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‘an-1 + A8D-176 TAL 9 aNavoa AND DIG! suxcTRONICS sa ermCTURE & ALOORITHIM, DSA-1 ~DSAT60 oot cemrerenonganarion 0-1 CO16D MATH-CST- + MATICST 176 ANALOG & DIGITAL ELECTRONICS Amplifiers ‘Number Systems codes Boolean Algebra Logic Gates Karnaugh Map Quine Mc~cluskey’s Combin ‘Axithmétlecieeuits Flip-Flop Register & Counter Program Logic Devices Memory Device ‘Afb & D/A Converter Logie Families al Creits 300 us a9 us 150 361 a onus AMPLIFIERS _ a at a Glance chapter te tore Ain En ec igo gv paver sini on Cle A UDC) nimetacpa cosy of asteno. te ses Eircom _ Teatn etc oe eck SR See ee ete co are sree teew cia cs sabi, rece carne ee prensa vela wih inp si cled Osta dart i Fora poste fea stem sin enn ma ATT SAB ae, A i the ga of hina Ae arn ed ABBE Se on na Cat oar ic doce of + 1 eat Te sel onli pve ase a tenn enon Pg Sh sy es eee yea elt elo as er evs a he wa a nie ever a geste han ny 1 ie pa sect roel eG int toca be Retr canbe a os bares pa sis eu fr sion Set a ph gp WeS(HdA) ATARI] RRC + Wee ans Te ci ns eto ate RC asl alr ic eh eit "old ge wd theft vk Seisetepmteny ssa nor era: A iterate terse {Be Rerertneat san Gey oes " seas rlirnInSale ad ee gus sable he) 2 patos epee we pe alo "he case get sabe se ‘econ mee ei ‘irae fe a Sebi vie acmeantapiion which ses a pd eh pin meen age HH in ne are wal a PS gpa aditoce ntl teraows {oi oneal sage. as sbiig He So ta Seng i ning over dee Fabel Pour amp Ou wa eto 1 va: The de "Saha tomthe own spy under candtans TT 80 a biiarswats ed ibwata arava 2 Astablemotstratormay bo used as wer 2,20 ‘a}egueeytovtuge conver Ssqeeg creat Awoio ‘ yatage io frgutney sonnei eompuatoreveut 2 Schmit igger ie to incon a8 3) squaring set Shenep area ‘Answers ure 1b) blocking excitiator ws ” SB anabe utnortr 4. Fora wideronge fol ions inthe audi range, he peteredoclitrs wu 20, 2) Hany 4 Nartey an iget Phaze eit Ansnerte) yen eaege te iputof a Smt oper ie exutoath wae, the attic (BUT 20), sire )teangulr are {hho any change But ti pu Answer: (6) 5, Thome hase shite Wan ridge este around the opie hour 2002017) as0° wom aise ator newer) 7. Maximum effcony of vaneformer coupled la A power amie SG sae Se acon eeour 20 Anon) {LAinsior cies power apis common called BUT 21 21) Sedan Baa erent eg foe ese saner) 2. clas Campion ae et eur 01) iccnpites )eccors oRFanpliles eiansetiee heswer) Agp3 — ‘oruaneunicaTons| 4 tor celta bre 5) pein pte tal sates Savas amet) “1A Wenig caer tar OUT 289,29. Re wu IIATRC aon anowee@) ‘2. ne folowing oir ud stat a eanidge Onno Sainte Seton a cys estate )Sphaseant Sector nero) 1: te mtvrator bar mura ‘Secale ste brownies aweeert ‘4 Sejm riage reat generates weur ai, 206 ‘SToamrglor wave Zlenwioot wee anor Doane of oce 15. 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The Sahhavsen ction for ststelnd oxeiaton pours ae aa ‘alae! ner nore) ss. mgt: way 26,208 ) con sts suns wa tora square wave 2 Soevr tangent in wave "Suare wore 1) Convert ara Anorer@) ne eutpt ple width Yor 2 monoeable mutivirtr ving 1 B66 whet 2,15 ct ee acapuclancs are 20 rend 08 prin (WBUT 206,208 Sate ‘ies 28m azae answer (8) 1 nctert goer a sara fm ssl pts ) monostabe maltbrators 1) algpe and ampitrs| 2) Samat iaggerereut } bathed eh Aver) Ags Seay Coes Amir agen ‘Secame at” sur at} eacliome da ‘cee rms ”" ghee mete (wo ze) 3 ee “Nore cho Answete 41 Apne na wav uta i poi with cur a4 ‘fetey ones wang sents Bae tee net snare 1 eoaeeorenat ances Stoner ere errooay eltoene ano 4. he crenigain of app trainin (war at 4. cre emit 7 waster wut 2019 Pathe be yaonactinert Aeon “46 Forte operation a an ampere ba fn n-ne mut be Tabu 2081 gy wm emectvets enter yare wih eseeo tnd emer 3 etn ape ates ava ° 46. The ipa eitana ct cormon base apie 204 aieniow Siventian * “Yaumessce aflame seed aaamert asp oeaneum.CATONS ‘a Acerain commonerite emplferhas vag gin 19-1 the aries ps Setetoriaemaves our Si eal bream veto sy wolage can wat decrease 2eSiage gin itinrese Shepant a sa cow) es sec afer fen BIT bey besa war 2 Sheowerae yngnrequeny setormanee Sherpa impesarce iigerereoe ewer) ‘n.psrincomece canbe aed as (sur 205, Samar Bowe sh letermeaitestise sere) ‘onward epi te operation of ntable mira sing 85 Tes ‘pes 201 Ae ing fue ahve te 355 tier IC that Speedin ace ade 2 Fear ral ess (K) vide te vtageine fr rn sofa 2cPi TenKe/smble we af cht rat caning and pacer voaze i Nernst Ls SR nave p te onpa of rower of EE exrnparator undernes 0 change in ign of their out, ty SRS thc an see lope ie coe ihre ae imc ee above 2/9 een 1 kt Fre © Cae en re aus tenn a ipa fit Sn whe Fre cing wens al bow 3 a enprte2ogpe oT fennel lor orig Ls Sis fa ‘bet upper heals wer threshol hysteresis vag and eas Fabia nme ere ‘our Reed vate ete vlge fer low igh ons ee peta elas: he wake Fr ih 9 low estion gnc age i te ilererc of we vase Centevlags ts iment YY 2.oraw and expin the operon of Monaetble mbar ning 655 Tmet wou aor bt 207, 200) Aspe Se ssatoaeemamas Lec ‘Aver se mahi eng Stier shun in ise | When mz Poe rent eterno) te up Bs MER Te en 718 sarc expan C. When te vl rvs the ep € comes Ver the cre smmmcints com sept ie Te tee neal pet corer tnd (WAN te lowe compe. os vaso Ve ary cpus cid vohages, ey a0 See ee The ipa opt vlage nave ow few nice Le, Fig Monae Option “The vole acres he exer eapalor changes esponetlly for Oto ( ow ens, sel Bre armne?™e): on) ‘rete nen hsp gh ine eral sae AT Fir She WHE ge oT fn 6 Sie th eanig ite td compre sls a ba aprons 8 oe ett poral o he outer cusiicarions "ning intra given by equation 2) i inden Of the spy spp voaps voltage Fig 2 Graph of RC Combinations aire ine ey 2tL eine Li iy 3 Pmt Doce gan 4 Draw ane explain the Schmit tiger eeu, (BLT 202, 2016, 2015) re alaae ie “he Schmit gsr comparator aiaton which sites the ouput tbe pet psesuphd tho «aie free volar, he Wes Feedback wb pentyl Och to the oter sate a the ig passe ia Agp-10 ater micat rections lower sd as ha wabing he nth pinta iene by mies ier ict a yl ex pes once ie rani Andee looporexive frdbock eoniraio Incense ep ‘Manlosqure nar geese petra ‘millon meas sin feedback fraction =| fanaa ie fy ionamin peo Ene SMES Ro Sete sin mee peepee Spaces ee ea et RTE ft ot te hn mst vam mgs Dees Too aa ge as sakes maa on? au 240 wou 244240) at ao the advantages of pth smlier Wy the php ect sled? fur sot ie ‘Apes alte posses the lowing abo: 1. 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See sing oon cise power apie? nw ca be shitmee er om ‘wour aon AP ser cole tcons nce when the ead inpeance smal a te i emfore ieRtncor fr maching or wen fh lea 0 be boa and emet Ee “oi Fa Temple Air Fie sos ss Awoplfer cat with anfome cura Sino iti de A Pa sat cal agp.s PoRMAReUATIONS crepes tm sreatsonamiss case ee 2 SN a eee ner ce nae i tt cane thy eee ns a rat oe epee cs eee ossenceen Saw sara ame ale se Se An once a tere arch A508) szeynnat arate coins ceeey rt sera toca, Fn ee Tike Bae coset ea OPANP WH cet Sagem zs SFI a expense rit egeney of ectaon Seenee ; sreaponive edd ten evel ence wee =p vances ain oh inl plier, Be dak a. and Yoeica tom ns cen 4 dew ny. The ano en B= Fae lag wih mason a eet volo Ihr ne Siig St ce eo Ei P= Ted aaa eee a sa=1, nde pat nl of AB's to 0m sige rh Thre, hts cons (rian in a etka at Tir gene (0) ely pa est wor 21 28,20 1 gue ste iio Wi ede snr, Tecnico of aia ar nich poe» me 8 of 0° or OA tne! 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Ths fer eden ‘gen 2 Tee et ee 1 kanes 2014) - 25) Sey ‘Westin Sesiviy, $= tte ere Desens oor Reameging aioe esto ‘ns [fp tema pei cg i et i oes pan ii car he fe of cag ss one rom hsp compres wh be yen wi eda ‘Semen of ee nga Inge air ee. acu eich sm ded nthe yo ii agpas om rr asstec amr ALSO pea sigs it ak wn Vee We $08 eat esate rere — ; ” trace = welt ena, ata, ABE gan Hee ie plngence ih oe he na imc cet 2a (1 AD) leo cet rh" A) ad fr caren rer 8 an SSA (A= 6 “is ob val fr wtgescen 4 Onpuctagetnee SORE me ek et nt or of ie FTE mses oo ante nem ey “TUT nti epee in dy HO TTD. eu = ihn in lower ce quency, fie ef eyeney Pith ue meie nen ciorecneaae ae Sienna fargo keene levesme dias imetmeen satrap TUT TIT OT Fane aed. 1B shod bol Seng tem nthe above eglen mut Mijonn Gos rosea of Al hela ain 4,91 Fm hi egcson ecsene tat ss of neing opp sold bot er fedbu sane R39 ricitcr onset monic pene Sic tr ees elk fe Ref acto wl ‘hese stor sped sated be pee ce ‘Senile apheaenY MASU Os ero egy am eee agpas sto OAL ACTIONS et apie wit rat ea een BUT m8) ‘usr baer Siren era Plc ct cs Bangi, oti a unl aon ofa sty tt oar ae opposes Tam ar wed orto alee Tose nin lowing ay Say eller come eee pn ll congwtion this can te tice Boning bo ccs Sent ows tnrongh load which is 180 pase shied inher sabe toy -qensar +a cma aeondoe {yams ows tn apposite deena, So even ader harmonies pst eared 24am be expe shove se hat de oponen fe elector eTE ny enue sheer agree inthe ese are THs cies ony ‘ered it ie Cnn at ihe Fy Complementary syn path pl tip ‘ARDS Sve, ot ote ee ee Acne anand tne) = 2 } tide love) A top Undercover Poin aK ‘td eolecteeispatn ma sean efton fo» fons spite to fantin ste tan andge ase onde ul a Sis ent uta eater rG an capresion or the kequeney of osclation of sors essinchve nct ien dy = sine pant og edn a a Se ee ees Sees ese gre ne ree Seca [iaic Rarenctan woe win ase nee tl scare tee enim cere ore Aap20 mtoaangiaL waco Eee ars a en Naser aug at rene Ra eee we bale i! te Wine ose Te mca RA MG Head tee iste eo siting canine og STIS Sea PS aE a cman wt Rand C= €2-€.ten fy eda eget nse an i Somme malo al gare Fp 0 os 8 baie eerie Dipl mt (B47 able mieten es copees inte ala esate i oe compos noe _Mateone at ue and eet of warn Tanda show ge 1.0) apt om iuutietnrat tara Ia eee 6h Rand Ky ete calc rons fr taser Ts 0 pciely Car Carecmt ception, Ryan vide an ne bs tte mo essen rep darn sea ginny me "aka —aEEE———————— solos mona seemaxis Beets ty why snl = Coie epee 8 ee of he re _ctaierd te be ut thr coamen in he eae al Pry of ie ero era mais ven. 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Refer te Question Ni 40" & 2 Pry af Long Answer Type Question. smn ced wallow: ago av psuog Anica ECTS ge ty El re Moa a ste Aah sis wich emernes moa wnforn of agar wave of ARIS sth hea beret Frain pte tc tne i Me ceae pein ns tee agate eats een cee ves Tish shee he Schmit ger. 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Ate pees eased Seal cra nce 2 ee ee ai aa oun mo Gee ear en ni 13h nad ee sy pe eee ee ee or ae tett ey ake on oe ee rereeries Oa ences a TH iy Coat ey ours oe accom co neo of ine 1 SEDESS E ete eee: Se a ma + Nee pe Fe enantio b Bleicemetn 5 Reaeon ieee SE yee i pee 1 ee amed avs Aaya Ao ani 1 remy Hoe uk ema ow 1d 2 amet pe a ay ein ono Rc he ier esate Recent 1 leaisptve tity comer tobe. 2 iFei tapas wth pineal fina 3. Rewneenthbi 4 Aint cmptosed sender, sr er sting ty | i oman Ee [Frees pa ae TRS RaW Sa aa a 5, Lanes toe umber bites) ‘Multiple Chotee Type Questions 4. oy many 's ara pragunt inthe inary tepeseraton of sims umber toe 010 2863 Taeeereeeess Be 3)? (weur 20,2015) ee at oe oo an Aner!) 2.1 (212), = (29) whore xn baze( ve tage. then the val x fat aoe, 200) a2 os os oo ante) 2. 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ABE ati igen veo lela naomi wenn Metnanto ein et fm oF sie vies (open cc aopem ona at te mie, Consens id spseuR+B+o) eros an cows omens (ABYC), ie on en m mesa waur 2012 ‘0 war a0 Sieg ota Botan nets 1 Prods otto: £4 8.6.0) =F0.2589.0, cwour 044 : leo) | om Jem afLPGIT The w| olf ol o® a a alPttToy |e" pr 14. 86,0)=Fm(02.58.910) co a\ oo oP M4B6,D)=(B4C\(04 DM 4-e4B) Agpst poruaneunicanions GATES Lo = Chapter at a Glance ie Mergats Tete able ial 10th Pods of te a eee rere I Sat SEA ue ntennd Sn 21 tt fe eciepmens tee. rr epee] am [Ase Seo oa somtrnauiiewe eae ATOATE «aaa pe i al ie Bsn aon an ke ipod el deere Pie Bemus NANDINgROR gue we oo une BE AND Gates ners ee NOT Cus NAN Gate AND oteuing RAND Gale (Gate mine AO Gate Using Donors hewemYA.B =A‘B ~ ANB gD 38 (Sng demerger aa {hemi member of WAND ge eau dein ee OR ei ie oid ay os ae a3 " 2 The operation which is commutative but not asacaive ie WUT 207, 00, 20,2031 eynanbnion nor 2) a¥0 nyx0R anne) 2-Tha number of OR ates equted for conven oH to esr ry cae ‘au en a2 oe a3 as " Answer () 4. The ott of ope tlt when la pare lle The gate cier tetra 35 2) A400 X0R oan oor 308 SAND orkaOR sate NOR ANH Arter (@) 5 How many minimum NOR gates is equted toimplement NANO gue? TRESUT 201,205) a3 we as a2 Answer: (0) A390 - wired to lmplement the XO. ga of 7 cen tt i oye seanaucn oe : neg ie aN Chapter ata Glance ange conned rom what 21 ea 1 ercnive. 08 9D eles “anes "an gates, OR B05 208 NOT oy SRB sadnor ane Ehtene ett BoB thors ‘Lrenmun per of HAND gues reqs 2m EGR ga 4 as aM cy ioneeeecsstie ins aan ~ ‘indanert pet eon weg eames ember 2 npt NAN FR Ok Gaesing 10ND Go asp. Agno AvaLoCAMHLALLLECIENKS rorasnroncstons rear Su°6B 1 AD-AB iese(H+i)-(a@D) sam comenpning 020154 4,64. 64D ape ‘mgrantemeorenr eae aM 3K Aeon) fueurae sacra 19¢ at =De awn . sur a4 sercseuseaterbaingihecetscT@KO2Ri2, hota ELE inry By Hexaceos! aeHA omeba He womens wae Lao WS hs wh ao Fit cje Sem Sac Eiasetl sing Kemap and realize the simp Atsner 1g Keen _ Given Boolean function is 1, tin tft 8 Satu Ran goes ony ‘ae 0)=5{.2356041 cano)-B.2356019}+0(783014) [aU 2008, )=Z(0.5489)-S4(.1112151415) Th ction it ited in tors of mites and do ca conten. K ~ map "epresevinion fhe given fonctions Bow - (7810.8) SEE A wi (Zen) 2 aspas AgD-2 oe eae 2 epee ze009 ST iiecuasms tana J. -RRD- ACD «HCD =C(AB-AD)oeD =E(AOD}+ NCD Peto 56020309) agp rout 200, wour 200) eae BP 5 Silty foloning anton by mean ot Kenge parrots A Pabe.dy Tol aeinisr Tedd) 1 FAmCI)~ Loh. 25810)6 Sass |) Refer to Question No I Short Amer Tpe Questions ® 09 oF tt 0 “4 ~ fon WoT ACB Abas ‘saxecemmataLnecronics wa 2) war 3) atta uecieaes ronqanrun.cations weur a toe rata (0.10) 1011.18) 1 Sept te tot Brel £4.00) (0.238.900 on ante) fr $0.20 FeansADeacr 30d (0) F(48.0,0)=25 (0.236. Xo ® & F-16-0\i-0) {tig tbtagre en win mat re ste Fancy Sfecea nang ties sa Ate ftv in ig paling igi een Sep gs FAC) Flo s47I0N4 2181) -9(28838) 1 tin te mini POS wx ) aur 20m, 2018) ‘ame agony HOM gues FASE ami.4 78a I +5438) EU WING 0) =m 47.,9.1)584035) ize Be flowing eigtenion ug map an inp th imped 04 ‘sing NO go lena esa 2 fe along ureton and imple asp RDG 2: minnie the flowing expression using Karaugh-na aur 2010) My eracbc D)stie38 00.13). 13) A FA BG0)= Fm (04,79.1519)* L000.) spss sinuonaom as acts DEF m(osananssy [Tansy 2. Dtermine mintrm and mastnm, What is caronca orm? (WMT 208) 5) Minimize the faliowingexpeeson using map FADE, DEM 454 RBIS). ar Part ‘et te consis al he K varias of he action ia te omlement nts flled Max tem & conglemen of max tras eed Min erm. ach inhi te ita arad (easel) SOP form led ete ad ech individual tr nw mde (enol) POS formic ae Representing the Boolean expen i teas an item alah sto SMEOGE vey Cuvee shorted notion asp ssatoca pra ers af oc Fa nd each uh rt sown a 8 mira” tly mi ee ((A8.6)=A8C* ADC+ABC 1 Ths ncion ie suntat SO? frmant itemise ABC, ABE sthac 1+ inzsundrt SOP form. fr ih nn tn colonel Siroiedas"l anda conpenenedTival Swosess 0 “Thasfor encine Tamcr= abe KOC + ABC sebneteaos ADC = ease) ae -010-m, KBC-0o1-m, ‘The stone gusto canbe writen as Wanton ms ae © ABO mtn ‘Stodard Product of Som Form + FAB. C= (AB sCMAYCHB Tie iow oben patito (complement & eheomplonestad) he ato sid ote Sad eda fsa oon and chock sans gona = “mae ( Mh eg F(AB.O=(AsB:C) (A BEC HAH +O). 4+ The fon & in sundad FOS fom and K conse of 5 maces (ABC) (A HEE and CRHEC) ‘ins stantd POS form foreach msi an unconpiared wee ml iweseda0 and complemented nea sed "| “Thasforfnation - FABO)=(A-B-C)(R4 B=C ) (A+il-C)wetorethe alsa 1486.0)-Eoti4Sar02 is) 28-20 ‘A+ B+C= 00) MeO, decimal eqaletcf 00) ‘shot cn OP PS cna ems ary abe Ripecataienes sone: J4B-c=n0-M ‘Stndard Seo Prodct Form “The above equation can be writen as F(AB,C)~ MoM + fARC)=A B C+AC*B Cisknomntteinsumofpeduc fort | on F(B.0= [[MOSO (+ For 2 n variable function. if each prodect term contains all the vari {complemented oe un i ie AgD-S1 anitesaseserooo She sne lc ts we ad aot es Ses ier e : : Tsxssnneieniig reso atte ar ese tn ohmic ass, “ jonas sept Hom connate eset nea ain pine ints ete msn wer of i Tecan pone epi (01,2888 7.11 9) (8.9 1) whch {Goal Sime 7.9, 101.81 Tn pt temas athe po FAS RSTS es ccs Heme ena fam heap eon Faal-cDs 2 Spy the ftaning fenton by tbr method Peyaias nett yd 30) wou zo UT eam te agi neon tat he igh ines 1, Sth fon i. Sans scion Th re Seton aes done eres Tose Pele ‘cscs be occa gen os she ese rer mies nd wre of he ion oe ems ae sound Being cer cong sunt of 1 aapst sep JHA shows the snc wo mines combinations. The ma conbinins festa ns conf he orl ay eesti wih fit St ed 'S Gopicel a the sane ub The mg whieh ee ombin! h aer tr el media he Tale Sep ile gies poate conbinins of our mines Theis mo posiiy of ‘Soinaom of gi mtr ADs A POPULAR RUNEATIONS a oyu 1) ck oe all eh make ie poe es of it aon eae ton Te poses Tee 1h pede ade ine eciashy meted. HOUT 20 4. sly he Basen funtion wing Quine McCay PBhacoorge Pay cet fia ssalocsronanacmnncs COMBINATIONAL CIRCUITS + Matinee Mins fs evi Geat chk tenet ms mente ‘Armatopirsarcrsoa ining cup sabes of pip ee pei agns? aca ie a 2.The vate ot Pie aur aes + emai te el ma Peo exeian Se Leet oetonestt e h oe S Teelneta - ~ coe ee TT nme . eo ahha tt ee seine by inn Ee tom ta ae Aare {Thain umber of WAND gate rogue eg ei Aditi sme Lo ef ES mee had i poe i S| Se eet oe 9 EE mee, le cee eee ty email meet sinc — aie oe a4 aa 7 : omit sg mis caidas tao ayers ag i jaa, ria: pm serene i oe a a _ sa hea ai nen Tian eke Se24n ‘paso amas coma, Set, waite SEES Str ne (enn teuloaraecenaniuraiaie, TERRES rn tt aka ‘Answer: (4) pmoniton ARDS PonaRrumeatiONe cy cote on er? Me, mpe i hi ie mile er ffs Atopy embiaicet whih Pensa ving le mnt isp oe uu sie moe — . a ‘dial mote fs oman ch at sls Wy ination sand esi oa sl cat ie. rip Sel cel by 36 of ela ine 1 nate ey ee Th hy ca ey 2 a etfs ae aN np erbeis fow aoten he oupe isis hy ies adap wilde zine ote eo pt Aap ston esmonansuecrosies ect co INST tr tone ce pa i ire np an tos tndtosiote vote gh slg tal ge Ta tetra ac et tive gale vanity ed sts tw repos ps ‘Shonlcnvy orc Teta port dai oe gues yg st Important characte ogi 1 "see persin Biterer data, lage mee hyfireu Team olay prantes mosey ipsa oper ‘ipower ep ge oes acer lhe 3. impment the tration F486 Zim(t Suing decaer What ee ‘iterece beeen combinatonal cut a sequent creat? (our 2223, 245) her fet: (4.8,¢)=Bm( 6) ~ofae i} ant oc (aB)o ae AG Tie = ABC agpat a roruianeuoucarions Anpenettin wing ee Le| fo] Dap Fhe inp sa 2 ian which op gn pont sen tae ‘Rings cot wines oa depends ot ony one prea int 9 ths 4a mplement ie foming orton ang 4 mailner; (ABUT 2019, PUBS, M358) yee he appeaton of mule. STAC ipneris sed opr Galen ein F(48.€)< Se m(L) ‘osslestapus ante ue askin pt tsi Tah we MX snatonanmata cose ‘en ire Hay Ss sede et ps tc ah Siguis of eB deer epecinc CDI abe srthe apt inf he eb ec each of dete pte pti ‘bream wat ang WoRto ue sng COMS aca. opt NAND Gute eh Tab Yo ee Tok [tok ae HGH [Low [Het wich HIST AgD-3 sito. ues TaRpIa ine onc of 41 MLE wth» eth ae Re ang 8. Eclat working inept 12 DEMUX wih th abe Rtn ting ets pte out So) 7 ARD-ss AgDes rom anewourntOn iin th 09 recent! Ie ree set He mg tens. Te sit acne th pa a SmtO26aI218) mT zn, 20% Toone #=Dim(Q2.AARRAEI} one Het meee ee Aa Fretted ens we 0 Cage mapa tepic ae Deis gm chose dup by 1 NUK mien nomena ge team i wih sel Os CEU Sx mato niece o ape = Sen(Q2. AER IND et ; : ‘dinpram of v dexmsltiplener sia han depen vitowrt ae, The we blow sows he Hk ios Rove soy oa (rt domlpeer tens at sh and So nde xs om YO 10 Y28 sae deme ie ts oe item a outing cr cnt oO sis fle tetas come wih SV and ter ips site Teli buluhuk ti ya roundel 4 EOE pee ge eee Tee w= DSI 1B. DBsis0 agp Agnes PopuLaRpumuicaTions ASALDG A pcALELECTRONICS ent fader cst using 3108 decoder wih at aceon ols {nda aditod ol gle one rar feeb ‘Answer: sala eee nes i, 8 9B sascal= Sl. | Cox .2)= Sm3567)=cany Sine er ne 3 inp ad tla ineras we rsd 2310 vot implements soon a grb a Ai ForAB ane 44d, 4B fa, 9m oi 2. implementa compra eet sing decoder and tt suale sot 2 mere cor pay qunters. Assume hate ut ofthe decade! 8 Stacie ow yee wour ‘niwer Fedak Dene at 2. Comparator wig Dede: WasTAavdaa, he ea whether 1B oF AS Bate Lat a( 44) 5(22,) 2 wor numbers ad indicted byte the oat a Lg ing of i apart sig der 4. Prove that a Muliplens is a unversaly complete logic module, (WBUT 2008) sans ARD-69 li juan eusucaTiONs Aner: Mabileneras inverter nt Malipexers OR gate ao ly 7 0 |e oo fi roo ft rah ANALOG nana LECTONes Maier 5 NOR pate ae iY te TT f, a1 fo 7 tm te qa bY ae ‘ Hex S 7 1 ‘ 1 [Malperer as NAND gate y AB ve a. Ol oor ft oo fi rot fo Mltplerers EXOR gue a3 fy Ye oan ier aaa MulpereragEXNOR gate % ae fy y 7 /0 n oor ft a ale oa |i or fo A 6 Design aFulluttratoruslng two tot MUKS and other sual ates, lg i} a AgDAL PULARPUBLCALIONS Answer: Tn Table of Fullstate_ rae Rr! ae ae Eth Gy otk bw i= Goa pe 6 nat wi happen tthe folowing cu the selects ofthe 2404 MUX the BUK is connected ta hey st Input Gtven by 2 coe the opt Y ct edi dla lout ie conmctes fo XwhareX ay be or, (WeUT 2003 anatoc ececaLsiscrosacs P * Gi H H 1. esign 16 cco uing 38 dsc, tr 0m Avon 1.) Dei $643.2)-,p.247) =m Ci .9 Lm 867 cory Since ee 3 ep nd» tl of # miss we ed 238 dee The inetomis dor non ladder ong a decode. wut 209, AgD-3. soouaneveuceTiONs cous porate ty osign eel eth wi ett eae eABeAC= AIBC) linplerert habe eng MUR, wour 2013) ‘al tracted webct vo ay ip ngnd (A) a soca (8) ‘terrain of ta Bary dn A dT dfeence D=(A-0) and Bow teres Te bres, ke tanere thne spe ofsaon Aan -salocencuan necreours Black digi fluke shone bon Lap ts inlet ofthe ane nen bel, ‘D- t a plementation ofthe sbve withthe help of MUX ison Below ooh kk ee 4 a @s 6-7 ao zo 9.2) Design an 83 tne encoder. 1) Beata 2a ine decor 20 Refer te Ousion Ne. 10) of Long Answer Type Questions Diao 2 fede (our 295, ‘A [6 | Oat [a3 [Ow [ORE tpop oye] opt ofifofoli}o rfofo}i}olo ilitrto}sto 03-28, ont AB Ags agstec oc . Theta abe Or BCD to ? semen dead cen oder ies te loving aoe petit ot PT eee = SHEE se tauan mre SE here Sesetemntaaee® wr 9 SEER EEE von pry govertor an check our 200d 2010, 2015, 2018 ‘he k mapa or seating ghee T oa gw soaeee 2 el A ake aac aes Thee Em ent o, C od 4) Gua Panty Generator and Checker BUT 2011] IM These apn are educd a ftows ere woh ie me vee Bo a nw BEES secon tenes — E a a FBD+aeaec

2 NEE Farr ao eer ean Sri ni hy Mare toe be constructed using NAND or ach tte met scp ope Nee ac peach, SAND gaa) NOR aut ch ea Heiape ns pnts resng emai asi bl states, which cn Teer Stn rer mpasto Rend St The pp wl same oof Posen rg gory nein cs I Ppp TN iptey ecto of SE Tipp Hear we ovesome the rie + Fennec JE ptf op ecu fin fops eb Rand enrbe deeb + Bien pi acy (hel ocx oe eee of he ok frp a 0 ks gh eter Fon tp ts evs + Tp A papas in coiling, bled fr tpl. When Tis HIGH thetiptapoglsen cereale Matte Chotee Typ jaetions {Feo at mates xt ae tn ata cock 2Taittinten Otten Serene ‘Answer: (6) = 2A cain JK Fiettep ba 3:2. Te lergset MoD counter that ean 2? sont ire eee andes ses BU “Answer: 256, “ an eect a ge “ ie Sere were saa Ee sso. ANOS GIALLO 4.4 Klip top has ‘Jone sabe sae “ ur 0,204 Sno sublets Shera rate wag 280 “Answer: (b), ‘enectthess 5. Te ee around conion dows nt securia Br B)Maatetave PAO BUT aot, 201) nt ‘on sed 411 0 inpst Tp op te 100 4 lg PAAR aN bm 0 at ot nents ae sone te atone x ‘Answer: (c) , este LA carry look shea aera trequentiy uae for ain, caus, ‘ia faster a moreascorse 2) ose ewer ate Seman teewt aan never: (0) 2. te input to T-ip-top is 100 He signal the ol cup ofthe te pop i concn Et ‘000 He sone 200K aes ans) 4. Master sive configuration fs edn ip-op to our ste 2) inorease ts clocking rt eliminate race around condition Aner (0) reduc power asipaton ‘improve ta rlaby ‘Implement clocked JK tion using NAND gates only. [WBUT 200,204) ‘oR, ‘raw and explain the masteralave JK fpop using KANO gute. = Pee ena NA Surat 217 Aniner: 3 Ey POEULAR PUBLICATIONS 4 pop. Whyte called $07 {prea tage iagram of Maste'ive JK Mop, Why 2006, 208,209) Answer: Logi cago é ° hate ca “The Maer tase Flip Flops level locke, When locks high therefore any change ind andK can affect and Roxas, Fe this reason normally We keep J sd K cont dizng pote al eee of he clock Aer lek oes lo, master besos Inne five ion Sand Kt change. 2.¥tata the main ferece between a Late and aso? (RUT 220, 2019 Distinguish between latch a7 oi Hip op. {eur 2013, 2007, Anon Bot pep and lc ar b-sble and re usa store binary data but in ipsflop se ‘ange ly occurs en lock edge or pulue wheres th charge ale ours wiht ‘wing clocked. So ean becanles hat Flip Flops re locke ahs een A Comen sKtoS Rand LK t0T. our 2010) TTocanven IK FF to SR FF, we combine th excitation ies of bth the ep. eTOTsTK ofeys Popeye Sleli fool: atrpepop rye slolitifiti ipopeprpeye . stifoli {ite Agpa0r astocs pumas Kops fr Komp rk sk sk Xoo te Xm oo LEE The hubs se ei agro ARD.103 pony as mcATIONs (OUT aa alanis Slave FipFl. ‘AE oan of Masie-Stve -K Fip-ep (be Lae gran ‘Te Neh lip Pops eves, Wh lok Has tee any hag Fr dand cana nd Rous. orn enon, somal We Keep aK ses “icing postive fle of De lc, fle lc gocs ley asi BATE ace nd melon Fand Ks charg, The er wate stow belo ale ne [ax pK t ‘ap ft ot Ali fe if +e lift [tase “Ta aT eT Tp “Thoin gram | {Ste emit option fhe masse 1K fips a8 shown FF) -AgD.104 ip Opeaion of maser aive Rip ep 4 Wat de 429 ran by race sound ond? How the pote a ete oy Sit te Tw te so 18h ice sean conion ccs sien oh the jap ae kidh And de expat oe sera eral ser eale, Cons pt aur nas fap sl ae up go-O ie mst ca willebnge ola tres {Deron aca rte en mss ange a ip “imgemate intion 1 pong 4 ten (perio ete Dpto cng JK, pat ie Di Bop pad eps svokunfiom 1D ton Conesen aoe testis ee ee (wut 201m Koapaatton ord: AsD-105 fgrpite tn waning ofS eon win mae ee vetop, wou aot, Expuin te warting of Se Sra me a an mes hg at fete eS a Scariest Sree dak ee an dal 3 ate" tgering? How many types ot tppenng are thee ta ssaventt ‘sa DUReere Question No. Sr" Part af Long Anse Type Qwertons 1) Refer Quen No. Bay Lang Answer Type Quan esceartan op? How canbe verene? Ex ing the Sip Mars ht in condo ate eck gad the npr can hh whe a ances cain ne canes pth toggle Th tpl hs aba aap.107 ong anruaicatons ‘xc ana stone, Dare I eta down the axatn ble oF Fon 208208 ad Seon ta rs cunts torts Basan ae cane for io Coarisc eguion oD foe 2 Chains equion fr pop 00,50, 2: peor ne conversion fom Dip opt JK fpsop AaOMe elf Fp Flop and traci fr D Flip Flop i shown Tak Vane? OUT 208 H r Tak Tales ‘he X map fr OFF Sil nplemenatonsshown Table 3a Fis Qo nw > o TTT] + Corer ftps ‘aed AgD.108 sxalocesvonaL sumo eras7 . 000,10, , oa Comes OTF 2.Peom a canon 60K 6. avout aon ‘on ‘ts ownth cation te ard con SRO Kio, HBL 0,2 Tit ite we cone an fet ei . itt E Koes kK Koon ° abel olol.[. x Koon ° a=0k 5-19 minek.o ram and timing sagem of SR pty, ay wee tan tbl, cree a ‘ane NOR te 1 Sbaeto iptop to te fo. BUT eg rg ita I as able sae, which A Sins. The psf wil sume eet none TRS pap aed ever ipinthe cet Deve yang pope ts 0 le sas depending upon at som Blockage eo oc iarem . 2 . a, “Truth Tale ar sTetels of Po |e | woctaee (ite pot eas — Aap.u10 aalocanensnsuiemoes cl pa ri ond 2, moet [ee PS te eK fr O Fetter m Conn o Toa et ovate as ane 5. What ic he aitrence neween a Combinational and 2 sequent eu? vir own the exctaton taboo! and ¥ ip hap Deve tale olan expr oe Scarce enone ‘outa tire Dien between Cbd cit rd Soca cet The lege ce whose opt tay ota tn, doen ny on ree ep Sate reno s combo ec ‘Belicia ope ay rat of ie: dred nto sen ot ae son revs ep state ae called eget ha Gi) Combiraonl ‘sees sce fen fst tasteless the ‘bial cues mo ei any memory eee wha he sopra Se Simmer dint peoo hopin inscere agp. rane an oe a TasaataE THTep Eon abe of 2 Flip Fog eeeoceera "Sen fe tipo. The cme ed the eae se we hve rans @ ~@ ow we ill Gk ‘Sarin wih elt Ranaugh map en “ute darceic eguion of the 1K fp fom Herette haces eqns of Hipp =, + FO, Se Te cca inti Inn ese, Frm three ne ochre Fit [Reser Opa [Nero r 2 @ Pro tinLn lalalime deo Tol. ved 9 Qs = 7B, +70, ence te cet epoione ip Dope, °70, +70. 3) eta cr engram nd tining capa of 8 popig HOR Foe 2 ston ithe cou 2046 TRS Fiptap azo a stexng fran I aso aleve wich cn ‘Belted br tig progr apa Rank Sys The Tipp le Oo pesmi se peggy en oes agpas poeuise PUNLECATION Lopiedagaes . ° 2 Tra Table _ spe Lo 0 | © | o | O, | Noctanse a pepe se Trae (Oust ofp of reviou3a) 1 The wut ble of Pip Flop and characterise whe fr D FlipFlop is shown i Tobe tad? a0 ost 10 to “Table? ‘The KmpfrD FF ral implementation is shown in Table 3.and Fl 6 on 10 o Tas 1 Doboriere ‘rated bekDoJk Agel Convio fF Pop te IK Fiphap Steen mt te ater Sie fp pi sted om sep ip ope he ake Sve Seema ESE egy Fo ton a Lieto Ist Aner: Refer to Question No. Sof Shot Ansner Type Quson ‘ta sorts gaming tp op wou 009 ‘Tigi mes eatin by sone meat Misti noo pegs ey Vege aging i Level ageing dg triggering Flp-op A Fpfop wie te hres on hing gst) or fling (opie) ee of lock pulse Level irggered Fip-op {Flip lep that sage (ots respond tthe inputs when evel fe eck Signed i appropri ‘The inpas to he FlipFlop may change during the presence ofthe lock puede 2 ean operating of thst. lease of ee = igre Flip Fe, fersicn raster ‘om dat input oupr ofthe Flip occre at pvc epee fe clak Puls. Flip-Flop wich espns nyt ising (= linge Kaun oie ee Wiggred or nepive ecg gered. Agplis roewaneunicaTiNs REGISTER & COUNTER = chapter ata Glance moma clones tha wrk eK 9 HH ti Pees egacra Sia. Nin ter sl reer noes ese vise inva int eat co dare tiemeresace amet ats tine ack Fe el nia (IPO) ot nes etl Ont tie ha overran He pet rl putat (PPO): dae be loaded ne spe san wee encn ered ima. a npc: A eiter wc cbt opete all as. SISO, FSG SrSro wis bens ipa nsowna strep ego icp elung. Tir cact fre sig ou Cree dues spsal tinder, ened count te mambo clack ah fry tr SrNCUpar Saopmens, cms ae aed for measurement gun ad Ue pi ntnpereqibnen soso eguency Suse nd maspelaion Exit cope fio er es Styrene canes Whar he ipo ae conned ial an op of ree Aptis eae ce Mpa nya str techn 0 5 livin ater sna npctanes comme the tine ea hg ian hyve ‘Sowers teu slaw fe couleur ‘Syrnruon eum: inna cumar a pose oc sim Meche npcomcced opal toc ple "Risen sp af ep oh er The ple be courte is li Sea npn ise or git. Tere ae 4 yp ag sit oupat(IS0} The etacn ved nando of ere ome risoy dt co be oda intone WJ iansay ib «3 ve et peat ft cn cone Aap sown ae ahve the erm Qs eae cag. i frente sch ge They ms pe ough te cane AND ADAG associa nearausicemes ie Choice 7 Ne ache have 8 6 Bip eur, The heauney of htop utp i MP2 oy nas uae sen ahem Asner: 2 Whi on (our 22,295 1) Muti eh encoder unr ane ° 2. Tha npstop eau uur ana, a3 ae 4 The miaium numero pep regulon 2 MOO-10 counters vou 244 bi10 ats 303 ane) fay potters encounras wih rae) ser) 6 Acomparion btwcon sng an Johnson counters indcates tat ‘a Jonnean counter he an inven fudback pat 1) Johneon counter hae more fiptaps but las decoding cre }ngcountr rasan verted fwdck uth ll ing eur fewer ip top toate mare decd sey rwour ane, 2. Sypehronou rete change thar stata wth our zor aga ee eke el ont yaoi Aner) {the umber fips gue io dsign aoa 0 cumterle OUT 17 33 we 33 a dase) ravi the thrma rian, peat woulé be seh ta aed * — our 28 David WMatVal Manele Nasal anon agpat7 PopuLaneueLcALioNs ‘Short Answer Type Questions man HoDtasremeau curd ete tm an ‘AMod 0 coun hs 10 posite, in ther words it cout fromm 0109 an ly ‘her Lets ake look a how to le Md cour. “The im wept determine ow ny ipsNop to ae. We wl se J FFs fore dignSloe we sod sta, 4 sill Deroy. The vdeo find away nt ‘wel of hse ses. There moi bea way to eh eau sop ceung 9 a fol ovr 10. Tiss whee an asjetronous ins cone ply The syheonoy Inpus can override the Socvorous ins and fre the ope to eit LOW Hot Looking tthe th bt courter shoul ran et 0600100 anole 600 ain Since the cour has oll 1001, the nev ir sl 100 wl be wed Feet he counter 0. Fora TK FF we have an asyrchvena nt eae CLEAR, when ouasser th, Oops ouput gus 0 Sie his CLEAR Int ssciv igh we en te ‘AND gate, The 2 FEE where aT eeu wl be ted to an AND gfe an th wl te ied 103 CLEAR inp. Whon he courte gest 10D, the AND gatas ava ‘on opt and wil eve he CLEAR inp fal FF ® + 8 an 2 Distinguish between riple counter and synchronous counter. (WBUT 2013] Aniners Apnetronns (ripple counters: ‘The simplest counter eu is singe ype ip Nop, wiht (at ington iteoam iver pat THs eeu xn soe one Bsn Rese con cote rm er tone bef ioverows (sts over Fm 0). This ater wil inrement once fr eve) ‘lock eel ad takes to ack eles ( overiow, 30 every ele wil erat fetes amin fm Oto 1 anda tation rom 1a 0. Note tat i ees ‘ew clack wih» S05 day cycle at exaty half ie equncy af he opt lek. 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[yaar the aie svable In universal shifregiter? How a >t unead ttuitrepatercan be resized using mulplexere and fuptlops?— QWBUT ‘Anwver: 1) Refer 10 Question No, 4 of Short Answer Type Questions. Facies availabe in univer shi vegister= F 1) The uve hi register sued as pull srs eonveers, which come! fled dt io serial data vl 1) The nies sh regia is ao used as cera to purl converters, which ‘ese data pl da Aap ‘This de 4B nied ase ag PH maples wd ‘8 Foraeynmoron cotter ith sue Beeson = 2 Gi oer sina i 8 ie nde i ng toe 9 Srl nse coer gered atone at 4) atthe conecive Seapn css delete od? ae Faget cote whence Te raven sictfncat sate te: ° Hsia wo oniap sai Trae Sae(O) | RSET] D (eeu 20a) *warson bt sing Dip ops: A&D-135 pOcULAR PUBLICATIONS pity and ec reaiatin inn aS PO i ape ype i * ert a fod es ° H si fo ft fo 1 { sof tt a fe fe | yo} oft fe | o | © tLe | o | o | o H 8 iret gram 4) An ditional cic is rogue to enare tht 19d out does no ecu Te cout ‘Should be cesiged sig the next state oe nia sae frm the unused ite Hei ‘hve pele there sn oe ut problem ecared «) Tie lockout condo cers when by some git o anyother reason cuit Bove ‘hase sats adits ot defies when should po next. The lockout xm be voi {Eipning isla from ll oe unused iste oil ite. This sd to Be ack rangement {T-winta snort notes on the following: faveur 2006, zoo, 208) 2} Oataloekcutin a counter 2) Ring Counter four zor, 2014 201% 2 orn pare ouput on ele Ui ote 24 ) Parl! input soil eutput eh reistor watt in 1} Aayecnvonous pple counter ABD-136 soaunganemansecmostcs Answer 23) bai octet in a counter 2 cnton hat uy vt «cum king he comer mae ue st set ane sat ald Lact ts of he enna holly a he ‘Tomales sure tata the stating pie the counterion a In sate wth na fw lek eyes. extra loge caf tobe provides Tha te atonal eqienens ening cone, ° mee wyRine Coens {he api nil ele our i exten citesing sieges contd so ‘ht sey in he i rors In some ay Cone tak ttf ip eg Nat widely aed siete counters rng oir a Jhon Conse Block diagram oT Seal opt Pra spt Si Reters Fern fps yes ne same mantra coda {8 lt ton Te ewer op trai das eae ene oP A ‘er Once he ta eh aya ore uo ad a il inlet contain ar end parle ‘egister is shown below, ns Aspaa7

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