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I NVERSE OF MATRIX pl Introduction. symmetric matrices appear naturally in a var Wott ss ical linear algebra software makes al 2 PPlcations. Typical ic matrices. In this chapter we shall Ccomodation for Uses of matirx is felt when the role of its inverses appears in Science, Technology, Business and Economics. In fact the inverse of matrix can be found in two way. In this chapter we shall discuss the classical method of finding the inverse of a square matrix. In the next chapter we shall learn how to find the inverse of a square matrix with the help of elementary row operation. 13.2. Idempotent Matrix A matrix A is said to be idempotent if 4? = A (A?means AA) 2-3-5 Example : The matrix A=|-1 4 5 1-3-4 is an idempotent matrix because 2 3-SY2 -3-5) (443-5 -6-I2HI5 -10-15+20 #&=Ad=|-1 4 5 |-1 4 5 |=|2-445 3416-15 5+20-20 1 3-4) 1-3-4) (243-4 -3-R+H2 -5-15H16 2-3-5 =|-14 5 |=A (323) Transpose of a Matrix _ Let A be a matrix. The matrix obtained from A by changing its rows io columns and columns into rows is called transpose of 4. It is denoted Mor A", So if A=(ay)___ then its transpose A” = (25 oom WHEE a. ax 14; for all values of i and j. 23 370 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS. Note. We observe that the element of ith row and jth column of AT ig same as that of the jth row and ith column of A. Theorems on Transpose of Matrix Theorem. 1. For any matrix 4, (4")" =A ; Proof : The proof being simple is left as an excerise two the readers, Theorem. 2. For any two matrices A and B which are conformable for addition, (A+B)? = AT + BT Proof : Let 4=(4j)mn and B=(by)mn (the size of the two matirces are taken same as A+B is defined ). So, AT =(4})yom and BT = (bj )nm Where Oj = aji,by = by Now, A+B =(ay+by) nun = (%j)mm Where Xj =a +5 So (A+B)" =(X})mm where xj = Xj = aj +b; 2 (A+ B)T = (Gj +f) 1m = (jt) xm +(Oji xo = (45) ram + (Bj ram = AT + BT Theorem. 3. For any two matrices, A and B which are conformable for subtraction, (A—B)7 = AT — BT Proof : Proof is similar to Theorem 2. Theorem. 4. For any matrix A and for any number k, (k4)? =kAT. Proof: Let 4=(@y)mm.S0 AT =(@j) mm Where aj; =a, and KA = hay) men = (Xj) mn Where Xy = kay . So (kA)” = (xf )yxm Where xj =x, = hay 1 (A)™ = (ka) rom = K(Qji nem = HAY nom = KAP « . Theorem. 5. For any two matrices A and B so that AB is defined, (AB)? = BTAT. Proof : Let A=(ay)mq and B = (by) np We take the sizes of A and B in such a way that the number of columns of A and the number of rows of B are same, So AT =(4j)nmand BT = (b)) gm Where aj Sajand bj =, Now AB=(Cy)msp where cy = Veuby kel nr a (Ch) pom so,(49) n n n + eg = Dako = Lb bk = bial where ‘ji dan Dali Dubie n tric and Skew-Symmetric Matrices. 33 Symme yare matrix A=(ay)nen is called symmetric if 4 T = Ai. if wast oy =a forall values of and 312). 312 For example A=|103 is symmetric because AT =|103|=4 9 239 T =-A, square matrix A= (dy) nis called skew-symmetric if A for all values of i andj. 0 6 2 is skew symmetric because GA ie, if ay = —27 F ample A=|6 0 4 ‘or examp (4.43 0 -6 2 0 6 2 g-l60-4| =CD)6 9 4 ee (3 40 ) (: 4 i) : BA. Theorems on Symmetric and Skew Symmetric Matrix Theorem. 1. All the diagonal terms of a skew symmetric matrix are 0. Proof. Let A= (aj )nmn be @ skew-symmetric matrix Then, by definition, aj = —41 for all if 1.44 =-ay or, 2ay =0 or, a =0 This tells a, = ay = 33 ="°= Sn =O» that is : norm. 2. For any matrix A, AATis@ symmetric matrix. oof. (AAT)T =(AT)T AT = AAT (by theorems of transpose matrix) So Adis symmetric. Theorem, 3. If A and B are two symmetric matrices of same order then Pr is symmetric if and only if AB=BA. ‘oof ; (AB)? = BT AT = BA’ A, Bare symmetric (AB)? = ABif and only if AB = BA . ABis symmetric if and only if AB=BA. the diagonal terms are 0 =< ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS. Theorem. 4, For any skew symmetric , Proof. (44 A’ Square matrix A, 4+ AT is symmetric and A~ AT i, = A™4(47)" by Theorem on Transpose =AT+A=A44 47. So 4+ ATis symmetric Theorem. 5. Every square matrix can be expressed as a sum of a symmetric matrix and a skew-symmetric matrix uniquely Proof : Let 4 be a Square matrix. We can express 1 A = AHA LAA) BC (say T Now, ar ((4e a7) =SUtanr =Su4r +(AT)T) = sua" +A) ~.B is symmetric. And CT -(Ga-an] =1(a-a'yr 2 2 1 =<(A+AT)=B (4+ Ar) 1 1 1 ATA = 5 (APA) = (AAT) =~C, “ Cis skew symmetric. Thus A has been expressed as a sum of a symmetric and a skew symmetric matrix. To Prove the uniquness of this expression let A=X+Y where X is symmetric, Y is skew, Then AT =(X4Y)T = xT yyT = y_y So,4+A™ =X+¥4+¥-ya2x X=S(A+AT)=B and A-AT=2y 2Y=TU-a ec This completes the proof. y- 5 OF MATRIX St 35 orthogonal Matrix. pete matrix A is said to be an if AAT AT Aa} . rr gor example the matrix A= 1 ili orthogonal 2 Toly tl ly ati a p_|v2 v2) v2 V2\.]2°2 2°2]_(10 woos =| YE AEE FF F(01)-! 2A 2 va) (2222 13.6. Properties of Orthogonal Matrix a) Determinant of every orthogonal matirx is 1 or - lL. proof. Let A be an orthogonal matrix. AAT =I ox, det( AA”) = der(I) =1 ot, det( A) det (47) =1 or, det(A)det(A) =1 as transposing a determinant the value remains same or, {det(A)}? =1 or, det(A)=+1. (2) Product of two orthogonal matrices is orthogonal Proof, Let A and B be two orthogonal matrices. AAT = Tand BB? =1- Now, (ABY.AB)" = (AB\(B" A") = A(BB")AT =AIAT = AAT =I. ‘AB is orthogonal ' (3) The transpose of an orthogonal oof. Let A be orthogonal. So AA” =I. a, (AAT)? = 77 of, (AT)PAT =I. Similarly, starting with A"A=1 we can reach (ATA) =I AP is orthogonal 1] matrix is orthogonal. 13.7, Conjugate Matrix Let A be a matrix of complex number ie., if A=(aj)mn then ‘every @; is a complex number. Then the matrix A= (ij) mun > where dij is complex conjugate of a,j, is called called conjugate of the matrix A. Example : If ae 6 “4 too li then its conjugate An(+ 6 sf -i i Pti Note. Obviously (A)? -(4") . 13.8. Hermitian & Skew Hermitian Matrix A square matrix A of complex numbers is called Hermitian if (A)? = The matrix A is called skew Hermitian if (A)’ =-A Example :(1)Let A=(1 0 i), 0 2 + -i 3-i -1 A=(1 0 A) 2@Pefi 0 i )ca (" 2 sf l° 2 ay i 3+i -1 -i 3-i -1 +. This matrix A Hermitian. (2) Consider the matrix B=( i 2+i 3) —2+i 2-34.23 3 342i 0 Then B=( -i 2-i 3 ) [235 i 3-24 3 3-21 «0 Ct oT eo 3-3-2 9 “. Bais skew Hermitian matrix. “ts of Herman Matix; —_ ny me is a Hermitian matrix then =A" (Ais Conjugate of A). oof. si is Hermitian so (A =4 « (O") =A? or, Aza’. 0) IfA is a Hermitian matrix of Teal number then A is proof IFA is matrix of real number then 7 = A Symmetric, So, if Ais Hermetian i.e, if (A)? — 4 then, AT= 4, ie » Ais symmetric, (3) The diagonal elements of a Hermitian matrix must be real number Proof. Let A = (is)nen be Hermetian, . From the above property (1) we get for a Hermetian matrix A= A? . (i Jaxn = (2: nxn “@j=@,. In particular ai; = a, ie. aj; is real for all i, .. the diagonal elements are real. (4) If A is skew Hermitian then its diagonal elements will be pure imaginary or 0. Proof. Let A = (Qij)nxn be skew Hermetian = GP =—A, or, A=(-A)? =-A? = a; = ~aj . %, X~iy=—(x+iy) suppossing ay =x+iy o x=. "9. Unitary Matrix Amatrix A of complex number is called unitary if AA)? =1- erties a; = -a;; Prop, «. (A). (18s unitary square matrix then A exists and A“ =( yr ~ This follows from definition it is orthogonal 164 is unitary square matrix of real number then © MET we ' 376 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS. Proof. If A is matrix of real then A= A. AAT =I, Hence proved. Example. Let A =(1//2 i/2\ Lywa va) A=(/N2 -i/V2) (aa Yv2 a) AG? (INE iB) (2 a) =GG4a 8 Vat ine vse) lie wa) Uo tea) .. A is a Unitary matrix 13.10. Singular and Non-Singular Matrices. A square matrix 4 = (4y),., is said to be singular if its determinant, det (4) or | A|=|ay | =0. lr A square matrix which is not singular is called non-singular. 56 9 For example (i) The matrix li 3 3 is singular because 8 11 2569 168 11 det (4)=| 1 93 3) =|! 1p al RAR OR 16811 68 11 =0 since R, =R,. (ii) The matrix A -(3 i) non-singular because 25 -|2 1 | =2-30=-28 #0. 13.11. Adjoint or Adjugate Matrix, Let A =(4)),., be a square matrix. Let Aj be the co-factors of 4% in the determinant, det (4) = |ay . Then the transpose of the matrix (Ay ee is called the Adjoint Matrix of A and is denoted by adj ). vy F MATRIX | ———_—__,, . 37 | M1 a a, | for example, If «fa ay ae oF | 931 ayy a, 4 square matrix and Aw An» Ay3s-* etc. are co-factors of ai), ips dye ej | Ay Ay A fi i39°* in det (A), then 4, 4g An HAs sy adj (A)=| 4 4 4s | =! 4, 4, Avy | bn sz sy iy yy Ass 121 tration: If A=|1 -1 1], find adj Tus! 2 3-1 ij (A). \ 121 Indet (A)=|1 -1 1), we find 2 3 -] co-factor of 1 =(-1)'"}", co-factor of 2 =(-1)'” co-factor of 1=(-1)'* co-factor of 1 =(-1)°" co-factor of -1 =(-1)"? 2 -] Similarly, co-factor of 1=1, co-factor of 2=3, Co-factor of 3=0 and co-factor of -1=-3 T 2:3 5) 2 5 3 A) ls =) UP 3 0-3 5 1-3 Baa, Inverse of a Matrix. be; Let 4 be a square matrix. Another rei F * inverse of 4 if AB = 1 = BA, where te iden Bis inverse of A, we write B= At Ths yt ayaa. * adj (4) = say B of same size is said to ity matrix of the same size 378 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS] ST 6-2 -3 Illustration : (i) Prove that the matrix [: 1 | is an inverse of -1 01 2 3 3). 2 ea elias -1 O13 Se; fl 2 4 | 6-2-3 12-6-6 18-6-12 100 =| -l+1 -24+3 -3+3 | =/01 Ol=/. —14+0+1 -24+0+2 -34+4 001 Similarly we can show that 12 3) 6 -2 -3 eo ele ie OL ladle Gi a) 1 So,|-1 1 | is inverse of |; Z a : A-1 001 7 Invertible Matrix : Examples can be given to show that every square matrix may not have an inverse. A matrix which has inverse is called an invertible matrix. In the following theorem we find the condition of being an invertible matrix. ww the matrix ( Nv No 13.13. Theorems on Inverse-Matrix. Theorem. 1. A non-singular square matrix A(ie.det( A) #0) is invertible and , 1 ts i e A! =——__Adj(4 its invers dad) dj(A) Proof: Let A= (ay)ne,be a square matrix. Aj be co-factor of ay for all values of i and j. Now (Adj(A) = (Aj) nxn =(Ah)nmn Where Ay = Ay | n Let Ad (A= (Ayan Apna = (Cyan where cy =") an Ay = Diaede Now by an earlier Theorem we have - ae | ey =Oif i+ jand oy = det(A) if Fj i.e. each of the diagonal elements of the matrix A (Ad,(A)) is det (A) where as every off-diagonal element is 0. —!—4 Adi(A) =! since det(.4) #0 Get( A) 1 A—— Adj(A) =I % ASD di( A) 1 Therefore A“! =——— Aaj(A) det(A) 121 Illustration : Find the inverse of the matrix A=|1 -1 1]. 2 3 -l Here 121 -1 1 1. 1 1 =1 det (4)=|1 -1 1 | 3 4l-2{3 -1 (2 3| 2 3 -] =(1-3)-2(-1-2)+ (342) =-2+6+5=9+0: So, A is invertible matrix. -2.5 3 Now, adj(A)=| 3 -3 | (evaluated in a previous illustration) 5 1-3 2/9 35/9 1/3 At =2— aaj (A) =| 173-130 |, det (4) 5/9 1/9 ,-1/3 Remark : In fact the above method of computing the inverse of a matrix 'Sery classical, fa the next chapter we shall discuss two widely-used methods known Gauss Elimination method and Gauss Jordan Elimination method, el “1 are relatively simple and can be easily programmed for high-speed Beenie computing machines. These methods consists of applying le ion! ix which will be introduced in the | ext chapte, Row Operation’ on a matrix whic 380 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS -} Theorem. 2. Ifa matrix A is invertible then A is non-singular Proof : Since A is invertible so its inverse A~! exists. AAS] °: det(AA-') = det(/) or, det (4) det (47! )=1 This implies det (4) # 0 and det (A!) # 0also. Hence the matrix 4 is non-singular. Theorem. 3. The inverse of an invertible matrix is unique. Proof. Let A bean invertible matrix. Let, if possible, there exists two inverses of A say B and C. Therefore AB=BA=I and AC=CA=I Now, B=BI=B(AC)=(BA)C , by Associative law =IC=C. This completes the proof. Theorem. 4, For any invertible matrix 4,(4-') Proof. Since A” exists so AA-! =] or, AA=] We see if A is multiplied with 4~ identity matrix is obtained. So A is inverse of A”, i.e., (4y" =A. Theorem. 5. If A and B are invertible then (4B)! = B-14-! Proof. We see (4B)(B-!4-!) [by associative property] = A((BB*)4-") again by associative law = A(IA“!) = AA“ [using the property JA=A] =], on we see if B-'4-!is multiplied with AB the product becomes an identity matrix. So B-14-1 is inverse of AB. That is (4B)-! = B-14-! Corollary : (4,A, +» A,)"! = ADAN AAT Theorem. 6. The operation of ‘inverse’ and commutative. That is (A/T =(AT)-1 Pi : roof : We see (Aya! =a? (applying the law (AB) = BTAT) 77 27, ‘tanspose' of matrix are > snVERSE OF MATRIX 381 Therefore if we mulliply 47 by (A7)7, we pet an trix. So (AT) =(471)7, Set the product as an identity uustration. If at ‘| aT ‘| verify that (AB)! = BA"! 1: 3], 5 1 Here det 4 -f 4-2 #0. ~.Ais invertible matrix Now ad A=[ 3 7] 1 1 dj ; 2 ae aay 4) 14 Again det B=-1 iB=| 1 o . pt _[-10 ai 8 =|, 4). aed ‘=[3 F vet [Hea aso an=[7 5] 3 {]-[t 5] <.det (AB) = -2 -1 _ Adj(AB -z 2 and afi 4B) =[ 3, ig] 48) Tr -| i 4 “(AB)"! = B-4- is verified. 13.14, Solution of simultaneous linear equations by matrix inversion Method, Consider the following system of n number of equations with n tmknowns : ayy Haya ty + °° iy %q =) z\X1 + Ay2X2 + Gn X1 + An2X2 + wh here %1,X2,y+++X, are unknowns. 382 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS:; Consider the matrix By) a2 Aly 7 A= = (40) sen Fal Gnd Ann a x b3 xX b= and X= by *n Then the above system of equations can be written as AX = b, -From this we get y — Ay ifA” exist that is if A is non-singular % 4 x b, =A"| ” or, \ Xn by ’ From this we get the solution of M1 9XQ 5 Xy_ Illustration ; Consider the system 2x +5y+3z=9 x+2y-z=6 3x+y+2z=3 25 3 9 x Consider the matrix 4=|1 2 1] p= 6 Jand x= | ¥ =b o, X=4'5 (1) (if 7 exists) SE OF MATRIX we 383 a a wow dt) = 3124+) -92+3)430-6)=-s00 -1 exists. uA b 12 =441=5 | B 2 =-(2+3)=-5 Now co-factor of 2 =(-1)"*! cofactorof = §=(-1) #2 2 cofactor of 3=(-1)'9, fp1-6=-s auf 3 " o ts(-r =~-(10-3)=~ " (-1) y (10-3) =-7 D 0 2=(ajh f-4-9--5 "oom -1-(4y*P fe-e-19=1 3 Is 3 : 3+1 =-5-6=-— mw 32 PL ‘+ 5-6=-11 2 3 =(-1)? =-(2-3)=5 "ow Le (-1) | (-2-3) a 3 343 =4-5=-l " » 2=(-1) i 1-4 5 s -s sf (5 7-H _ =|-5 -5 5 Sodgi(ay=|—7 -5 13] =]-8 8 © kas a Be G opay 1 5 sat (A) =| -5. 75 Fay 49 550 iea eee 384 ENGINED RN, St From (1) we get x ; § -7 -llV9 yl|=-—|-5 -5 5 |6 Zz a -5 13 -1A3 +45-— 42-33 -30 I =} 4530415 |=--L] -00}=] 2 30 30 -45+78-3 30) \-I This gives the solution as x = 1,y=2 and 2= -l. Remark. Though the above method of solution of a system of linear equations is a very common method, now a days this classical method is not used as this method fails when the number of unknowns and equations in the system are unequal. In the next chapter we shall get an opportunity to present two more widely-used method of solution known as Gauss Elimination method and Gauss Jordan Elimination method. 13.15. Trace of a Matrix The trace of a square matrix A is the sum of the diagonal terms (Principal diagonal terms) of A. It is denoted by tA. Example: If A=(2 1 6) then tA =2-140=1. 0 -l 2 5 4 0 13.16. Illustrative Examples. _f1-12 13 Example. 1. If a-[} 1 4] and o-[3 i then examine whether the result (4B)’ = BT 4? is valid, Solution : 4B-[} 7 a3, ale? ;] -tt So (4a -[3 §] o INVERSE OF MATRIX 385 1 2 12 - oat =| 4 -1 1 [i232 24240] [34 30 alf> o| Bt0+2 6+040 -[3 ‘| @ From (1) and (2) we see (4B)" = BT gr Example. 2. Find the matrices 4 and B when a where BT denotes the transpose of B and L rR ome vt a Solution : Give 4+B=2BT ‘ or, (4+.B)" =(2B7)" on, 47 +BT =2(Br) ° or, AT+B7=2B or, A-2B=-Br Adding this with (1) we get 34-33-09 or, A~B=0 or, 2A-4B =-2BT , @) Given 34+2B=] (3) Multiplying (2) by 2 and adding with (3) we get . 1 9 6 1 1 SA=J] or, A=— a] Ante or, A=|0 e 0 5° 51001 a 0 0 = 5 From (3) we get 2B = -3A or, B=sI-34 19 0 19 0 am 0 0 3 2 10 1(100) 3 1 1 3 or, B=—10 1 0]-=}/0 ~ 0} =/0 ~o|-|0 + 0 2lo001) 2 5 2 10 00 ui 00 e 0 0 aoe . 5 2 re 1.3) 4 9 to 2 10 5 =| 0 1-32 o Jzloto 2 10 i a 5 i A Dee omic) (ena) 386 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS | 2 3 1-1 is orthogonal. 11344 Solution : Given A= 42-1 2 1f1 2 2 ifi 2 rat}. 1-2) =-|2 1 2 Then A 4343 3|2 2 -1 122)\f12 2 122 )/12 2 rR TS/2 1 2]-3)212 212 ” 3] 2 2 -1]3|2 -2 -1 9| “2 2 -1||2 -2 -1 if +444 242-4 -24+4-2] [100 at) 242-4 44144 -44242/= 010 9) y44-2 44242 44441] [001 So A is orthogonal. 32-6 Example. 4. Express (; -14 }s the sum of a symmetric and a skew symmetric matrix. 20 32-6 Solution : Let A4=|0 -1 4 5 -2.0 We can express A=z(444T)+5(4-47)= B+C In an earlier Theorem we have seen B is symmetric, C is skew. 32-6) (3 2-6) Now, B=44}0 1 4 |+[0 “1 4 2\(5 -2 0) (5-2 0 32-6) (305 pee ese a (v4 (a o5 oa aledli a? 520} \64o0)/ 2l420 1 2 nin 387 326 3 1 -¥2 “3 m= G33)-La PHS ee 5 “W210 Jip & 3 |. . 5. If A be a skew symmetri 0 anne prove that P™AP =O.” Matix of order n and P be a : . solution : Size of A is nxn and the size of P is nxt, Therefore the si of AP is x1. Size of PTis 1xn size —VQeAaeiage eS Size of te isl a PTAP contains only one element. Now, (P?AP) =(AP)'(PT)' =(4P)" p= prarp = P?(-A)P=-PTAP ( .. 4 is Skew Sym. ) So P?AP is skew symmetric. We know the diagonal terms of a skew symmetric matrix are 0. Since P? AP contains only one element which is the diagonal element. Hence P™AP= 0. ; Example. 6, A square matrix A is such that 4? = Aand (4-47) =O: Prove that 447 + A7A= A+ A? and deduce that (4aTy = AAT Solution : Given (4-47) =O o,(A-A")(A- 4") =O 9, AA— AAT — ATA+ ATAT =O or, 42 — AAT — ATA+(AA)’ =O or, A? — 4A? -ATA+(4?)" =O «AP =4 % #44? —ata+at =o |? % AAT = AAT + ATA AAT + ATA= A+ AT Multiplying the above relation by 447 from left we get (44"\ 447 4 47 4)=(AdT)(4+47) or, (447)? 4 (447474) =(44?)4+(447)47 7 % (4arys a((ar)ara)= a(ara)+ A474") Tr or, (44)? 4 afar ar)d}= Aa? A)+ (44) Ee ae {(44)" 4) A(AT A) + ACB) ((#) '4)= A(AT A)+ AAT + A(AT A) = A(AT A)+ AAT 1+4+4 24244 24442] [988 =|24+2+4 44144 4424+2/=18 9 8 2+44+2 44242 44441 889 L.H.S = A2-4A-5] IH So, A?-4A-S5I=0, From the above relation we get A -4A=51. or, A? -4AI=5I (2 Al = A) or, A(A-41) =51 ‘ or, ZA(A-4N)=1 or, a{i(a-ay}=1 | - F MATRIX INVERSE O 389 So by definition of inverse of A we have 122) (40 1 0 = eaten ile 1 2}(3 4 | al 3 3 ; 221) looa)} Sil 2 2-3 -3/5 2/5 2/5 o, A'=| 2/5 -3/5 2/5}. 2/5 2/5 -3/5 Exemple : 8 (a) Solve, by Matrix in version method, the following system of equations. 2x-3y+4z=-4 x+z=0 -y+4z=2 1-10 22-4 () If A= a jl 4 and C= 3 oie, then verify that C is inverse of A and use this result to solve the system of equations x-y=3 2x+3y+4z=17 yt+2z=7 Solution : (a) Consider the following matrices (2-3 4) (x) (-4) Al} o 1|,X=|y|,B= ‘ o -1 4 Zz 2 Then the given system of equations can be represented as AX=B- (1) Now, we can find that (1 8 -3) A exists and Ataaol-4 8 2 -1 2 3 So, from (1) we have A“1AX = A"'B % X=A"B 1 g -3\(-4) (-1) m Xa iBaaal 4 8 | fl 4 (2) (-1) -1 2 3 2. 1 a, |2[=| 2 z, 1 390 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS -I 1-l0\(2 2 4 34/424 iat CO rtr—“RERENE'CPEE =|4-1248 446-4 -8-12+20|=| 06 0|=6/ ) i! “444 2-20-4410} (006 22 -4\/1-10 and CA=|-4 2 4/2 3 4 2-1 5/012 244 -24+6-4 “s| 600 =|4+4 446-4 0+8-8]=|060 =61 2-2 -2-3+5 -4+10) \00 (b) ac-(3 3 1-10 The coefficient matrix of the given system is A= E il ‘ x 3 Let X= () B -(i| . So the given system can be expressed as iz) 7 AX=B ot, CAX=CB (Multiplying both side by C ) or, 61X = CB or, 6X=CB ot, X=40B 1(2 2 43) af 6434-28.) (12) _(2 or, X==|-4 2 -4]]17|=—|-12+34-28 |=—| -6 |=|-1 ) 62 1s \\7) %\ 6-17435 ) S24) \4 or, [-(3) 1x=2, 4 z ye 1 0|show that 47-54? +64—5/=0. 21 47 F214 =}3 1 3 |=/313 3-8 144 16-2] [-55 14 . 2147001] [5514 ia 3] 3 10|=|-3 4 15 -5514|[-214] [-13 19 51 A? 54? +6A-5I INVERSE OF MATRIX 391 eee -5 514) [214] Toor =}3 415/-9313|44 3 1o|-45 99 =13.19 si} [55 14" 1 3}-98 49 $+1040-5 5-8 14-20+6 7 [9 =| -3-15+18 4-54+6-5 15-15 =10 -13+25-12, 19-2546 s1-70+24-5] | or, 4-54" 4+64=51 ot, B54? 464 =5] or, A(4? -54+61)=51 of, a3(# ~5A+61)=1 ooo coco w ° a Therefore, by definition, A ==(4?—54+6/ 5 1|(-21 4 001 100 if 41-1 ==4| 3. 1 3 |-5| 3 10]+6/01 0|}=—|-12 2 3 S{-s514) (214) lool] 5\5 00 2-34 Example. 10. Find the Adjugate matrix of the square matrix|1 0 1), 0-14 2-34 Solution: Let A=|1 0 1 0-14 2-34 Consider the determinant, det(A)=|1 0 1]. 0-14 Let us find the co-factors of all the elements in this determinant 1] O 1f_ Co-factor of 2 =(-1)" A 4]=1 | 142) 1 1 Co-factor of ~3 = (-1)'* 0 4|-4 Co-factor of 4 =(-1)'? i 3 | =-l Similarly co-factor of 1= 8 , co-factor of O= 8 co-factor of 1= 2, co-factor of O= -3, Co-factoz of -1= 2, co-factor of 4= 3 1-4-1) (18-3 So, adj(4)=| 8 8 2| =|-48 2 32 3 -12 3 .THEMATICS-1 392 ENGINEERING MA’ aaa is i ible. Find it Example. 11. Find whether the matrix 1 4 i is invertible. Find its inverse if possible. Verify the result. ivi Solution : Let ai ae 2-34 det (A)=|1 0 1)=2(1) +3(4-0) +4(-1-0) = 1040 0-1 4 So, A is invertible, i.¢., A” exists. As in the previous problem we compute 18-3 adj(A)=|-48 2 -12 3 1 1 1 Now, 47! =———adj(A or, At=—|-4 aaa) 10| 4 _ Verification: Now, 1(234)\( 18-3) {10 0 0 100 “Tolg Sallas 3} tol o 1 Sf=|o 1 ol=7 0 0 10 001 Example. 12. Find X from the matrix equation AX = B. 1-10 where A=|0 1 -1 and B=|1 lid 7 Solution : In the determinant det (4)= - he lo 1-1 11] Co-factor of 1=(-1)'"4 ; i Co-factor of —1 =(-" : Co-factor of 0 = (—j ty Co-factor 0=(~1) Similarly, co-factor of 1=1 Co-factor of 1=1 » CO-factor of 1 =~] Co- =-1 1 1 q=1 | 2+1 » ©O factor of ~1 — tc oo 1a . 2-1-17" To 1 1 “Adj (4)=|1 1 2] = 111] lid -1-21 1-10 Now, det (4)=)0 : FIa3e0 217 2A 11 3]-1-21 We are given AX = or, X= AB y2 47 30. X=-|-1 1 4 3[+1-21 . 5 3 Example. 13, Find the inverse of the matrix A -| | B or, A'4x = 47 B or, X= 4B ESE 22 Hence solve the equations 5x+3y=2 2x+2y=1 Solution ; det ( (4-|§ 2 j-10+6- 16#0 So 4 has inverse Co-factor of 5 in det (4)=(-1)""2|=2 Co-factor of 3 in det (4)=(-1)?|-2] =2 Co-factor of -2in det (4) = ae =3 Co-factor of 2 in det (4) = (-1)°*?|5=5 393 | ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS. 394 nai (=(33) -(2 3) Aad ag wm ag(2 3) 5 3 | ; Ae (3 ) 2nd part : Now in the given system, the coefficient matrix 22 x-(%}2-(7). So the system can or, IX=A'B we ()-4G PQA) a6) Cr) sx=Y16, y=9/16 (23 1 . Example. 14, Find the matrix A if its adjugate is G - | and its determinant is 2. 1 gl be written as AX =B or, A'AX =AB 1 (23.1 2RM ion : — Adj (A)=-| 6 8 -2|= = Solution : Now, A dev) Hj (A) 247 4 2 Ipyp Now, A=(4°)" (3 3/2 " 4 Therefore computing the inverse of the matrix 321 We get the required matrix A which would be } i i Detail computation is not shown. Example. 15. Write the matrix equation for the system of equation : x+yt+z=3 2x-3y+4z=17 x+6y-z=-8 Solution : The coefficient matrix 1 : 3 A=|2 -3 4),X =| y|and B=| 17 16-1 a 38 Therefore the matrix equation for the given system is, AX =B. > INVERSE OF MATRIX ' | — . 395 ! gxample. 16. If A -(3 3) show that an = Ada Asal oe 4) |? where J is the identity matrix of order 2. From thi i Si necessary condition for the existence of inverse of a saunre mann me Solution : Here |4| -f ; =5-6=-1 In the determinant |4|, co-factor of 1 = (-"=5 co-factor of 2 =(~1)'"|3 =-3 co-factor of 3 =(-1)"1 pj=2 co-factor of 5 =(-1)|1| =1 = _( 5-6 -242)__(-1 0)_(10)\_; =-(is-1s 445)=-L0 -J=lo = 2 Adi(4) 6 Similarly we can prove A=], 4“ Thus we see if A is multiplied by ja*4 (A), the product becomes f 1 identity matrix. So id ‘Adj (A) becomes inverse which is defined if | 4| + 0. Thus the necessary condition that the matrix has inverse is |4]#0. Exemple. 17, Determine the value of a,B,y 0 2p ¥ where |a B -y | is orthogonal. a -B Y 0 2B y Solution, Let A=|a 8 -y a-B Y 0 2B y 207 0 0 : 2 Ataa|%8 6 Leuba fal = z (ajbyj +.9;2b2 ++*-4inDni ) is! fn =D (bua + bain ++ in) i=l n n n =D dyaa + DY brain +--+ Le bnidin isl ist isl = Youan Loar tek Lace kel kel = dy + dq +++-dyn, = tr( BA) : ENGINEERING MATHEMATICg:; Exemple. 21. TfA and Bare Hey raya BAis shan sme tian, prove that AB + BA is Hermitian and Solution. (4B+ BA)’ = (AB+BA)’ = (AB)? +(BAy? _ =(AB)" +(BA)r =(B)?(A)" + (A)? (By? = Bas AB +: A,B are Hermitian] = AB+BA -. AB+BA is Hermitian Again (AB-BA)" = (AB- BA)! = (AB)! — (Bay? =(AB) -BAS = By @y -@y ay = BA- AB =~ (AB- BA) -. AB-BA is skew Hermitian, EXERCISE Short Answer Questions 1. (@)_ IfA be a skew-symmetric matrix, then show that the matrix 4? is symmetric (ii) If A be a symmetric matrix of size mxm and P be a matrix of size nxn prove that P? AP is symmetric, 2. Is a unit matrix orthogonal ? 3. Show that the matrix [ 4] is orthogonal 4. If both A and B are 2x2 real skew-symmetric matrices show ‘that ‘ AB=BA- 5. If a-| 9, | then show that 4? is symmetric F 4 3 6, Find the inverse of [ 7 5 003 8. Find the inverse of 4 if A?-4+]=0. . 100 7. Find the inverse of 3 2 | 9, If A is a 3rd order matrix and det (4) =8, find det (adj A) y- yBRSE OF MATRIX | ee” a00 so. Find adj (A) if 4=| 0 ‘ 11. Find adj (4) where 4-(3 2) ; 12 -(1 nd=(3 3), a=(, 2 find X. 13,IfB bea non-singular matrix and A is a square matrix, then det (B-!4B) = ? ono No ) and x be a matrix such that A = BX; then 14. Find det (A) for a 2nd order square matrix A satisfying the relation 4.aat=('9 10)- ae (2 1)4(-3 2)_ (10 15. Find A if 3 2)4( 5 2)-(6 :) 32 ag 16.1f 4=(9 i). then find (4~!) ; 3-24) 44 17. If for the matrix 4=|1 2 -1], 4 = 0G(A) then find k . Onslae); _ (201), . 18, Find the value of ¢ for which the matrix | 5 ¢ 3|is singular. veh [WBUT 2006] 19. If A is a square matrix then prove that (i) r xA = xtrA where rd is trace of A and x is a real number. (ii) AT = 1rd 20. If 4 and B are two square matrices of same order then prove that tr(3A- B) = 3trA-0rB 21. Show that the inverse of a symmetric matrix is symmetric. twine (ata) = 4747)" = a(47Y) 2 1 21 2.18 the matrix |, 1 1 [invertible ? Sele 2 (6 2 -3) fi 2 3) 3, Proved that -1 1 O|is inverse of ( 3 ; 1:01 124 400 |GINEERING MATHEMATiCcs.; Ce NRN NN I ANSWERS 00 2. Yes. 6. [} | 7J0 4 0} 81-4 9. 64 oof 20 0 7 1 10.| a of 1. (4 ?) 12. 3G 5) 13, det(A) 14, 10 0 0 a 1 (1 -26 3 fa (} i) 16 a( Pf) 17, k=det(A)=15 18. 5. 22. Yes. (])_~—_Long Answer Questions 12 1. @ If 4-[3 i 3). a-[2 | ton that B‘4’ =(ABY' where X' denotes the transpose of X. 20 “11 (i) If af} 3} o-( ap that (A+B)? = A7+B7 2 Le OF 0! 2. If [3 ay “yt show that A+A7 is symmetirc and A-AT is skew symmetric and then express A as the sum of a symmetric and a skew symmetric matrix, 204 3. Express the matrix 3 ; as the sum of a symmetric and a skew symmetric matrix 134 26 1 4. Express the matrix aft |ess amore symmetric matrix P and a skew symmetric matrix Q . y SE OF MATRIX vee fart | 5, xpress the matrix af; ii) the sum of two matrices of which one is symmetrical and the other is skew-symmetrical, | 199 | gg A= 33 A 2 “i show that A+ ATis sy eo A-AT is skew-symmetric and then express Aas the sum of a symmetric and a skew-symmetric matrix. 1, Show that (me a |i is orthogonal matrix. Y/3 2/3 2/3 8, Show that the matrix A=] 2/3 1/3 -2/3]is orthogonal. -2/3 2/3 -Y3 b 22 9.(i) Show that the matrix 4 = {3 ; l 3 is orthogonal. 1/72 2-2 (ii) Show that —]-2 1 2 is orthogonal 912 2-1 cos@ —sin sind 0 10.Find x such that the matrix A= [= cos 8 is orthogonal. x 100 IL. Determine whether the matrix (3 9 3] is orthogonal or not 0 V2 ¥ Lit a - and B= V prove that B7 AB is a A= (3 28) id B= i we diagonal matrix. -12 3 13. Show that the matrix Aet 21 ad the property 3( 22 1 1 AAT = AT 4 =] (that is A is orthogonal is) Hence find 4~ “ 10 oom Seok are orthogonal, Stow that @ 47 G %) a 4s ~sin@ 0 cos® 26 402 ENGINEERING MATHEMATIC; cos® -sin@ 0 15. (a) Find x such that the matrix, 4=|sin@ cos® 0 satisfies the 0 Oo «x relation AA’ = J (i.e. A is orthogonal). | 3-a 2 2 (b) For what value of a, the matrix) 2. 4-a 1 | issingular? 2 -4 -l-a 16. IfA is skew symmetric matrix, prove that (J - A)(I + A)"lis orthogonal, 1. @ If 4-(} $): show that A? -44-5/=0. Hence find 4-1, 1°00 Gi) If A=] -1 -2 -1], show that 43-4= 42-7. 253) 72 Hence find 47, ze 2 (iii) Show the matrix 4 = (: j ; satisfies the equation A? -4A-51=0. Hence find A”, : 12 : (iv) If A= 3 9} what is the matrix Corresponding to the ) polynomial 4? +3445]. 18. Find the adjugate and inverse of the matrices : @ A -(4 7) (ii) A -( cos® on8) -sin® cos0 a2 i «ip af 1 i () a(t 2 ; 51-1 317 cosa sina 0 () A=|sina cosa ol. 0 0 1 Then verify that (a) 44-127 (aly =a. INVERSE OF MATRIX 19. Find X from the matrix equation 4x - { Be 7 . ; an 3-1 1 20. Find the matrix A if A~'=| 2 ; i 3 25 3) fie a= (4-1) y 21. Find the inverse of the followin, corresponding given equations : 11d off} i: Xtytz=2 lls x+2y+3z=1 3x+y—-5z=12 1- B where al; i oi et 8 matrices and using it solve the 211 G)|FO} rx+yt2=5 x-y=0 2x+y-z=1 1-11 iii) ! a i), x-ytz=1 x+y+2z=0 2x-y+3z=2 (iv) [Fi i: 2x +5y+32=9 ae 3x+y+2z=3 x+2y-2=6 22. . Solve the equations by matrix inversion method : (i) x-2y=3 3x+4y-z=-2 Sx-3z=-1 (ii) 2x +5y +32 =9 3x+y+2z=3 x+2y-z=6 ——= 404 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS. ; CT (iii) x+2y432=14 2x-y+52=15 2y+42-3x =13 1 +—+-=6 (iv) X _ 23 ylly x yz S_1 M34 xyz leo 211 23, If A=|1-4 1 }B=|1-1 0 | show that AB=61L 30 3 21-1 ~ Hence solve the equations x+ y+3z=6 2x-4y=0 x+y-3z=0 1f122 24. If A==| 2 1-2], prove that A“! = A 3\-2 2 -1 1-12 . 25. If P=|2 1 —1], find the matrix Q for which PQ =, the identity 4-14 matrix of order 3. 4-3 -3 26. Show that the matrix 101 is its own adjoint. 443 ool 27, If A -( 4 : » Prove that A"! = A (that is A is self reciprocal) 28. For the following pair of matrices 4, B verify the result (4B) | = BA" and adj( 4B) =adj(B) adj( A) . : 11 . a-( i) B-(3 ‘) 1 0 0 a 214 A=|-1 2 -1|, Be 1 - INVERSE OF MATRIX verse OF MATA ts th trix A 13 i r the matrix 4= 5 : 29. For 1512) compute AdjA and verify that Mg A)= (Adj AYA =|AlT 0 1-1 30. If A=|2 0 0| and / is 3rd order unit matrix, 1-1 0 ° find (2 +1(A +1)" 10 -l 3.02 31. If A=| 2 3 1] and B=|-1 2 0} then find the matrix X -12 3 3-11 from the following equations (i) 4+X=B (ii) XB=A . 0 -tano/2 32. (i) If A=[ iano/2 6 Y Jena =[t 1 fen prove that : (144)(I- 4)" = [x8 an 01 -l ow a=? a g Jana be a 3x3 unit matrix then, find (4? +1)(441)" 1-11 33. If A -} fa : then find 42and show that 4? = 4"! 34, Find the value of 9, so that the matrix 4 -(t R) is its own inverse Pm aye 7 123 x 6]. . (i) Given the matrices A=|3 21), X=|y}, C=|2] write 421 : 7 down the three linear equations given by AX =C- Hence solve those linear equations for x, y, z by matrix method. 111 6 (ii) Find X when ! ti] [S} matrix method. 21- 1 1-12 (iii) If A=]2 1-1 4 then find the matrix B for which AB=I -14 406 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS -1 el 3 2/3 36. Show that ft 3 3) is orthogonal. Hence find 4. 2/3 2/3 -1/3 [Hint : For orthogonal matrix AA’ = 1.80 A’ is the inverse of 4 for orthogonal matrix} 3-11 : at 37. If afi 3 jana. (Hint: 4=(4") ] 38, Show that if the symmetric matrices A and B are such that AB =B4 then 4-'B, A7'B-! and AB" are symmetric. 39. Prove that (A+ B)A™'(A~B)=(4-B)A"'(A+8B) if A and B are square matrices and 4 is invertible. 40. If 4 is a skew symmetric matrix.and P=(J-A)(1+ A)" then prove that pp’ = J = Pp’ p (i.e. P is orthogonal). Prove that the converse is also true. (Hint: see (J~-A)(1+A)=(1+A)(I- A)] 10 2 41. wal 4 4} wo tn (4 =(4)" @ (atytea = 0 42. Find A ifadj(A)= Gi 5 and det(4)=2, [Hint : 47! - 3 ay adj()- Then A=(47'Y" 43. If axpe(% B), vey ta (a+) -(5 By". a 4 = 1-1 1 }. Show that A= = i i i ; t ) is invertible. Find 43 and hence show that 4? = 47 45. If A be symmetric and invertible then show that 4-! symmetri ; etric. -1 ; 10 46. If A=|1 0 0], then sh 1)? i \ ) Show that (4-4 4= 7, - xg OF MATRIX vers 407 a a1 if A= (4 2) » verify that A? ~44437 = © and hence obtain ‘A’. Using this solve : 2x- y=3 -x+2y=+3, Tot g.f AAT =A7A proved that 4? 4-!= Ala? and (1A) is orthogonal. 4g, For any square matrix A prove that A +(A)? and A-(A)” are skew hermitian. 50, If A is a square matrix then prove that ir(447)2 0. State when the equality sign does hold ANSWERS ul 3 20>] |00-> . [iethees 3 Jo 5 7|+|0 0-1 . oe 207 MN, 4) \31 0 2 2 1 1 -1 9/2 3 0 5/2 -2 fl 2 a 5, |9/2 3 2\+|-32 0 2] 6|-- 2 1]|+)/-7 02 3°25 2 20 2 -1 -2 2 10.x=1 11. orthogonal 13. { 21 At 15. (a) +1 (b) ¢=03 2 -2 7 32 «2 A 3 8 17. (i) 4) ot 02 23) ii) {34 : s 3] (iv) (4 5) 18. The inverses are : Fl 3/2 1/2 G 173 1 a cos8 “ae “i i) 0 4) (ii) (te cos® ) co) » ih 12 Y2 -1/2 1/2 cosa, sina 0 ) ei i =! 0 wo (i 3p 2p sn cosa ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS. -13 6 y{1 2 1 1 = ii) z|1 4 140, 1, 2 a. fi -i{it #30 1) di 0 foe 52-3 4 1/311 7 ii) i A He h1) (iy A 33 > 5h 2-1 O15 1 -13 22.) x=19/10,y=-17/20,2=5/2 (ii) (1, 2, -1) (ii) (1, 2,3) (iv) (1/3, 1, 1/2) (bag) (tts s\- . | O1 -2 23. (241) 25.3 ga3 30. ote 275 5 203 44 2 3. @ [3 4 5] @|1s, 4-3-2 2 2 wo 4 4 2 . [O10 2 4-1_[9 01 32. (ii) | 0 12 33. A°=A"=|0-12] 34, --4 212 1-11 35.(i) x+2y4+32=6 1 if 3. 2-1 3x~2y42=2 i a) 112 4 § YZ (ii) X=| 4 (iii) 3] 6 33 4x+2y+2=7 5 (1,1, 1) 3 , [¥3 2/3 3 ; 1 3) 36. A” =|2/3 3 2/3] 37, [59-8 2/3 -2/3 2] 36 5 2 \ 100 bor a. We i 44. Jo10 asl nt 001 50. If 4=0 SS mi ~~ wfultiple Choice Questions 4. The inverse of [3 Fl is -7 5 -2 023] [53] of] [24] 2, If A is @ nth order square matrix then det (5 A) = (2) s[det(A)]" (0) Sdet(4) (c) 5"[det( ayy" QA det(4) 3, From the relation 4B = AC we can conclude B = C, provided (a) A is singular (b) 4 is square (c) A is symmetric (d) A is non-singular (8 62). 4, If the matrix |-6 7 —4 |is singular, then the value of q is 2-42 2 (b) 5 (c)2 (d)4 5, The inverse of the matrix G :) is 2 — (32) © (§23) {oy does not exist @) (3 4) 6.If A and B are square matrices and 4-! and p-lexist then (AB)"! = @) zB (b) gt) BAT (@ A'B 00-1 5 7. Let A (8 -10 }: The only correct statement about A is -10 0 (a) A~ does not exist (bo) 4=-1 (c) Ais a null matrix al 422 : &tet sald sland B=|-5 0 a|. 16-1047 then ais 111 0-23 (a)2 (b) -1 @2 @5 410 ENGINEERING MATHEMATIC, : . ct 9. Which of the following statement is corre @) skew symmetric matrix of even order is always singular (b) skew symmetric matrix of odd order is non-singular (c) skew symmetric matrix of odd order is singular (d) none “2-2 . 10. i A=(3 ‘). a-(F 33), then (44+ By! @ at+Bt Q does not exist (c) is a skew symmetric matrix ynone 11. If AB= A and BA=B, then B? = (ao (b) 4 ()B @T 12. If A be a matrix whose inverse exists then which of the following is not true? (@) (ATy" =(471)" (b) a“! = det (Ay)! © (4) 1 = (aly? (d) none 13. If A, B are two nth order non-singular matrices then (a) (4B)! = a! (b) (4B) ' does not exist (c) AB is singular (d) AB is non-singular 14, If for a square matrix 4, 43 = / then A's? (a) 4 () 42 (3) adj (4) (4) none 15. If A= 4+, then 42s equal to @(TET] a (638) a(t a 000 oro) {ooo of 31- os 4=(01 2) then AAT is (a) symmetric (c) diagonal ono 0 11 4 oti 1 11 (b) skew-symmetric () none y | | prs oF MATRIX C—O if jf is an invertible matrix, then @ ay (AT) = ad) (©) ad (AT) gl (9 agj(A") = (ada)? (4) none 18 If A and B are two square matrices of same order such that (A+B) = A? + B2+24AB, then @ A=B (6) 42g (©) A=-B () ABs BA . (0 ~2), , 19. If the matrix re oe ; is singular, the value of 1 is (@0 (b) 4 [WBUT 2004] vt se -1 6 1 4 20.1f A=|-1 0 2 | then the trace of A is @o 3 97 (b)7 @5 (d) 11 21. If A is a square matrix then trace of SA is (@) 5 trace of A (b) 25 trace (A) (c) trace A (d) none of these 22. Trace of a square null matrix is @)1 Loy 0 ()o (d) none of these 3.18 tr(447) =0 fora square matrix A the A is (@) an identity matrix (b) scalar matrix (©) null matrix (d) invertible matrix ANSWERS le 24 34 4a Sc 6c Td Sd 9 Wd inc 126 13d 14d 15.0 16a 17a 18d Be 20.¢ 21.4 2b 230

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