vector space

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~ Vector Spaces 156 Introduction. The concept of Mea in three dimensional geometry, known as 'th dimensional vector’, can be extended to any finite dimensional (n- dimensional) vector even infinite dimensional . Obviously the term 'direction’ of vector as used in three dimensional case is to be generalised towards other way. These are done by using an algebraic structure on set. This gructure is framed with the help of two types of compositions viz Internal Composition and External Composition on the set to be named ‘Vector Space’. The elements of this space are the desired generalised vectors. Let us first introduce these two compositions and then go to the definition and the theory of vector spaces. 15.2. Internal and External Compositions Let V be a set and * be a composition in V i.e., for any two elements, say a, B in V we get a result a* B . The composition + is called internal composition in V if a*f is unique and a* 8 eV forall 2,8 inV. Mathematically speaking ' * is called internal composition in V if *:VxV — Vis a mapping Let V and F be two sets. The composition 0 is called external composition in V over F if aoa is unique and aca eV forall a in V and for all ain F. Mathematically speaking 'o is called external composition in V over F if o:FxV—+V isa mapping. . Note. The word ‘internal’ is used to emphasize the fact that the operation is done within elements within A and the word ‘external’ is used to emphasize that the operation is done on V with the help of an element taken outside it (From a set say F). : Examples (1) Consider the set R? = {(x,9):#.7 ¢R} where R is set fall real numbers. We define @ and © by the rule (%, 94) @ (x2, 92) = +20. -Y2) ana 2O(x,9) =(a%,a+9) where ~ eR 456 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS .; Then we get if a = (x,y) €R?, B= (2.92) €R” then @@ B = (x, +3,,9,-94) €R? :.@ inn internal composition in R? Again we see a@a =(ax,,a+),)¢ R? © is an external composition in R? over R. (2) In R* ={(x,y):x,y eR} ifwe define @ by the rule (1%) ® (2,92) = % +2591 +92) then @ would not be external composition on R? as y, +iy, eR. 15.3. Definition of Vector Space. Let y be a non-empty set and © be a composition in 7 ie. © composes two elements of. 7 ; R be a field of real numbers Let © be a composition which composes the elements of R. with the elements of V (i.e. © is a mapping whose domain is R x V ). Vis said to be a vector space over the field R, if the following axioms are satisfied : Lv is abelian group with respect to the composition ®, that is @ a@P eV forall and B inV [closure property under @] Gi) 18(BOy)=(0@) y forall a,B,y inV [Associative property under ©] Gi) V contains an element, say g, such that a®0=c forall o ink (iv) Corresponding to each element o, in J; there exists an element, Say —o in V such that .@(-c) =9 (Vv) 2@B = Ga forall a,B inV [commutative property under 6) IL @ a© ae forall g in R and for all @ in V Gi) 1© a=a forall g in’, Hi) (4.8)© a=a® (6@ a) Gv) a0(a@p) = Wa for all a,b in R and for all a in F 7@a@a@B forall q in R and for all «Bia +b)@a=aOa © b@a forall a,b in R and for alla in / pemark.(1) © and © are nothing but - tions respectively in V over R. external and internal i convenience we shall use the symbol + : and + in Vand R. © denote both the Compositions Thus if 0,8 eV then, hence forth, 048 stand , s for 0 @B ; i hen 245 stands for a+b. eden Similarly juxtaposition of elements will be used to denote both the compositions @ and . Thus if a €R,a €V then ao, stands for a© a, if a,b eR then ab stands for a.b + (2) The real field R itself is a vector space. Vectors and Scalars. The elements of a vector space are called vectors and the elements of the related field R are called scalars. Null vector and Additive inverse of a vector. Ina vector space V; we get a vector 9 having the property 9 +@=a for all a in V. This vector 9 is called the null vector of Illustrations. 1. Consider the set R" (or E,or V,) = Rx Rx Rx.....xR (7 times) where R is set of real numbers. So R” = {(x1,%2 5000, 2% eR}. Let a =(x1,%25..%,) and B=(y1,Y20--Yn) be two elements of R”. The composition + between them is defined as and the composition between an element a of the field R and an element @ of p” is defined as G0, = a(x4,X2-00--%n) = (cx 02-0 %n)- We shall show R” is a vector space over the field R. a and Let ayy eR" S0.0= (X1%2--%n)» B= (v1.92) are all real numbers. Y= (2,225-0.Zn) Where Vi and 2 : 7 458 Ce eT ATICS, 1 SI L@ Then a+B=(xy +y1.%2 +¥20-0%n tn) .a+BpeR" since x; +); is also real. (ii) Now 1+ (B+ Y) = (x12 04m) + (11.92 In) + (2022-20) 5 (xp Xp seen) + (M1 +2102 +2200 In + Zn) = (xp ty + 210%] +2 + Z209% + In + Zq) H{ (x12 5es%n) + V2 9nd] + (E122 0009) =(a+B)+¥ (iii) Since 0 is a real number so 0 = (0,0,.....0) €R” Moreover, we see 0 +05 (x1,29,... = (1,22 5..0%_) =O <.R" contains null vector 9 = (0,0,....0) (iv) Since —x,—x2,.... 80 -a =(-x,-x), Moreover, we see + (a) = (x1,22 5.0.2) + (-x4,-%9,.. & (xp 49 — 2500.58 _ Xp "+R" contains additive inverse of each element. TWD OF B= (X1,22 50g) + (Ye I20-In) = (MAID ta sn +Yn) = (Vp FAL V2 + Xp py +X) = (Wd p00 Yn) + (Xp Xp serve X,)=B +0 IL. Let a,beR (@ Then aa, 5 (5% 2.09) = (axa hy) €R" since ax; are all reas Gi) Vo = x4 ,22 5.44) = (x4 ,29,. =a Git) (@b)a = (ab)(x1,x,.. 1Xq) = = (abx,,abx,,... .abx,) = a(bx,,bx,,.. -bxn) = a{b(x),29 5.0.x, Pa H6(%1%250-39)} A a(a +B) H(i...) (yy, 489 - Y20e0-Yq)} = a(x, +1 ,xq V2 sesiy dy +y,) = n . (a(x, +y)a(x, +), a(x, +y,)) =(21 +4,0%, + ay... +1n + ayn) = (ax,,ax, 1®%n)+(ay,,ayp, a) = (1 595.0.% 4) + ay, ay-Dy) = 001+ of () (a+ b)a=(a+b)(x, Xp pey) =((a+0)x, (a+ b)xp,...(a+ b)x,) = (ax, + bx, ax +.bx,,++, ax, +bx,) = (24,82 5 etty) + (br sb,....bry) = A(X}, 00000 2%n)+ B(x1.2.5..-%_) =aa+ba Thus all the axioms of vector space are satisfied. Therefore R” is a vector space over the field of real numbers. Note. (1) Thus an 7-tuple is a vector. - &g. &=(1,-2,0,8) is a vector belonging to the vector space R* or Vs. (2) ©=(0,0,0,0,0) is the null vector belonging to R° or V5. 2. Consider the set of solutions S of the homogeneous system of linear equations yy X1 + AyaXq $0004 Ay X_ =O yy X, + AyXp $001 + AyyXy, =O qa) Fmi% + Am2%2 + ' on) A solution of this system is nothing but an n-tuple like (x), X20°°**%n introduced in the previous illustration. ; : a Existence of solution of this systam was discussed in the chapt y Mesos real field : : over We shall show this set of solutions S is a ‘Vector acer ae With respect to + and . as introduced in the previous + AnnXp =O ENGINEERING MATHEMAtIcg. 460 ‘As we have seen earlier the system (1) can be converted to the matrix equation AX=0 7 0 where A=(4j men and X= * and 0= : Xy 0 Let us verify the axioms of vector space : Let (2152) °7°%q)s O20" Yn) and (%,22°*:2n) be three solutions of the system.For convernience we shall write the solution as il y q x z; X= i Y= id and Z= : Xn Yn Zn Therefore AX =0, AY=0 and AZ=0. 1.) Now A(X +Y)=AX+AY=0+0=0 o X+Y ie. (x+y, 2 + Ye Xn + Yq) iS a Solution of the system X+YeSif X,YeS (ii) The associative property (X¥+Y)+Z=X+(Y+Z) is discussed is the previous illustration. (iii) Obviously 0= (0,0,---0) is a’ solution of the system. So 0 eS. Moreover we see X+0=X forall X in §. (iv) -X = (—x,,-x2,-+,-x,) ES because A(-X)=-AX =-0=0. () X+¥Y=Y+ x is discussed in the previous illustration TQ) For any real number c, A(cX)= (AX) =0.0=0 so cX eS if X eS and ¢ is any real. Gi) LX =X obvious. For any reals a,b, Gi) (@.b)X = a(bx) (iv) a.(X+¥) = aX +ay 461 () (at B)X = aX + bX are obvious. ‘Thus all the axioms of vector space are satisfied. So, § i . So, § is a vector The sel, of solutions g of th * € non-! | n-homogeneus system of linear yyy FA 2Xq $07 + A,X, = dy y,X1 + Ay) Xq ++ Fy, X, = by yyy Xy + AygXq FF Ain Xn = b,,» Where at least one b #0, is not a vector space because ‘ | A(X + Y)= AX+ AY = B+ B=2B | showing that x+Y ¢S though X,Y eS. (iii) C = Set of all compex numbers is a vector space over real field. Solution. Let us verify the axioms of vector space with respect to the internal composition + and external composition (+). LG) If a= a, +ib;, B= ay +iby €C.9;0b €R, then a+ B= (Gq, +02)+i(, +b.) EC since a +0 and b, +b, are real (ii) For any three complex numbers apy at(Br y=(at Bry is well known. (ii) 0 =04+0ieC and a+0= (iv) -@= (-a,)+i(-B) €C as —41 a+ -a=(G —a,)+( -b)ji=O .¢ contains inverse of every element. (v) a+ B= Bre is well known. Il (i) For any real number @, 4-0 = (aa, Teal. (ii) |. = a. This i (iii) For any, real a,b» (ab)-a=a-(0@ (iv) @+b)-@=a° (V) a-(a+ P= aataB ah eC is @ . So C contains null element 0. -b, ¢R and we see )+i(ab)eC as aa,,ab, are is well known. )) is well known. al \ ataa is well known. also well known. i 462 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS. ; ee Thus all the axioms of vector space are satisfied. So C is a veotg, space. " (iii) The set Raxn = {Coy )mxn tay eR} is a vector space over reqy field R. Let us verify the axioms of vector space. w.r.t the internal composition +(matrix addition) and » (matix multiplication). 1 (i) If A=(@y)menv B= (by)man © Rnxn then A+ B=(4j +j)min © Rin also. {ii) A+(B+C) =(A+B)+C is well known for any three matrices A, BandC. (iii) The null matrix Onin €Rmxn Since 0 is real number. Moreover we know A+O=A. So R,,,, contains null element O. (iv) If a = (-@y mn then we see -@ € Ryn a8 —2j €R . Moreover, @+ -A= (45-25) mn =(O)mxn =O.SO Roen Contains inverse of every element of Ryen (vy) A+ B=B+A is well known for matrix addition. 1 (@ For any real number c, cA= (cay een SCA ER yy, a8 COy are real. (Gi) 14 = A. This is obvious. (iii) (cb)A = a-(A) is true for all real a, b. (iv) e-(A+B)=a-A+a-B VaeR, A,B €Raxn (v) (@+b)A=aA+DA, These are well known for matrix. Thus all the axioms of vector space are satisfied. So Ryxx is a vector space. As the elements of vector space are known as vector, the matrix can b¢ identified as vector w.r.t addition and scalar multiplication 15.4. Elementary Properties: In a vector space V over the field R () 0a. = 6 (null vector) for all @ in V (2) a0 =6 forall a inR @) -la =~-o forall a in y 4) aa =0>4=0 or g=9 _ = a SPACE es proof. (2) Let aeR. We know a+0=¢ (a+ 0) = 4 or, aa +00 = aa o {ac1) + aa + 00. =~-(a.a)+aa o,9+0a=0 — [-(aat) is additive inverse of ac] of, Oa =@ QletaeVv and aeR. We know, a+O=a --a(0+0)=a.0 of, a.a+a.0=a.0, by an axiom of vector space. a, -(a.0)+(a.a+4.0)=-(a.0)+a.0 ar, {-(aa) +(aa)} +40 =0 of, @+a0=0 of, ad=0 [0 is null vector] Q) we see, & + (-1a) = (1a) +(-1a) [ia =a. by an axiom of vector space] =(1+(-D)a=00.=0 by Thi. Thus a +(-1a)=0 So —lo, is additive inverse of a , ie. -la =—-a (4) Let aa =0 holds but a¥0. q@ \ Then the multiplicative inverse of a, say a’ = 1 gxists in the field R. So from (1) we get ° a'(aa) = a'0 or, (a’a)a,=8 by Th.2 or, la = or, a =@ using an axiom of vector space. Thus if a#0 then a =0- Again let (1) holds but a # @. We have to show a=0- Let, if possible, az0. Then by the above process we can show a=6" E Which contradicts our hypothesis o #8 - 80 a=0. i's é if 15.5. Subspace. ; : Let y a vector space of the field R. A subset § of V is called Subsp, of y if g itself is a vector space over the same field R under the Same composition of / . Theorem 1.(A criterion for subspace) A non-null subset § of a vector space / is subspace, if and only i (i) a+B eS forall a,B in 5 i) ca eS forall ¢ inR, a ins Proof. Beyond the scope of the book, Illustration. The set 5 = {(x,y.0)rxsy are real } is a subspace of the vector space p3. Clearly Sc R, Let a,B €5.So a = (a,,b,,0) and B =(az,b),0) where a, ,b, are reals, Then A+B =(a; + a,b, +b),0) eS because ay +a, bj +b, are also Teals. Again for any real number c, co. = (ca, ,cb, 30) eS because cay cb, arereals. Thus S satisfies the two critieria of subspace. Hence S is a subspace of R?. Theorem 2. Intersection of two subspaces is a subspace. [MAKAUT 2018] Proof. Let be a vector space of the field R. S and Tbe two subspaces of”. We shall show that 5, T isa subspace of V. Since S and T are subsets of V, so their intersection §\ TCV: Let a,B ESAT. So a,B eS and a,BeT. “+B eS and a+B eT, since So, a+PeST, Leta eS and aeR, Since S and T are subspaces 5 Sand T are subspaces. “ae¢eS andaeT ‘© aa eS and aaeT. . Hence aaesar, So, SAT isa subspace of V. F) largest subset contained is both 5 an : | Contained in § and 7 Note. Since SOT is the SOT is the largest subspace Remark. Union of two subspaces may not be a subspace. For example S= : igreal“ {(0,x):x is real } and = {(x,0):x is 10 two subspaces of the Vector space R2 : ’ ( . cTOR SPACE ve! 465 wesee a=(0,3) eSUT(-a€S) and B= (3,0) eSUT(-B eT). But + B= (0,3) +(3,0) =(3,3) €5 UT, because it neither belongs to § porto T- Thus closure property does not hold in SUT. So, SUT is not a subspace. 15.6. Linear Combination of vectors. Let 1,02,.....4, be r number of vectors in a v a ector §| a . pace V x Then 0) +¢20+...+¢,0,, i is called a linear combination of the vectors G),02....@,, Where C;,C2,....c, belong to R. Example: Let ay =(30),043 =(LA4),05 = (45-2) be three vectors of R? (or E,)=RxR Then , 304 — 7012 +0013 = 3{3,0)-7(1, 4) + 0(4, -2) =(9,0)-(7,28)+(0,0) =(9-7+0,0-28+0)=(2,-28) is a linear combination of a1,a.2 and a3. Note. By the axioms of vector space, a linear combination of some vectors in a vector space Y again belongs to the same vector space. 15.7. Linear dependence and independence of vectors. Let y be a vector space over R . The set of vectors {ay,@2,-°°a,} are called linearly dependent (or simply dependent), if it is possible to get r scalars c,C2,....¢, in R, at least one non-zero, such that C40 +202 +...+0,0, = 8 If ),0125.04--0, are not linearly dependent then they are called linearly independent (or simply independent); that is 0 ,012»....0-, are linearly independent if cc +0043 terry = 0 implies 6 == 05 nr = Oonke Mlustrations. . () The vectors 04 =(12,3),02 =(3,-14) and 3 = (4.17) of R ey we linearly dependent because we get the numbers Ll and-l in R that Jo. + long + (—H)ots = (0.0.0) =8 30 . . 466 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICs, “1 —_——— (ii) The vector (3,2),(6.4),(9,15) are linearly dependent because we get three reals 1, -} and 0 for which *132)+(-4 )(64)+0(9,15) = (0,0) =0 (iii) The vector 0, =(1,0,0), 2 =(0,1,0) and 03 =(0,0,1) are linearly independent, because Cy0ty + p02 + ex043 =O = c4(1,0,0) + cp (041,0) + €3(0,0,1) = (0,0,0) => (¢1,¢),€3) = (0,0,0) =>c,=0,c,=0 and c3=0 (iv) The vectors inp", 0, =(I,0,....0),05 = (0,1,0....0). are linearly independent, because c+ c+. = q4(1,0,....0) + cp (041,...0}+...+¢, (0,0,...1) = (0, > (G1009---6 a 0) =>¢=0, c= c, =0 So, @1.01,.....0, are independent. R on S £ Theorem 1. A collection of vectors containing null vector is linearly dependent. [MAKAUT 2018) Proof. Let a1,a,.....0,, @ be a collection of vectors in a vector space V over R. We can write Oa, +007+...+00, +20=0+0+..40=0 (:00=6 and g+@=a forall a in 77). We see among the scalars 0,0,. ~0,¢, at least one, namely ¢ is non- Zero. So, a),0.9,...0,,0 are linearly are Mustartion. The vectors a = (4,1,3.4),B = (—1,2,-2 4) and ¥ = (0,0,0,0) of R*(or E, are linearly vane Theorem2. A collection of vectors which Contains a collection of lineatly dependent vectors is linearly dependent. Proof, Let O40 yea Sant ps “@,, be a collection of vectors, of which the collection &),09,...0 p are linearly dependent, So, we get the scal ge lars ¢1,¢,.., p, at least one non-zero, such that C10) +c, Fence, =O, yscTOR SPACE This implies 1%] +090, tote, +00 Since at least one of 150,00 7 PAltA0a, =@ P 18 On-zero go at 1+€2>€p00,...0 is non-zero, Heast one of $0, 81 075..0..0 p04 p+leOy are linearly dependent, filustrations. Consider the five vectors Oy = 03=(59:1), a4 =(-6,7,8), and as =(11,25) of over the real field R. We see 2(12.3)+(-1)(2,4,6)=(0,0.0). so, (123) linearly dependent, (12,3), 2 = (2,4,6) the vector space R? and (2,46) are Proof. Follows from the above theorem. Mustration. Since the four vectors (4,0,0),(0,1,00), (00,10) and (00,0) are linearly independent so the vectors (1,0,0,0), (0,0,1,0) ana (0,1,0,0) are also linearly independent. An important theorem is stated without Proof. Theorem 4. The » number of vectors 1 = (411,412,...44,), 02 =(49150295--y), yy = (an ,442,. will be independent, if and only if, the determinant 41 M12" ty 921 422 °° Gan! te +|#0 I@ni 9n2 °° Fn Mustration. The three vectors (1,2,3), (~1,1,0) and (0,3,3) are dep ‘ause the determinant _-1 1 Q=0 Ag 468 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICs. F 15.8. Test of linear dependency and independency by Using elementary row operation on Matrix. In the previous theorems we have discussed how to test the linear dependency and independency of n number of vectors in R". In science and technology we often face any number of vectors in R” to be testeg whether they are independent or dependent. For example we may be asked to test whether the vectors (,5,2,9), (1,4,3,0), (2,3,1,4) are linear dependent or not. We would not be able to form a determinant with these three. If we go to test using definition then it would be more harder. In this article we present the following theorem without proving, tocross this hurdle. oo Theorem. Let A=|" 0°" A % bea matrix of reals of size mx n. Gm Amr °° Let ay = (a1, 12° in) yy A925 °° yy) a im = (ypts O25 °° Bun) be the m number of vectors all belonging to R". Then the Rank of A= Maximum number of independent vectors AMON Q,, A5°**Am Proof. Beyond the scope of this book. aA All the vectors @,, @2,---@,, are independent if and only if Rank o} A=m. If Rank of A 2 -6 ~10 -6 102 4 9 10 2°% x fie 4s ay (2 8 RB. 8) “AJ 9 0 0 ol gee lo 2 § gS 02 6 0 <~ od oe 3 0 2 6 w 6 yOu Og 248128 0 2 6 10 6 Ry+Ry =B » Say : ee 0000 00000 B is an Echelon matrix having 2 non-zero nae So Rank of (B) = 2 (see chapter of ‘Matrix') -. Rank of A =2 also. a Since number of given vectors is 4 so the vectors o,, a, G3, @4 dependent (as the theorem tells). / ; sent vectors Since Rank of A is 2 there exists maximum 2 indepen : id eee acd a =(2,4,8,12,8) an rectors 1 atrix B the row vi esi de he an independent. These are transformed iain 7 oo in mind that R, and R, were a a ing in 7 f a t). So among the given = the process of swept ou pipe one nasty inde @ = (2,4,8,12,8) and aq =(-10.2,% ias.,| 470 ENGINEERING MATHEM. ATICS., S| 15.9. Generator or Spanning vectors. Let y be a vector space over R. Also let a),02,...0, be ¢ number of vectors of y and § be a subspace of V (S may be equal to / ). It every element of 5 can be expressed asa linear combination of a, 1012,...0, then we say@),02,...a, generate or span the subspace S. Illustration. (i) Consider. S = {(x,y,0):x,y are any real numbers } which is a subspace of V3. We see (x,y,0) =x(1,0,0)+ y(0,1,0) i.e. every element of § can be expressed as linear combination of the two vectors 0) =(1,0,0) and 02 = (0,1,0). Hence the two vectors (1,0,0) and (0,1,0) generate s. (ii) a =(1,0,0,0),a.2 = (0,1,0,0), 0.3 =(0,0,1,0), 24 =(0,0,0,1), are generators of the entire vector space R*. For any element of R*, say (x1,x2,3.x4) can be expressed as (1.25354) = %4(1,0,0,0) + x9 (0,1,0,0) + x3(0,0,1,0) + x4(0,0,0,1) (iii) The n number of vectors a =(1,0,0,.....0), a2 =(0,1,0,...0) vector space p" because for any arbitrary element a = (x1 22 ,-%e) of R" , we can express = 44(10,...0) + x9(0,1,0,....0)+....+%, (0,0,....0,1) = X10 +27702+....+%,0,, Which shows that every element of R” ca? be expressed as linear combination of the vectors 0;,0t2,...;On+ 15.10. Basis. Let V be a vector space over R. A set of vectors {ar,a2, rb 8 said to be a basis of 7 if c,a2,...0,, are linearly independent and if theY generate y . Since a subspace is itself a vector space, so a basis of a subspace o be defined likewise. Example. The three vectors a; =(1,0,0),c1y =(0,,0) and a3 =(0.01) #° independent and they generate the vector space R?. So {ay,a2+a3} 8 basis of R°. This basis is known as Standard Basis of R° wl) generate the 4 * os eee eT aT ETAT PREG awe see the three vectors By =(LuL,1) , By =(1,1,0) and B. 00) Again h wo : an) ge independent 28 ' ee * 0 and generate the vector space p3 as vectot (x1.%25%3) can be expressed as ” (xiet2043) = x3(IyMgl) + (9 — *3)(1450) + (x1 ~ 22)(1,0,0). go the three vectors B},B2,B3 also from a basis of R?. Note. In the above example we see though a vector space may have more than one basis, the number of vectors in each of the basis is same. In fact we shall get a result that any two basis of a vector space have same number of vectors. ee Theorem 1. (Replacement theorem) Ifthe set {a1,, @2,--+@,} be a basis of a vector space V over Rand if f be a non-null vector in V such that B can be expressed as Bacio, +C2@2 ++7°+ C,0r, Where the scalar c; #0 then if a; is replaced by B the set feryatyy 1B java} will also be a basis of V. Proof. Let xy + ¥2@q t+ tX jij + xj B+ X ji jy F048 ne, jh n n This implies Fa, +xjDqai+ Dra =8 it ial np “ i * > Dx, +x) Loa, + xe j +X) 2 sat “ya ial isl i fn Ley tajea, +xjeaj+ Loge + aar =0 ial isjal Since@,0p,°+*Gj-1,j,jyry"°4@, are independent So x, +4,¢,=0 for i=1,-,j-1 ww (2) xj) =0 3) x)¢, +x, =0 for i= f+l-sn wen(4) Now since c; #0 so from (3) above x,=0 1 and for Putting this in (2) and (4) we get x; = 0, for i= 2-°-J~ IS ftom 472 ENGINEERING MATHEMAT] Thus (1) implies x; =0 V i 2. Oey Ot99°° O j4y BiB jaye Oy are independent. Since B= Cy + Cyr Hr + Cj. j He + Cy, and since c; #0 so we have {Ee ca; + B+ Soon} nS) isjel Let a €V bearbitrary. Since @|. @2°+-@,, formbasis so we can express a= Dy where y, €F = Sy, +yaj+ Dye i=l isj4l -Eva, +; iS cj)a, + B+ See, Ja; }o3 Dye; isjal isjel using (5) inl n = DOr -yejleday + y/cj'B+ L(y, cj. + Wai ial isjel Sai +tBt Sina, ijl [Putting 1; = y; — yjc;'¢; for all ; excep i= j and t, = y,.cj'] Thus an arbitrary vector of y can be expressed as linear combination Of O,2 95° Oi Baie, 1 the set {or,,09,++-0).4,B,aj417--0,} spans V. ” {e105 js BrO iver aey} is a basis of y. Illustration. We have seen the three vectors a, =(1,0,0), @2 =(0,1,0) and a3 =(0,0,1) form a basis of R°. Now we see the vector 6=(0,2,2) can be expressed as linear combination of a,,a and a; like B =0.a, +2.0 +2.a3 Since the coefficient of a, is 2#0, according to the above theorem we can replace a, by f and say that «, = (1,0,0), = (0,2,2), a3 = (0,0-)) form a basis of R°. goon SEC Replacement theorem can be used to extend an ind dent set (which isnot a basis) to a basis. See in the Illustrative Examples section. qheorem 2. Ifa basis ofa vector space contains n number of vectors and if an ssother linearly independent set contains m number of vectors then m (¢.€2,¢3,0) = (0,0,0,0) Sc =c, =c, =0. The set A spans § since we can express an arbitrary vector (x, y,z,0) = x(1,0,0,0) + ¥(0,1,0,0) + 2(0,0,1,0) So the set A is a basis of S and so dim(S) =3. Note that A is not a basis of R* and dim(S) =3 < dim(R*) = 4. In general if § is a subspace of y then dim(S) < dim(V). 15.13. Illustrative Examples. Example 1. Prove that the set R° ={(x,9,2):2,y,2 eR} is a vector space over real field where the two compositions + and » are defined as (1.91.21) +(x +¥2422)= (x +x2,y4 +Y2,21 +2) and a.(x,y,,2,)= (2x,,ay,,az,) , where g is a real number. Solution : Let us verify the axioms of vector space Let a,B,y €R?. So 01 = (x1,x9,.x3), =(21,22,23) where x, Ji L. Then (i) +p =( } B=(y1,¥2,y3) and and z; are all reals. 1+ YteX2 + Yoyx3 + ys) “O+BER? since x +y,, 2+ Y2 and x3 + y3 are also real. (i) a +(B+y) =( ay 2.43) +{(y, 1Y293)+ (21,22,23)} = (*1,29,45)+(y, + 21,92 +29,93 +23) =(4+y, +212 + yy +29 ,45 + ys +23) =(x +x + 1x5 +y3)+(z1,29,23) / seal porn SACS an = {(xi.2,33)+ (1592593) + (21422523) =(a-+)+1 (i Since 0 isa real number so 0 = (0,0,0) ¢R?. Moreover we See +0 =(x1,x2.3) + (0,0,0) = (x1,42,%3) = 3 contains will null vector 8 = (0,00) aR (iv) Since x1 -¥2,-%3 are also reals,.s0—0. = (-%1,-¥2,-¥3) eR? Moreover We See ) = (0,0,0) = 8 a+(-a) = (xy ,x20%3) + (“1 ¥2-%3. -. R° contains additive inverse of each element. ) ot B= (xin 2045) + (1 ¥2998) = (1 + ym H+ Ys) = (yp tH V2 + 2093 45) = (vey29) + (41-¥20%3) =pta IL Let a,b,c eR Then (i) c.c. = 0.(xp.25%3) = (002%) eR? since cx,,cx, and ox3 areall reals. (ii) 1 is identi La = 1.(x1,%25%3) = (a1 47,03) =O (iii) (ab).01 = (ab).(x1 1%q%3) = (abx, sabxy,abx3) = a.(bx,bx2,bxs) = ac{6.(x1.22>%8)} =a.(b.a) (iv) (a+) =a.{(x1%2,%5)+ (y299)} = a(x + ike + Y20%3 +ys) = (a(x + 1)sale2 + ya)sa(xs + ¥3)) = (ax + 1,22 + D213 +ay3) =(% say) + (21/2993) a alayzs%s)+a(nivnys)=aatad : “i i (9), (dtb).a. = (a+5).(%1 2°43) =((a+ b)x (a+ b)x,,(a +b)x3) di ity element of the field of all reals R. Then we see ) INEERING MATHEMATICS; (seta riage = (ax,a%9 ,a%5) + (bx; sbx2 ,bx3) = 4.(%1 5953) +b.(x,%9,25) =a.a+ba Thus all the axioms of vector g pace are satisfied. So R° is a vector space over real field, Example 2. Find whether the set R2 = {(x Space over real field where the c SYEX,y are Teals (41.91) +(%2.»2) ompositions + and » are defined as = (8, +3y2,-x, ~%2) and e.(x,y) =3cy— ex Solution : Let us verify the axioms of vector space. Let a,B,y eR, } isa vector So @=(x1,9), B=(x2,9), ¥ = (3,3) where x;,y; and z; are all real numbers. IL. Then (i) 2+B=(x1,9) +(x.) = By + 3y2,-x1 — x9) /-Q+B ER? since 3y, + 3y2 and —x; — x» are also reals, Gi) a+(B+y)=(x,y)) +{(22,92)+(x5 4 ys)t = (y1)+ (y2 +3y3,-x9 ~ x3) = G1 +3(-x9 ~ x3), -(3y2 +395) ze & = (3y, - 3x2 — 3x3,-x1 — 3y2 — 3y3) and (a +B)+y = {(x1.1) + (x2,¥2)} + (23,93) =(By+ 3yq,-x1 — x2) + (x3,93) =(3(-x, - 2) +3y3,-(3y, + 3y2)-x3) = (-3x, — 3x2. + 3y3,-3y, -— 3y2 - x3) 1:@4+(B+y)#(a+B)+y :. the associative law does not hold. . So R? is not a vector Space with respect to these compositions. yecTOR SPACE gsample 3. Prove that the set of alls = i cond order real i No es aces OE eal Sel wih pegs) eae cr multiplication of a matrix by a real number, 2 solution : Let R2,. be the set ofall Second order square matrices |“! 9! where x;,y; are real numbers, - wal A Let us verify the axioms of vector space, Let a,B,y € Royo wa-(% 2 p(t 4“) (an a, by) dy 5a X yy} Where a,,bj,x; etc. are all real numbers, Qt+c b+d, L Then = a 4 @ a+B (ere b+, ERya “a, +04, +d; ete. are se Wap i698? (ii) The associative law (.+B)+y=a+(B+y) is well known for matrix addition. - 00 ae (iii) We see O= oo €R,,, as 0 is real and 0 +O=a ~.Rax2 contains null vector which is O. -a, —-b, (iv) Now, a -( a, *) ER,» as—a;,-b; are all reals. —_— 8 ‘We see a+(-a)=(9 t)=9: So R22 contains additive inverse of every clement. (v) a+ =f+< is also well known for matrix addition. IL Let a,b,ceR b Then (i) aaa(® (a oO eta since aa; ,ab; are also reals. (ii) 1 is the identity element of the real field. 4 a b) (4 by = 4 Now, a=1(% na 2] a Ln |GINEERING MATHEMATICs.; «i (i)a=(0 (34 *) (a a) b,) \aba, abby, ole She So (iv) a.(0+B)=a.0+a.B is well known for matrix. (v) (a +6).c. =a.0.+b.a is well known for matrix. Thus all the axioms of vector space are satisfied. Hence M is a vector space over real field. Example 4. Prove that the set of all polynomials of degree less or equal to n is a vector space with respect to usual addition between two polynomials (as defined in the section ‘polynomial Ring’) and usual multiplication between a number and a polynomial. Solution. Let P, = {f(x): f(x) =apx" +a,x""! +--+4,,X4+4,3 a, is real, mis integer {a, +(-a)}x™! <0 iz0 ..P, contains inverse of every element. () f(@)+8(%) = B(x) + f(x) is obvious as a, +b, a,b in R. TG) Let f(x) = agx" +x"! 4-44, x+a, EP andc -! im EF, be umber. Then m-1 areal CF(A) = Cagx™ + a,x" +++ Cay, 1X + Cay, EP, as it is a polynomial of degree m 2c +2; =0, 4c, +c) +6c3 =0 and 2c, =0 >o=0. So from the first c,=0. Then from the second 2 =0. Hence the three vectors are linearly independent. 2nd process (Using a Theorem): 2 4 We see the determinant |? ! 0|=2(2-0)-4(0-0)+0=440 2 6 2 vs the vectors (2,4,0), (0,1,0) and (2,6,2) are independent, Example 18. Find whether the set {(4.0.0),(0,1,0),(8,-1,0)} is linearly independent in the vector space p3 Solution : Ist process : (Using definition) €4(1,0,0) +¢9(0,1,0) +c, (8,-1,0) = (0,0,0) = (&, +8¢3,¢) — 5,0) = (0,0,0) => ¢ +83 =0 €2-¢3=0 These give c) =c3 and cy =-8c, So if c3 take any value other than 0 say 1 then c=1, ¢ =—8. Then we see -8(1,0,0) + 1(0,1,0) + 1(8,-1,0) =(0,0,0) ice. the vectors (1,0,0),(0,1,0) and (8,-1,0 2nd process (using a Theorem): 1 0 We see the determinant [0 1 = e+ 8-1 ) are linearly dependent. =0 v the vectors (1,0,0),(0,1,0) and (8,-1,0) are linearly dependent. “a (soT0R SPACE goample 19. Find k so that the vectors ( 49 1-1,2),(0, | iparly dependent. )(0,K,3) and (123) are : Since the give . solution Biven vectors are linearl _ ly dependent 0 k 3=0 I-1 2 3 a if, fat f° \y or, 3k-6+3+2(0+k)=0 of, 5k-3=0 Ee z Example 20. For what values of x the three vectors (1,1,2),(x,1,1) and (12,1) are linearly independent. Solution : Since the given three vectors are linearly independent, a 2 therefore |x 1 1)#0 2 or, (1-2) -(x-1)+2(2x-1) #0 | or, -l-x+1+4x-240 | or, 3x-240 or, #3 2 , the value of x is any real number other than 3 Example 21. Prove that the following vectors are linearly dependent. Find out the vectors among them which are independent and spans same space. Find the dimension of the space : ay = (21,3), O =(1,2,0), 3 = (2,31), @4 = G1) Solution. We construct a matrix A whose rows are the given 3-tuples. | aa(2 1 3 1 270 12 0| secamee J 2 1 3 jand Ry ‘a 2 1 231 il 1 1 111 Ke wne ENGINEERING MATHEMATICs.; 490 12 0 12 0 1 -1 1 Jo 3 3|_384}° Boas 0-11 0-11 0-11 7: 1 2 0 io 11 ae 19 0 0] =B (say) 0 0 0 Where B is an Echelon matrix having 2 non-zero rows. Therefore Rank of A=2< number of given vectors (which is 4) “Gy, A, Az, Hy are dependent. The non-zero vectors in B are a =(1,2,0) and a =(0,-1,1) which are transformed form of @, and a, respectively. So a, =(2,1,3), & =(1,2,0) are the two maximum number of independent vectors among the given four. So {a;,@2} will span the same space which is spanned by 1,0 7,3,Q4- Obviously then {a,,@} is a basis of the spanned space. So dimension of that spaces is 2. Example 22. Let R,,7 be the vector space of all 2 x 2 matrices over the field of real numbers. Show that the set 1 0\(0 1)(0 0\(0 0 0 oflo ofli oflo 1)f is linearly independent. 10 01 mo oo Je Se 3 =(: %)_(0 0 £3 %) \0 0 = ¢ =0, c, =0,c; =0 and cy = 0, only. Hence the given set is linearly independent. Example.23.Verify whether the set of vectors Se 23,-8)} is a basis of R?. Kean .enant ro : _— ACE, yoCTOR SPACE lw solution : We see the determinant 43 2 1 4 2 1 4|-4| |-4 ‘|e aP oe eee 3 = 4(-8-12)—3(-16-8) + 2(6-2) =-80+72+8=0 So the given three vectors in S are linearly dependent. Hence S can not bea basis. Example 24. Do the vectors (1,1,0),(1,0,1) and (0,1,1) form a basis of the vector space R? over the field of real numbers ? Solution : We see that the determinant i p | 198 ge! 10 =a, a |*0=(0-1)-(-0)=-1-1=-240 lo 1 1 the three vectors (1,1,0), (1,0,1) and (0,1,1) are linearly independent in the vector space R?. Since the dimension of R? is 3, so these three vector will form a basis of R>. Example 25. Show that B= {(1,2,1),(0,1,0),(0,0,1)} is a basis of R. Express the vector (1,2,3) ¢R? as a linear combination of the basis B. Mention the co-ordinate of this vector. Solution : We see that the determinant” 121 0 1 O =1(1-0)-2(0-0)+1(0-0) =140 lo o So the three vectors in B are linear by independent. Since dim(R?) =3 and number of vectors in B is also 3, so Bisa basis of the vector space R?. Let (1,2,3) = c(1,2.1) + ¢2(0,1,0) + cs (0,0,1) ot, (1,2,3) = (c4,2c1s¢1) + (0,¢2,0) + (0.0.63) = (e1-2e1 +2941 +¢3) “ 0, =1, 2c, +e, =2 and c, +¢3 =3 These give c,=2-2%1=0, e=3-1=2. 492, ENGINEERING MATHEMATIC 1 Thus the vector (1,2,3) is expressed as (1,2,3) = 1(1,2,1) + 0(0,1,0) + 2(0,0,1) which is a linear combination of p :. (1, 0, 2) is coordinate of (1,2,3) relative to this basis Example 26. Find a basis of the real vector space R containing the vectors (1,2,1) and (2,1,1) Solution : We know {(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1)} is basis of R?. We pick up the first vector (1,0,0) and then find whether the three vectors (1,2,1),(2,1) and (1,0,0) are independent. 12] We see |2. 1 1)=1(0-0)-2(0-1)+(0-1)=2-1=140 70 :. the set S = {(1,2,1),(2,1,1),(1,0,0)} is linearly independent, Since dim(R*)=3 and S contains 3 independent vectors, so S is a basis of R°. Therefore the required basis is {(1,2,1),(2,1,1),(1,0,0)} Example 27. : Extend the set {(2,1,1),(1,1,1)} to a basis of R?. Solution : Ist process: We know {(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1)} is a basis of R°. We select the first vector (1,0,0) from this and then find whether the three vectors (2,1,1),(1,1,1),(1,0,0) are independent. : 2 1 We see |1 1 1)=2(0-0)-(0-1)+(0-1)=1-1=0 10 0 -.(2,1,1),(1,1,1),(1,0,0) are not independent. So we replace the selected vector (1,0,0) by (0,1,0) and find whether the vectors (2,1,1),(1,1,1),(0,1,0) are independent. 21 We see |1 1 = 2(0-1)-(0-0)+ (1-0) =-2+1=-140 lo 1 +, the set {(2,11),(111),(0,1,0)} are independent. gscTOR SPACE . . 3) since dim R )=3 and there are 3 vectors in this Set, 80 this set {(241),(1411),(0.1,0)} is a basis of R?. snd process : (Using Replacement theorem) 493 We know {cr, = (1,0,0), a =(0,1,0), a, = (0,0,1)} is a basis of R? We see a = (2, 1,1)=2a, +1a,+La, Since coefficient of a, is 2 #0. So by Replacement Theorem we can replace a, and get {a,a.,a} as a new basis. Now let 6 = (1,11) =c,a+c,a, +0303 or, (1,11) = ¢,(2,1,1) + c,(0,1,0) + c3(0,0,1) = (2¢,,¢, +¢2,¢, +3) This gives 2c, =1 Cy +c, =1 e+c3=1 ee 2 2 2 Tus P=(LD=ta+50; +54, Since cofficient of a2 is 50 so we can replace a, by # and get {a, B,a,} as a new basis. 2 {1,.), GLY, (0,0,} is basis of R°. Note that it could be extended by adding the other vectors a, or a2 also. Example 28, Prove that the set all solutions of the system of equations —X_ + 2x; =0 5x, = 3x2 + 2x3 =0 is a vector space w.rt + and . introduced in R®. Find a basis of this Vector space. Hence find the dimension. Solution: First part : In an illustration against the definition of oe Space we have discussed the set of solutions of the system of homogeneous Squations is a vector space. : 5 32 Let us apply elementary row operation on A to transform it to an Echelon 1 2 1-1 2) pon fl - ai | — a=»! = Bi . (: 3 2) 0 2 -3)7 2s) where B is Echelon matrix . Rank of A=2 Number of independent solutions = Number of unknowns — Rank of A =3-2=]. So the solution space is generated by 1 independent solutions. .. the dimension of the solution space is 1. The given system is reduced to xy — 2x) +2x3=0 2x, - 8x; =0. Tese give x, =4x3, x, =4x3—2x, = 2x5 ©. (2x3,423,x3) is solution where x, is arbitrary. If we take x, =1 (in fact any non-zero value) then (2,4,1) will forma basis of the solution space. 1 -1 2 Second part : The coefficient matrix is A -( } Example 29. Find the space spanned by the vectors a =(1,3,0) and B=(2,1,-2). Find whether the vector (4,7,—2) belongs to this space. Solution : The required space is set of all linear combinations of @ and f. Therefore the required space ={xa+ yB:x,y are yeal} . = {(x,3x,0) + (2y,y,-2y):,y, are real} ={(x + 2y,3x + y,-2y):x,y, are real} Let, if possible, (4,7,- 2) belongs to this space. That is x+2y=4 3xt+y=7 “dy =-2 ‘These imply y =1. Find the first x=4-2=2 and from the 200” m =2 also. .. (4,7,—2) belongs to the space. -_ yeCTOR SPACE pte ee Example 30. Show that the set S = {(x,y,z):x+ y-z=0, 2x +y-z=0} js a subspace of R°. Then find a basis of § and dim(S). Solution. First part : Done in a previous example. The coefficient matrix efits two equations is A=(. | 214 a-(, 1 thE 1-1). 21-1) "(0 -1 =| doing R; - 2R,. So Rank of A=2 :. No of independent solution of the two given equation is 3-2=1. :. Only one element will form a basis of §. -. dim(S)=1 The system of two equations is reduced to xty-2=0 -y+z=0. This give y=z, x=0 So {(0,z,z):zisreal} = 5. {(0,1,D} is a basis of 5. (we could put any non-zero value for z) Example 31. Find a basis and the dimension of the subspace W of R° where w={(x9.2) eRixty+2=0} Solution : /st process : Let a= (x,y,z) be arbitrary element of W. axty+z=0 0% ze-x-y .a=(x,y-%-9) =(x,0,-x) + (0,y-y) = x(1,0,-1) + x1 1) can be expressed as linear combi nation of the . every element of W two vectors a =(1,0-1) and a2 =(0,-1)- Now c0 +¢2%2 =9 => (10-1) +e (0,1-1) =(0,0,0) =e =0, =0, 1~% =0, 00) => (c,¢2;-41 -)=(0, 0,0) => ¢,=0 and cy = 0 only. |GINEERING MATHEMATIcg <1 496 Hence a; and a2 are independent. +. {oj,02} is a basis of Ww. Since a basis of W contains two vectors, so dim(W) =2 2nd process: The coefficient matrix A=(1 1 1). This is Echelon form, So Rank of A=1.- No. of independent solution = No. of unknowns —Rank of A =3-1=2. So dim(W)=2. The eqn is reduced to xty+z=O0>7=-x-y -- (%4y,-*—y) is soln, Putting x =0, y=1 we get (0,1,-1). Putting x=1, y=0 ‘We get (1,0,-1) ~. (0,1,-1),(1,0,-1) from a basis of w Example 32. Show that S= {(x,2y,3x):x,y are reals } is a subspace of R>. Find two basis of S. What is your conclusion about dimension of 5? Solution : Obviously Sc R® Let a,B eS o(x1,2y, 3x1) and B =(x2,2y2,3xp) £0+B = (x1,2y1,3x1) + (29,272 ,3x2) = (x1 + x2),2(y1 + ¥2),3(x1 + x2) eS and also cc. = c.(x1,2y4;3x1) = (cx ,2cy,,3cx) eS for all c eR: So § is a subspace of R?. Any vector of S$, (x,2y,3x) can be expressed as (x,2y,3x) = (x,0,3x) + (0,2y,0) = x(1,0,3) + »(0,2,0) @) -. Any vector of § can be expressed as linear combination of a =(1,0,3) and a2 =(0,2,0). +".Q1,Q2 generate §. Now, ¢(1,0,3) +c(0,2,0) = (0,0,0) => (¢1,2¢p 3c) = (0,0,0) =>, =0,2c, =0, 3¢, =0 => c, =0,c, =0 only. @j,0l2 are linearly independent, :, {1,02} is a basis of S- Again (1) can be written ag = (x,2y,3x) = ~x(-10,- 3)+(- — By =(-10,-3), By =(0, ne ae As above we can show that BisBp are indep ndent, . {81,82} is also a basis of s. eee Since a basis of s Contain two Vectors, Example 33, Prove that S= basis of this subspace, Hence Solution ; Obviously ScR Let apes { {(<0,00) € Ri tis @ subspace of Rt. Find a F H € determine its dimension, 4 . o(x,0,0,0) and B = (x, :0,0,0) : | =(x, *%2,0.00). Soaspes Let ceR ~ca= (10,00) = (cx, 0,0,0) Acaes So § isa Subspace of R4 For any a =(x,0,0,0) in § we can express a= x(1,0,0,0) “.S is generated by the vector (1,0,0,0) Now, ¢;(1,0,0,0) = @ = (c1,0,0,0) = (0,0,0,0)= ¢, =0 +(1,0,0,0) is independent. Hence {(1.0,0.0} is a basis of g. Since the basis contains only one vector, +, dim(S) =1 Example 34. Find a basis of the vector space of all polynomials with real Coefficient having degree < n. Solution. If P(x) be a real polynomial of degree < n then P(x) =apx" +ax"" +44, 4x +4,. which'is nothing but a linear combination of x",x""!,..-x? Now, cox" +0"! ++-c,.58+¢, £0 implies cy = c =---= ¢, =0- \ So x",x""!,...x?,x,1 are linearly independent. . they form a basis. i 32 498 ENGINEERING MATHEMATics. ——_—_—_—— Example 35. If {a, 8,7) is a basis of a real vector space V prove that {a+ B,2a+3B+4y, «+26 +3y} is also a basis of y Solution. c,(a + B)+¢,(2a +38 +47) + ¢,(a +28 +3y)=0 => (cy + 2c_ +.€3)a + (Cy + 3c, + 2¢3)B + (4c, +3e3)y =0 Se, t2e,+c,=0 qd) ¢+3c,+2c,=0 (2) 4c, +3e;=0 (3) Doing (2)-(1), c, -c; =0 ©. cy = cq. Putting is (3), c, =0 This gives c, = 0 Putting these is (1) we get c, = 0. “+B, 2a+3B+4y, a+2B+3y are independent. Since a basis of y contains 3 vectors so dim((V) =3. Since the three vectors a + B, 2a+3B+4y and a+2B+3y are independent so they also form basis of y. Example 36. Prove that the set $= {(é a +x, =0 andx, <*| x3 X4 is a subspace of space of real matrices of size 2 x 2. Find a basis of Ss and determine the dimension of §. (% *) (” *) Solution. If and €S then x, +x, =0, y, ty, =0 els) ™ DT eine Then (x, + y,) + (x2 + yp) =0 also. xX MY: xt X_ + a( 1 Je 1 My pty Ay.+y eS x3 X4 Ys a Xx +3 xy t yy . x x. Cx, CX. Obviously c.}"' “2 ]2[% = =0 y (%: aa) hers oxy €S as cx, +x, =e(x, +2) -. § is subspace. Now x, +x) =0=>x,=-x,. .gad{ “4 sx, ER}. | x3 x4)! [Vs oaeeeenitan _e—— von (SSG Theol Sent 9) {Co a)(t o}(e Sf memes +. dim(S) =3 Example 37. The spaces § is spanned by (2,0,1),(3,1,0) and T is spanned by (1,0,0), (0,10). Find dim(S),dim(T) and dim(S V7). Solution, c,(2,0,1) + €2(3,1,0) = (0,0,0) 2c, + 3c, =0, = 0, c= 0 :.(2,0,1) and (3,1,0) are independent -. dim(S) = 2 (1,0,0), (0,1,0) are obviously independent ;, dim(T) =2 Now, SVT = {c,(2,0,1) + ¢,(3,10):c,,¢2 €R} A {es (1,0,0)+ €4(0,1,0):¢, € R} = {(2cy + 3¢,5035€4):¢4 C2 ER} {(C3.€4,0):€3,¢4 €R} For an element in $\T we have'to choose ¢,,C2,¢3,¢, in such a way that 2c + 3cy = C3, Co = C4, 6 =0 = C5 =3¢2, C4 = Cp, Cy = 0 Where cp is arbitary real say x. J SOT ={(3x, x, 0):x ER} We see {(3,1,0)} is a basis of (ST) +. dim(ST)=1. EXERCISE 1, Explain the following concept with an example of each : (i) Vector space; (li) Generators of a finite dimensional vector space, (lif) Basis of a finite dimensional veetor space. 2. Define a subspace of a finite dimensional vector = _ 3, Answer whether the basis of the vector space R? over R is unique. GINEERING MATHEMATICS. 500 4. Can the vectors (1,2,5), (3:1,9) form a basis of R?? Give reasons, 5. Find whether the set S= {(«-») € Rr} is a subspace of R?. 6. Obtain the vectors which generate the subspace {(x,0,0,y):x,y are real }. 7. Can the five vectors 01,012,043,04 and @ be linearly independent? Give reasons. 8. Is the set {(1,0,0,),(0.1,0),(0,0,1),(1411)} a basis of R?? Give reasons, 9. The vectors (1,2,3,4) and (7,1,9,1) may form a basis of Rt comment. 10. The set of vectors 5 = {(1,0,0),(1,2,3),(10,10,12),(5,6.7)} is a basis of R> —— comment. 11. Find whether the set W ={(x,,x2):%1,22 are real } is a vector space where the compositions are defined as ( (x91) + (2.92) = (1 +¥2.91 +32) and @.(x1,91) = (0.01) Gi) (1,91) + (2.92) = (%1 + 20M +y2) and o(x1.91) =(c2x1,2n) 12. Show that the set of all complex numbers is a vector space over real field wart the usual addition between two complex numbers and usual multiplication between a real number and a complex number. Find a basis of this space and hence the dimension. . 13. Prove that the set {5 2) anne en} is a vector space under usual matrix addition and usual multiplication between a real number and a matrix. 14, Examine if § is subspace of Ry. where osefe ened fe Jan 15, Show that the set S={(x,2x,3x):x is real } is a subspace of R’- 16. Show that the set S={(x+2y,y,-x+3y):x,y are real} is a subspace of R?. _ = yECTOR SPACE = __ so er 17, Prove thatthe set S = {(+,9,0):x, €R} isa subspace of °. Find dim(s) . im 18, Find whether the set S={(.x,»)¢"} is subspace of 2? 19. Prove that the set {(x,y,2) €R°:2x+ y-z=0} ig a subspace of R°. 20. Prove that the set {(s9.2) eRixtytz= of is a subspace of R? Obtain the dimension of this space. 21. Show if W ={(x,y,z):x-3y +4z= 0} is a subspace of R°. 22, Show that the set S={(x,y,2):x-y+z=2} is a subset of R? but not a subspace. 23. Show that the set S={(x,y,2):x+y+2= 1} is not a subspace of RB. 24, () Let S={(x,y,2):x $y +2 = 02x-3y+2=0}. Show that § isa subspace of R°. Find a basis of S and dim(S) (ii) Show that W={(x,y,2) eR':x+2y-z= 0,2x-y+3z=0}is a subspace of R?. Find a basis of w and dim(W) 25. Express the vector (7,11) as a linear combination of the vectors (2,3) - and (3,5). 26, Express (5,2,1) as a linear combination of (1,4,0),(2,2,1) and (30,1). 27 Show that the vector (2,~5,3) cannot be expressed as linear combination of (1,-3,2),(2,-4,-1) and (1-57). . 28, Find whether the veotor (1,3,4) in R° can be expressed as linear combination of the vectors (1,2,3)s(2s4,6)s(1,3,4) and (-3,1,-2). If so write down the expression. 29, Show that the vector (1,-3,-3) in R? can be expressed as linear combination of the vectors (1,1,3),(2.— 1,3),(3,2,8) and (1,-1.0. 30. Express(4,3,5) as linear combination of (0,1,3) and (2,1,1) 31. Prove (4,3,5) can not be expressed as linear combination of (0,1,3) bi and (2,1,1) ‘ ass 502 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS. 32, Find the space spanned by the following Ss Find whether the given vector belongs to this space. @ @=(3,), B=-Ds (1,0) (ii) @ = (1,3,0),8 = (2,1,- 2); (-1,3,2) (iii) & = (1,2,3), B = (31,0); (2,1,3) 33 (1) Show that the vectors (2,31),(2,13) and (I4b) are linearly dependent. (li) Show that the vectors (1,5,2),(1,10) and (0,0,1) are linearly independent in the real vector space R°. (iii) Show that the vectors (2,4,0),(0,,0) and (2,62) are linearly independent in the real vector space RB. (iv) Show that the vectors (2,1,0),(1,1,0),(4,2,0) of R° are not linearly independent. (¥) Do the vectors (1,1,2),(35,3) and (1,0,0) form a linearly independent subset of R? ? Justify. : (vi) Are the vectors (1,-2,0) , (3,0,-2) and (0,-1,-5) linearly independent in the real vector space R?? (vil) Are the vectors (0,2,-4),(1,-2,-1),(1,-4,3) linearly independent? 34, Determine x such that the vectors (1,2,1),(x,31) and (2,x,0) are linearly dependent. 35. Determine 4 so that the vectors (1,3,1),(2,,0) and (0,4,1) are linearly dependent in R°. 7 a that set of all differentiable function on [a,b] is a subspace of a, 37. w= (1-32) and v=(2,-1,1) in R? are two vectors. Is the vecto! w=(L,7,-4) linearly dependent on y and vy? VECTOR ‘SPACE 503 a eeSeSeSSSSS 38. Show that the set of vectors {(1,2,1),(2,1,0),(I,~12)} is a basis of p3. 39. Examine whether the set S = {(101),(0,131),(1,10)} forms a basis of R? over R. If so find the coordinate of (2,3,4) relative to S. 40. Show that the subset 5'= {(2,4,0),(0,1,0),(2,6,2)} of the real vector space R° is a basis of R?. 41. Prove that the vectors (1,-2,3), (2,3,1) and (—1,3,2) form a basis of R?. Find the co-ordinate of @ = (-1,0,2) relative to this basis. 42, Find whether the set of vectors S'= {(2,1,4),(1,-1,2),(3,1,-2)} is a basis of R°. 43. Find whether the set 5 = {(1,1,2),(1,2,5),(5,3,4)} is a basis of the vector space R>. 44.(i) Find a basis of the real vector space R° containing the vectors (11,2) and (3,5,2). (ii) Using Replacement theorem extend the set {(1,1,0),(1,1,1)} to a basis of R° (iii) Extend {(L1,1,1), (L-11,-D} to a basis of x4 AS. Find a basis of the real vector space R? containing the vectors (1,2,1) and (211). 46. Find a basis for the vector space V3 that contains the vector (12,1) and (3,6,2). 47, Find a basis of R? containing the vectors (1,2,0),(1,3). is 3 48. Show that the set S={(x,2x3x) x is real } is a subspace of R°. its dimension. Find a basis of 5. Hence determine 1! 49. Find whether the following vectors are linearly independent or dependent ce: Ae nape weet (li) (,2,3,0), 2,3,0,D, ( © (2,3,1,4), (hb bD), 24) a oer (iv) (2,6.- 18) (0,10,4,3), (10,0,~1,4) (ii) 41,2,3), (2,-2.0) -5,8,- 7) () (1,2,-3,4), G— Pod Or 5,8,-7) al ill 504 -__ ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS. eee 50. Prove that the following vectors are dependent. Determine a basis ang hence demension of the space spanned by the vectors : ( (1,2,-1), (-3,- 6,3), (21,3), (8,757) (i) 1,2,3,0), (2,1,0,3), (11,11), (2,3,4,1) iii) (11,0), G00, (1,2,1) (iv) (2,1,4,3), (3,2,6,9), (1,1,2,6) 51. If {a, 8,7) is a basis of a vector space y prove that @ {ca, cB, cy} is a basis of y (i) {2 + cB, B.7) is a basis of y (iii) {a +Bty.Bryy} is a basis of y a sovautees (2) YC JC} is a basis of the vector space of all 2x2 re-1 matrices, Hence write the dimension of the vector space 53. Prove that the following set S is a subspace of set of all real matrices of size 2x2 Find a basis of § and dim(S) where S= x Xx; of® «}itse ands, en} aw { a ent op HHGHCL E> 55.(i) {(1,0,2),(0,1,1)};dim(s) = 2 (ii) {(0,1,1,- 2), (1,0,1,-2),(0,0,1- 213 56. {(1,2,0),(0,3,1)} is basis; dim(W) =2 ° 57. {(0,0,1,0),(0,0,0,1)} is basis, dim() =2 8 (5-1-3) 1 %9.3,3,2 60, 2,2,1 6143,3,2 62.2, 2, 0, i

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