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Face Reading Techniques

Face reading techniques can prove to be very useful in your professional and personal lives.
Face reading techniques will help you learn more about an individual and help you take a
right decision. The following article will introduce you to some of the face reading

Face reading techniques help you learn a lot about a person's inner characteristics and nature.
It will help you notice if the person is hardworking or a sinister character. Face reading
techniques is not a new science or study, but has been around since Aristotle's time. There is
a vast history and extensive literature available regarding face reading or physiognomy. The
classical literature containing information on face reading by Homer, Hippocrates have also
been found. But, the crown for carrying out extensive research and study on physiognomy
goes to Aristotle. He studied the various features like color, skin, hair, limbs, gait and even
voice and noted down his interpretations. The practice of physiognomy or face reading
techniques have also been noted by Latin classical authors like Jubenal, Suetonius and Pliny
the Elder.

The initial face reading techniques were descriptive in nature and the medieval ones related to
the predictive and astrological sides. Al-Razi, an Arab writer and alchemist and Avicenna a
renowned scholar have also been known to have contributed a lot to the literature related to
physiognomy or face reading techniques. By the 18th and 19th century, the art of
physiognomy was widely used to detect criminal tendencies. In the 20th century, the face
reading techniques became popular in the interpretation of mental faculties and character
traits. Franz-Joseph Gall developed a method of pure empiricism that according to him could
detect the criminal minds.

Dr. Edward Vincent Jones, a US Superior Court Judge, in the 1920s went on to study the
physiognomy traits. He was motivated to learn more about the face reading techniques as he
found many similarities between the hundreds and thousands of people he met in his
courtroom. With the earlier literature as his basis, he resolved the contradicting statements in
and came up with his own sixty-four physical traits and called it 'personology'. These
personology traits are also seen in systems other than physiognomy. American psychologist
Paul Ekman, in the 1960s, started a face reading business, where he found the face as an
instrument to communicate. This facial communication according to him are governed by
certain rules that help in reading facial expressions. This article will discuss some free face
reading techniques that will help you get a fair idea regarding the inner true self of a person.
The following free face reading techniques cover few important facial expressions that will
help you learn more about the unknown traits of a known person.

Face Reading Tips

Face reading techniques have been studied through centuries to know more about an
individual. The inquisitive human mind has always been fascinated to know more about the
minds of his fellow-men. The ancient Chinese method of face reading believed in the
ideology that the human face was a reflection of the inner spirit and the people of Medieval
Europe thought the face was synonymous with virtue. There are over 100 points on the face
that you can analyze and find more about a person. Here we will see a few face reading tips
that you may find useful when trying to learn more about a person.

Facial Shape
You can learn a lot about a person with his or her facial shape. The following common facial
shapes will help you learn a few face reading tips:

Round Face: They are known as water-shaped faced people. They have a plump and fleshy
face. People with round faces are an emotional lot. They are known to be sensitive and
caring. They are thought to have strong sexual fantasies. If you are looking forward for a
long-term, stable relationship, these people will prove to be the right choice.

Oblong Face: The long, thin face is called the wood-shape face. These people may have a
muscular or athletic physic. They are thought to be practical, methodical and tend to be a tad
more overworked. They are weighed along with narcissism and may have problematic

Triangular Face: These face types are usually related to a thin body and intellectual suasion.
They are considered to be creative and thought to have a fiery temperament according to the
Chinese face readers.

Square: They are known as the metal shape face. These people are thought to have an
intelligent, analytical and decisive mind. The face shape is associated with an aggressive and
dominating nature.

Face Profile
There are five types of face profiles that you should consider when trying to read a person
with the help of face reading techniques. The five face profile types are:

Convex: The person with the convex profile types have a sloping forehead, slightly prominent
brows and a large nose that is slightly curved. They also have a receding chin shape. These
people come under the category of hard-headed people who have a demanding nature and an
impatient streak.

Concave: The people with concave profile type have a prominent forehead, almost flat
eyebrows, smaller and straight or slightly inward curved or bent nose. They have a flat mouth
and well-formed chin that has an outward curve. These people are thought to be good-natured
and patient lot. They tend to judge over things intentionally.
Plane: The plane profile type neither have the intentional character of the concave type or the
demanding nature of the convex type. They have a consistent character and a balanced state
of mind.

Concave-Convex: This profile has individuals with a concave upper part and lower convex
facial part. These people tend to be of very weak character and are often impulsive in nature.
They tend to be very unreliable people.

Convex-Concave: The upper face in convex and the lower face is concave. These people are
said to have a dominating and ruling personality. They are also associated with the intentional
and persistent nature of the concave profile.

Forehead Shape
You can learn many things about a person's thinking style if you know the face reading
techniques related to the forehead. The following forehead tips will help you know more:

Straight Forehead: These are known as progressive thinkers and follow a progressive style of
thinking. They cannot think of a third point, until they understand the second point. They are
mostly misunderstood in childhood as dumb kids though, they turn out to be intelligent. It is
the progressive style that slows down their thinking and they do not have a fast reflex
response. They have difficulty when working under pressure and need time to think
progressively. Thus many times they tend to lose their control in situations like the last few
minutes before their exam ends or in case of deadlines.

Slopped Forehead: These people are fast thinkers and so quick they tend to complete your
sentences before you finish. They are easily bored with people with straight forehead as they
cannot slow down to match their speed. You can find basketball players and football players
with slopped foreheads as they are quick and fast. They are also quick decision makers and
thus tend to get caught in a lot many wrong decisions.

Curved Forehead: These are very creative people and do not like restrictions thrust on them.
They love to use their imagination and hate to do maths and accounts. They are very good
with arts and areas related to creativity and imagination. The curve of their head tends to
occupy a large section of their brain, thus are very intelligent and you may find many
geniuses in among them.

The face reading techniques in respect to the eyebrows also reveal a lot about a person. If a
person has weak or thin eyebrows, he tends to be indecisive and has may lack slightly in self-
confidence. Bushy eyebrows indicate assertiveness and strong personality. Unibrow shows an
intense persistent and these people tend to be jealous and possessive in nature. They are
introverts and tend to think a lot.

The eyes are said to be the windows of the soul and you can learn a lot with the help of face
reading techniques of the eyes. If someone has prominent eyes you can conclude that they are
bright and happy and you may consider the person as a kind-hearted, friendly and
approachable individual. Small, shifty eyes indicate a nervous temperament. Small eyes may
also indicate a perfectionist and attentive person.
Eyes that are close-set tend to show good concentration power. Uneven set eyes show the
person has a different look out at things from different perspectives. Wide set eyes indicate a
broad-minded and tolerant person and have a little regard for figures of authority. Narrow set
eyes indicate a narrow-minded person.

The upward slanting eyes show an opportunistic person and someone who gets what he
wants. People with deep-set eyes are intense, progressive and observant. They are usually
into creative and writing fields. You can even learn more about a person by the way he or she
looks, whether a warm-hearted person or cold and cruel nature or an amorous lover.

The shape of the different types of noses are very important trait in face reading techniques.
A person with high, straight, full and fleshy tip that has a gently flared but protected nostrils
is thought to be the ideal nose shape. The fleshy tip is a symbol of warmth, cordiality and a
deep sense of empathy. They have high standards set for themselves and are good mannered

People with big or over sized nose tips indicate violent streaks and a larger nose tips shows
that is more prone to violent acts. An aquiline nosed person is a strong-willed, independent
and enterprising individual. An upturned nose indicates someone who loves to mix with
people around him.

The face reading techniques for mouth shape also helps in learning more about a person.
Small shaped mouth shows a tendency of being feminine and men with small mouth tend to
be shy and not very manly in their ways. Large mouth shows a talkative person and the width
indicates the generosity of character.

Thin top lips and full bottom lips indicate people who cannot reciprocate in a relationship.
And full top lip and thin lower lip shows an over giving person. Caring and sensitive nature is
indicated by full round lips and small lips mean a self-centered personality. Lips that are
curved upward indicate an optimistic person and downward curve shows a hard to please

In face reading techniques, a strong jawline is indicative of a very strong value system in a
person. They are quick to judge and have high stamina as well as endurance power. These
people tend to be stubborn. Weak jawline indicates weak personality and weak-willed person.
They are easily influenced by others and tend to live life according to terms set by others.
People with a wider jawline than the ear line indicate a highly competitive person. They hate
losing and do not tolerate competition.

Wrinkles, something all women dread, is a useful face reading techniques. The crow's-feet or
wrinkles around the eyes indicate an open-hearted person. They are also called joy lines as
these people tend to spread happiness wherever they go. Vertical frown lines between the
eyes show a logical, hardworking and a very decisive individual. The purpose lines, that is,
lines extending from the nose to the mouth are indicative of people who are walking on the
right path of life.
These are just a few face reading techniques that will help you learn a bit more than you can
see in a person. Face reading techniques is not an exact science. You need to learn and
understand a lot before you can claim to be a face reading expert. Face reading is similar to
palm reading, you can never claim it to be exact and true, but you always tend to believe by
giving it the benefit of doubt. Reading a face like an open book is not an easy task and you
require a lot of talent to decipher the truth behind the mask. You can always find a kernel of
truth with the help of the above free face reading techniques. Take it up as a hobby, you may
never know when the face reading techniques help you out of a sticky situation.
By Batul Nafisa Baxamusa

"Your face, my thane, is as a book where Men may read strange matters." – William Shakespeare

Face Reading is an art, also referred to as being a pseudoscience that deals with how the shape of
your face reflects your personality. Face reading is about interpreting the shape of your face and
facial features to derive inferences about your personality. Going by the assumption, the face
reflects the personality; one would be able to go by the face value in the literal sense of the term. If
you consider your face to be the representation of your overall personality, here is some information
on what your features have to say.

Face shape and personality are believed to have a direct association. Certain personality traits can be
deciphered from the characteristics of your face. Face readings are supposed to mirror the
characteristics of one’s personality. Different features of the face, their shapes and sizes are believed
to bear a meaning in face reading. They are indicators of one’s personality.

A long and thin face is indicative of endurance. A person with a long and a thin face is believed to be
a firm and confident person, who strives to fulfill each of his/her dreams. A broad face is suggestive
of a broad mind, a broad perspective towards life. People with a broad face are seen to be sensitive
in nature. A round face is significant of a jovial person who knows how to lighten up other faces.

The Chinese have their own theory of interpreting faces, their shapes and features. According to
them, ears that are above the eyebrow level, flat against the head and with long earlobes are
supposed to be auspicious. Small earlobes and a narrow door are not considered auspicious. The
Chinese believe that long and dark eyebrows are lucky while pale and thin ones are not. A high,
straight bridge of the nose is an auspicious sign, while it is not considered good to have a low and
crooked nose. Symmetrically balanced and closed lips are considered fortunate, while those with
contrary characteristics are considered unlucky. A full fleshy chin signifies luck, while a thin and
pointed one is supposed to be unlucky. True, the eyes are the mirrors of our minds! The Chinese
consider large, wide-set eyes as auspicious. Small, close-set eyes with small pupils are considered
The crown of the head suggests the amount of authority of a person. If the crown is low, the person
lacks confidence. An overdeveloped crown is representative of an authoritarian. Silky hair denotes
sensitivity. Thick and wiry hair indicates physical strength. If you have a wide forehead, you are
clever and idealistic. A narrow forehead may serve as an obstacle in success. A shallow forehead
might cause parental troubles during your youth. If your hairline is setback and not narrow and you
have a pointed forehead, it indicates high levels of intelligence. Eyebrows are said to reflect one's
fame as well as temperamental balance. A thick brow over the bridge of the nose indicates a
possessive nature.

Next in line are the eyes. Small, squinty eyes denote an introvert person while bright and prominent
eyes that gaze steadily indicate a persevering nature. Wandering eyes reflect the person's
impatience and restlessness. A person with such eyes is seen to be unsettled and might also be
dishonest. Interestingly, eyes, which are unevenly set, mean that the person has a unique approach
of looking at things. A person with this type of eyes is considered to be good at analyzing things and
making the right choices. Eyes that slant upwards signify an opportunist, while those slanting
downward are indicative of a submissive person.

Here is something about the nose, the lips and the ears. A large and high bridge of the nose denotes
high levels of energy. A small nose is suggestive of a reserved nature. A straight nose indicates
discipline in one's life. Full lips denote a caring person. Large lips are indicative of the love for luxury.
Narrow lips are indicative of a less sentimental person. Large-eared individuals are intellectuals while
the ones with small ears are impulsive in nature.

A strong jawline reveals a stubborn nature. In case a person has a rounded or a square shaped chin,
he/she is believed to have a peaceful old age. A protruding chin is indicative of a self-willed person
while a receding chin indicates a weak-willed individual. A strong jawline and fullness in cheeks
denote an authoritative nature.

Face reading is subjective in nature. Its subjective nature makes it an art. Your face shape can give
you a broad idea of your personality. Your features might serve as a rough sketch of your persona.
Though your face is not a direct derivative of what you are, it is definitely an interface to the self
within you!

Physiognomy of Women
Have you ever thought of being able to read the mind of a woman? Won't you like to face
read a woman and find out if she is the type of girl you are looking for. You can try the art of
physiognomy and get to know a few points about her possible nature. The following article
on physiognomy of women will help you learn a few personality traits related to physical
It was truly a lesson in don't take something at face value. You know, so many of us do in life.
Whether it's because of how somebody looks or because of what they're wearing or what
have you, you kind of assess a person in the first five minutes before they even speak. ~
Shemar Moore

They say never try to understand a woman. The more you try, the more you will get
confused. Oscar Wilde may have learned this fact the hard way, and therefore, he came up
with the following famous quote: "Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood". She
may say everything is alright, but in reality, there's a storm building up within her. You may
find the most beautiful girl you ever met in your life, but is she as beautiful on the inside?
This brings up the need for learning the art of physiognomy of women. Face reading is a very
ancient art that may have originated in India and spread to other countries like Iran as well as
France. Based on physical characteristics of a person's face, one can assume most of the
different aspects of their character as well as personality. So, if you want to know more about
the inner self based on the outer characteristics, read on the following tips on physiognomy of
a woman's face.

Physiognomy of a Woman's Face

It's not just the face of a person you know, but also recognizing the characteristics of one's
own face. This will help you learn all the positive as well as negative traits of your
personality. The following facial features of women and their corresponding characteristics
will help you know these fine points related to your own, as well as the personality of others.

Physiognomy of Women's Face

The head can speak a lot about a woman. If the front portion of the head is
straight, it indicates the woman is lucky. An arched head shows she is lucky as
well as leading a comfortable life. A round head indicates the woman may be
unlucky in life. Women with long head are said to have a questionable
The hair is said to help measure the inner strength of a woman. Women with
thick, coarse and wild hair are said to have very high physical as well as
mental strength. These women are thought to maintain great resilience in their
lives. Women with thin, silky hair are said to be sensitive in nature. Those who
have black colored hair are thought to be lucky and wealthy. Red hair women
are considered to be of ill temper and quarrelsome in nature.
The forehead gives the first impression about a woman. A long and broad
forehead means the woman is unlucky in life. Woman with the forehead
covered in hair or has a depression in the center, it indicates she may be jealous
and have ill will towards some people.
Eyebrows are the next feature that catches one's attention. Bow shaped
eyebrows with soft, black hair indicate beauty and strong character. Wide,
wavy, golden-colored, bushy eyebrows indicate the woman is unlucky as well
as of a mean nature. Straight eyebrows indicate an unlucky woman.
Eyes, the window of the soul, speak a lot about a person. Women with large
eyes that shine are said to have a dominating nature, lucky as well as leader.
Small eyes that appear gloomy and round indicate the woman is shrewd and
imposes self limitations that prevent her from growing in life. A woman with
drowsy, sleepy eyes means she loves mingling with the opposite sex and may
have loose morals.
One can tell a lot about relationships by examining the lips. A woman with thin
upper lip and a broader lower lip indicates she may have problems
reciprocating her feelings in a relationship. A woman with thin lower lip and
thicker upper lip may indicate she gives in too much to build and maintain a
relationship. A self-centered, mean woman has small, tightly pursued lips. A
lady with full lips means she is expressive, generous as well as loves the rich
things offered by life.
A woman with a straight nose indicates she is intelligent, witty, wise as well as
full of perseverance. Women with a small nose are said to be cunning, shrewd
as well as mischievous. A proud woman who is also lazy and loves the
pleasures of life is said to have wide, flaring nostrils. Good matured women
have a hook shaped nose.

Physiognomy of Women's Body

Women of an average height are supposed to be the loved by their husbands a
lot. They are known to perform their household duties well. Very tall women
are not considered to be sexy and very attractive by the opposite sex. Short
women are supposed to be happy-go-lucky kinds. They love to experiment in
the bed and are said to be very sweet-natured.
A smooth, not very long and well proportionate neck is said to be an asset
related to the woman's beauty. Deer like necks are popular and loved by all.
Too fat and wide neck indicates the woman will have a bad nature and get
herself involved in carrying out mischief. If the woman has three wrinkles on
her neck, it indicates she will have wealth and good luck.
Women with crooked and hairy shoulders are considered unlucky. Women
with not too broad and fleshy shoulders are said to be lucky.
Women with very long hands are said to be unlucky. Those who have rough
dry hands are said to spend a life of struggle. Soft, delicate hands indicate
wealth and good fortune.
Women with long, thin fingers are said to have good luck on their side.
Women with small, spatula shaped fingers with hair on the back are said to be
unlucky. Short and fat fingers indicate the woman is of a stubborn nature.
Small thumbs and conical fingers indicate the woman is clever and very
faithful towards her husband. Square shaped fingers and broad thumbs indicate
the woman is mischievous and a fighter cock. Women with pointed and thin
fingers are said to have a passionate and social nature.
Belly Button
If the belly button or navel is deep, she will be very popular and will be dear to
her husband. Broad, fleshy navel indicates the woman is lucky.
Woman with a fat waist is said to love good dresses. A narrow, well-formed
waist, smooth and not very hairy indicates the woman is lucky. Big, flabby
waist is said to indicate the woman is shrewd and wicked in nature.
Women who have round, straight, fleshy thighs are said to be brave and kind-
hearted. Women with broad, hairy thighs are said to spend a life of struggle.
Thin, skinny thighs indicate the woman is unlucky.
Ankles of a woman who are fleshy and round, indicate the woman will have a
very fortunate life. Broad or disproportionate ankles indicate bad luck.
When all the toes touch the ground and the full foot falls on the ground while
walking, it indicates the woman is very fortunate. When the third and the
fourth toe does not touch the ground while walking, it indicates the woman
may become a widow.
Toe Nails
Women with red colored toe nails are said to live a comfortable life. Yellow
colored toe nails indicate she will be poor, pink indicates a woman of a shrewd
and wicked nature. White colored toe nails means the woman may live a life of
struggle and misery. Black colored toe nails indicate the woman may have a
loose character.

These were some physical attributes that tell you a lot about a woman. However, one should
not follow these traits by the look. Even if a person has certain characteristics, does not make
them good or bad in reality. You need to consider other factors as well before passing a
judgment about a person. Physiognomy of men differs from the physiognomy of women. It is
always good to have a bit of knowledge about face reading. How far you use the information
in practical life, is up to you.
By Batul Nafisa Baxamusa

Face Reading (personology) and Ear Position

What is meant by the ear position in face reading is the position of ears in respect to the head.
Some people have most of their heads in front of their ears while others have their heads
behind their ears (when observed from the side view).

The person who has most of his head in front of his ears is said to have "forward balance"
while the person who has most of his head behind his ears is said to have "backward

In this article i will tell you about the relevance of ear position in face reading.

The relevance of ear position in face reading

 Forward balance: People with forward balance enjoy being in the center of attention. Their
voices may be loud and they care a lot about being noticed. Ignoring a person with forward
balance is like killing him.

If you want to get along with that person then make him feel that he is getting your
attention. People with forward balance tend to think more of the future than they think
about the past. They may not regret what they did in the past (like people with
backward balance) but rather focus on how to change what is to come.

 Backward balance: On the contrary people with backward balance prefer to be in the rear
lines. They rarely seek attention and avoid being in the spotlight. A person with backward
balance thinks a lot about the past and may remember bad things that happened to him a
long time ago unlike people with forward balance who just care about what's coming. Note
that attention seeking behaviour is not always related to lack of self confidence, both
persons can learn to be confident with disregard to their forward or backward balance
 Those who fall in between: Some people neither have a forward balance nor a backward
balance but their ears seem to be positioned in the middle of their heads. Those people have
a balance

"The eyes are the mirror of the soul" - Cicero (106-43 B.C.)

A thought in person's mind can be easily traced by looking into the eyes and reading people's faces.
Reading people's eyes is a part of understanding the behavior and reading people by body language.
Fortunately or unfortunately, people who have the understanding of body language can cheat
through false gestures, but the eyes cannot lie. Eyes are the most expressive organ in the body.
Without using a singe word, an ocean of emotions can be very simply expressed. For reading
people's emotions and thought, eyes are the best way to reach their heart and mind. There are
many movements of eyes that can convey many meanings. These likely meanings have been
discussed here.

Before proceeding, let me tell you an important aspect of body language and reading people's eyes.
An individual cannot be judged on the basis of a single gesture, posture or movement. This is
because a person being an expert in body language can fake, so a cluster of body languages should
be studied to do so.

How to Read Eyes

For reading people's body language, having knowledge of sign language can help a lot. Especially the
movements of eyes can contribute a lot in reading people's minds as it is an essential part of
communication. Following can be some of the ways for reading people's eyes and understanding
their emotions and expressions.

Eye Contact
Eye contact, an important aspect of face reading can be of four types. First, making an eye contact
that is generally observed when you like something or interested in the talk with a person. Second
type is breaking eye contact that can be due to some kind of threat or guilty of something. Long eye
contacts is the third type that is associated with the lovers or to something of close attention. The
fourth and the last is limited eye contact that shows a feeling of insecurity or hiding something

Gazing is looking continuously at something. Now this can also have many connotations, like you can
gaze at something that is of your interest, or when you are angry, or even something that you might
like to have.
Winking an eye is a gesture made deliberately to conspire or to indicate something through the
eyes. Winking can also be a gesture accompanied with waving of hand that is suggestive of greeting.

The eyes are narrowed down to evaluate a situation or a statement. It is also observed when a
person is not able to accept something as the truth, it can also be an indicator of uncertainty.

Blinking is like a windshield wiper to clear the vision, but when the rate of blinking is increased, it can
be a sign of stress or sometimes lying as well. Other than natural ways of blinking, a single blink can
be an indicator of surprise or disbelief.

Looking Up
This often observed when a person is thinking, an indication of visualizing things. But sometimes
looking upward during a speech or lectures can be a signal of recalling the points. Looking upward
towards the left can be for memorizing and towards the right can be for imagination. At times these
meanings can be reversed and become an indication of boredom.

Looking Down
Looking down can be an indication of being submissive. Sometimes a person feeling guilty of doing
something wrong also cannot maintain eye contacts. The eye movements can also be culture
specific, for example in some cultures maintaining eye contact is considered to be rude.

Sideways Looks
Normally, the vision is at horizontal plane and in front, but when we look away from what is in front
of us it means that something interesting is distracting the normal vision. A sideways quick glance
can be to have a quick look at something of your interest, or to express irritation and discomfort.

So, these are some of the unconscious eye body language signs that would help you in reading
people's eyes and exploring the thoughts going on. But then, remember, it can differ from person to

Face Reading (personology): Distance from Eye to Brow:

The eye to eyebrow distance is the vertical distance between the eye and the eyebrows. Some
people have their eyebrows almost touching their eyes while others have a noticeable
distance between the eye and the eyebrows.

This distance can tell you how fast that person can put a decision into action; that is how fast
that person can put his plans or feelings into actions.
Eye to Eyebrow Distance in face reading

Someone with a big distance between eye and eyebrows (The 'wait and see' approach):

Such a person would follow the wait and see approach; he never rushes in things. When he
goes shopping for example he may drop by all the shops and might end up not buying

He might then come back few days later to buy. This person would be relatively slow when it
comes to socializing. If you're a very social person he might back off a little until he gets used
to you. When this person hesitates don't try to push him but just allow him to take his time so
that you don’t bother him.

Someone with a small distance or almost no distance (The 'just do it' approach): Such person
is the personal favorite of sales people because when he goes shopping he buys on the spot
without hesitation.

He may even buy stuff quickly only to discover later that he doesn’t even need them!! This
person cannot wait to try something new. If he decided to do something the next day he might
not be able to sleep that day because he just can't wait!!

How can both types get along?

People from the second category may know you for just a day or two but act as if they've
known you for years. That's why when this type meets people from the first category for the
first time things may get pretty uncomfortable.

When both of these types of people meet the guy with small eye to eyebrow distance will
always interrupt the other one while speaking and he may even get bored of him because of
his slow speed. People with big eye to eyebrow distance should try to be a little faster while
talking and making decisions in order to communicate well with guys who have small
distance else problems may arise.

The guy with small eye to eyebrow distance may lose his temper fast unlike the other guy(the
one with big distance) who is less likely to lose it upon facing the same situation.

2knowmyself is, without doubt, the only complete source for face reading information on the
entire internet. If you dare challenge this statement, then check the 2knowmyself’s Face
reading section and you will discover it yourself. The book, How to make someone fall in
love with you is one of the releases. The book will dramatically increase
your chance of having someone fall in love with you

The Forehead's profile in face reading

In face reading The forehead's shape determines the method of thinking that the person uses
(not intelligence).
In face reading There are three types of forehead profiles when viewed from the side view the
sloped, the straight and the round. Below is an explanation of each type according to face
reading and the personality trait associated with each of them.

Types of foreheads

 The straight forehead (The progressive thinker): This person follows a progressive style in
his thinking; he can't jump to the third point without first knowing the second. Sometimes
he is misunderstood as a child and thought of as dumb, but in fact he may be very
intelligent. It's just his progressive style of thinking that needs to be taken into
consideration. This person may not have a fast reflex action for example if he dropped
something he may not be able to catch it before it reaches the ground. He may have
problems working under pressure as he needs more time to think progressively and as result
he may lose control in the last ten minutes of exams.
 The slopped forehead (The fast responder): That person builds conclusions fast to the
extent that he may interrupt you many times while you are talking because he keeps on
guessing what are you about to say. This person may get bored when talking to someone
with a straight forehead because of the speed difference between them. The response of
such a person is very fast and that's why you will find most skilled football and basket ball
players with slopped foreheads. You're also most likely to notice how players with straight
foreheads aren’t that good because of their slow responses and again I repeat this is not
related to intelligence at all. One final thing about such people is that they are fast decision-
makers which may cause them many problems.
 The curved forehead (The creative): This person is very creative, just notice how the
forehead of those who study fine arts looks like and you will notice how most of them have
curved foreheads. That person hates restrictions and rules, he likes to use his imagination
and would probably hate math and accounting but excel in arts. When the forehead is
curved and in the same time occupies a big section of the head then this means that this
person is very intelligent or even a genius. You'd be safe asking that person for help if you
are in need of a creative solution to any problem you're facing.

Combined forehead profiles

In real life many people will have a combination of more than one forehead profile. For
example you might find a person with a slightly slopped forehead.

The closer the person is to a certain facial feature the closer he will be to the personality traits
associated with it. If someone's facial feature lies in between two facial features then he
might posses the traits of both facial features.

For example a forehead that is neither 100% slopped nor 100% straight might show that the
person has a combination of both personality traits associated with both types.

2knowmyself is, without doubt, the only complete source for face reading information on the
entire internet. If you dare challenge this statement, then check the 2knowmyself’s Face
reading section and you will discover it yourself. The book, How to make someone fall in
love with you, is one of the releases; the book is to dramatically increase
your chance of having someone fall in love with you.
Face reading and lips
Is your personality connected to your lip shape or size?
According to face reading you can determine a person's personality from his facial features
with a good accuracy.

Before you can master face reading you first need to learn how to pay special attention to
facial features so that you can recognize the difference between the different types of ears,
lips, eyes, chins...etc.

Once you do that you can then learn face reading. If you want to start from the beginning
then use the link below to reach the face reading main page. In this article i will tell you about
the significance of the size of lips and their shape in determining personality

Face Reading (personology): Lip size

 Big lips in face reading: A person with big lips tends to be very talkative and will hardly ever
be silent. This person likes to talk a lot and to tell stories. he provides very good company
when present in a group but if that person wasn't accompanied with good listeners then
people may end up feeling irritated and annoyed of his continuous talking. When you want
to ask for directions in the street pick someone with big lips because he will give you the full
 Small lips in face reading: A person with small lips tends to be less talkative. He tends to
keep his private life away from others and may hide his inner emotions and feelings. He can
also hold on to secrets for years, unlike the guy who has big lips who can hardly hold a secret
(unless of course he's bound by some strong influencing force like religion for example) A
thin lipped person may be very cautious and not an adventure-lover.
 Balanced lip: Because human beings are different you can't categorize every person you
meet under the two major categories of big lips or small lips but instead you will find many
people falling in between the two large categories. The more the person is close to one of
these categories the more likely he will have the personality traits associated with it

Face reading, lip size and personality

Face reading is not a simple science. Trying to judge a person by just taking a quick look into
one of his features such as lips might result in less accurate readings.

In order to make the best out of face reading you must learn how to look at all face features
together instead of just looking at each one of them separately.

2knowmyself is, without doubt, the only complete guide to face reading on the entire internet.
If you dare challenge this statement, then check the 2knowmyself’s Face reading section and
you will discover it yourself. The book How to make someone fall in love with you is one of
the releases; the book will dramatically increase your chance of having
someone fall in love with you.
Face Reading (personology): Lip Lines

The lip line, in face reading, is the imaginary horizontal line you can see passing between the
two lips when the mouth is closed. That line can be straight, straight with its ends pointing
downwards or upwards.

 Straight Lip line with its ends pointing downwards: The person who has a straight lip line
with ends pointing downwards is a pessimistic person and he will always expects the worse.
Make sure you take that into consideration when taking his opinion. One of the great
benefits this person can provide you with is to notify you about all the problems that can
ever occur because he can expect them all before they happen. If you are about to start a
new project for example and want to know all the possible risks that you might face then ask
that person and he will for sure pin point every single problem you're going to face.
 Straight lip line with its ends turned upwards: The person who has Straight lip line with its
ends turned upwards is an optimist. This person always expects good things to happen. He
can encourage you much if you told him about a new idea. You can consider taking his
opinion to get some motivation but be aware not to be lured by the very positive outlook he
may have. There may be some kind of problems and bad future expectations that he is
ignoring or not taking into consideration
 Straight lip line: The balanced; this person has got a balanced outlook for future events. He
may be optimistic if conditions are good and pessimistic if things seem bad. That person
could give you the most balanced opinion for a future project provided that he has all the
necessary details.

Lip line, face reading and accuracy

You must put in mind that some people fall in between these types. For example you might
meet a person who has a lip line that is slightly pointing downwards.

The more prominent the face feature is the more close the person will be to the specific
personality traits of that face feature. The person who has a lip line that is slightly bent
downwards will be slightly pessimistic and so on.

Face reading the full picture

One of the big mistakes people do when they try to understand face reading is that they judge
a person's personality based on one facial feature and this is completely wrong.

In order to make the best use of face reading you need to put in mind that looking at the
whole face together is the right thing that should be done. Some facial features dampen the
effect of other features and that's why its sometimes hard to understand the feature without
looking at the whole face.

In other cases other facial features can further reinforce a certain trait and this can help you
get more accurate results when guessing someone's personality.

2knowmyself is, without doubt, the only complete guide to face reading information on the
entire internet. If you dare challenge this statement, then check the 2knowmyself’s Face
reading section and you will discover it yourself.
The book, How to make someone fall in love with you, is one of releases;
the book will dramatically increase your chances of having someone fall in love with you.

Face Reading (personology) and Eye Distance

When talking about the distance between the eyes in face reading I am actually referring to
the horizontal distance between the tips of your eyes.

This distance, in face reading, determines the person's concern for details. If the distance
between the two eyes is small then that person may have a high concern for details while if it
was large then this means that the person may be more interested in the bigger picture.

To check whether the distance is big or small you'll need to observe whether the distance
between the two eyes is enough for a third eye to fit in . Try to imagine whether your friend
can be an alien or not :) If the space is big enough for a third eye to fit then it's considered big
and if not then it's considered small.

People with broad face tend to have big eye distances while people with thin faces tend to
have small distances. That's why the first group is usually less concerned about details than
the second group

Types of eye distance in face reading

Someone with a small eye distance: That person has a very powerful ability to concentrate.
When he concentrates, he becomes very focused , hates to be disturbed and may easily
become stressed as a result. That person has a deep interest in details. If you are telling him a
story, then make sure that you include small details that other people may have no concern
for. That's the beauty of face reading ! it teaches you how to deal with each person based on
his specific personality

That person may also have low tolerance especially if he was emotionally sensitive. People
with small eye distance may find it very hard to tolerate temperature changes, traffic jams and
external influences. This low tolerance acts as a multiplier to external stressful influences
which in turn results in making them angry more often.

Someone with a large eye distance: This person may have trouble concentrating for long
periods of time. He is relaxed by nature and doesn't care much about small details. He only
focuses on the big picture and this might make him a good manager.

Try focusing on the facial features of the managers you meet and you will notice how almost
all of them fall in this category. Managers usually have broad faces because a broad face
makes it more likely for a person to have big eye distance. Such a person is much more
tolerant than the person who has small eye distance. he can bear external influences without
having a lot of problems.

2knowmyself is, without doubt, the only complete source for face reading information on the
entire internet. If you dare challenge this statement, then check the 2knowmyself’s Face
reading section and you will discover it yourself. The book, How to make someone fall in
love with you, is one of the releases; the book is to dramatically increase
your chance of having someone fall in love with you.

Face Reading (personology) and Nose Shape

Big noses: If you think that your big nose makes you look bad or if you don't really like its
shape then cheer up because according to face reading your big nose can help you leave a
better impression!

People with big noses hate receiving orders and like being their own bosses. They don't like
doing small tasks and prefer making bigger contributions than others. That's why these
people will hardly ever be your bar tenders or your receptionists. People with big noses like
to move higher in ranks and may fight for them.

People with big noses get bored easily from systematic and repetitive work. If you are a
manager then handing off donkey work to these people would be a great mistake.

Small noses: A person with a small nose does not have problems dealing with repetitive and
systematic work. You are most likely to find secretaries and people who work in similar jobs
having small noses. Of course they may get bored of routine work but not as fast as a big
nosed fellow will.

Eagle nose: The hooked nose or one that looks like the eagle's hook from the side view is
one i am talking about. A person with a nose like this one has the same characteristics as that
of a big-nosed person but with a bit of exaggeration. To get along with such a person make
sure you respect him and make him feel important.

The helper's nose: If, from the side view, the nose is concave with a round tip, then this
person has a helper's nose. He is called the helper because he has a natural tendency to help
others. He may join charity groups for the satisfaction he feels when he does these kinds of
activities. The only draw back is that he is sometimes taken advantage of by his friends.

When nose tip is round : If the nose tip is round when observed from a front view then this
person is nosy!! He likes to know about everything that is going on and he may try to get all
information out of you If there's something that he knows little about. Don't make him feel
like you are hiding something if you want to get along with him. What's pretty funny is that
the word nosy here is related to the nose which shows that this word may have had a face
reading origin.

Nose profile going up: When, viewed from the side, the horizontal line at the bottom of the
nose can be pointing upwards. A person with this kind of nose trusts everything. He may
even be the victim of scams or fall a prey to a television commercial that advertises a certain
low quality product.
Take notice of the noses of small kids' and you will notice how most of them have exactly
this type of nose. kids believe everything you tell them and this person thinks like them. The
good point about the person with this nose type is that he's not skeptical at all.

Nose profile heading down: This type of nose is the same as the previous one but the
difference is that the profile is going down instead of up so that the nose appears to be
pointed downwards. This person is very skeptical and he barely believes anything new unless
he gets all the proofs he asks for. When dealing with him, bear in mind that he will ask a big
number of questions before he can believe you.

Nose profile is horizontal: when the same nose profile is horizontal then this person is
neither a skeptic nor a person who believes in anything. This person has a balanced approach
when hearing about something new.

2knowmyself is, without doubt, the only complete source for face reading information on the
entire internet. If you dare challenge this statement, then check the 2knowmyself’s Face
reading section and you will discover it yourself.
The book, How to make someone fall in love with you, is one of releases;
the book will dramatically increase your chance of having someone fall in love with you.

Face Reading (personology) and Chin

 Pointed chin: A person with a pointed chin is a stubborn person just like the one with long
front teeth. Having both features together means that the person is very stubborn. This
person has fierce inner resistance that can be triggered when someone pushes against him.

When dealing with such a person, you must depend on your flexibility because
pushing against him will yield no result.

 Square chin: A square-chinned person is called the challenger. That person always
challenges problems by standing up whenever he falls. He never gives up until he reaches
what he wants. He is usually very competitive and considers everything, even sports, as a
challenge rather than looking at the fun part of it. This person has the ability of pointing out
the pros and cons of any issue and this makes him a very good consultant and a debate
lover. To get along with him avoid igniting his fighting spirit and take his opinions into
 The small chin: A small chin is usually associated with a pointed chin. In face reading,
whenever the facial features are relatively smaller to those of normal people then the
person is considered a sensitive person. People with small chins and small facial features are
very sensitive to criticism and overwhelming life events. Criticize those people and they will
hate you, shout at them and they may not approach you again. In order to get along with a
sensitive person try to be more nurturing than usual.
 Round chin: A person with a round chin is a friendly person, he is neither aggressive nor
harsh. Remember the impression you got when you first saw Martin Lawrence in the movie
big mama's house? He seemed very friendly because of all round facial features he had. This
person loves social gatherings and usually provides a very nice company. If you enter a new
place, for example, a shopping mall and wanted to ask for help then the best one would be
someone with round facial features. If that person also has big lips (talkative) then he will be
a perfect choice if you were looking for directions or information.
 Protruding chin: What is meant by a protruding chin is that the chin seems to be protruding
when viewed from the side view rather than being perfectly vertical (just like a witch's chin
in cartoons!!). This person cannot let go of things easily and holds on to them as much as he
can. This person rarely quits anything midway and this applies to relationships too.
 Receding chin: People with receding chins are exactly the opposite of those who have
protruding ones. People with receding chins are the type of people who have got lots of
semi finished projects because they find it hard to commit to anything to the end unless they
really need it.
 Neither receding nor protruding chin: People with chins that are neither protruding nor
receding have a balanced approach towards commitment.Those people don't quit midway
but they also know when to give up.

2knowmyself is, without doubt, the only complete source for face reading information on the
entire internet. If you dare challenge this statement, then check the 2knowmyself’s Face
reading section and you will discover it yourself. The book, How to make someone fall in
love with you, is one of the releases; the book is to dramatically increase
your chances of having someone fall in love with you.

Face Reading (personology) and Eyebrows

According to face reading The shape of the eyebrows identifies different personality traits
that are related to thinking styles.

In addition to the way a person thinks there are lots of other things that can be known by
checking how the eyebrows look like. You should take special care with women because of
the cosmetics they use which can totally reshape the eyebrows and so give false signatures.
Below are some different shapes of eyebrows and their associated personality traits.

Eyebrow types in face reading

 Straight eyebrows (The logical): When eyebrows are straight (like a straight line) then this
means that this person is a logical thinker. If you want to convince him to believe in
something then you must only use logic and solid proofs. Don't try to convince him using
emotional arguments, for example don't say something like "Hey, this is good; I feel its
great" but instead tell him something like "It has lots of benefits, number one is bla bla and
number two is bla bla bla". Using a pen and a paper is the best way to convince such a
person as you can point out all the advantages and disadvantages of the issue you are
talking about.
 Meeting eyebrows (The non-stop thinker): when the eye brows are connected in such a
way that they meet each other through a bridge of hair then know that this person is a non-
stop thinker. Such a person can't relax; he is always thinking and evaluating everything
around him. If you are one of those people then make sure you learn how to relax not to
ruin your health. That person may also suffer from sleeping problems when a major event in
his life happens because of his continues thinking
 Angled eyebrows (The authority seeker): You must take a great deal of care when dealing
with such a person. The person with angled eyebrows that have an inverted "v" shape
always seeks control and authority. Try noticing how many presidents have angled eyebrows
and you'd be surprised. Those people usually fight fiercely for authority and high status. If
you want to get along with this person then make him feel important; try to catch his name
on your first meeting so you can use it again. motivating that person is very easy, just give
him more control and make him feel that everything is depending on him.
 Thin eye brows (The sensitive): Very thin eyebrows may mean that the person is overly
sensitive, especially if he has delicate facial features, like small eyes, nose or mouth. When
dealing with that person, pay extra attention not to hurt him as he is more sensitive than
other people.
 Curved eye brows (The friendly): A person with curved eyebrows (sometimes called round
eyebrows) is a friendly person by nature. This is also the case with all people who have
round face features; round cheeks or chin. This person understands best by examples and

2knowmyself is, without doubt, the only complete source for face reading information on the
entire internet. If you dare challenge this statement, then check the 2knowmyself’s Face
reading section and you will discover it yourself. The book, How to make someone fall in
love with you, is one of releases; the book is to dramatically increase your
chances of having someone fall in love with you.

Face Reading (personology), Ear Height

What is meant here by ear height in face reading is the relative level of the ears to the eyes
and nose.

Some people seem to have their ears positioned higher in their face in comparison to their
friends. You can use the nose tip as a base line and see where the bottom of the ear lies in
comparison to it. If the bottom of the ear is high compared to the nose tip then this person has
high set ears and vise versa.

Ear Height Relevance in face Reading

 High set ears: People with relatively higher ears usually receive information faster than
others. I am not referring to intelligence here but rather to the rate with which they can
adsorb new information.

This person works well under pressure especially if he has a small eye to eyebrow
distance. Note that when i talked about the eye to eyebrows distance i was referring to
the speed of information processing and not the speed of receiving information.

If you have high ears and a big eye to eyebrow distance then most probably you
receive information quickly, but you will be suffering from a low information
processing rate and may thus become frustrated.

On the other hand if you have high ears and a small eye to eyebrows distance then
you will be able to both receive and process information very quickly and you will be
able to make very good decisions under pressure.

This type of person is also highly practical and focused. He almost never buys
anything that he does not truly need. During his work, he focuses on getting the job
done rather than focusing on how to do it.
 Low set ears: A person with low set ears has a lower rate of receiving information. Give him
very fast instructions and he will be totally lost. Make sure you always give him instructions
slowly and use diagrams whenever applicable when dealing with him.

If that person has a big eye to eyebrows distance too then he will be slow in receiving
and processing information and so you may find him the last one to finish work or to
hand the exam paper.

People with low set ears may be very idealistic, they focus on how the job is done in
addition to focusing on getting it done.

2knowmyself is, without doubt, the only complete source for face reading information on the
entire internet. If you dare challenge this statement, then check the 2knowmyself’s Face
reading section and you will discover it yourself. The book, How to make someone fall in
love with you, is one of the releases; the book is to dramatically increase
your chances of having someone fall in love with you.

Face Reading (personology): Face Shape and Profile

 Broad face in face reading: In face reading a broad face means that the height and width of
the face are very close to each other in length. A person with a broad face is confident by
nature, unless he has lost his self confidence somewhere through his life.

When i say confident by nature i mean that this person feels more confident than
others especially when facing new experiences. This person has also got good
influencing abilities. He usually has a relativity larger distance between his two eyes
(high tolerance) because of his broad face.

This person may not be interested in small details but would rather be interested in the
bigger view or the full picture. For example, when telling him about a car accident
don't bother telling him about the car colors because he wouldn't be interested, he may
not be even interested in the car types. A person like that would make a good manager
and that's why you will notice that most managers are broad faced.

 Thin face in face reading: The thin face is easily noticed because it appears to be longer than
normal faces. People with thin faces have long faces that have low width compared to their
height. A thin faced person is confident by experience and not by nature. This means that
when trying something new he may feel afraid or anxious. If he has a small eye distance in
addition to a slim face then he may be interested in small details. The main challenge
concerning thin faced people is fear. Fear is a very big part of their lives and this may
motivate them stick to a certain comfort zone and stay away from adventures.
 Balanced face , Neither slim nor broad: In face reading whenever someone falls in between
two major categories then this means that this person has balanced personality traits. For
example the person who has a face that is neither slim nor broad has a balanced approach
towards fear and the love for details
 Round face: People with round faces are friendly by nature; they like social gatherings and
provide a nice company. When intending to ask for help head for the round faced person
because he may be friendlier than the other people around.
2knowmyself is, without doubt, the only complete source for face reading information on the
entire internet. If you dare challenge this statement, then check the 2knowmyself’s Face
reading section and you will discover it yourself. The book, How to make someone fall in
love with you, is one of releases; the book is to dramatically increase your
chances of having someone fall in love with you.

Face Reading (personology): Face Shape and Profile

 Broad face in face reading: In face reading a broad face means that the height and width of
the face are very close to each other in length. A person with a broad face is confident by
nature, unless he has lost his self confidence somewhere through his life.

When i say confident by nature i mean that this person feels more confident than
others especially when facing new experiences. This person has also got good
influencing abilities. He usually has a relativity larger distance between his two eyes
(high tolerance) because of his broad face.

This person may not be interested in small details but would rather be interested in the
bigger view or the full picture. For example, when telling him about a car accident
don't bother telling him about the car colors because he wouldn't be interested, he may
not be even interested in the car types. A person like that would make a good manager
and that's why you will notice that most managers are broad faced.

 Thin face in face reading: The thin face is easily noticed because it appears to be longer than
normal faces. People with thin faces have long faces that have low width compared to their
height. A thin faced person is confident by experience and not by nature. This means that
when trying something new he may feel afraid or anxious. If he has a small eye distance in
addition to a slim face then he may be interested in small details. The main challenge
concerning thin faced people is fear. Fear is a very big part of their lives and this may
motivate them stick to a certain comfort zone and stay away from adventures.
 Balanced face , Neither slim nor broad: In face reading whenever someone falls in between
two major categories then this means that this person has balanced personality traits. For
example the person who has a face that is neither slim nor broad has a balanced approach
towards fear and the love for details
 Round face: People with round faces are friendly by nature; they like social gatherings and
provide a nice company. When intending to ask for help head for the round faced person
because he may be friendlier than the other people around.

2knowmyself is, without doubt, the only complete source for face reading information on the
entire internet. If you dare challenge this statement, then check the 2knowmyself’s Face
reading section and you will discover it yourself. The book, How to make someone fall in
love with you, is one of releases; the book is to dramatically increase your
chances of having someone fall in love with you.

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Face Reading (personology): Ear Shape

Written by M.Farouk Radwan, MSc.

Face reading(personology)
How accurate is face reading

Face reading can help you determine many of the personality traits people have by just taking
a look at their faces. While face reading is simple to apply still it takes a lot of training and
practice before you can mange to use it well.

There are some little mistakes that people who are new to face reading usually do and as a
result they get less accurate results.

For example one of the mistakes people make when applying face reading is look at the facial
feature alone without taking into consideration the other features. Sometimes two features
can assert the presence of a certain personality trait while in other cases certain facial features
can restrict the effect of others.

In order to make sure you get good results with face reading make sure you look at the whole
face and not just a single feature.

Face Reading (personology) and Ear Shape:

 Big ears in face reading: If you have went far enough in face reading then you won't have
any problem guessing that a good listener is more likely to have bigger ears than the one
who hates to listen. If your friend has big ears then most likely he is a good listener. You can
get along with that person perfectly if you have big lips (which shows that you talkative).
 small ears, in face reading: On the other hand a person with small ears may become
overwhelmed if you talked a lot. If for example you were his manager and you had to give
him instructions then make sure it's as brief as possible else he may get bored. Note that you
can use body language to know if the person you are talking to is interested or not.
 Ears sticking out: Some people have ears sticking out. According to face readings those
people are non conformists who don't like to stick to rules or regulations. This doesn't mean
that they are bad people because a person's personality is also affected by his values and
beliefs. If their beliefs motivated them to conform to certain rules (for example religion)
then they will certainly do it
 Ears that are not sticking out If the ears are not sticking out at all then this person is a
conformist who have no problems sticking to rules or regulations at all.

How to get accurate face reading

Face reading is not a simple science. You can't just judge a person based on one facial feature
because the human personality is too complex.

Instead you need to learn how to look for more than one feature together in order to be able to
know more about a person. For example if someone has small ears i can assume that he hates
to listen but if that person had small ears and in the same time had big lips then certainly i can
guess that he only loves to talk and hates to listen.

2knowmyself is, without doubt, the only complete source for face reading information on the
entire internet. If you dare challenge this statement, then check the 2knowmyself’s Face
reading section and you will discover it yourself. The book, How to make someone fall in
love with you, is one of the releases; the book is to dramatically increase
your chance of having someone fall in love with you.
Teeth relevance in face reading

What's interesting about face reading is that any facial feature even the ones that don't appear
to be important can reveal things about the personality.

Of course some people can manipulate their looks through plastic surgery and that's why all
face reading tips i give are based on the assumption that the person still maintains his real
looks. In this article i will tell you about the relevance of teeth in face reading.

Face Reading (personology) and Teeth

 Long front teeth: When the two front middle teeth are much longer than the other teeth
then this means that this person is stubborn especially if his chin was pointed too. This
teeth-chin combination shows that you are dealing with someone who cannot be forced to
do anything that he doesn't want to do. If you do push against this person's will then he will
push back strongly. The only way you can deal with such a person is by being flexible. One of
the famous examples for situations where stubborn people resist people's desire to force
them to do things that they don't want to do is when you keep calling them while they're
busy with something to the extent that they may finish their task and decide to not answer
you or call you back; you may end up calling them forever that day!
 Big distance between front teeth: If the distance between the two front teeth is big in such
a way that there's a gap in between them then this means that this person may be a risk
taker. He may rush to buy something or to try something new. This person may not do all
the proper calculations before marching forward and so he may regret it later.

Face reading and the "i am not like that objection

People who are new to face reading usually respond with the "I am not like that objection"
and in fact they are right.

The problem that happens when someone tries to learn face reading for the first time is that
he doesn't put in mind that he must look at the complete picture all together instead of
singling out a certain facial feature.

For example, if i saw a person with a pointed chin i will put into consideration that he might
be stubborn but if i found that he has long pointed front teeth then i will be more confident
that he is stubborn.

Face Reading (personology) and Facial Lines

We are not born with facial lines; they are developed through our lives. Lines can reflect a
certain personality trait as we will see below:

 Two vertical lines between the eyes: This person is very hard on himself, he rarely takes time
to celebrate his achievements; he may push himself to work until he falls down.
 More than two vertical lines between the eyes: This person is usually very idealistic, he tends
to be a perfectionist; he wants everything to be done perfectly and everything to be in its
place. If that person is your manager, then you may be in deep trouble because meeting his
perfectionism could be very hard.
 Horizontal lines across the nose: Some people have horizontal lines crossing over the top of
their nose. These people are overly responsible; probably have been given lots of
responsibility when children. These people rarely think about having fun.
 Grief lines: Some people have two lines below their nose and on either sides of their mouth.
Those are called grief lines because they appear when that person is sad for prolonged
periods; a loss of someone close may result in the appearance of these lines.

Horizontal lines across the forehead

I am sure you met a person who has some horizontal lines on his forehead. Take a look at
Albert Einstein's pictures and you will get what i mean.

Some people claim that those lines are developed as a result of the brain activity that takes

Those who support this theory say that people develop these lines when they learn complex
skills and when their brain connections become well developed. In short if a person has these
lines you can assume that he is an intellect to a certain degree.

Face reading accuracy and practice

Face reading is not as easy as body language. Don't expect to read few articles then become a
professional face reader in few days. In order to master face reading you need to be a little

First begin by reading about the different facial features and their meanings. Next learn how
to recognize a certain facial feature. For example most people won't be aware of the different
types of noses or eye brows before they get introduced to face reading.

After you find yourself capable of recognizing these facial features well you should start
rereading the personality traits associated with the feature.

This will take sometime but if you persisted you will make it and you will be able to
recognize many personality traits during your first meetings.

Face Reading (personology): Cheek Bones

Have you ever noticed how Brad Pitt's or Mill Gibson's cheek bones protrude? People with
protruding cheek bones usually give the impression that they are adventures and brave.

Just as you might have already guessed Protruding cheek bones, in face reading, represents
courage and adventure loving.
A person with protruding cheek bones never escapes a fight; he is full of courage and has no
problems in taking risks or trying something new. He is not bound by a certain comfort zone
or definite habits but he just follows his instincts and accepts new challenges. This person
also loves to travel and explore new places.

Face reading important notes

Try to notice the kind of celebrities they choose to act in war films and you will discover that
most probably they pick someone with protruding cheek bones to be the hero.

Of course this doesn't mean that a person who doesn't have protruding check bones can't be
brave. As i said before, the presence of the facial feature asserts the presence of the
personality traits but the absence of the facial feature doesn't indicate the absence of the
personality trait.

Some people might have cheek bones that are covered by the fats on their faces. You should
take such a point into consideration before making any judgment.

Face reading and personality

I strongly believe that anyone can change his personality and become a better person. Don't
think that your face features can restrict you (for example by thinking that having no
protruding cheek bones means that you can't be brave).

While face reading can tell people's personalities with a high accuracy still this doesn't
contradict with the fact that you can change and become a much better person.

2knowmyself is, without doubt, the only complete source for face reading information on the
entire internet. If you dare challenge this statement, then check the 2knowmyself’s Face
reading section and you will discover it yourself. The book, How to make someone fall in
love with you, is one of releases; the book is to dramatically increase your
chances of having someone fall in love with you.

Face proportions
If you divided your face to three horizontal parts, you will find that one of the parts is
relatively larger than the other two parts. This dominant part can tell some information about
your personality and thinking style. The three parts are:

1) Upper part (Starting from the face up until the eyebrows)

2) Middle part (Starting from the eyebrows till the end of the nose)
3) Lower part (Starting from the nose tip till the chin)
How to read the face proportions?

As I mentioned before, a wide forehead indicates intelligence and a logical approach towards
problem solving. Thus, people with dominant upper parts will be more interested in facts and
logical thinking than others. You can call people like that thinkers and deal with him on the
basis of information and facts. Some people mistakenly think that a small upper area may be
an indication of low intelligence but this is completely untrue. A wide forehead shows that
the person is intelligent but a small forehead doesn’t mean that he is not.

People with dominant middle parts are ambitious. They strive to be better and to improve the
way their life is. Such people may sacrifice lots of things for the sake of reaching their goals
or making their dreams come true.

People with dominant lower parts may enjoy taking physical risks. You may find people from
this category to be boxers or wrestlers. These people are practical and like to see how your
ideas can fit in the real physical world rather than just hearing them.

Final words

Don’t limit your abilities or build false beliefs about them just because you have learned
something about yourself from face reading. The desire to change and the beliefs you have
are much more powerful than the effect of your facial features.

Eye depth
In face reading, eye depth refers to how deep the eyes are set in the face. Some people have
deep set eyes that are buried between their face bones while others have bulging eyes. By just
taking a look at the person’s side view you can easily recognize whether his eyes are deeply
set or bulging.

Deep set Eyes

Those with deep set eyes are observers by nature. They like to observe whatever is happening
and build conclusions about it. You may be talking to one of them while thinking that he's
listening to you when he's actually analyzing your words and testing their validity.

Bulging eyes

Those with bulging eyes are not as calm as those with deep set eyes. They may be very
energetic and like taking part in everything that they hear about. Ignore them and they will
hate you and probably be very offended and hurt.
Neither bulging nor deeply set

Those with eyes that are neither bulging nor deeply set have a balanced approach when it
comes to hearing about something new. They possess qualities that are intermediate between
those with bulging eyes and those having deeply set ones.

Combining facial features together

In order to get even better readings you should combine facial features together and look for
the resultant behaviour.

For example a person with bulging eyes and large lips may be much more talkative than a
person with deeply set eyes and large lips. The large lips in face reading shows that the
person is talkative but when combined with another trait such as the preference for watching
people from a distance then the desire for talking will be reduced.

If you want to get better results with face readings then you must look at the whole face and
not just one facial feature. Of course you can get good results when looking at individual
features but in some cases you might be wrong.

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