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Solving Problems Involving Force and Extension of a Spring

1. 80 g – 20 g = 60 g
40 cm – 25 cm = 15 cm
An increase of mass of 60 g produces an increase in length of 15 cm
An increase of mass of 20 g produces an increase in length of 5 cm
Therefore, a decrease in mass of 20 g produces a decrease in length of 5 cm.
Scale reading = 40 cm – 5 cm
= 35 cm

2. For the four parallel springs:

tension in each spring = 100 g
extension of each spring = 2 cm
extension of the arrangement of four springs in parallel = 2 cm
For the two parallel springs:
tension in each spring = 200 g
extension of each spring = 4 cm
extension of the arrangement of two springs in parallel = 4 cm

Total extension = 2 + 4
= 6 cm

3. (a) Comparing springs P and Q:

load on spring Q = 150 g
= 0.150 kg
force applied, F = 0.150 × 10
= 1.5 N
extension, x = 14.0 – 12.0
= 2.0 cm
Spring constant, k = x
= 2
= 0.75 N cm–1

(b) R and S are in series

Load applied on R and S = 300 g
Extension of spring R = 4.0 cm
Extension of spring S = 4.0 cm
Total extension = 4.0 + 4.0
= 8.0 cm

(c) T and U are parallel

Load applied on T and U = 150 g
Extension of spring T = 2.0 cm
Extension of spring U = 2.0 cm
Total extension = 2.0 cm
4. Stretching force of 1.8 N is equivalent to 0.6 N + 0.6 N + 0.6 N
Stretching force of 1.8 N produces an extension of 3.0 cm
Stretching force of 0.9 N produces an extension of 1.5 cm
Stretching force of 0.6 N produces an extension of 1.0 cm

Tension = 0.6 N
Extension = 1.0 cm

Tension = 0.9 N
Extension = 1.5 cm

Tension = 1.8 N
Extension = 3.0 cm

1.8 N

Total extension = 1.0 + 1.5 + 3.0

= 5.5 cm

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