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Term End Examination

Revision Worksheet-1

Grade: III Subject: Social Studies

The Earth and the Solar System

I. Choose the correct answer: -

1. Each planet has its own path around the sun, it is called its ___________.
a. orbit b. planet c. galaxy
2. The sun and its group of eight planets are together called as _____________.
a. Family b. The Solar System c. satellite
3. _________ is a dwarf planet
a. Pluto b. Mars c. Jupiter
4. It would take more than _______earths to fill up Jupiter.
a. 1200 b. 1300 c. 1500

II. Fill in the blanks: -

1. The ____________ moves around the sun on their fixed path.

2. The huge area where the stars, the sun and the moon are found is called
3. A vehicle that travels in space is called a __________________.
4. ______________ is the hottest planet.

III. State whether the following statements are true or false and rewrite the
false statements: -

1. A group of many thousands of galaxies is called a star. __________

2. Mars is called the yellow planet. _____________
3. The moon shines because it reflects the light of the sun. _________
4. The sun has a family of nine planets. _________
IV. Match the following: -

1. Mars a. blue

2. Jupiter b. 7 shining ice- rings

3. Saturn c. Red dust

4. Uranus d. Red, brown and white


1.____, 2.____, 3._____, 4._____

V. Answer the following questions: -

1. Why do we see the moon and some planets at night?

2. Why is the Earth unlike any other planet?
3. Why is Neptune the darkest and the coldest planet? Is life possible on
Neptune? Give reasons for your answer.

VI. Observe the picture and answer the question: -

1. What do you observe in the given picture?

2. Give one difference between a planet and a star.

Term End Examination
Revision Worksheet -2

Grade: III Subject: Social Studies

Ch-12 The Earth is Unique

I State whether true or false and correct the false statements:

1. The surface of the earth is made up of land and water. _______
2. The Earth is round, but it seems flat to us. _______
3. Earth is the only planet with two moons. ______

II Choose the correct answer

1. When people climb high mountains, they carry a gas called __________ in cylinders.
a. nitrogen b. oxygen c. carbon dioxide

2. The heavenly body nearest to the earth is the _________.

a. moon b. atmosphere c. sun
3. The atmosphere blocks out _______ ____ of the sun.
a. Air b. light c. harmful rays

III. Answer the following questions:

1. Why is earth called a unique planet?
2. Why do we need to take care of the earth?

IV. Study the picture given below and answer the following

1. What does the picture show you about the earth?

2. In what way is the earth’s atmosphere beneficial to mankind?
3. What is beyond earth’s atmosphere?

Term End Examination
Revision Worksheet -3

Grade: III Subject: Social Studies

Ch-13 Knowing the Earth

I. State whether true or false and rewrite the false statements:

1. A globe has many maps. __________
2. The red tip of the needle of a compass always points north. ________
3. The four main directions are up, down, left and right. ____________

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. The _________ of an atlas helps us to find places in maps.
2. Lines drawn on maps and globes represent _________ ____ on the earth.
3. The direction in which the sun rises is the __________.
4. A _______ is a model of the earth.

III. Give one word

1. A pattern of straight lines that crisscross each other.
2. A list of names in alphabetical order at the end of an atlas.
3. A special instrument that helps to find the direction of a place.

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the uses of a globe?
2. What is Equator?
3. What is an atlas?
4. State two ways in which a map is different from a globe?
5. Why are the names of places given in alphabetical order in an index?
V. Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow.

1. In which square is the treasure box located?

2. Which animal is found to the north of the map? Is it a dinosaur or a whale?
3. What object can you locate at C1?
4. In which square is the volcano located?
Term End Examination
Revision Worksheet-4

Grade: III Subject: Social Studies

Ch -14 Healthy Surroundings

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. The natural world in which we live is our ________.
2. Clean air, water and soil make a healthy _____________.
3. We should use a _______ so that many people can travel together in one car instead
of separate ones.
4. The ______ _________, a tree planting festival is held all over India in July every

B. Match the following.

1. Soil a. West Bengal
2. Exhaust fumes b. top layer of the earth
3. Firecrackers c. air pollution
4. Sundarbans d. noise pollution

C. State whether True of False. Correct the false statement.

1. Traffic horns can damage a person’s hearing._________
2. NGOs are National government organizations. _____
3. Waste materials released into a lake or river cause pollution._________
4. People get illnesses like cough or breathing problems due to air pollution. _______
D. Complete the mind map.

Types of Pollution

Causes of Pollution
E. Picture Study.

1. What do you see in the picture?

2. List down 3 ways how trees help the environment.

F. Answer the following questions.

1. What does pollution mean?
2. Why should we keep our environment clean?
3. Write 2 things that the man in Khammam does.
4. Write 2 ways in which you can keep your surrounding clean.


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