnosorgere Se Nay tee orga ary tier ars ae Be icc eal ea Cee fSnesutie nas eae en 2 Rake roncy cies pp ae ceccipecee mentee ate ‘creer nena Se Repeeeacecrerac cesar ce ‘ecg ncpes Mtr ine ahaa atten pore nicl tenes iu ea meee aa _ apes eS ise scanner ead ‘Siafemeuene iensnia orca Sei cae dite g ‘Euesureetnt fe et ny ‘Eins mors teeter siti Cera Si mst Senne Cooeentir acorn ahs lon meapirach aan teat teeta ae rece? aes ae aE ae ‘Ths paragraph is aout 4. Whe We make ans abou cures a abit thers we tere to stitete the behav a soy to exh il ‘ce nee When you se sameness nee sore ot ste i po a ‘thet tal renter aus. You might Cente he boson a erie vero craton pt ner aie. ot Sour eon a anther cd he este oad Iuradction tthe Fagan 5 {ester ane. you fal a xe, you ean abate inn {uses sh as Sut ore tay ra an ine {2'Catemal aur such unr oan ows ‘oom “Sin ut, sn ey Yrs Mn ‘This pagan about lc reve your fee yo wae rt dw yo oe ele ‘one Seppe, force tht you tenet woe about your fete place att you choone county ach ar Mexico. Altbogh yo cod aly ‘ete rales. Your opi shold be martes down st tach Ponte ook at how te tople Manca maroc hoe MEXICO WENICO CITY "ee (OF course, there are many other way to mow the same tople For Srampie MEXICO YUCATAN PENINGUL + Tee Paragon ancapensive habe. Reread the pasgaph oa page 3 ands iit develops ie ten ot sapensite ‘cure hee a aay otberconglling ens one could fave abou inctope of smoking cigartes Indeed one othe mest popular fat ‘hamrdoneto ean See how te developed fn the lowing ang ‘Soin cares hac 0 your ea, Sova yeas aye = ude Sthsermen sy was eased ha inked eke wot tue nce whe deesprient of anc es ‘Soy simlThe edence wa 3 overnight the Ute Ses terrane men ft 2 tg se exh hae pen, kh sts "Wong, he eh heed ok ce leg herbs to ye SCORE Steinem seus ad dade nae ect carte Sot su aaa or promot ther heath pcb fo aly Sn cence theta kph tha and Brptencti cine een “ono cough wd orbs or SRF. ect tues fe shown that prt alse more Streit commen san a Whether you on testi coll “ne mae isc cancer, smoking eetes hares. Bi wor ——————— — Tc tj seer thar allow: Ccetecontoing ey and Beesivtdpe meahsetence ro: The conwoting ie al he oc ‘ie teres rote than one wd The frst one i oe You, 1 Another he te of adation sro aunee BSD 2 tinscin'sunaucces atemp to get nuclear weapons banned fre diaspountang to Ni 3. UI, tien rsa nin Fear item scene Seon cote ould nc unt ‘Otte mpietons 6. Some seeming bags Spanish equivalents are decepive. S$: ‘Rhee senso at pooion sundown damages she ‘ints orome lye 8 Aight ara 4 wey shy ie. 5. AteatBatitage tron Navelons ar om ee cour is her ‘ont grein oS ot bigger poles with athlete sehotashis is het ore steno pl to por tha to eon niraveton to the Rng * 9 Improving the Tople Sentence arewe ayopic aenence does he 9 20h concn alt neat eye got eno merci ae asap deans tsa ela ssl he ls and Foie oF 8 A citrine esampe comic he OW BI FEED: Drinking cet bd shi nqtnce has topic drinking coer wands cotling Ket Thi eens ae a ieee bat Fr whoo hat ed a ae cc bdo dking Wa OS DO ‘che sng cence ees oo qos tat oeably Ayo can se, i tt Sei one rapa The eeMcaee eed canna a fc cae fo eon we aun ep of eto 9 abe al pea IME, tvchon peg, the wopic lt armed dow Ome mote, ad the pang ses nore sce —— fooing yous of seen. Cage te marie of he beter a ere ice ona dome "YH pete ate nay hing ta nk eel te Ps Tang eae EES sas lh paca cle co fear po ovat college na eat eon ke Cig a aint proces ‘Conti te Wind ny be a 9d ove bot sls good ing Gone wit be Wind we supe. The wie vary of mercandie maker Sets coven ‘TRE pep deparene in Se cone nc uciectre nv chcag refs trends n modn des Ta me nconig ey cae of Mtr. arte ‘aren Spr ates. ea the foonng weak ope sentences Rew each oe mae ed the (tes aon dan he oe ao the contra ‘he fi ne dane 08 10 rhe paagraps 1. Te Honda Cini isa excelent somobite 2. My hometown is wonder place. 4. Boece od fr you. 5. Driving a ir en Be aad 6. Computes ae st sy veri lege w do ae pat 9. Watching lesion bd fr you, ee Recognizing the Tople Sentence Atopic sentence, then serves tierce he topic and he coming ‘ea where should the opie sentence he paced tn the pang Gcneraliy becase the opie sentence docs iteatuce: ris eed Seo place Iatorner he begining a the pusgrapn Howercy,dercaaia a tech tnt shee may pape imide oF cf the end of he pargraph Sometimes nether te ope ‘or the conoling iden Is explicate none semen docs ‘can howeres, that atopic su eortoing ies ae not pete te ‘ind paragraph de topc and conolling iene iplccr tei hy !nc cel bye nthe deveipmert of the paragraph Tomere ‘alls yoo kato ate opi semcnce lea. troy soe ee {ite fen car br ao epost peng ‘Say te ana peat, th ce proved, ws ot the tp enim reach sph wsdernirg ihe apc acing con Ingo ihe top tentnce = mpc wi be ot "Anatber vesting ae feet so de wth the dsncion fecinee ition etme oman Ioated when sami te a of Be troduction tothe Paregraph = 14 ‘season han to peso the ek We singin the she ‘ot bcruse we capac spans, or chine we a yg ta ‘money, buttery bee we the oof We da osoord ‘uz, pat nr and sk st he suet bn fl rewtng todo. Wo do expe! any tel we limon. on the ether han ees Yo stats ch wo do act hace we Spec sore xtra ren We {tay ely show apa th lice bene we aca the ney. WE ‘nay ey go stool ops ur cent We nye cep ey le to partulr Besutewe tant fone thie ro Re len P Hee, Mat es ok Topte Sentences 2, i 1944 the Une Sates ned ey th Mex garanedng at eounty 1 millon sxe Clea fie ter ad But tho fg ion of he Caras procs we eee in 1822 tne the Cola tier Compact ed bythe seven ‘les lrg the eran the eral govern What es Te Sgeenet sky seme dec sa" haute of rds ‘tare bacon an vey opin esate of the rs serge Now. Abt 13 rion see fet of war were oily ‘ppatoned to tests say, hearse al Soy ‘nh 1.8 alo, ion the Compact le take I Sit Meas hia Colada er watts ‘nilon act ar purontend to Meco we the pp {een demand and sp The Cotpado fi shot onto aie tn Dl Sen, “esto ng in a Topie Sentence: 29s we apieaced ut haute 9 hal undone the night tere, me Bt sth shu rs eh eta tc it ring ken af ho tes dated Das ras water: Alin thew da poy econ, rw iy sated. ooking athe he sen ees Ine taows had oneal, the hun os Ith ha by now ecaed, had wasn een dy ro "othe rng oa, chats ay on thea ha tte yt Bowe a he tal mylar ny ben thee. pen sein 2 ti alow ad went Topic Sentences —— 12+ Me Parag 4. Anyone wo saw meen mvp his ose a cb, The {incon sr, they were very surprised Tw soc ine hey looked 9 hens ith adatom 8 HH wee 8 loi Ves Hs nae ch was lnger thon Batra to Sans occned ms offisiace When hee, pthing at REE hs le le war tecognsed Oy tev sere. Te ‘Rane mee ove ti that he poo We he hd son 9 (Sav meter nado is ase was sn a a FeN ome afer he sed hve Shed he cows Hi dy sao vr sin He loked ihe ha at eaten fren dy iste shor ee one cou magne where he et fon hry, Fay on 9 wy ry ho wa blow way at spe ine Hany Poss ss Ma opie Sentenc 5 wewite bane we wan to undead ou es: Ts 9 Seether ann mot ‘tnd pone of poy under my separ K's mes ‘Wheto camp sy my abr tale wi Serkonsonemt ty ease ee owe cr Ca Tet Tig fori Sy Hampi omer B93 ‘opie Sentence: 16. Why do young jal ie Tes sy onto Help td youngee thr a soe hve sted severe tts us ‘iche’have fa sich hess Cleary anther ory meer ‘pe hum a ig npr to pp su Ps ia nop ted te cape rly cm pu Woot pei ees! ean tn ee na a he Seg oo Coa 16 Towcester tua p, , Tope Sentence; — =~ Inivotion 10 be Paragripb © 13 Formulating the Topic Sentence ‘Tos taryou have been given topics and cooling eco recogni and pc oer yus utd your osm coming Ide. Once Sou hove ound a manager fr 2 yo edo exaine Taiemne coder Your owe Rng abot deci th coming en ad 3 et re Sei ty mings Seta a feng at come wo mind aon {pet wor can we thei sing complete setencea, or ou ean fst Ieee ues Te frm your notes take fc really portant wha ‘Rapa swelng down enough nore that you ex Pek out an anpect deep epie tha ems worny of evelopment. Ae YON cxamine yr tan china ley a Sour topic Forename. wppese you ae aed 9 write sbout «place in {Sar eBay and go namo thal broad topic Gown 10 4 eran reo Re twigs one example of how your notes could Be doe "Tope: Leal Resort MiiSiy sandy beaches, pam tees along the shore, leer wuquoise feat, meus moon ; « TttectSomemne every place, sew hotel cropping up every mon TOE he! blocks the Vew ofthe act fom te fa, ony WUC Siope + MEER provides many jobs, bogs la $1 milion in even fom tour ha acted soe Ber companis co the ety ‘pe tne of a,c One he com, Tee forsomething tng Rrexame, young rai tthe ar amo este tee Or 0 Your he Seetuiieo wtesbou te Beary af the resort en Sever Mens Betud erg fo thee notes Here are a ew Tha Revol fe one ofthe ost een const aca nthe work {STS Resor has ees tne bythe cxcesve Ine of our TERE TS fas bron dizct and indirect economie Debs to out Stay dye tis hl flo, Ona separate sheet of paper, ae at of ‘hee om shou each tp. Ale wring rh the ae sree ta far constng es neces, me Ne Tec mm te spe pied, yur te sone, unerine omy ants Roni mi re Ty Topi: Meher 4 Topic Woning others 5. Tope Polioaon Support re you have en he nd mild colin ie bot yourtaple the next stp It xt rs Por ots heats yo thcte develop the prep Ts material acd 0 sport opto ‘rade expressed in yout topic sentence scves hace Up, ey, Itatrte, espn, oe prove the pot you make tn you topic sentence. Mow often we we Beta! dew to suppor a pote Such tall may Incind faci trom resivrce mate, Sucn a8 magazines owas, and Soin or ata eg oe hy ave ore ly ‘poi comes rom the inGraton yu tse ete se ew yO Inve exprsid ft your ope sentence "When you ee caminitg Your fotcs So fad support for your top scence you may find teensy oad mae To Four nee. La tateaman example the opie renence ich Resort ha est oved ut loca employment problem. from me note on thi tpi, we mg (htt Teta Rese peovies many jos" an has ats some ne companies othe iy" These fo bso Infermaton can sive the bs for more ns sapport To fenerte nore note sts ge yo tay sel oak pect qustions, auch x What ae the cop ‘lt tnt hve opened ip How aay joe ave they Drage to our Cy ow eae tthe ese rode ob” Wi ae thee ob! What wae te ployment station bore the fsort pene What he emplorinest Fate now the answer to these question will serve 22 founenon for ‘he supp tor yor pagrph avr sereed noes might be follows Usp ite in 1979 ~ 358 fn 1980 a oe eS Holl, 109 New Wate Sp, 35 Five new shops os cach Highway fr our — 5 nee abs Inrduton to be Pargraph = 98 ew companies ce 1972)— Joes ating Marys ters Is Tour Cue Sei HEM Corporation wens Macting Company 1 iss good en to wre the suppoe out at seaences alt them er Your top settence in caine form, grouping slated deals ‘eter Por cumple forthe Leh Reso exarple, your angi outline Sia lot ke ts Topic Sentence Loa sot hs ray soe ofl employmen lem, Support: 1. The mola hs doped om 35 1970 1 2 Te tout industry ay rete may jobs. 2 ive re hte ve open op 1) The Star Hel employ To local eet 2 The Mei nn re iy 3) The New Were ps ar ive new workers ve mew ship have pene on eat ys fr tof fieen bs <¢ Towteted nds have pre op: lanes ang, Mae's Defies, ad o's Tour ade soc ‘ew — the reso or trcte nur omg} M Coma Mees mip ca ‘och an one fs wef in wo ways: I provides @ meas fr quickly ‘hecking your seme ose they det withthe fps scars puis for checking wht the seences ae lpia range Here ousting of te paragraph on age Tople Sentence: Solin cigs can be an expense hal Support 1 Cigars cont about on dl, 2 The aera sole sates fo pack 2 ay. 5. the san expense lr thi aie $720.00 4 The smoker mn a ay fonts ting of peg te, 2 cons, ‘obviusy, aot al the sentences in he ong recorded verbo Toeexzmple, the scot "Mi the Pic of epcties [Sortie ony expense cure seks Incur" W onted ee Th 16 + The Paragraph senence cenainy cates tothe topic and the contig ie, but is SSUITaastion to prove in fate semences oe te scion sae rete pate EF ciartes wih ee ncton sean with te iden pean Melgfcte smoking Factype of sentence scaled a tranation ‘ARSTaga i scan a iengh inthe elowing apie) Alo omit Gita the ouoe the Ine sentences “Alhouh Ht ia 0 [SRE con of tis nina expense, one can se tha chi de Sate ee Secs to aking sling a0 expense bat.” TMs SHE atmicnce, whe summarize the tt deat the paragraph, i PE DAS eivang sentence, Not i pargrap need conto Senne nye corning eo oe a Snr ry oganae your sentenses within paragraph wil depend on soup anpurpene, fete following chapters, you wil let how 2 Zippo ero unde copes and how to oman a suppor. As BPR igpurune vo undestand that ake tera you a fo wre the ‘Bkeatesinjour purge sould beaver supportive of ee ew yo Siren you ope semen Sythe paapgh about pate smoking on pap # othe pce ‘uot Herewrte te topesrtence, cla te contig ie on eh inc en the np. We Be eco erie conctuson: hxmaerse 1-9 “ene eof hn nico eh vo eal i st ERE TT nthe sce mondo Hae wt the opie tener, ce {heating ea, a ho atthe spp in enone meructon tthe Paragrape * 7 Unity tach sentence within #pargaph sould relate f0 the topic and de woh setting de. fay seatcnce doesnt cat oF NCL Tete See eclevan and should be omit fom «he pare [RIS te fope eutence scm aren this cape Song ates cin Be an expensive Hei scree mgm a aes mane eel eked ete hear ac ame re cubits at Se verona ty a i acest tata a i tl acetate ree Pine et sere et tata tn eee ere amaraetephaigen ee fee ea a meta ikea wi tech bh era noe pte cs aim stir d ae mein! ane seve deta eee A ete tt fy Stroy sera ee Seer en ‘The topic of thie parigaph is “another peubem fa ey peoples andthe contain Wed 18 + 0 pomerand sect tte ene tal with. a one ‘Problem of ving on 2 reduced income, In fhe purge choog thon, See met ti bn dca rg ete Somes they can't go oat Became of thie et Maybe eh one ‘irs or sents snd pint foc them to ane Fee ‘ho change their lifes" These aatnces sould be take of gsi an perhaps developed tm anther pregeaph ‘Read the flowing raga, Undone he op srt neath _Baph and eros tu any semoners ta a bang hte fee ae may eave moe wasn ens "Shc 90, hae shes vende te fp nay oan oS re {2 sme cy nae re ee pokend omne larrs tee henh Aro te nal a haem reve hp ag as Bema ontop nang ee A cen Tita ta ata fer Way wae tsi Sa ee Sra ae ni en yen fel wo ia nds Sac ce et {ine he te oad ae ae ee Sat nine pt wth is nner Mug Cacti choc ns ead et ed in hcg i os ‘eth rit Seti pon ane wi Arn ice te lth hing hy conc oe Ca Se aS 0 lye ol Wace orp Cone eStmingenct whee cena mest tice iy orc tomatou nay chs ee, ‘Bossi opm ep to ar eye ES bina cation Sat tee Sn atoe os mete, st in rec neo er ‘opin acai ies A tne eas Sern mata Te ten ate isin herp a ‘Sey ate mated Yee ds ge ‘roto the oh hd ae generale he Wo Sing oon oes Sopa Inorocton tobe Paegraph © 18 3. The common sng th saan of ae reo the Pea ‘vn has ben po many oad nae Who rte ma ‘pe amr oc tn, pr ey ‘teaps thing sone Seashore tated wth spges for thang fee The scent Grek ed sponge fr scusting he {Gor aed for peg th am The Rare ‘ound them soll mapa paises As you aya, the’ Ramps any of ter frm se eth ep {clos so the haveing a pons bec an epealy tng nein eg rant fo pd in ‘Gs, ano hee ping sho pols, an even dang fu cean Thema png sons ced aes go ‘dah hs proven a be extemely a ohare on ‘la two vents i thee of Chats Darwin brought hn to ‘ates thery of maturation, Twos pentane ‘eae trast While on wage of onplraon to varoe, foro he wor Dart ae itenten na spes ‘ts and anil ven whe wo apes wore se ony He Begin to onde ht xs these een For obsevatns, Din sane fom Ne pss sot the newsty for change nthe supple for sual. Te ce ‘ent was Davis esi of Ean on Poplin by Man ‘ecoving to Matas he ate a roth oe population ol he ‘er wat etn the as sap bg peaation don 16 noma levels mine, petanc, aa nr we nee, Dat onde foe theo tha inthe nape th ‘ten woud ih eka he vw sey ‘hones con Sea cena prgunan to be sen nd se ‘ante strafed Re Wace, str dr ss, ‘Sine pt the heery a ean a pesca hes Coherence We ve sen tht #prasaph us ave 4 op a cone en, sz innay fete lee pag ee crn 2oheren prgraph contains sents ate tg aca td ogi tenement ser 1 dhe onder of wd en "hee ar rao a to ender your seancch. depen Os Yu pe. {ove for cxample ou want tebe nap vie Ct [the pln, your emences wax follow te sequence of ie acon ot th more, ram hepming fo chin tors onthe oe an ‘oe an to dsr the mon exeingmomcats i the move, Pou wend ‘cist fev toment and eee oa 3 top one for dco > 20+ The Paragraph perhaps presen he let eacing moments nd hemos xtng Berber sponse. (in be following ciuper, we study che vans fincpls fc ordering Keo an sentenes Rpurgraph can be incre ren when the principle or orden he ‘densi fopes. snc dese wing they remember sone ame fiarhiy waco sy carer and include tar ey wet, Unto cht tue stnence ater cnn sp oot of place Ste the folowing [uragh, In which one or more semeaces ae 9b oF one: ‘Ata Cnts Ps: re 2 yp, fl mus 0 ae te aye go aig down the Rage Re. Tht ag sangha Bert of om oar ah SEEN Ne Ri, Compare abd oy ca ‘ruc nha svrl re Torts an bose ‘reassign own cha aout re One Iain sete esa ee ‘Poon pCrns Fs hvat peste ane om Pee bec tsb Se of he rs ai sense One tre atthe yas ies resis nee 2d enh rammeryou we oe Your Timay once, wblsome scan vag Gon Po 1 parngrph sce ote enc of on ‘tyler ue of te hy ie ae intense whine ey However, toward the en of he "ergot een an oer i Oren heal oye: big ithe ares + Popul svi ant swat spo at by fae main waco” aP place in praprah cn be rsd follow stough Grats Fass Oren, yea town, les mach 0 ese mf ye ma ati Yo Stathret eae toes aey Ltt pee gohan TEENA bees type sg the maiden. Camper wl fd ore ‘Cropwout hte an Tee several mice le. Tours ca incr vo sumer of teresting Sos in town, sch ea te net he sop tat le tems mae mn Oregons Tein memes One tn acy ahogping athe open mkt ‘pee kel prc gown nthe arn Cras Po as ok sme Str tr oreo cet pce lvl est sn Sine es rt spd Oa oh uss. iat’ ntlsone wasting Cont Poa Intron tt Paragraph * 2 rye ote a eh eens ini eve veo simpeove bate i Ta oreo coset forthe senceees dono ow moet, ate ct haw welvone cr renenee ea no ana en ahr tug scene combining 290th Snooty apres, aed tens tat provide the Hs ocr ue apn cae a me ie er arpa; as, xno may oibere st We wl Se tat Nts bow the naon of sme expres So tata sone esences improve the cnet O orgs oth rans ta, vn iy vai, er ah a damn ie Raq srr ar sng rth, Apes Rie. Fa ee ane p sey. Led perl sv ohare ee tat rw lara the roses nan Gee a vel, ee ete camps can ar eles, for oe oho sear ame eon, Cans Perse ce he, om toute a no sf wtresing son wich he OTS Fae ea tems ase tm Oreos bel dew ‘ak ey stoppmen toenail a ct ecg ina, Cran Ps nes Trt ing ton aoc dese ast ey aunty ane eee oe od ae prose, You cn se, Gras Fs aes nie seer yu wart ope yur far 9 6, ‘ele ati ving hang “the expen “apres “ao,” “in ation,” “ad aly” edge 2 a a ac RP scence an aig esto ake se fea and sentences eter talon ee "ines ae not oily ange or hey do pot connect wth ‘aut stone she pap Is facoverent, Coherence 20 apo tine gay oF eg ‘tay cach ofthe following anh, a whlhene arm sere ae aan Mea hen pr for pete eohrorne Vy ane {he seen lop or sinh hve bse compos te ad at he nt dk wince cement Tan et opt, tr eseyaore canbe checked tat ae acne re ont mc no tes Ser tees tone typ of erase a os pote ™ 22 + rw Pampa bye maton coats An ih amt he ce cn matrices ee 2 Pt conventions emis ta lind of eg sce ees ou me nau ee svat ot ee tng hak pas ttle candidates othe sidewall rns wh 6 art nent th pole and sca essa cae ‘upper fe eno apnea ene Pposay and an ys we prokay the ma com poape ‘thee eo ole ana te cand tor see an ‘enventsjou il ra ation people we ‘havnt oreo oat Ones ee eens ‘yp with outages commentaries the poet process Aether scalpel group theses ‘esting weighs or te on spots or "oie: No mat who ty st wat He ese ar temtines bry comeriane, PE SNM lero 3. The sy of aches motal woman, showed the danger fering be ata with 2 godaue The goes Micon ‘tmplon weaver beet cs were the mon bagel fhe wer. en Mine end» paca Ae ha {sata Acie’ were hemos Seat an Seas ‘ena fre ace’ weigh shee Rs bo ‘ing cn tos wen sata top ————-fornity totes how beastie Aehne snag st ‘Minna panda changed the dead Aachen Ie ch ‘on weaver oa ne, he oes Sta he tow pag ch ck oh wy came or e:Somapap crane ce fr ohare sale ences that do not bolong, on ~ " 1 Fo a ee oo a cart apn, or ‘my conn Cla wat as sr an ap for cts ech she boat hase’ ne te ‘df my ie ae as a i at re imo ma Sho Young poe wnt ome ey {orth ate. Young pe at oy ces a ey at {Grane money aap ncaa se rt evo An ee SF's ne money ot cone gh Som ee mga sre Hebe hehe ‘ting ome rocy Yt 2 ae te mara Tetiinicaon aay nd sy eg on. tied of nye ety sd pb ne Imoancton tthe Paragraph + 28 ong hing 0 he ed hong at me. the Me nen. ‘lied whan wanted me omakev sume ete fhe ‘Soe Aet wet odo ha wene ewe on hard and itembece teen the cy hy hance are eit ne [vbr crazy. So eal ptha carn pth and ated to got ‘otto et hn dive sce ecu woe dang the nay he ‘ted he be yam an kd mo ih eting he “Gree ofthe mule of este, nt te yu that ‘then he tthe cur thee ston hme of he rec gas tt war why he wae were My fone ho ie {eich me to yeaa and hese sme then. He aso eaten to toe the ex Boru here wee cis coming ‘Sin recone ec ster iinet at my anc we ‘Youlrscene ose it res ras Croco than at GW. Whenever somebody know ges o Fan, Tey cane ‘Sawa more gocsen ar fa ont ne ere ‘iy pce at gy me cet caren le ems on ale a 8 ibaa cons Met ones era ak Xncanoln pound tan met nate ar © 4. ons dost ‘She tsake mach however The woes pst the resp fer ft heein rono Wank' bt & bee ue ‘rt Se tems. They pu ther o hat and 0 he ‘mewaapt They posta ss at oor the aes nthe ‘ore Unt wel for empl ans ad saa on or 8189 {trstwepoud bg6-8W abo td tn ae bt eo 1.9 or Caw nn eas = Wits stegap sg he ie sete and supp you devon in Thurs 13" Ae yu rte te poraep,conl te check Tat Pagel Chellis. Is your topic sficienlynavowed dows? Diy nanan ope ene? ee ‘oc your papa ave a clear, focused cooling ea? ‘your pasa nied tt do sll athe entenees support ti coniing ea? {esour pargph cohen; tht are the sentences logy etoged and de they Bow moot Chapter 2 The Narrative Paragraph Readings: Personal Discovery ‘wor round ve Beap you remember specie reid Tom ence at ag you someting abou youre i fallow, she weer fecoanttponant eves 1 What ws the peronal dover ta che weiter mae? READING 1 “THE STRUGGLE TO BE AN ALLAMERICAN GIR “ne apa of btngChtuse om outs | The urate Paragraph © 25 sy behest fog, Dee ter cont at hire Scrat 26 + Phe roagap ser ate age sa SR A wy ghanesocd iene th ne THe Res es ee ne a ay void te ae ace a Sens graremirecy ree Season a Loot for “How ane yeu, teacher?” te _ Se Sele rge ny sort atone mie ae Se crmanareaes, sabe aie crm Sieceerater sign Rirgatet cuenta eee vegeta aterm wc sped egestas patina theanraeararate iene carom SRS con aearreacte rte eraeeavitena mate Sirocriratee comet oes ikptaa cece rennet See ieee Pub. ws 3 Chiaown, he cong al igs of hanes of linc om ty oS sed ch a ene {ih ot nt ob ego nat a la ak ‘When spk tng poe nodoed atte, it owe, ‘Selcocmin won te he pope nyc lack ada ha owe iia" dss bet the wuld yearn aoe ieee Un ewe are so hi ter wae eo ere alta bo ethene See nny eho Sint Sen ery ores pet apc om St tines ted te hg scp na coment sects Mom hedam inten Whats iChat Soc ng ne coal" orga ky el Sign ern miter: Say tap None Soy ‘hone hops ewe on ong hr bas ther "Se Nom, yor bt Yo sb ep afr mms ts cy rte comer onerous epi ay er ad a seep he Narrative Raragraph 27 tua hr forge wel lo neo wy. Mee Se a mane semtctis ante sql trim etance NESE Ata a one of yous | wat ne ofthe 5 i 5 ERCISE 2-1. COMPREHENSION/ Ton Quustrons ‘win di Habe Wong, and her brother do every day afer ool” ‘ru as dei atde abou thls activ? How do you snow? Who wanted ea tod? WIN [Xccoting a Wong, wt it of ea was the schoo! pinpaly ‘Wong computes thc snes ofthe Chinese scot with thowe of the public school, What smelly doc se remeber 9 each! ow i thete sce sages her ace toward ent? ‘ony comporc wha si etensw eich school. What doce she [seni chinese schoo? At public seseal ta her opinion, ‘whl i ore mponan? Why? ‘ett wm rennet ih? Wats ‘int war hee brother atitade show speak English? Hong tener ea Mate ene srk Sie the elon Wor mer a er Ameen ‘Wong ses Rect sx malicala, What doc ake mean? What Sal be re growin nme ‘sre the “you and “em in page 142 opie se sigicane ofthe een. Wats Wont’: a8 + The Pangea re Gol Do pu tna thei mother wa gat aking ve Ro? ‘Why, on wy noe 15, Wong docres the cla of two cultures the cols that Tha Sveum i bo you eink ff pole for someone ‘ulnsin connections was hisorher onan cute sndathe Rin ie bocoae anal Aenean? What does ene ln Toei becoming completely Americanized? 1 ahe storm praca (pe 3) 2. ou det ea aes (pa. 3) 5 Papen nic eller (pr. 3) rhea ac Gu 4, Tepe manta Sidhe (pa. 3) Tema ware 8 Say ae 5. 1a wan & though ofa mat (a9) oe Sag fren ery 7. the gu ing romance of rene (pat. 8) ete ea i So & complica 18. a pera ny totber most (pe. 11) Eingered acd B pied rt READING 2 PROM THE STORY OF AtY LIBE eS tb a of bor otra gn ren, Ae Ie Aart Parmraps = 29 he stoi eae ran ber eg, Ker te ent ipestntssconrs of er 1 oe as ana aan ore Ye atmo of evel da, so aes uh engaged vey ny aes Sins a ‘and fro? wt te tcl she singe te at he cote Rew Soak Toone aretha aemoansanpenated? cme rage 30+ 0 Parag saunas tet pant a easter Po eee Hing odinec era Renato eta eed apinientea ania pera SILT oo ne ogaees Tet gheestednanet te ies ERCRS tear te Seat oe soc sivthcith iano aac tittnay teen tenet iar Sitaocaaa mci ead ioe oicateme arereaeaat jecyeemnin tence Sede inpvacintd emanates Sehecieeee aver cgttet Bacio er facet a an ica ey cermetiett SSuISTite Maes shina eds trations es soe el aera ta ts Bee iae gee es Ina pees crf tet. aps hd aah ‘one te ere ee Sn si the now da thd tape tone ae cen seed when it he togent fhe been dll iy let Nee row ne ep lane my psn ‘utr ht not ved the dl nes doko whieh ved re ws no Sangster tendernesy | snen {oxi teachar sweep the fagnts tn oe Sle he hath al had ase of stata ta theese my fou ‘conte me Shetty a om, el Upon oth mata eg vor Sato mayb ees ong nae and ship with pleasure. ter ed te path othe we ous teed bin apn Rose a ‘to Sam ae wa mgs ye ey ame ar sound ie a no ay of panes cri hte rte bur wht ge pa sth wep ys! th gh ove Sone he Sarai Prmrap = hel are he spout A the oot eam ged over one hand th sped te ote he word ter Ht omy. them ply stool ry wale ston ed a te Instn ahr Engrs Side lta mi omscouane amrn ‘Stoning tn eof ry then tin wae” meat the wonder od etn. {hat at Noung ver my hat ng Sal gre pe oy oe ret Tv ee bar SSSR ssa Ret cod tne be et 2 ef he whose capes to xm feet al 2 amo, and each mame gre ih 09 Yah Ae we ‘toned the howe every ayes which oh sree {otter wii: Int ws becane en oveting te Senet esto me Oren he dor erent ie dl al i, ay oy haar and ted up the ces top hon ny eyes led wth es ar od hot 1S done an fiefs el epeiance nd Soro. ies 2 wet many ow wet day de remember ha ey al wer; but ct mas tr, ‘ter tec were rong har vec et wor ork Saimin alate a, Tatvecraececurmeatynatedie esate IG ite Saino Sa ‘en day cussion QUESTIONS ed vn aps them nth pe ow Hen Keller fel before she met Anne Sullivan? ‘What was Helen fearing when se leaned Yo spll 0 ‘Wy was Helen able to fee sow about her broken dott Do you nine Helens persnay changed alter hae ay? Sop poe your answers with evidence irom he ceding ‘Stata files autuse toward ue day debe? ‘What wa Helen's alee toward her ence, Anse Salvi? ‘ecocing to this scoune hat ngage? Atha the reatonsip among inp nkig, and emo

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