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Guidelines for Submission of PG (MD/MS/MDS/M. Sc.

Thesis Synopsis to PG Thesis Review Committee

General Instructions:

1. Submit Two Print Copies of Thesis Synopsis to the Member Secretary of

respective Thesis Review Committee. The details of member secretaries are
as follows:

S.N. Name of Thesis Review Member Secretary

Dr. Ramesh Chandrakar
Additional Professor,
Pre and Para clinical
1. Dept. of Transfusion Medicine & Blood
Bank, AIIMS Raipur
Dr. Tushar Jagzape
Medicine and other related Additional Professor,
2. departments and M.Sc. Dept. of Pediatrics,
Nursing (Psychiatric) AIIMS Raipur
Dr. Ripu Daman Arora
Additional Professor,
Surgery and other related
3. Dept. of ENT,
AIIMS Raipur

2. Submit One Soft Copy on the email of member secretary of respective thesis
review committee (Email mentioned in Point No. 1). Attach Signed
Scanned document of Covering letter and Details of PG Students, Guide, Co-
guide, co-investigators (if any) as PDF File and Project Proposal as PDF File,
3. Page Formatting for PG Thesis Synopsis
a. Synopsis should be type set.
b. Paper size – A4
c. Font – Times New Roman, 12 pt
d. Line spacing – 1.5 (for text), 1 (for tables)
e. Margin – 1” on left, right, top and bottom
f. Page orientation – Portrait for text. For diagram, flowchart, Tables –
Landscape page orientation may be used.
g. Synopsis should be page numbered

Directions for preparing PG Thesis Synopsis:

PG Thesis Synopsis should be prepared under following headings and in the

sequence given below:

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1. Covering Letter (as per Annexure – 1) – To be forwarded by Professor and
Head of the Department
2. Details of PG Student, Guide, Co-guide, co-investigators (if any) (as per
Annexure – 2)
3. Project Proposal (Should be page numbered)
a. Title Page (As per Annexure – 3)
b. Index (Sr No. / Headings / Page Number)
c. Background and Justification of the study (Approximately 100 –
150 words)
d. Review of Literature (Approximately 500 – 1000 words)
i. In case of clinical trial, give brief but relevant information
about intervention (drug or technique)
e. Research Question AND/OR Hypothesis
f. Objectives
i. Primary
ii. Secondary (if any)
g. Plan of Work (Flow Chart)
h. Methodology
i. Study design
a) In case of case-control study – Describe cases and
controls and how matching will be done
b) In case of cohort study – Describe Study cohort and
comparison cohort and how matching will be done
c) In case of Clinical trial, describe trial design –
Randomize/non-randomized, placebo/active control,
blinded/open-labelled, parallel group/cross over),
Number of Treatment arms
ii. Study duration
iii. Study setting
iv. Operational definitions
v. Study population
a) Inclusion and Exclusion criteria
b) Sampling technique
vi. Study variables
vii. In case of clinical trial, describe the following
a) Primary and Secondary endpoints
b) Randomization technique to be used in the study
c) Method of generation of allocation schedule and
allocation concealment
d) Blinding (if any), how will you ensure?
e) Treatment details – both control (active/placebo) and
intervention arm: Dose, Route, Duration, treatment
f) Table mentioning – timeline for recruitment, various
investigations, follow-up etc.

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viii. Brief description of data collection procedure (including
data collection tools e.g. questionnaire, any scale etc)
ix. Sample Size
i. Data analysis plan
j. Ethical issues
i. Statement on Ethics Committee Approval, Consent,
Confidentiality and Privacy of the participants
k. Expected outcome
l. References (as per Vancouver’s Style)
m. Annexure
i. Case Record Form
ii. Patient/Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form
(as applicable)
iii. Questionnaire, Scale, interview guide etc.
iv. Any other document relevant to study

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Annexure – 1

The Member Secretary
___________Thesis Review Commitee
AIIMS Raipur

Subject: Submission of PG Thesis Synopsis titled “title of the study” for the Subject
MD/MS/MDS/M. Sc. (Psychiatric Nursing) for review

Respected Sir

I, (Name of PG Student), PG-JR / PG Student 1st Year in the Department of

__________, admitted in January / July (Year) session at AIIMS Raipur, am doing
my PG Thesis under the guidance of (Name and affiliation of PG Guide).

I wish to submit my PG Thesis Proposal titled “title of the study” to PG Thesis

Review Committee.

This proposal is approved by Departmental Review Committee.

This is submitted for your kind information.

Yours sincerely

Signature with date Signature with date and seal

Name of PG Student Name of Guide and affiliation

Forwarded by Head/In-charge of Department:

Signature with date and seal

Name, Affiliation

 Thesis Proposal (with annexure)

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Annexure – 2

Details of PG Student, Guide, Co-guide(s), Other investigators

Study Title:

Sr. No. Name of Investigators Affiliation, Mobile No. Signature with

Email date

PG Student

PG Guide
Co-guide(s) (if any) Add rows, if required
Other investigator(s) (if any) Add rows, if required

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Annexure – 3

PG Thesis Synopsis for MD / MS / MDS / M. Sc. Nursing (Name of Subject)

Title of the Study:

Name of PG Student and Department:

Admission batch: January / July, (year)

Name of PG Guide and Affiliation:

Study Site:

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