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Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology 160 (2016) 86–95

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Chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics and yield responses in rainfed

crops with variable potassium nutrition in K deficient semi-arid alfisols
Ch. Srinivasarao, Arun K. Shanker ⁎, Sumanta Kundu, Sharanbhoopal Reddy
Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Saidabad P.O, Hyderabad 500 059, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Optimum potassium (K) nutrition in semi-arid regions may help crop plants to overcome constraints in their
Received 3 October 2015 growth and development such as moisture stress, leading to higher productivity of rainfed crops, thus judicious
Accepted 31 March 2016 K management is essential. A study was conducted to evaluate the importance of K nutrition on physiological
Available online 13 April 2016
processes like photosynthesis through chlorophyll a fluorescence and chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics
(OJIP) of rainfed crops viz., maize (Zea mays L.), pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), groundnut (Arachis hypogaea),
Plant nutrition
sunflower (Helianthus annuus), castor (Ricinus communis L.) and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) under water stress
Chlorophyll fluorescence conditions by studying their growth attributes, water relations, yield, K uptake and use efficiency under varied K
OJIP levels. Highest chlorophyll content was observed under K60 in maize and pearl millet. Narrow and wide Chl a:b
Water relations ratio was observed in castor and groundnut respectively. The fluorescence yield decreased in the crops as K dos-
Nutrient Use efficiency age increased, evidenced by increasing of all points (O, J, I and P) of the OJIP curves. The fluorescence transient
curve for K60 was lower than K0 and K40 for all the crops. Potassium levels altered the fluorescence induction
and impaired photosynthetic systems in all the crops studied. There was no distinct trend observed in leaf
water potential of crops under study. Uptake of K was high in sunflower with increased rate of K application.
Quantitatively, K uptake by castor crop was lesser compared to all other crops. Our results indicate that the
yield reduction under low K was due to the low capacity of the crops to translocate K from non-
photosynthetic organs such as stems and petioles to upper leaves and harvested organs and this in turn influ-
enced the capacity of the crops to produce a high economic yield per unit of K taken up thus reducing utilization
efficiency of K.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction practice in these regions is to only use NP rich fertilizers excluding K fer-
tilization in major rainfed crops such as maize (Zea mays L.), pearl millet
Potassium (K) is the third most essential macronutrient needed by (Pennisetum glaucum), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), groundnut
plants to complete their life cycle successfully, after nitrogen and phos- (Arachis hypogaea), sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and castor (Ricinus
phorus. Essentiality of K in plant life cycle is evidenced by its role in ac- communis L.) which are also known to be K exhaustive crops. Thus, con-
tivating about 80 enzymes which are involved in various physiological tinuous cropping in absence of optimum K nutrition resulted in deple-
processes such as energy metabolism, starch synthesis, nitrate reduc- tion of soil K reserve such as non-exchangeable K fraction [3,4]. Many
tion, photosynthesis and sugar degradation. As a component of plant cy- studies across Indian soils and elsewhere in the world are becoming K
toplasmic solution, K reduces loss of water from leaf surfaces by deficit in different soil types [5]; this resulted in K deficiency in soils
regulating stomatal closure and increases water uptake efficiency of and sub-optimal K nutrition is an important productivity constraint par-
roots from soil mainly due to the role of K in regulating cellular osmotic ticularly in rainfed dryland regions, highly vulnerable weather condi-
potentials [1]. Thus, K has a positive impact on improved drought toler- tions mainly elevated temperature and untimely rainfall.
ance of plants growing under water shortage conditions [2] in rainfed Semi-arid alfisol regions in general experience droughts in quick
regions. Agriculture in rainfed regions suffers from constraints like succession mainly due to monsoon failures which have a serious impact
poor soil fertility particularly K, low soil moisture availability/retention, on crop yields. Deficit rainfall due to delayed onset or breaks in south
and reduced nutrient use efficiency which directly affect the perfor- west monsoon is of major concern in rainfed agriculture that reduced
mance of crop plants resulting in reduced productivity. The general productivity of major crops [6]. Effective K management is one of the
key approaches that will help the plant to overcome these situations
⁎ Corresponding author at: ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture,
resulting in normal yields rather than critical loss of crop.
Santoshnagar, Hyderabad 500 059, India. During the photosynthetic process, light is absorbed by the antenna
E-mail address: (A.K. Shanker). molecules within the photosynthetic membrane and the absorbed
1011-1344/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C. Srinivasarao et al. / Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology 160 (2016) 86–95 87

energy is transferred as excitation energy. There are two ways that de- NCS-207 Mallika Bt-2) groundnut (JL-24), sunflower (KBSH-1) and cas-
termine the fate of this energy one is that the energy is trapped at a re- tor (DCS-9) of the region were selected for the experiment. There were
action center and used in photochemistry, and the other is that it is three treatments comprising of 0, 40 and 60 kg ha−1 K respectively de-
dissipated mainly in the form of heat and fluorescence. This fluores- noted as K0, K40 and K60. Three K levels respectively depict nil, medium
cence emission offers interesting opportunities in studying the plants' and maximum K recommendations for a crop. The levels of K were final-
response to environmental conditions. The properties of this emitted ized with reference to package of practices suggested for different crops
fluorescence are basically determined by the pigments that absorb of the region by State Agricultural University. Details of the spacing,
them, the transfer of energy by the excitation process, and the nature sowing and harvesting of each crop is given in Table 1 and monthly
and orientation of the fluorescing pigments. Chlorophyll (Chl) fluores- mean rainfall and temperature during experiment period is given in
cence is a non-invasive method to monitor the alterations of photosyn- Fig. 1. Except differential dose of K application all other nutrients were
thetic processes [7] by measuring the emitted radiation from the crop. It supplied uniformly as per recommendation considering soil test values.
is a useful indicator as it gives important information about the state of
health of a photosynthetic apparatus and it is a valuable tool for plant 2.3. Carotenoids and Chlorophyll Content of Leaf Tissue
studies from leaf to ecosystem levels [8,9]. Chl fluorescence can be char-
acterized by different phases: Chlorophyll Fluorescence Induction Ki- Carotenoids and chlorophyll content in plant leaf were measured
netics (OJIP) is fluorescence transient corresponding to the redox (mgg−1 of fresh weight) following the procedure outlined by Wellburn
states of photosystem PSII and PSI, and to the efficiencies of electron [12] and equations developed by Arnon [13] were used to calculate Chla,
transfer through the intersystem chain to the end electron acceptors Chlb and Total Chl are as follows,
at the PSI acceptor side [10,11]. It is known that K impacts photosynthe-

sis of the crop canopy via solar radiation interception, and we thus hy- Chla mg g‐1 ¼ 0:0127 A663–0:00269 A645
pothesize that increasing doses of K will have an impact on the
growth and development and yield of crops, there is a dearth of litera- 
Chlb mg g‐1 ¼ 0:0029 A663–0:00468 A645
ture on the relationship between of Chl fluorescence and K levels in
rainfed crops. Hence, current study was planned to evaluate the impor- 
tance of K nutrition on crops and with the objective to study the effects Total Chl mg g‐1 ¼ 0:0202 A663 þ 0:00802 A645
of applied K on Chl a fluorescence in addition to exploring the possibil-
ities to surmount the effects of early, mid-season and terminal droughts
that become common occurrences in rainfed regions affecting perfor- 2.4. Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measurements
mance of rainfed crops like maize, pearl millet, cotton, groundnut, sun-
flower and castor. The OJIP fluorescence transient was measured using a portable fluo-
rometer (FluorPen FP 100; Photon Systems Instruments; Drasov, Czech
2. Material and Methods Republic). Fully developed youngest leaves were selected for the mea-
surements. The leaves were dark-adapted for 30 min before starting
2.1. Details of Experiment Site the measurements using leaf clips provided by the manufacturer. Mea-
surements were done three times on the adaxial leaf surface. For each
A series of field experiments were carried out on different rainfed measurement, two places per leaf were selected in one plant. Data
crops at Gunegal Research Farm of ICAR-Central Research Institute for were analyzed from 10 measurements (five plants with two places
Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad (India) during summer season per leaf, and one leaf per plant) for each treatment and control. The
of 2012 and 2013. Location coordinates are 17° 05′ 01.19″ N 78° 40′ method followed was according to Thwe and Kasemsap [8]. The OJIP
06.32″ E and the average annual rainfall is 690.0 mm, mean annual tem- fluorescence parameters were calculated based on the formulas
perature was 25.7 °C. Mean monthly rainfall and temperature during shown in Table 2. Minimum fluorescence (F0) was measured at 50 μs
experiment period are presented in Fig. 1. Soils are sandy loam in tex- when all PSII reaction centers are open and it is defined as the O step,
ture, slightly acidic in reaction (pH 5.1), EC was in normal range followed by the J step (at 2 ms), the I step (at 60 ms) and at maximum
(0.08–0.1 dS m−1), low in organic carbon (3.4 g kg−1), available N fluorescence (FM) when all PSII reaction centers are closed, known as
(141–153 kg ha−1), medium in available P (16–19 kg ha−1) and avail- the P step [10]. The OJIP test represents a translation of the original
able K (154–188 kg ha−1). Among micronutrients Zn was deficient data to biophysical parameters that quantify the energy flow through
(0.48 mg kg−1). PS II [14]. From each OJIP fluorescence induction, specific energy fluxes
per reaction center were analyzed and compared.
2.2. Crops and Treatment Details
2.5. Leaf Water Potential
Popular varieties of major rainfed crops viz., maize (DHM-117),
pearl millet (Shanti), cotton (MRC-7347 BG-1, MRC-7351 BG-1 and Measurement of leaf water potential is a better indicator for plant
physiological response under water shortage conditions. For all crops
leaf water potential was measured timely within field using Psypro™
Wescor water potential system.

2.6. Soil Sampling and Analysis

Soil samples from three depths i.e., 0–0.2, 0.2–0.4 and 0.4–0.6 m
were collected with the help of tube augar before and after every crop.
Soil samples were air dried, gently ground and passed through a 2-
mm sieve. Further these processed samples were analyzed for basic
physico-chemical properties viz., pH and EC, respectively indicating
acidity–alkalinity and salt concentration of the soil. A known quantity
of soil (20 g) was vigorously shaken after adding distilled water (1:2.5
Fig. 1. Mean monthly rainfall and temperature during experiment period. soil:water ratio) [15]. After a time period pH of soil was determined
88 C. Srinivasarao et al. / Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology 160 (2016) 86–95

Table 1
Spacing, sowing and harvesting details of each crop.

Crop Spacing (cm) Sowing date Harvesting date

2012 2013 2012 2013

Maize 60 × 25 10th June 28th June 17th October 8th November

Pearl millet 45 × 15 11th June 18th July 28th September 14th October
Cotton 60 × 45 12th June 28th June 22nd October 4th November
2nd November 13th November
13th November 2nd December
(1st, 2nd and 3rd pickings, respectively) (1st, 2nd and 3rd pickings, respectively)
Groundnut 30 × 10 11th June 18th July 14th October 6th November
Sunflower 60 × 30 10th June 18th July 9th October 15th November
Castor 90 × 60 14th June 28th June 2nd November 13th November

using VSI-01 ATC Deluxe pH meter. Whereas, EC was determined very and stover, lint samples were also analyzed to know their nutrient com-
next day using VSI-01 ATC Deluxe conductivity meter once after clear position following digestion with diacid mixture [22].
supernatant was observed. Soil organic carbon (SOC) content (g kg−1)
was determined by wet digestion with acid-dichromate [16]. Major nu- 2.8. Determination of Potassium in Plant Samples
trient availability viz., N was determined by alkaline permanganate
method using Kjeldahl distillation unit [17], P was determined by Uptake of potassium by the crops under study was measured by rep-
extracting soils with Olsen's extractant (0.5 M NaHCO3, pH 8.5) and resentative plant samples collection from respective treatment plots.
subsequently knowing the concentration at 660 nm using spectropho- Plants collected were washed gently with water to remove dust parti-
tometer (T-60 UV Visible Spectrophotometer, PG Instruments) [18]; cles on surface of leaves and other parts. Once after washing samples
and exchangeable K was extracted using neutral normal ammonium ac- were oven dried (at 60 ± 5 °C) at lab until no difference in moisture
etate (pH 7.0) extractant and concentration was determined using content was observed. Then after samples were ground into fine pow-
Systronics Flame Photometer 128 [19]. Whereas, micronutrients con- der using grinder for further analysis. To determine nutrient content
centration (Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn) was determined using Atomic Absorp- in plant samples, were digested in diacid mixture (1:10 sample: diacid
tion Spectrophotometer (AAS- Perkin Elmer AAS 800) instrument ratio) till colorless supernatant was obtained. Supernatant obtained
after extracting with DTPA (0.005 M DTPA. 0.01 M CaCl2, 0.1 M TEA; was made up into a known volume. Then aliquot made was used for K
pH 7.3) extractant (1:2 soil:extractant) [20]. Available B was deter- analysis using Flame Photometer (Systronics Flame Photometer 128).
mined through hot water extraction [21]. The K uptake by various crops was calculated using the following

2.7. Plant Sample Analysis K uptake ðkg=haÞ ¼ %K content in plant  yield obtained=100

Representative plant samples were collected from every treatment

and processed for analysis. Grain and stover samples of each crop 2.9. K Use Efficiency
were analyzed individually, with regard to cotton along with grain
Efficiency of applied K for different crops was calculated through ef-
Table 2 ficiency parameters such as agronomic efficiency (AE, kg crop yield in-
Parameters of the steps of fluorescence induction. crease per kg nutrient applied); apparent recovery efficiency (RE, kg
Parameter Formula explanation. nutrient taken up per kg nutrient applied); and physiological efficiency
abbreviation. (PE, kg yield increase per kg nutrient taken up) [23].
F0F50μs fluorescence intensity at 50μs
Fj Fluorescence intensity at J-step (at 2 ms) 2.10. Statistical Analysis
Fi Fluorescence intensity at i-step (at 60 ms)
FM Maximal fluorescence intensity Statistical analysis of data was performed using the Windows based
FV FV = FM − F0 (maximal variable fluorescence)
Vj Vj = (Fj − F0)/(FM − F0)
SPSS program (Version 11., SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA 2001). The SPSS pro-
Vi Vi = (Fi − F0)/(FM − F0) cedure was used to analyze variance and to determine statistical signif-
M0 or (dV/dt)0 M0 = TR0/RC − ET0/RC = 4 (F300 − F0)/(FM − F0) icance of treatment effects. Simple correlation coefficients and
Area Area between fluorescence curve and FM (background regression equations were developed to obtain relationship between K
content and leaf water potential, fluor pen readings.
Fix area Area below the fluorescence curve between F40μs and F1s
(background subtracted)
φ_P0 φ _P0 = 1 − (F0/FM) (or FV/FM) 3. Results
ψ_0 ψ_0 = 1 − Vj
φ_E0 φ _E0 = (1 − (F0/FM)) ∗ ψ_0 3.1. Pigments
φ_D0 φ_D0 = 1 − φ_P0 − (F0/FM)
φ_Pav φ_Pav = φ _P0 (SM/tFM) tFM = time to reach FM (in ms)
rRC2 rRC2 = ChlRC/Chltotal Effect of K application on the chlorophyll pigments viz., chlorophyll
ψ_ET2o = 1 − Fj/FM a, chlorophyll b and their ratio, total chlorophyll and carotenoids are
ABS/RC ABS/RC = M0 ∗ (1/Vj) ∗ (1/φ_P0) given in Tables 4 and 5. In general, chlorophyll a was significantly higher
TR0/RC TR0/RC = M0 ∗ (1/Vj)
in K60 treatments as compared to K40 in maize, pearl millet, sunflower,
ET0/RC ET0/RC = M0 ∗ (1/Vj) ∗ ψ _0
DI0/RC DI0/RC = (ABS/RC) − (TR0/RC) cotton and castor excluding groundnut. Highest values (6.37) of chloro-
PIAbs PIAbs = [rRC2/(1 − rRC2)] ∗ [φ_P0/(1 − φ_P0)] ∗ phyll a were seen in maize at 60 kg ha−1 treatment. Chlorophyll a was
[ψ_ET2o/(1 − ψ_ET2o)] generally higher in the K60 as compared to the other treatments in all
PItotal PItotal = PIAbs ∗ {(1 − Vi)/(1 − Vj)}/[1 − {(1 − Vi)/(1 − Vj)}] the crops except sunflower and castor wherein there was a slight de-
Source: Strasser et al. (2000); Stirbet and Govindjee (2011). crease in the values at higher levels of K application. Chlorophyll b
C. Srinivasarao et al. / Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology 160 (2016) 86–95 89

showed a similar trend as seen in chlorophyll a, K60 treatment showed (−5.04) and K40 (−4.69) treatments under groundnut crop and K40
significantly higher values when compared with the K40 treatment in (−4.86) and K60 (−5.09) treatments of castor crop.
maize, pearl millet, groundnut and sunflower. In the case of cotton
and castor chlorophyll b content was on par between K60 and K40, sig- 3.3. OJIP Fluorescence Transient Curves
nificant increase in comparison to control. In maize and pearl millet
total chlorophyll was significantly different when compared among all OJIP chlorophyll a fluorescence transients of six crops viz., maize,
the treatments. In sunflower and castor 60 kg ha −1 was significantly pearl millet, groundnut, sunflower, castor and cotton grown under dif-
higher than the other two treatments that were on par. There was no ferent K are depicted in Figs. 2–4. The crops under both control (K0)
significant difference seen in groundnut crop in all the K levels. Chloro- and other K treatments showed a typical chlorophyll a polyphasic fluo-
phyll a:b ratio trend was observed similar to that of total chlorophyll in rescence rise OJIP. However, the fluorescence yield decreased in the
maize, pearl millet, cotton and sunflower. Values of control and K40 crops as K dosage increased, this is evidenced by increasing of all points
treatments were on par whereas K60 values were differed significantly. (O, J, I and P) of the OJIP curves (Figs. 2–4). The fluorescence transient
But, in groundnut all the levels of K exhibited significant different values curve for K60 was lower than K0 and K40 for all the crops. In castor
of chlorophyll a:b ratio having decreasing trend with increasing K doses (Fig. 2a) K60 level clearly showed a marked difference in the transient
i.e., 10.84 (K0), 7.79 (K40) and 3.34 (K60). curve with the two phases I and P flattening as against the curves ob-
Effect of different K doses on carotenoids level (mg g−1 of fresh served in K0 and K40. In the case of cotton (Fig. 2b) the curves for K0
weight) in leaves of major rainfed crops are presented in Table 5. Appli- and K40 are the same for the I and P phases whereas the there is a re-
cation of K at 40 kg ha−1 to maize showed comparatively higher carot- duction in chlorophyll fluorescence arbitrary units for the higher K
enoids than K0 and K60 but, Pearl millet showed no variation in leaf level i.e., K60. OJIP chlorophyll a fluorescence transients of groundnut
carotenoids levels having on par values under different K additions. Oil- is given in Fig. 3a and it was observed that K60 level exhibited higher
seed crops were observed with slightly reduced carotenoids levels with values at chlorophyll fluorescence arbitrary units during the J step and
every increment of K. Carotenoid levels in groundnut and castor leaves started to decrease when it approached 10 ms going into the I phase
were 3.00 and 4.98; 2.06 and 4.91; and 1.90 and 4.35 under K0, K40 and of the curve, I and P phases were plateaus, this pattern was not observed
K60 treatments. Cotton crop also showed higher carotenoids levels in any of the crops studied. In sunflower (Fig. 3b) all the three levels of K
under no K additions (4.79) followed by K60 (4.19) and K40 (3.88). viz., 0, 40 and 60 kg K ha−1 exhibited a clear demarcation with the chlo-
rophyll a fluorescence transient curve, for K60 being the lowest. In Pearl
3.2. Leaf Water Status millet (Fig. 4a) the I step of the curve between 10 and 100 ms was
cluttered together for all the treatments, the curves separated towards
Leaf water potential (MPa) of major rainfed crops grown influenced the end of the P step with K60 being the lowest. In maize (Fig. 4b) the
by different K levels are given in Table 6. Leaf water potential was signif- chlorophyll a fluorescence transient curves were separated clearly
icantly different in cereals and millets, oilseeds and fiber crop. Relatively with the K60 the lowest below the K0 and K40.
oilseeds showed high (negative) water potential values ranging from
− 2.80 (castor, K0) to − 5.41 (sunflower, K60). Significant difference 3.4. Maximum Quantum Yield of Primary Photochemistry (Fv/Fm) and its
in leaf water potential values of cotton crop under varied K levels was Efficiency (ψ0)
observed viz., −0.05 (K0), −0.17 (K40) and − 0.76 (K60) while con-
trasting values were there for maize i.e., − 1.86 (K0), − 0.03 (K40) Maximum quantum yield of primary photochemistry (Fv/Fm) and its
and − 0.02 (K60). On par leaf water potential values were in K0 efficiency (ψ0) of the six crops studied under different K levels is depicted

Fig. 2. OJIP chlorophyll a fluorescence transients of castor (a) and cotton (b) at different levels of potassium.
90 C. Srinivasarao et al. / Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology 160 (2016) 86–95

Fig. 3. OJIP chlorophyll a fluorescence transients of groundnut (a) and sunflower (b) at different levels of potassium.

in Fig. 5a and b, respectively. In all the crops except castor and cotton the highest values of Fv/Fm ratio were observed in K60 as compared to
K60 showed significantly higher Fv/Fm ratio as compared to the K0, K40 other crops although they were not varied significantly from K40. Compa-
levels. In the case of castor and cotton the K40, K60 treatments were on rable trends were observed for efficiency of primary photochemistry
par with each other whereas both were significantly different from K0. (ψ0). The marked difference in the pattern was observed in cotton that re-
The maximum quantum yield of primary photochemistry was differed ceived K60 and varied significantly from K40 which was contrasting to Fv/
significantly from each other with varied doses of K application in case Fm in cotton. Similar to Fv/Fm ratio, the highest values for the efficiency of
of groundnut, maize, Pearl millet and sunflower. In castor and cotton, primary photochemistry was seen in cotton crop.

Fig. 4. OJIP chlorophyll a fluorescence transients of pearl millet (a) and maize (b) at different levels of potassium.
C. Srinivasarao et al. / Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology 160 (2016) 86–95 91

Fig. 5. Maximum quantum yield of primary photochemistry (FV/FM) (a) and efficiency (Psi0, ψ0) (b) of crops at different levels of potassium.

3.5. Photochemical quenching (qP) and nonphotochemical quenching effect of K application on grain and stover yield of oilseeds was observed
(npq) as compared to control. Groundnut and castor crops resulted in signifi-
cant grain yields under K40 (0.54 and 1.11) and K60 (0.49 and 1.12)
Photochemical quenching (qP) and nonphotochemical quenching than control (0.40 and 0.73), respectively. Harvest index was signifi-
(npq) are shown in Fig. 6a and b respectively. Cotton and castor exhib- cantly different from each other i.e., 22.94 (K0), 27.35 (K40) and 16.27
ited highest levels of photochemical quenching under all three K doses, (K60). There was no grain yield difference in sunflower crop between
with levels K40 and K60 exhibiting significantly increased values in control and K40 treatments having 1.61 kg ha−1, but was significantly
comparison with control treatment (K0). Alternatively groundnut, higher in K60 (1.81 kg ha−1), but relatively no significant difference in
maize, Pearl millet and sunflower exhibited significant increase in straw yield (≈ 5 kg ha−1) between the levels of K applied. Grain and
values under each level of K applied. Divergent results observed for straw yield in castor was significantly higher in K60 than K40 and K0.
nonphotochemical quenching (npq). Significant differences exhibiting This was not the case in HI wherein the values were on par with each
decreasing trend with increasing dosage of applied K. In the case of cot- other in all the treatments. Grain and lint yield followed the same pat-
ton and castor K40 and K60 did not exhibit significant differences, tern in cotton i.e., respectively 0.68 and 2.16 with K40 and 0.71 and
whereas this was not the case in other crops. 2.60 with K40 recorded significantly higher yield than control (0.53
and 2.05). Straw yield in cotton exhibited no significant difference (av-
erage yield of 3.5 kg ha−1) among the treatments. There was a good HI
3.6. Crop Yield
for cotton with K60 (38.76), significantly higher values when compared
to K40 (33.42) and control (34.35).
Effect of K application at different rates on yield (grain, straw and
total) of major rainfed crops are given in Table 7. Highest grain yield
(t ha−1) was obtained in maize under the K60 (4.46) followed by K40 3.7. Potassium Uptake
(4.27) which was also significantly higher than control yields (3.13). A
similar trend was seen in straw yield of maize; whereas harvest index Potassium uptake ability of various rainfed crops at different K levels
(HI) has not differed significantly among treatments. Pearl millet con- were presented in Table 3. Sunflower crop shown higher K uptake with
siderably yielded better with extra additions of K i.e., 0.55 (K40) and a subsequent increase in K dose having 48.89, 59.91 and 100.15 kg ha−1
0.68 (K60) than control (0.29) that received no K. Straw yield and har- with no, 40 and 60 kg ha−1 of K application. There is good amount of K
vest index recorded significant values under K60 and K40 over control. uptake was observed in sunflower with every 20 kg increment. Castor
Unlike in maize, HI of Pearl millet showed significant difference among crop comparatively was with low K uptake efficiency ranging from
treatments such as 6.40 (K0), 10.71 (K40) and 12.56 (K60). A slight 8.75 (K0) to 16.87 kg ha−1 (K60). Among cereals and millets, Pearl

Fig. 6. Photochemical quenching (qP) (a) and Non photochemical quenching (b) of crops at different levels of potassium.
92 C. Srinivasarao et al. / Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology 160 (2016) 86–95

Table 3 Table 5
Potassium uptake (kg ha−1) by major rainfed crops at different potassium levels. Carotenoids level (mg g−1 of fresh weight) in leaves at different potassium levels in major
rainfed crops.
Crop K uptake (kg ha−1)
Crop Potassium level
K0 K40 K60
K0 K40 K60
Cereals and millets
Maize 13.45 16.48 32.32 Cereals and millets
Pearl millet 40.97C 50.74B 59.11A Maize 3.52C 6.03A 5.12B
Pearl millet 4.89A 4.75A 5.01A
Groundnut 13.45C 16.48B 32.32A Oilseeds
Sunflower 48.89C 59.91B 100.15A Groundnut 3.00A 2.06B 1.90B
Castor 8.75C 15.28 B 16.87A Sunflower 3.44A 3.47A 2.89B
Castor 4.98A 4.91A 4.35B
Fiber crops
Cotton 36.85C 45.06B 64.77A Fiber crops
Cotton 4.79A 3.88B 4.19A
Capital letters represent level of significance at P = 0.05 among various treatments and
different letters indicate significant difference. Capital letters represent level of significance at P = 0.05 among various treatments and
different letters indicate significant difference.

millet showed high K uptake followed by maize; among oilseeds uptake 4. Discussion
trend was higher in sunflower followed by groundnut and castor. After
sunflower, cotton crop extracted more of applied K from soil i.e., 36.85 4.1. Effect of K Nutrient Management on Chlorophyll Pigments and Caroten-
under K0; 45.06 under K40 and 64.77 kg ha−1 under K60 levels. In oids Concentration
maize and groundnut crops significant increase i.e., almost double quan-
tity of K uptake was observed with 60 kg ha−1 of K application (32.32) Application of K influenced chlorophyll content, chlorophyll a:b ratio
as compared to 40 kg ha−1 (16.48). In general, all crops have shown an and subsequently total chlorophyll content and it was observed that
increased trend in K uptake with increasing K dose. Among crops K up- high dose of K improved levels of chlorophyll. However, there was a dif-
take trend was in the order of sunflower N cotton ≈ Pearl ferential pattern observed in each crop showing increased rate of K ap-
milletN maize ≈ groundnut N castor. plication increased chlorophyll-a concentration though no effect on
total chlorophyll concentration. Application of K at 112 kg ha−1 in cot-
ton increased chlorophyll a but did not increase total chlorophyll con-
3.8. Apparent Recovery Efficiency (RE), Physiological Efficiency (PE) and centration [24]. Deficiency of K reduced chlorophyll a and total leaf
Agronomic Efficiency (AE) chlorophyll concentration in cotton [25]. Similarly, differential response
was observed for carotenoid concentration of various crops to applied K.
Efficiency of applied K and performance of crop under varied K levels Influence of major factors such as genetic potential of crop, potentiality
expressed using apparent recovery efficiency (RE), physiological effi- of crops to synthesize pigment, plant K nutrition on the chlorophyll and
ciency (PE) and agronomic efficiency (AE) are depicted in Fig. 7. Castor carotenoid biosynthesis pathways might have resulted in differential
crop exhibited the highest PE of above 45 among all the crops studied, chlorophyll and carotenoids concentration.
with K40 and K60 additions followed by groundnut at K40. In sunflower
crop the PE was lowest having less than 5 under both K40 and K60.
Groundnut crop at K40 showed high PE as compared to other crops. Re- 4.2. Effect of K Fertilization on Leaf Water Potential
garding AE, maize crop was observed with significant performance
under both levels of applied K than any other crop. Even AE was also Leaf water potential provides an integrated measurement of soil
lowest in sunflower in both the levels of K applied. In castor although water potential as it is sensed by the plants. A close relationship be-
PE was high this did not reflect in the AE. Apparent recovery efficiency tween K nutritional status and plant drought tolerance has been dem-
(RE) was significantly very high in maize as compared to other crops. onstrated. Past studies already confirmed K application improves plant
Sunflower crop observed with increased RE with K augmentation resistance to extreme drought stress as it affects water transport in en-
i.e., K40 and K60. While the other crops not differed much and showed tire to plant maintain cell pressure, regulation of stomata opening and
on par RE values with K40 and K60. closing [26,27]. Application of K had a differential influence on leaf

Table 4
Chlorophyll pigment (mg g−1 of fresh weight) levels in leaves of major rainfed crops.

Crop Potassium level (kg ha−1)

K0 K40 K60

Chl a Chl b Total a/b ratio Chl a Chl b Total a/b RATIO Chl a Chl b Total a/b ratio

Cereals and millets

Maize 2.83C 1.37B 4.20C 2.07B 3.76B 1.78A 5.54B 2.12B 6.37A 1.32B 7.69A 4.82A
Pearl millet 2.95C 1.57C 4.52C 1.87B 3.99B 1.91B 5.91B 2.09B 5.29A 2.11A 7.40A 2.51A

Groundnut 2.69A 0.25C 2.93A 10.84A 2.51B 0.32B 2.84A 7.79B 2.31B 0.69A 3.00A 3.34C
Sunflower 4.42A 0.98A 5.40A 4.53A 4.37A 0.99A 5.35A 4.43A 3.58C 0.88B 4.47B 4.07B
Castor 3.44B 2.05A 5.49A 1.68B 3.94A 1.86A 5.80A 2.13A 3.04C 1.89A 4.93B 1.61B

Fiber crops
Cotton 3.91B 1.48A 5.40A 2.64B 3.19C 1.12B 4.32B 2.84B 4.40A 1.14B 5.54A 3.86A

Capital letters represent level of significance at P = 0.05 among various treatments and different letters indicate significant difference.
C. Srinivasarao et al. / Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology 160 (2016) 86–95 93

Table 6
Leaf water potential of major rainfed crops different potassium levels.

Crop Potassium level

K0 K40 K60

Cereals and millets

Maize −1.86A −0.03B −0.02B
Pearl millet −0.14B −0.17A −0.01C

Groundnut −5.04A −4.69A −3.83B
Sunflower −3.18C −4.81B −5.41A
Castor −2.80B −4.86A −5.09A

Fiber crops
Fig. 7. Apparent recovery efficiency (RE), physiological efficiency (PE) and agronomic
Cotton −0.05C −0.17B −0.76A
efficiency (AE) of applied K of major rainfed crops different potassium levels.
Capital letters represent level of significance at P = 0.05 among various treatments and
different letters indicate significant difference.
photosynthetic machinery. Higher K application in all rainfed crops in-
creased F0 and decreased Fm resulting in a decline in the values of Fv/
water potential of crops. External K source may induce drought toler- Fm, Fv/F0 and Fm/F0 ratios. The F0 represents the estimation of the rel-
ance by enhancing internal K concentration under water shortage con- ative size of the antenna pigments of the PS II complex especially under
ditions. Reduced leaf water potential under limited K supply reduced nutrient limiting conditions [29]. This shows damage to the PS II reac-
aquaporin activity, consequently suppressing root hydraulic conduc- tion center that in turn results in decreased level of absorption of light
tance and water supply to the growing stem for diameter expansion and subsequently causes an increase in unused emitted light. Our re-
and leaf for transpiration [26,28]. This could also explain the reduction sults obtained in relation to the increased F0 level could be due to the
in yield that was observed in the plants that were treated with low impact of lower K on PS II reaction center in tandem with the reduction
dose of K. Results obtained further reveal the close relationship between in transfer efficiency of the energy absorbed in antenna chlorophyll a to
K-nutrition and plant water status in the crops studied. Red Soils of reaction center of PS II.
southern plateau with low K containing mica are deficient in K and The OJIP fluorescence curve markedly decreased under low K levels
rainfed crops in absence of external K application often suffer from op- mainly at the P level. Similarly, energy fluxes per reaction center were
timum K requirements and in turn are affected negatively during mois- also affected by K levels. Fluorescence reduction was more prominent
ture stress conditions. at the P level which significantly reduced under lower K additions in
all the crops. A lower FM value in control treatment corresponds to a re-
4.3. Chlorophyll Fluorescence Kinetics duction of the maximum quantum yield of primary photochemistry
(Fv/Fm), since F0 does not change significantly. The decrease of Fm is
Mineral nutrition strongly affects the photosynthetic processes in associated with the increase of the non-photochemical de-excitation
crops and particularly under different K levels, as evidenced in current constant and the decrease of F0 indicates an enhancement of the overall
study that K levels not only affected the pigment concentrations but de-excitation constants [30]. Conversely, the increase of F0 is considered
also the excitation energy transfer processes in the leaves. There are as an irreversible damage to the PSII and indicates that heat dissipation
not many studies conducted on effects of K nutrition on crops OJIP occurs in an uncontrolled manner, this was seen in the npq pattern ob-
fluorescence transient curves, maximum quantum yield of primary served in the crops as a response to K nutrition in the present study,
photochemistry (Fv/Fm) and its efficiency (ψ0) and photochemical which could have resulted in production of excess of excitation within
quenching (qP) and nonphotochemical quenching (npq), Our results the leaves.
indicate that different levels of K in different crops altered the response The Fm was sensitive to levels of K and F0 was found to be non-
of chlorophyll a fluorescence in comparison with the control. The OJIP sensitive. Low Fm indicates an increase of npq when the crops receive
fluorescence transient strongly reduced under low K levels mainly at or uptake low K in respective treatments. The decreasing trend of Fm
the 40 kg ha −1 level. Other parameters such as energy fluxes per reac- and low Fv/Fm was also observed in two soybean cultivars highlighting
tion center and the performance index were also affected by K nutrition. the effect of low K stress on photosynthetic apparatus [31]. Additionally,
In vivo and rapid detection of chlorophyll a fluorescence was used to the decreased efficiency (ψ0) in low K treated crops suggests that the
detect K level induced effects on light utilization efficiency of the possibility of a trapped excitation that moves an electron into the

Table 7
Yield of major rainfed crops (grain, straw and total) (t ha−1) at different potassium levels.

Crop Potassium level

K0 K40 K60

Grain Straw HI Total Grain Straw HI Total Grain Straw HI Total

Cereals and millets

Maize 3.13B 10.25B 23.39B 13.38C 4.27A 11.68A 26.78A 15.95B 4.46A 12.40A 26.45A 16.86A
Pearl millet 0.29C 4.19B 6.40C 4.48B 0.55B 4.61A 10.71B 5.17A 0.68A 4.77A 12.56A 5.45A

Groundnut 0.40B 1.35B 22.94B 1.75B 0.54A 1.42B 27.35A 1.96B 0.49A 2.54A 16.27C 3.04A
Sunflower 1.61B 4.75A 25.30A 6.36B 1.61B 5.00A 24.38A 6.61BA 1.81A 5.25A 25.60A 7.06A
Castor 0.73B 0.86B 45.94A 1.59B 1.11A 1.48A 42.84A 2.58A 1.12A 1.42A 44.07A 2.54A

Fiber crops
Cotton 0.53 (2.05)B 3.39A 34.35B 5.98B 0.68(2.16) A 3.49A 33.42B 6.45B 0.71 (2.60)A 3.61A 38.76A 6.71A

HI—harvest index; capital letters represent level of significance at P = 0.05 among various treatments and different letters indicate significant difference, values in parenthesis are lint yield
of cotton.
94 C. Srinivasarao et al. / Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology 160 (2016) 86–95

electron transport chain beyond QA was reduced and thus these treat- early plant K concentration, early K uptake and early leaf K concentra-
ments exhibited low maximum quantum yield of primary photochem- tion was observed in maize with increased K fertilization viz., 0, 34.0,
istry (Fv/Fm) and efficiency (ψ0). 68.1, 136.1, and 204.1 kg K2O/ha− 1 broadcasted before tillage [39].
Potassium levels altered the fluorescence induction and impaired Among various crops under study sunflower had an increased K uptake
photosynthetic systems in all the crops studied. Further, we also see with every additions of K. Sunflower is a highly K responding crop and
that the OJIP test is a good indicator to detect fluorescence induction uptakes a maximum quantity of applied K hence making it K exhaustive
and photosynthetic activity of the PSII RC complex as affected by K nu- crop. There are evidences that sunflower crop on average uptakes near-
trition. Disorganization of the chloroplast ultrastructure and inhibition ly 126 kg of K to produce kg of crop yield. Fiber crop cotton had the
of electron transport processes due to lower levels of K and impairing highest K uptake that may be influenced by the stage of crop as K uptake
the transport of the electrons in the whole of electron transport chain increases immediately once bolls are set which are major sink for K. Up-
from PS II to PS I is a possible explanation for the decrease in photosyn- take of K often exceeds nitrogen in crops such as cotton, maize, sugar-
thetic rate in K limited crops and this was reflected in the yield of the cane and sunflower ranging from 408 to 625 kg K2O/ha under
crops as seen in this study. In addition, the decline in Fv/Fm ratio under intensive cropping system every season. During entire crop growth pe-
nutrient limiting conditions can be an indicator of photoinhibition or riod translocation and redistribution of K within and among vegetative
some other kind of injury to PS II components. Since the Fv/Fo ratio de- and reproductive parts of cotton plant occurs [40].
scribes the activity of PS II while Fm/Fo signifies electron transport rate Physiological and morphological traits such as leaf characters, plant
through PS II, in the present study, it is possible that K influenced the canopy, growth and development, root hairs, root exudates, rooting
activities of PS II and thus decreased these ratios. Decreased level of qP density and distribution, rooting depth, plant need for K, [41] and geno-
also suggested the structural and functional photo damages of PS II typic characters of crop plants might have influenced the K uptake [42].
under low K. The rooting pattern of the crops under study might have influenced K
uptake and recovery. Crops efficiency in K uptake is influenced by effi-
4.4. Yield Trend of Rainfed Crops as Influenced by K Fertilization cient root interception due to larger surface area of contact between
roots and soil subsequently enabling increased uptake at the root–soil
Yield of the crops in terms of grain and straw yield and lint in the interface to maintain a larger diffusive gradient towards roots [37].
case of cotton and also the harvest index was affected by K levels in Trend of K uptake by various crops is sunflower N Pearl millet N
crops studied. Various studies confirmed the response of varied level cotton N maize N groundnut N castor as evidenced by different studies
of K in different crops [32–36]. Reduction in the yield in the major [43] across the country. A similar tendency of K uptake was observed
crops under low K could have been due to the limited effect of K on pho- in different rainfed crops under study. A difference in K uptake was in-
tosynthesis and water status. Efficient use of K during the various stages fluenced by rate of K applied in maize and soybean crop and resulted
need not necessarily translate into K efficiency for economic yield, there in accumulation of K in grain and straw respectively 60 and 9% for soy-
is a possibility that source sink relationship of the crops could have been bean and 57 and 7% for maize [44].
altered and more of the assimilates could have been partitioned to the
leaves. It is also known that the pattern of phloem loading is affected
5. Conclusion
by K, wherein sucrose export to the root is reduced in K-deficient plants,
and adequate K supply is known to play a crucial role in phloem trans-
Physiological growth and development of major rainfed crops under
location of assimilates, this could explain the lower drymatter accumu-
varied rates of K application differed significantly influencing nutrient
lation in the reproductive structures under lower K levels. Increase of
uptake and ultimate yield. Potassium application considerably in-
harvest index was observed in two C4 cereal crops like maize and
creased total chlorophyll (Chl a + Chl b) and carotenoid content in
Pearl millet compared to oilseed crops (groundnut, sunflower and cas-
maize and Pearl millet whereas, chlorophyll content of other crops did
tor) and fiber crop (cotton). Again within the C4 cereal crops, increase
not differ much even with K addition. Depiction of soil–plant water re-
of harvest index was higher at K0 to K40 levels of fertilization compared
lations through leaf water potential measurements differed among
to K40 to K60 level of fertilization. The difference in harvest index
crops. Application of K upto 60 kg ha− 1 induced monocots to grow
influenced the efficiency with which applied K could be used to trans-
well than oilseeds and cotton under rainfed conditions. Sunflower, a
late into higher grain yield than the capacity to utilize K to produce bio-
known K exhaustive crop comparatively extracted maximum amount
mass in the crops. A high harvest index is fundamental to efficient
of applied K that resulted in high RE but low PE and AE. Use efficiency
utilization of all resources taken up by the plant and is therefore of sig-
of applied K was better i.e., high PE in castor and groundnut. In our re-
nificant interest to breeders [37]. The yield reduction observed also
sults, we observed that the fluorescence yield decreased in the crops
could be due to the low capacity of the crops to translocate K from
as K dosage increased, evidenced by increasing of all points (O, J, I
non-photosynthetic organs such as stems and petioles to upper leaves
and P) of the OJIP curves. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters
and harvested organs and this in turn could have an influence on the ca-
viz., maximum quantum yield of primary photochemistry (Fv/Fm)
pacity of the crops to produce a high economic yield per unit of K taken
and its efficiency (ψ0) and photochemical quenching (qP) and
nonphotochemical quenching (npq) where affected by K applica-
tion rates. The fluorescence transient curve for K60 was lower
4.5. Potassium Uptake and Use Efficiency
than K0 and K40 for all the crops. This study highlights the impor-
tance of K nutrition in rainfed crops in one or the other way that di-
Uptake of K was seen to be directly correlated to the dosage applied
rectly gives acceptable yields. Alfisols in south India being K
in all the crops, the higher the dosage there was higher uptake, differen-
deficient heavy uptake of K over a period of time excluding K appli-
tial uptake and utilization efficiency of K in terms of recovery efficiency
cation in nutrient management may lead these soils severely deficit
was clearly recorded in the study. The K-recovery process is thus seen
in K that ultimately affects physiology of crop plants resulting in re-
here in our experiment as a complex process which comprises of a mix-
duced yields.
ture of uptake and utilization efficiency mechanisms. Compared to
maize, requirement of K is high for Pearl millet as it needs higher K
(nearly double the amount) to produce unit quantity of produce [38]. Acknowledgments
But, maize crop showed significant increase in K uptake with each incre-
ment of K addition. This may be attributed to effective K uptake that was The authors are thankful to ICAR for providing laboratory and field
influenced by the grand vegetative growth of maize. A similar trend of facilities for the study.
C. Srinivasarao et al. / Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology 160 (2016) 86–95 95

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