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Receptionist What's your address? Jenoy Yes.

113>)) Darly fn Rio? Rob This is Rob. Rob Walker ... From London
l A Acheese and toma to sandwich, please. Receptionist Yes. 24seven?
B That's 7 dollars and 20 cénts. Darly Ir's 350 Avenida Princesa Isabel. Jenny Oh, Rob, yes, of course. Hi.
2 A So Auna, your classes are on Tuesday Receptionist Thar's 350 Avenida Princesa Rob Hi. How are you?
and Thursday mornings. Isabel. Jenny Oh, l'm fine, thanks. A little tired,
B Yes, thar's fine. Thank you. Darly Yes. thar's all.
3 [etblue flight to Los Angeles is now Receptionist What's your zip code? Rob Ican meet you at the hotel tomorrow
board ing at gare number 9. Darly Sorry? morning. ls nine OK for you?
4 A Where to, madam? Receptionist The zip code, you know, a Jenny That's perfect.
B Manchester Road, please, Number 16. number? Or postcode? Rob Great. OK, sce you tomonow at ninc.
5 A I lere's your key.sir.Room 12. Darly Ah, yes. lt's 22011-0lO. Jenny Thanks. See you then. Bye.
B Thankyou. Receptionist 22011-010. Great. Whats Waitress Would you like another tea?
6 A Here we are. your email address? Jenny No, thanks. lt's time for bed.
B Oh no. Ir's closed. Darly It's Waitress Good o ight, and eojoy you r sray.
A Look, it says "Closed on Mondays"! Receptionist And what'syour phone Jenny Goocl nighr.
1 29>)) 1 55l))
Dar)y My cell phone number or my home
l The rrain waiting at plarform 13 is thc number in Rio? 1 I have a big table, and on the table I have a
Metroliner to Washington, D.C. Receptionisr Both-home and cell phone. computer anda primer, pens and pieces
2 A Excuse me! flow far is ir to Miami? Darly My phone number in Rio is .55 - rhar's of paper, uh, photos, anda lamp. Loes of
B Ir's about 40 miles. the code for Brazil- 219 560733. things. My table isn't neat. It's very messy.
B Thanks a lor. Recepttonist SS 219 560733. 2 On my desk I ha ve a lamp, a phone, books,
3 15 love. alaptop, a photo of my family, pens and
Darly Yes, thar's right. And my cell phone
4 Will ali passengers 011 flight BA234 to number is 970-555-3784. It's an American pencils, anda loe of pieces of paper. I think
New York please go to gate 60 immediately. cell phone. my desk is near. Not very neat, but neat.
S A How rnuch is that? 3 On my desk I have a lamp, a calendar, a
Receprionist 970-555-3784. Thar's great,
B A pizza and two waters. That's 17 dol lars. Darly. Thankyou. OK, so you're in leve! 6. Spanish-Engl ish dictionary, a computer,
6 A \Vhat's your address? Your first class is on Monda y. DVDs, and sorne pens. Oh, and tissues.
B lt's 80 Park Road. Right now, my desk is very nea t.
A Sorry? What number? 1 44l))
B 80,8zero. Rob Hi. My name's Rob Walker. I live here 1 70)))
7 Teacher OK. Can you be quier, please? in London, l work in London, aud l write Receptionist Good evening, sir. Good
Open your books to page 90. a bout 1 .ondon ! 1 work for a magazine evening, madam.
Student 1 Whar page? called London 24seven. I write abour life Dad Good evening. Can we have two double
Student 2 Page 90. in London. The peo ple, the theater the rooms, please?
restaurants ... lt's fu n! l love London. It's a Receptionist Do you have a reservar ion?
1 39>)) Dad No, we don't.
grear ciry.
Receprionist Helio. A re you a ncw studcnr? Jenny Hi. My namc's [enny Zielinski. I'm Receptionist l'm sorry, sir. The hotcl is full.
Darly Yes, I am. Mom Oh, no!
from New York. The number one city in
Receptionist Sir down, please. I'm the the world. I'm the assistanr editor of a Dad Come ou. Let's go.1 know another hotel
receptionist and my narne's Ma:rk. l'm just magazine, New York 24seven. I'm che new oear here.
going to ask you a few questions. assista 11t editor. Bur this week, I'm on a Poi ice officer Excuse me, sir. Is this your car?
Darly OK. business rrip to London. This is my first Dad Yes, itis. What's the problem?
Receptionist Great. What's your first name? time in the UK. lt's very exciting! Police officer This is no parking, sir. Look
Darly Darly. ar the sigu.
Receptionist T low do you spell that? 1 48l)) Dad l'm very sorry.
Darly D-A-R-L~Y Waitress Is your tea OK? Police officer Can T see your driver'slicence,
Receprlonist 0-A-R-L-Y? Jcnoy Yes, thank you. lr's very quiet rhis please?
Darly Yes, that's right. evening.
Rcceptionist And what's your last name? Waitrcss Yes, very relaxingl Are you on Z,10)))
Darly Bezerra. holiday? Announcer And now on W KOT. Hisjob.
Receptionist Bezerra. Is thar B-E-Z-.E-R-A? Jenny No, I'm here on business. he1·job.
Darly B-E-Z-E-R-R-A. Waitrcss Where are you from? Host Good evening and welcome again to
Receptionist B-E-Z-E-R-R-t\. OK. Where Jcnny l'm from New York. What about you? the íobs quíz, His job, her job. And our
are you from? Waitress I'm from Budapest, io I lungary. ream t0uight is David, a teacher ...
Darly I'm from Jenny Really? Oh, sorry. David [[ello.
Receptionist Wherein Brazil? Waitress No problem. Host ... Kate, who's unemployed ...
Darly From Río. Kate Hi.
Receprionist And how old are you? Jenny Helio? Host . .,ami Loma, who's a writer.
Darly I'm 20. Rob lsthatjennifer? Lorna Good evening.

Host Aod our first guesr roníghr is ... 2 19l)) Rob But it's true!
Wayne Wayne. Kevín Do you like Star Wars? Karen Is this your first time in the U K,
Host Helio, Wayne. Welcome to the show. Samantha No,J don't. Jennifer?
Whar's your wife's uame, Wayne? Kevin Why not? lt's a fantastic movie. Jenny Yes, it is .. But it .isu't my firsL tüne in
Wayne Her narne's Tanya. Samantha l don't like scieuce fiction. Europe. l have family in Polancl.
Host Tanya? Nice name. OK tearn, you have Kevin What kind of movies do you like? Karen Really? And where do you live in New
one minute to ask Wayne quesrions about Samantha I love foreign movies, French, York?
his job and then one minute to ask him Italian, Spanish. Jenny ln Manhattan. Do you know New
about Tanya's job, starcing now. Ler's have Kevin Oh. York?
your first question. Samantha My salad's very good. Karen Yes. My sister lives in Brooklyn.
David Hi, Wayne. Do you work in an office? Kevin Oh. My burger's good, too. Jenny l have family in Brooklyn, too. Where
Wayne No, l don't. Samantha What kind of music do you like? does your sister live?
Lorna Do you work in the evening? Kevin Music? l love heavy metal. What about Daniel Jennifer!
Wayne lr depends. Yes. sornetimes. you? Jenny Daniel?
Kate Do you make things? Samantha Opera. Daniel I-low nice to meetyou, at last. Would
Wayne No, 1 don't. Kevin Opera= that's not really my thíng! you like sometbing to dxink? Tea, coffee,
Lorna Do you wear a uniform or special Kevin What do you do on the weekend? water?
clothes? Samantha l go to restaurants, l cook. l Iove Jenny No, ljm fine, thanks.
Wayne Uh, yes - I wear special clothes. good food. And yo u? Daniel Greac. Oh, Karen. What time is my
Kate Do you drive in yotu- job? Kevin Well, l don't cook! l meet friends and next meeting?
Wayoe No, 1 don't. we play video garues. Karen t\t twelve o'clock.
Loroa Do you work with other people? Samantha You meet friends and you play Daniel That's goocl, we have time. OK. come
Wayne Yes.Ido. Ten people. video games. Wow. into my office, Jennifer.
Kate Do you have special qual ifications? Kevin Do you want some more water? Jenny Thank you.
Wayne Qualifications? No, l don't. Samantha Oh, excuse me . .Hi. Oh? Why? Daniel Talk to you later, Rob.
David Do you spcak foreign languages? Now? OK. See you in a minute. Sorry Rob Ycab. Surc.
Wayne No, only English. KevÍI1. l need to go. Nice to meet you. Bye.
Host You onJy have time for one more 2 35l))
Kevin Oh. Bye.
qucstion tearn. Waiter Here's your check. Anna Who's that?
David Uh, do you earn a lor of money? Kevin The check! I ley, Sama otha. Wait! Isabel Thar's my boyfriend, t\lex.
Wayne Yes, l do. Anna Ile's good-lookiug. I low old is he?
Host Your time 's up ... 2 25))) Isabel Twemy-six.
Rob Um ... Jennifer? Anna Whatdoes hedo?
2 11 l)) Jenny Rob? Isabel He's a police officer.
Host Now you havc a minute to ask Wayne Rob Yes, helio. Nice to meet you, Jemüfei:. Anna Really? Does he like it?
about Tanya's job. Jenny Cal! me Jenny. Goocl to meet you, too Isabel Yes, he !oves it. Aod is my ciad.
Kate Wayne, <loes Tanya work outside? Rob Wekome to London. Am ! late? Auna He Looks very young.
Wayne It depends. Outside and inside. Jenny Um ... justa little. Isabel Well, he's fifty-five rhis year.
Lorna Does she work on the weekend? Rob What time is it? Anna He doesn't look fifty-five! ls that your
Wayne Yes, she does, Jenny Nine fifteen. mor her?
Kate Does she work with computers? Rob l'm really sorry. The trafficis terrible Isabel No, that's Gloria, my stepmother.
Wayne No, she doesn'r. toda y. Anna Is shc nice?
David Does she wear a uniform or special Jenny No problem. Isabel Yes, sbe's great. She's a bair scylisc -
clothes? Rob liow are you? Ilow's r.he hotel? she does my hair for free!
Wayne Yes. she does. She wcars special Jenny The hotel's very nice. But breakfast Anna How nícc! Who's that?
clothes, isn't great. l'd like a good cup of coffee. Not Isabel Thar's Natalie.
Kate Does she travel? hotel coffee, real coffee. Anna Who's she?
Wayne Yes, shc <loes. Alor. Rob OK, let's geta coffee. Isabel My brocher's girlfriend.
Lorna Does she earn a lor of money? Jenny Do Ihave time? l bave a meeting at Anna She's pretty!
Wayne Yes, she does. A lot. nine-thirty. Isabel Do you think so?
Host Thar's time. OK tearn ... Rob With Daniel? Anna Yes. Don't you like her?
Jenoy Yes. JsabeJ Not very much. Sb.e thinks she's very
2 12l)) inteUigent, but she isn't really.
Rob Don't worry. We bave lots of time, the
Host OK ream. So, what's Wayne's job? office is very neas. So, J enny, where do yo u Anna What <loes she do?
Kate OK, so you wear special clothes, you live in New York? Isabel She 's a student. She stuclies Spanish-
work wirh ten othcr people, you caro a lor bur she can't speak it very well ...
of money, Are you a soccer player, Wayne? 2 28>))
Wayne Yes, I am. Rob Here we are. This is the office. And this
2 40l))
Host Very good! And Tanya's job? is Kareu. lntervicwer W hat time do you ger up in the
David Ler's see. She works outside and Jenny Hello, Karen. morning?
inside. She works on rhe weekend. She Rob Karen, this is Jennifer Zielinskifrom the Amelia Me levanto a las seis y media. Nunca
doesn't work witb cornputers. Sbe wears New York office. me quiero levantar porque es tan temprano.
special clothes. She travels a lot. She earns Karen Hello, J ennifer. l get up at six thirty. l never want to get up
a lot of money. We rhink she's a fligbt Jenny Nice to meet you. because it's ver y early.
attendanr. Rob Karen is our administrator. We ali luterviewer Do you have breakfast?
Host Is rhar right, Wayne? depend on her. Amelia Yes, a quick breakfast, and then l go
Wayne No, that's wrong. Tanya is a model. Karen Don't listen to Rob. ro school.
1 nterviewer How do you go to school?

Listening 117
A me] ia By bus. We have these yellow school 3 7))) and sometimes cloudy, with temperatures of
buses-we cal! them liebres. lnterviewer Do you have a problem wirh about 85 degrees Fahrenheit. And of course, it
Inrerviewer What ti me do you start school? noisy neighbors, Rebecca? sometimes rains.
Ame] ia At 8 o'clock. In che Iirst class Rebecca No, l don'r, not at all. But In the winter, the temperature is usually
everyone is really sleepy. . sometirnes my neighbors have problems between JO degrees and 40 degrees. 1t can be.
Interviewer How many classes do you haver wíth me! r live in an aparrment building windy and cold, but it doesn't snow often. .
Amelía In rhe morning we usually have fíve ancl the house rules here are really strict. ln the spring aod in the fall the weather 1s
but sometimes six. Intervíewer What kind of house rules do very changeable - you can have ali the ~our
Interviewer What time do you have lunch? you have? seasons in one da y! lt can be su nny or foggy
Amelia At 1 o'clock. Rebecca Well, for example, during thc wcek in che morning, doudy at lunchcimc, raining
Interviewer Thar's a very long morningl vou can't make noise between 12:30 and in the afternoon, and chen cold and windy in
Amelia Yes, ir is. We're very hungry at two o'dock beca use this is when young che evening. Ialways tell tourists to their
luncbtime. children are aslecp and thc sarne is true sunglasses and their jackers when thcy go out!
Interviewer Wheredo you have lunch? after ten o'clock at night. So, for example,
Amelia We have lunch at scbool in the 3 15 >))
after ten o'clock you can't listen to loud
cafetería. We only bavefifty minutes, so we music without headphones, or play a Rob Hey, Jcnny! .
doo't have much time to relax. We jusr eat musical insrrument. l rhink ir's because Jenny Oh, hi, R.ob. [s that coffee far me?
our food and then run to the ncxr class. people in Switzerland get up early in thc Rob Yes. A double esprcsso.
In rerviewer I low many classes do you have Jenny Oh, wow, thanks. Thar's really niceof
morning, so rhey go ro bed very earJy.
in the afternoon.? Intervicwer Can you watch TV after ten you. .
Amella On a good day only three, on abad o'dock? Rob No problem. Do you havc a mcctmg
day five. After the second dass everybody with Daniel?
Rebecca Yes, you can, just not really Ioudly.
is ti red and we don't concentrare on what So, l watch TV, but with the volume low Jenny Yes, another meeting. And you?
the tea e her is tell ing us. and the wjndows closed so that's nota. Rob l'mgoing to theofficc, roo.1 bavc an
Interviewer What time <loes school finish? interview in cwenty minutes.
problem. But the problem is l can't use
Amclia At five thirty. my bathroom, because tbe \.vacer makes Jenny Oh really? With who?
Iuterviewer Do you go home then? Rob A thea.cer director.
a ooise, and my bathroom is next to my
A melia lt depends. O n Mondays and neighbor's bedroom. Jenny Sounds interesting. . . .
Wednesdays 1 go ro extra classes to prepare Interviewer So you can't takeashower ora Rob What time is your meetl.llgw1thDa01el?
for college entrance exarns, and on Tuesdays batli? Jenny Athalfpastnine.
and Thursdays l have basketball pracrice. Rebecca No, noc aftcr ten o'clock. Tbis isn't Rob Ugh!
In terviewer W hat do you do when you get true in ali aparcments in Switzerland, but Jenny Ob, no. Are you OK? l'm so sorry!
home? Rob l'mfine!
in my apartment it is. Maybe beca use the
A melía l just wam to relax, but it's apanmcnts ai-csmall. Jenny I'm really sorry. You can't wear that
i mpossible. I have hornework and exams, lnterviewer Wbat about on che weekend? shirt toan interview!
sol need t0 srudyt Sol sit dowu at my desk Rob Don't worry, there's a clothes shop over
Rebecca On Saturday, the rules are che same.
and start working again. After dinner, I go No noise after ten o'clock in the evening. there. r can buy a new one.
back to my room and study until 11 o'clock, lnterviewer What happens if you want to Jenny OK. Ican help you choose ooe.
or sometimcs later, Jenny Oh, that's my phone. Sorry, 1 need to
have a party? .
Inrerviewer What time do you go to bed? Rebecca You can have a party, but the mus1c answer this. See you in there?
Amelía Abour eleven thirty. 1 lie in bed and can't be Joud after ten. Rob OK.
th in k abour the next day and rhe classes ! Jnterviewer 'vVhat happens if you make a lot
have. Luckily, ir's Friday toda y! No school 3 19)))
of noise after ten?
tomorrow! Edd ie So, )en ny, what do you thi nk of London?
Rebecca Well, the neighbors complain and if
Jenny l love it, Eddie! It's so cool!
it's really loud, they cao ca\l the poi ice.
2 57>)) Eddie Wbat about che peo ple in the office?
lnterviewer What about on Sunday?
GARY Jenny They're really nice. And they're very
Rebecca .Sunday is a day of rest in
Gary (sings) policc!
Switzerland, so you can't make aoy noise in
Judge 1 Very nice Gary. Eddie Wbat are you doing right now? You
your apartment at all. For ex~mple, in my.
Judge 2 Yes, l like it. Good job. aren't in the office. l can hear traffic.
building you can't move fu rn 1ture, or p~t a
Jcnny Right now? l am standing outside a
JUSTIN pi.cture oo rhe wall, or rurn on thewasb1 ng
men's cloth ing store.
[ustin (sings) machi ne.
Eddie You're what?
Judge 1 1 na wor d ... "rerrib
., ibl e.'" Interviewer Whatdoyou thinkofthese
Jenny l'm waiting for Rob.
Judge 2 [usti n, you have a ver y pretty face, rules?
Eddie Who's Rob? Do you have a new
but I 'm sorry, you can't singl Rebecca Well, T 1 ike che rules that control
boyfriend alrcady?
noise du ring the week a nd oo Sunday. l
Jenny Don't be silly. He's just ~- guy from the
Naomi (sings) th ink it 's a good idea. Buc l think they ne~d
office. He's buying a new shirt.
ro be more flexible on Saturdays. 1mean1f
Judge 1 Thank you, Naorni. Very. nice ". Eddie Wait a minute. So you're waiting for
Judgc 2 Naomi, you havo a beautiful voice, a party is still a little loud after ten, I doo't
a guy named Rob outside a men's clothing
but r can't hear the feeling. thin.k you need to caU che poi ice.
Judge 1 OK. [ustin and Naomi. Thank Interviewer Does that really happen?
Jenny Stop it. l don'th~ve time to explain it
you very much, but no thank you. Gary, Rebecca Yes, it happened tome.
ali now. Oh, here he 1s now.1 have to go.
congrarulations. See you on the show nexr 3 10>)) Eddie OK.Havefun.
week. Jenny Bye, Eddie. Love you.
The best tbing about che weather in New
Gary Awesome! Thar's great. Thank you. Rob So, what do you think?
York City is that it's always changing. ln thc
su mmer, it's usually hot and sornetimes sunny Jenny You cannot be serious!
Rob What's wrong? You don'tlikemy new

118 Listening
Jcnny We\l, you're the expert on London lifc!
[enny o way! You can'r wear that t~ an 3 60>)) What do you suggest?
interview' Come un, ler's go back mto rhe 1 nterviewer W hen was you r memorable Rob Well, we cao go cyding.
srore aud changeit. night? Jcnny I don't have a bike.
Rob OK. David Te puedo decir exactamente, fue el Rob We can rene bikes. lt's easy.
once de julio del dos mil diez. 1 can tell you Jenny Tbar's cooJ.
3 33>)) exactly,it was July llth, 2010. Rob OK, great. So we can cycle through che
Intcrvicwer What's your favorite time of Intcrvicwcr Why do you rcmcmber thc parks, a nd you can see a bit of L?nd~n. Oh,
day? date? bang on. Uh, oh. lt's Daniel. Daniel.' h1! .
Martín Ir depends. During rhe week ii.'s David Beca use it was the final of tbe World Daniel J I i, Rob. You need to do an rncerv1ew
seven in rhe evening, because thar's when l Cup, Spain agaiust Hollaud. chis morning, with an artist. He's ar the
s= home Frorn work and whe~ [ c~n r~lax. lnterviewer were you? Tate Modern.
But on che weekend, my favorire tune is David Well, rm a flight attendant and rhat Rob Can f do the imerview on Monday?
breakfasc rime. l have a big break fase, and day I was in Acapulco in Mexico. Daniel Sorry, he can only do tbis moming.
I have time toread ihe papers and listen to Jntervicwer Who wcre you with? Rob OK, send me the details.
rhe radio. David l was with three ocher pan ish flighc Daniel Thank you very much, Rob.
lnterviewer \ hat's your favorire day ofrhe attendancs. Rob l'm sorry.
week? Intcrvicwer Wbere did you go to watcb tbe Jenny That's OK, 1 understand. W?rk is wo_rk!
Martin My favorite day of rhe week is Friday, match? Rob Sur l can meet you later, outs1de che Tate
because rhen I know che weekend is near. David We didn't go out. We watcbed the Modcrn. lt's on che South Bank.
Intervicwcr What's your favorirc month? match in che hotel restaurant. Jenny Icanflndit. [)uve a map, l cao cycle
Martín Probably May. lr's when rhe wearher lnterviewer And whatdid you weac rowatch rbcre.
starts to gec warrn and che evenings are long. rhematch? Rob Let's meet at twelve o'clock then.
Intervicwcr whar's your favorire season? David We wore Spanish soccer shircs that we Jenny G reat.
Martín Spring, because it means rhat winter bought in a store, and we also had red and
is finally over. 1 love ridiog my bike. and ycllow scarvcs. . 3 68>))
spring is a great time for bike riding-not lntervicwer Tell me aboutthe mght. Whac Rob Sorrv about rhe wcacher.
too hot and nor roo cold. didyoudo? Jen ny \'e~h ... but what a view! lt's a great
Interviewer Whar's your favorire holiday? David Well, tbe match was on in tbe bridge too.
Martin Probahly New Year's Eve, because afternoon Mexican time. We wcnt dowo tO Rob It's rhe Millennium Bridge. lt's not for
you don't need to worry about buying the hotel restaurant early to get a good sea t. cars, only for people. lt' as the first new
presenrs or cooking a big lunch. and There was a big screen. The restaurant was bridge over thc Thamcs in 100 ycars.
everybody's in a good mood. foil of Spanish tourists. There was a great Jenny You sound like a tour guide! .
acmospbere. Rob Sorry ... l ioterviewed the arch1tect last
3 49>)) Interviewer And Spain won che match, of year. So wbat would you like to visit?
1 He was an English writer. course. Jenny What is there to see?
He was born in che l érh ccntury. David Yes. lt wasn't a good match. but wbco Rob Well, we could see the Tate Modern first
lle was married wirh three childreu. Spain goc their winning goal everyb~dy1 as we're here, and then we could go to the
He was born in Stratfon.1-upon-Avon. shouted and jumped up. ll was amaztng. Globc Thcatrc. Do you likc Shakcspearc?
He is fa mous for his plays, for exarnplc, Whcn che match finished we al\ went Jenny Not really. l studied too mu:h
Hamlet and Macbetl1. out. We waoted to celebrate. We went to Shakespeare in college. lt's Dan 1el. Sorry.
2 She was born in London in 1932 ro another restaurantnear the beach, and it Hi, Daniel.
American parents. was full ofSpanish people. Evcryone was Daniel Hi, Jennifer. How's your free <lay?
Shc was a famous actress. really happy. We hada great parcy! Are you enjoying London?
She was dark-haired and very beauriful. lntcrviewcr Wbat was thc weatbcr likc? Do Jcnny Absolutcly. lt's faotastic ..
She was bestfriend with Michael Jackson. you remember? Daniel Listen. 1 have sorne free wne today.
Shc was farnous for her dark blue eyes. David Yes, it was a warm night. About 20 \Vould you like to meer for lunch?.
dcgrces Celcius, 1 think. Jenny That's really nice of yo~, Damcl,.but
3 52>)) 1 nterviewer \Vhat ti medid you get back to ['m sorry. l can't. l'mreally far away from
... and finally on rhc news today rhe story of your hotel? rhe officc righr now.
rwo socccr fans wbo missed the big match. David l cau't rcmcmber cxactly but vcry late, Daniel That's OK. No problem. Maybe
Last week, Chelsea played Arsenal at about three in the morning. Luckily, l hada another time?
Chcl ea's famous sradium, Sramford Bridge in free day the next day, sol didn't need to get Jenny Definicely. Bye. .
west London. lt was che match rhat soccer fans up early. Rob What did be want? Anydung
ali over rhe world wanted to watch. Charles lnterviewer Wby was tliis night so important?
Spencer's daughrer anda friend we~e arnoug memorable? Jenny Not at ali. Hey, ler's go inside the Tace
the lucky people with rlckets. The g1rls were David Fi rst, of course, beca use Spain won Modernnow.
in Althorp, which is abour 85 miles from rhci_r first World Cup, but also because of Rob Yes, of course. There's a great restaurant
Lo ndon, a nd they decided to go by ta xi. Bue thc circumsrances -we were very far away on the top floor. The view is fantastic. The
wben the taxi stopped in a small villa ge, ir was from Spa in, thousands ofkilometers away Tate Modern was a power station until
clear that sorneth ing was wrong. They were in anocher country, but we ali felt very 198 l. Di<l you know chat?
in Srarnford Bridge, but nor at rhe Chelsea Spanish thac night! Jenny T didn't. Do you know anything else
stadiurn. The driver had typcd Stamford about che 'l'atc Modern?
Bridge inro bis G PS. But unfortu.natel~, 3 64l)) Rob Thank you for asking. 1 km.>w a loe about
Siarnford Bridge is also a small village 111 che Rob So, Jenny, wc have a free morning. What it acrually.
norrh of England - and thac 's where thcy werc! do you wa nt to do? Jcnny Oh, grcat!
Ofcourse, chey missed the match.

Listening 119
4 6))) Detective Were you just his assistanr? 4 15)))
Claudia What do you mean?
Then. the detective questioned Barbara Travers. Leo Helio.
Detective Were you in lave with Mr.
Detective What did you do after dinner Waiter Goodevening,sir,madam. Whatcan
yesterday eveui ng? . l ger you?
Claudia No, J wasn'r.
Barbara A fter dinner? l played cards with Kim How about a coffee? I'm still cold.
Detective The truth please, Claudia.
Gordou, and then J went to bed. Waiter Yes, madam. Ancl you, sir?
Claudia Fine, Detective. Yes, 1 was in love
Detective Wbat time was rhat? Leo You k11ow1 J'm cold, too. 1'11 also have a
with him, and he saidhe was in love with
Barbara It was about eleven thirty. J coffee, thanks.
me. He said he wantcd to Ieave his wife -
remember I Iooked at my watch. Waiter Here you are!
Amancla-and marry me. l was stupid. I
Detective Oid you hear anytbing in your Leo Well, here's to our new house!
believed him. He u sed me, Detective! 1 was
father's room? Kim Yes!
very angry with him.
Barbara No. l didn't hear anyrhing. Waiter You're new around here, areo't you?
Detective D id yo u kili him?
Detective Miss Travers, did you have any Leo Yes, tbat's right.
Claudia No, Detective, IJoved [ererny.
problems with your father? Kim We just rented rhe big house on Darwin
Barbara No, 1 did n't have any problems 4 9>)) Roa d.
with him ar all. My father was a wonderful Waiter Whicb house? The Travers family's
Bejore dinner, Gordon met with [eremy in the
man and a wonderful father. I'm sorry, house?
Detective. Leo Yes.
Gordoo Happy birthday, [eremy,
Detective Don't worry, Miss Travers. No Waiter Oh.
Jeremy Ah, thanks, Gordon.
more questi.ons. Leo Is something wrong?
Gordon Listen, [ererny, I waut ro tal k to you
\Vaiter Who showed you the house?
about Barbara.
4 7>)) Kim llarbara. The old lady who lived there
Jeremy Barbara? Whar's the problem? .
Next, the detective auestioned Gordon Smiih. befo re.
Gordon Ir's not exactly a pr.oblem. I arn m
Dctec tive W hat d id yo u do afrcr dinner, Waiter Ahh, Barbara. Old Mr. Travers's
love with her, and I want to marry her.
Gordon? daughter. Some people thoughr rhat sh~
[eremy Marry Barbara? Marry my daughter!
Gordon l played cards with Barbara. Then was the one who did it. She never marned,
Are you crazy? Never! You don't love
she went to bed. of course.
Barbara. You only want her moneyl
Detective Did you go to bed then? Kim The one who did what? What
Gordon That's not true, Jeremy. [lave her.
Gordon No. l stayed in the living room and l happened? Why did1ú she marry?
Jeremy Listen to me. lf you rnarry Barba~a,
hada cup of tea. Then l went to bed. Waiter Didn't she tell you?
when l die ali my money goes to Claudia.
Detective What time was that? Leo Tell us what?
Gordon To Claudia? To your assistant?
Gordon 1 don't remember exactly.I didn't \Vaiter About the murder.
Jercmy Yes.
look at the time. Leo & Kim Murder??
Gordon Is that your lasr word, Jeremy?
Detective Did you hear anything during che Waüer Yes, Mr. Travers was murdered in
Jeremy Yes,itis.
night? that house in 1958 ... in his bed.
Amanda Dinner everybocly!
Gordon No, I didn't. l wasvery tired. l slept Kim Oh, how horrible!
Reader At mido ight, Gordon was in tbe
very well. Waiter The man who killed Mr. Travers was
liv i11g room. He finishecl his tea and went
Detective You and M r. Travers were Barbara's lover. Thc fa mil y 11ever li:ved
business partners, weren't you? there agai o. They tried to sell the house,
Jeremy Who is it? Gmdon?
Gordon Yes, that's rigbt. but nobody wanted to buy it. Not after a
Detective Ancl it's a very good business l 4 14l)) murder. That 's why that house is always
understand. Barbara Let's go upsrairs. Follow me. Be renred.
Gordon Yes, Detective, it is. careful. The ceili11g is very low here. Leo Kim.
Detective And now, ir is your business. Leo Jt's a very old bouse. Kim Yes.
Gordon Listen, Detective, l <lid not kill Barbara Yes·, the house is tbree hu11dred Leo Are you thinking what T'm tbinkiog?
Jeremy. I fe was my partner and he was my years old. My fam.ily lived here for nearly. Kim Yes--I don't wanr ro slecp in a housc
friend. eighty years. There are six bedrooms. Th1s where somebody was mur<lered. Come on.
was my father's bedroom. Let's go to a hotel.
4 8>)) Waiter Hey, your coffee! You dicln't dri11k
Kim Is therc hear in the house?
Final/y, the detective ouesüoned. Claudia Barbara Yes, there is. Wby doyou ask? Are your coffee! Ah, weU.
Simeone. you cold?
Detective What dicl you do yesterday 4 24>))
Kim Yes, it's very cold in here.
evening, afrer dinner? ¡ arrived at Gosforth Hall late in the evening.
Leo That's because we'refrom California.
Claudia I went to my room and 1 rock a bath l don 't bel ieve in ghosts, but yes, 1 felt a 1 ittle
Barbara Let 's go and see the other
and 1 went to bed. nervous. I chccked in, and the front-desk clerk
Detective Whar time was that? gave me the key and showed me to my room.
Leo Yes,ofcourse.
Claudia About 11 o 'clock. I left my things in theroom andcame
Leo Well, wbar do you rhin.k, K im? 1 lovc it!
Detective Oíd you hear anything? dowDsta.irs. There weren't maDy orher guests
Claudia Yes. 1 heard sornebody go into in the hotel. There were only rhree.1 sat in
K im 1 'm not sure. There's something about
Jeremy's room. Ir was about 12 o'clock. the lo unge a nd 1 talkcd to the manager, s.ara
the bouse 1 do1ú like.
Detective Who was it? Daniels, abouther hotel. Then l hada dnn.k
Leo Kim, it's perfen for tbe kids. Think of
Claudia Ir was A manda, his wife. a11d at 12 o'clock, I went upstairs to my room.
the yarel. And it's a real authentic cou ntry
Detective Are you sure? Did you see her? Room 11 was 011 the cop floor.1 opened the
house. What do you say?
Claudia Well, uo, I did n't see her. Bue 1 'rn door and turned on the light.
K im 1 suppose so. lf you 're sure. .
sure it was A manda. Jt was a very big room, very old, and yes,
Leo l am sure! Mrs ... uh, Barbara. We wam 1t.
Detective You were Mr. Travers's assisrant, ir was a l ittle spooky. There was a n old TV on
'Ve want to rent rhe house.
Claudia. a table - but there wasn't a remate control. I
Barbara ExceHcnt.
Claudia Yes, 1 was. turned 011 rhe TV.
Leo W hen can we move i.n?
Barbara As soon as you like.

120 Listening
There was a movie on. l was happy to see Jack For che appetizer, there's carrot and H ost Wel l. just try to relax. The rules a re the
that it wasn'r a horror movie. I decided to orange soup. for the main course Imade same as always. l'm going toread you sorne
warch che movie, but l was ti red after my long chicken breases filled with crearn cheese, semences, and you have ten seconds to say
trip and after half an hour, 1 went to sleep. and for dessert r made pancakes with if rhe semence is true or false. If you get
chocolate sauce. the first ans\ver right, you win 500 dollars.
4 25))) Host That all Iooks delicious. And you, Liz? Then for each correct answer you double
Stephen 1 n che middle ofthe night, 1 suddenly Liz Irnade a carrot and onionsalad with your money, so if you ger the second answer
woke up! I looked ar my warch. It was rwo orange dressing. Thcn for the main course, righr, you win 1,000 dollars, and for the
o'dock in the morn i ng. The TV was off! Bue I made pasta withcreamy chicken sauce, rhird correct answer you win 2,000 dollars.
how? Tbere was no remoce control, and l and for dessert, chocolateand orange for cight corrcct answc1·s you win 64,000
didn't get up and turn it off The light was mousse. dollars. But if you get an answer wrong, yoi1
on, bur suddeuly the light went off, roo. Host It aU looks good, too. But now, the lose ali the money. Remember you can also
Now l was scared! l couldn't see anything moment of trurh. Let's taste your dishes ... calla friend, so if you're nor sure about one
strange, bue 1 couId feel that there was of the answers, you can call your friend to
somebody or something in the room. T got 4 34l)) help you. ls rhat OK, Colleen?
out ofbed and turned on the light and TV Host OK, Jack. Let's try yoursoup. Mmm, CoHeen Yes, OK.
again. Little by little 1 started to relax, and l that's delicious. lr's a great combinar ion,
went ro sleep again. When I woke up, it was carrot and orange. ls there any onion in tbe 46l))
morning.1 had breakfast and chcckcd out. soup? Host OK Collccn, first qucsrion for 500
1 left the hotel abour ten o'clock. Jack Yes, one onioo. dollars. The North Pole is colder than the
Interviewer So tbe question is, did you see Host lt's very good, but next time maybe you SouthPole. Trueor false?
che ghost? could add a littlc crcam, not much, justa Co11een The North Pole is colder than the
Stephen o.I didn't see the ghost, but l little. OK, oow theclückeo. Mmm, that's SouthPoJe. Uh, false.
definitely felt somethiug or somebody in nice. Nor very original, but very tasty. And Host Correct. The South Pole is much
the room when I woke up in che night. finaUy, the pancakes. They look beautiful. .. colder, because it's mttch higber than the
Interviewer Were you frightened? and they taste great. Now Liz, let's try you r Nortb Pole. 1 n che su m mer, che average
Stephen Yes, 1 was! Very frightcned! dishes. The salad first. Mmm; it's nice, but temperature at tbe North Pole is 32 degrees
lnterviewer Would you Iike to spend che taste of onion is very strnng. How many Fahrenheit, but at the South Pole it's
another night in tbe hotel? on ions did you use? minus 1 S. Now, for 1 ,000 dollars, carrots
Stephen Definitely, yes. Liz Thrce. are sweeter than coma roes. True or false?
Interviewer Why? Host Ithink maybe two are enough for this Colleen Uh, l rhink it's true.
Stephen WeU, I'm sure rhere was something salad. OK, the pasta. Mmm, it's very good Host Correct. Tt's true. Carrots are about five
strange in that room.I can't explain the but it needs a little more salt and pepper. percent sugar, but tomaroes, even though
televisión and rhe light. l want to go back A nd finally, the mousse. Thal 's a beautiful thcy are a fruit and nota vcgerable, don't
because l want to see the ghost. mousse, Liz. have any sugar at ali. OK, for 2,000 dollars,
Liz Thank you. a proron is heavier than an electron.
4 32>)) Host Mmm, and it tastes wonderful, CoJleen 1 think it's true.
Host Good afternoon and welcorne to absolurely delicious. Host Correct. A proron is more than 1,800
today's edition of Get Ready! Cook! Well, congratulations to you both. f loved times heavier than an electron. Next, far
Anda big round of applause for today's ali your dishes- hur only one ofyou can 4,000 dollars, Tbe White House is bigger
contesrants, Jack and Liz. Hello, Jack. So, win - and today's winner is ... Jack! than Buckingham Palacc. True or false?
do you like cooking? Calleen The White I Iouse is bigger than
Jack l love ir. l cook dinner every eveningat 4 42>)) Buckiugham Palace. Uh, false.
home. Host Question l. What is rhe approximatc Host Cor rece. Buckin.gham Palace has 775
Host How about you, Liz? population ofVietnam? Is ita 68 million, b rooms, but rhe White IIouse has onJy 132
Liz Yes, l'm the cook in rny family, too. l cook 78 million, or c 88 million? rooms. Next, for 8,000 doUars, oranges are
every day of course, but what I really like is Contestant 1 l think it's e, 88 mi.Ilion. healthier than strawberries. True or false?
cooking for friends on the weekend. Host c is the rigbt answer! Question 2.1 low Colleen Uh, true. No, uh, false.
Host OK, so you know the rules. In rhc many calories are there in a Big Mac? Is ita Host Do you want to caII a friend?
bag there are six ingredients, just six 670, b 540, ore 305? Co11een No, f think it's false.
ingredients. You have anhour to make Contestant 2 l think it's a, 670. Host Correct. An orange has 70 milligrams
rh ree d is hes, an appetizer, a mai n cou rse, Host Final answer? of vitamin C, but a cup of strawberries, a
anda desserr. A pan from the ingredienrs in Contestant 2 Final answer, 670. normal serving, has 98. OK, for 16,000
rhe bag, you can also use basic ingred ients Host I'm sorry, the right answer is b. A Big dollars, female mosquitoes are more
li ke pasea, rice, eggs, sugar, sale, pepper, Machas 540 calories. And Quescion 3. dangerous than male mosquitoes.
and so on, OK? Are you ready? Ler's open J íow far is it from New York City to Los Colleen Uh, true.
the bag. And today's ingrediems are a Angeles? lsit a about 2,500 miles, b about Host Correct. Female mosqt1iroes are the ones
chicken, some carrots, sorne onions, three 1,500 miles, or cabout 3,100 miles? tbat bite. Male mosquitoes don't bite. OK,
oranges, sorne cream cheese, aud sorne Contestant 3 About 2,500 miles. Calleen, for 32,000 dollars, in judo a g1·een
dark chocolate. OK, Jack and l.iz. You have Host /\re you sure? belt is better tha na blue belt. True or false?
five minutes to decide what to make, and Contestant 3 Yes. I'm sure. Calleen Uh, l'm sure that's false. My brother
then it's Ger readyl Cook! Host a is tbe right answer! does judo. false.
Host Correct. The order of belts in the lower
4 33l)) 4 45))) stages of judo is white for a beginner, tben
Host Liz and Jack, you have rwo more Host Good evening. Welcome to Quiz NilJllt. yellow, orange, green, blue, brown, and
minutes, so 1 hope you're alrnost ready. Tonighr's show comes from New York City. black. And finally, the last question. Be
OK. Time's up. Stop cooking now, please. A nd ou r fi rst contestant is Col leen from very careful, Colleen. lf you get it right, you
OK,Jack. What did you make? Miami. Hi, Calleen. Are you nervous? win 64,000 dollars, but if you get itwrong,
Colleen Yes, a little. you get nothing. Are you ready?

Listening 121
Collccn Yes, ready.
4 SSl)) creare a profile. Then you search for the
Hosr OK, for 64,000 dollars, hepatitis A is
worse thanhepatitis B. True or false? Daniel So, Jenny. l hear ir's your birrhday city you want to visit, and you look for
Collccn Uh ... uh... today. pcoplc thcrc who are offering a bccl. When
Host Quickly,Colleen,yourtimeisalmost Jcnny Yes,thar'srighc. you find somebody, you send rhem an email
up. Daniel Well, 1-:lappy Birthday! How do you and then you can agree on rhe day or days
Collecn I want rocalla fricnd. normally celebrare? that you wa ot to stay. The wcbsitc is free.
Host OK, Calleen. So, who doyou wantto Jenny Oh, uorhingspecial. Maybe l go our for Host And do you have to offcr a bcd in your
call? dinuer with fricnds or sec a movie. l10use?
Calleen Kevin. Daniel Well, we could go out sornewhere, A Jan o, not if you don't wanr to. You can
Host Is he your boyfriend? after dínner, just be a guest or you can be a host and offcr
Calleen Yes. Waitcr Would you Iikc a desscrt? a room in your bouse, oryou can do both
Host OK then. Hello, Kevin? Jenny Not forme, rhanks. things. lt's up to ymt.
Kcvin Yes. Daniel OK, oo. Host Is CouchSurfing safe?
Hosr I'm calling from Quiz Niahc. Colleen Waiter Coffee? Alan Yes, it is. You have a lot ofinformacion
needs sorne help. You bavc 30 seconds, Jenoy A decaf espresso. on the website about the per on you are
Kevin. Here she is. Daniel Tbe samc forme, please. going to seay with. Every time a person
Calleen Hi Kevin. Wairer Two decaffeinated e pressos. stays with a hose, they wrire a report,
Kcvin Hi Calleen. Certainly, sir. either positive or negative, and you can
Colleen Listen, Kevin. It's the last quescion. Daniel You know Jenny, you've gor beautiful read al 1 these reporrs. A lso, you can ema il
Hepatitis A is worse rhan hepatitis B. True eyes. the person befare you go and ask any
or false? Jenoy l gcr rhern from my morher, Anyway, qucsrions you wam.
Kevin Uh, J think ir's true. J leparuis A,yes, what are your plans forthe July edition of Host Does the host usua lly show you his or
rhar's tbc serious onc. rhe magazine? her city?
Colleen Are you sure? Daniel The, er, July edition? f urn ... A Jan Well, ir depends on the person. Some
Kcvin Yes, dcfinitelyl Jenny l have to rake this. Sorry, hosts take their guests to see sorne oí
Host Tirne's up. OK Col leen, true or false? Daniel No problern. thc sights, bue orhcrs don't. lt depcnds
Calleen True. Jenny l li, Barbara. when you visit, too. Some hosts rake their
Host Final answer? Barbara [cnny, justa quick call. Wc really guesrs out on the weekcncls, bur are too
ColJcen final answer. ·¡ rue. like your idea abour Rob Walker. He's a busy during the wcek. But hosts usually
Host I'rn sorry, Colleen, ir's false. J lepar iris grear writer. recommend things to do, so you often see
Bis much more serious, You can die from Jenny So can l ask him? things thar tourists don't usually see.
ir. Yo u had 32 ,000 do! la (S, but now you go Barbara Yes. Go ahead. Hose And can 1 C:ouchSurf ali over che
home with nothiog. Jenny That's grear, wodd?
Collcen Ooh, Kevin. You wair unril l see bim. ... Barbara Good luck.I hope he says yes. Alan Of coursc. ln facr, you can visir 230
Jenny Me. too. countries and more than 70,000 cities.
4 49 >)) Daniel G ood news?
Jenny Thanks for showiog me around Jenny Uh, yeah. That was Barbara my boss 5 15>))
London yesterday. J hada grear rime. from the Ncw York office. She just gave me Part2
Rob Me, too. So, what did you do Jase nigbt? a 1 ittle birrhday presern. "Well l have a problem wirh my boyfriend.
Jenny Nothing really. l hada lot of work to Daniel So, would you like to go somewhere We argue ali tbe time. l'm not sure that he
do. Emails, phone calls ... What did you do? clse? lo ves me. l wam to know i f we're going to
Rob 1 wrorc my anide abour rhe anise rhar I Jenny I'rn sorry, Daniel. I'm a litrle ti red. Stay togethcr. '' '·Picase choose five cards
interviewed yesterday morning. Daniel Yes, of course. Waiter, could ¡ have bur don·c look at them." Jane rook five ca'rds.
Jenny Can 1 see it? the bill, please? The fortune-teller put them on the table face
Rob Surc, ir's on my laprop. Hang on a down. He turncd ovcr the first card. "Ah, this
second. There, 5 8>)) is a good card. This mea ns you're going lo be
Jenny Sorry. Hi, Eddie. Host On roday's travel program, Al~1n Marks very lucky." ''But am l going to sray wühmy
Eddie Happy birthclay, [cnny! is going to rell us about CouchSurfing, a boyfriend?" Jane askcd. "Maybc," said the
Jenny Thanks! Bue Listen, J can 't talk right now. new way of traveling. A lan. what exactly is fortu ne-teller. "We oeed to look ar tbe ocber
Eddie Oh, sure. Couc11 urfing? cards first."
Jenny l'm in the office. Alan Well, CouchSurfing is an exciting aod
Eddie 1'11 cal! you back. cheap way of travcling a nd seeing new 5 17>))
Jenny Yeah, later. p~a~es. lt's a ve.ry simple idea. \Vhcn you Part4
Eddie OK. v1s1t anotber c1ty, you stay in somebody's Thc fortunc-te.Ucr tu roed ovcr a card with
Jenny OK. Sorry, but it's my binhday roday. apartmem or house. That person. the host, rwo rings. '·Now l can see everything clearly.
Rob Really?! Happy birthday! Maybe wc gives you a room anda bed, and ifhe or she You are_going to leave your boyfriend and go
couldhave dioner ronight? doesn·r have a bed. rhen you can sleep on away w1th tbe oLher 111an, with Jim ... to another
Daniel Jennifer. rheir couch, or sofa. counrry. And very soon you 're going to get
Jenny Oh, hi Daniel. marricd." "Marricd?To Jim? But am l going ro
Daniel l'd likc to takc you out for dinnerthis S 9 >)) be happy wilh him?" "You'.re going to be very
evening. Hose Do you have ro pay for rhc becl? happy togecher. J'm sure ofit.'' Jane looked at
Jenny Thi. evening? Alan No, you don't. lt's completely free. her watch. "Oh, no, look at che time. l'm going
Daniel Yes, for a working dinncr. Wc have a CouchSurfors usually take a small present to be late for work." She stood up, Jefta $50
lot to talk about before you go back to New for the hosr Or maybe rhey can help with bill on thc table, and ran out ofrhc room.
York. I kuow a very good restaurant. the housework or make a meal. Bur you
5 30)))
Jenny Oh, uh ... yes, of course. never pay any money.
Daniel G rea t. See you la ter. Hose How do you fi nd these peo ple? One of tbe firstthings 1 noticed in Valencia
Jenny Yes, ure. Sorry. Rob. A lan \Vell, there is a websice called is that peo ple eat out a lot. They spend a First, you go tbcrc and lot of time in cafes. You find people having

122 Listening
want to sit on the sofa and watch a movie.
breakfast or tea, not jusr lunch and dinner, 5 38>)) Actually, 1 think it's a great movic.
People who work go out to have coffee, they Jenny Rob! 2 Yes, Thc r:mpire Strikcs Back, che second
don't have it in their office. l 11 restaurants, one Rob Jcnoy, hi. Sorry l'm a bit late. Star Wars movie, welJ, thc fifth episode
chino rhat rcally surprised me was that when Jenny No problem. in the serics. l've seen ir about twemy
people go out in big groups, the men al 1 sir Rob Rcally? tinles probably. lt's my favorite movie of
ar one cnd of the table and rbe women ar the Jenny Really! ali time, and when 1 meet a girl, 1 always
other, Rob J got you.r messagc. watch it with hec. lt' a kind of rest. 1 f she
Another rhing l notice, maybe because l'm Jenny Would you like a coffee or so~wthing? doesn't like thc movic, thcn J th ink that our
a. woman myself, is what Spanish w~mcn are Rob No, l'm fine thanks. So what d1d you relationship isn't going to work.
like, or Valencian women ma.ybe. Of course, want to talk about? You think Londonis 3 Yes, l have. Flas/1da11ce. l've seen it. oh,
l'm a foreigner, bue l find rhar thc wornen che bese ciry in che wodd and you don'r more than a hu ndred rimes. l absolutcly
here ralk very fasr and very loudly, rnuch wa nt to go home. love it. l love the rnusic, a nd the movie
more than che men. Women dress very well. Jenny Not exacrly. We'd like you to come to just makes me feel good. Whenever f feel
cspecially older worncn, and rhey always look New York. depressed 1 rhink. OK, l'm going to watch
irnmaculatel Rob Me?To New York?! Flaslidnnce. lt a.lways makes me feel betcer.
Finally, rhere's a myrh rhar the Spa nish Jenny 1 talked to Barbara about you. You l've bougbr che DV O thrce times beca use
don't work hard, bur J don'r rhink it's true, ir's know, Barbara, my boss? She !oves your after you've played a DVD a lot, it doesn't
[ust that tbey work different hours. Peo ple arrides, roo. So, would you like to come work well.
have a long lunch break, bue rhey leave work over to New York and work for us? J ust for
very late. a month. And writc a colum11 for Ncw York 5 51 >))
24seven. And maybc a Jaily blog? Jcss So, whcre are you going to rake me for
5 36>)) Rob Wow, souods great! What could 1 call it? my birthday?
Interviewcr Toda y, mase people spcnd a lor A11 EnBlishmanin New York? Matt [ want to cake you somewbere really
ofrime every day online, but domen and Jenny Why not! Areyou interested? nice. Have you been ro The PekinB Duck un
women use che Internet in che sarne way? Rob Yes, very. lt's amazing! But 1 need to 24ch Streec?
Expert Research shows that in general, chink about it. Jcss On 24th Street. Yes, l have. _
ihev use che Internet in differeru wa.ys. Jenny Ofcour e. Matt Oh, no! When did you go rhere!'
Fo; exarnple, men and women borb use Rob Whrn do 1 need ro decide? Jess Lasc month. l went wirh some people
the 1 nterner to send ernails, bue men send Jcnny Before the end of the week? from work.
more work ernails, wbile women eod more Rob OK, greal. Thankyou. Matt OK. Somcwhere else. Have you ever
personal cmails to fricnds a.nd fa mily: :> Jcnny And now, l really have to go. eatcn at Appctito on 2nd Avenue?Tbey
lnterviewer What ahout 011 line shopp1ng. makc dclicious pasta.
Expert As you can imagine, wornen ~o 5 42))) Jess f know. l've been there twice. Bue we
more Internet shopping than mcn, I'hey Jenny Where is it? Whe1·e's my phone?! could go therc. l love ltalian food.
ofren useonline cores to buy things for Rob Are rou looking for this? Matt No, listen. Why don't wego back to
rhc house, clothes, toys, and so on. Men, Jenny Rob! 1 can't believe it! My phone! LuiBi's? We bad an amazing meaJ last time.
on thc othcr hand, prcfcr buying ching on You're a hero. thank you so mucb. Do you rcmcmber? The ltaJia o waiter sang
auction sitcs like cBay. Rob No problcm. le gave me a chance to see foryou. ltwa soromantic!
Intcrviewer What other sites are more you again. And 1 bad more time to tbink Jess No, l don't remernber.
popular wírh men? . about your offer. Matt You don't?
Expcrt News sites are more popula~ wirh Jenny And? Jess No, 1 don'l remember beca use it wasn 't
mcn than with wornen. Men also like Rob l 'd love to acccpt. J really want to come me. !'ve never been to L11i8i's.
v isiting sports si tes where rhey can fi nd and work in New York. Matt Oh. My bad memory a.gain.
out. for example, game seores. In general, Jenny That's great, Rob! l'm so happy. Jess So, who did you go tbere witb? Witb
men use che l nternet a lot for fu n. They Rob Me, too. Oh, you hada cal! fromEddie. your ex-girlfriend?
download music and play games much ¡ dido't answer it. Is he going to meet you at Matt No, no, 1 wenc there wich ... my sister.
more than wornen do. the airport? Yes, witb my sisrer.
lnterviewer Whar do women do more than Jenny Eddie? No. He's at collcge in Jess You r sister, huh? Let's forge.t it. 1 don 't
men? California. think J wanl ro go out on fil}' birthday.
Expert Well, wornen often use the 1 nter~~t to Rob In California? Does he teach there?
get [nformation aboui healih and medicine. Jenny Teach? No. he's a scudent.
And rbey are also morcimcrestcd in Rob A student?
websires rhat give them advice, for example, Jenny Wcll,hc's only 19. Eddie's ~)'. brocher.
websircs rhat give advice about how to be Announcement Next deparrure flight 232
gooJ parents, or dier websites that hclp to New York is now ready for boardiog.
rhem to lose weight. They also use che Jenny 1 nced ro go.
1 nrerner for dirccríons much more than Rob Well,have a good jouroey.
meo. They use websires l ike Google maps Jenny Thanks, Rob. Byc.
when they nced to go omewhcre new. And Rob Bye. And see you in New York!
rhey use social networks like Facebook
more 1 hao roen do. 5 49)))
Intcrviewer Are therc sorne things rhat both Yes, 1have.1 don't usually see movies more
men and women do? t han once or tw ice. bue I've proba bly seen
Expert Yes, they both use rhe lmernet to /1 's a \Vo11derjiil Life, the old Frank Capra
book rickets for trains and planes, and to movie, at least six or seven times because
book hotels. Tbey also both use online it's oo TV every Christmas. It's usually on
ba.nking, for e.,xample, to pay bilis oc 01ake just aftc.r Ju nch on Cbristtnas Day, which
transfers. is when l'm full anda litde sleepy, and 1

Listening 12

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