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Subject Code: Eng3

LG Code: 2.0 The Romantic Age

Lesson Code: 2.1 Romantic Age and Poetry
Time Limit: 30 minutes

Components Tasks TA ATA

(min)a (min)b
Target By the end of this guide, the students will have been able to: 1 min

a. describe the Romantic Age of English Literature; and

b. identify the celebrated personalities of the period and their

Hook In the previous quarter, you have learned about pastoral 3 mins
poems in the Elizabethan Period.

For this module, we will focus on the poetry of the Romantic


Task 1. One-liner. In no more than one sentence, complete

the What-I-Know chart below.

What I Know

Romantic Poetry is_______________________________.

Questions to ponder:
What is Romanticism?
Who were the Romantic Poets?
What is Romantic poetry?
Ignite 12
The Romantic Period in English Literature was notable for mins
one important contribution: the inclusion of individual
thought and personal feeling -- an outright rejection of the
coldness and impersonality of Neo-Classical Literature.

The Romantic Age of English Literature (1798-1832)

According to Benin (2019), changes in philosophy, politics,

religion, literature, painting, and music took place during this
period and all of these changes were represented, articulated,
and symbolized by the English Romantic poets.

Benin (2019) explains the main aspects of

Romanticism in the 18th Century:

a growing interest in scenery, especially its more untamed and
disorderly manifestations
an association of human moods with the “moods” of Nature

Spontaneity and Natural Genius

emphasis on the need for spontaneity in thought and action
and in the expression of thought
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emerged as a person endowed with a special kind of faculty
which set him apart from his fellow men

became the peculiar gift of the poet and man’s important

The English Romantic Poets

The Romantic poets are not famous for their poetic

expressions of unrequited or true love. Rather, the poets were
political, economic and socially driven reactionaries
(Dubinsky, 2020).

William Blake (1757-1827)

Songs of Innocence (1789) and Songs of Experience (1794)
His work is rich in symbols and images. He tried to create an
alternative reality to that which dissatisfied him.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834)

Lyrical Ballads: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
While Wordsworth wrote poetry inspired by the simple things
of everyday life, Coleridge turned to the past for the unknown
and mysterious and took the readers into the fantastic world
of imagination.

William Wordsworth (1770-1850)

Lyrical Ballads
He is frequently thought of as a nature poet. He believed
nature could elevate the human soul and exert a positive
moral influence on human thoughts and feelings.

Romantic writers looked inwards to their souls and

imaginations to find private truths for special readers.

In 1798, William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge

published the Lyrical Ballads. The book became a landmark
in English literature, indicating the beginning of a new era.

Romantic poets attached more importance to the role of the

imagination in the creative processes. They believed
imagination was an ability of the mind to apprehend a kind of
truth and reality which lay beyond sensory impressions,
reason, and rational intellect.

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Navigate Task 2. Short Essay. Aside from Blake and Wordsworth, 12
another outstanding poet of the period is Percy Bysshe mins
Shelley. Read one of his greatly admired works. In not less
than 5 sentences, discuss which aspects of Romanticism
according to Benin are exhibited. (10 points)

The Indian Serenade by Percy Bysshe Shelley

I arise from dreams of thee

In the first sweet sleep of night,
When the winds are breathing low,
And the stars are shining bright:
I arise from dreams of thee,
And a spirit in my feet
Hath led me—who knows how?
To thy chamber window, Sweet!

The wandering airs they faint

On the dark, the silent stream—
The Champak odours fail
Like sweet thoughts in a dream;
The Nightingale's complaint,
It dies upon her heart;—
As I must on thine,
Oh, belovèd as thou art!

Oh lift me from the grass!

I die! I faint! I fail!
Let thy love in kisses rain
On my lips and eyelids pale.
My cheek is cold and white, alas!
My heart beats loud and fast;—
Oh! press it to thine own again,
Where it will break at last.


Content- 4
Organization -3
Grammar- 3
Total: 10

Knot At its core, Romanticism is the defiance of the establishment 2 mins

and the buttressing of individualism.
Major poets who ascribed to Romantic principles in their
poetry were William Blake, Samuel Coleridge, and William
Romanticism in poetry can be defined as the development of
individualism and an embrace of the natural world in poetic
form. Many Romantic poets revered idealism, emotional
passion, and mysticism in their works.

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Forward, S. (2014). The Romantics. Retrieved from

Beer, J. B. & Beadle, R. (Eds.) English literature.

Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.

Mcknight, L. (2019). Characteristics of Romanticisim in

English Literature. Retrieved from

Parrish, M. “William Wordsworth.” Britannica, 19 Apr. 2019,

Encyclopedia Britannica.
orth. Accessed on 26 Sept. 2020.

Beer, B. “Samuel Taylor Coleridge.” Britannica, 21 Jul 2020,

Encyclopedia Britannica.
oleridge. Accessed on 26 Sept. 2020.

Benin, N. (2019). Romanticism. Retrieved from

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