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Days and numbers VOCABULARY BANK


a Complete the days of the week with the letters. a Write the numbers.

W Fr S S Th T M twenty-one /'1 werui WAl1/

th iny /'(br t 1/
Monday /1mAnd1:1/ _iday /1frtUl.kt/ thirty-five ;(:)drti ra1v/
_uesday /ltuzde1/ _aturday /'sret;:ircll 1/ forty /'f xli/
_ednesday /wcnzdcr/ _unday /1sAnJct/ forty-three /'brti Ori/
_ursday /1(:)~rzde1/ fifrv /'f'¡ftj/

b 1 10 l)) Listen and check. fifty-nine /'ftfti nam/

sixty /1s1k-.ti/
e Cover tbe days of the week. Say them in order.
sixty-seven /'s1 ksti 'sevn/
~ Usefulphrases sevenry /\cvnt i/
the weekend (= Saturday and Sunday) seventy-two /'sevnt i 1 u/
a weekday (= Monday-Friday) eighty /'e1ti/
What day is it toda}'? lt's Friday.
Have a good weekend. You too. eighty-eight /1e1ti ert/
See you on Mooday. ninety /'namt i/
Capital letters ninety-four /'namti br/
Days of the week begin with a capital letter. a / one hundred /'hAndr;:iJ/
Tuesday NOT tuesda-y
b 1 26 >)) Listen and repeat.

2 NUMBERS 0-20
p Pronunciation
13 and 30, 14 and 40, etc., are similar, but the stress is
different, e.g., thirteen, thirty, fourteen, forty, etc.
a Match the words with the numbers.

twelve twenty eleven three

-c o.r
eighteen five fifteen seven

o zero /'11roo/ 11 /J 1ll'V11/

1 one lvvt\ n/ 12 /twdv/ a Write the missing words or numbers.
2 two /tu/ 13 thirteen /0;:ir'I in/ a/ one hundred and five
3 three /011/ 14 fourteen lf'.)r't i ni two hundred
4 four /br/ 15 /(1f1t in/ 350 three hundred and _
5 /fa1v/ 16 sixteen /s1ks1tin/ 875 eighr hundred seventy-five
6 six /s1k.s/ 17 seventeen /sevn 'ti n/ 1,000 a/ one thousand /'fü1uL nd/
7 /'scvn/ 18 /ci'tin' one thousand five hundred
8 eight /e1t/ 19 nineteen /nai n'í i ni 2,012 two thousand and _
9 nine /nam/ 20 /'t wcnt j/ 5,420 five rhousand four and twenty
10 ten /ten/ twenty-five thousand
b 11 l)) Listen and check. 100,000 a/ one hundred _
1,000,000 a/ one million r'mrl~;-in/
e Cover the words. Say the numbers.
2,300,000 two million hundred thousand
p Phone numbers
We say the digits separately.
b 4 43 >)) Listen and check.

794-1938 = seven nine four, one nine three eight ~p.72

-c cs

a Match the words and continents.

Continent Adjective
6frica /'refnb/ 6frican /'a:fnbn/
11 O R T H
6sia /'e13-a/ Asian /'c13n/ ArLANTIC
Australia b'sl rcilyo/ Australian /o'strcilyon/ O( f A N

Europe /lyor;;ip/ European /yoro'pion/

1 North America North American o e ~Mrel
South America South American O CE A N

b 1 15 >)) Listen and check. 1iati'
.. )'
O t A N
e Cover the words and look ar the map. Can you remember
the continents and their adjectives?


a 1 16>)) Match the words and countries. Then listen and check.

Country flkAntri/ Nationality adjective ATLANT/(

Q ( ¡ A //
England /111J9l~md/ English fltoghf/
lreland /'ardrkmd/ [rish /'amj/ O ( E A N
Spain /spein/ spenish /'sprentJ/
Turkey /'t;:,wki/ Turkish /'tdrk1J/
-Chile /'lf1Ji/
. Chilean /tJ1'lerdn/
Germany /'d3drmdn i/ German /'d3;xmdn/
Mexico /meksrkoo/ Mexican /'mcks1k;·m/
South Korea /saoO ko'rio/ South Korean /saoe ko'rian/
The (United) States / the US(A) American /a'mcnkan/
Brazil /bra'zil/ Brazilian /bro'zrlyan/
1 Canada /'kren8d8/ Canadian /ko'nerdian/
lran /1'rren/ lranian /r'ronion/ N O R T H

ltaly /'nrel i/ ltalian /i'trelydn/ A T L A // T 1 C

o e E A 11
Peru /po'ru/ Peruvian /po'ruvion/
Russia /'rAfd/ Russian /'rAJn/
China /'tJam;'.)/ Chinese /tjarniz/
Japan /d3;'.)'pren/ Japanese /d3rep8'nil/
Vietnam /viet'nrern/ Vietnamese /viotna'miz/

France /frrens/ French /f n:ntJ!

Thailand /'la1la~nd/ Thai /ta1/

b Cover the words and look ar the maps. Can you remember
the countries and nationalities?

p Capital letters
Use CAPITAL letters for countries, continents, nationalities, and

O ( E A JI

languages, e.g., Japan NOT japan; Spanish NOT spanish.

Online Practice
Classroom Language VOCABULARY BANK

The teacher says

a Match the phrases and pictures 1-13.
Open your books, please.
Go to page 84.
Do exercise a.
Read the text.
Look at the board.
Close che <loor.
l Work in pairs / groups.
Answer the questions,
Listen and repeat.
Stand up.
Turn off your cell phone.
Please stop talking!
b 1 32 >)) Listen and check.

You say
a Match the phrases and pictures 14-22.
Sorry, can you repeat that, please?
14 Sorry I'm late. 15
I don't understand. Here Youare.
Can I have a copy, please?
How do you spell it?
I don't know.
Excuse m.e, what's in English?
Can you help me, please?
What page is it?
b 1 33 >)) Listen and check.
e Cover the sentences and look at the pictures.
Say che sentences.

p the
Look at the board.
Answer the questions.
• Use the when we know which (board, 20
questions, etc.).
Look at the board. NOT Look at a board.
• Use the with singular and plural nouns (the
board, the questions).



a Match the words and pictures.

a book /buk/
a calendar /'krel;:mddr/
a cell phone /scl foon/
a change purse /tJcmd3 pars/
l a coin /kom/
a credit card /'kn:d0t kord/
a dictionary /'d1kf~neri/
a file/a binder /fati/ /'bamddr/
~sses l'glresdLI
headphones /'hedfoonz/
an ID card / ar'di kurd/
an [Pod /'arpad/
a key /ki/
a1ªlltop /'lreptap/
a magazine /m<eg;l'Lin/
a newspaper /nuzpcrpor/
a pen /pi:.n/
a pencil /'prnsl/
a photo /'f out ou/
a piece of ¡mper /pis ov 'pcrpar/
scissors /'s11.<lr LI
a starnp /suem p/
sunglasses /'sAnglresdz/
a ticket /'trkdt/
a tissue /'tJJu/
an umbrella IAm'brd~/
a wallet /'wal<ll/
a watch /wotJ!
b 1 51 >)) Listen and check.

p Plural nouns
Sorne words for things are plural,
e.g., glasses, headphones, pants.
Don't use a I an with plural nouns.
NOT a-glasses, a-headphones.

e Cover the words and look at the

pictures. In pairs, ask and answer.
What is ;t_!J_ 0's a watch.

What are theY.!.)_ <,;_:.hey're glasses.


Online Practice

My name_Tim.
a Match the words and pictures 1-16. a am bis @are
bad /baid/
big /b1g/
l dangerous /'demd3;:¡r;:is/ sa.fe
dirty /'d;:irli/
easy /'izj/
empty /'empti/
expensive /rk'spensiv/
far /far/
fast /f rest/
high /ha1/
hot /hall
long /blJ/
old /ould/
rich /ntJ/
strong /st DIJ/
wrong lr::>ol
b 1 60))) Listen and check.
p Modifiers: very I really
e Match these adjectives with their opposites in a. We often use these words before adjectives.
A Ferrari is very I really fast.
cheap /LJip/ low /loo/ short 1J:xll
clean /klin/ near /nrr/ slow /slou/ e Look at the things in the list. Say two adjectives for
cold /kould/ new /nu/ small /sm::il/ each one. Use modifiers.
difficult /'d1f1kt\lt/ poor /p::>r/ weak /wik/
full /f ol/ right /ra1l/ A Ferrari Mount Everest Bill Gates
good /god/ sefe /se 1 f / The Pyramids Africa Your town / city

d 1 61 ))) Listen and check. Then test your partner. A say 0 Ferrari - /t's really fast and ver y expensive.
an adjective and B say the opposite.

a Match the opposite adjectives and the pictures.
blond /bland/ dark /dork/ old /oold/ young IYADI
beautifu 1 /'byut0fl/ ngly /'t\gli/ tall /tJl/ short /J:xt/
far /f ret/ thin /Sm/
b 67))) Listen and check.

e Cover the adjectíves and look at the pictures. Test yourself

ora partner.

p Positive adjectives for appearance

Beautiful, good-looking, pretty, and attractive can all be used
for women, but for men we only use good-looking or attractive.



a Match the verbs and pictures.

cook /kok/
do /du/
drink /drnjk,'
eat /it/
in an apartment in an Qffice children
go /goo/
have /h'&v/
like /lack/
listen /1l1sn/
1 live luv!
play /ple1/
economics German a new car
read /rid/
say /se1/
speak /spik/
study /'stAdi/
take /te1k/
want /wunt/ a newspaper to the movies
watch /wutJ!
wear /wr.r/
work /w~rk/
b 2 2 l)) Listen and check.

p work
Work has two meanings. TV to music tennis
1 She works in a museum.
= lt's her job
2 The phone doesn't work.
= it's broken
have or eat?
Have can be used with both food
and drink, and is common with
meals, e.g., have a sandwich, have an umbrella homework / housework the guitar
a coffee, have lunch.
Eat can only be u sed with food,
e.g., eat fast food.

e Cover the verbs and look ar

the pictures. Test yourself or a
partner. sorry water fast food
~p.20 B!]·' ._ ,
-:.'·º¡ __.
l,... . (·.
-~, ....

• ~ ~.
""." «"::f· ,;./
" • 1
. '·ji
• .....

dinner exercise g@sses

Online Practice

a Match the words and pictures.

an administrative assistant
/ad'mmcstreitrv o'srstont/
1 an architect /urkotekt/
a chef/ a cook /Jd/ /kok/
a construction worker /kan'strxkjn
a dentist /'dcnl 1st/
a doctor /'dokt;::¡r/
an engineer /end3;::i'mr/
a factory worker /'f eektsri 'workar/
a flight attendant /flait o'tcndont/
a front desk clerk / a receptionist
/Irxnt desk k lork/ /n'scpjanrst/
a hair stylist /her 'st arhst/
a journalist /'d3~"lfmhst/
a lawyer /'bt;::¡r/
a (bank) manager /(breok) 'rnrerudgar/
a model /'mad 1/
amusician /myu'zijn/
a nurse /n;::¡rs/
a pilot /'pa1J;:,t/
a police Qfficer /pa'lis 'ofassr/
a salesperson /'seil¿p;::irsn/
asoccer ~er /'sabr 'pleror/
a soldier /'soold30r/
a teacher /'titJ;.:ir/
a veterinarian /vetara'nerion/
a waiter / a waitress /wertor/

p a/an+jobs
We use a I an + job words.
She's a model. NOT 5f:ie!s-meelel.

b 2 8l)) Listen and check.

e Cover the jobs. In pairs, say what the

people do. d ~9l)) Listen and repeat the sentences. What do you do?

<;_;_he's a veterinarian. He's an engineer. What do you do?

J J/ i
l'm a musician. 1 work for a l'm a student. l'rn unemployed.
l'm an engineer. French company. l'm in college. l'm retired.
1 work in a store. l'rn at school.


a Look at rhe two family trees.

Number the people in relation to
1 aunt /rent/
2 brother /'hrAÓdr/
3 cousin !'kAzn/
4 daughter /ld:)tdr/
5 father /'fuo;)r/
6 grandfather /'grrenfao;,r/
7 grandmother /'grrenmAó;:ir/
8 mother /'mAÓ;:>r/
9 nephew /'ndyu/
10 niece /nis/
11 sister /'s1stJr/
12 son /sAn/
13 uncle l'Aokl/
14 wife /wa1f/
b Complete 1-3with children,
gmndparents, parents.

1 my father and my mother =

my /'pE:r;,nts/
2 my grandfather and my
grandrnother =
my /'grrenpE:rdnts/
3 my son and my daughter =
. -·,ii~
. ¡~ . • •

1 .
1 •

my /'t.f1k.lran/ '
' '

~ ff--=

e 32))) Listen and check your

answers to a and b.

p More family words

My wife's mother = my mother-in-
law; My sister's husband =
my brother-in-law, etc.
My mother's second husband =
my stepfather
My f ather's daughter from
another wife = my stepsister

d Cover the words. In pairs, ask and


Who'sJennifer.!.J <;,;.he's Richard's grandmother.

Who are Sue and Nick!.J 0,hey'reRichard'saunt and uncle.


Online Practice
Everyday activities VOCABULARY BANK

a Match the verbs and pictures.

Suzy Stressed
take a shower
have a coffee
do housework
start work ar 8:30
finish work at 6:30
get dressed
1 wake up at 7:00
have lunch at work
go shopping
go to bed late
have I2!zza for dinner
get home late
go to work by bus
watch TV and check ~mails
Henry Healthy
go to Italian classes
do Italian homework
1 get up at 8:00
have breakfast
go home early
walk to work
take the dog for a walk
sleep for eight hours
make dinner
take a bath
b 2 37 >)) Listen and check.

e In pairs, cover the phrases and

look at the pictures. A describe
Suzy's day. B describe Henry's
day. Then change roles.

p have
Have has two meanings.
1 For family and possessions,
e.g., I have three children.
He has a big house.
2 For activities, e.g., I have lunch
at 1:30. She has a coffee in
the afternoon.



a Match the watches and phrases. a Complete the expressions.
<;;!_ow often do you see your friends?

1 every /' day M, T, W, Th, F, S, S

2 every w week 1, week 2, week 3, etc.
3 every m [anuary, February, March, etc.
4 everyy 2001, 2002, 2003, etc.
5 once /w,\ns/ a only on Mondays
6 twice /t wais/ a on Mondays and
7 three times a on Mondays, Wednesdays,
and Frida ys
8 four times a in [anuary, April, [uly, and
b 2 46 >)) Listen and check.

e Cover the lefr-hand column. Test yourself.

a Match sentences 1-6 with a-f. What do the highlighted
It's It's six fifteen. / (a) quarter after six. words mean?
It's six o'clock. 1 D I always / ;)lwe1z/
1 get up at 7:00 during the week.
l Ir's lt's six forty-five. / (a) quarter to seven. 2 0 I often /1ofn/ go to the movies after work.
It's lt's six ten. /ten after six. 3 D I usually / yu3~li/ finish work at 6:00.

It's It's six fifty-five. / five to seven. 4 D I sometimes /'<;;AmtaJmL/ meet a friend for lunch.
It's It's six thirty five. / twenty-five to seven. S D 1 hardly ever /'hurdli 'evi»! go to the theater.
It's It's six-thirty. / half past six. 6 D 1 never / ncv;:ir/ have coffee.

lt's three minutes after six. a About seven or eight times a month.
It's It's six twenty. / twenty after six. b I start work at 8:00 every <lay.
b 2 24>)) Listen and check. c But on Fridays we stop ar 3:00.
d I don't like it.
prime e Only once or twice ayear.
You can ask for the time in two different ways:
f About once or twice a month.
What time is it? OR What's the time?
For times that are not multiples of five we use minutes, b 2 47))) Listen and check.
e.g., 6:03 = lt's three minutes after six.

e Cover the phrases. Ask and answer with a partner.

p normally
Normally is the same as usually. 1 normally get
up early 1 usually get up early.
What time is it_i2 ~s ...
e Cover sentences 1-6 and Jook at a-f. Can you
~p.26 remember the sentences?

d 48))) Listen and repeat the highlighted adverbs

of frequency.

-< p.32
Online Proctice
More verb phrases VOCABULARY BANK

a Match the verbs and pictures.

1 buy (a ticket) /bai/
3 call (your mom) /kol/
11dance (the tanBo) /deens/
4 draw (a picture) /dr'J/
9 drive (a car) /dra1v/
20 find (aparkinB space) /famd/

5 for~ (somebody's name) /far'get/

24give (somebody flowers) /91v/
15 hear (a noise) /hrr/
2 help (somebody) /hclp/
7 look for (your keys) /luk f ::>r/
23meet (Jora coffee) /mit/
17 paint (a picture) /pernt/
14play (chess) /ple1/
6 remember (somebody's name)
18 run (a race) lrAnl
12 see (a movie) /sil
22sing (a sonB) /stfJ/
16swim (in the ocean) /sw1m/
19 take (photos) /tcrk.'
10talk (to your teacher) /bk/

21tell (somebody a secret) /td/

8 use (a computer) /yu7J
13wait for (a bus) /wert f:)r/
b 54l)) Listen and check.

e Cover the verbs and look ar the

pictures. Test yourself ora partner.


The weather and dates
a Complete the chart with words from the list. a Complete the monrhs. Remember to use CAPITAL
cloudy /'k laodi/ hot /hut/ raining /ln::m11:J/ letters!
cold /koold/ snowing /'snornl)/ windy /'wmdi/ J.anuary _pril
A _uly
J _ctober
foggy Nagi/ fil!llIIY /'sAn i/ _ebruary
F _ay
M _ugust
A _ovember
- March - J une _eptember
S _ecember
What's the weather like?
b 3 29 >)) Listen and check.
tt's sunny. It's windy _
e Complete the numhers and words.
lst first /forst/
tt's hot _ tt's foggy _ 2nd second /'scbnd/
third /Odrd/
fourth /r:JrO/
tt's cloudy , cold fi f th /f 1 f()/
raining snowing 8th
llth ____
eleventh /11ll:V;)Jl0/
b 3 8>)) Listen and check.
12th twelfth /twdfO/
p Other adjectives for temperature
warm h.v::irm/ =a nice temperature, not y_filY- hot
thirteenth /00r'LinO/
fourtheenth/for'ti n0/
(opposite = cool /kul/] 20th twentieth /' L wcn ti~/
21st ____ first /twcnti 'Iorst/
e Cover the chart and look at rhe pictures. Ask and 22th twenty-second /t wenti 'sekond/
answer with a partner.
23rd twenty third/twcnti 'O;)rd/
What's the weather lik~ <;;!.'s sunny. 24th twenty-fourth /t wenti 'brO/
30th thirtieth /'fbrl i~/
The four seasons 31st thirty-first /O;;irt i 'forst/
d 3 9 >)) Match the words and pictures. Listen and check.
d 3 30 >)) Listen and check.

p Writing and saying the date

We write We say
March 12th fvlarch twelfth or the twelfth of fvlarch
1/22 January twenty-second or the twenty-
second of January
Prepositions with years, months, and dates
Use in+ years, e.g., The Ria Olympics are in 2016.
Use in+ months, e.g., fvly birthday's in February.
Use on +dates, e.g., The meeting is on Friday, September Sth.
Saying years
1807 eighteen "oh" seven
1936 nineteen thirty-six
3 spring /spno/ fall /bl/
4 2008 two thousand and eight (for years 2000-2010)
2011 two thousand and eleven OR twenty eleven
2 summer /'sAmdr/ 1
winter /'wmt;:ir/
e What's the weather like today? What season is it where e What's the date today? What's the date tomorrow?

you are? Whar year is it?

~p.40 ~p.46 Online Proctice


a Match the verbs and pictures.

2 by bus /by car/ by plane /ht..s/ /kur/

1 for a walk /w:>k/
8 home (fi·om school) /houm/
9 out (on Friday niBht) /aut/
6 shopping /'JaprlJ/
7 to a restaurant /'rcst;:irant/
8 to bed (late) /bed/ . ..
3 to church / to mosque / to temple
/t.f;:¡rtji' /mosk/ /1tcmpl/ ~-·· ...~~
. .
5 to the beach /bit.f/
11back (to work) /btek/
10 on vacation /ver'ketjn/
•••••••• •••••••••••• ••••• •••
17 a car/ a bike /kur/ /baik/
14 long hair /bo 'her/
18 breakfast / lunch / dinner
/1hrckfost/ /lt..ntJi' /'drmr/ ••••• •• • •••• • • •• • ••••••• •• • •••••••••• •••••••
15 a drink /drnJk/
16 a good time /gud taim/
13 a sandwich /'sccndwrtJi'
12 a sister / a brother /'s1stdr/ /'brt..();::ir/
••• • •••••• ••••••••••••••••
25 a newspaper (= buy) /'nuzpe1p;:ir/
21 a taxi/ a bus/ a train (= take)
/1tceksi/ /bt..s/ /t rein/
24 an ~mail /a letter (= receive)
imcrl/ /'lct;:ir/

22 dressed /dn:st/
23 home(= arrive) /hoom/
20 to the airport (= arrive) /'erp:>rt/ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

19 up (early)

3 61>)) Listen and check.

e Cover the expressions and look at the
pictures. Test yourself ora partner.

d Take turns saying three things you did

yesterday and three you did last week
~,~ ...
with went, had, or BOt.
( .Yesterday, I got up early. I had
~kfast in a cafe. I went shopping ... get

Online Proctice

Match the words and pictures 1-9.

16 a bathroom /'ha:0rum/
21 a bedroom /'bcdrum/
5 a dining room /1dam11J rum/
7 a gara~ /gg'rod:)i
8 a hall /hJI/
4 a kitchen /1k1t.f;:m/
6 a living room /'hvtt) rum/
1 a study / an office /'stAdi/ /'Jf-;,s/
9 a yard /yord/

Match the words and pictures 10-14.
11 a balcony /'breJkgni/
10 the ceiling /'silt!JI
12 the floor /f br/
14 the stairs /stcril
13 the wall /w-:JI/

a Match the words and pictures 15-31.

15 an armchair /urrntjer/
20 a bathtub /'breOtAb/
21 a bed /bcd/
22 a cupboard /'k"bgrd/
26 a fireplace /Tarorplcrs/
25 a lamp /lremp/
18 a light /lart/
30amirror /1m1r~r/
31 a plant /pla:nl/
24a refrigerator /a fridge
/rt'frtdgarertsr/ /f nd3/
alfombra 27a rug /ri\g/
estante 19 a shelf (shelves) /fdf/
17 a shower ;~·au;x/
28 a sofa / a couch /'soofo/ /kautJ/
estufa 23 a stove /stouv/
16 a toilet /1t:)1 l~t/
29 a washing machine /'wo.fnJ ma'[in/
b 4 12>)) Listen and check 1-3.
p Heat and central air conditioning
Heat is a system that makes a house
e Cover the words and look at the pictures. Test yourself ora partner.
warm, usually using an oil, gas, or ~p.62
electric furnace. Central air conditioning
is a system that makes a house cool.

place and movement

a Match the words and pictures.
2 in /m/
5 in front of /m Irxnt ·~w/
on Jan/
3 under l'And;:)r/
1 behind /bi'hamd/
7 between /bi't win/
8 across from /o'kros Irom/
6 next to /nekst tu/
4 cver /'oov'Jr/
b 4 21 >)) Listen and check.

e In pairs, ask and answer about

the pictures.
Where'sthe ghost.:(2

<;;:·s under the bed.

a Match the words and pictures.
5 from ... to /fr'Jm/ /tu/
6 into /'mtu/
3 out of /1aot -::JV/
2 up IAp/
4 clown /daun/
1 toward /t::>rcl/ hacia

b 4 22 >)) Listen and check.

e In pairs, ask and answer about

the pictures.
Where'sthe ghost goin~

( lt's going from the living room to


Online Practice




a Match the words and pictures.

Breakfast /'bn:kf~st/ Lunch/ dinner /IAnLJ/ /'dm~r/ Fruit /fruti
9 bread /brcd/ 20fish /f1J/ 36 ªpples /'rep)¿/
12 butter /1bAl8r/ 14 meat (steak, chicken, sausages) 35 bananas /ba'nrenaz/
8 cereal /'siri~I/ /mit/
31 oranges /1:mnd31L/
2 cheese /tJiL/ 13 (Qlive) oil h1ll 29 a pineapple /'pamrepl/
6 coffee /'kaf i/ 23 pasta /'past8/ 32 strawberries /'strJbcriz/
11 eggs legLI 22 rice /rais/ Desserts /di'zorts/
24salad /'srel;::id/
3 jam /d3rem/ 38 cake /kcik/
4 (orange) juice /d3us/ Vegetables /'ved3tdblL/ 34fruit salad /f rut 'seelod/
7 milk /rmlk/ 25carrots /'k<er0ts/ 30 ice cream /a1s 'krim/
10 sugar /'Jugdr/ 17 French fries /f'rcnt] f rars/ Snacks /sneeks/
1 tea /ti/ 16lettuce /'lct;:is/ 39candy /'krendi/
5 toast /toust/ 26 mushrooms /'mAJrnmLI
37 chocolate /'tJak l;.:it/
15onions l'Any;:inzl 33 cookies /'kukiz/
18 peas /piz/
28potato chips /po'tertoo tJ1ps/
21potatoes /po'tertooz/ 27sandwiches /'sccndw1tJ1z/
19 tomatoes /to'menooz/
b 4 29 >)) Listen and check.

e Cover the words and look at the pictures. Test yourself or a partner.
Places and buildings VOCABULARY BANK

a Match the words and pictures.

an art gallery /1urt gc.ek>ri/
a bridge /bnd3/
a bus station l'bAs steijn/
a castle /1kécsl/
a church /tJ;)rtJ/
a department store
/dr'portmont stor/
a hospital /'hasp1t1/
a market /'mark;::,t/
a mosque /mask/
a museum /myu'ziorn/
a J.2ªIking lot /'park1IJ lot/
a pharmacy Narm;:isi/
a police station /p;:i1lis steijn/
a post Qffice /'poust ofos/
a river /'nv'dr/
a road /rood/
a shopping mall /'Jap1IJ mol/
a square /skwer/
a street /strit/
a supermarket /'sup;)rmarbt/
a temple /'tcmpl/
a theater /'01;:,t;:,r/
1 a town hall /taon 'h;:,I/
a train station /'trem ste1Jn/

b 5 3 i)) Listen and check.

e Cover the words and look at

the pictures. Test yourself
ora partner.


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