Inner product space

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a7 Inner Propuct Space G4) 27.1. Introduction. 27.2.Real Inner Product Space. 27.3. Complex Inner Product Snace 27.4.Norm ofVector. 27.5.Orthogonal Vectors. 27.6. Orthogonal Set of Vectcrs. 27.7.Scalar Component & Projection of a Vector 27.8. Angle between two vectors 27.9. Orthogonal Basis & Orthonormal Basis of an inner product space. 27.10.Extension of Orthogonai set to Orthogonal Basis 27.11.Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalisation Process 931 931 933 935 928 939, 940 940 943 945 947 17.1 Introduction. There 1s 2 concept of lengths of vectors or the angles between two vectors in the 3-dimensional Euclidean space (which is a vector space aso) R’ or E, But on 2 general vector space V we have no such idea. Is fact, there is no way of defining the lengths of vectors or the angies between two vectors in a general vector space. The axioms or any other deduced characters of vector space do not provide any instrument for making such definitions. In this chapter we make an atiempt to develope such 2 type of concept known as ‘Inner Product’ on 2 vector space V ower Real or Complex Field only so that such definitions can be made. First we introduce this for a vector space on Real Field and then = is generalised over complex Field. 27.2. Real Inner Product Space. LaVbea ‘vector space on Real Field R.A rule under which we get a real number, denoted by (a, f) , corresponding to a pair of vectors af im Vis called immer product on V if the rule obeys the following axioms (1) (a, B) =(B, a) for all a, 8 in V [Symmetry] (2) (c-a, 8) = ¢-(a, B) for all a, B in V and for all c in R (real field) [Homogeneity] @) (a, B+ 7) =(a, B)+(a,7) for all a,B,y in V [Linearity] (4) (a,a)>0 if a+ where 0 is null vector of V [Positivity] The vector space V together with an inner product defined on it is Called Real inner product space or Euclidean Space. Using hypothesis (1) it becomes obvious that (a,¢-B)=¢-(a, B),(a + 7,8) = (a.B)+(7.B) Example : Consider the vector space R?. Let @=(x,,x,.x,) and B= y¥2095) €V,. We define (c.f) = x,y, +2293 + x5y5 - Since x;, y, all are real so (a ff is real. We shall sce this rule is an inn~ Product on R?- eee ave 932 - EMATICS. | I (1) (a, B)= 91 + ¥20'2 +9393 Ny + ¥oX2 + 3X3 = (Ba). (2) Let c be arbitrary real. Now ca = (cx,C%),¢%3) . Then (c-@, B) = CX Y FEXI2 + OXI = €(X)) + X22 +%393) =C-(a,B) , (3) For y = (z\,22525)s We have BEY =(% +212 +2595 +25) 80 (a, B+ y) = Xy(H +21) + X22 +22) +45(I5 #25) = XYYp + MZ| + Ly t+ Xpzy + AGIs + 52s = (XY + Hyp + X33) + (HR + Xp2p + $4425) = (a, B)+(a7)- (4) Let a #6 ice. at least one of x), 5,2, non-zero Then (a,a) =x, +919 +21, = Ay +97 +zp > 0- So the rule defined in (1) satisfies all the axioms of inner product. So R? is an inner product space with the inner product (@,B) = Xz + NI. +222 Theorem. The vector space of all ordered n-tuples, ” is an inner product space when | (2, B)= yy, +29 Ho +H yy Where — AEC Kye) — BS B=(%9o04In) €Vn« Proof. We shall show that (2, B) = x,y, +X QYq te FX In 1S aD inner product of @ and B. | qd) (21,8) = X19) +p 99 Ho 4H, Iy +Yq%y = (B.A) | = WX + aX + So, symmetry follows, (2) For any real number c, We see © = (6x, ex,,-,ex,) "(60 B) = (Cx), +(€xy)y, 4o-4(ex, Jy, = peettyle) =0-(a,f). 2 OX In = COI + XI? | (3) Let 7 be another vector such that y=(ze-é) BY = (NAZI berg 4 2y). Now, Br) = xy, +2) 4x4(y, +2) bo ta (yy, +2q) In +2q = tI Hot IQ) lane, a2, tee +X pzn) = (a, B)+(a,7). xe pRODUCT SPACE 933 so, linearity 1s verified. (4) For 0 = (X15 25°74%q) # (0,0,----0) (a, @) = 18 +R a%2 HH y= xp txdtentz? 0, since x; is real and x; #0 for at least one i. $0, the defined (a, B) isan inner product on R”. Hence R” is an inner roduct space OF n-dimensional Eucliden space. Many other type of inner product can be defined on R” . However we mention the following Standard Inner product in R”. If a,BeR™ and a= (%,%2,°5%_) and B=(Y,I20"4%) then the inner product (a, B)= 29, +%22 t-°+%nIn (as defined in the above theorem) is known as standard inner product in R”. 27.3. Complex Inner Product Space Let V be a vector space on Complex Field C. A rule under which we get a complex number, denoted by (a, 8), corresponding to a pair of vectors a,B inV is called an Inner Product on V if the rule obeys the following axioms : (1) (a, B)=@.a),Va,B in V, where (B,a) denotes the complex conjugate of (B,a) . [Symmetry] @) (c-a, B)=c-(a,f) Va, B in V and y complex number c. (3) (a, B+7)=(a,A)+(a,7)Va,p,7 in V [Linearity] (4) (a, a) >0 if 2 #6 where 9 is wull vector of V [Positivity] The vector space V together will an inner product defined on it is called Complex Inner Product Space or Unitary Space. Note. (1) As, by Axiom (1) above, (a, a) = (@,a) 80 the complex number (a, a) is a pure real number. So the inequality relation > in Axiom (4) is Well defined. (2) Using hypothesis (1), hypothesis (2) and (3) show (a, ¢:) = ¢-(a-P) and (a+ y-B) = (a,f)+(y,B) also. Example. Let C = set of all complex number. Then CO = (2.23.2 eCvi} oe ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS. is a vector space over the field C with defined by JH (m+ M%2 +920 %n +I) and As R” it can be proved that C” respect to the compasition + and + (x,%20 Fn) + On I20 In C+(X 45% qs ¥ pq) = (cx,,€%75°°0%n) where c eC Now for a= (x ,X)0°5%n) and B= (NI204Jn) in C® we define (@P)=x,9 +8292 ttn = LAH ial where y; is complex conjugate of the complex number y;. Let us verify (@,B) is an inner product : ) @p=San=Le W) [2-2] isl isl o— (s3_ \ (fe —) = - Day =[2%) =|) =(B,a) ist ial (2) For any c eC, (c-a,p)=Srexj.3, [12 ¢ar= (6% .6%y)°"C%)] (3) For any 7 = (2,232), (ab+n=SxG,F%) -: (a,B+7) DAOi +) SPY = (+2099 +2,0"°Ip t2n) = Lai, +2) a v i - n =Leinena) =Lsj7+ ia i =(a,B)+(ar) (4) For an a = (x,,2),°-%,) # (0,0,--50) BR - a (a,a) = Dat =Ykef oe ist >0 as |x;|is real and |x;| +0 if x; #0. Thus (af) as defined above i "4 ove is an inner ne Inset Product in the vector space C*. prodvet called Standard yER PRODUCT SPACE 935 so, C” is a Unitary space or Inner Product Space’ wi Space’ or ‘Complex Inner Product space’ 77.4. Norm of Vector, Let V be an inner product Space (Real or Co; vector a in V, denoted by al), is defined as lla = inner product between the mplex). The norm of a (1) , where (a,B) is Square root is a positive [all is a positive real number. Example. In a previous example we see 3 is an inner Product space with the standard inner Product (a, f) FMM +%X2I,+%X5y, where = (%1,29,%5) and B =(y,,y9,95). Then the norm of the vector a is lal = (aay = mx) + 27x, +x) =y xp tad tx? . More particularly, |(3,-1,0)| = 3? +(-)? +0? = Vid. Properties : Let @ be any vector in an inner porduct space V (Real or Complex), whose null vector is 9 then (1) (6,a)=(a,6)=0 2) |le- cl] =|e||]al] where c is any real Q) jal>o if ax. (4) jjol=o. Proof: (1) (@,a)=(0.a,a) -:0-0=0Va inV =0-(a,a) by hypothesis (2) of inner product =0 and (4,6) =(0,a)=0=0 (2) |e-al| = J(e-a,c-a) by definition of norm =e? (2,2) =|e| (a2) =| 3) Let a #0. So, |jal|= f(a.a). / ee Since g #@ so (a,a)>0 and so |[all is defined and ¢ Square root is taken as positive square root so al >0. vectors a and f. The square foot. (a,a) >0 so 936 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICg.; (4) Jo|= 0) = NO by property (1) =0- Theorem. (Schwarz's Inequality) For any two vectors @, pina Euclidean Space (2,0) < alll Proof. Case 1. Let a and f are linearly dependent. So we get real numbers aand b such that a-a+ b- p= 0 where at least one of a and b is non-zero, Let a#0- b i Then, from above, # =-—-fp=x-f where x= a is a real. . a sep=@bp=26) =x — “Wl-JEP (a, p)|= [#14 = FINI =|x- All|] using a property of ‘norm! = lalll4l Case 2. Let a and f be not linearly dependent. Then @#x-f for all real x. that is, a-x-f+#6 for all real number x. «> for all real x, (a-x-B,a—.: B) > 0 by a hypothesis of inner product or, (a-x-B,a)-(a-x-B,x-B)>0 or, (a,a)-(x+B,a)—(a,x B)+(x B,x B)>0 or, (a,a)—x (B,a)- x(a, B)+x"( B,B) >0 (using hypothesis on inner produ?) oF, (4,0) -2x (a,)+x*(B,B)>0 ——*: (a, B) = (B,a) or, (B,B)x? -2 (a, B)x+(a,a) >0 ay where x is real variable and the coefficient: aq) are all real. 8 (B,B),(at,p) and (a0) Since (1) hold for all real x so the quadratic equation (B,B)x? -2 (a, B)x +(a,@) =0 can not have real root. NER PRODUCT SPACE ? 937 Therefore its discriminant g the hypothesis on inner [usin 0 (G00) = (@ oF, (41%) = Now since a #8 *. (a) So from above we get ¢ Similarly taking inner side of (1) we get =a So, 4,0» =0. = 0 27.7. Scalar Component & Projecti Let a and B be two vectors in The scalar t= @p) (BB) t of non-oull vecto! ‘on bot! (8,01) se Og (Myr) =O product with @,@3,° ler product rs in al rthogonal set jn an inner product space V, a, =0 () | vector. h side of (1) we get product] yey) 207 (AnH) =O a)>0 Oy successively on both a, are independent tion of a Vector ‘a Euclidean space V, with pro. is called the scalar component ( or component) of a along B and the vector £8 is called projection of a 27.8. Angle between two vectors If @ and f be two non-zero vectors in a Euclidean space, between a and f is defined as upon £ . the angle ? = cos lelial Note. (1) This ii angle b () is a proper generalisation of the concept of ideo? fi two vectors from 2 or 3 dimensional space. Euclidean space to arbitrary Bu (2) By Schwarz's inequality here also |cos6| <1 (3) If @ and f are ortho; gonal, obvi = viously @ = %, (4) "cos-!' function restr ) ‘cos"!' function restricts @ to the interval 0< 0S 7° R PRODUCT SPACE a1 grample. In the Euclidean space * with standard inner product let a=(l.-1,0,2) and £ =(2,3,1,0) be two vectors. Find the projection of B pon a. Find the angle between a and f. solution. Now, (a, B) = (1x 2)+((-1)x3)+(0x1)+(2x0)=-1 and (a,@) = (1x1) +((-1) x (-1)) + (0x 0) + (2 2)=6 fal = JP +(-0? +0? +2? = 6 {pl=V2? +3? +1 +0? = Vid (a,B) _-1 (aa) 6 «. the projection off upon a =ta = -2=10, The component of 8 along a,t = If @ is angle between a and f then -) (a, B) cl -( 1 ) 0 = cos! SOE? = =e a . fel 4 8 Telia . 84. Theorem 1. If {c%,a@3,-a,} be an orthogonal set of non-null vectors in a Eulidean space V and if a = ca, +¢;@ +-"+¢,a, (a eV) then ¢; = the scalar component of a along a; . Proof. Doing inner product on both side of = Cy, + 6y0q FF GAY H+ CO, by a, we get, (a,a;) =¢)(a),4;) + ¢(@2,0%)+ ++ 6,(@;,0;) +707 + (Gi. @,) Or, (a,a;) =, 0-40) -O4 = +e, (4;,04) +--+ G0 (a,a;) (@,a,) = the scalar compontant of a along Example. A = {(5,0,0),(0,3,0),(0,0,1)} isan orthogonal set of R? . Express @=(2,1,4) as a linear combination of the vectors of A. Solution. Let a, =(5,0,0),a7) = (0,3,0),c4; = (0,0,1) (a,a,) (2x5) +(140)+ (4x0) _ 10 _ 2 Now, ¢ = = 2xS)+ UA) EXD 2 (qa) 5x5+0x0+0x0 25 5 ey = Lea) _ 2X0) + (13) #140) (@,,@2) Ox0+3x34+0%0 2x0)+(x0)+ (4x) 424 (a,a5) _ © 3 ay.03) oxo+oxorixt =| 2.1 yutge +4a3 's Inequality) Theorem 2. aeaea. a, } be an orthonormal set of vectors in a Euclidean If A= {a0 space V, then for any a in V, ol? ze+t +0 where ¢; is scalar component of a along 4 » i=h2--r- Proof. By hypothesis, ¢ = Ge = (0 ) qd) fe" bq) = fae =P = Let &y = 640 + 46,8, = LOM @) 3) and fy = a~% Now, for any j=1,2,--r we have (Bc) =(a~a0,43) = (a2) (40-2) | =(2.03)-| e895 J using _ (2) =(%2)) ~Z (6101-45), by linearity of inner product =(4.0))-Zatena) =(a,a;)-c¢)*1 «> Ais orthonormal =(a,a;)-(a,a;) using (1) =0 +B is orthogonal to a; for j=1,2,....p Form (3) we have a =a, +f, By Pythagorus theorem, lao + Bol? = ao +14? INNER PRODUCT SPACE a or, fa? =Hol? +1400? =o)? Waal? 20 or, fal’ = (a@q,a0) (eo) / (Za Lea) using (2) et \ (eo) Deas} +| ead ie + [Grader J =Ylemea+ Ean) +--+ D640) by linearity of inner product Freyey(aysay) + Sere.) ++ Deee(@ a2) a =e (0.04) +€3 (02,0) +--+ 2(@,,0,) +7 A is orthogonal =dlaf +edlaP ++ le +f Corollary. If a belongs to the set spanned by the orthonormal set ae a Sep tcp te +e, scalar A={a,a),-a,} then jal? =o? +e +e+0? where ¢; component of a along a;. Proof. By hypothesis @= Ca, +, +---+¢,a, Where ¢; will be scalar component of a along a, (by a previous theorem). Then in the proof of the above theorem we shall have a= ay ie. fy=0 iz. Jal’ =faok 27.9. Orthogonal Basis & Orthonormal Basis of an inner product Space. Let V be an inner product space. An orthogonal set of vectors A= {ay,03,--G5} is called orthogonal basis of V if the set A be a basis of the vector space. Similarly orthonormal basis of V can be defined. gK STU Example. The set A= {(1,0,0),(0.10) (0.0.0) is an orthonormal basis of RS and the set. B= {(2,0,0)40,2.0)(0,0.2)} is an orthogonal basis buy not orthonormal basis of R. Theorem (Parseval's theorem) If A={a,0." -a,} be an orthonormal basis of a Euclidean space,V, then for any vector a In Vv. lal = beh tet en where ¢; is the scalar component of a along a, i=1,2,--n- Proof. Since A is a basis of V, therefore we can express ial Since A is orthogonal set, by a previous theorem, ¢;is the scalar component of a along a; for i=1,2,--"- Now, lal’ =(@2) {Seon cat) isl isl Eile ace Vie nctescine etl alg \ [eon Qa) * eters ]* ee + [eats ee [by linearity of inner produ “Zooey +E emem* Bleue) [again by leas] & n CC (A; a; C404) + C964 (tg4;) +--+ Yen Cj (y Hi) isl = oo 6,2 (G4 4)) + Cy? (typ) °° HC (ny) in ; [4 is orthonormal set] Bor ey tee tey? Example. Verify Parsevals the ‘orem for the = in the — vector a= (2,3,)) ae ! Solution. We see the set of vectors A={c,,a,a3} is am orton basis of R? where a, = (1,0,0),%5'= (0,1,0) and a; = (0,0,1) - ig SS ss We see EXPFess @=2-a,+3-a)+1-a, Now, lial) = V2? +3? +1? or, Jal =27+3° +17? = sum of the squares of the coefficients of @,,a, and a;. 77.10. Extension of Orthogonal set to Orthogonal Basis This is a very interesting and useful article of the chapter. Here we shall discuss how an orthogonal set of vectors of a n-dimensional Euclidean space V can be extended to an Orthogonal basis. In fact this process of extension is based on the following theorem stated below without proof : Theorem. Let {a;,02,---a,} be an orthogonal set of non-null vectors in a Euclidean space V. Let [{a,a,----a,}] = The space generated or spanned by the vectors yy ,71* Oy Let a eV but a €[{a),02,--a,}] and c; = the scalar component of a along a@;, i=1,2,--9- If Gp) = @— (CQ, +00 +--+ +¢,,) then {a},a),° @,,a,,,} is an orthogonal set such that [ {0,072.0 .ra}] =[{asa20-a,@}]. The working procedure of extension is shown in the following Example. In this Example we show the extension not only to an orthogonal basis but also to orthonormal basis further. Example. The set A ={(3,0,4),(4,0,3)} is an orthogonal set in Re Extend A to orthogonal basis of R?. Next extend this to an orthonormal basis also. Let a, = (3,0,4),@, = (—4,0,3) . Consider the standard basis of FR’, B ={(4,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,))} The set A containing two vectors cannot be a basis of R’. At least one Vector of B will be independent with those of A. We see 3.0 4-0 i-4 0 3 TO: 0 showing that the vectors a,,«, and (1,0,0) as dependent. Natwel) 0 keuasdeamun Next see [> ° =3(-3)+4(—4) #0 showing that the vectors 403 0 1 0 @,,a, and (0,1,0) independent <.@=(0,1,0) ¢[ A], the space spanned by A. Now, c, = the scalar component of @ along a, _ (aya) _ (0x3) +(1x0)+ (0x4) =0 (a@,@,) (3 +0° +4") Similarly, ¢, = ean) = SE =0 Let a, =a -(c,a, +¢,0,) =a =(0,1,0) . the set A, = {a,,a7,,0%} will be orthogonal set. So, A, is independent set of three vectors. Since dim(R’)=3 so A, will be a basis of R’. Thus the given set A is extended to the orthogonal basis A, ={@,0,4),(-4,0,3),(0,1,0)} 1 1 1 = 774, = 4, = — ATI Faroe 5% 1 1 1 7 A Jeqpeoase 5? = 4-1! _,.- an jel osreo 2: Obviously [|= 14, = [4|=1. - is <. the orthogonal basis A, is = extended to the orthonorm!! Li 1» = {B,»B,»B,} = {i (3,0, ae (-4,0,3),(0,1, 0} Note : If A, wld not bea bsisthen we een the same ro and extend this to another independent set A, and so on. oA rrr eee eee 947 711. Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalisation Process This is a process by which any basis of a finite dimensional Euclidean space V can be extended to an Orthogonal basis and further t (rthonormal basis also. ean The process is nothing but an applicati ete extension of an Srinnaeeat set to pencil’ Tene aces If {B,,B,,---B,} is a basis of V then consider the single-tone set {a,}, where a, = B,. Put a, =f, -(ca,) where c,= scalar component of B, along a, . Obviously {c,,01,} is orthogonal set. Then we can apply the preceeding process to extend {a,,a,} to the orthogonal set {a,,a,0,} where a,=B,-(d,a,+d,a,) where d, is scalar component of f, along a, . Continuing this process we get finally the orthogonal set {a,a,,0,----a,}. Since it contains » number of independent vectors therefore it will be a basis of V. For illustration see the following example Example. The set {(1,3,4),(1,0,1),(1,0,—-D)} is a basis of ? but not orthogonal. Obtain an orthogonal and then an orthonormal basis for the Euclidean space RR? with respect to standrad inner product. We adopt Gram-Schmidt Process Let B, = (1,3,4),B, = (1,0.1),, = (40-1) and B={B,.B..B,} which isa basis of R°. For convenience we rename f, as ar, i.e, a4, = (143.4) We consider the set A = {a} soe ee The set A containing only one vector can not be @ basis of R’ whose dimension is 3. B, will be independent with a, . Let ¢, = scalar component of f, along a, _ Byray) 1x14 0x34 1x4 |S ~ (aa) P+s+4 26 5 (21 x15 3) =2(1,-5.2) Let a, =p, ~(6 a4) = a0.) £503" (Fe-59 43) 736" c. the set A, = {a,,a,} will be orthogonal but not basis of B, is independent with aa. Now, d, = the scalar component of p, along a, — Ba) 1X14 0x3 4CD x4 _ 3 (@,,@) Posed? "26 d, = the scalar component of B along a, PTT eae *3e rox tCDxs _ 26 1315 21)" ( i) (3) a4 2) 4 Gs *h-36 B 26 Let @, = 8, -(da, +d,a,) 1523 =(1,0,-1 (-Z034+ 1, 5.9) (1,0,-1) - (3,4)+ 55 36 (752) =0.0--(-2034+4¢,-52) woah 8B. 22-3) dary ». the set A, = {a,,a,,a} is orthogonal set. So A, is independent set ‘f three vectors. Since dim (R°)=3, so A, will be a basis of R’. Thus the given basis B is converted to the orthogonal basis A,= aii =(7,-5,2),=| 34-0} a= all 34) = (43.4) 1 3 3) = 50,5, - Lad) : i Tre “yp yp 26 v8 1 Ms and 75 = a, = —_ 2an-y -Lan- le,| Pet scp ra 3 ) Ft Obviously fyi]=Iral= [ru] =1 {noraors} = {et 3, eC, -5, 2». Feau-o} s the required orthonormal basis, fe AS justrative Examples. 3 gsample. 1. In RY let ar =(x,,,,2,),B=(y,,9,,9,) then find whether (a.B) isan inner product on R° if (@,) is defined as (2, B)= XY, + (4) + KY, +9). (MAKAUT 2018] solution. Let us verify the axioms of inner product for this type of definition : (1) (GB) = X,9 + 2 + IMI + Is) FR + HI +My + II +I oO and (B,a@) = y,x, +(y, +X; )(x, +x) = XY + XY + YX +AX, +NZ - (2) From (1) an (2) we see (a, f) # (B,a) So, (a, B) is not an inner product. Example. 2. In R? let a = (x,,x,),8 = (9;.)2)5 then find whether (a, 5) isan inner product for R° if (a,f) is defined as (at, B) =X), — XN — KN, + 322 Solution. Let us verify the axioms of inner-product : (1) By definition (a B) = ¥\9, ~ 4193 ~ %21 + 34292 and (Bar) = 9,2, — yp — Yo%1 392% = 9, — Xp — Bi +3492 = (PA) -. symmetry hold. (2) Let c be any real. Then c-@ = (cx,,C¥:) (ca, B) = (ex, ) ¥,— (6%, dp — (CX3) 1 + (CX Ws y= (ap) = ¢(%, Yy— M2 — Ha + 3, ~. homogeneity hold. (3) Let us take another y =(z,.2,) in A” such that, Bry =(y, +29 +&:)- Now by definition. (a, B+ 7) = (9, + 2,)— Xs + 22) — LO #2) FINO +2) Joe (xe) — B22 — HE + 3NE:) = (X,Y) = HN — BI =(a,B)+(a,; Le ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS. 980 ; 2 (4) (aya) = 4%) HF — HM +32 = a 2x, + 3x; =(x,-a,)' +2x} >0 if a #(0,0). iam san are valid. So the defined (a, 8) is inner product cgay ae product space with the defined (ar, f) . a 3.In RP let @ = (%,,%)5%)),8 = (99209) find whether (a, f) cefined as (a8) = (x, +2; +,) (9 +92 +95) 18 8 real inner product. Solution. Since x, and y, are real (a) is real. Let us verify the axions of inner product. (i) (@B)=(& +4, +43) +92 +) = (+92 + NH + +%) = (B,2) (ii) Since ca = (ex,,cx,,C%5) -(¢ a, B) = (Cx, + 0x, + 6X;)(Y, + 2 +95) = O(x, +%, +259, +9 +94) =c(a,B) (ii) If y =(z,,2,,2,) then B+7=(¥, +29 +2399 +2) So, (a,B+7)=(x, +, +2,)(y, +2, tI +2, +9; +25) = +4, +), +9) +y,)4 (a, +4, +4, lz, +2, +2) = (2,8) +(a,y) () (@a)= (+x, +2,)(x, +2, +x) =(%, +x, +%,) >0if (x, Thus (a, 8), as defined, is inner product Example. 4, Let g (x,,a 50+ in R*. Determine whet % 25%) # (0,0,0) bil. i tumbe: fis gl inner product, A) is teal number, Let us verify the axiom Solution, Obviously (af) i. (©, d= Daly,| and (.2)=¥ hx INNER PRODUCT SPACE 951 These two may not be equal ©.g. if We take a=(1,0,0----0), —1,0,0,--.-0) then(a,B) =1|-1|+0>)o]+-..-ofo) a1 and (B,a) = —IIl|+0x|0] +----+0%|o]=—1, So (a, A) is not an inner Product. Example. 5. Let a =(x,,x,, : oo1%,Jand B =(y,,y, 0. : vectors in R". Determine whether (a) is an Jav'"Yq) be arbitrary (a,B) is defined by inner product for R" sf (4,8) = Do, + y,)* - Sx -Y¥ ee ist a Solution. (2,8) = 5 (x? + y? - i Ze +9 +28 9)- iad “rs a 2x9, is real number. Let us verify the axioms. Q) (a,f)= 2329, =23 9.2, =(B.a) ro (2) For any real e, (¢a,f)=23:(ex,)9, =¢-29 x9, =a.) ot 7 (3) Let y =(2,,2,,--2,) eR" Then + =(¥, +219 +2y0°In + 2p) “(@,B+y)= 23, (4 +2) =2 DH +44) = 2D "01+ 2x2, oa =(a,B)+(@,7) (4) (aa) = 23 x,x, = ZV xP > Of (ayy) # (0,000) om ‘Thus all the axioms of inner product are satisfied . “(@,B) , as defined here, is an inner product. Example. 6. On the space M,(R) (set of all 2nd order squatre matrix of Teal number). < A,B > is defined as =Tr(AB) (trace of the matrix) Where A,B < M,(R). Find whether this is an inner product. ou tOn, Let us. verify the axioms ; (1) Let A =(a, b), B(x, », la, ,) x, *) Then AB=(a, §)/, Al abet the ay+by, \ a whe, a) lem sae 43, +9,) and BA =/ x, y)(a, oe MQ + Ia, x, +yb,) *: ya, b, \¥,4, + y,a, Xb, +yb,) fe T(AB) = (a,x, Mi +025) +(a,y, +b,y,) Fax, + bx, +0,y, +6, 2 and Tr (BA) =(x,a, + , (,) + (xb, +b) =x, +b x, +4,y, +b, This shows < A,B>a< BA>, (2) For any number ¢, = Tr(cAB) =Tre(AB)=e((ax, +bx,) =eTr(AB)=cc A. By @) =T (ABs Cy <7 (ay, +b,y,)} (Ac +c) Far +b y 2ba, which MAY Not be positive for all values his is not inner product Space, (=Cx¢) Ff a,.b.4,,b, , » Where C is set of all complet *S (4,8) =ac4bq complex number X) where Plex inner Product. Find whethet X=G,5),¥ =(5i, i Solution, C2 ; re 08 COMPLEX field, Obviously for 38 aBeC > (2,8) isa Complex number, Let us verify the axioms of inner produc (i (a,B)=ae+ bd = ae +bd = ae +bd = (B.a) (i) Now, ¢-@ =(ca,cb) Then (ca, B) = cac +cbd = c(ac +bd) =c (af) (iii) Let y €C* such that y =(e,f). Then, B+y =(ct+e,d+f) (a, p+y)=a ct+e+b d+f =a(c+e)+b(d+f) = (ac + bd) + (ae + bf) =(a,B)+(a,7) (iv) For @ #0, (a,a@) =aa+bb=|al’ +|bf | [r(x + ix iy) =x? +97] -(a,@)>0 as |a|,|b| are real not both zero -.(@,B) is a complex inner product. We see (X,Y) = 3(-Si) + 5(3i) = 0 :. X,Y are orthogonal. Example. 8. Find the norm of a =(-1,2,3) in R’ with standard inner Product. Normalise the vector. Solution. ai|= (p42? +3 = V4 The normalised vector 1 3 weeps) Then |a'||=i Example.9. Let U = set of all integrable functions on [0,1]. For any to functionns f'and g in U, define (f.8) = [f()g(0)dt. Find the inner product of the two function t and 2, Also find’ ||. ~ Sy Solution. Let W-tebee OO t)=t, a(t) =t ' 1 Now (fra)= fi-tae= fear=1 o o F 1 Now. Itl=[/l= VGA) = [fe-tat = | (eae “5 é é 3 Example. 10. If @ be the angle between two vectors a and B in an Euclidean space V then prove that la- pl’ =|af’ +|Al - 2\al|A|cos0 Solution. cos6 = iia Ww Now, |a-£l' =(a-, a) =(@,)—(a,B)-(B,a)+ (-B,-B) = lel’ -2(2,6)+ 6,6) =lal? -2(@,6)+ |p =lal - 2a [pjcoso+ pf? using (1) Example. 11. Prove that for all @,B in an Euclidean space V » (a,B)=0 ifand only if |a + All = Ja — pl Solution. Let (a, f) =0 Then la+Al= Ja+Baspy - (a,a) + (a,B)+ (Ba) + (BB) = Viel +0-- 0 aE = Jat + op Similarly, Ja ~ p= fla= psa | = Viel? + Lap | “le+ B= fa pl Conversely, let la + Al=|a- Al oF, Jac + Al’ = Ja ~ pr ei of, (a+ B.a+ B)=(a- BaP) ot, (2) + (2,8) + (B, a) + (BB) =(a, a) -(a,B)- (B.2) + BP) or, 2{(a,B) + (Bo) =0 or, 2:2(,8)=9 (a, B) = (B,@) (af) = 9- example. 12. Prove that inan Euclidean Space V for two vectors a and B, (a+ B.a-B)=0 if and only if |Jl|=|4l Solution. Let (a+B,a- B)=0 (a, B) + (B.2)- (BB) =0 or, (a, @)~ ox fal -[Al =0 (= 8-2) or, fal’ = 141 =al=+1Al +: fe] is always non-negative --al=HAl Conversely, let all = Il Now, (a+ Ba - B) = (@,@)~ (@,A)+ =lel -l4r =|ef -laf =0 Example. 13. In the Euclidean space let a = (-2,-1,0) and B= G.-6D- Show that a, are orthogonal vectors. Verify (i) Schwarz's inequality (ii) Triangle Inequality (iii) Pythagorus theorem and (iv) Parallelogram law (considering the standard inner product). (a, B) = -2(3)+ (-1(-6) + 0) = —6+6=0 <.@and B are orthogonal, Solution, Now, Jal = V2) +" +O" = V5 al = V3 + Coy +P = V46 A (6,2)- B.A) () (@,B)|=[0|=0 and fa Ip) 230 showing |(a,B)| 8m) =0 also. For any 7, (f.sfe)= {fi} 2 é \ 1 = p cos? 2anx dx = J(cos4anx +1)dx é a = [sin 4anx}, + [x], 4nn a : = (-0)+(1-0)=1 4nan SAll=1 Similarly, for any n, (g,,.8,) =1 also. k “lg, =1 So S is orthonormal set. (ao 20. Use Gram-Schmidt process to convert the basis (1,2,-2),(2,0,1),(1,1,0)} of R? into an orthogonal basis and next to an orthonormal basis. Son ution. Let B, =(,2,-2),B, = (2,0,1), 8, = (11,0) anc Bs a : {B,.B:.f,} which is a basis of R’. For connvenience we take 1 = B, = (1,2,~-2). Initially we considér the set A = {@,} . Since A contains onl - ly One vector it cannot be a basis of R’ as dim(R')=3. a B, is independent with a. ee let ¢, = scalar component of , along a, = Brv@) _2x140%2 (52) 9 (@,,a,) P +2? 4-2) Let @, =p, ~ a) = 2,0,1) — 0(1,2,-2) = (2,0,1) <. the set A) = {a,,,} is orthogonal set. Bi ut it is not a basi; Now, d, = the scalar component of £, along a, Bye) _IX1+1x24+0x-2_3 1 (@,a,) FP +2427 973 2 = the scalar component of B, along a, (B,,a,) 1x2+1x0+0x1_ 2 “@na) F+0at 73 Let a, = B, - (da, +d,a,) =a10)-{50.2.-+22,03)] 172 4 2 14) =G1,0)-(7 ) 1573715 Sof RP d, 1S)3281s)@ 1 =—(-2,5,4 i525.) -. the set A, = {a,,a,,0,} is orthogonal set A, ". A, is independent set of three vectors, Since dim (R)= an ° will be a basis of R’ . Thus the given basis B is extended to the basis 1 A, = {a.2, 22,000, 7(-2,5,4)} 1 1 1 42,-2) = % = a 12,-2) = = (2, Tal epee 3 1 1 VE roe = sce 1 1 1 =—( = (-2,5,4) 35 2,54) | (aresaa 15 15 = {v17%2575} is the required orthonormal basis. ee. Ene een nee n ener inn gsample. 21. Using Gram-Schmidt process construct an orthonormal basis ofthe Unitary space C? from the following basis {(1+i,i,1),(2,1-2i,2+1),(14i,0,-d} soution. Let P, = (1+ ii,1),B, = (2,1-2,2+3), 8, = (1+i,0,-i) and B={B,,B,,B,} which is a basis of (°. For convenience we take a, =f, =(1+i,i,1) Initially we consider the set A = {a,} Since A contains only one vector it is not basis Let ¢, = scalar component of f, along a, —(Br%) _ 21+i) + (1-2) H+ Q+il_ 1-i “(a,a,) (++) +0 )+0D “7! ap Let a, = B, - 6,0, = Q,1-24,2+i)-F0-D0+44) =FQ1-5i3+3) The set A, = {cr,,02,} is orthogonal set Let d,= scalar component of B, along a, = Bra) _ 2- (a,,a,) “3 a d, = scalar component of f, along 4, 1 ae (Bay) 28? 1 asi (@,,a,) «12 mt? 7 19 1% 1S ») 5=B-lde rae (ae m2 8 We see the set A. =!asd:»0s) is orthogonal set. Since A, 1 fC independent and since atm iC “3+ A: #8 orthogonal basis 0 Lt y,= a, afi) lel 704 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS. - 1 1 1 od 1 51,3431) = (2,1 -5i, wa 2! a3 2) 1 {a aay 7 Wi 1 Til Si) Ys = 7p Fs = — + ora lle, 41 Ai24 245 8 12 2 3) {yisYoeva} is the required orthonormal set. Example. 22. Extend the orthogonal set {(-2,0,1,1),(-1,0,-1,-1)} to an orthogonal basis and then to an orthonormal basis of the Euclidean space R Solution. Ist Process : Let @, = (-2,0,1,1),a =(-1,0,-1,-1) and A ={a,,a,} Consider the standard basis of R*, B= {(,0,0,0), (0,1,0,0), (0,0,1,0),(0,0,0,1)} Obviously A cannot be a basis of R*. At least one vector of B will be ndependent with those of A. We see, picking the Ist vector of B, the natrix (20 1 1) (20 1 1) io Fle ee 10 0 0 10 0 0 (201 1) ie (20 1 1) Sescee | N Hnar tee enna 3 00 1 1 00 0 ¢ having one zero- row. This shows that (1,0,0,0) is dependent on a@,,a,. (20 1 1) (20 1 1) New [10 -1 -1[—| 0 0 -1 =| (detail is not $ 0 1 0-0 0 0. 0. 0 how"? This shows (0,1,0,0) is dependent on a,,a, jNNE® (20 =1 1) (20 1 1) nell Oo }—| 0 0 -l | oo 1 0 o.0 1 0 having three non-zero rows. shows the vector a =(0,0,1,0) is independent with This aa, be & e[A] Now, ¢, = the scalar component of a along @, (aa) _ 1 1 “(q@,a,) 44141 6 (aa) _-! c, = the scalar component of @ along @, =77 7 )~ (@,0,) 3 Let a, = a@—(C,% + c,a,) 1 1 1 =(0,0,1,0)-4> -2,0,1,1I)- > -1,0,-1,-D¢ => (0, 0,1,— i ) { éf ) 36 o} 3 1) «. the set A, = {a%,,03,05} is orthogonal set but not basis of R*. Now the 4th vector of B, (0,0,0,1) will be dependent with A,- The Ist vector of B will also be dependent with A, The 2nd vector of B, , (0,1,0,0) will be independent with A,. So we tame B= (0,1,0,0). 6 €[A,]- (Ba) _ 0 Let d, = scalar component of B along a = aca) 3 1% 2 3 (B,az) d, = scalar component of along @ = anae Rea 0 d, = scalar component of # along a = Bas) _ V2 =0 (@,,@5) Let a, = B— {day + da, + ts} = B~9 = B= (0,1,0,0) __ the set A, = {4045504544} is orthogonal set. Since A, contains ur vectors so A, is a basis of R*. Thus the given orthogonal set is a tended to the orthogonal basis ee 10.0} 1 _p,0, Apefezaancto-tng ee" 1),( 1 - L(-2,0,1) vo ae 10-1 3 ie -40,1- ~—Le.=(0,0,L-1) * (0,0,1, 1p 2 v2 2 1 1 . N= jel = (0410.0 = (0,1,0,0) 4 to the orthonormal basis -, the given is extended 1 1 1 + (-10,-1-),' 0,0,1,-1 04.0.0)} {ek 2,040.5 1,0, aR! D, s : In the chapter of vector spac {(-2,0,1,0,C10-1- 1} toa basis like ‘2nd proces e we have extended the independent set A= B= {(-2,0,4))-L0-1-1.(0,L0,0,0.0.0)} using extension therorem or other way. Next use Gram Schmidt process to extend basis and further to an orthonormal basis getting the same result as the basis B to an orthoso™ in ‘Ist protess’. Example. 23. Apply Gram-Schmidt process to find an orthonormal BSS for the Euclidean space R? with standard inner product that contains el aii vou (4,-1.9). Solution. Let a, = ; on a, (+ 5°) and A = {a,} Consider the standard basis of R? B={((1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1)} . The set A containing one vector on can aol : " vector of B will be independent with ae = a basis of p- ACI WeseeC-]4 -1 9) 2 4 1 0 Faden a 1 0 0 oe are (! -1 0) | 010 which is Echelon matrix having 2 non-zero rows. », Rank of C=2 o0 0 1 of | showing Rank of D #3. So the vector (0,1,0) is dependent with A, . Next pick the 3rd one (0,0,1) from B. o enim gl- Obviously det(D) = o#0 oni- oil showing Rank (D)=3 %@, and (0,0,1) independent .. 8 = (0,0,1) €[A]. Now, d, = scalar component of # along a, =a) 0 (a,,a,) Vi = the scalar component of B along a, 1 aw Bia) OXZtOng tnd (@,,@,) yy Let a, = B- (da, +d,a,) = (0,0,1) v. the set A, = {a,,a,0%} . (Fe-F-9).(E-4.0}.0.0.9 is the extended orthogonal basis, v2” V2 22 Let B, = al ole 9) ee) 2 2 1 1 =a, = ——__(0,0,1) =(0,0,1 AE loro aat O!) = (0.0.1) Obviously |6,|= 4. =|4,|=1 -. the required orthonormal basis is {A,,B,»B,} = (4-4 we 0) (5-390).00.n} sis Example. 24. Apply Gram-Schmidt Process to obtain an orthonormal ba of the subspace of R* spanned by the vectors 1,1,1,1),(,1,-1,-1), (0,2, 0,2) Solution. Let f, = (1,1,1,1),8, =(1,1,-1,-0,B, = (1,2,0,2) Let S= the subspace spanned by f,,, and f, . We see the matrix whose row vectors are B,,B, and B,, a hs Ooty a i141 44 Bh lo 0-2 30 o (1 Lao O11 4 0 1 1 1 Qt 11) esl : : 1) Which is an Echelon matrix having 3 non- zero rows. So, f,,B,,8, are independent. Let B= {B,BrBs} which is a basis of S. For convenience we write a, =B, =(1,1,1,1) We consider the set A = {a, } A cannot be a basis of S as dim (S) =3. B, will be independent with a, . Let ¢, = scalar component of £, along a, = Pr) _ Ix1l+1x1+(-1)x1+(-I)x1 =0 (a,,a,) P+PsPeP Let a, = B, 6.0%, =(1,1,-1,-1) vs the set A, = {a,,a.,} will be orthogonal but not a basis of S A, is independent with @,,c, Now, d, = scalar component of B, along a, = Bsr) _Lx1+2x1+0x14+2x1_ 5 (a,,a,) P+P4P4r 4 d, = Scalar component of £, along a, = Bry) 1x14 2%14+0x-142 (@,a,)~ P+P +l? +) Let a, = B, ~ (da, + dya,) = (1,2,0,2) -{Fauioe tan} =(1,2,0,2) ~ G4 1) =(-4.5.-1 ' ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS. ©. the set A, ={a,,0,,,0%,} is orthogonal set © A, is independent . Since A, contains three vectors so A, is basis of S. Thus the basis B is converetd to the orthogonal basis A, = {anon itu} 1 VP+P +P er? 1 1 1: =a, =~(11,-1,-1) lal? 2 1 1 = a= 1,1,1,1) ==(L,1,1,1 lanes GL) => (bb) 1 1 Oe? T -( +—+14+1 4 1 == (-11,-2,2 Tn‘ ) », the converted orthonormal basis is {rorars} Example. 25. Apply Gram-Schmidt process to obtain an orthogonal and an orthonormal basis of the subspace of R* generated by the vectors (151,1,0), (2,3,1,1), (,2,3,1), (0,1,2,1) Solution. Let , =(1,1,1,0), B, = (2,3,1,)), B, = (1,2,3,1),B, = (01,2) S = the subspace of R* generated by 88,88, We see the matrix, whose rows are B,B,,B,,B, is (1 1 1 oy (11 1 0) a1 190 231 nan 01-11], loa -1 1 P23 BR oy 2 yl oa O124 O1 24 00 00 (11 1 0) an {0 1 -1 1 00 30 00 00 —- 5 A This shows that among the four given vectors B,,B,,B, are independent _ {B,B:»Bs} is basis of the subspace S generated by B,»Bs and B,. We shall convert this basis B to orthogonal and to Paaea basis. Let a, = A, =(1,1,1,0) As in the previous examples, Bra) _ 6 _ (aa) 3 a, = B, —¢,a@, = (2,3,1,1) — 2(1,1,1,0) = (0,1,-1,1) .. the set A, = {a,,a,} is orthogonal set but not basis of S. Now, dy = Bn) _ 6 _ 2 (@,,a,) a, = Gua) _0_4 Gna.) 3 Let a, = B, — (dar, + dyer.) = (1,2,3,1) - 2(4,1,1,0) - 0 = (-1,0,1,1) ~. the set A, = {a,,a,,0} is orthogonal set and so independent also and so basis of S. Thus the required orthogonal basis of S is A, = {(L1,10), (0,1-10, (-1,0,1,D} 1 1 Let y, = —a@, = —(1,1,1,0 1 Jel 5° ) eo 72> git = geOb-by 1 Toe bal Fe hoLD ; Ys 1 1 *Anrrs} ~{ Fent.0) (044-W Fe -Lo0.nd} Tequired orthonormal basis. “ample. 26, Let us consider the inner product space R[x]= {ax? + bx +c:a,b,c are real} . Find, by Gram Schmidt > an orthogonal and an orthonormal basis from the given basis 1 2} of Rix]. Process 8) Solution. The inner product is defined by ~ = [rcoate ae Vv f(x),g(%) € R[x], Let f= 1,8, =x.B, =x" and B={f,,f,,B,} Let a= Let c, = Scalar component of f, along a, the set A, ={a,,0,} -{h a } is orthogonal set. Now, d, = scalar component of A, along a, -Pym> [x -tde 3 d, = scalar component of B, along a, = B,- (da, +dya,) ite eel hl 2 5 6 6 + the set, = = {a,,,a,} = =412t2! Se} is the required orthogonal set, : ; Let 7, = 973 —————O™” =V3(2x-1) 1 6x? -6x+1 7 “TH ERATE | B(6x? ~ 6x +1) <, the required orthonormal set is Verna} = {LV3@x- 1, V5(6x" - 6x +0] EXERCISE 1. Find the standard inner product between the two vectors : (i) (0-5) and (6,0) (ii) (3,4,5) and (-2,3,2) (iii) (1,2,a,b) and (1,1,1,1) (iv) (1,2) and (6,7,1) 2. Find the standard inner product between the two vectors given below : 1 (@ a= (10,7,1,V2) and B= (-1,5,V3,5) in RY L 2 3. Find the norm of the vectors and nomalise them : (i) (5,2) Gi) G-D Gi) 11,0) Gv) 2,1,0,-1) 4. Given the vectors @ = (, = (2,0,-3), find la. PAAI-3AL Sel. (a2. Ja~ A 5, Find the angle between the vectors i (ii) = (2,-5V3,-5) and (1,2,0,2) 1 = (-2 a= (1,-2,0.5) B= 3,0,5,7) —. Gre ee 6. Verify whether the following is an inner product : a (i If @=(x,,x,),B=(y,,y,) in R? then (a, B) = 6x,y, + 2x,y, Gi) If @ =(x,,x,),8=(,,y,) in R? then (a, B)=x,y, — 2x,y, —2x,y, +5x,y, Gili) If @ = (x,,x,),B =(9,,9,), in R? then (a, B) = x,y, +(x, + x,y, + ¥,) (iv) If a = (%,,x,),B=(y,,y,), in R? then (a, B) =x) + 2x,y, +4y? + 2x, (9) If @=(x,,x,),8=(9,,9,), in R? then (2,8) = ¥f — xP + 2,5, +3x, 45. 7. Show that the set 12 2) 02 (G SDF et) orthonormal set v2 V2 V2 1) 3°6°3° yall ® 8. Show that the vectors q@ = (,1,1,1) and B = (1,2,—3,0) are orthogonal, and each of the vectors 4 =(2,-1,0,-1) and = (3,0,1,-4) is orthogons! f to both a and £. Prove also that 7 = (L-5,-3,7) is orthogonal to each o a,BAr. 9. Show that the set of vectors {€+840,61-1,0,¢-41.30} 8 orthogonal set in Cc 10. In the unitary space ce 14k 7 =(1-i,2). Then find (i) lel. (iii) Find a vector § which is orthogonal to both a and y_ (iv) Sho : 9=(1-i,-1,1-Z) is orthogonal to both a and f; all taken in st” inner product. 11. In an inner (@+B,a—f)=0 > given a =(i,2i,1),B=0, ) [Al and |\y| (ii) Find (a, 6) and ue if ove Product space if (@,a)=(8,8) then Fp ™ ek proDuct SPACE Fit ; jn an inner product space prove that h (a+ B,a-B) (a -P,a.~B) = Real part of (4,8) let a= (0X20 Xn BE (Ws Ia0 Ind be arbitiary vectors in R". In ah c@Ses determine whether (a, B) is an inner product for R” if (a,f) «defined by the formula given below : @p= fox" Gi @,A)= (iv) @ = (%,2),B = Oo92) i R? then XN (iii) (2, ff) = Sx x y, (@,B) = 49, — ¥22— Ha + 4 4 Let V= Vector space of all continuous complex valued functions on the interval [0,1]. For f(®), 8) €V define = [foxsOet. Show that < f,g > is an inner product on V. Hence find fl. Find whether f(t)=sin zt and g(t) = cosat are orthogonal. 18.In C* if a= (2y4X00"%n) eC", p= (IInd eC” and if =D "i" find <*> where x=(L1+i,1-i) and at y=(J2,2+2i,-i) in 16. In ete product space C [1.e] define the inner produet by the Squation (f,8) = Jaoen) (9 He (at fey = vz» Bd WL jj that g is orthogonal to the function f(x) = | (iy Find gx 04 OF : yy finan inner product space V, then prove tha 1. 1f (ap) =9 * ‘ vector a= 0. te ear pality for @ = (2,3), B= (2,4) in R with . Verify ct standard innet = product space ein an inner 19, Prove ge Lie AT where 4.8 belong to the Cpe space 716 eee CR 20. Prove that in an Euclidean space V two vectors a, are orthogonal j and only if() fas Alf =la’ +HAl Gi Jae + Pf = lac? + [AP shag a,b are scalars . 21. Using Schwarz inequality prove that cosine of an angle is of absolute value at most 1 22. In a complex inner product space V if @eV satisfies (a.B)+ (Pra) < (B,B)V Bin V , prove that (o,f) =0 BinV (Hint, Put 6 =a and get (,@)<0 which implies @ = 0] 23. Compute the norm of the given vectors in each of the following cases and verify both Schwarz's inequality and the triangle inequality : (a) @=(1,i), B=(-2,1+i) in C? with the standard inner product (5) f(x) =e*,g(x) =x? in C[0,1] (set of all real valued continuous function on 0,1]) with the inner product given by (f,g) = f(t) a(t)dt 3 () A -(1, ‘).n -(t! °) in M, (C) (set ofall 2nd order square matrix of complex numbers) with inner product < A,B >= Tr (AB*) 24. In the real inner product space C[1,3] with inner product (Hoad= f fce eta) dx et FC8) = and g(x) = 5 tog3 . Find [fs 25. in the real inner product space C [0,2] with inner prod’! (f.2)= [fx) glx) dx , let f(x) =e" and Compute’ |g - fff 26. e@)=3¢-D. Find all the vectors in V, which are orthogonal to the vector (Ib) ws! Standard inner product. Prove that these vectors form a subsPa¢e ° dimension 2, 27. In an inner product space if «+f and af are orthogonth P* : that |a|=|6|. Show that the converse is also true. 28. Find the value of k so that the following expression forms 4” Product : (af) = x,y, ~3x,9, ~3x,, +4x,y, where a = (x,,y,), B= (x,,¥,) in R?, ef LT Cpe ier product in V, is defined as , (a, B)=X,9 + +%,)(0, +y,) where a=(%,9,)B = @&,,y,). Find |(3,4)] ig. The inner product in V, is defined as (a,p)=*: + 12%,92 + 30%,¥, + ya). Find the norm of the vector a4) with respect of this. j1.If @and B are two orthogonal vectors, prove that |a+ Al =|a- pl and vice-versa. 32. Prove that the set {2,-1,0),(2,3,-0,(,-2,-4)} is an orthogonal basis ofthe inner product space R? with standard inner product. 33. Prove that the set of vectors (i) {(,-1,1,-1),0,3,1,-1),(-1,0,2,1),(1,0,0,))} is an orthogonal basis of V, with standard inner product. (ii) {(2,-2,-1),(,2,-3),(2,1,2)} is orthogonal basis of V, . 4M. Prove that the set of vectors {(2,3,-1),(1,-2,-4).(2,-LD} is an orthogonal basis of the Euclidean space R? with ee ne ee Find the projection of the vector (1,1,1) along these basis vectors. Hence: Verify that the vector (11,1) is sum of these three projections 3 {(1,2,2),2,-20.2,1,-2)} is an orthogonal 3S.Prove that the set of Verto. CT "uclidean space? with standard basis but not orthonormal Bast BY (4,32) along each of the basis imer product. Find the Pro! combination of the vectors Vectors. Hence express & al orthogonal matrix the column vectors 36. Prove that in a mth order f° form an orthonormal Set ctor space of all continuous functions is an inner e 37. Prove that the ™ . pete inner ro defined as (f,8)= [F() git) de. : } Product space ¥ ‘pay ee tnd (f.8) and If where f()=? <1 ang 38. 1¢ (f8)= fi +3- aya 2e 2 ae 39. Prove that the set of all solutions of the differentia} G ‘Wation 2 2 Cn vector space, Prove that the set | [Ecos ae dx? > ™ 7 Sindy 1s an orthogonal basis of this space with respect to the inner Product (f.8)= [ Ax) g(x) dx. Will it be an orthonormal basis 2 40. Show that the vectros (2,3,-1), (1, -2,-4), >) form ap aa 1 I 3 2 orthogonal set and the vectros Fz ODF O-D,00,1,0) form an orthonormal set. 41. Given @ = (1,1,2) find two mutually orthogonal v. is orthogonal to q (w.rt standard inner product) a0 4 3 42. Prove that, in V,, the three vectors 0.1,0,(3,0,4) and (-4 0,= form an orthonormal basis of V,. 43. Give an example of an inner Write an orthonormal basis of this ‘ectors, each of which Product space having finite dimension. space. 44. Show that the following vectors form an orthonormal set : (G0d.2) (22 2 1) 1 1) Ok ges ay Caves aa): © {4,1,-,@,1,3)} Gi) {2,3,-1,,-2,-a)} (iii) (-1,0,-1,2),(2,1,0,0} Gv) {,0,1,-1,(0,0,1,} wy 1€.10,0),041,0,0),(0,0,1,-19 : 46. Use Gram-Schmidt is is from each ° the following basis set crane ste Obtain an orthogonal basis fo tit SIs set of the relevant inner product space. Then come to Orthonormal basis (with Standard j, é nner product). @ {,0,-1,2)} of Re Gi) {(2,3),(4,-3)} of Re (iii) {,0,0,4,1,0,0,3,4} of R? INNER PRODUCT SPACE ” cere (iv) {(,1,0),(-11,0,(2,0,D} of (v) {(,1,0,1),(-1,1,1,0),(2,0,-1,-1),(0,1,1,0)} of R* (vi) {(,1,0),(-2,1,1),(0,2,D} of R? (vii) {(1,2,3),(1,-1,0),(0,2,5)} of R? (viii) {(1,0,-1,0),(0,-1,0,1),(1,0,-1,1),(0,-1,1,0)} of Ré (ix) {(@249,0-i,-1} of C? (x) {L-D,0+6,1,),0-51)} of @ (xi) {@,1,-1),(,1,,0-1,1,0} of C? 47. Extend the following sets of vectors {(-1,0,1)} to an orthonormal basis, by Gram-Schmidt process, of R’. i) {1,0} Gi) {(2,1,—D} and Git) {(2,-1,0)}. 48. Use Gram-Schmidt process to obtain an orthonormal basis of the subspace of the relevant inner product space with standard inner product, generated by the linearly independent set (i) {(1,1,0,1),(,1,0,0),(0,1,0,D} of R* Gi) {(L,0,2,0),(1,7,0),(2,6,4,)} of R* (iii) {(1,1,0),(-1,2,)} of R iv) {(,1,0,-2),C11,3,0)} of Rt (v) {(,i,0),(1+i,-i,-D} of C? 49, Use Gram-Schmidt process to obtain an orthonormal basis of the S| of R‘ with standard inner product, spanned by the vectors subspace : (i) (1,1,0,1),(1-2,0,0),(1,0-1,2) (i) (1D, (, (2.1,2,3) 50, In R‘, find an orthonormal basis for the subspace spanned by the three vectros (,-1,1,-), 5,11.) and 3,-3,1-3) [Hint. these three are dependent. First extract which wo of these are independent] Si, In R°, find an orthonormal basis for the subspace spanned by the wo tegs. () Uub0.0,8,2,3) Gi) G4L4D-L1,—D,¢1,0,1) three mutually orthonormal vectors which are the vectors (1,0,2,2),(Iy1,0,1) and (1,1,0,0) three vectors 52. Construct a set of linear combination of the = a ENG! LINAS MATHEMATIC. 53. Let V = Set of all solutions of the differential equation met 4yso Prove that V is inner product space with the inner product (f, g) defined by (f.g)= f f(x)g(x)dx. Show that {sin 2x,cos2x} is an orthogonal bas of V. Find an orthonormal basis of V. 54. The inner product < /,g > is defined as < f.g >= [fereayas on Rix] ={ax* +bx+c:a,b,c are real}. By Gram Schmidt process find an orthonormal basis from the following given basis : (i) {2x,3,1+4x7} Gi) {2x*,-1,.2x} ‘ $8. The inner product < fg > is defined as < f.g >= [| f(x)gtxede on Rix] ={ax? + bx +e:a,b,c are real}. By Gram Schmidt process find an orthonormal basis from the basis {x*,~I..x} . 56. Apply Gram-Schmidt process to find an orthonormal basis for the Euclidean space R? that contains the mutually orthogonal vectors 1 I = LL-D. 2,-1.1 G! dag ) 57. Construct a set of orthonormal vectors from each of the following of vectros and state whether it is a complete set or nor @ {2-1,-),G,2,0} (ii) {.1,-2),2,-2,2),(,2,} (iii) {,6,12),2,4,} (iv) {ounan(3.3.}h : ot (Hint, Proceed as usual using Grat-Schn.:Jt meihod though the ive? * are not orthogonal] ANSWERS 1. (i) 0 (ii) 16 ii) 3+ +b (iv) undefined 2(i) 10+ 24 Ji 5Vi (iyo ; (i 2 feat 3.03.4 3) ao mip TRIE -FA) 6 (—Je-pt) se 4. 50, NTA 34,553,150. 8.600" 6. (i) yes (ii) yes (iii) yes (iv) no (v) nu 10, (i) J6,/3,V7 (ii) 2-31,2+3i (iii) (-L-5i,i,3-i) in one of many answers. 13. (i) no (ii) no (iii) no (iv) yes E {fo}? at, orthogonal 15. 54/2 4: ; da Ep ae 16. (i) e? -1 Gi) zee Drees e 2H eae Ux. 24, 57 ples 25. e?-1 26.1(x.9,2):x- y+2=0} 28. k>9 29. 73 30. 273 2 5 lo =1),—-— (4-264), (2, - LD 34, 73 D314 D3 35, 20.2 28Q,-20g24 a=“, 2,2)+9 4a, -2,1) += 2a, 1-2) (0,-2,1) and (-5,1,2) [no unique solution} val (1.0.0) (0,1,0),(0.050} 41. tS] 45.(i) {Q1-1,2,1,3)-4,5,0}; { Fpeut- -),= Fee, Tas} I w{es-.e-2-n.4e-10}, 1 I Fe 23,1), (1,-2,-4), 1) (awe at waRe, Mp iii) {(-1,0,-1,2),(2,1,0, 1)(-1,0,5,2),(2,-5,0,)} l 0.-L2,-42,1,0,), LL 1,0,5,2, 2,-5.0, {ecto we we we sp} { (iv) (@.0,1,-0,,0,1,,0,- —1,0,0), (1,1,0,0)} 1 Yq OO DOOM A-100,Fea.00 ) {.-1,0,03.01.0,0),(0,0,1,-,(0,0,1,5} FOO. .00 5 @.-n-ans} 46.) (@,0,C1}; {Fea », Be : oh i) {2.3),6,-29 if Fae 3), Tae a} (iiiy {(anerngeroo}; {Fecuou, ono tecroo} FOUL ge ah ~2).(,-1,2,0)} Fatencgetitont acta 12,0} ) {QLO-11,,0,-1.29; {y {6.10.),-141,0,¢,10, (vi) {(,1,0),(-3,3,2),(,-1,3)} ; ii) { (viii) (ix) (xi) 47. (i) di { 0 {0 1 1 1 (41,0), = (- t ti as 33.2.7 1a} (1,2,3),(5,-4.D4(-L- LD} 5 {padres 21-19) 3B Yar Bf (1,0,-1,0), (0,-1,0,1),(0.1,0,1),(1,0,1,0)} 1 1 1 1 Hq (1,0,-1,0), 7% (0,-1,0,1), = (0,1,0,1), = (1,0,1,0) Filho LOO LOD OOD yi Fpirrrngga-iah 1+i Sener rere Featenggcianggtio-} I 1 1 -o} (1,0, 40, F1,0-D Fee! RS (2)h-1,(,-10,0-b-D} 1p} ALa,-D, ii) ts aeeb-ds 5 {(2,-1,0)(0,0.-D--2.9) L(a,-1,0),(0,0, “De 1-20} ea el. 48. 0 {eatongetuto De L100} i) { : (33.2) iii) | (1,0), ii) Va! 5 I 1,0,2,0),=(-2,1,1,0), Lao, 5,-1 | ( ). Te! Va | j al- (iv) qlo-g Fie 113.0} tee Eo (v) FebhOe Ger bl- 2-2) 49. (i 1,1,0,1 4,-8,0,1 igo} @ ze D, BM 5 (ii lho aah -o} 50. {( L—L1,-1),(4,2,0,2)} 51. (i) Beungge-ao| wn | | 1 ti) Beungge-2o| ! 2,3 12 52. 4— 2 iH {tooo 4a =, 7 ho 7 (2,2,2, 5| = 53. { Pinas cas] x 7 eo ne pRODUCT SPACE 985 a {v3x.2 — 3x,V5(1- 6x + 6x? | ” Ms git Se »-Bo- 16x +153 | be —3+5a1 3. 55. : a \ anen-tgeungg) 56. (5 57. (i) (ea-togn 5, > Gi) Langer (iii) laa 2, ogee 1 inggtat 1 ( (iv) {ore

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