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MY GRANDPA everything is peppered with fiction writers.

Grandpa kept
By Kenazhafir telling him to always read those people's fiction, more than
one or even two. As much as I can so that I fully understand
the situation from various perspectives. Of all those words,
CHAPTER ONE pictures can explain without having to imagine.
Grandpa and his heroic story While crossing the Strait of Malacca, on a very large
cargo ship, Grandpa bought an Asahiflex IIB camera. The first
Harymurty was my grandfather, a spice trader who had SLR camera was produced by the Japanese. Not easy to buy.
been traveling from one island to another since 1975. At that Grandpa told how his great-grandfather refused to buy the
time he was about 18 years old (his grandfather was born in camera, considering that no one had ever lived with such
1957), following his great-grandfather who was also a spice expensive lens box objects in the village, and they lived
trader. anyway. Hary is apart from the reality of oppressive
Grandpa always told me a lot of things. Since his companies that take the people's rights above the regulations
spiritual experience in Jeddah, while performing the that in fact enforce them.
pilgrimage, grandfather often told stories of exemplary One afternoon on the deck of the ship, grandfather
prophets and apostles, but what I liked the most were the returned to the Japanese man with a thin mustache that was
stories of the sea and the islands he visited. twisted at the end. The Japanese were sunbathing, roasting
What is history? his very white skin.
How do we know history really happened when we are "You again," he grumbled.
not historical doers? "I'm Hary" Grandpa was silent for a while "next time
Grandpa used to say that a long time ago. He did not when you meet me, it's better to just use my name"
believe in what people wrote about the past. He said

The Japanese raised his forehead, looked at Grandpa "The camera can take pictures, faster and
with a probing gaze from up and down, and then looked away. instantaneously than the camera in the governor's office and
"What…" can be taken anywhere"
"Go away. You can't afford my camera." "Why do you want the camera?"
Grandpa gritted his teeth. In his village, he was highly Grandpa was silent. He knew the answer didn't answer
valued, at least by his father. Only this time someone the great-grandfather's question at all.
underestimated him "what ..." fists clenched to the maximum, "Hary why do you want the camera?"
ready to give the Japanese person's thin cheeks. “I… I want to give a look at the Dutch children who
"Hary" great-grandfather called out to him from the top always mock our family. They always mock our poor family”
floor of the deck. Great-grandfather sighed.
I hate this part of the story. "Hary, if you buy that camera, will that company noble
***** kid at your school stop talking about our family?”
The thick rattan again slapped grandfather's “…. I don't know, sir. But they must have been
gastrocnemius (calf) "How many times have you told me not impressed.”
to go near the Japanese" "Now, does it all matter?" Grandpa was silent.
Grandpa was silent, holding back his screams. "Now you lie in bed," the great-grandfather ordered.
“You want to buy luxury goods from Japanese people Grandpa then lay on his stomach with his feet starting to
that make our brother miserable. Where is your mind?” great- feel sore.
grandfather was so furious. Grandfather recalled there were ******
two hundred lashes until the calf flesh was exposed. My Great-grandfather left the room for a while and then
"I want the camera, sir." came back in. In his hand, he holds an aluminum plate
"Why do you want the camera?" containing aloe vera and pacakke' leaves (a kind of fever-

reducing herb). The great-grandfather began to put the below. It is better to appoint compatriots so that we do not
contents of the aloe vera leaf, the now-priced gel on the need recognition. We acknowledge ourselves."
former lashes.
"Hary" After returning from the cruise, one evening before dusk,
"Yes sir" grandfather found the asahiflex IIB camera he was after on his
"Have you read the multilingual book?" bed, covered in a holster. Grandpa knows his father bought it
"Yes sir. I've repeated three times" for him. He then ran out of the room, around the deck looking
"Do you realize how our nation is tormented?" for his father figure.
"Yes sir" "Thank you, sir"
"Good" Great-grandfather smiled.
Great-grandfather was silent. After finishing Grandpa then ran to the edge of the ship, holding on to
grandfather's calf treatment, he spoke again. His tone was the white painted iron handle, capturing 47 seconds of the
calm, truly reflecting his wise nature. That's what Grandpa twilight of the Strait of Malacca.
said. ……..First photo.
"We are a big nation, Hary. Other nations are very fond *****
of the fertility of the land, the wealth of the sea, and our Around 2001, I was 4 years old when I sat on the
spices. But many of our brothers and sisters are suffering in veranda of the house. It was the afternoon. Grandpa just
our rich country, a land favored by foreign nations. It is said to returned from offering Asr prayers at the mosque using a
be independent, but rice is still difficult. You planted this in legendary Honda motorcycle from the early 90's.
your head well. It is more important to please the countrymen "This is the first photo, isn't it?" I said, holding up a
than to impress the people. Impressing them just shows us photo that had a slightly ragged edge. Photograph of the

horizon, in fading orange. 50:50 sea and sky, with a few He opened it, then the photos began to tell a story.
immortalized ship armor. *****
"Why is the camera so scratched? Didn't grandpa say
always take good care?"
"The camera has witnessed the history of grandfather
and great-grandfather"
"Grandfather chased the rebels to the mountain"
"Is that true?"
"Yes. This camera can tell the story.”
Grandpa put me in another chair. He walked in and out
with a black velvet cover album with beautiful gold writing. The
papers looked tattered from the outside.
"This is an album that Grandpa has never shown
anyone else"
"this is a secret album"
"Then why did Grandpa show the album to Nas?"
"Because you love Bejo so much, Grandpa wants to
give Bejo to Nas. But before that you have to see this first."

"Look!" the man with the twisted thin mustache
shouted, standing up on the wooden fairy he had used as an
impromptu stage.
CHAPTER TWO After several people stood curiously in front of him, he
42 days continued his words "you are very lucky to be witnesses who
see the first SLR camera in the world!" he cheers, carefully
Today is a really beautiful, but unlucky day. removing me like I'm a treasure (what a show).
I (asahiflax IIB camera) is the first SLR camera The sunlight of the Malacca Straits hit me completely.
produced by Asahi Optical Corporation. Technology is Everyone looked at me wondering, probing the greatness of
developing rapidly, and I'm proud to be one of the first. First, the “world's first”.
the initial number is hard to forget, always remember. That's This Japanese man is very good at speaking Malay.
why all on earth try to be the first. With his Japanese accent, he explained everything in the
I was made in a mechanical factory in Japan. Then it Japanese manual about me. A young boy, the youngest I saw
was marketed at auction, and bought by a man with a thin in the crowd looked interested. He kept looking at me then
mustache and thick, distinctive clothing. It's not that clean. raised his hand "how much is it?"
Just imagine, I was put in her leather tote bag, along with half The people fell silent, looking at him fixedly. The young
banana peels and expensive Moroccan cigars. man wasn't wearing royalty attire, more like a ship's worker.
This morning I boarded a cargo ship to an unknown Black rubber sandals with feet so dirty. I don't want to talk
island, still in this filthy bag, only peeping from the slightly about her clothes. Obviously not someone who can buy me.
open zipper. The ship wasn't that crowded, it wasn't a luxury The Japanese smiled sarcastically "where are you
passenger ship anyway. Only filled with containers, mostly from?"
maroon. "I am Indonesian"

“The price is 85,000 in rupiah” about an hour when the ship returned to the island of
The young man fell silent. People muttered in awe of Sulawesi, then I was transferred. To a room on a ship smaller
the nominal, while the Japanese man smiled cynically. than my previous owner's ship. I was then wrapped in a
How could this young man buy it, I thought, but sarong. Everything is dark. I heard the bedroom door opened
something shone in his eyes, as if he had to have me (a and closed, then everything was silent.
camera) that maybe the man didn't know how to use it. Not long after, the bedroom door opened again. The
The day after, the ship docked at the port of Sandakan, shadow of a person is seen standing in front of me. A different
Malaysia. Not a long stop, just a short stop. The Japanese person, shorter than my thief earlier. He opened my cover.
man dismounted, following behind several people dressed as That man!
runners. The young Indonesian guy who asked my price
“Bloody!!” someone from the opposite direction seemed yesterday. I see the lens of his life shining, again and maybe
to rush into the Japanese man's shoulder rather hard. His face for a long time to come. Really light. Very surprised to see
sunk into his hat halfway. where I am at the same time happy not to play. He
"Sorry" the man bowed and then rushed to the ship. immediately ran at full speed, looking for someone.
Unlucky. "Thank you sir"
The man was not in a hurry, but on purpose. A moment As I thought, the man who stole me was someone he
and I'm hidden in a thick hemp gray suit. called father. What a shame to see this child's smile. Even
Hufft… what can I do. I'm just a human thing. Can't though I'm stolen goods.
fight at all. Unfortunate is the fate of the Japanese man. He then ran to the side of the ship. Pressing the on
***** button. OK I'm impressed. He then captured the 47-second
Until this cargo ship departed there was no sign of the sunset of the Malacca sea in a pretty good picture.
Japanese. I was still hidden in his clothes for quite some time. ******

That night, the young man I know named Hary, instead
of sleeping like his father in the next bed, was actually busy
looking at every side of me – his new camera, who knows
how many times. The cloth sheath used to be used as a rag.
He rubbed my black and copper leather hard case. From the
look in his eyes, it was clear that he really liked his new item.
"Wait until mamak and little sister see you" he smiled,
showing a row of neatly arranged teeth "what do you want me
to name you?"
"Hmmm" he thought. Quite loud, sometimes scratching
his head.
“Bejo? Bejo is Javanese which means profit. Isn't that
good?" he saw me, immediately in the lens. This young man
engaged me in conversation as if I could respond. A little
"Ha ha ha! Start

alleys which were occupied by piles of chicken coops on
either side.
They arrived.
They entered through the back door, straight into the
CHAPTER THREE kitchen "Assalamualaikum!" the father of the Hary greets
Go home again. A fat man wearing only a singlet looks hastily from the
front while repairing his scabbard.
42 days on the cargo ship, we finally arrived at the port "Waalaikum salam!" His face was immediately happy to
of paotere'. The father and son got off with most of the see Hary and his father "Kak Simba!" he shouted, running to
passengers. The ship's workers carried the medium-sized hug the Hary father.
containers after us. Hary hangs me around his neck, using the "When did you guys arrive?"
leather camera bag he made on the ship. He made it to my “From the harbor straight here”
size. Really good man. "Ooh. Sit down first" he then invited Hary and his father
From the biggest port of Ujung Pandang, we took the sat at the dining table "mother!! There are Sis Simba and
city transportation to Daya. We got off after the city Hary!” he shouted. Not long after, a middle-aged woman
transportation arrived at the Daya market. Hary and his father wearing a batik-patterned negligee came out of the same
passed through the crowds of people who were busy doing room where the fat man had left earlier.
buying and selling transactions with each carrying a backpack "Wow! Long time no see, Mas Simba!” he cried,
and two carrying bags in each hand. running to kiss the hand. His accent was completely different
"Assalamualaikum!" they entered a stone house which from that of Hary, his father, and the fat man. More docked.
was quite confusingly located. Inside the market, they passed "Wait for me to make dinner"
the vegetable vendor's section, then passed through narrow "How are you sis?" open that fat man

"Yes, this is it Ardi." "Not a government person, sis" I faintly heard their
"Hehehe. This is how good you are. What are we who conversation.
only live from vegetables sent from the village?” "I'm so confused. How come the land that is used is
"Don't underestimate vegetables, Ardi. After all, from fertile so it is claimed for reclamation,” he continued.
vegetables, your eldest son has gone to PGRI, you have a "Not a government person?"
stone house, you eat three times a day" "No! I don't know which person he is. A rich
"Hahaha, you can. It's just that recently something has conglomerate, his face is somewhat Japanese. The other day
been bothering us as a family." he came here, he said he wanted to buy our garden at Bailing
"What's that?" for 500 rupiah per meter!” he exclaimed.
“Land grabbing” Hearing Ardi's confession, Hary's father looked angry.
Hearing this, the Hary father's face looked less than "Do not want!"
happy. "Hary" “Yes, but yesterday was the last warning. He wants to
"Yes sir" take thugs."
"You play in the family room first, father and uncle Ardi I didn't hear their conversation after that. Hary, who
want to talk first" was tired of reading, decided to go around the house. He went
The Hary just obeyed. He stood up and walked into the up to the second floor so I didn't hear their next conversation.
living room which was connected to the kitchen, two bedroom There are no partitions on the second floor.
doors, a bathroom and stairs to the second floor. Immediately one room was used as a room by the cousin of
Hary sat on one of the chairs, reading any date Ardi's wife. Hary opened the window, amazed to see the view
newspaper at the table while the people in the kitchen told of the developing city, especially the market. He immediately
stories excitedly. snapped some photos.
His voice even reached my ears. "I'll print it later in the governorate," he said slowly.

After the actual lunch that afternoon, Hary suggested Actually the village is this.
that the three of them take a photo. Ardi's Javanese wife was ******
shocked, amazed to see me, a sophisticated and sleek
camera they had never seen before.
They took pictures at the dining table with the plates
they used to eat on the table. Hary's father sat on the far left,
Ardi in the middle and his wife on the right. They smiled at the
same time, awkwardly. Maybe it's never been photographed.
Fifth photo.
They stayed only one day. After filling a few bottles of
water, they took a mini bus from Ujung Pandang to Belopa,
Luwu. There are no significant obstacles. After a day and
night on a mini bus, they finally arrived in Belopa. Followed by
walking for a day to reach their house, Tumbu Bara, West
It was my first time seeing so many trees. Rumah Hary
has a stone foundation with wooden walls. Cement floor, with
a large yard filled with bushes and yellow flowers.
I didn't really know, until Hary aimed my lens at the big
river which was right next to the house. Really beautiful, really

complete stop. He then jumped from the bicycle and
immediately the group approached him.
"Help us sis!" one mother exclaimed. Her face that
CHAPTER FOUR looked tired from working all day in the fields was filled with
Brave Simba tears.
"If we sell our land, where do we work, Simba,"
Ardi and Bapak Si Hary's conversation did not end at continued a farmer.
Ujung Pandang. After two days since arriving home, in the "Just a minute, my brothers. Where are these
afternoon Hary's father came into Hary's room, took me conglomerates who go around buying land that isn't for sale?”
roughly who was then placed at the head of the bed. Simba shouted fiercely. I truly acknowledge his bravery.
"Why this person?" I thought. Several large local people who seemed to work for the
He immediately got on his bicycle by wrapping me conglomerate's eyes widened in unison.
around my neck, just the way Hary takes me everywhere. "Wow..well...well...look who's coming?" the man came
The bicycle moved quickly out of the countryside out of there. Short skinny body. Wearing gold rimmed glasses,
towards an open field planted with some vegetables. From a a suit with a colored satin shirt inside.
distance I saw several people gathered. "What do you mean?" Simba is really brave!. He got
I suddenly remembered Hary "surely Hary was straight to the point as soon as he saw his opponent appear
surprised to see that I had disappeared from the place earlier" from behind the burly bodyguards.
****** "What do you mean?"
"Gentlemen!! Moms!!" Simba, Hary's father, “Farmers here don't want to sell their land. Don't force
immediately shouted loudly, even before his bike came to a it!”

The conglomerate smiled lightly “I never push. I'm just “Brothers, if they threaten or do something against your
saying that I will use violence if the farmers refuse." land, just report it to our government! We are the people, our
“Fuck!!” Simba screamed loudly. All the farmers without independence is protected and guaranteed by the state!”
being told to stand behind him, while the conglomerate's That's how it was that afternoon. Afternoon of a brave
bodyguards immediately put on their horses. Simba.
“Why are we being threatened over our own ******
possessions!?” he shouted fiercely. At night, Hary's mother was going back and forth
Simba turned to face the farmers "this is our father's preparing the dinner table while I was placed on top of a tin in
land, the legacy of our parents. Our right, ours” he paused, the spice cupboard, so that she would always be within Hary's
then continued “we are free over our land!!” he then sight. Hary just kept on rambling about his disappointment
exclaimed. with the father who took me without his knowledge. He kept
A rare sight, but the role of the initiator is extraordinary. on babbling while carrying his three younger siblings who
The farmers who had lowered their eyes, looked helpless and were still under four sitting on a long bench made of old
only cried now changed. They raised their eyes, challenging coconut tree trunks.
those who wanted to usurp their rights, looking full of protest. As soon as his father came home from the mosque
"We are independent on our own. Whether we want to after the maghrib prayer, he immediately grumbled nonstop.
sell or not is up to us. We don't like you, we don't like you!” "Where were you this afternoon? Took Bejo without
He then continued "once again you threaten us, we will telling him first. I was like crazy. I thought Bejo was stolen”
report it to the government!" I already guessed. I thought.
Simba finished speaking. He felt like he was trying to "Bejo who?"
balance his breath going up and down. "My camera anyway"
“Owalah… hahahaha” Mr. Hary laughed at that.

The Hary manyun. His brows furrowed. Simba smiled happily “Hary, take a picture first, son.
"Earlier, you went to the land that you want to turn into Ha ha ha"
a golf course," he said casually. "I'm with you sir!" Hary's mother shouted from the
"Why there, sir?" Hary's mother commented pitifully kitchen, running to the dining table carrying a bowl of sautéed
from the kitchen. fern.
"It's time to shut up ma'am" Hary rose from his chair. He took me carefully and
"Yes, but don't get too involved, sir. We are just began to direct the style of the father, mother and three
ordinary people” younger siblings "mother is closer to father. Smile, Mom, Dek”
“Well, we are ordinary people but we have human "One two three"
rights, ma'am. Who wants their livelihood field to be bought for Sixth photo
500 silver per square meter?” I see a great family in the midst of simplicity. They are
"Yes sir .." Hary's mother seemed to give up. Her so humble, brave, kind, can't even be described in those
husband is stubborn. words.
“Take it easy, ma'am” ******
Hary then spoke up "then why did you bring the Bejo?" They talked about things in the living room after dinner.
“This afternoon someone reported that they were The Hary family is pretty lucky, as the name suggests. While
bringing thugs with them. If there is violence, I want you to not many houses have electricity, Hary's house is one of the
take a photo and report it to the police." lucky ones. Prosper put me at the head of his bed after
Simba, Mr. Hary is not only brave but also smart. dinner, so I only heard faintly the family's lighthearted
“Father, Eni wants to be photographed” conversation.
“Rani too, sir” About two hours later Hary came into the room. He
immediately took off his shirt and got ready for bed.

I thought the day was done. But not. In the middle of "Thank God, Bejo." He smiled with satisfaction "for
the night when the sound of crickets somehow sounded so there were no flashes of light like the big camera in the office
loud, Hary's bedroom door opened slowly. Very slowly, a near the governorate" he added.
creaking sound came from the old door's hinges. He was stealthy, walking but barely crawling, hoping
Half-settled, Simba enters. He made sure that Hary that the meter-tall bushes that separated the fields from the
was soundly asleep then took me carefully and got out of rocky path would hide his presence. He looked around. These
there without making a sound. depraved people destroy valuable crops that are the source of
One more adventure. livelihood for some residents in their villages.
****** Simba gritted his teeth. He then took me. Pressing the
Simba pedaled his bicycle in the middle of the night, on button then getting ready to target the evil behavior of
with me around his neck. The air at the foot of Mount those people and make it the most sophisticated evidence to
Lantimojong is the coldest at night. He parked his bicycle very prosecute them in the eyes of the law.
carefully under a giant ketapang tree not far from where his One. photos of burly workers paid for by the
heroic action was this afternoon. From this place I can see conglomerate were throwing knives and hoes everywhere,
several people with flashlights on their heads doing something destroying the hard work of farmers.
in the fields of the farmers. After taking enough evidence, he then sneaked into the
And this is not good. warehouse with the lights on. A clapboard shed with two
Simba turned on his flashlight surreptitiously. He shone makeshift windows. The building has a roof of sago leaves
it on me, making sure he pressed the right buttons. He then and no ceiling so that the light can be seen clearly from the
checked the results of the photos. Good. outside.
Simba immediately took steps. He crawled so fast
toward the back of the warehouse.

"Oh my god" he tried to regulate his breath as soon as It's still at the beginning of the development era, but the
he arrived at a place that he thought was safe. price of life is not worth the land that will be built for a golf
Simba then looked for a gap to peek inside. Luckily, course, who knows who wants that. Inside, there were six
Simba found a crack in a weathered wooden wall that had farmers tied up with blunt force blows all over their bodies,
been eaten by termites with fungus growing on its surface. He especially on their faces. They sat leaning against each
inserted his finger into the small gap and the gap immediately other's backs.
widened without the need for extra effort. A suitable slit to put Simba was crying. I know that, because her tears fell
my lens in there. on me.
But before he took some pictures, Simba first looked “Bbbrrr” the sound of a car starting up in the warehouse
inside. I don't know what he saw, but he must have been startled Simba who had been stalking them earlier.
really displeased. I saw that his face was slightly exposed to "Where are they going?" he whispered.
the light, and Simba looked like Simba. ready to pounce. Those people rudely forced the farmers to get into the
His chest was rising and falling with anger. If something red deer sedan that is often found on city streets. Looks like
like me could feel fear, this might be it. they're going to take those guys somewhere. Bad news.
After his emotions subsided, Simba pointed my lens at Simba gets ready. He slipped out, back to where his
the hole he made earlier. bike was parked. Confused what to do "how can I follow them
Good grief. without being caught?"
Simba's hands shook. He tried to press the photo "Where are those evil people taking my brothers and
button even though the picture was not very good. Two, three, sisters?" Simba was completely agitated.
four, five photos. “Bbbbrrr” the sound of the car's engine broke the
Crazy. silence of the village at night. He came out of the barn about
two minutes after Simba got ready on his bike. The car then

drove along the country road, but not towards the city, but *****
further into the village, towards a dead end (mountain). That night Simba returned home. His eyes were filled
“Oh my god” Simba whispered. Dead end means a bad with determination to save those farmers. When I got home,
omen. The people who were kidnapped and taken there never Simba put me back where I belonged. He then sat on the
came back. Most were buried without grave marks. edge of Hary's bed, staring at the face of his eldest son who
Simba was completely confused. If he had followed was fast asleep.
them, he would have been caught in the rearview mirror. If he Her tears fell "you have to be able to take care of your
keeps trying to catch up, he doesn't know how many hundreds mother and younger siblings, Hary."
of meters of power he will chase after the speed of the ******
motorized car. Hary wakes up before the sun greets from the eastern
If chased now means dead. horizon. After performing the morning prayer, he immediately
Simba drowned in tears. The evidence I preserved was left the room. He left me, so all I saw were the wooden walls
enough to put them in jail, but not to save the farmers. His around the room. It wasn't long before I heard people in the
head was bowed, staring at the main street of his village. living room talking in high tones.
“Wait a moment” a glimmer of hope appeared. "Father don't go, sir!"
He then half crouched, watching the village streets. "You have to, Prosper. How do the farmers feel? His
The road is mostly yellow dirt which is quite slippery because family? From last night until this morning you feel so guilty that
it's the rainy season. But not the dirt, but the rather large tire you couldn't save them last night!”
tracks printed on it. "But you don't think about mom? Mother is crying, sir!”
“There are never any traces of car tires on the streets The sound of screaming from the living room made
of this village” his eyes twinkled “maybe I can save them after sure Simba and Hary checked. It seems that Hary strongly
morning” refused his father's decision.

Simba fell silent. The people in the room were silent. It turned out that this family fuss not only caught my
“At least let me come along, sir” attention, but that of several neighbors as well. Those who
"Not! You should stay here with your mother." don't know since when have gathered on the terrace of Hary's
Simba's wife, who had been sobbing earlier, finally house. You could see tears running down those tired faces.
joined in, "Why don't you just report it to the police? Let them "For heaven's sake I will be responsible for you. But for
handle it, sir. We are just ordinary people, just a family of God's sake, I won't be able to spend the rest of my life with
traders” the woman then continued “we do have human rights, you guys if I don't chase those lecherous people now, Lai”
sir. I know very well. But you also have obligations. Me and Simba cried.
your children are not Hary's dependents, but you, sir. God, if "Hary, my eldest son, my only son. Bejo has
the worst thing ever happened to you, I wouldn't be able to perpetuated their heinous act last night. After Duha prayer,
live, no. In that second, I will die." you have to go to the police station. Report them with bejo”
The room fell silent again. "I..yes sir"
Then Simba opened the door to Hary's room. He took Simba held his wife's cheeks that were bowed down
me and left. "You look outside, Lai. Those who stood crying were the
"Please, sir," persuaded the wife. families of the farmers who were kidnapped last night. How
Simba handed me over to Hary. I saw the expression can I let our brother cry without doing anything? That's the
on the young man's face was so confused. Simba didn't same as telling me to die, Lai."
explain anything. He then knelt in front of his wife. "The sky is overcast outside. It's going to rain soon. If I
“Forgive your husband, Lai” don't trace the tracks of the car tires, the rain will wash them
Lai, Simba's wife immediately knelt in front of her away, Lai. Of course after Hary takes Bejo to the police, the
husband "astagfirullah" state apparatus will definitely follow me and the farmers to the
mountains," he continued.

“God always takes care of our family, this village” headed straight to the city. After a day of walking, he finally
Simba's wife's cries began to subside. arrived when the evening call to prayer reverberated. They
"May you come home safely, sir" stayed at an acquaintance's house and the next morning he
Simba finally got his wife's permission "God willing" a went straight to work.
relieved smile graced his face. Hary prints the photo Simba shot the other day and
A man from the crowd outside spoke up "Simba goes straight to the police station. After his business was
brother, let me come to a dead end" finished, that afternoon he immediately returned to the village.
"Pak Djamaluddin?" *****
"Me too simba simba" continued another man. Around noon Hary returned to the village. Luckily, the
Simba's smile is even more "Alhamdulillah" photo evidence could be printed so I didn't have to turn it over
****** to the police.
Accompanied by the light rain that started to fall, the Days passed. Four days since the departure of the
five village youths finally started to follow the village's main group of village youths, there has been no sign of the police.
road to the dead end, at the foot of Mount Lantimojong. The people in the village are waiting anxiously. There was no
Accompanied by the prayers of the villagers too, they spread sign of the village youths returning, and the police from the
sincere smiles, then accompanied by their respective good city were nowhere to be seen.
intentions, they finally disappeared among the forest trees. Every morning until evening Hary waits full of
That day the ones who went to look for the farmers exasperation. He was back and forth around the yard while
were Simba, Djamaluddin, Faizal, Jibran and Aminuddin. All holding me constantly.
of them are villagers and all five of them work as traders. Then on the seventh day since his father left, Hary
According to his father's orders, after performing the climbed onto a ketapang tree near his house. Its size is very
Duha prayer, Hary, accompanied by one of the village men, large, with a height of about eight meters. He saw the twilight

that reminded him of the Straits of Malacca when his father This morning rain splatter down . Sky cloudy , as if sun
taught him the most important thing about life. Principles of a already ready sunset .
man. Her mother cry sad , moderate Hary kneel in front of
Hary again asked me to talk “do you remember Bejo? him . Keep it up caress hair smacking son the only one , si the
The first photo I took when I was on the ship first. sunset eldest . Not there is ban for go followed the father. Already a
photo” week since departure her husband , and Lai so afraid troops
Hary sighed "tomorrow if the police haven't arrived, and police that too late . Possible he no think clear moment
you haven't come home, we will follow them to a dead end" he prepare supplies for son , maybe neither does he think clear
muttered. moment see back her son disappear behind trees forest . Like
The corners of his lips trembled. Dreams of bad things the wind that carries go away fear , Lai sama very no against
that happened to his father must have haunted him. Hary then Hary departure . He as if know her son will back , hunch so .
took a few deep breaths. After feeling calm enough, he began ******
directing me to aim at the sunset phenomenon. it sets the Hary followed Street village going to forest . The
focus of the camera. His hands were more skilled than I could longer, the streets the more uphill . The rocks are also getting
remember. bigger big , sign no so many have passed there .
Just before the 47 seconds of dusk ended, Hary "Father..." he muttered .
managed to capture another beautiful photo, full of memories. Hary to the end street village an hour then . Leaves dry
Twelfth photo from tree chocolate and some tree jackfruit meet all soil ,
****** decomposed as per the rules nature _ Hary confused , no
know should choose which way North, or west, maybe even
Chapter Five: Into Deadlock east .
"Father" he mumbled again .

Moment that I felt Hary 's tears wet my hard case . “ Thank goodness ” I thought .
Truly poor . Hary shaking , all over body . Her body fall , kneel Hary view around , trying find instruction where to the
to soil then cry like baby there . father went . Not far from there he find tree wild jackfruit with
"Father!!!" her cry more big . Something is holding back stem diameter a meter, maybe his age about 80 to one
since departure heroic his father finally come out too, the hundred years , maybe even more . The trunk be marked form
burden that must be borne a eldest son . visible cross _ still new . That sign who knows made by his
Rain subside , along his growing cry . father , or criminals it was , but Hary did not care . He direct
I can feel ray sun start sweep leaves , branches tree , going to direction north , increasingly into the forest .
then warm Hary who fell down , crying cold . ******
His cry calmed down for a while , that 's it something Already three hours of Hary in the forest . He find the
that glows shining his eyes Reflection ray Sun exactly about more many the same sign in several the tree he passed .
it , originated from come back check such a bush dense and Possible eight , also the terrain is getting going up and getting
unknown trees _ why the branch inclined in the direction of steep .
check said . " Voice flow river " he muttered . It is stop for a while
Hary rose , immediately running in the direction of the From a distance he saw one tree by mark the same cross , is
bush located in the north . right below _ hill _ Meanwhile his ears found voice water flow
“ Told car father !" he exclaimed . Hary eyes enlarge , though no so near , and the flow of water no below hill there _
see car deer hidden red _ behind bushes . If no because god , "I'm thirsty . Possible I to the waterfall first , fill
prosper certain still sitting slumped , broken up hope . Now supplies . How Bejo ?"
already no . Agreed ! If Hary truly can hear me .
He direct wiping the snot already pass chin with long We are getting up Hill going to direction east in
sleeves . _ accordance genuine compass _ just now around the wrist

Hary hand . Around two hours walk with a little climb , Prosper hideaway car deer the red he saw morning that , Hary build
at last arrived at the water source , in the form of a little the shelter in between bushes lush . He use twigs as the roof ,
upstream protruding out . Prosper arrived at the top normal then cover it up with the branches tree chopped fresh leaves .
cliff _ see from window his room . This is upstream , the Hary gathers dry branches , as well as scattered leaves
source of the waterfall taste , the waterfall that is in his where course . He pile up leaves dry it 's inside shelter , use it
village , the place play during child until now . as mattress . Hary then coat mattress the leaves with the batik
Now Hary is standing on top of the waterfall that . sarong that he puts in his supply bag , while the dry twigs he
****** collects made ingredient for make fire bonfire .
After fill in bottles his supplies , he too return to point Preparation night that finally finished . After two hours
earlier , come back follow tree marked cross , trail someone of fighting with the benefits provided god in nature , he finally
who does n't know who . can sit inside the shelter . After take a number of fruit wild
and more Hary come in into Forest took me by the banana tree , ia fulfill pray sunset after dawn sink , then eat
neck . It is down hill , past come back climbing in the direction banana dish as eat the night . Hary burn two fruit , then the
of north _ It is pass through the roots plant , hold on at him rest eaten raw .
then continue climbing _ Land around here quite smooth and Day start dark . He waiting an hour and a half for
even once no rocky _ Almost all of it overgrown tall wild ensure time pray yes , then fulfill pray and get ready end day it
grass , also bushes that are united . . After fulfill pray yes , he then turn off fire the bed and direct
Climb with busy hands of Hary clear bushes with fall asleep not long after .
machete ( sword typical of Sulawesi) in hand . Climb on and Today _ for sure like that heavy for him .
on climb up _ late afternoon say hello . ******
After find pretty place _ ramps , Hary decides build Dawn not yet dawn and something outside the shelter
shelter there , place sleep night it . Just like the place like footsteps step somebody or a animal sound come closer .

No only I heard it , Hary too. He wake up and go straight to They are talk about life human and still visible normal
position prone . Her ears brought near to door shelter , eyes just _ Regret a little that yawn like the cigarette smoke he
truly alert . smoked , united by the cold the air at the foot of the
Like me , Hary it seems know that no voice step animal mountain . Vanished .
, but human . Anybody that , they more from one . Possible ******
three . "Father" Hary muttered , crying in silence. Imagine his
“Deg…deg…deg…deg” father above there being tortured half dead , that too if his
That night truly gripping , like cold air _ sting . Voice father still lucky , still live .
crackle leaves , trampled by those people sound true, true Those people passed . I'm grateful they no see this
obvious , answered voice nervous Hary heart . the sweat fall shelter , I thought .
down like water droplets _ unstoppable . During remainder dark , Hary not fall asleep same once
“I really no understand those people “ vaguely sound . He sits inside shelter , hands clenched . He hold me tightly ,
conversation they three . cry full anger .
" Yes . They dig tomb they alone ” chirped the other . Before dawn , after sky black start blue a little , Hary
“ Right once ” said one _ with voice rather hoarse . He fulfills pray dawn and direct continue journey , towards those
continued " actually " I no want to hurt them . we are one three people come last night .
clumps , just just they are so loud head , and we work for si Prosper back hike . Pass wild trees , bushes and grass
conglomerate damn it that ” high . Scratched cross sign _ someone in the trees that guide
A from they turn on cigarettes , warm body "you're right him , for five hours until the smoke from fire bonfire interesting
. Where does anyone want hurt them , if they direct give soil his eyes .
that only , they no will waiting on the threshold Dead this way " “ There the place , Bejo " he " swallow spit .
" of "

Hary put her bag , leaning against the tree big then "Pak Djamaluddin " Hary whispered hoarsely " please
bury it with foliage dry . He wrapping me around his neck , call my father "
making sure I no will fell . Prosper then climb , rotate on the People named Djamaluddin that cry . The cry truly
other side of the origin of the white smoke he saw , wished heavy without sound . Everyone inside _ cottage that realize
can sneak and save his father and other village people . Hary arrival . glimmer hope in his eyes , some from they cry .
He sneak , hide behind _ the trees knaggy big . Could I see Simba's expression as if not believe . He direct
see from distance a hut made _ from board . Not big and going to wall where Hary is waiting for him . Locked people in
many gap between wall the board . There are five people the hut give him road .
standing guard outside , burning corn sweet on fire the bonnet “ What are you doing here , Hary?”
. “Father …” Prosper cry like baby .
"Those five people are left stay awake , temporarily " Why are you here ?" Simba whispered full anger .
three the person down to the village" muttered Hary. "I don't " can stay silent waiting the police who didn't
Full be careful , Prosper in the end can touching wall come either . I'm scared something happened , sir."
cottage . He peep to inside . Those people truly heartless ! _ _ “….” Simba was silent .
how they can enter eleven adults _ in 3 x 2 meter house? Hary shaking , pointing wounds all around his father's
Cry Hary fell " father " he muttered . Hary see figure his face and body " O Allah, look " what are they do "
father , leaning on one of them side cottage , see out , “….” Simba fell silent , then cry . He cry so be it ,
towards busy caretakers _ burn corn accompanied just without sound .
kidding _ those who laugh . "Father" said Hary softly "Hary for sure will save you sir
“ Oh my gosh Hary ” whisper a from in cottage that _his father shook his head " father can stand here , but you
finds the arrival of the Hary who did not predictably . have to fast back . Is not that father give you order for guard
your mother and sisters ?”

Hary shook his head " father " Hary nodded .
“ Go !” snapped Simba at the top of his voice turned " Promise father , you will " grow be a person of
down . principle , above God and the goodness of others than
Hary wipes her tears that have mixed snot " okay . I will anything else "
get a machete first , sir then go from here ” Hary nodded . The cry down more swift , along
****** messages his father .
Prosper again to the place hide the bag earlier . He " Promise your father you will over school , and finance
expel the machete he uses cut weed during _ trip . People in your sisters by lawful way . Promise your father you will
the hut that more need this machete . continue read books "
He then return to side outside cottage with safe . Hary nodded .
Through gap hut , he insert the machete " accept " love , son , "I love you , son "
" said Simba. "Hary too, sir "
"Father" Hary cries back broke . They each other strengthen grip .
“ Now go from here ” “ Use si Bejo , portrait cottage this so that Becomes
Hary shook his head . proof strong in the police ”
"Father please " Hary nodded , straight away take a number of picture .
Hary shook his head . “ Now go away ”
Simba holds hand his trembling son " promise " to Your Prosper again shook his head .
father will take care of your mother and younger siblings " “I want go with father and other villagers "
Hary nodded . " Go Hary"
" Promise father , until _ you don't die will so people Hary shook his head . she cried return broke .
like those who do job heinous , murderous fellow brother "

"Father always there is wherever you are, your brothers "HARY!!" Simba shouts anger , but not can stop his
are . Father is inside _ your blood. ” Simba paused , then son .
continues “ death certain come to all living things , father will “ What that ? why are people inside hut …” not yet
visited Dead whenever Allah wills ” done one 's sentence Security that , Hary has standing in front
Hary shook his head . them . A self .
“ During our undergo straight life , being a straight "HARY!!" Simba shouts frustrated .
person , death no something proper _ avoided , feared . The The guards that stunned see Hary presence there .
only thing feared in the world is owner Dead that alone ” "WHAT ARE YOU HUMANS!?" Hary shouted " we one
Hary nodded . nation , one homeland , one history , one struggle for
It is release hand his father Then standing outside _ independent _ Why are you imprisoning and torturing ? your
hut almost an hour . Be silent see his father from there , own friend ?" Hary cried .
temporarily Simba continue apply to him for go away "HARY!!" Simba shouts from in hut .
Hary turned around. “ Bruk.. bruk..bruck … ” someone inside cottage that
" Bejo , if I go home now , me possible will dead . I will currently use the machete given by Hary, try go out from there
dead because remember day this every the day . I will dead .
out of guilt leave father here " he muttered " What are you waiting for ? Catch child that !!” a
"Let 's go opponent " among the guards scream , wake up the herd .
Yes Lord ! Two guards _ chasing the runaway Hary from there ,
****** while the villagers were locked up inside cottage succeed go
Hary is back facing cottage . It is offensive smile , then out from there , breaking into the door .
running to the direction of the guardians . “HARY RUN!!”

Hary running as strong as he can . Hary one the child Twilight day , group footsteps are heard down hill _ I'm
who grew up in the garden runs chase dragonfly when small waiting by continue pray Hary is safe .
and friends with nature and the sea , so that run very fast , A stop in front bushes . He enter his hand and grabbed
make guards chasing him left behind enough far away . me out . Hary!!
"DOR!!" voice shot missed in the air . Seeing me , Hary cry broke " Bejo " father lost !!” she
Hary is back . Caretaker on top there release shot . It is cried .
pray the bullet missed . ******
He froze . Her feet no can moved . Hary falls in the Hello!
middle escape , direct throw me to bushes beside him . My name Nas . I'm the grandson of Hary, the figure that
***** is told Bejo above . Grandpa said , grandpa great-
I don't know what happened _ after . Hary captured grandmother caught shot moment want help me , told by a
guards chasing him then brought return to hut . friend father , grandfather Djamaluddin .
If so god listen prayer expected thing _ dead , if indeed After that , project development resorts and golf
so , save Hary. courses discontinued . The conglomerate imprisoned lifetime
****** lived , and died within prison in years fifth . Incident usurpation
Not until hour , group running footsteps _ past me land in South Sulawesi Becomes news shocking national _ in
which Hary had hidden in the bushes . his time.
"POLICE!!" Body grandpa great-grandfather no once found until
Police finally come . I don't see how the incident . But now . After grandpa married, village people build monument
equivocal I heard sound shot several times, then everything machete dead end for remember incident that forever .
silent . Grandpa grow become a great person , a rich
merchant who continues teach principle truth real and help

help to his grandchildren . Like grandpa great-grandmother to
grandpa , like grandpa to her children , then like mother to me
and my brothers .
Principle straight life _ is price dead . No money will
can buy how our choose life as man dignified and alive as
man dignified no will can achieved , until our make self one
with another.



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