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Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

Savonius Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

Terra-Aqua Moya's Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
Savonius Wind Turbine Tower
Electrical Transmission Tower Vertical Turbine
Pole mounted GUS

Double Helix Wind Turbine

Red GUS Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

Triple Blade Vertical Axis Rotor
Windaus' Carbon Fiber Three Blade Helix Turbine
Three Blade Helix Rotor
Windaus' Pole Mounted Helical Three Blade Helix Turbine
Windaus' Triple Helix Blade Vertical Wind Turbine
Windaus' 100 foot Vertical Wind Turbine Tower
Geodesic Dome
Two Blade Helix Wind Turbine
Four Blade Helix Wind Turbine
Six Blade Helix Wind Turbine
Helix Turbine System and Energy Production Means

Vertical Axis Double Helix Wind Turbine

Rooftop Mounted Vertical Axis
Helix Wind Turbine Energy
NASA's Create the Future Contest Entry:
When the sun hits the earth and heats the air, it causes the air to rise, creati
ng a vacuum below it. That vacuum pulls in cooler air creating wind. It is estim
ated that around 1% to 3% of the sun's energy entering the earth's atmosphere pr
oduces wind energy. Wind turbines are the most unused form of renewable energy f
ound in high wind zone areas. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, there
is enough harvestable wind to power the whole country. The world average wind sp
eed is 3 m/s (10.8 km/h 6.75 mph). 18 to 20 mph winds flow through Rocky Mountai
n states. 12 to 18 mph breezes sweep across the Great Plains and upper Midwest s
tates. Wind farms in 30 states currently provide less than 1% of the nation s tota
l electricity demand. The goal of the wind energy industry is to supply 100 giga
watts (10% of the projected national capacity) by 2020. wants
20% wind power by 2030. One study indicates that an entirely renewable energy su
pply based on 70% wind is attainable at today's power prices by linking wind far
ms with the electrical grid. Obviously, the other method of extracting the sun's
energy is the use of solar cell panels or parabolic solar concentrators. Presen
tly, solar cell power, costs several times more than wind energy to produce elec
In 2000 - 2004, New U.S. Electric Generating Capacity for Wind Power was less th
an 4%, in 2005 it was 12%, in 2006 it was 18%, in 2007 it was 35%, in 2008 it wa
s 44%, and in 2009 it was 39%. At the end of 2009, cumulative wind power capacit
y in the United States was 35,155 MW, China was at 25,853 MW, Germany was at 25,
813 MW, Spain was at 18,784 MW, India was at 10,827 MW, Italy was at 4,845 MW, F
rance was at 4,775 MW, United Kingdom was at 4,340 MW, Portugal was at 3,474 MW,
Denmark was at 3,408 MW, and the rest of the world combined was at 22,806 MW. W
ind power produces roughly 20% of Denmark s electricity, 14% of Spain s, 14% of
ugal s, 11% of Ireland s, 8% of Germany s, 4% of Greece's, 4% of Netherlands', 3%
of U
nited Kingdom's, and 3% of Italy's electricity consumption. In the United States
, wind power produces roughly 2.5% of the it s electricity consumption. At the end
of 2009, wind energy s contribution to the world's energy grid is estimated to be
around 1.8%.
A wind turbine is a machine that is used to convert kinetic energy from wind int
o mechanical energy. The wind turbine is called a windmill if the mechanical ene
rgy is used by machinery (pump, grinding stones, etc.). The wind turbine is call
ed a wind generator, wind turbine, wind power unit (WPU), wind energy converter
(WEC) or aerogenerator if the mechanical energy is converted into electricity. I
n the 10th century, vertical carousel-type windmills were used in Persia to grin
d corn and to raise water from streams for irrigation. The remains of foundation
s for vertical windmills / turbines have been found in France dating back to 115
0. The first English post windmill was erected in 1137 A.D. by William Almoner o
f Leicester.
Presently, there are more Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWTs) producing electr
icity than vertical wind turbines. Helical Axis Wind Turbines produce electricit
y at around 35% efficiency. Most Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs) produce ele
ctricity at around 25% efficiency, but they are cheaper to build and install, ar
e smaller and produce less noise. The TSR (Tip Speed Ratio) is the ratio of the
speed of the wind to the speed of the tips of the blades of a wind turbine. Lift
-type wind turbines (HAWTs) have a maximum tip speed ratios of around 10, while
drag-type wind turbines (VAWTs) have tip speed ratios of around 1.
A horizontal wind turbine usually has 3 or 4 aerodynamic blades which are shaped
to catch the wind and rotate the blades on a horizontal axis. 5-blade wind turb
ines improve annual energy production in areas with average wind speeds of 11 MP
H (5m/s). The blade rotation speed of a 5-blade turbine is 60% of the rotational
speed of a 3-blade wind turbine. The slower blade rotational speed of a 5-blade
wind turbine reduces wind turbine noise. Compared to the annual energy output o
f a 3-blade wind turbine, there is an energy output increase of more than 60%. A
ll horizontal wind turbines use some type of technology to help direct the blade
s into oncoming wind. Smaller horizontal wind turbines use a wind vane or vertic
al tail to turn the turbine's blades into the wind. Larger (commercial) horizont
al wind turbines use sensitive wind and pressure sensors to communicate wind dat
a to an onboard computer which continually turns the horizontal wind turbine's b
lades into the directional wind or to stop the blades from spinning in high spee
d winds. The horizontal wind turbine requires faster wind speeds to produce elec
tricity. The vertical axis wind turbine (Savonious or helical) produces electric
ity with slower wind speeds and keeps operating in high wind speeds.
The greatest demand for energy is in the cities along the coasts. The demand for
energy from renewable sources is creating more offshore wind farms near major c
oastal cities. In 2006 the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy
Laboratory's National Wind Technology Center predicted that off-shore horizonta
l wind turbine installations could be developed in the next 20 years to provide
a generating capacity of about 50 GW (Gigawatts). The horizontal wind turbine in
dustry is developing turbines with rotor diameters as large as 150 meters and po
wer ratings up to 10 MW (Megawatts). As of the summer of 2010 there are 2,083 MW
of offshore wind energy projects in various phases of development in the United
States and 1,160 MW in Canada using Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWTs). Hori
zontal wind turbines are designed to provide an almost constant voltage in vario
us wind speeds but are shut down or placed in an idle mode when wind speeds reac
h 25 m/s.
In the past, offshore wind farms have been placed in shallow waters. In the futu
re, offshore wind farms will be located in water depths of 30 to 50 meters. Offs
hore wind farms require an environmental impact study, an avian study, visibilit
y from shore, effects on shipping routes and dredged channels, interference with
telecommunications installations, interference with aircraft flight paths, prox
imity to electricity distribution companies, public involvement, permits, and in
put from fisherman, local communities, aviation authorities, Coast Guard, and th
e Army Corps of Engineers. The foundations of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines used
in offshore wind farms are exposed to ocean currents, salt, humidity, storm win
ds, waves, ice, and even impacts from ships. There are several types of horizont
al wind turbine support structures (depending on water depth) used on off-shore
multi-bladed horizontal wind turbines: gravity caissons, monopole, monopole with
guy wires, tripod, braced frame, tension leg with suction buckets, suction cais
sons, and ballast-stabilized buoy with suction anchor. The monopole support stru
cture is the most commonly used support structure foundation.
Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) have a vertical rotor drive shaft. A vertica
l axis wind turbine does not need to be pointed into the wind to work. This is a
dvantageous when the wind direction comes in more than one direction or is turbu
lent. With a vertical axis wind turbine, the generator and gearbox are located a
t the base, where they are more accessible for maintenance. Drag type vertical a
xis wind turbines, such as the Savonius wind turbine and Giromill, operate at lo
wer tip speed ratios than lift-based vertical axis wind turbines, such as Darrie
us wind turbine ("Eggbeater" turbine) and Cycloturbine. Some vertical axis wind
turbine designs produce pulsating torque. Later designs like Turby, Giromill, Qu
ietRevolution and Aerotecture solved the torque problem by using the helical twi
st of the blades, similar to Gorlov's water turbines. The helical vertical axis
wind turbine produces up to 50% more electricity annually, generates electricity
in winds as low as 3 mph (1 m/s) and in wind speeds up to 130 mph+ (60 m/s). Th
e helical vertical axis wind turbine withstands frost, ice, sand and humidity.
Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs) are either lift or drag based designs. In th
e past, lift based designs have outputted more power and have been more efficien
t than drag based designs. The Finnish engineer S. J. Savonius invented the firs
t Savonius vertical windmill in 1922 (US Patent 1,697,574). A Savonius wind turb
ine is a drag based turbine design (a/k/a anemometers & Flettner vent). A Savoni
us turbine's vanes can be made using scoops, buckets, paddles, sails, half drum
sections, etc. Looking down on the rotor from above, a two scoop turbine would l
ook like an S shape in cross section. The vertical S-shaped Savonius type rotor is
the least efficient design. The barrel cut Savonius type rotor, where the 2 hal
ves are offset (allowing air to pass through the middle), is slightly more effic
ient. The Savonius windmill rotates because air pressure is lower on one side an
d the cup side captures the wind. Most vertical Savonius type turbine designs pr
oduce pulsating torque. The spiral helix shaped Savonius type rotor catches omni
-directional wind from all directions and angles, eliminates the pulsating torqu
e and is more efficient at extracting kinetic wind power. The vertical Savonius
type turbine is less efficient in turning wind power into energy than a Helical
Axis Wind Turbine.
Terra-Aqua Moya has a few vertical axis turbines installed on a piece of private
property, about one mile off of Route 25 on the Wyoming / Colorado border. Terr
a-Aqua Moya has a patented fixed blade shaped diffuser (similar to a series of S
avonius blades) near the rotating vertical axis turbine blades. A trapezoid augm
enter ramps the wind flow to the patented vertical blade shaped diffuser before
it approaches the blades. Associated Press carried a story from the Jackson Hole
Star-Tribune about a design breakthrough in vertical axis wind turbines announc
ed by Terra-Aqua Moya of Cheyenne, Wyoming. Terra-Aqua Moya claims their patente
d design is 43% to 45% efficient. The Terra-Aqua Moya VAWT is close to the theor
etical 59% maximum efficiency of horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs). Horizont
al axis wind turbines are usually 25% to 40% efficient. The interaction between
the vertical airfoils and curved vertical blades produces a low pressure area wh
ich accelerates wind flow through the turbine's blades. At a maximum height of 9
6 feet, the turbines can be placed in industrial areas where horizontal turbines
are not allowed.
Many wind turbines have only a few moving parts (rotor, slip rings and yaw beari
ngs). Conventional horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs) have three components:
the rotor component / blades for converting wind energy to low speed rotational
energy (20% of the wind turbine cost), the generator component / electrical gene
rator, control electronics and gearbox for converting the low speed rotation to
high speed rotation for generating electricity (34% of the wind turbine cost) an
d the structural support component / tower and rotor yaw mechanism (15% of the w
ind turbine cost) = 69% + transportation & installation. One of the main objecti
ves of horizontal and vertical turbines manufacturers is to reduce these costs.
Some of the horizontal axis wind turbine's transportation and installation costs
exceed the cost of the turbine.
United States 80 meters above ground wind map Wind speeds are slower closer to t
he ground. Wind speeds increase with height and accelerate as it rises over the
eaves of a building. Air flow near the ground and other objects (buildings, tree
s, etc.) can create turbulent air flow, which can produce wind turbine vibration
, noise and bearing wear. When a vertical axis wind turbine is mounted on a roof
top, the building redirects wind over the roof, increasing the wind speed enteri
ng the turbine. The energy that wind turbines generate is proportional to the cu
be of wind speed. A wind turbine in 20 mph of wind will generate 8x (eight times
) as much energy as the same turbine in 10 mph of wind. In some wind shear locat
ions, for every ten meters up, the wind speed can increase by 20% and the power
output by 34%. Good locations for wind turbines are coastal areas with steady se
a breezes, open flatlands such as the Great Plains, mesas, hilltops, ridgelines,
etc. A turbine should be as high as possible and away from any obstructions. Th
ere is more wind the higher you get off the ground. Buildings, structures and tr
ees play havoc with wind speed, direction and turbulence. A low-noise rooftop ve
rtical axis wind turbine mounted at approximately 50% above the building height
is located at the optimum height for maximum wind energy and minimum wind turbul
ence. A wind turbine spinning five feet above a rooftop will perform much better
(2x better or more) if it s 50 feet higher. Wind turbines with constant high wind
speeds produce the best return on investment. The bottom of a horizontal turbin
e should be 3x above the nearest upwind barrier or 25 feet above any upwind obst
acles within 300-500 feet.
The quantitative measurement of wind energy available at any location is called
the Wind Power Density (WPD.) It is a calculation of the annual wind power avail
able per square meter of swept area of a turbine and is tabulated for different
heights above ground. Calculation of wind power density includes the effect of w
ind velocity and air density. In the United States, the calculations are created
by the National Renewable Energy Lab and referred to as "NREL CLASS." The large
r the WPD calculation, the higher it is rated by class. Classes range from Class
1 (200 watts/square meter or less at 50 meters altitude) to Class 7 (800 to 200
0 watts/square meter). Commercial wind farms are usually located in Class 3 or h
igher areas.
A pole mounted wind turbine is a tall structure that requires a building permit.
Zoning regulations often limit the height, placement, etc. of new installations
, so a conditional use permit or variance (project specific exception from exist
ing zoning regulations) may be required. Applications for a variance should cite
the specific rule and list the reasons why the wind turbine should be allowed.
List all the other tall structures already accepted in your town (water towers,
rooftop satellite dishes, cellular communications towers, etc.). Getting the req
uired permits and approvals to install a wind turbine can be difficult when you
elevate your turbine into the proper wind zones. There is a concern about the im
pact of turbines on birds and wildlife / noise and safety / visual appearance. Y
ou will probably have to submit a structural plan or the documentation from the
turbine manufacturer or dealer to the county or city. Permitting requirements, p
rocedures and fees vary. Fees for building permits, use permits, zoning permits
and "plot plans" can range from hundreds to over a thousand dollars. There also
may be other fees for public notification, hearings and environmental impact stu
dies costing hundreds to several thousand dollars. Provide documentation or info
rmation that makes the fee unnecessary. If a fee seems inappropriate or excessiv
e, you may be able to get it waived or reduced. Find out what you are being char
ged for.
The orientation and design of a building impacts the direction of airflow poweri
ng a roof mounted vertical axis wind turbine. Eaves and building contours increa
se turbulence and cause excessive and unbalanced loads on the turbine's blades w
hich can lead to premature component failure. Turbulence may decrease the life o
f a turbine, but it can also increase energy output. Most residential and commer
cial roofs are not suited for large and heavy wind turbine installation because
the roofs were not designed to carry the additional weight, dynamic loads and vi
brations of the wind turbine.
At the 2009 American Wind Energy Association annual convention, Brad Cochran of
CPP, presented a paper on "Optimizing the Placement of Building Integrated Wind
Turbines." (HAWTs):
Proper placement of turbines on the roof is essential. The wind speeds can r
ange from 0.1 to 1.5 times that wind speed at eave height. A location closest to
the eave that is perpendicular to the predominant direction of wind is the best
Building orientation with respect to predominant direction of wind is import
ant. The widest part of the building should be perpendicular to the predominant
direction of wind. Rooftop installs makes sense only in situations where the mos
t favorable wind conditions are in a 30 degree sector.
Height of building and height of turbine above roof are important. A 400 ft
building will experience significantly higher wind speeds at roof level compared
to a 40 ft building. 30 to 50 feet above the rooftop will experience normal tur
bulence levels; any turbines below this height will encounter high turbulence in
When a building is in a high wind area and the building is tall, the average
wind speed at hub height should be at least 6 m/s.
The predominant energy from kinetic wind energy is in a 30 degree sector. Th
e orientation of the building must be such that the broad side of the building i
s perpendicular to the predominant wind direction.
Turbine should be at least 30 ft (preferably 40 to 50 ft) above the rooftop
and any other taller structure in the vicinity. For shorter buildings (20 ft or
lower), consider other alternatives like installing turbine on a 70 to 100 ft po
le. Any hub height less than this will not see sufficient wind resource.
Rooftop must be able to withstand the moments due to forces on a 30 ft canti
lever. Roof must also be able to withstand the weight of the turbine. Roof must
be of thick concrete so it does not vibrate.
The turbine should be located as close to the eave as possible.
The selected turbine must be tested in high shear and high turbulence enviro
nment because a roof will experience such conditions.
Failure to follow these guidelines will lead to significant reduction in win
d turbine output.
The average household uses 9,000 to 12,000 kWh of electricity a year. Small turb
ines used to power a single home or business may have a capacity of less than 10
0 kilowatts. A small turbine system can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000+ in
stalled. The energy produced by a wind turbine must be able to pay for itself in
10 years or less. Some large commercial sized turbines may have a capacity of 5
million watts (5 megawatts). The estimated price for large wind turbines is aro
und $1,000 USD per 1 KW. Larger turbines are usually grouped together into wind
farms to provide power to the electrical grid for powering a town or city. Turbi
nes used in commercial wind farms, use three or four blades with tip speeds appr
oaching 6 times the wind speed while producing high efficiency with a low torque
ripple. The blades are pointed into the wind by computer controlled motors and
the blades are usually colored light gray to blend in with the clouds. The blade
s range in length from 20 to 40 meters (65 to 130 ft) or more. The blades rotate
at 10-22 revolutions per minute. A gear box is used to increase the speed of th
e generator. More energy can be produced by variable speed turbines using a soli
d state power converter to interface to the transmission system. Windterra s VAWT
inverter technology provides efficiencies at lower voltages (lower wind speeds)
not found in the industry. All horizontal axis wind turbines are equipped with s
hut down features to avoid damage during high wind speeds. The tubular steel tow
ers range from 200 to 300 feet (60 to 90 meters) tall.
Wind energy firms are developing efficient turbines that use multiple generators
and strong, lightweight carbon-fiber or carbon-glass-hybrid rotor blades. Such
upgrades will result in higher output wattage and lower production costs. The ne
w efficient turbine's power output almost equals the natural gas burning power pla
nts. The 20 years of experience in designing and manufacturing Wind Turbines inc
ludes: Blade design (aerospace industry), Blade material (composite material, ma
terial sciences), Blade fabrication (composite material autoclave processing), G
earbox (precision machining, mechanical engineering), Synchronized generator (el
ectrical engineering), Permanent magnet generator (electrical engineering), Inve
rter (power electronics, power distribution), High raised tower (steel productio
n and fabrication), Blade and generator control (industrial control engineering)
and Tower foundation excavation (geology, civil engineering).
On February 17, 2009, President Obama signed into law the American Recovery and
Re-investment Act of 2009. The bill improved upon the 2008 tax credit by removin
g cost caps . Installed Wind Turbines qualify for a 30% federal tax credit and may
be eligible for additional state and/or utility company tax credits. This allows
consumers and small businesses to take a 30% tax credit off the installed cost
of a wind turbine. Consumers and businesses also have the option of receiving th
e tax credit in the form of a cash grant. Federal regulations, the Public Utilit
y Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA), requires utilities to connect with an
d purchase power from all small wind energy systems (less than 80 MW). The wind
turbine manufacturer or a consultant should be able to help arrange the required
utility company approvals.
The cost of extending utility lines to a new home can cost as much as $20,000-30
,000 per quarter mile. The Electric Power Research Institute suggests that in so
me areas of the United States, utilities would save money by removing the underused
electricity transmission lines, that are costly to maintain, and provide el
ectricity with hybrid stand alone power generating and power storage systems. Ot
her organizations: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), U.S. Dept. of Energy Wind Po
wering America Program, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE),
Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE), Power Marketing Adm
inistrations (PMAs), National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), American Wind
Energy Association (AWEA), Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and National
Wind Coordinating Collaborative (NWCC).
The Energy Revolutions Corporation teamed up with The New Hampshire Division of
Parks & Recreation to install a 48? 1,000 watt Greenpower Utility System (GUS ) ve
rtical wind turbine on top of Mt. Washington. Mount Washington has the most seve
re wind and worst weather on the planet. Winds exceed hurricane force (75 mph) o
ver one hundred days a year with an average wind velocity of 35 mph and an avera
ge temperature of 27.1 F (-2.7C). The highest wind velocity ever recorded on ear
th was 231 miles per hour on the summit of Mount Washington. The GUS vertical win
d turbine was first installed on the roof of the Sherman Adams Summit Building i
n mid-December 2008. If a vertical wind turbine can survive a winter on top of M
ount Washington, it will perform well in any other type of extreme condition any
where in the world.
Metropolis Magazine's 2009 Next Generation contest challenged designers to "Fix
Our Energy Addiction". The winning entry, called "Wind-it":
ory/20090513/harvesting-the-wind, was submitted by French designers Nicola Delon
, Julien Choppin and Raphael Ménard. Ménard is the director of a 20 person
l and experimental research division of a large French engineering firm (Iosis G
roup). The designers came up with the idea of inserting vertical wind turbines i
nside high voltage electrical transmission towers. The designers believe that if
a third of France's electrical transmission towers had vertical turbines instal
led inside, they could crank out as much as two nuclear reactors (5% of the Fran
ce's power needs). There are tens of millions of high voltage electrical transmi
ssion towers worldwide. The Helix Turbine System and Energy Production Means wil
l allow this concept to come to life.
Wind Energy Web Sites: U.S. Department of Energy Wind and Water Power Program, W
ind Powering America, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, National Renewable
Energy Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, Pacific Northwest National Labo
ratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Oakridge National Laboratory, Ar
gonne National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory, Ames Laboratory, Los Alamo
s National Laboratory, Savannah River National Laboratory, Brookhaven National L
aboratory, American Wind Energy Association, Database of State Incentives for Re
newables & Efficiency, International Energy Agency Wind Agreement, National Wind
Coordinating Collaborative, and Utility Wind Integration Group.
A helical turbine with a circular member attached to one end for redirecting axi
ally flowing fluid into perpendicularly flowing fluid. A fluid diverter for redi
recting substantially perpendicular flowing fluid into axially flowing fluid. A
hollow circular member attached to an opposite end of the turbine allowing subst
antially axial flowing fluid into one end of turbine. A drive shaft of at least
one generator is in continuous contact with the peripheral edge of the solid or
hollow circular member producing faster rpm. A turbine assembly mounted on a roo
ftop utilizing accelerated wind. Fluid diverters increasing fluid flow into the
helical turbine s receding blades. A fluid diverter preventing fluid from hitting
turbine s oncoming blades. A tail section for maintaining optimal direction into o
ncoming fluid. Two counter rotating turbines where the attached circular member s
edges are in continuous contact. Multiple turbine body assemblies, using differe
nt combinations of disclosed elements, produce multiple preferred embodiments.
The present invention relates to multiple designs, arrangements and uses of omni
direction Savonius type turbines, omnidirection helix turbines and low pressure
turbines for extracting and converting the kinetic energy from moving fluids (wi
nd and water) into mechanical rotary energy for the preferred production of elec
There are many prior art disclosures and uses of omnidirection Savonius type tur
bines, omnidirection helix turbines and low pressure turbines to harness the kin
etic energy from moving fluids, mostly the wind. Savonius first patent, US 1,697,
574, was a vertical two bladed rotor designed to be powered by wind or flowing w
ater. Since then, many attempts to use or modify the Savonius type turbine inven
tion have been made. The most notable examples are found in US Patents 1,766,765
, 4,293,274, 4,715,776, 4,784,568, 4,830,570, 4,838,757, 5,391,926, 5,494,407, 5
,852,331, 6,283,711, 6,428,275, 6,465,899, 6,481,957, 6,538,340, 6,910,873, 7,13
2,760, 7,220,107, 7,241,105, 7,314,346, 7,329,965, 7,344,353, 7,362,004 and 7,37
1,135. There are other prior art references using the Savonius type turbine and
helical turbine designs not mentioned or referenced. All of the Savonius type tu
rbines and prior art turbines are connected to an axial drive shaft where the ax
ial drive shaft end is attached to an alternator or some type of generator for h
arnessing the mechanical rotary energy from the spinning turbine and producing e
The prior art production of omnidirection Savonius type turbines, omnidirection
helix turbines and low pressure turbines, have all been previously manufactured
using two or more blades permanently fastened to two end caps or an axial drive
shaft. The blades are usually molded fiberglass or formed metal panels, instead
of structurally molded and reinforced carbon fiber or nanotube yarn fabric impre
gnated with some type of resin for structural rigidity reinforcement. The prefer
red embodiments of the present invention preferably use lightweight advanced mat
erials for the vanes and other elements.
None of the prior art designs or solutions to improve the omnidirection Savonius
type turbine, omnidirection helix turbine, low pressure turbine or any prior ar
t turbine greatly improves the efficiency of harnessing the kinetic energy from
moving fluids, extracting the most mechanical energy from a spinning turbine and
converting the rotary motion into electricity.
It is an object of the present invention to provide multiple means of extracting
the most kinetic energy from directional, omnidirectional and/or turbulent flui
d movement using a multitude of modified preferably helix turbine designs and ap
paratuses to increase efficiencies. The more vanes the present invention s turbine
has, the more efficient it is at converting kinetic energy from directional, om
nidirectional and/or turbulent fluid movement into mechanical rotary energy. A p
referably cupped helix turbine vane has a greater ability to capture kinetic ene
rgy from directional, omnidirectional and/or turbulent fluid. These improvements
allow the present invention to begin rotating and producing electricity in wind
speeds slower than one mile per hour.
It is another object of the present invention to provide a circular disk element
, with a circumference at least equal to the circumference of the peripheral edg
es of a helix turbine s blades, permanently attached to one end of the helix turbi
ne, for redirecting axially flowing fluid exiting one end of the helix turbine s b
lades and redirecting the fluid flow to flow perpendicular to the axis. The use
of a circular disk element will increase the rotational speed of a preferable he
lix turbine.
It is still another object of the present invention to provide a conical or dome
shaped shroud or housing located on at least one end of the helix turbine s blade
s, for diverting perpendicularly flowing fluid into axially flowing fluid. The c
onical or dome shaped shroud or housing will increase the amount of fluid enteri
ng the helix turbine s blades and will increase the rotational speed of a preferab
le helix turbine.
It is yet another object of the present invention to provide multiple improvemen
ts for extracting more rotational mechanical energy from spinning turbines.
It is a further object of the present invention to provide a way of increasing t
he amount of electricity produced using at least one generator or alternator pos
itioned at an outer peripheral edge of a spinning circular element attached to a
t least one end of a preferable helix turbine s blades or attached to a turbine s
ive shaft.
It is also an object of the present invention to provide a turbine assembly that
allows it to be installed on top of telephone poles, cell towers, light poles,
mountain tops, pitched rooftops, tops of buildings, electrical transmission towe
rs, etc.
Finally, it is another object of the present invention to provide a means of ext
racting the most kinetic energy from unidirectional or multi-directional flowing
fluid using baffles, diffusers, diverters or concentrators positioned to divert
, maximize and increase fluid volume and speed entering a turbine s receding blade
s, and secondly, to block and prevent the negative interaction between a directi
onal flowing fluid interacting with and impacting the one half of the oncoming t
urbine s blades, which inversely slows the rotational speed of a turbine s blades.
These and other objects and advantages of the present invention are provided wit
hin this patent application. The present invention can be produced using existin
g types of omnidirection Savonius type turbines, omnidirection helix turbines an
d low pressure axial turbines. A future patent application will be directed towa
rds improving and manufacturing omnidirection Savonius type turbines, omnidirect
ion helix turbines and low pressure axial turbines.
In order to accomplish the objects of the present invention, the turbine system,
preferably a helix turbine system, uses the following improvements to and modif
ications of a turbine s design for increasing the method of converting the kinetic
energy from moving fluids into rotational mechanical energy, therefore increasi
ng the amount of rotations per minute with each improvement:
A circular disk, with a circumference at least equal to the circumference of the
peripheral edges of a preferable helix turbine, is perpendicularly and permanen
tly attached to at least one end of the helix turbine s blades, for converting axi
ally flowing fluid and diverting it into perpendicularly flowing fluid.
A conical or dome shaped shroud or housing positioned and secured to at least on
e end of a helix turbine for converting perpendicularly flowing fluid into axial
flowing fluid.
A hollow circular baseplate, with a circumference at least equal to the circumfe
rence of the peripheral edges of a preferable helix turbine, is perpendicularly
and permanently attached to at least one end of the helix turbine s blades and in
direct contact with at least one drive shaft of a mini generator or alternator,
for producing much faster revolutions per minute on the drive shafts of the mini
generators or alternators without the use of a gearbox.
Two counter rotating helical turbines, where the top and bottom peripheral edges
of the circular disc and hollow circular disc are perpendicularly and permanent
ly attached to both ends of the helix turbine s blades and are in continuous conta
ct, and a preferably aerodynamically triangular shaped baffle for preventing the
oncoming fluid from impacting the oncoming helix turbine s blades and diverting t
he oncoming fluid into the receding helix turbine s blades for producing faster ro
tational speeds.
A helix turbine assembly using a series of helix turbines with preferably aerody
namic fluid diverters for diverting and concentrating fluid into each of the rot
ating turbine s receding blades and for always pointing the series of helix turbin
es into the oncoming wind or fluid.
A rooftop mounted helix turbine assembly for producing electricity using the per
pendicularly flowing wind and the accelerated and turbulent almost vertically fl
owing wind hitting a pitched rooftop or wind flowing over a flat roof building.
A method of generating electricity, which exponentially increases the amount of
electricity that one turbine assembly can produce based on; the circumference of
the preferably hollow circular disk perpendicularly and permanently attached to
the bottom of the helix turbine, the circumference of a mini generator s or alter
nator s axial drive shaft and the number of mini generators or alternators used.
A method of using preferably aerodynamic fluid diverters and concentrators to in
crease a preferable helix turbine s rotational speed, in relation to wind speed, a
nd to block and prevent windward fluid from impacting with the oncoming turbine s
blades in the multiple preferred embodiments.
A multitude of modifications and enhancements can be made the preferred embodime
nts and elements of the present preferably helical turbine system invention and
the multitude of prior art turbines without departing from the spirit and scope
of this invention as a whole.
These and other objects, features and advantages of the present invention will b
e better understood in connection with the following drawings and descriptions o
f the preferred embodiments.
For a better understanding of the invention as well as other objects, features a
nd advantages thereof, reference is made to the following detailed description t
o be read in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, wherein:
FIG. 1A shows a cross sectional view, perpendicular to the axis, of a two-bladed
helix turbine, where each blade is connected at the axis.
FIG. 1B shows an axial end perspective view of a of a two-bladed helix turbine,
where each blade is connected at the axis.
FIG. 2A shows a cross sectional view, perpendicular to the axis, of a three-blad
ed helix turbine, where each blade is connected at the axis.
FIG. 2B shows an axial end perspective view of a of a three-bladed helix turbine
, where each blade is connected at the axis.
FIG. 3A shows a cross sectional view, perpendicular to the axis, of a four-blade
d helix turbine, where each blade is connected at the axis.
FIG. 3B shows an axial end perspective view of a of a four-bladed helix turbine,
where each blade is connected at the axis.
FIG. 4A shows a cross sectional view, perpendicular to the axis, of a six-bladed
helix turbine, where each blade is connected at the axis.
FIG. 4B shows an axial end perspective view of a of a six-bladed helix turbine,
where each blade is connected at the axis.
FIG. 5 shows a vertical perspective view of a prior art two-bladed helix turbine
assembly with a circular disk, with a circumference at least equal to the circu
mference of the peripheral edges of the helix turbine s blades, perpendicularly an
d permanently attached to the top of the helix turbine s blades for diverting axia
lly flowing fluid into perpendicularly flowing fluid; and a conical or dome shap
ed shroud or housing, with a bottom circumference preferably larger than the cir
cumference of the peripheral edges of the helix turbine s blades with an axial hol
e larger than the circumference of the drive shaft, located below the helix turb
ine s blades for diverting perpendicularly flowing fluid into axially flowing flui
FIG. 6 shows a vertical perspective view of the helix turbine assembly of FIG. 5
, without the bottom conical or dome shaped shroud or housing, axially mounted o
n an axial generator or alternator, where the bottom of the helix turbine is per
pendicularly and permanently attached to a hollow circular baseplate, with a cir
cumference at least equal to the circumference of the peripheral edges of the he
lix turbine s blades, with holes for letting redirected vertical updraft wind ente
r through the hollow circular baseplate into the bottom of the helix turbine s bla
des and a stationary baseplate for holding the peripheral edges of mini generato
r s or alternator s drive shafts in continuous contact with the peripheral edges of
the rotating hollow circular baseplate.
FIG. 7 shows an overhead perspective view of a circular disk, with a circumferen
ce at least equal to the circumference of the peripheral edges of the helix turb
ine s blades.
FIG. 8 shows an overhead perspective view of a hollow circular disk, with a circ
umference at least equal to the circumference of the peripheral edges of the hel
ix turbine s blades, and an inside attaching surface for permanent attachment to t
he bottom of the helix turbine s blades and holes for letting fluid enter through
the bottom of the hollow circular disc.
FIG. 9 shows an overhead perspective view of a stationary baseplate for holding
mini generators or alternators.
FIG. 10 shows a vertical perspective view of two helix turbines next to each oth
er, one spinning clockwise and the other spinning counterclockwise, where the to
p two circular disks and bottom two hollow circular discs, with circumferences e
qual to the circumference of the peripheral edges of the helix turbine s blades, a
re permanently attached to both ends of the two helix turbines and are in contin
uous contact while both helix turbines are spinning.
FIG. 11 shows a vertical perspective view of a modified FIG. 10 where the bottom
two hollow circular disks, with holes for letting fluid enter through the botto
m of each hollow circular disc, have circumferences greater than the circumferen
ce of the peripheral edges of the helix turbine s blades, and are permanently atta
ched to the bottom of the helix turbine s blades, and a fluid diverter and concent
rator is positioned in front of the dual helix turbine assembly on the windward
side to increase fluid speed by diverting fluid flow into the retreating helix t
urbine s blades and by blocking windward fluid from impacting the oncoming center
section of the helix turbine s blades.
FIG. 12 shows a bottom perspective view of FIG. 11 with the rotation of each of
the two helix turbine s blades.
FIG. 13 shows a bottom perspective view of a modified FIG. 12 arrangement mounte
d on a honeycomb baseplate and secondary, preferably aerodynamic fluid diverters
, attached on the outer side edges for diverting and increasing fluid speed ente
ring the back leeward helix turbine s blades and keeping the apparatus pointing in
to the oncoming fluid.
FIG. 14 shows a vertical side perspective view of a helix turbine assembly mount
ed on a pitched rooftop.
FIG. 15 shows a bottom perspective view of the pitched rooftop mounted helix tur
bine of FIG. 14 with four mini generators or alternators.
FIG. 16 shows a bottom perspective view of a rotatable aerodynamic shroud encasi
ng a helix turbine with a preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter positioned to bl
ock and prevent the oncoming fluid from impacting with the oncoming helix turbin
e s blades while diverting and concentrating the oncoming fluid into the receding
helix turbine s blades, and a preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter positioned on
an outside non-linear fluid flow side entering the helix turbine for diverting a
nd concentrating the outer peripheral oncoming fluid into the receding helix tur
bine s blades. The rotatable aerodynamic shroud encasing includes an offset tail m
ember on a leeward trailing end of the turbine s fluid exiting side for maintainin
g balanced windward orientation and always facing into the wind. The offset tail
member compensates for the oncoming fluid induced torque produced by the outsid
e location of the preferable aerodynamic fluid diverter, which only diverts and
concentrates unused non-linear flowing fluid into the helix turbine s blades, incr
easing fluid flow into the receding helix turbine s blades. The rotatable aerodyna
mic shroud encasing is rotatably attached to at least one end of the helix turbi
ne assembly at the rotating axial drive shaft fulcrum location.
FIG. 17 shows a cross sectional view of FIG. 16. The rotatable aerodynamic shrou
d encasing has a first preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter is positioned to bl
ock and prevent the oncoming fluid from impacting with the oncoming helix turbin
e s blades while diverting and concentrating the oncoming fluid into the receding
helix turbine s blades. A second preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter is position
ed on an outside non-linear fluid flow side entering the helix turbine for diver
ting and concentrating the outer peripheral oncoming fluid into the receding hel
ix turbine s blades. More turbine blades increases the efficiency of the turbine a
nd apparatus assemblies. The rotatable aerodynamic shroud encasing includes an o
ffset tail member on a leeward trailing end of the turbine s fluid exiting side fo
r maintaining balanced windward orientation and always facing into the wind.
FIG. 18 shows a front vertical perspective view of FIG. 16. The rotatable aerody
namic shroud encasing has a first preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter position
ed to block and prevent the oncoming fluid from impacting with the oncoming heli
x turbine s blades while diverting and concentrating the oncoming fluid into the r
eceding helix turbine s blades. A second preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter pos
itioned on an outside non-linear fluid flow side entering the helix turbine for
diverting and concentrating the outer peripheral oncoming fluid into the recedin
g helix turbine s blades. The rotatable aerodynamic shroud encasing includes an of
fset tail member on a leeward trailing end of the turbine s fluid exiting side for
maintaining balanced windward orientation and always facing into the wind. The
rotatable aerodynamic shroud encasing is held rotatably in place using a top and
bottom rotatable bearing preferably permanently attached to an axial drive shaf
FIG. 19 shows a front vertical perspective view of FIG. 16. where the rotatable
aerodynamic shroud encasing has a top and bottom aerodynamic fluid diverter for
diverting and concentrating more oncoming fluid into the receding helix turbine s
FIG. 20 shows a cross sectional view of another preferred embodiment of the rota
table aerodynamic shroud encasing having a first aerodynamic fluid diverter is p
ositioned to block and prevent the oncoming fluid from impacting with the oncomi
ng helix turbine s blades while diverting and concentrating the oncoming fluid int
o the receding helix turbine s blades. A second aerodynamic fluid diverter is posi
tioned on an outside non-linear fluid flow side entering the helix turbine for d
iverting and concentrating the outer peripheral oncoming fluid into the receding
helix turbine s blades. The rotatable aerodynamic shroud encasing includes a doub
le tail member on a leeward trailing end of the turbine s fluid exiting side for m
aintaining balanced windward orientation and always facing into the wind. The ro
tatable aerodynamic shroud shown increases the amount of fluid entering the rece
ding helix turbine s blades more than six times.
In the drawings, the following reference numerals have the following general des
0 shows a perpendicularly flowing fluid redirected into an axially flowing fluid
00 shows an axially flowing fluid redirected into a perpendicularly flowing flui
1 shows a multi-blade helix turbine blade.
2 shows an axial drive shaft running the length of the helix turbine blade axis.
3 shows a circular disk with a circumference equal to the circumference of the p
eripheral edges of the helix turbine s blades 1 perpendicularly attached to the to
p of the helix turbine s blades 1.
4 shows a conical or dome shaped shroud or housing, having a bottom circumferenc
e preferably larger than the circumference of the peripheral edges of the helix
turbine s blades 1, placed below the helix turbine s blades 1 for diverting
al airflow into vertical airflow.
5 shows a hollow bottom circular disc with a circumference equal to or greater t
han the circumference of the peripheral edges attached 9 to the bottom of the he
lix turbine s blades and holes 10 for letting updraft air enter through the bottom
of the helix turbine s blades 1.
6 shows a stationary baseplate for holding mini generators or alternators 7 in c
ontact with the peripheral edges of the hollow bottom circular disc 5.
7A shows an axially located generator or alternator for harnessing rotational en
ergy from a rotating axial drive shaft 2.
7 shows at least one mini generator or alternator positioned where the periphera
l edges of the axial drive shaft 8 is in continuous contact with the peripheral
edges of the attached hollow bottom circular disc 5.
8 shows a mini generator s or alternator s axial drive shaft.
9 shows a turbine blade 1 attaching surface on the middle of the hollow bottom c
ircular disc 5 with holes 10 for letting updraft air enter through the bottom of
the helix turbine s blades 1.
10 shows holes for letting updraft air enter through the hollow bottom circular
disc 5 into the bottom of the helix turbine s blades 1.
11 shows a triangular shaped preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter diverting flu
id into the outer two receding halves of the rotating helix turbine blade assemb
ly increasing kinetic energy of a fluid and decreasing drag on the oncoming inne
r two halves of the rotating helix turbine blade assembly.
12 shows a point where the preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter begins dividing
and diverting fluid into the outer two receding halves of the rotating helix tu
rbine blade assembly.
13 shows a point where the fluid concentrator diverts fluid into the outer two r
eceding halves of the rotating helix turbine blade assembly.
14 shows a honeycomb baseplate.
15 shows a top for the helix turbine assembly.
16 shows vertical support rods.
17 shows a top peripheral edge of the helix turbine.
18 shows a pitched rooftop.
19 shows a preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter for diverting and concentrating
fluid into the rotating turbine s receding blade.
20 shows a fulcrum pivot point.
21 shows a rotatable aerodynamic shroud.
22 shows a windward preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter and concentrator for b
locking and preventing oncoming fluid from impacting with the oncoming helix tur
bine s blades and diverting the oncoming fluid into the receding helix turbine s
23 shows a windward preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter and concentrator for d
iverting outer peripheral oncoming fluid into the receding helix turbine s blades.
24 shows a leeward tail member fluid diverter for compensating for the oncoming
fluid induced torque produced by the non-linear location of the preferably aerod
ynamic fluid diverter 23 and the drag produced by the preferably aerodynamic flu
id diverter 22.
25 shows a rotatable bearing preferably attached to an axial drive shaft 2 and a
bottom stationary baseplate 6 or 14 and attached to an axial drive shaft 2 and
a preferably rotatable aerodynamic shroud 21 on a top and bottom outer edge surf
26 shows a top windward preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter and concentrator f
or diverting outer peripheral oncoming fluid into the receding helix turbine s bla
27 shows a bottom windward preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter and concentrato
r for diverting outer peripheral oncoming fluid into the receding helix turbine s
According to the present invention, the foregoing and other objects and advantag
es are attained by providing a turbine assembly and helical turbine system with
a multitude of improvements for extracting the most kinetic energy from moving f
luids while obtaining the maximum amount of mechanical rotational energy from a
spinning turbine. In order to more fully understand the present invention, durin
g the course of this description, the turbine assembly, helical turbine system,
energy production method and preferred embodiments, will be labeled and explaine
d to easily identify like elements according to the different embodiments which
illustrate the presently disclosed invention. The scope of the invention is best
defined by the appended claims and the description provided herein. Additional
objects of the present invention will become apparent as the description proceed
The invention disclosed in the present patent application preferably uses two or
more preferably axially connected helical bladed turbines. Figures 1-4 show hel
ix turbines without axial drive shafts. Preferred embodiments of the present inv
ention s helix turbines can be manufactured with or without axial drive shafts. FI
G. 1A shows a cross sectional view of a two-bladed helix turbine 1 and FIG. 1B s
hows an axial end perspective view of said two-bladed helix turbine 1, where eac
h blade is connected at the axis. FIG. 2A shows a cross sectional view of a thre
e-bladed helix turbine and FIG. 2B shows an axial end perspective view of said t
hree-bladed helix turbine, where each blade is connected at the axis. FIG. 3A sh
ows a cross sectional view of a four-bladed helix turbine and FIG. 3B shows an a
xial end perspective view of said four-bladed helix turbine, where each blade is
connected at the axis. FIG. 4A shows a cross sectional view of a six-bladed hel
ix turbine and FIG. 4B shows an axial end perspective view of said six-bladed he
lix turbine, where each blade is connected at the axis. Multiple embodiments of
the present invention preferably use only helical type turbines where the blades
are preferably connected to an axial drive shaft and do not use the open type S
avonius turbine with at least two axially parallel blades that are not connected
to an axial drive shaft. More turbine blades increases the efficiency of the tu
rbine and apparatus assemblies.
FIG. 5 shows a vertical perspective view of a prior art two-bladed helix turbine
1 assembly with the first two of the present invention s prior art improvements.
Looking at the two-bladed helix turbine 1 assembly from the top, the helix turbi
ne 1 spins clockwise. In Bernoulli's principle (theorem or effect), which relate
s pressure, velocity and height for a non-viscous fluid with a steady flow, when
a fluid flows horizontally, as the speed of a fluid increases, the pressure the
fluid exerts decreases. The lift of an airplane wing increases as the speed of
the plane increases. The air flows faster over the curved top of the wing than u
nderneath and the upward pressure exerted by the air under the wing is greater t
han the pressure exerted downward above the wing, resulting in lift. As fluid fl
ows, perpendicularly to the axis, across the rotating top and bottom surfaces of
the open ended helix turbine 1, a vacuum is created on the rotating top and bot
tom ends of the open ended helix turbine 1. The rotating top end of the open end
ed helix turbine 1 produces a greater vacuum than the rotating bottom end of the
open ended helix turbine 1. First, a circular disk 3, with a circumference at l
east equal to the circumference of the peripheral edges of the helix turbine s 1 b
lades, is perpendicularly and permanently attached to the top of the helix turbi
ne s 1 blades for diverting axially flowing fluid into perpendicularly flowing flu
id 00. This will increase the rotational speed of the helix turbine 1. Second, a
conical or dome shaped shroud or housing 4, with a bottom edge circumference pr
eferably at least larger than the circumference of the peripheral edges of the h
elix turbine s 1 blades with an axial hole larger than the circumference of the dr
ive shaft 2, is positioned and located below the helix turbine 1 blades for dive
rting perpendicularly flowing fluid into axially flowing fluid 0. This will incr
ease the amount of fluid entering the bottom of the helix turbine s blades 1 and w
ill increase the rotational speed of the helix turbine 1.
FIG. 6 shows the present invention s third prior art improvement in a vertical per
spective view of the helix turbine 1 assembly of FIG. 5 axially mounted on an ax
ial generator or alternator 7A, without the bottom conical or dome shaped shroud
or housing 4, where the bottom edge of the helix turbine 1 is perpendicularly a
nd permanently attached 9 to a hollow circular baseplate 5, with a circumference
at least equal to the circumference of the peripheral edges of the helix turbin
e s 1 blades, with holes 10 for letting redirected vertical updraft wind 0 enter t
hrough the hollow circular baseplate 5 into the bottom of the helix turbine s 1 bl
ades and a stationary baseplate 6 for holding the peripheral edges of mini gener
ator s or alternator s 7 drive shafts 8 in continuous contact with peripheral edges
of the hollow circular baseplate 5. The best method of continuous contact betwee
n the mini generator s or alternator s 7 drive shafts 8 and the hollow circular
plate 5 is having the hollow circular baseplate s 5 outer edge made with geared te
eth and each of the mini generator s or alternator s 7 drive shafts 8 made with the
matching geared teeth. The hollow circular baseplate 5 shown, has a circumferenc
e larger than the circumference of the peripheral edges of the helix turbine s 1 b
lades. With the dimensions shown, when the axial drive shaft 2 is rotating at 10
0 rpm, each mini generator s or alternator s 7 drive shaft 8 is rotating at 7,800
m. The more mini generators or alternators 7 attached, the more electricity that
can be produced. With the dimensions shown, 36 mini generators or alternators 7
could be installed on the stationary baseplate 6 for generating electricity. Th
irty-six mini generators or alternators 7 are cheaper than and produce more elec
tricity than one massive generator or alternator 7A. Generating electricity incr
eases exponentially, based on the circumference of the hollow circular disk 5 at
tached to the bottom of the helix turbine 1, the circumference of the mini gener
ator s or alternator s 7 axial drive shaft 8 and the number of mini generators or
ternators 7 used.
FIG. 7 shows an overhead perspective view of a circular disk 3, with a circumfer
ence at least equal to the circumference of the peripheral edges of the helix tu
rbine s 1 blades.
FIG. 8 shows an overhead perspective view of a hollow circular disk 5, with a ci
rcumference at least equal to the circumference of the peripheral edges of the h
elix turbine s 1 blades, and an inside attaching surface 9 for permanent attachmen
t to the bottom of the helix turbine s 1 blades and holes 10 for letting fluid ent
er through the bottom of the hollow circular disc 5.
FIG. 9 shows an overhead perspective view of a stationary baseplate 6 for holdin
g mini generators or alternators 7. Only two mini generators or alternators 7 ar
e shown, but based on the dimensions in the drawings, 36 mini generators or alte
rnators 7 could be installed on the stationary baseplate 6. Obviously, the means
of mounting the mini generators or alternators 7 and the electrical wiring from
each mini generator or alternator 7 is not shown. The stationary baseplate 6, c
an also have a hollow section, at least the same size as the hole in the hollow
circular disk 5, shown in FIG. 8.
FIG. 10 shows a front vertical perspective view of a two helix turbine 1 assembl
y with two helical turbines 1 placed next to each other, where one is spinning c
lockwise and the other is spinning counterclockwise, and where both top circular
disks 3, with circumferences at least equal to the circumference of the periphe
ral edges of the helix turbine s 1 blades, are permanently attached to the tops of
the two helix turbines 1 and are in continuous contact while both helix turbine
s 1 are spinning, and where both bottom hollow circular disks 5, with circumfere
nces at least equal to the circumference of the peripheral edges of the helix tu
rbine s 1 blades, are permanently attached to the bottoms of the two helix turbine
s 1 and are in continuous contact while both helix turbines 1 are spinning. The
space between the two helix turbines 1, where FIG. 10 is labeled and located, is
where the oncoming directional fluid interacts with the oncoming helix turbine s
1 blades. This negative interaction produces drag and slows the rotational speed
of the helix turbine 1.
FIG. 11, where both bottom hollow circular disks 5, with circumferences larger t
han the circumference of the peripheral edges of the helix turbine s 1 blades, are
permanently attached to the bottoms of the two helix turbines 1 and are in cont
inuous contact while both helix turbines 1 are spinning, and shows a preferably
aerodynamically triangular shaped baffle 11 in front of the dual helix turbine 1
assembly, where the oncoming fluid interacts with the oncoming helix turbine s 1
blades, to cancel out the negative interaction between the oncoming directional
fluid and the oncoming helix turbine s 1 blades, which produces drag and slows the
rotational speed of the dual helix turbine 1 assembly. The aerodynamically tria
ngular shaped baffle 11 in front of the dual helix turbine 1 assembly will incre
ase rotational speed of the helix turbine s 1 blades.
FIG. 12 shows a bottom perspective view of the FIG. 11 dual helix turbine 1 asse
mbly s rotation and where both bottom hollow circular disks 5, have circumferences
larger than the circumference of the peripheral edges of the helix turbine s 1 bl
ades, are permanently attached to the bottoms of the two helix turbines 1 and ar
e in continuous contact while both helix turbines 1 are spinning and both top ci
rcular disks 3, have circumferences larger than the circumference of the periphe
ral edges of the helix turbine s 1 blades, are permanently attached to the tops of
the two helix turbines 1 and are in continuous contact while both helix turbine
s 1 are spinning, and the rotation of both helix turbines 1 blades.
FIG. 13 shows a bottom perspective view of a dual helix turbine 1 assembly mount
ed on a honeycomb base 14 using a series of dual helix turbines 1 with preferabl
y aerodynamic fluid diverters 19 for diverting and concentrating fluid into each
of the rotating turbine s 1 receding blades. The dual helix turbine 1 assembly s ho
neycomb base 14 is balanced on a fulcrum pivot point 20 which allows the dual he
lix turbine 1 assembly to always point into the oncoming wind. The preferably ae
rodynamic fluid diverters 19 located on the back outside edges of the dual helix
turbine 1 assembly always keep the dual helix turbine 1 assembly pointed into t
he oncoming wind. The preferably aerodynamic fluid diverters 19 located on the b
ack outside edges can also be larger and angled with a larger reach to catch onc
oming fluid.
FIG. 14 shows a vertical side perspective view of a helix turbine 1 assembly per
manently mounted on a pitched rooftop 18. A helix turbine 1 is centrally located
and axially positioned between a top plate 15 and a honeycomb baseplate 14. The
helix turbine s 1 rotating axial drive shaft 2 or two axial bearings are centrall
y located and attached between a top plate 15 and a honeycomb baseplate 14. Wind
hitting the pitched rooftop 18 almost doubles in speed as it becomes perpendicu
larly flowing fluid redirected into an almost axially flowing fluid 0 and is div
erted into the bottom of a hollow bottom circular disc 5 with a circumference gr
eater than the circumference of the peripheral edges of the helix turbine 1 atta
ched to the bottom of the helix turbine s blades 9 with holes 10 for letting redir
ected updraft air 0 enter through the bottom of the honeycomb baseplate 14 and b
ottom of the helix turbine s blades 1. The axially flowing fluid flowing through t
he turbine s 1 blades is redirected into a perpendicularly flowing fluid 00 when i
t comes in contact with the top 15 of the helix turbine 1 assembly and perpendic
ularly exits the helix turbine 1 blades at the top peripheral edge 17. When a he
lix turbine 1 assembly does not have a top 15, a circular disk 3 with a circumfe
rence equal to the circumference of the peripheral edges of the helix turbine s bl
ades 1 is perpendicularly attached to the top of the helix turbine s blades 1 for
diverting the axially flowing fluid, flowing through the turbine s 1 blades, into
a perpendicularly flowing fluid 00. The top 15 of the helix turbine 1 assembly i
s held in place using at least four vertical support rods 16 connected to the pi
tched rooftop 18 and connected to and running through the honeycomb baseplate 14
. The honeycomb baseplate 14 holds the peripheral edges of mini generator s or alt
ernator s 7 drive shafts 8 in continuous contact with peripheral edges of the holl
ow circular baseplate 5. The best method of continuous contact between the mini
generator s or alternator s 7 drive shafts 8 and the hollow circular baseplate 5 is
having the hollow circular baseplate s 5 outer edge made with geared teeth and eac
h of the mini generator s or alternator s 7 drive shafts 8 made with the matching
ared teeth. The hollow circular baseplate 5 shown, has a circumference larger th
an the circumference of the peripheral edges of the helix turbine s 1 blades. With
the dimensions shown, when the axial drive shaft 2 is rotating at 100 rpm, each
mini generator s or alternator s 7 drive shaft 8 is rotating at 7,800 rpm. The more
mini generators or alternators 7 attached, the more electricity that can be pro
duced. With the dimensions shown, 36 mini generators or alternators 7 could be i
nstalled on the stationary baseplate 6 for generating electricity. Thirty-six mi
ni generators or alternators 7 are cheaper than and produce more electricity tha
n one massive generator or alternator 7A. Generating electricity increases expon
entially, based on the circumference of the hollow circular disk 5 attached to t
he bottom of the helix turbine 1, the circumference of the mini generator s or alt
ernator s 7 axial drive shaft 8 and the number of mini generators or alternators 7
used. Generators or alternators 7 are not waterproof. One method of making the
generators or alternators 7 waterproof for outside use is to replace the generat
or s or alternator s 7 housing with a sealed back and side housing and attaching
generators or alternators 7 upside down to a stationary baseplate 6 or a honeyc
omb baseplate 14 with the axial drive shafts 8 pointing down and in contact with
the peripheral edge of the hollow circular disk 5.
FIG. 15 shows a bottom perspective view of the rooftop mounted helix turbine 1 o
f FIG. 14 with four mini generators or alternators 7.
FIG. 16 shows a bottom perspective view of a rotatable aerodynamic shroud 21 enc
asing a helix turbine 1 with a preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter 23 position
ed on an outside non-linear fluid flow side entering the helix turbine 1 for div
erting and concentrating the oncoming fluid into the receding helix turbine s 1 bl
ades. More turbine blades increases the efficiency of the turbine 1 and apparatu
s assemblies. The rotatable aerodynamic shroud 21 encasing includes an offset ta
il member 24 on a leeward trailing end of the turbine s fluid exiting side for mai
ntaining balanced windward orientation and always facing into the wind. The offs
et tail member 24, is longer to compensate for the oncoming fluid induced torque
produced by the outside location of the preferable aerodynamic fluid diverter 2
3, which only diverts and concentrates unused flowing fluid into the helix turbi
ne s 1 blades, increasing fluid flow into the receding helix turbine s 1 blades.
rotatable aerodynamic shroud 21 encasing is rotatably attached to at least one
end of the helix turbine 1 assembly at the rotating axial drive shaft 2 fulcrum
location. The bottom windward preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter and concentr
ator 26 for diverting and concentrating outer peripheral oncoming fluid into the
receding helix turbine s blades 1 shown in FIG. 16 is not shown in FIG. 18, but i
s shown in FIG. 19.
FIG. 17 shows a cross sectional view of FIG. 16. The rotatable aerodynamic shrou
d 21 encasing has a first preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter 22 positioned to
block and prevent the oncoming fluid from impacting with the oncoming helix tur
bine s 1 blades while diverting and concentrating the oncoming fluid into the rece
ding helix turbine s 1 blades. A second preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter 23 p
ositioned on an outside non-linear fluid flow side entering the helix turbine 1
for diverting and concentrating the outer peripheral oncoming fluid into the rec
eding helix turbine s 1 blades. More turbine blades increases the efficiency of th
e turbine 1 and apparatus assemblies. The rotatable aerodynamic shroud 21 encasi
ng includes an offset tail member 24 on a leeward trailing end of the turbine s fl
uid exiting side for maintaining balanced windward orientation and always facing
into the wind. The offset tail member 24, is longer to compensate for the oncom
ing fluid induced torque produced by the outside location of the preferable aero
dynamic fluid diverter 23, which only diverts and concentrates unused flowing fl
uid into the helix turbine s 1 blades, increasing fluid flow into the receding hel
ix turbine s 1 blades. The rotatable aerodynamic shroud 21 encasing shown in FIG.
16 and 17 will greatly increase the efficiency of any omnidirection Savonius typ
e turbine, omnidirection helix turbine or low pressure turbine.
FIG. 18 shows a front vertical perspective view of a rotatable aerodynamic shrou
d 21 encasing a helix turbine 1 with a preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter 23
positioned on an outside non-linear fluid flow side entering the helix turbine 1
for diverting and concentrating the outer peripheral oncoming fluid into the re
ceding helix turbine s 1 blades. More turbine blades increases the efficiency of t
he turbine 1 and apparatus assemblies. The rotatable aerodynamic shroud 21 encas
ing includes an offset tail member 24 on a leeward trailing end of the turbine s f
luid exiting side for maintaining balanced windward orientation and always facin
g into the wind. The offset tail member 24, is longer to compensate for the onco
ming fluid induced torque produced by the outside location of the preferable aer
odynamic fluid diverter 23, which only diverts and concentrates unused flowing f
luid into the helix turbine s 1 blades, increasing fluid flow into the receding he
lix turbine s 1 blades. The rotatable aerodynamic shroud encasing is held rotatabl
y in place using a top 25 and bottom 25 rotatable bearing preferably permanently
attached to an axial drive shaft 2 fulcrum location. A honeycomb baseplate 14 h
olds the peripheral edges of mini generator s or alternator s 7 drive shafts 8 in
ntinuous contact with peripheral edges of the hollow circular baseplate 5. The b
est method of continuous contact between the mini generator s or alternator s 7
e shafts 8 and the hollow circular baseplate 5 is having the hollow circular bas
eplate s 5 outer edge made with geared teeth and each of the mini generator s or
ernator s 7 drive shafts 8 made with the matching geared teeth. The hollow circula
r baseplate 5 shown, has a circumference larger than the circumference of the pe
ripheral edges of the helix turbine s 1 blades. Another method of converting the u
pdraft axial flowing fluid into rotational energy is to attach a secondary fan b
lade to the hollow circular baseplate 5 or to the bottom of the helix turbine s 1
blades (not shown). As shown in FIGS. 17 and 18, the helix turbine s 1 blades have
more than triple the amount of fluid energy entering the receding blades 1 and
the use of a hollow circular baseplate 5 is not needed in FIGS. I6 and 18, there
fore another preferred embodiment of the present invention would include and sho
w a solid bottom stationary baseplate 6 and/or a solid circular baseplate 5.
FIG. 19 shows a front vertical perspective view of a rotatable aerodynamic shrou
d 21 encasing a helix turbine 1 with a preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter 23
positioned on an outside non-linear fluid flow side entering the helix turbine 1
for diverting and concentrating the outer peripheral oncoming fluid into the re
ceding helix turbine s 1 blades in FIG. 18 also a top windward preferably aerodyna
mic fluid diverter and concentrator 26 element and a bottom windward preferably
aerodynamic fluid diverter and concentrator 27 element for diverting outer perip
heral oncoming fluid into the receding helix turbine s blades.
FIG. 20 shows another embodiment of a rotatable aerodynamic shroud 21 where the
windward preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter and concentrator 22 for blocking
and preventing oncoming fluid from impacting with the oncoming helix turbine s bla
des and diverting the oncoming fluid into the receding helix turbine s blades and
the windward preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter and concentrator 23 for diver
ting outer peripheral oncoming fluid into the receding helix turbine s blades incr
ease the amount of fluid entering the receding helix turbine s blades more than si
x times and the leeward tail member fluid diverters 24 keep the mouth of the rot
atable aerodynamic shroud 21 continually facing into the windward flow of fluid.
One preferred embodiment of the present invention includes a helix turbine 1 ass
embly with a circular disk 3, with a circumference at least equal to the circumf
erence of the peripheral edges of the helix turbine s 1 blades perpendicularly and
permanently attached to the top of the helix turbine s 1 blades for diverting axi
ally flowing fluid into perpendicularly flowing fluid 00. This will increase the
rotational speed of the helix turbine 1. A helix turbine 1 assembly with a circ
ular disk 3 on the top and bottom increase structural rigidity.
Another preferred embodiment of the present invention includes a conical or dome
shaped shroud or housing 4, with a bottom edge circumference preferably larger
than the circumference of the peripheral edges of the helix turbine s 1 blades wit
h an axial hole lager than the circumference of the drive shaft 2, positioned an
d secured preferably below the helix turbine 1 blades to convert perpendicularly
flowing fluid into axially flowing fluid 0. This will increase the amount of fl
uid entering the helix turbine s 1 blades and will increase the rotational speed o
f the helix turbine 1.
Another preferred embodiment of the present invention also includes a helix turb
ine 1 is permanently attached 9 to a hollow circular baseplate 5, with a circumf
erence at least equal to the circumference of the peripheral edges of the helix
turbine s 1 blades, with holes 10 for letting redirected vertical updraft wind 0 e
nter through the hollow circular baseplate 5 into the bottom of the helix turbin
e s 1 blades.
Another preferred embodiment of the present invention is where the helix turbine s
1 permanently attached 9 to a hollow circular baseplate 5 with holes 10 for let
ting redirected vertical updraft wind 0 enter through the hollow circular basepl
ate 5 into the bottom of the helix turbine s 1 blades, positions the peripheral ed
ges of the hollow circular baseplate 5 in direct contact with the drive shafts 8
of mini generators or alternators 7. The best method of continuous contact betw
een the mini generator s or alternator s 7 drive shafts 8 and the hollow circular
seplate 5 is having the hollow circular baseplate s 5 outer edge made with geared
teeth and each of the mini generator s or alternator s 7 drive shafts 8 made with
e matching geared teeth. The hollow circular baseplate 5 shown, has a circumfere
nce larger than the circumference of the peripheral edges of the helix turbine s 1
blades. With the dimensions shown, when the axial drive shaft 2 is rotating at
100 rpm, each mini generator s or alternator s 7 drive shaft 8 is rotating at 7,800
rpm. The more mini generators or alternators 7 attached, the more electricity th
at can be produced. With the dimensions shown, 36 mini generators or alternators
7 could be installed on the stationary baseplate 6 for generating electricity.
Thirty-six mini generators or alternators 7 are cheaper than and produce more el
ectricity than one massive generator or alternator 7A. Generating electricity in
creases exponentially, based on the circumference of the hollow circular disk 5
attached to the bottom of the helix turbine 1, the circumference of the mini gen
erator s or alternator s 7 axial drive shaft 8 and the number of mini generators or
alternators 7 used.
Another preferred embodiment of the present invention would also include using a
two helix turbine 1 assembly with two helical turbines 1 placed next to each ot
her, where one helix turbine 1 is spinning clockwise and the other helix turbine
1 is spinning counterclockwise, and where both top circular disks 3 permanently
attached to the tops of the two helix turbines 1 are in continuous contact whil
e both helix turbines 1 are spinning, and where both bottom hollow circular disk
s 5 permanently attached to the bottoms of the two helix turbines 1 and are in c
ontinuous contact while both helix turbines 1 are spinning. The middle space bet
ween the two helix turbines 1, where the oncoming directional fluid interacts wi
th the oncoming helix turbine s 1 blades, is blocked with a preferably aerodynamic
ally triangular shaped baffle 11 in front of the dual helix turbine 1 assembly,
preventing the oncoming fluid from impacting with the oncoming helix turbine s 1 b
lades and diverting the oncoming fluid into the receding helix turbine s 1 blades.
Another preferred embodiment of the present invention could be used as a helix t
urbine 1 assembly mounted on a honeycomb base using a series of helix turbines 1
with preferably aerodynamic fluid diverters 19 for diverting and concentrating
fluid into each of the rotating turbine s 1 receding blades. The helix turbine 1 a
ssembly s honeycomb base 14 is balanced on a fulcrum pivot point 20 which allows t
he helix turbine 1 assembly to always point into the oncoming wind. The preferab
ly aerodynamic fluid diverters 19 located on the back outside edges of the helix
turbine 1 assembly always keep the helix turbine 1 assembly pointed into the on
coming wind. The preferably aerodynamic fluid diverters 19 located on the back o
utside edges can also be larger and angled with a larger reach to catch oncoming
Another preferred embodiment of the present invention could be used as a pitched
rooftop mounted 18 helix turbine 1 assembly for taking advantage of the wind hi
tting the pitched rooftop 18 almost doubling in speed as it becomes turbulent pe
rpendicularly flowing fluid redirected into an axially flowing fluid 0 diverted
flowing through the bottom of a hollow 10 bottom circular disc 5 attached to the
bottom of the helix turbine s blades 1 and the honeycomb baseplate 14. The axiall
y flowing fluid flowing through the turbine s 1 blades is redirected into a perpen
dicularly flowing fluid 00 when it comes in contact with the top 15 of the helix
turbine 1 assembly and perpendicularly exits the helix turbine 1 blades at the
top peripheral edge 17. When a helix turbine 1 assembly does not have a top 15,
a circular disk 3 perpendicularly attached to the top of the helix turbine s blade
s 1 diverts the axially flowing fluid, flowing through the turbine s 1 blades, int
o a perpendicularly flowing fluid 00. The top 15 of the helix turbine 1 assembly
is held in place using at least four vertical support rods 16 connected to the
pitched rooftop 18 and connected to and running through the honeycomb baseplate
14. The honeycomb baseplate 14 holds the peripheral edges of mini generator s or a
lternator s 7 drive shafts 8 in continuous contact with peripheral edges of the ho
llow circular baseplate 5. The best method of continuous contact between the min
i generator s or alternator s 7 drive shafts 8 and the hollow circular baseplate 5
s having the hollow circular baseplate s 5 outer edge made with geared teeth and e
ach of the mini generator s or alternator s 7 drive shafts 8 made with the matching
geared teeth. The hollow circular baseplate 5 shown, has a circumference larger
than the circumference of the peripheral edges of the helix turbine s 1 blades. Wi
th the dimensions shown, when the axial drive shaft 2 is rotating at 100 rpm, ea
ch mini generator s or alternator s 7 drive shaft 8 is rotating at 7,800 rpm. The
re mini generators or alternators 7 attached, the more electricity that can be p
roduced. With the dimensions shown, 36 mini generators or alternators 7 could be
installed on the stationary baseplate 6 for generating electricity. Thirty-six
mini generators or alternators 7 are cheaper than and produce more electricity t
han one massive generator or alternator 7A. Generating electricity increases exp
onentially, based on the circumference of the hollow circular disk 5 attached to
the bottom of the helix turbine 1, the circumference of the mini generator s or a
lternator s 7 axial drive shaft 8 and the number of mini generators or alternators
7 used.
Another preferred embodiment of the present invention would preferably use aerod
ynamic fluid diverters 19 positioned to increase the helix turbine s 1 rotational
speed in relation to wind speed and compared to the slower rotational speeds of
prior art turbines. A first preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter 11 or 19 is po
sitioned to block and prevent the oncoming fluid from impacting with the oncomin
g helix turbine s blades 1 and diverting the oncoming fluid into the receding heli
x turbine s blades 1. A second preferably aerodynamic fluid diverter 19 is positio
ned on an outside non-linear fluid flow side entering the helix turbine 1 divert
s the oncoming fluid into the receding helix turbine s blades 1.
Another preferred embodiment of the present invention would use a horizontal hel
ix turbine assembly 1 preferably mounted on the apex of a roof or preferably on
the edges of a flat roof. Preferably aerodynamic fluid diverters 11 or 19 are po
sitioned to block and prevent the oncoming fluid from impacting with the oncomin
g helix turbine s blades 1 and for diverting the oncoming fluid into the receding
helix turbine s blades 1 increases efficiency. A second preferably aerodynamic flu
id diverter 19 is positioned on the non-linear fluid flow side entering the heli
x turbine 1 for diverting the oncoming fluid into the receding helix turbine s bla
des 1.
These and other features of the present invention will be more fully understood
by referencing the drawings.
In summary, the present invention, previously described, has provided a helix tu
rbine system and energy production means, where each improvement to a turbine as
sembly or helix turbine assembly increases the method of extracting and converti
ng the kinetic energy from moving fluids into rotational mechanical energy, ther
efore increasing the amount of rotations per minute with each improvement. Each
of the following turbine assembly elements is an improvement. A solid circular d
isk with a circumference at least equal to the circumference of the peripheral e
dges of the turbine or helix turbine perpendicularly and permanently attached to
the top of the turbine s or the helix turbine s blades. A conical or dome shaped sh
roud or housing positioned and secured to at least one end of a turbine or a hel
ix turbine converts perpendicularly flowing fluid into axial flowing fluid. A ho
llow or solid circular baseplate with a circumference at least equal to the circ
umference of the peripheral edges of the turbine or the helix turbine perpendicu
larly and permanently attached to the bottom of the turbine s or the helix turbine
blades and in direct contact with the drive shafts of mini generators or altern
ators. Two counter rotating turbines or helical turbines where the top and/or bo
ttom edges of circular discs perpendicularly and permanently attached to both en
ds of the turbine s or the helix turbine s blades and a preferably aerodynamically
riangular shaped baffle preventing the oncoming fluid from impacting with the on
coming turbine s or helix turbine s blades and diverting the oncoming fluid into
receding turbine s or helix turbine s blades. A turbine or helix turbine assembly u
sing preferably aerodynamic fluid diverters for deflecting and concentrating flu
id entering into each of the rotating turbine s receding blades and for always poi
nting the fluid intake mouth of the turbine or helix turbine assembly into the o
ncoming wind. A rooftop mounted turbine or helix turbine assembly for producing
electricity using the perpendicularly flowing wind and the accelerated turbulent
axially flowing wind hitting the rooftop. The method of generating electricity
disclosed, exponentially increases the amount of electricity that one turbine or
helix turbine assembly can produce based on the circumference of the hollow or
solid circular disk attached to the bottom or top of the turbine or helix turbin
e, the circumference of the mini generator s or alternator s axial drive shaft and
he number of mini generators or alternators used. Using preferably aerodynamic f
luid diverters to increase a turbine s rotational speed in relation to wind speed,
compared to the slower rotational speeds of prior art turbines. Mounting a turb
ine or helix turbine horizontally on the apex of a roof or preferably on the edg
e of a flat roof
While the present invention disclosed has been described with reference to the p
referred embodiments thereof, a latitude of modification, change, relocation of
elements, repositioning of elements and substitution is intended in the foregoin
g disclosure, and in some instances, some features of the invention will be empl
oyed without a corresponding use of the inventions other features. Accordingly,
it will be appreciated by those having an ordinary skill in the art that various
modifications can be made to the system of the invention and it is appropriate
that the description and appended claims are construed broadly and in a manner c
onsistent with the spirit and scope of the invention herein, without departing f
rom the spirit and scope of the invention as a whole.
1 - 20 (Withdrawn)
21. A helical turbine system comprising:
at least two vertical rotatably supported helical vanes twisted around an axis;
said at least two vertical rotatably supported helical vanes attached to a solid
axial drive shaft;
at least one rotational bearing attached to at least one end of said solid axial
drive shaft;
a first solid disc member attached to a top end of said at least two vertical ro
tatably supported helical vanes for redirecting axially flowing fluid into perpe
ndicularly flowing fluid;
a rotatable shroud enveloping said at least two vertical rotatably supported hel
ical vanes comprises at least one windward fluid diverter attached between rotat
able top and bottom panels for increasing fluid flow into said at least two vert
ical rotatably supported receding helical vanes;
said rotatable shroud further comprises a windward fluid diverter attached betwe
en rotatable top and bottom panels for blocking and preventing fluid from hittin
g said at least two vertical rotatably supported oncoming helical vanes;
said rotatable shroud further comprises a tail member attached between rotatable
top and bottom panels on an opposite trailing fluid exiting side of said rotata
ble shroud, for maintaining windward orientation.
22. The helical turbine system of claim 21, wherein at least one end of said sol
id axial drive shaft is directly attached to a generator.
23. The helical turbine system of claim 21, wherein at least one fluid diverter
is located on at least one end of said at least two vertical rotatably supported
helical vanes for redirecting substantially perpendicularly flowing fluid into
axially flowing fluid entering said at least two vertical rotatably supported he
lical vanes enveloped in said rotatable shroud.
24. The helical turbine system of claim 21, wherein the peripheral edge of a sec
ond disc member attached to one end of said axial solid drive shaft, is in conta
ct with at least one solid drive shaft of at least one peripheral generator atta
ched to a stationary base plate.
25. A helical turbine system comprising:
at least two vertical rotatably supported helical vanes twisted around an axis;
said at least two vertical rotatably supported helical vanes attached to a solid
axial drive shaft;
at least one rotational bearing attached to at least one end of said solid axial
drive shaft;
a first solid disc member attached to a top end of said at least two vertical ro
tatably supported helical vanes for redirecting axially flowing fluid into perpe
ndicularly flowing fluid; and
the peripheral edge of a second disc member attached to one end of said axial so
lid drive shaft, is in contact with at least one solid drive shaft of at least o
ne peripheral generator attached to a stationary base plate.
26. The helical turbine system of claim 25, wherein said first solid disc member
attached to said top end of said at least two vertical rotatably supported heli
cal vanes has a circumference at least equal to the circumference of the periphe
ral edges of said at least two vertical rotatably supported helical vanes
27. The helical turbine system
is located on at least one end
helical vanes for redirecting
axially flowing fluid entering
lical vanes.

of claim 25, wherein at least one fluid diverter

of said at least two vertical rotatably supported
substantially perpendicularly flowing fluid into
said at least two vertical rotatably supported he

28. The helical turbine system of claim 25, wherein a hollow disc member is atta
ched to a bottom end of said axial solid drive shaft allowing axially flowing fl
uid to enter the bottom end of said at least two vertical rotatably supported he
lical vanes.
29. The helical turbine system of claim 25, wherein at least one end of said sol
id axial drive shaft is directly attached to a generator.
30. The helical turbine system of claim 25, further comprises:
a rotatable shroud enveloping said at least two vertical rotatably supported hel
ical vanes comprises at least one windward fluid diverter attached between rotat
able top and bottom panels for increasing fluid flow into said at least two vert
ical rotatably supported receding helical vanes;
said rotatable shroud further comprises a windward fluid diverter attached betwe
en rotatable top and bottom panels for blocking and preventing fluid from hittin
g said at least two vertical rotatably supported oncoming helical vanes; and
said rotatable shroud further comprises a tail member attached between rotatable
top and bottom panels on an opposite trailing fluid exiting side of said rotata
ble shroud, for maintaining windward orientation.
31. A helical turbine system comprising:
at least two vertical rotatably supported helical vanes twisted around an axis;
said at least two vertical rotatably supported helical vanes attached to a solid
axial drive shaft;
at least one rotational bearing attached to at least one end of said solid axial
drive shaft; and
a first solid disc member attached to a top end of said at least two vertical ro
tatably supported helical vanes for redirecting axially flowing fluid into perpe
ndicularly flowing fluid.
32. The helical turbine system of claim 31, wherein at least one end of said axi
al solid drive shaft is attached to a generator.
33. The helical turbine system of claim 31, wherein said first solid disc member
attached to said top end of said at least two vertical rotatably supported heli
cal vanes has a circumference at least equal to the circumference of the periphe
ral edges of said at least two vertical rotatably supported helical vanes.
34. The helical turbine system
is located on at least one end
helical vanes for redirecting
axially flowing fluid entering
lical vanes.

of claim 31, wherein at least one fluid diverter

of said at least two vertical rotatably supported
substantially perpendicularly flowing fluid into
said at least two vertical rotatably supported he

35. The helical turbine system of claim 31, wherein the peripheral edge of a sec
ond disc member attached to one end of said axial solid drive shaft, is in conta
ct with at least one solid drive shaft of at least one peripheral generator atta
ched to a stationary base plate.
36. The helical turbine system of claim 31, wherein a rotatable shroud envelopin
g said at least two vertical rotatably supported helical vanes comprises at leas
t one windward fluid diverter attached between rotatable top and bottom panels f
or increasing fluid flow into said at least two vertical rotatably supported rec
eding helical vanes.
37. The helical turbine system of claim 31, wherein a rotatable shroud envelopin
g said at least two vertical rotatably supported helical vanes comprises a windw
ard fluid diverter attached between rotatable top and bottom panels for blocking
and preventing fluid from hitting said at least two vertical rotatably supporte
d oncoming helical vanes.
38. The helical turbine system of claim 31, wherein a rotatable shroud envelopin
g said at least two vertical rotatably supported helical vanes comprises a tail
member attached between rotatable top and bottom panels on an opposite trailing
fluid exiting side of said rotatable shroud, for maintaining windward orientatio
39. The helical turbine system of claim 31, wherein a rotatable shroud envelopin
g said at least two vertical rotatably supported helical vanes comprises an open
second end allowing substantially axial flowing fluid to enter a bottom end of
at least two vertical rotatably supported helical vanes.
40. The helical turbine system of claim 31, wherein at least one end of said sol
id axial drive shaft and the peripheral edge is in contact with at least one sol
id drive shaft of at least one peripheral generator attached to a stationary bas
e plate.
Petition To Make Special Under The Green Technology Pilot Program
Statements of Special Status for the Eligibility Requirement
(1) US Patent application Serial No. 12/853,483 is a non-provisional utility app
lication filed under 35 U.S.C. 111(a). The Patent application, Preliminary Amend
ment to the Claims and the Petition To Make Special Under The Green Technology P
ilot Program has been filed before the publication date.
(2) The application contains three independent claims and twenty claims total. T
he patent application does not contain any multiple dependent claims.
(3) The Amended Claims for the multiple embodiments of the present invention, wh
ich claim the improvements to a preferable HELIX TURBINE SYSTEM AND ENERGY PRODUC
TION MEANS , are be directed to a single invention that materially enhances the qu
ality of the environment and materially contributes to: (1) the discovery or dev
elopment of renewable energy resources; and (2) the more efficient utilization a
nd conservation of energy resources.
(4) The petition to make special is being timely filed electronically using the
USPTO electronic filing system, EFS-Web, and selecting the document description
of Petition for Green Tech Pilot on the EFS-Web screen.
(5) The petition to make special has been filed at least one day prior to the da
te that a first Office action appears in the Patent Application Information Retr
ieval (PAIR) system.
(6) The petition to make special is accompanied by a request for early publicati
on in compliance with 37 CFR 1.219 and the publication fee set forth in 37 CFR 1
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