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A. Complete the paragraph. Use the simple past and the words in parentheses.

Teacher ___________(not give) homework yesterday

He ______________(want) to give us a video but then, It _______(rain)
And he _________(not continue) with the class , we______(have) a review and _______(study) just
for 1 hour, I ________(not like) the day so much
But then , I ________(go) home and I _______(watch) a nice movie

B. Complete the questions and answers. Use the verbs in the box.

Buy Go Have Make write

1. ______you______ to the doctor yesterday?

No, I _______. But I _______ there 3 days ago

2. ______you ________ your bed ?

Yes, I _____. I _______ my bed this morning.

3. ______you _____ book?

Yes, I _______, I __________ by amazon

4. ______you ______ that paper?

No, I ______, My mom ______ that letter

5. ______we ______ homework?

Yes, We ______, we ______ a lot !

C. Write responses to these comments, use the expressions in the box, use each expression only once
Congratulations Good for you Good luck You poor thing!

1. A: I won 1st place in my dancing competition!

B: ______________________________
2. A:I have an important test tomorrow
B: _____________________________
3. A: I argued with my best friend, I am sad
B: _____________________________
4. A: I bought a new phone!
B: _____________________________

Write an essay of 50 words , answering to the question “What did you do your last weekend?

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