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i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 7 7 8 8 e7 7 9 7

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Rapid fabrication of Cu/Pd nano/micro-particles

porous-structured catalyst using hydrogen bubbles
dynamic template and their enhanced catalytic
performance for formic acid electrooxidation

Reza Ojani*, Zeynab Abkar, Ehteram Hasheminejad, Jahan-Bakhsh Raoof

Electroanalytical Chemistry Research Laboratory, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry,
University of Mazandaran, 3rd Kilometer of Air Force Road, 47416-95447 Babolsar, Iran

article info abstract

Article history: In this work, a self-supporting PdeCu bimetallic film with 3D porous structure was elec-
Received 21 December 2013 trodeposited at the surface of glassy carbon electrode (GCE) using a facile double-template
Received in revised form fabrication process, including hydrogen bubble templating method and galvanic replace-
5 March 2014 ment reaction, and its performance investigated as a catalyst for formic acid oxidation
Accepted 14 March 2014 (FAO). The structure of the Cu/Pd porous film was characterized by scanning electron
Available online 14 April 2014 microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The electrocatalytic activity of
the as-prepared catalysts with high surface areas were evaluated in sulfuric acid solution
Keywords: containing 1 M formic acid using cyclic voltammetry (CV), linear sweep voltammetry (LSV),
Cu/Pd porous structures chronoamperometry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The Cu/Pd porous
Hydrogen bubbles template structure exhibited significantly high current densities of formic acid oxidation compared
Galvanic replacement to the Cu/Pd particles film catalyst. The effects of galvanic replacement time and con-
Electro-oxidation centration of formic acid on the catalytic activity of as-prepared electrode for FAO were
Formic acid comparatively investigated.
Copyright ª 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights

via a more direct pathway, bypassing the strongly bound CO

Introduction intermediate [5,6]. Therefore, considerable efforts have
currently been directed to developing novel Pd catalysts.
Energy storage devices including fuel cell, Li-batteries etc. Recent studies in the field of FAO have been focused on
have been developing especially today [1,2]. Among them, increasing catalyst activity and durability through various
direct formic acid fuel cells (DFAFCs) has been receiving much approaches. It has been demonstrated that formic acid
attention as one of the most attractive energy sources [3]. Pd- oxidation was more facile on Pd alloyed with a less expensive
based electrocatalysts have recently attracted great attention metal M (M ¼ Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu etc.) [10e13] than on pure Pd
as promising anode catalyst for DFAFCs [4e9]. In contrast to and the catalyst deactivation was much slower. For example;
the commonly used Pt catalysts, Pd catalysts can catalyze FAO Xu et al. [11,14] fabricated the PdeCu alloy particles with

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ98 112 5342301; fax: þ98 112 5342302.
E-mail address: (R. Ojani).
0360-3199/Copyright ª 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 7 7 8 8 e7 7 9 7 7789

Fig. 1 e Low (a, c) and high (b, d) magnification SEM images of Cu/Pd porous structure (a, b), Cu/Pd particles film (c, d).

superior electrocatalytic activity and stability for formic acid Nanoparticle-based, templating (substrate-based), dealloying
oxidation. Han et al. [15] presented a facile one-pot synthesis [12,27,28] and decoration techniques have been applied to
of highly monodisperse PdeCu bimetallic alloy nanoparticles yield porous structure [29]. Among them, the most popular
through the co-reduction of Pd and Cu precursors in non- approach to prepare such materials with controlled charac-
hydrolytic solutions by using tri-octylamine and oleic acid. teristics is the template assisted method. Notably templating
The alloying effect can be largely understood in the frame can pre-define size and shape of porous structure [30] and the
work of the d-band theory [16]. The addition of the second H2 bubble technique presents a green and attractive template
metal changes the electronic structure of Pd, decreases the Pd for preparing 3D nano, micro-porous structure materials
d-band center and therefore weakens the adsorption of [31e33], attributed to its low cost, ease of operation and facile
inhibiting reaction intermediates. Another approach to elimination of bubbles. In gas bubble dynamic template pro-
enhance ability of Pd catalysts involves the design of novel Pd cess, the hydrogen bubbles arising from the electrochemical
nano and microstructures with higher activity for formic acid reduction of Hþ in the deposition process functions as the
oxidation such as 3D porous materials [7,17]. dynamic template for metal electrodeposition. Metal is elec-
In recent years, numerous efforts have been performed for trodeposited and grows within the interstitial spaces between
the preparation of porous materials due to their large surface the hydrogen bubbles to form a porous film of metal on the
area and, as a result, higher catalytic activity. Because of their substrate. It overcomes troublesome procedures to remove
large surface area, 3D porous materials have attracted the traditional template, e.g. the drawback of using hard
increasing interests in the fields of catalysis [18e20], fuel cell templates lies in the requirement to apply strong chemical
[21], battery [22], sensor [23e25] and adsorbent [26]. One of the treatment.
most intensive topics concerning their synthesis is to tailor Based on above considerations, in this work, we report the
the properties of the porous materials, including their application of 3D porous Cu film with the flower-like structure
porosity, mechanical stability, and specific surface area. as a support for loading of Pd by galvanic replacement method
7790 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 7 7 8 8 e7 7 9 7

to make highly porous PdeCu catalyst and investigation of its observe the surface of modified electrodes. The micrograph of
catalytic ability for FAO. It is noticed that Cu as an assistant the Cu/Pd porous structures and Cu/Pd particles film is shown
component plays important roles in enhancing the catalytic with different magnifications in Fig. 1. From Fig. 1(a), it is
activity of Pd [34]. This catalyst exhibits a large active surface observed that Cu/Pd nano/micro-porous film is distributed in
area and a superior catalyzing activity. This double-template the form of the 3D interconnected structure with flower-like
synthesis process can be considered as an effective method morphology over a large area. The higher-magnification SEM
for Pd loading on less expensive metal such as Cu which leads image (Fig. 1(b)) reveals that the flower-like structures are
to design the efficient Pd-based catalysts with lower cost. composed of equiaxed nano/micro-particles. Fig. 1(c and d)
shows the SEM images of a typical Cu/Pd particles film with
non-porous nature. It can be seen that the electrode surface is
Experimental almost totally covered by microparticles with average size of
100e250 nm. AS shown in Fig. 1(d), each individual particle is
Reagents and chemicals composed of several nanoparticles. Comparison Fig. 1(a and b)
with Fig. 1(c and d) confirms the significant effective role of
CuSO4.5H2O, PdCl2, HCOOH, H2SO4, HClO4 and other chem- hydrogen bubbles template in the creation of 3D porous
icals were of analytical grade purchased from Fluka. Twice structures.
distilled water was used to prepare reagent solutions. All re- To study the bulk composition of Cu/Pd 3D porous film in
agents were of analytical grade and used without any further more details, EDS analysis was performed (Fig. 2). The EDS
purification. spectrum confirms the presence of Pd on Cu film demon-
strating Cu is simultaneously replaced with Pd. Elemental
Instrumentation analysis data given from EDS analysis after replacement of Cu
under-layer by Pd were listed in Table 1. It should be pointed
All electrochemical measurements were performed using out that the energy peaks of Au appeared in the spectrum is
potentiostat & galvanostat (Ivium, 5612 AJ Eindhoven, due to the gold-coating step of the electrode surface for SEM
Netherlands). A conventional three-electrode system was imaging.
employed including a GCE (diameter, 2 mm) as the working
electrode, a platinum wire as the auxiliary electrode, and an Voltammetric measurements (CVs and LSV)
Ag/AgCl (saturated KCl (3 M)) electrode as the reference elec-
trode. All the experiments were carried out at room temper- Fig. 3 displays the 1st to 10th cyclic voltammograms of 0.5 M
ature (20  1  C). The structure morphology and elemental H2SO4 solution at the surface of Cu porous structure modified
quantitative analysis of deposited catalysts were studied by electrode. At the first scan, a big oxidation peak of Cu at 0.21 V
scanning electron microscope (model VEGA-Tescan, Razi and a reduction peak of Cu oxides at 0.15 V were observed.
Metallurgical Research Center) equipped with an energy Both peaks decreased with the increase of scan cycle and
dispersive spectrometer (EDS). almost disappeared at the tenth scan due to the dissolution of
Cu. Herein, we estimated the Pd loading on the electrode using
Working electrode preparation the first Cu anodic stripping peak and also atomic ratio be-
tween Cu and Pd, obtained from EDS analysis, as follows: At
The GCE was polished in alumina/water slurry, consecutively first, the number of moles for deposited Cu (molCu) was ob-
ultrasonicated in absolute ethanol and distilled water for tained from Faradic law: molCu ¼ QCu/2F Where QCu is the
5 min beforehand use. Electrodeposition of Cu at GCE was
carried out in 0.5 M H2SO4 with 0.05 M CuSO4 by potentiostatic
technique. The Cu/Pd porous structures were prepared using
template-engaged replacement reaction between the depos-
ited Cu and the aqueous PdCl2 solution. In a typical replace-
ment reaction, the deposited Cu was immersed in the
electrolyte solution containing 4.5  103 M PdCl2 and 0.1 M
HClO4 for 25 min at room temperature.
For comparison, Cu/Pd particles film was also fabricated in
the absence of hydrogen bubbles template according the same
procedures as described above with difference that electro-
deposition of copper was performed using 0.05 M CuSO4 so-
lution containing 0.1 M H2SO4 instead of 0.5 M H2SO4.

Results and discussion

Microscopic characteristics of the Cu/Pd catalysts

The electrocatalysts comprising Cu/Pd porous structures and Fig. 2 e EDS spectra for the Cu/Pd porous structure catalyst
Cu/Pd particles film were characterized using SEM analysis to electrode.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 7 7 8 8 e7 7 9 7 7791

Table 1 e Parameters obtained from EDS analysis.

Element Line Wt% At%
C Ka 33.82 78.69
Cl Ka 1.77 1.39
Cu Ka 25.02 11.00
Pd La 27.60 7.25
Au Ma 11.80 1.67
Total 100.00 100.00

charge related to the first Cu stripping peak and F is the

Faraday constant (96,485.309 C mol1). Based on this, Cu
number of moles was found to be 1.036  107. Then,
considering ratio between atomic percentage of total Cu (Cu
replaced with Pd þ residual Cu) and Pd which is 18.25%/7.25%
the Pd number of moles at the electrode surface was obtained Fig. 4 e CVs of Cu/Pd porous structure (a) and Cu/Pd
to be 4.117  108 (according to the EDS). Finally, the amount particles film modified electrodes (b) in 0.5 M H2SO4
of Pd obtained from this consideration was calculated to be solution at scan rate 50 mV sL1.
0.14 mg cm2.
The CVs taken in 0.5 M H2SO4 for the glassy carbon elec-
trodes modified with Cu/Pd porous structure and Cu/Pd par-
ticles film (with same geometric area) are shown in Fig. 4. In where QR is the columbic charge required for the PdO reduc-
the acid medium, there are one pair of hydrogen desorption tion (mC) which was obtained from Fig. 4 and QMR is the charge
peaks at 0.25 V and 0.13 V in positive scan and two for the reduction of the PdO monolayer (424 mC cm2).
reduction peak at 0.17 and 0.23 V in negative scan for Cu/Pd Therefore, ECSA of Cu/Pd porous structure and Cu/Pd particles
porous catalyst. Also, one pair of hydrogen desorption peaks film were calculated to be 1.22 cm2 and 0.46 cm2, respectively.
and a single hydrogen adsorption peak is observed for Cu/Pd It is found that the Cu/Pd porous structure has a 2.65-fold
particles film. Additionally as can be seen, the peaks corre- higher ECSA (1.22 cm2) compared to that of Cu/Pd particles
sponding to the formation of palladium oxide and its reduc- film (0.46 cm2) with the same geometrical area under the
tion appear at the potential ranges of 0.5e0.9 V and 0.2e0.3 V identical conditions.
respectively, for both catalysts. Obviously, the peaks on the Fig. 5 presents the CVs results for the two catalysts, Cu/Pd
Cu/Pd porous structure are stronger than that on the Cu/Pd porous structure and Cu/Pd particles film, in a 1 M HCOOH
particles film, which suggests the 3D porous catalyst has þ0.5 M H2SO4 solution. In the forward scan, formic acid
larger surface area and better catalytic activity than itself non- oxidation produced an anodic peak; while in the reverse scan
porous counterpart. there was also an oxidation peak, which is attributed to formic
Among the several determining methods of electrochemical- acid oxidation after the reduction of the oxidized Pd oxide and
surface-area (ECSA) for Pd, the method of surface oxide reduc- the removal of the incompletely oxidized carbonaceous spe-
tion was chosen in this work because of its low deviation [35,36]. cies formed in the forward scan. The oxidation peak in the
The charge density for monolayer of PdO was chosen to be forward scan is usually employed to evaluate the electro-
424 mC cm2. Therefore, the ECSA of the Pd-based catalysts was catalytic activity of the catalysts and the anodic scan allows
measured by the following equation [37]. the formation and builds up of the poisonous intermediate.


Fig. 5 e CVs of Cu/Pd porous structure (a) and Cu/Pd

Fig. 3 e The 1st and upper cyclic voltammograms of 0.5 M particles film modified electrodes (b) in 1 M HCOOH D 0.5 M
H2SO4 solution at the Cu/GCE at a scan rate of 50 mV sL1. H2SO4 solution at scan rate 50 mV sL1.
7792 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 7 7 8 8 e7 7 9 7

The Oxidation of formic acid mechanistically proceeds by a literature [46e48]. Although the nature and concentration of
dual pathway [38e40]. One is the direct way in which formic testing solution have a significant effect on measured FAO and
acid is oxidized directly into CO2 through a dehydrogenation consequently FAO specific activity and mass activity, Table 2
reaction avoiding the formation of COads poisoning shows obtained results are better than the results presented
intermediate: by other research groups. While the present method is very
simple and allows the easy and low cost preparation for an
HCOOH/CO2 þ 2Hþ þ 2e Dehydrogenation pathway (1) effective electrode based on the cheap Cu under-layer.
The second way is the indirect way through a dehydration Fig. 6 shows the CVs of 1 M HCOOH in 0.5 M H2SO4 solution
reaction involving the formation of COads poisoning interme- at the surface of glassy carbon electrodes modified with Cu
diate followed by oxidation of this intermediate into CO2: porous and Cu/Pd porous structure. Obviously, no oxidation
peak for FAO was observed at the surface of Cu/GCE, indi-
HCOOH/COads /CO2 þ 2Hþ þ 2e Dehydration pathway cating that Cu has no electrocatalytic activity for formic acid
(2a) oxidation and in fact, the incorporation of Pd to 3D Cu porous
As shown in curve 5a, there is a main current peak for Cu/ structure results to the catalytic activity for FAO. However,
Pd porous catalyst between 0.0 and 0.3 V and one shoulder there is a noticeable point in the case of Cu effect which is
near 0.45 V, similar to the observations of Chen and co- named as synergism effect. As illustrated in the introduction
workers on nanoneedle-Covered Pd Ag Nanotubes [41]. The part, binary or even ternary catalytic systems often show
main peak between 0.0 and 0.3 V corresponds to FAO on active improved catalytic activity, attributed either to synergism or
surface sites that have not been poisoned by COads (direct “third body” geometric effects [49]. The synergism effect can
path), while the small shoulder peak near 0.45 V may be be meant a modification of the electronic properties of the one
attributed to the oxidation of both COads and formic acid as a metal, M1, by the presence of another, M2, (having a strain
consequence of the recovery of surface active sites by COads and/or ligandeelectronic interaction origin) [49]. In the same
oxidative removal [42]. It is found that the accumulation of direction, the theory that can help the better understanding of
COads on the Pd surface during FAO can originate in dehy- this effect is the “d-band center theory”, εd. Based on this
dration of HCOOH molecules (indirect path) [43] or/and in theory, d-band center of Pd plays a governing role in deter-
electrochemical reduction of CO2 that is formed through mining the affinity of this metal toward a variety of adsorbates
dehydrogenation pathway (as a new path from formic acid to such as CO [49]. Thus, we suggest that the presence of Cu
COads). In the case of latter, several recent spectroscopic atoms in present catalyst can improve the catalytic activity of
studies of HCOOH oxidation on Pd showed new light on the Pd towards FAO via the appearance of synergism effect. In
mechanism of HCOOH oxidation on Pd and its deactivation other words, the addition of Cu may decrease the Pd d-band
[44,45]. However, based on different analysis, it was found that center and therefore weaken the adsorption of inhibiting
the slowly accumulated COads is not formed by the HCOOH species.
dehydration but arises from the reduction of CO2 produced in
dehydrogenation path. Based on these reports, we suggest Optimization of the experimental variable for the
that the partial of accumulated COads on the Cu/Pd porous preparation of catalyst
catalyst may originate from the reduction of CO2. Further-
more, COads can be produced through dehydration pathway of To improve the performance of the Cu/Pd porous catalyst, the
FAO on the Cu/Pd porous catalyst. The further proofs to effect of the experimental conditions on the response of modified
confirm the occurrence of dehydration pathway on the pre- electrode was investigated in detail. As to the deposition poten-
sent catalyst are given at succeeding EIS measurements in tial, Fig. 7(A and B) presents the cyclic voltammograms of the Cu/
Section 3.4. Pd porous catalysts fabricated under different potentials for Cu
However, the main peak is much larger than that near deposition (0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.1, 1.3 V) in 0.5 M H2SO4 solution
0.45 V, indicating that the FAO on Cu/Pd porous structure in the absence and presence of 1 M HCOOH, respectively. As can
catalyst is mainly through the direct pathway. In the case of be seen, the highest current density for PdO reduction (Fig. 7(A))
Cu/Pd particles film, cyclic voltammogram (curve 5b) also in-
cludes a main oxidation peak and a small one in the forward
scan. Investigation of two cyclic voltammograms (a,b) reveals Table 2 e Comparison of obtained results for FAO at Cu/
3-fold higher current density for the main peak and also Pd 3D porous structure with different Pd catalysts
presented in literature.
higher ratio between the current densities of the main peak
and the shoulder at the Cu/Pd porous structure in comparison Catalyst Specific activity Mass activity References
with Cu/Pd particles film. These results suggest stronger (mA cm2) (mA mg1)
electrocatalytic activity towards FAO and less progress of FAO Cu/Pd 3D porous 3.0 822 Present work
through the COads pathway on the surface of 3D porous
Pd (thin)/Cua 0.8 e [46]
catalyst compared to non-porous counterpart.
Pd@Ni/Cb 0.5 50 [47]
Additionally, it should be mentioned that the electro- Pd/CNTb e 600 [48]
catalytic activity of 3D porous catalyst modified electrode for Pd/C ETEKb e 650 [48]
FAO in terms of specific activity (normalized to ECSA of Pd) Pd/Cb 0.3 5 [47]
and mass activity (normalized to loading of Pd) was compared a
Test solution: 0.5 M H2SO4 þ 1 M HCOOH.
with results obtained for the different catalysts in the b
Test solution: 0.5 M H2SO4 þ 0.5 M HCOOH.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 7 7 8 8 e7 7 9 7 7793

sufficiently, and also the amount of deposited Cu at the surface of

GCE is less when the potential is more negative than 0.9 V as
more negative potential leads to more hydrogen bubbles. Cu
deposition time was another parameter that was optimized.
Fig. 8 exhibits the voltammetric responses of Cu/Pd 3D porous
films including Cu structure deposited at different times towards
1 M HCOOH. It is clear that the highest FAO peak current density
can be observed for deposition time of 100 s. The effect of
galvanic replacement time was also studied on the electro-
catalytic behavior of formic acid onto Cu/Pd porous catalyst.
Fig. 9 shows the linear sweep voltammograms of as-fabricated
electrodes with different times for galvanic replacement of Cu
under-layer by Pd toward FAO in a 1 M HCOOH solution. The
relation between the peak current density and galvanic
replacement time is also shown as the inset of Fig. 9. It is clearly
observed that the time of 25 min for galvanic replacement has
Fig. 6 e CVs of Cu/Pd porous structure catalyst (a) and Cu/
maximum current density for FAO compared to other times.
GCE (b) in 1 M HCOOH D 0.5 M H2SO4 solution at scan rate
Therefore, 0.9 V for deposition potential of Cu, 100 s for depo-
50 mV sL1.
sition time of Cu and 25 min for galvanic replacement of Cu with
Pd were selected as the optimal conditions for further work.
and FAO (Fig. 7(B)) is appeared at the potential of 0.9 V for Cu
deposition. The possible reason is that the hydrogen evolution is Effects of formic acid concentration
not obvious when the applied potential is more positive than
0.9 V and consequently the Cu deposited film is not porous The effect of formic acid concentration on the electro-catalytic
behavior of formic acid oxidation was investigated (Fig. 10). The
inset of this Figure shows the dependence of the peak current
density obtained from forward CV scan upon addition of formic
acid from 0.050 M to 3.0 M. It is clearly observed that the anodic
peak current density increase with increasing of formic acid
concentration linearly and level off afterwards at concentra-
tions higher than 1.75 M. This effect may be attributed to the
saturation of Pd active sites. Also, it is mentionable that the
peak potential shifts towards more positive values with
increasing HCOOH concentration. A possible reason for this
observation is the occurrence of IR drop due to high oxidation
current at higher concentrations [50].

Effect of potential sweep rates

Fig. 11 displays the effect of the potential scan rate (y), from 5
to 1000 mV s1, on the voltammetric behavior of FAO at the

Fig. 7 e (A) CVs of Cu/Pd porous structures modified

electrode in 0.5 M H2SO4 solution at scan rate 50 mV sL1 for Fig. 8 e CVs of FAO on the Cu/Pd porous structure modified
various deposition potentials, (B) and in 1 M electrode in 0.5 M H2SO4 solution at scan rate 50 mV sL1 for
HCOOH D 0.5 M H2SO4 solution for various deposition various deposition times H2SO4 solution for various
potentials (a) L1.3, (b) L1.1, (c) L0.5, (d) L0.7, (e) L0.9 V. deposition times (a) 110, (b) 120, (c) 80, (d) 90, (e) 100 s.
7794 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 7 7 8 8 e7 7 9 7

Fig. 9 e LSVs of FAO on the Cu/Pd porous structures

modified electrode in 1 M HCOOH D 0.5 M H2SO4 solution Fig. 11 e LSVs of Cu/Pd porous structure modified electrode
at scan rate 50 mV sL1 for various galvanic replacement in 0.5 M HCOOH D 0.5 M H2SO4 solution at different scan
times (a) 10, (b) 35, (c) 15, (d) 20, (e) 30, (f) 25 min. rates:(a) 5, (b) 10, (c) 30, (d) 50, (e) 100, (f) 200, (g) 300, (h) 400,
(i) 600, (j) 700, (k) 800, (l) 900, (m) 1000 mV sL1.

Cu/Pd porous catalyst. As can be seen in the inset of Fig. 11, the
plot of peak current density versus square root of scan rate potential shifted to more positive potentials with increasing
exhibits a dual linear region. Hence, we can rationally assume scan rate, confirming the kinetic limitation in the electro-
that the electrocatalytic oxidation towards HCOOH on the Cu/ chemical reaction.
Pd porous structure modified electrode in acidic solution is
controlled by the diffusion process. However, the possible Chronoamperometric measurements
explanation for the appearance of dual linear region and
decrease of plot slope at higher scan rates is as follows: at The electrochemical stability of Cu/Pd porous structure for the
higher potential scan rates, the reaction product accumulates electrooxidation of formic acid was investigated by chro-
in the vicinity of the electrode surface due to the higher re- noamperometry experiments in 0.5 M HCOOH þ 0.5 M H2SO4
action rate, and it will prevent the contact of HCOOH mole- solution at 0.185 V as corresponding peak potential (according
cules with the surface active sites. Additionally, since the rate to Fig. 5(a)), and the observed result was compared with that of
of carbon dioxide production increases with increasing of Cu/Pd particles film (obtained under corresponding peak po-
potential scan rate, more electrolytes will be expelled from the tential i.e. 0.04 V (according to Fig. 5(b)) as shown in Fig. 12. The
pores of the electrode, thus decreasing the available surface of high current density observed in the initial stage for Cu/Pd
catalyst for electrochemical reaction. The oxidation peak porous structure is due to a greater number of active sites
available for oxidation at the surface of 3D porous catalyst.
Curves a and b in Fig. 12 reveal that the current density for FAO

Fig. 10 e LSVs of FAO on the Cu/Pd porous structure

modified electrode at scan rate 50 mV sL1 for various
concentrations of HCOOH (a) 0.05, (b) 0.1, (c) 0.2, (d) 0.4, (e) Fig. 12 e Time-current curves for Cu/Pd porous structure (a)
0.6, (f) 0.8, (g) 1, (h) 1.25, (i) 1.5, (j) 1.75, (k) 2, (l) 2.25, (m) 2.5, and Cu/Pd particles film (b) in 0.5 M HCOOH D 0.5 M H2SO4
(n) 2.75, (o) 3 M. solution at 0.185 and 0.04 V vs. AgCl j KCl 3 M, respectively.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 7 7 8 8 e7 7 9 7 7795

plots are located in the first quadrant. However, if the reac-

tion (3) becomes the r.d.s, the Nyquist plots at low fre-
quencies fall into the second quadrant. Similarly, electro-
oxidation of formic acid on Pd or Pt catalysts could be
simplified in two steps: one is adsorption of formic acid on
the active sites of the catalysts to form adsorbed COads and
another is the further oxidation of the adsorbed species to
form CO2. At low potentials adsorption of the formic acid on
the active sites of the surface and its oxidation to produce
COads might be r.d.s for the FAO which is appeared as the
positive real impedances at the Nyquist plot. Similar elec-
trochemical impedance characteristic on the Cu/Pd porous
structures observes in the potential range 200 to 0.00 mV
(Fig. 13(A)) and the diameter of the arcs increases with in-
crease of potential which may be ascribed to the formation
and increasing accumulation of COads intermediate species
on the electrode surface. With increase of FAO potential in
the range þ100 to þ500 mV, further oxidation of the absorbed
formic acid species (i.e. oxidative removal of COads) on the
surface of the electrocatalysts may be considered as the rate-
determining step. The development of negative real axes
with the decrease of the frequency in Fig. 13(B) can be
attributed to the slow rate of the oxidative removal of COads
and this step can consider as the rate-determining step.
Therefore, EIS profiles reveal that indirect pathway is a
probable path for FAO on the Cu/Pd porous structure modified
Fig. 13 e (A) Nyquist diagrams of Cu/Pd porous structure
electrode, consistent with the voltammetric response (Fig. 5)
modified electrode in 0.5 M H2SO4 D 1 M HCOOH at the
where a small anodic shoulder is observed.
various potentials (a) 0.0, (b) L100, (c) L150, (d) L200 mV,
(B) and at the potentials (a) 100, (b) 200, (c) 300, (d) 400, (e)
500 mV.

on the Cu/Pd porous structure after 500, 1000, 2000 and 3000 s is A simple double-template process was employed to fabricate
0.8, 0.6, 0.35 and 0.15 mA cm2, respectively, which is w 37%, a 3D porous Cu/Pd bimetallic catalyst. The porous catalyst
28%, 16% and 7% of the initial value whereas, this current obtained from the suggested process was compared to the
density is 0.4, 0.25, 0.12 and 0.085 mA cm2, respectively for Cu/ non-porous counterpart. Higher ECSA of Cu/Pd porous struc-
Pd particles film i.e. w30%, 18%, 9% and 6% of the initial value. ture indicates that the present preparation method can
So it can be concluded that Cu/Pd 3D porous structure is more effectively increase active sites at the electrode surface which
stable, efficient and poisoning tolerant electrocatalyst for the leads to sensitive response to formic acid oxidation in com-
electrooxidation reaction in acidic media. parison with Cu/Pd particles film. The results demonstrate
that the Cu/Pd porous catalyst has good activity, poison
tolerance and stability toward FAO. In addition, this prepara-
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
tion strategy is simple, green, and applicable to large-scale
synthesis. This result is useful to prepare efficient, cost-
In this study, EIS was used to investigate the mechanism of
effective and stable catalysts to improve fuel cell power.
formic acid oxidation. The different impedance behaviors in
different potential regions reveal that the mechanism and
rate-determining-step (r.d.s) in formic acid electrooxidation
vary with potentials. This could be illustrated by the similar
electro-oxidation of methanol on the PtRu/C [51]. According to
Wu et al. [51], electrochemical oxidation of methanol on the
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Electrocatalytic oxidation of formic acid on Pd/MWCNTs

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