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Read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer and write it on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following illustrations shows a Reverse Faulting?

A. C.

B. D.

2. Which of the following correctly describes a fault?

A. It is the point inside Earth where an earthquake occurs
B. It is break in Earth’s crust along which movement has occurred
C. It is the point on Earth's surface directly above the earthquake focus
D. It is a break in Earth’s crust along which NO movement has occurred

3. What kind of fault will be the result when a rock breaks and is pulled away by a force wherein the
hanging wall sinks downwards relative to the footwall?
A. Normal Fault C. Oblique Slip Fault
B. Reverse Fault D. Strike Slip Fault

4. What will most likely occur if a tsunami is formed during an underwater earthquake?
A. There will be a movement of deep-ocean sediments.
B. There will be a severe destruction will occur in some coastal areas.
C. There will be NO destruction in places located near the origin of the earthquake.
D. There will be a decrease of sea level that will lead to an early high tide to coastal areas.

5. What happens when heat is added to a system?

A. Shear stress
B. Tensional stress
C. Compressive tress
D. Both Compressive and Tensional Stress

Address: Elpidio Quirino Avenue, Davao City

Telephone No.: (082) 2274726 – CID Office

6. You were asked to by your teacher to locate for the countries that have most active volcanoes and
are most prone to earthquakes and tsunamis. What body of water can you use to locate these
A. Indian Ocean C. Pacific Ocean
B. Atlantic Ocean D. Antarctic Ocean

7. Which of the following types of faults is created by tension?

A. Reverse C. Strike slip
B. Normal D. Transform

8. Which statement describes an active fault?

A. It can generate an earthquake. C. It can only be found in hills and mountains’ B. It cannot be seen
in the earth’s crust D. It cannot generate an earthquake for the next 10,000 years.

9. Where can you locate the focus with respect to the epicenter?
A. Directly above the epicenter C. Perpendicular to the epicenter
B. Directly below the epicenter D. In a point surrounding the epicenter

10. Which of the following, correctly defines magnitude?

A. The measure of energy released by an earthquake
B. The measure of the severity of damages that are caused by an earthquake
C. The point at where the rocks first break, and where the seismic waves originate
D. The point at the surface of the earth where most of the energy from the earthquake is

11. Which of the following statements is/are true about the

diagram of a fault on the right? I. Point A is the focus
II. Point A is the epicenter
III. Point B is the epicenter
IV. The diagram is a normal fault

A. I and III C. II and III

B. I and IV D. I, III and IV

12. Which statements correctly differ between the epicenter and focus of an earthquake? I.
Epicenter is the spot directly above the focus on the surface of the Earth.
II. Focus is the spot directly above the epicenter on the surface of the Earth.
III. Epicenter is the point within the earth where seismic waves of an earthquake originated.
IV. Focus is the point within the earth where seismic waves of an earthquake originated.

A. I and II C. II and III

B. I and IV D. III and IV

13. Suppose that you are having an apprenticeship under PHILVOLCS, and you are asked to assess
the intensity of an earthquake that recently occurred in your province. Which of the following do
you need to do to provide a correct assessment of the intensity of the said earthquake?
A. Look at the descriptions provided by the Richter Scale.
B. Check and analyze the data generated from the seismograph.

Address: Elpidio Quirino Avenue, Davao City

Telephone No.: (082) 2274726 – CID Office

C. Observe the severity damages caused by the occurrence of the earthquake

D. Interview the citizens and ask about the how strong the fear they felt during the earthquake

14. What layer of the Earth’s interior is theorized to be mostly made up of iron?
A. Crust C. Inner Core
B. Mantle D. Outer Core

15. What seismic wave can travel through the earth's core?
A. Only P-waves C. Only P-waves and S-waves
B. Only S-waves D. . Only P-waves and surface waves

16. Which of the following BEST describes the travel time of the body waves from the earthquake’s
focus to a seismic station?
A. S-waves travel faster than P-waves and take less time to reach the station.
B. P-waves travel faster than S-waves and take less time to reach the station.
C. S-waves travel slower than P-waves and take less time to reach the station.
D. P-waves travel slower than S-waves and take less time to reach the station.

17. Which of the following should you create if you want people to visualize a seismic wave using a
A. C.

B. D.

18. Which of the following statements correctly describes

conservation of energy in terms of heat engines?

A. C.

B. D.

Address: Elpidio Quirino Avenue, Davao City

Telephone No.: (082) 2274726 – CID Office

19. Which of the following is TRUE about the Earth’s interior in the study of seismic waves?
A. Earth’s Interior allows P ways and S ways to travel in the same speed.
B. Earth’s Interior has different layers and its inner core is said to be liquid.
C. Earth’s Interior is made up of layers with different thickness and densities.
D. Earth’s Interior are composed up of layers with uniform thickness and densities.

20. Which of the following DOES NOT characterize a typhoon?

A. Heavy rains C. Shaking of the ground
B. Strong winds D. Large ocean waves

21. What kind of air is an important component that encourages the formation of a typhoon?
A. Cold and dry air C. Warm and dry air
B. Cold and moist air D. Warm and moist air

22. Which of the following SHOULD BE AVOIDED DURING an occurrence of a typhoon?

A. Keep flashlights and radio in reach.
B. Check the house’s condition and make necessary repairs
C. Turn off main switch for utilities like water and electricity
D. Keep away from places that has potential danger like glass windows.

23. A tropical cyclone is about to enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility with an estimated wind
speed between 62-88 kph. In which tropical storm category can it be identified?
A. Typhoon C. Tropical depression
B. Tropical Storm D. Severe Tropical Storm

24. Which of the following is TRUE when a tropical cyclones or typhoon when it hits a landmass?
A. A. It is not affected. C. It changes direction
B. It loses its strength. D. It increases in strength.

25. What is the correct sequence of the following events to show how formation and development of

I. Cool dry air warms-up, moistens and will also start to rise.
II. Cool dry air from the surrounding high-pressure area, moves toward the low-pressure area.
III. The warm ocean water heats up the air above it, and the rising warm air causes a formation
of low-pressure area below it.
IV. As air continues to warm and rise, air from the surrounding takes its place. Condensation will

Address: Elpidio Quirino Avenue, Davao City

Telephone No.: (082) 2274726 – CID Office

take place as air cools forming thunderclouds.

V. As condensation gives off heat making the warm air around to rise while cool dry air sink.
The cloud and wind will rotate faster and faster forming an eye at the center.

A. I, II, III, IV, V C. II, III, I, V, IV

B. III, II, I, IV, V D. IV, III, II, I, V

26. Which of the following statements is/are the things that you need to do BEFORE a Typhoon with a
storm signal number IV is raised in your city?
I. Check and strengthen the condition of your home
II. Evacuate immediately if you are living near coastal areas.
III.Prepare medicine, food, water, and clothes in case of evacuation

A. I and II C. II and III

B. I and III D. I, II, and III

27. Where does tropical cyclones that enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility form?
A. Indian Ocean C. Pacific Ocean
B. Atlantic Ocean D. Antarctic Ocean

For items 28-30

Refer to the Track of Typhoon Ompong to answer the questions on items 28-30

28. Based on the projected track of typhoon Ompong from PAG-ASA last 2018, on what date did
PAGASA predict it to reach the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR)?
A. September 12, 2018 C. September 13, 2018
B. September 13, 2018 D. September 14, 2018

29. What part of the Philippines did typhoon Ompong had its landfall?

Address: Elpidio Quirino Avenue, Davao City

Telephone No.: (082) 2274726 – CID Office

A. Luzon C. Mindanao
B. Visayas D. It did not have any landfall

30. Looking further at the projected track of Typhoon Ompong, which country will it reach next?
A. Japan C. Borneo
B. China D. Taiwan

For Items 31-33 Use the map provided answer the

questions on the following items

31. Which of the following coordinates DO NOT fall

within the Philippine Area of Responsibility

A. 21°North, 125°East
B. 22°North, 131°East
C. 23°North, 122° East
D. 24°North, 118°East

32. Which of the following coordinates is located

within the Philippine Area of Responsibility

A. 4° North, 128° East

B. 10°North, 125° East C. 20° North,
115°East D. 25°North, 117° East

33. Which of the following statements is TRUE if a typhoon was located at the 22°North, 119°East
A. The typhoon entered the PAR C. The typhoon is inside the PAR
B. The typhoon exited the PAR D. The typhoon reached Mainland China

34. Between what planets can asteroid belt be found?

A. Earth and Mars C. Jupiter and Mars
B. Earth and Venus D. Neptune and Pluto

35. Which of the following is TRUE about comets?

A. They are composed of dust, rock, and ice.
B. They are old stars that had fallen out of its orbit
C. They give bad omens of an impending war, famine, and pestilence.
D. They are big chunks of rocks that are found between Mars and Jupiter

Address: Elpidio Quirino Avenue, Davao City

Telephone No.: (082) 2274726 – CID Office

36. Which of the following statements correctly compares a comet and an asteroid?
A. Comet exhibits a tail awhile an asteroid does not.
B. Comet and asteroid are both from the Kuiper Belt.
C. Comet is faster to complete its orbital period than an asteroid.
D. Comet and asteroid are both made up of solid piece of dirty ice.

37. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about comets and asteroids?
A. Comets are often smaller than asteroids
B. Comets and asteroids come from different origin
C. Comets have shorter orbital period than asteroids
D. Both comets and asteroids have irregular and varied shapes

38. Looking at the illustration on the right, which of the following

terms can best be used on the said Near-Earth Object (NEO)?

A. Meteor
B. Meteorite
C. Meteoroid
D. Any of the terms above.

Refer on the table to answer the questions on items 39-40

39. Looking at the table, which of the two can create a bigger impact if it hits our planet?
A. A comet can create a bigger impact because of its size
B. An asteroid can create a bigger impact because of its size
C. Both comet and asteroid have the same impact if it hits Earth.
D. Not enough data to tell which of the two can create a bigger impact.

40. Looking at the table, which of the two can create a bigger impact if it hits our planet?
A. Comets are larger than asteroids in terms of size.
B. Comets takes a shorter cycle of orbit than asteroids.
C. Asteroids can be observed more often than comets in the night sky.
D. Asteroids and comets both originate from the same part of the solar system.

Address: Elpidio Quirino Avenue, Davao City

Telephone No.: (082) 2274726 – CID Office

1A 11 D 21 D 31 D
2B 12 B 22 B 32 B
3A 13 C 23 D 33 B
4B 14 C 24 B 34 C
5A 15 A 25 B 35 A
6C 16 B 26 D 36 A
7B 17 C 27 C 37 B
8A 18 C 28 C 38 B
9B 19 C 29 C 39 B
10 A 20 C 30 C 40 C

Address: Elpidio Quirino Avenue, Davao City

Telephone No.: (082) 2274726 – CID Office

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