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lA present tense verb be[±], subject pronouns: /, you, etc.

• Always use a subject pronoun (you, he, erc.) with a verb, e.g.,
[B = affirmative form Sl))
It's a school: N OT ls-tti-dw&l: They're teachers. N OT A1 e teache1 s.
Full form Contraction • Always use capital I, e.g., He's Mike andl'm Sally. NOT i!.m-SaHy.
1 am your teacher. l'm your teacher. With other pronouns only use a capital letter when it's the first word
You are in room 7. You're in room 7. in a sentence.
HeisMike. He'sMike. • you. = singular and plural.
She is Hannah. She's Hannah. • Use he for a man, she for a woman, and it for a thing.
It is a school. lt's a school. • Use they for people and things.
We are students. We're students.
Yo u are in Class 2. You're in Class 2. Contractions
They are teachers. They're teachers. • In contractions '=a missing letter, e.g., 'm = am.
• We use contractions in conversation and in informal wriring, e .g., an
email to a friend.

18 present tense verb be B and ITI ITI = question form

I'm not Brazilian. 1 23 l)) Are you
She isn't from Los Angeles. Is he/she/it American?
They arcn't Spanish. Arewe
Are you
Are you Peruvian? Yes, I am.
Are they
Is she South Korean? No, she isn't.
[Z] = affirmative [Z] = negative short
G = negative form short answer answer
Full form Contraction lam. l'mnot.
1 am not l'mnot you are. you aren't.
You are not You aren't he/ she lit is. he/ she / it isn't.
ltalian. Yes, No,
He/She/lt is not He I She / lt isn't we are. we aren't.
Spanish. you are. you aren't.
We are not We aren't
Mexican. they are. they aren't.
You are not You aren't
They are not They aren't
• In questions, put am, are, is, before Lyou, he, etc.
• Put not after the verb be to make negatives. Areyou Gertnan? NOT You me Ge1 man?
• You can also contraer are not and is not like this: Whereareyoufrom? NOT ~mm?-
You're not Italian. She's not Spanish. • Don't use contractions in affirmative short answers.
Are you Iranian? Yes, I am. N OT Yes, l'm.

lC possessive adjectives: my, your, etc. p it's or íts?

Be careful with it's and its.
l'm Chinese. My family is from Beijing. 4ll)) it's = it is /t's a school.
You're in level 1. This is your classroom. its = possessive /ts name is
fvlcQueen's Language School.
He's the director. His name is Michael.
She's your teacher. Her name is Tina.
lt's a school. lts name is McQueen's Language School.
Wc're an international school. Our students are from many different countries.
They're new students. Their narnes are David and Emrna.

• his = of a man, her = of a woman, its = of a tbing.

• their = of plural peo ple or things.
• Possessive adjectives don't change with plural nouns.
our students NOT OttrSStttdettts


lA b Write the sentences with contractions.

a Complete with am, is, orare. He is late. He's late.

1 lt is Friday.
2 They are in school.
1 We from Boston.
3 [ am very well.
2 He early.
4 You are in rny class.
3 They teachers.
4 Today Wednesday. e Wrire the sentences wirh a subject pronoun anda conrraction.
5 I sorry. Mike and Hannah are students. TheJ-'re students.
6 It a hotel. 1 John is in room 5.
7 You in room 402. 2 Sam and 1 are early.
8 She a student. 3 Julia is a teacher.
9 My name Carla. 4 The school is in Santiago.-------------------
10 I in a taxi.

18 e Complete the dia]ogue. Use contractions if

a Write the sentences in che negative.
A Hi. I'm Ma.rk.
She's Australian. She isn't Australian. B Hello, Mark. My name 1 __ Maria.
1 I'm American. A 2__ you Spanish, Maria?
2 They're Brazilian. B No. I __
3 from Mexico.
3 lt's in Sourh America. A 4__ you from Mexico City?
4 You're French. B No. [ 5__ from Tijuana.
b Make questions and shorr answers. A 6__ Tijuana near Mexico City?
/ you Russian? III AreJ!_ouRussian? [Z] Yes, J am. B No, it 7_ . Ir 8 _in che north.

1 / I in room 10? III ? [Z] _ A 9__ you a student?

2 / it J talian? III ? 0 ------- B No. I __
10 a teacher.
3 / they students? 11] ? 0 ------- ~p.7
4 /he from the US? 11] ? (Z] _
5 / you sure? 11] ? (KI _

lC b ~rhecorrectword.

a Complete the sentences with a possessive adjective. Mark and Simon are friends.@)Theirare in class 2.
1 She's a new student. She [Her name's Carla.
MJ!. name's Darly. I'm from Brazil.
2 Is they / their teacher British?
1 The students are from Italy. __ names are Susanna
3 My name's Soraya. T'm in you Jyour class.
and Tito.
4 Where are you/your friends from?
2 She's in my class. __ name is Rebecca.
5 We're Frene h. We / Our na mes are Marc and Jacques.
3 We're iJ1 class 2. __ teacher is Richard.
6 Is she [her Japanese?
4 London is famous for __ parks.
7 Peter is a teacher. He/ His is from Ca nada.
5 How do you spell lasr name, Anna?
8 What's he/ his name?
6 This is my teacher. __ name is Brad.
9 I'm Karen. I / My last name is White.
7 I'm from Boston. _ address is 31 Kent Road.
10 She /Her is from Seoul.
8 Sit clown and open __ books, please.
9 Laura is in my class. __ desk is near the window. ~p.9
10 We're fromBeijing. __ last name is Wong.

Online Proctice
2A a I an, plurals; this I that I these I those irregular plurals

Singular Plural
a/ an, plurals
a man /mren/ men /rncn/
It's a bag. 52>)) a woman /women/ women /wiman/
It's an umbrella. a child /LJaild/ children /'tf1 ldran/
a person /'p;irsn/ people /1pipl/
They're books.
They're watches.
this / that / these / those

a I an (indefinite article)

an ID card.

• Use a/ an with singular nouns.

1 What's this? It's a ticket. 1 57>))
• Use an with a noun beginning with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u).
These watches are [apanese.
• Use a with nouns beginning u when u= lyu/, e.g., university. 2 That car is Italian.
regular plurals What are those? They're headphones.

Singular Plural Spelling

a book books add -s
a key keys
a watch watches add -es after ch, sh, s, x
a box boxes
a country countries consonant +y > ies
a dictionary dictionaries
1 Use this / these for things near you (here).
• Add -s (or -es or -ies) to make plural nou ns: 2 Use that / those for things which aren't near you (there).
Tt's a pen. They'repens. • this / that = singular; these / those = plural.
• Don't use a/ an with plural nouns: • this, that, these, and those can be adjectives (this watch) or
They're keys. NOT 1-h-ey!re-a-keys: pronouns (What's this?).

28 adjectives I When we use an adjective with a noun, the adjective goes before the noun:
It's a biB house. NOT h's a house big.
Adjectives don't change befare a plural noun: They're bluejeans.
1 The White House is in the US. 1 63l))
They're blue jeans.
NOT F.heft~ 0-
2 \Ve can also use adjectives without a ~
2 He's strong. noun, after the verb be. [§]~~, "

It isn't easy.
3 We often use very befare adjectives: ~
Is it American?
3 It's a very big city. a He's very tall.
She's really small. b He'stall. l.}
e He isn't very tall.
,, .... ~

2C imperatives, let's 1 Use imperarives to give orders or instructions.

• [+] imperarives = verb (base form).
[-] imperatives = don't + verb (base forrn).
1 Open the door, Turn right. 1 71l))
• Add please to be polite: Open the door, please.
Don't worry. Don't stop.
Be quiet, please. Please sit down. • We often use be+ adjective in imperatives: Be quiet, Be careful, etc.
2 Let's go home. Let's wait. • Don't use a pronoun with imperatives: Be quiet.

2 Use Let's + verb (base forrn) to make suggestions.
Use Let's not + verb to make a negative suggestion: Let's not wait.

2A e Complete the dialogues with this, these, that, or those.

a Complete with a oran. Write rhe plural. == Teacher What's1

singular plural
ª photo photos
Jenny It's an iPod.
Teacher And what are
1 __ city 2 , Jenny?
2 email Jenny They're
3 __ person headp hones.
4 box Teacher Give them to me,
5 __ woman please, Jenny.
b Write semences with It'sor They're (anda oran if necessary).
Boy 1 Who's3
pen lt's a pen. man over there?
buses They're buses.
Boy2 He's my father.
1 children
Boyl And are 4
2 change purse your dogs?
3 men Boy2 Yes, they are.
4 umbrella Boyl Wow!
5 sunglasses
~p.12 ~p.13

28 b Put the words in the right order.

a Underline the adjectives in these sentences. is Chinese he ? Ts he Chinese?
1 a day very it's hot
He's a rich man.
2 your Australian is teacher?
1 They're Japanese tourists.
3 car fast isn't that very
2 It's an international school.
4 a idea bad it's
3 That isn't the right answer.
5 a are student you good?
4 We're good friends.
6 easy is English very
5 Hi, Anna. Nice to meet you.
7 strong my is brother very
6 Those animals are dangerous.
8 watch expensive is this an
7 This is a big country.
8 My phone is very cheap. ~p.14

2C b Complete with Let's and a verb from the list.

a Complete with a verb from the list. Use a El ora[] imperative. clase go open sit down stop turn off

be go have open park read speak take turn on worry It's hot. Let's or-en the window.
1 Come on. _
A It's hot. B Open the window.
2 Ir's late. the TV and go to bed.
A ['m very sorry B Don't won;y. Ir isn't a problem.
3 l'mtired. _
1 A I'm bored. B the TV.
4 It's very cold in here. the window.
2 A No entiendo. B This is an English class. Please Spanish.
5 There's a service station. and have
3 A I'm tired. B It's late. to bed. acoffee.
4 A Is chis book good? B No, ir isn't. it.
5 A I'm hungry. B a sandwich. ~p.17

6 A Look at those animals. B careful. They're dangerous.
7 A It's raining. B an urnbrella.
8 A Where is our hotel? B It's over there. here.
Online Practice
3A simple present [±] and B • Contractions: don't =do not, doesn't = does not.
• To make negatives use don't / doesn't + verb (base form).
He doesn't work. N OT Huvesn+ut&rks-:
Americans like fast food. y 4 l))
They Iive in houses with yards. spelling rules for he! shel it
My husband works from 9:00 to 5:00. 1 work I play I live. He works I plays I lives.
Ann has three children.
1 watch I finish I go Ido. She watches I finishes I goes I does.

m 1 study. She studies.

1work. 1 don't work. • The spelling rules for the he f she f it forms are the same as for
You work. You don't work. the plurals (see Grammar Bank 2A p.126).
He/ SheI lt works. He I She/ lt doesn't work.
We work.
You work.
We don't work.
You don't work. p Be caref ul with sorne he I she I it forms
1 have He has NOT He haves
They work. They don't work.
1 go He goes /gouz/
• We use the simple present for things that are generally 1 do He does /cL\7/
true or that habitually happen. 1 say He says /sr:.z/

38 simple present [1J p doand does

do= /clu/, does = /dAz/
Do you work in an office? No, I don't. ~ 14l)) Do and does can be:
Does she work outside? Yes, she does. 1 the auxiliary verb to make simple present
questions. Do you speak English? Does she
live here?
ITl 2 a normal verb. Ido my homework in the
Do 1 work? Ido. ldon't. evening. He does housework every day.
Do you work? you do. you don't.
Does he I she /it work? he /she lit does. he /she lit doesn't. • The word order for simple present questions is
Yes, No,
Dowework? wedo. we don't. auxiliary (do, does ), subject (I,you, he, she, etc.),
Doyou work? you do. you don't.
base form (work, live, etc.).
Do they work? they do. they don't.

• Use do (or does with he, she, it) to make questions.

3C word arder in questions j) Word order in be questions

Remember the word arder in
Question word f phrase Auxiliary Subject Base form of verb 2 20l)) questions with be. Put be befare
the subject. Where are you from?
Do you live near here? What's your name? Is he Japanese?

Does your mother work?

What do you do?
----- - - -- - . - - --- - -----
Where <loes he live?
How many children do yo u have?
---- ---
What kind of music does she like?
How do yo u spell your last name?

• The word order for simple present questions with do and does
is auxiliary, subject, base form, e.g., Do you live here? OR
question word, auxiliary, subject, base form, e.g., Where do you live?
• We often use question phrases beginning with What, e.g., What color ... ?
What size ... ? What make ... ? What time ... ?, etc.

3A b Complete che sentences with a

[B or []verb.
a Change the sentences.
My mom drinks coffee. I drink: coffee, eat have listen play read
speak stmly wear work
1 I go to the movies. She
2 vVeUve in an apartmenr. He [B They study economics.
3 She has two children. They 1 [] Pedro in an office.
4 My dad doesn't like cats. I 2 [B Eva books in English.
5 The stores close at 9:30 p.m. The supermarket 3 [±:] You Arabic very well.
6 We don't study French. My sister 4 [] I games onmy phone.
7 I do housework. My husband 5 [±:] Paolo glasses.
8 Iwant a guitar. Myson 6 [B We to music on the bus.
9 [ don't work on Saturdays. My friend 7 [] They fast food.
10 Our classes finish at 5 o'clock. Our English class 8 [B Julia two children.

38 b Make questions.

a Complete the questions with do or does. A She works at night. B Does she work on the weekend?
A I don't play the guitar. B Doyouplay the piano?
Do you work with a cornpurer?
1 A He likes sports. B tennis?
1 she have any qualifications?
2 A She speaks foreign languages. B Chinese?
2 you speak a foreign language?
3 A I don't eat fasr food. B pizzas?
3 [arnie play the guitar?
4 A They cook Italian food. B
4 you like Mexican food?
5 A Teresa doesn't live in an apartment. B in
5 you study another language? a house?
6 school children wear a uniform? 6 A I want a new phone. B an iPhone?
7 your dad cook? 7 A My dad drives a Ferrari. B fast?
8 people in your country work
long bours? <p.22

3C b Complete the questions,

a Order the words to make quesrions. What'syourname?My name'sAndrew.

l How many children ? Three, rwo girls anda boy.
you live where do? Where do you live?
2 What kind of movies ? He likes science-fiction
1 phones how man y do you have? movies.
2 interesting is job it an? 3 Where ----- ? We're from New York.
3 you drinkhow do coffeemuch? 4 What your father ? He's a lawyer.
4 brorher your where from is ? 5 What kind of food ? 1 like [apanese food.
5 you with work computers do? 6 Where ? She works in an office.
6 read of what do kind you magazines? 7 Where ? Our apaxrment is near the mall.
7 do what does weekend he ou the?
8 How many foreign languages ? I speak French
8 want you do drink another? and Spanish.
9 your where does sister live? 9 When to the gym? I go on Mondays, Wednesdays,
10 do how that you say English in? and Fridays.
1O How old ? I'm 21.

Online Proctice
4A Whose... ?, possessive 's 3 We use Whose ... ? to ask about possessions.
We can ask Whose is this baB? OR Whose baB is this?
You can answer It's Maria's baB· OR It's Maria's.
1 He's George Clooney's father. 31 )))
4 We don't usually use a tbing + 's, e.g., the end of the movie
It's James's house.
NOT the movie's end, the city park: NOT the city's park.
2 They're my parents' friends.
3 Whose bag is this? It's Maria's.
4 The end of the movie is fantastic.
p·s Be careful with 's. lt can be two things:
I live near the city park. /vlaria's mother ('s = of Maria)
/vlaria's Spanish ('s is)
l We use 's with a person to talk about family and possessions: Whose / Who's
George Clooney's mother NOT -the-moth-er-offuorBe-Gfocmey =
Who's Who is, e.g., Who's that girl? She's my síster.
2 We uses' not 's with regular plural nouns, e.g., Whose = of who, e.g., Whose is this bag? lt's Jack's.
They 're my parents' [riends. N OT Pltefte-my-parentlsfriemls-: Whose and Who's are pronounced the same.
• With irregular plural nouns, e.g., children, men, use 's:
the children's room, men's clothes.

48 prepositions: (at, in, on, to)

Time Movement and place

in on at ~42))) I He goes to work at 8:00. 2 43>))

2 He has lunch at work.
the morning Monda y three o'clock
He works in an office.
the afternoon Tuesday (morning) noon / midnight
the evening the weekend lunchtime
the summer night l We use to for movement or direction: She BOes to the Bym.
NOT Shegoesatthegym.
• We use in for parts of the <lay and seasons. We don't use to befare home: Bº home NOT go to home
• We use on far days and the weekend. 2 We use at and in for position.
• We use at far times of the day and niBht. • We use ai + work, home, school.
• We use in+ other places: an apartmeru, an office, a room, etc.
p Other uses of in and on • We can use in or at with some public places: a restaurant, the
We also use in with months and years. movies, etc.
e.g., in December, in 2015 On Saturdays he usually has lunch in/ata restaurant.
We also use on with dates.
e.g., on January 1
(See Grammar Bank 7A p.136)

4C adverbs and expressions of frequency

1 We use adverbs of frequency to say how often you do something.
1 I always have toast far breakfast. ~ 49 >))
Do you usually go to work by bus? • Adverbs of frequency go befare all main verbs (except be).
She doesn't oftcn go to the movies. after be.
They're sometimes late. • Use a [+] verb with never and hardly e ver. He never smokes.
She hardly ever watches TV. NO T H-e-doesnlt-neversmoke:
He is never stressed. • In negative sentences, the adverb of frequency goes between don't / doesn't
and the verb.
2 I have English classes twice a week.
2 Expressions of frequency usually go at the end of a senrence or verb phrase.
She doesn't work cvery day.


a ~ the correct form.
Monica Cruz is~ sister's Penelope Cruz.
1 It's my mother's birthday / my birtliday's mother.
2 That's her house's parents [her parents' house.
3 ['m ti red when 1 go home at the end of the day / the day's end.
4 Those are[riends' my sister / my sister's friends.
5 That's Anne's baB f Annes' ba8·
6 Those are the students' desks / the student's desks.
b Look at the pictures. Answer the questions with a short sentence.
Whose is the laptop? lt's Bill's. 3 Whose are the magazines? _
l Whose are the cars? 4 Whose is the watch? _
2 Whose is the wallet? 5 Whose are the glasses? _
e Complete with Whose or Who's.
Whose car is this? Who's the man with dark hair?
1 book is this? 4 Kevin's girlfriend?
2 keys are these? 5 bag is this?
3 your favorite singer? 6 their English teacher?

48 b Complete with to, at, in, or - .

a Complete witb in, on, or at. \Ve go to school by bus. They get-=-- home late.
1 Sorry, John's nor here. He's __ at work.
2 It's a great day, Let's go __
to the beach,
1 in the evening
3 Laura's husband works __in an office.
2 September 22nd
4 My brother studies math __at the University of Chicago.
3 in the summer
5 I go __to the gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
4 at 7:30
6 What time do you go __ - home?
5 at night
7 We live __ in an apartment.
6 on Monday mornings
8 lt's Monday. The children are __at school.
7 on the weekend
9 My father's a doctor. He works __at a hospital.
8 in January
10 Jack isn't __at the store. He's on vacation. ~ p. 31

4C b Order tbe words to make sentences.

a Put the adverb or expression of frequency in the right place.

always she at six up gets
She always Bets up at six.
They drive - they don't have a car. never for late never 1 am class I am never late for class
They never drive- they don't have a car.
2 eat ever fast hardly we food We ever eat fast food
1 Do you wear glasses? usually I usually wear glasses
3 what work you usually time do finish ?
2 I'm bored. hardly ever I'm hardly ever bored
4 parents radio often the my listen don't to
3 She <loes housework. sometimes She sometimes does housework
5 always brother lunchtime is my hungry ar
4 We go to the movies. once a week We once a week go to the movies _
Why are you always late? 6 don't homework always our we do
5 Why are you late? always
I every day walk to work
7 you work every day to do drive ?
6 1 walk to work. every day
8 hardly teacher angry is our ever Our teacher is

7 My friend is stressed. never My friend is never stressed
What time do you usually finish work? hardly ever angry
8 Does it rain in the winter? often Does it often rain in the winter? ~p.32 My parents don't often listen the radio

My brother is always hangry at lunchtime

Online Practice
We don't always do our homework Do you every day drive to
SA can I can't ill G
l/You/ swim. l/You/ swim.
1 1 can sing, but 1 can't dance. 58 l)) He/She/lt/ can come. He/She/lt/ can't come.
We/They help. We/They help.
2 1 can come 011 Tuesday, but 1 can't come 011
3 You can parkhere. You can't park there.
11] 0 0
4 Can you help me? Can 1 open the window? 1/you/ swim? 1/you/ 1 /you /
he/she/ come? he/she/ he/she/
Can Yes, can. No, can't.
it/we/ help? it/we/ it/we/
• can + base form of verb has different meanings: they they they
1 J can= J know how to.
saber hacer
(habilidades)J can't = I don't know how to. • can and can't are the same for all persons (1,you, he, etc.). NOT He catts:
poder 2 I can= It's possible forme. • Contraction: can't = cannot.
(posibilidades)I can't = It's impossible forme. • Don't use to after can.
permitido 3 You can= It's OK / It's permitted. I can swim, NOT fcem-to-svmn:
You can't = lt's not OK / lt's not permitted.
pedir favor 4 Can you ... ? = Please do it.
pedir permiso Can 1 ... ? = Is it OK ifl do it?

58 present continuous: be+ verb + -ing rn 0 0

Ami lam. l'mnot.
They're having a party in apartment 4. 4l)) Are you you are. you aren't.
Oh, no! The baby's crying. Is he/she/it having he / she lit is. he/she I it
Yes, No,
Arewe a party? we are. isn't.
It's raining. Are they they are. we aren't.
A What are you doing? they aren't.
B l'm waiting for my brother.
spelling rules for the -ing form
• \Ve use the present continuous for things that are baseform verb + -ing spelling 1
happening now. cook cooking add -ing
• We also use the present continuous with longer periods study studying
of time, e.g., today, thís week,
dance dancing ~+-ing
l'm workinB at home this week because my dauBhter's
not feelinB well. shop shopping one vowel + one consonant =
double consonant +-ing

l'm l'mnot
You're You aren't
He/She/lt 's He/ She / lt isn't having a party.
We're We aren't
They're They aren't

se simple present or present continuous? • We often use the present continuous with riBht
now, today, this week.

simple present present continuous 3 12l)) p What do you do? or What are you doing?
A What do you do?(= What's your job?)
-~y~~~ter ~~r~s in~ ~an~_: _ Today
- -
home. -
B /'m a teacher.
What do you usually wear to work? What are you wearing now? A What are you doing? (= now, at the moment)
It rains a lot here in the spring. Look! It's raining. B /'m waiting for a friend.

• We use the simple present to say what we usuallv do, or things that are
normally true.
• We often use the simple present with adverbs and expressions of

frequency, e.g., always, often, once a week, etc.
• We use the present continuous to say what is happening now .

SA b Complete the sen ten ces with can or can't and the verbs.

a Rewrire rhe semences using the correct form of can I'm sorry. I can't remember your name. (remember)
or can't. 1 She can speak French, but not Spanish. (speak)
2 Can you help me? These bags are
Iknow how to play the piano. Ican play thepiano.
very heavy. (help)
Ir's possible for her to meet me after work.
She _ 3 I can't see you tonighr. I'm very busy, (see)
can meet me after work
4 can I close che window? It's cold in here. (close)
2 Please open the <loor.
Can you open the door , please? 5 Can you repeat your address, please? (repeat)
3 My boyfriend doesn't know how to ski. 6 It says "No parking". We can't stop here. (stop)
My boyfriend can't ski _ 7 Andy doesn't want to go to the beach because
4 Is it OK ifl use your car? he can't swim . (swim)
I ----------~
use your car ? 8 Can J use your phone? I want to call my dad. (use)
5 Ir isn't possible for us to come to your parry. ~p.36
VVe can't come to your party ~

58 b Put the verbs in parentheses in che present conrinuous.

a Write a question and answer. A (On the telephone) Hi, Frank. It's Tina.
B Hello, Tina. It's good to hear from you. Where are you?
; () ~I -
~I//< .... A I'm here in Boston. I'm on vacation, so I'm visiting (visir) my
parents. T 1 'm staying (stay) with them all this week. They're
~_ Ai1v'íi\ ~·· ~'
·I~ ~-& retired. Right now they 2 're working(work) in che yard and I 3 'm sitting

(sit) in the sun. And you, Frank? What 4 are you doing these
8J days? (do)
_;.~ b B Is 'm looking(Iook) for a job.
ti A Good luck! What about your parents. How are they?
What's she doinB? She's crying~ B Fine. My mom 6 's learning(learn) to drive! She 7 isn't enjoying
enjoy) it much because she's very nervous. Right now, she
! What's he doing?? He's cooking _
2 What're they doing? They're watching tv _
s 's making(make) dinner and my dad 9 's helping(help) her.
He's playing basketball A It's grear to talk to you, Frank. Can we meet?
3 What he doing? ?
What's he doing? He's barking
B Yes. Let's have dinner tonight.
4 ~ --------~
5 What're they doing?
? ---------
They're singing ~p.39

se b Put the verbs in parentheses in the simple present or

present continuous.
a ~ the correct form.
Look. It's 1·aininB· (rain)
A \Vhat do you cook /~ I'm really hungry. 1 A Hi, Sarahl What are you doing here? (do)
B Spaghetti. We can eat in ten minutes. B I 'm waiting for a friend. (wait)
1 A Hello. Is Martín at home? 2 A Let's have lunch. Do you like _
B No, he plays / ne's playinB soccer with his friends. harnburgers? (like)
2 A Do your parents live /Are your parents livínB near here? B No, sorry. l'm a vegetarían. T don't eat meat. (not eat)
B Yes. They have [are havinB an aparrment in che same 3 A Listen! Theneighbors are having a party again. (have)
building as me. B They have a party every weekend! (have)
3 A How often do you 8º / areyou BoinB to the hair stylist? 4 A What are your husband doing ? (do)
B About once a month. When I think / l'm thinkinB my B He's a teacher. He is working at the local school. (work)
hair's too long.
5 A Hi, Lisa. Where are you going ? (go)

4 A Don't makea noise! Your father sleeps/issleepinB!
B To the gym. I go to the gym every evening. (go)
B Is he OK? He doesn't usually sleep / isn't usually sleeping
in the afternoon. ~p.41
Online Proctice
6A object pronouns: me, you, him, etc. • Pronouns take the place of nouns.
• We use subject pronouns when the noun is the subjectof a verb (i.e., the
person who does the action): John is a doctor. He lives in Chicago.
subject object 3 21 l))
• We use object pronouns when the noun is the object of a verb (i.e., the
pronouo pronoun
person who receives the action): Anna meets John. She invites him to
I me Can you belp me? a concert.
yo u yo u Iknowyou. • Object pronouns go after
he him She isn't in love with him. the verb:
she her He calls her every day. Llove you. NOT fyou love.
it it I don't like it.
• \Ve also use object pronouns
vve us Waitforus!
after prepositions (with, to,
they them Call them this evening.
from, etc.):
Listen to me! I'm in lave with.
her. NOT I'm in love withshe.
He laves her, but she doesn't lave him.

68 like (+ verb + -ing) • We use verb + -inB after like, love, don't mind, and hate.
spelling rules for the -ingform
- - - -

11 11
\J Ilove shopping. 3 34l)) baseform verb + -ing spelling
\J l like going to the movies. caak caaking add -ing
study studying 1
I don'tmind gettingup early.
dance dancing ~+-ing
r>. I don't like doing housework. shap shapping ane vawel + ane cansanant =

11 11
Ihatc driving at night. double consanant + -ing
" r>. 1

6C be or do?
be do! does
f) do as a main verb
Remember, we also use do as a
1 Hi. I'm Jim. 3 36 l)) Do you speak English? 3 37l))
main verb.
She isn't very friendly. Where do thev live?
l'm doing my homework.
Are you Brazilian? They don't have children.
Ooes he do the housewark?
2 I can't talk. I'm driving. Does your sister have a job?
They aren't working toda y. What does your father do?
Is it raining? Alan doesn't like jazz.

1 We use be as a main verb. • We use do/ does and don't / doesn't to

2 We also use be to form the present make questions and negatives in the
continuous. Be here is an auxillary verb. simple present.
• Remember the word order for simple
present questions: auxiliary, subject,
base form OR question word,
auxiliary, subject, base form.
(See Grammar Bank 3C p.128) .


6A b Complete rhe sentences with a subject pronoun (l, he, erc.) or

objecr pronoun (me, hirn, ere.).
a Change the highlighted words ro object
prono u ns. J ohn is American. He lives in California w ith his parents. He
argues with them a lot.
Icall my mother once a week.
I call her once a week. 1 Susan has a big apartrneut. She likes it a lot. \Ve often
visit her on Sundays because she invites us for lunch.
1 I can't find my wallet. 2 I am very happy with my neighbors. They often help me _
I can't find it
with my children. They often take them to school when I'm
2 She speaks to her father in Japanese. working.
She speaks to him in Japanese 3 Mark loves Ruth, but she doesn't love him . He calls her _
3 He meets his friends after work. every day, but she doesn't want to speak to him _
He meets them after work
4 My brother has two dogs. He takes them for a walk twice a
4 Can you help my friend and 111e? day. I don't like them very much because they bark at me _
Can you help us
5 We often take my grandfather sorne magazines, but he _
5 Paulo is in love with his girlfriend. never reads them he watches TV all day and never
her turns it off.
6 My son doesn't like cats.
My son doesn't like them .1111( p.44

68 b Write sentences about Bob with love,

not like, like, not mind, or luue and a verb.
a Write tbe -in& form of the verbs in the chart, 11 11
<:» <:» in-en offiee a computer
come cook dance eat get have 11
<:» the newspaper housework
run sleep stop study swim wFite 11
lunch at work home late
work > working cooking ~ tennis to the movies

~ ~ TV music
sleeping studying
live > living vaitlng He laves workin[J in an office.
dancing 1 He loves using a computer 6 ~-----------
He doesn't like playing tennis
2 He doesn't going to the movies
He likes reading the newspaper 7 ------------
shop > shopping getting running 3 He likes doing housework 8 He hates watching tv _
stopping swimming 4 He doesn't mind having lunch at9work _
He hates listening to music
5 He doesn't mind coming home late
.1111( p.47

6C b Complete the dialogues with do/ does or am /is/ are.

a Put the phrases in the correct column. A Do you speak Spanish? B Yes, but I don't speak it very well.
1 A Where is Gemma going? B She is going to the gym.
huRgfY like heavy metal tired 2 A you live in a house?
B Yes, butit doesn't have a yard.
waiting for a friend stressed
have a car speak Spanish 3 A Does Matt like shopping? B He doesn't mind it.
listening to me know those people 4 A Why are you crying? B Because I am feeling sad.
5 A Does your boyfriend cook? B Yes. He is making dinner now.
Are you ...? Do you ...?
6 A Are you busy? B Yes. We are doing our homework.
Like heavy metal 7 A How old is your father? B He's 66, but he doesn't want to retire.
tired speak Spanish
waiting for a friend 8 A Are you watching TV? B No. I am playing a video game .
have a car
know those people .1111( p.48
Listening to me
Online Proctice
7A simple past of be: was I were El [:]
1 I He I She I lt 1 was there. 1 I He I She I lt 1 wasn't there.
President Reagan's wife was an actress. 3 44>)) You / We / They were there. You / We /They weren't there.
She wasn't in class yesterday. Was she sick?
The Beatles were famous in the 1960s. 11] 0 0
Where were you last night? You weren't at home. Was l/he/she~ Yes, 1 was. No, 1 wasn't.
Were you ¡ we ¡ famous? Yes, you were. No, you
• We use was / were to talk about the past. they weren't.
• We often use was / were with past time expressions,
e.g., yesterday, last niéit, in 1945, etc.
• We use was / were with born: I was born in Vietnam.

78 simple past: regular verbs E] G

l/You/ worked l/You/ didn't work
I played tennis this morning. 3 53>)) He/She/lt/ yesterday. He /She/ lt/ yesterday.
We/They We/They
We watched a good movie on TV last night.
My grandfather lived in Sáo Paulo when he was young.
I studied Korean when I was at school. rn IZI 0
1/ 1/ 1/
you/ you/ you/
• We use the simple past for finished actions in the past.
he/ he/ he/
spelling rules for regular verbs Did she/ Yes, she/ did. No, she/ didn't.
it/ it/ it/
baseform past spelling l we/ we/ we/
watch watched add-ed they they they
play played
• Contraction: didn't = did not.
live lived add-d
- • Regular verbs in che past El end in -ed,
stop stopped one-syllable verbs: one vowel e.g., worked, lived,played.
+ one consonant = double
consonant • The simple past is the same for all persons (I,you, she, etc.).

study studied
consonant +y > ied
• Use auxiliaries did I didn't + base form for simple past and rn G.
Did is the past of do.

7C simple past: irregular verbs • Use the irregular pase forrn only in E] senten.ces:
I saw a movie last niBht.
• Use che base forro a fter did / didn't:
I went to Canada last month. 3 59 >))
I didn't go to Toronto. Did you see a movie lastniBht? NOT -Bid~
Did you go to Montreal? I didn't Bº out last niBht. N OT I didn't went ...
• Rernember the word order in questions:
auxiliary, subject, base form, e.g., Did you Bº out last niBht? or
base form past [+l pastFl question word, auxiliary, subject, base forro, e.g., Where did you Bº?
go went didn't go • There is a list of irregular verbs on page 165.
have had didn't have
didn't get
didn't teach
p could
hear heard didn't hear
Past of can = could.
feel felt didn't feel G = couldn't NOT diefflrt-e-afl
lea ve left didn't leave [1J = Could you ... ? NOT Did-you-ca~?.
tose lost didn't lose
meet met didn't meet
see saw didn't see
wear wore didn't wear
speak spoke I didn't speak

do did didn't do

7A b Complete the dialogues with was, wasn't,

were, OT weren't.
a Complete rhe simple past senrences with was / wasn't or
were / weren't.
A Were you and Miguel at the concert last night?
B Yes, we1 were
simple present simple past 2
A Was itgood?
My father's a painter. My grandfather was a painter, too.
B No, it 3 wasn't• The singer 4 was terrible.
1 Today is Monday. Yesterday was Sunday.
A 5 Were the tickets expensive?
2 Where are you now? Where were you yesterday?
B Yes, rhey 6 were _
3 I'm in Brazil. I was in Peru last month.
it hot yesterday? A Where 7 was your mother bom?
4 Is it hor today? Was
The cafe isn't open now. B She was
9 born in Argentina in 1955.
5 lt wasn't open this morning.
My neighbors aren't at home. They weren´t at home yesterday. A Were
9 her parents Argentinian?
B No, they weren't• Her father 11 was _
7 We're in Tokyo now. We were in Kyoto yesterday.
German and her mother 12 was from
8 They're tired. They were ti red last week.
the US.

78 b Complete the sentences with a verb in the

simple past.
a Rewrite the sentences in che simple past with yesterday.
Present Past not call cry dance fiAish not listen play
Iwatch TV. I watched TVyes...t~ \Vefinished work late yesterday.
1 We study English. studied 1 r didn't call my mother on her birthday.
2 Do you listen to the news? Did...? _ 2 The movie was very sad. Did _
3 He doesn't cook dinner. Didn't yo u cry ?
4 Does sbe play sports? Did 3 My brother plaied video games ali
5 They work late. Worked day yesterday.
6 I use the Internet ar work. used 4 1 didn't listento the news chis morning

7 She talks to her friends. because 1 was late.

8 My brother doesn't dance. didn't _ 5 Did Sarah dance with Martín at
the party?
--e: p.54

7C e Correct the information using the word in

a Complete rhe text with the verbs in paremheses in the simple past.
They got home at midnight. (11 p.m.)
Last weekend, I went (go) to New York City with sorne friends. We They didn't {Jet home atmidniBht. They Bºt
met (meet) ar rhe train station ar 7:30 a.m. Our train 2 left _
homeat 11.
(leave) at 7:45 a.m. in che morning, we 3
bought (buy) sorne l She wore a red dress. (blue)
souvenirs. Then, we 4
had (have) lunch ata Chinese restaurant.
In the evening, we 5 saw (see) a play at Lincoln Center. We 6__got
2 1 left work early. (late)
(get) home very late that night. We all 7 felt (feel) very ti red but
very happy,
3 \Ve went by train. (bus)
b Complete the questions in the simple past.
Didyou 8º out last night? Yes, I did. 4 He lost his cell phone. (wallet)
1 What did you wear? ? 1 wore jeans.
2 Where did you meet your friends? We met in a cafe. 5 You hada sandwich. (salad)
3 What time did you go at home
? We got home late.
4 How time did you gohome? We went home by taxi. -< p.57
5 Did you have a good time? Yes, we hada great time.
Online Proctice
SA simple past: regular and irregular verbs 1 The past of be is was/were. We add not to make
negatives and invert the subject and verb to
make questions.
1 be 4 11>)) 2 Regular verbs add -ed or -din che simple past [:±],
[:±] I was born in Japan. e.g., like-liked, want-wanted.
They were late for class yesterday. 3 Irregular verbs change their form in the simple
G She wasn't at home last night. past [:±], e.g., BO-went, see-saw.
You weren't very nice to her. • Regular and irregular verbs (except can) use:
[1J Were you sick yesterday?
-didn't +base fonnto make negatives, e.g., I didn't
When was he born?
like it. She didn't see him.
2 regular verbs - did + subject +base form to make questions, e.g.,
E] Ireally liked the present. Did you want to come? Where did she go?

She wanted to be a doctor.
G She didn't enjoy the concert. can/could
They didn't arrive until very late. The past of can is could. We add not to
[1J Did you watch the game last night? make negatives (1 couldn't find my glasses.)
When did you finish the book? and reverse the subject and verb to make
questions (Could you use your cell phone on
3 irregular verbs the mountain?).
E] I went to Seoul last summer.
She slept on the sofa.
G He didn't come home last night.
They didn't hear the music. heard
[1J Did you speak to your sister yesterday? spook
Where did you have lunch?

88 there is/ there are, sorne/ any +plural nouns a/ an, sorne and any
• We often use there is/ there are witb
a/ an, sorne, and any.
Singular Plural 4 16>))
• Use sorne and any with plural nouns.
[:±] Thcre's a garage. Therc are sorne pictures on the wall. Some =notan exact number.
[:] There isn't aswimming pool. There aren'tany planes in the room. • Use some in[:±] sentences and any in[:]
ITl Is therc a bathroom downstairs? Are thcre any neighbors with children? and[l].
0 Yes, there is. Yes, there are.
0 No, there isn't. No, there aren't. p There is or lt is?
Be careful. There is and lt is are
there is I there are different.
• We use there is/ there are to say that somebody or something exists. We use there is+ There's a key on the table. lt's the
key to the kitchen.
a singular noun and there are+ plural nouns.
• There is is often contracted to There's. There are is not usually contracted.
• When we talk about a list of things, we use there is if the first word in the list is
singular or there are if the first word in the líst is plural:
In my bedroom, there's a bed, two chairs, anda desk.
In the living room, there are two armchairs anda soja.

se there was / there were

Singular Plural 4 27>))

[:±] There was an old TV. There were only three guests.
[:] There wasn't a remo te control. Therc wcren't any more people.
[1] Was there a ghost? Were there any windows?
0 Yes, therewas. Yes, there were.

0 No, there wasn't. No, thcrc weren't.

• there was / were is the past of there is/ are.


SA b Complete the text wirh the simple past of

the verbs in parenrheses.
a Complete rhe dialogue using che simple past of rhe verbs in parentheses.
Last night, I was (be) asleep inmy room when
A Where were (be) you last night at 8:00? a strange noise 1 woke (wake) me up. I
B I 1 were (be) at home, Detective. With my wife, We 2 didn't want(not want) to leave my room
2 were (be) at home all evening. because 13 felt (feel) very scared.
A \Vhat 3 did you do (do)? Then I 4 heard (hear) the noise again, so
B We 4
watched (watch) TV and then we 5 had _ I decided (decide) to go and investigate.

(have) a light dinner. We 6

weren't (not be) hungry. After When I 6 turned on(turn on) che light in the
that, we 7 went (go) to bed. kitchen, a bird 7 flew (fly) out of the
A What time 8 did you go (go) to bed? window.
B About 10 o'clock. 18 closed (close) the window so that th.e
A 9 Did you (hear) a noise during bird 9 didn't can(not can) come in again,
and then I 1º went
the night? (go) back to bed.
B No, I 10 didn't hear (not hear) anything. -c ae:
88 b Write II], G, or tII semences with there is/ are+ a/ an,
some or any.
a Complete withlI] or ITI ofThere's or There are.
II] trees / the yard There are sorne trees in the yard.
The1•e's a dishwasher in the kitchen.
1 El table/ the kitchen There are a table in the kitchen
Are thel'e any peo ple in the room?
2 [1J fireplace / the living room Is there a fireplace in the living room?
1 Are there any books on the shelf?
3 G plants / your apartment There aren't any plants in your apartment
2 Is there a toilet downstairs?
4 [1J people / the hall ~----------~
Is there any people in the hall? ;:>
3 Are there sorne stairs over there.
5 El pictures / your bedroom There are some pictures in your bedroom
4 Is there a rug on rhe floor.
Are there
6 G TV / the kitchen There isn't a tv in the kitchen
5 some pictures on the wall.
7 El computer / the study There is a computer in the study
6 a shower in the bathroom?
Is there 8 G chairs / the dining room There aren't any chairs in the dining room
7 Are there sorne chairs in the yard.
9 [1J mirror / the barhroom Is there a mirror in the bathroom? ;:>
8 Is there a lamp in the bedroom?
10 G car/ the garage There isn't a car in the garage
9 Is there a bicycle in the garage.
10 Are there any glasses in the cupboard? ~p.63

se b Complete the sentences with tliere was / were / wasn't / weren't +

a/ an, or some / any.
a Complete the dialogue with the correcr
form of there was or there were. Thel'e were sorne ghosrs in the haunted hotel J srayed in.
1 My sister didn't take a shower because there wasn't a spider in the
A How many guests were there in the hotel? bathtub.
B 1 There were four including me. 2 There _
2 We couldn't watch the news because there wasn't a TV in our room.
was a Braz.ilian tourist and there_ were
3 I couldn't sleep on the because there were some noisy children
two busi nessmen.
A Was there
4 a restaurant?
4 They couldn't play rennis because there weren't any tennis balls.
B No, there weren't , but 6 there was
5 a
5 She didn't have a coffee because there weren't any cups.
coffee shop.
6 He took a photo because there was a beautiful view,
A Was there
7 a refrigerator in yom: room?
B Yes, 8 there was , but 9 there weren't
7 They couldn't park near the restaurant because there wasn't a_
parking lot.
any drinks in it.
A How man y beds 10 there were ?
8 I couldn'twork in the hotel because there wasn't a computer.
B One. Adouble bed. ~p.65
Online Practice
homework 28-febr
9A countable I uncountable nouns a/ an, sorne/ any

countable uncountable 1130)))

E]Weneed an apple. sorne butter.

sorne apples.
an apple three apples rice meat G \Ve don't need atomato. any rice.
• There two kinds of nouns in English, any tomatoes.
countable (C) and uncountable (U).
[1] Do we need an orange? any sugar?
C = things you can count, e.g., apples. C nouns can
any ora.nges?
be singular (an apple) or plural (apples).
U = things you can't count. • We use a/ an with singular C nouns; a/ an = one.
butter, meat N OT two butte1 s, th1 ee meats • We use someE}with plural C no1111s and with U nouns; sorne= notan
U nouns are usually singular. exact number or qua.ntity.
• Some nouns can be Cor U, but the mea.ning • We use any inG and ITJ with plural C nouns and with U nouns.
is different,
p somein[Il
We use sorne in ITl to ask for and offer things.
Can I have sorne apples, please?
an ice cream (C) sorne ice crearn (U) Would you like sorne coffee?

98 quantifiers: how much / how many, a lot of, etc. • We use How much ... ? with uncountable (U) nouns and
How many ... ? with plural countable ( C) nouns.
• Weuse:
uncountable short answers full answcrs 4 37)))
(singular) a lot (of) with C and U nouns for a big quantity.
a little / not much w ith U nouns for a small quantity,
Alot. I eat a lot of suga.r. aJewf not many with C plural nouns for a small quantity.
How much sugar A little. reata little sugar.
not ... any (none in short a.nswers) for zero quantity.
do you eat? Notmuch. I don't eat much sugar.
Nonc. 1 don't eat any sugar.
a lot of and much I many
countable (plural)
• T n El sentences we usually use a lot of
Alot. I eat a lot of cookies. • In G sentences and [IJ, we usually use much and many:
How many cookies Afcw. l eat a fcw cookies. I don't drink much water. Do you drink much coffee?
do you eat? Notmany. I don't eat many cookies. • It is also possible to use a lot of in G and [I] : Do you drink
Non c. l don't eat any cookies. a lot of coffee? I don't eat a lot of vegetables.

9C comparative adjectives adjective comparative spelling


old older
Is your sister older than you? 47 l)) cheap I cheaper
one-syllable adjectives: add -er

Buckingham Palace is bigger than the White big bigger adjectives ending one vowel + one
House. hot hotter consonant: double consonant, add -er
Female mosquitoes are more dangerous than dry drier ene- or two-syllable adjectives ending
males. healthy healthier consonant +y > -ier
My new job is better than my old one. famous morefamous two- or more syllable adjectives: more+
The traffic is always worse in the evening. expensive more expensive adjective
good 1 better
• Use comparative adjectives + than to bad worse irregular
compare two things, people, etc. far 1 farther / further

9A b Complete the dialogue with a, an, sorne, or any.

a Write a, an, or sorne+ a A What can we make for your brother and his girlfriend?
food / drink word. ª
B Ler's make lasagna.

~rn¿J rn&
A Goodidea. Are there 1__any onions?
B Yes. And there are 2__sometomatoes, too.
A Great!
~4 0§ B Oh, no! There isn't 3__
any pasta!
\:::. / A Oh. Wait a minute. I bought 4 some
__ chicken yesterday. Are there 5__any potatoes?

B Yes, there are.
A Good. So we can have chicken and mashed pota toes. Do we have 6__ fruit?
B Yes. I thinkwehave 7__
some oranges. Why?
A You can make ª--
some fruir salad for dessert. There's 9__an apple and 10__
1 a sanduicy 5 an egg bananas, too.
2 some water
----- 6 some carrots B OK. Let's start cooking.
3 -----
some french fries 7 somo chocolates
4 some lettuce 8 ~p.69
some ice cream

98 b @rhe correct word or phrase.

I don't put9 rnany salr on my foocL
a Complete with How much. / How many.
1 We don't eat a lot of /a lot candy.
How much sugar do you put in your tea?
2 A How much chocolate do you eat? B A little /A [ew.
1 butter do you use?
3 M y friends don't drin k much / many coffee.
2 cans of soda did she drink?
4 A How much fruit do you buy? B J\ lot /A lot of
3 oil do I need?
5 We eat a lot of / mucli fish. We love it!
4 chocolates were in that box?
6 A Do your children drink any milk? B No. Not rnuch/ Not many.
5 rice do you want?
7 Donna ate her hamburger, but she didn't eat mudi] many French fries.
6 coffee does he drink?
8 A How many vegeta bles do you eat? B Atry / None. I don't like them.
7 bottles of water did you buy?
9 [ have a cup of tea and afew /a little cereal for breakfast.
8 cans of tuna do we have?
1 O A Do you eat much / many meat?
9 orange juice is there in
B No, I don'c eat no/ any mear. I'm a vegetarían.
that carton?
10 cookies did you eat? -""( p.70

9C b Complete with a comparative adjective + than.

My sister is younBer than me. She's only 18. (young)
a Write the comparative form of
these adjectives. 1 The farmer's market is the superrnarket for vegetables. (cheap)
2 Italian is for Spanish students it is for
big bigger
English students. (easy)
l high
3 It rains a lot in the spring. April is J uly. (wet)
2 dirty
4 This restaurant is when it firsr opened. (busy)
3 dangerous
5 Come in the summer. The weather is in the spring. (good)
4 good 6 I love science. I find it history. (interesting)
5 thin
7 Cuzco is from the ocean Lima. (far)
6 slow
8 I'm my brother. He's very tall. (short)
7 healthy
9 The situation is ir was last year. (bad)
8 far
10 Skiing is I thought it was. (difficult)
9 comfortable

10 bad ~p.73

Online Proctice
lOA superlative adjectives adjective comparative superlative spelling
cold colder the coldest add-est
It's the hotrest month of the year. 5 5 l)) high higher the highest
It's the most dangerous road in the world. big bigger the biggest double consonant,
She's the best student in the class. hot hotter the hottest add -est
Monday is the worst day of the week. dry drier the driest
> -iest
sunny sunnier the sunniest
• Use the + superlative adjective to say which is the dangerous more dangerous the most dangerous themost+
(biggest, etc.) in a group. adjective
• After superlatives, we use in (not of) - places, e.g., good better the best
the world, the class. bad worse the worst
far f arther/further the farthest/

108 be going to (plans) [IJ

I'm going to take a vacation next mooth. 5 11 l)) Are you take a vacation next
Is he I she / it going to month.
I'm not going to study English.
Arewe study Englishtonight.
Are you going to take a vacatioo, too? Are they

full form contraction

[Z] 0
lam. l'm not.
lam l'm you are. you aren't.
You are You're take a vacation next Yes, he I she lit is. No, he/ she / it isn't.
El He I She I lt is He / She I lt's goingto month. we are. we aren't.
Weare We're study English tonight. they are. they aren't.
They are They're
1 am not l'mnot • We use be going to+ verb (base form) to talk
You are not You aren't take a vacation next about future plans.
G He I She I lt is not He / She / lt isn't goingto month. • We often use future time expressions with
We are not We aren't study English tonight.
They are not They aren't goinB to:
tomorrow, next week, next year, etc.

lOC be going to (predictions)

• We can use be goinB to+ verb (base form) to make
predictions (=to say what you think or can see is
going to happen in the future).

I think it's going to rain. 5 19 l))

You're going to be very happy.
I'm sure they're going to win.


lOA b Complete rhe senrences with a superlative. Use rhe adjectives in parentheses.

a Write rhe opposire. The tigers are the most dangerous animals in the zoo. (dangerous)
1 Our house is house on the street. (big)
the smallest the biggest
2 Forme, Saturday is day of the week. (good)
1 the coldest
3 My bedroom is room in our house. (small)
2 the most expensive
4 July is month in my country. (hot)
3 the best
5 My neighbors upstairs are people in the world. (noisy)
4 the most difficult
6 driver in my family is rny dad. (bad)
5 the driest
7 Sophie is student in our English class. (young)
6 the shortest
8 building in my town is the museum. (beautiful)
7 the nearest
8 the cleanest ~p.76

108 b Complete the sentences with be BºinB to + a verb.

a Complete the sentences with the correct form of not buy call not come eat
be BoinB to and the verb in parentheses. go not see sleep watch
S he doesn't have a car. She,s aoin& to travel by train. (rravel)
I'm sraying with a friend. I'm goi11,fj to sleep on the couch.
1 We need a vacation. We a hotel near the
1 I need to talk to my mom, I her tonight.
beach. (book)
2 There isn't any food. Whar _
2 Tornorrow is Saturday. 1 in bed. (sray) we ~
3 My sister wants to be a doctor. She _ 3 My friend is sick. She to the party.
medicine. (study)
4 They don't have any money. They any
4 Lauraand David are in love. They _
new clothes.
married. (get)
5 The Yankees are playing the Red Sox. _
5 Ian is busy. He late tonight. (work)
you the game?
6 Their house isn't. very neat. They _
6 Our friends are away. We them this week.
housework t.his afrernoon. (do)
7 The children are tired. They to bed.
7 Lt's raining. We an urnbrella. (take)
8 I have a problem ar work, I to my boss. (speak) ~p.78

lOC b Complete the predictions wirh be Boing to anda verb.

a Write pred.ictions for the pictures. be break not finish forget have
[IJ 2 not like not pass teH win

-n-- 1
I'm a fortune-teller. I'm going to tell you about your future.
You're driving very fast! T'm sure we _

/~"' 2
an accident!
She's a very bad student. She
Be careful with that glass! You
the exam.
A be catch make rAf¡y· send
4 We have alot ofhomework. I'm sure we it.
B the bus an email a nice day an omelet ieftfti-5 5 They're playing well. I think they _
He's aoinB to play tennis. 6 Lookat the time. We late.
1 7 Oh, no, it's a horror movie. I'm sure I it.
2 -------------------~ 8 He didn't put her number in his phone. He it.


Online Practice
llA adverbs (manner and modifiers)
adverbs of manner adjective adverb spelling modifying adverbs: very, really, etc.
slow slowly
They drive dangerously. 5 25>)) quick quickly
It isn't very expensive. 5 26>))
He dresses fashionably. +-ly She drives incredibly fast.
bad badly
She eats very quickly. careful carefully They speak rcally slowly.
L work hard. happy happily consonant
We speak English well. easy easily +y> -ily • We use modifying adverbs with
adjectives or other adverbs.
possible possibly le> -ly
• We use adverbs of manner to say how • They always go before the adjective
people do things. good well or adverb.
fast fast irregular
• Adverbs usually go after the verb.
J speak EnBlish very well.
hard hard
p words ending in -ly
Not all words that end in -ly are
N OT l speak ve1y well English. • Remember the difference between
adverbs, e.g., friendly = adjective.
adjectives and adverbs:
He's a friendly person.
l'm a careful driver. (carejul is an
adjective. It describes the noun, driver.)
l drive carefully.(carefully is an adverb.
lt describes the verb, drive.)

118 verbs + infinitive: want to, need to, etc. would like to
• J would like to= J want to (now or in the future).
I want to find a new job. 5 31 >)) • Contractions: 'd = would; wouldn't = would not.
You need to practice every day. • Use the infinitive after would like. I would like to learn.
When did you learn to play the guitar? NO T fwottltHi:ke-fettrrt.
Would you like to be famous? • Remember you can also use Would you like... ? to offer:
Would you like a drink?
• Many verbs are followed by che iufinitive. • would like is the same for ali persons.
• These include: want, need, Learn; promise, decide, plan, and hope.
p would like and like
l'd like to dance. = 1 want to dance.
1 like dancing. = 1 enjoy it; 1 like it in general.

llC articles We usea/an

• to say what something is or what job people do.
1 a/an • in expressions of frequency.
A What's this? B lt's a photo of my daughter. 5 37>)) 2 We use the
A What do they do? B [im's a doctor. Sally's an engineer. • when tbe speaker and hearer know the thing we are talking
A How often do they have classes? B Three times a week. about: Clase thewindow. = the one that is open.
• when there is only one of something: the Internet, the sun, etc.
2 the • before superlative adjectives: the bi88est, the best, etc.
Can you close the window, please? 3 We often use a the first time we mention a person or thing and
Can you check their address on the Internet? then the the next time because ic is now clear who or what we
lt's the bcst restaurant l know. are talking about.
4 \Ve don't usually use the
3 a or the? • when we talk about people or things in general:
Let's have a pizza. The pizzas are very good here. Menare more interested in sports thati women. (general)
The women in this class work harder than the men. (specific)
4 no article • before possessive 's. She'smy mother's cousin. NOT 8-h&
Menare usually more interested in sports than women. ~
She's my mother's cousin. That's Tom's chair! • with the following:
Jim goes to school by bus. meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc.

places: work, school, coúeqe, bed, home, etc.
by+ rransportation: 8º by car, travel by train, etc.

llA b Complete with adverbs from these adjectives.

a Adjective or adverb?@che correct form. bad careful easy fast good

hard fashionable perfect quiet
People drive really dangerous / ~
1 He wrote down the phone nurnber careful/ carefully. The buses and rrains in Malmo run 12e1fectry when it snows.
2 My neighbor's children aren't verypolite / politely. 1 Can you talk , please? I'm crying to sleep.
3 M y niece plays the piano beautiful / beautifully. 2 Don't drive when it's raining.
4 Fast food is incredibly unhealthy / unhealthily. 3 I don't like the ocean because Ican't swim very _
5 Old people often walk very slow / slowly. 4 She picked up the baby and pur him in
6 I bought a real/ really cheap bag at the sale. the bathtub.
7 My friend sings ver y good / well. 5 We're working because we have an exam.
8 My sister speaks Spanish perject / perjealy. 6 I always dress when I go to a parry.
9 We wear casual/ casual/y clothes to work. 7 \Ve played in che semifinal game and we losr 5-1.
1 O The view from the top is incredible / inaedibly beautiful. 8 She was che besr athlete so she won the race ----
-c p.85
118 b @che correct fonn.
a Complete the sentences with the infinitive form of a verb from the list. I hate fly ~o I usually travel by train.
1 Would you like have /to have clinner with
be buy call climb drive get married me ronight?
go leave pass see stay 2 My grandmother learned to drive / drivin[J
when she was 62.
Sam loves Africa. He wants to climb Mounr Kilimanjaro.
3 I'd like to travel/ traveling around Asia.
1 I learned a car when I was 17. I passed my test the first time!
4 l like relax/ relaxin& on weekends.
2 Our refrigerator is broken. We need a new one.
5 Do you want to play/ playing soccer?
3 1 wouldn't like farnous. L'm happy the way L arn now.
6 He's hoping to have / having more ti me when
4 He promised his girlfriend after work.
he retires.
5 The weather was terrible. We decided at home.
7 Most people hate to Bº / goinB to the dentist.
6 My friend would like Radiohead live. She loves them.
8 1 love to read / reading detective stories.
7 They're planning . Their wedding is on July 12th.
9 It's cold. You need wear /to wear a coat.
8 I studied hard last week. I hope the exam.
1 O My room doesn't like to cook / cooking.
9 Do you like animals? Would you like on a safari?
1 O She's enjoying the party. She doesn't want _ -c oee
llC b Complete with the, a/ an, or -.

a @che correct word or phrase. I'm going to buy a new laptop next week.
1 What time do you finish __ work?
How much time do you spend otxInternet ~
2 We usually go to the movies once __ month.
1 My brother is at coüege / at the coüea« studying math.
3 __ children behaved very badly yesterday.
2 I'd like cup of tea/ a cup of tea, please.
4 Lorena doesn't like -- dozs.
3 We're going to visit my aunt on weekend/ on. the weekend. b

5 l want to be __ engineer when I finish studying.

4 \Ve have English classes twice a week/ twice week.
6 __ sun came out so we went for a walk.
5 I love reading novels / the novels.
7 Can yo u pass __ salt, please?
6 Yolanda is best / the best student in our class.
8 My mom chose __ most expensive dessert.
7 My mom's lawyer /a lawyer.
9 Last year, we went on vacation by __ train.
8 He's the man/ a man that J told you about yesterday.
10 This is Joanne. She's __ very good friend.
9 Can you open a door / the door forme, please?
10 He had brea~fast / the breakfast late chis morning. -c p.89
Online Proctice
12A present perfect [1]
Have 11/you/we/they 1 .
Has he¡ she ¡ it seen that movie?
1 A Have you seen his new movie? 5 45 l))
B Yes, l've seen all his movies.
She hasn't read any Harry Potter books.
2 Have you ever read a Russian novel? Yes
I 'Ihe/she/it
you / we /they have.
Sarah's never worked in a big company. 1
3 Have you finished the exercise? 0
Your parents have arrived. They're in the living room.
No I ' I you / we I they haven't.
' he I she I it 1 hasn't.
1 We use the present perfect when we talk or ask about things
that have happened in the past, but when we don't say when. • To make the present perfect use have /has+ the past participle
2 We often use the present perfect with ever (= at any time in of the verb.
your life) and never ( = at no time in your life). • 's = has in present perfect.
3 We also use the present perfect to talk about something that • Past participles of regular verbs are the same as the simple past.
has recently happened.
base form simple past past participle
full form of have contra et ion , past participle like liked liked
of main verb
want wanted wanted
lhave l've
You have You've • Past participles of irregular verbs are sometimes the same as
El He /She I lt has He I She I lt's
the simple past, e.g., read, but sometimes different, e.g., seen.
We have We've
They have They've base form simple past past participle
seen that movie.
1 have not 1 haven't read 1, id1 read 1 "td read r" .d.
You have not You haven't
G He I She I lt has not He I She I lt hasn't see saw seen
We have not We haven't
They have not They haven't (There is a list of irregular past participles on p.165)

128 present perfect or simple past?

been or gone?
A Have you been to Luigi's? B Yes, 1 have. 5 52 l))
A When did you go there? B 1 went last weekend.
l've been to Brazil. 5 53 l))
A Who did you go with? B 1 went with sorne people
My sister's gone to Brazil to study Portuguese.
frorn work.
l've been to New York twice. 1 went to visit my sis ter - she's
married toan American. • Been to and gane to have different meanings. Been is the past
participle of be, and gane is the past participle of go.
• In the present perfect, we use been to (NOT gane to or been in)
• We often use the present perfect to ask about or tell
to say that somebody has visited a place.
somebody about a past action for the first time. We don't
ask / say when the action happened: Haveyou been to Luigi's? I've been to the US three times. Have you been to the new
I've been to New York twice. Vietnamese restaurant on Georg e Street?
• We then use the simple past to ask/ talk about specific past • We use gane to when somebody goes to a place and is
details: When did you Bº there? l went to visit my sister. still there:
• We use the simple past NOT the present perfect with when. My parents have BOne to the USf or their vacation. They don't
and past time expressions, e.g., yesterday, last week: come back until Saturday.
When did you see it? N OT When*aveyon-seen-it? • Compare: Nick has been to París= He visited París and carne
back at sorne time in the pase.
l saw it last week. NOT I-'-tte-seen-it-lttst--week-:
Nick. has BOne to Paris, = He went to Par is, and he is in


12A e Write a sentence in the present perfect for each picture. Use the
verbs in rhe box.
a Write the sentences with contractions.
I have seen the movie. !'ve seen the movie.
1 She has not read the book.
2 You have not washed the dishes.
3 We have done the housework.
4 He has been sick.
5 They have not eaten [apanese food before.
b Write E], G, and [IJ sentences in the present
El I/meet a farnous actor.
!'ve meta fámous actor.
1 El I / forget you r name
2 G my boyfriend / wear his new shirt
3 [IJ you / speak to your boss
4 G they /do their homework
5 11] your brother / work in New York
'Illey,'ve won the cup.,
6 E] the train / leave the train station
1 hisleg.
7 G we / take any photos
2 tothebeach.
8 11] the children / eat all the cookies
3 off his motorcycle.
9 G my girlfriend / call me today
4 the newspaper.
1 O El Janet /lea ve her book at home
5 ____________ a new car.


128 e Put the verbs in parentheses in the present perfect or

a Q the correct form.

simple past.
A ~abroad? (rravel)
~ Did you ever eat ar Appetito? B Yes, Iwent to Peru last year. (go)
1 I haven't bouBht / didn't huy any new clothes recently.
A 1 you ever any countries in Asia? (visit)
2 My boyfriend has Bi.venf Baverne a ring for my B Yes, I have. I 2 to South Korea afew years ago.
last birthday.
3 They've spent / spent a lot of money yesterday. A \Vho 3 you with? (go)
. . . ~
4 Have you e ver won / Did you ever wrn a compenuon:
B My husband. It was a work trip and his company
5 My friends have had /hada party last weekend. for everything. (pay)

b the correct form. A How wonderful! How 5 you there? (get)

Let's go to the Peking Duck. I've never9; BOne there. B We6 . (fly)
A Where 7 you ? (stay)
1 The secretary isn't here. She's Bone / been to the bank.
2 I've never BOne / been to the US. B We a a suite in a five-star hotel. Ir was beautifol!
3 My neighbors aren't at home. They've Bone / beeti
on vacation. A 9 the company you on any other trips
recently? (take)
4 Have you ever Bone / been. abroad?
B No. My husband 10 working there ayear later, so
5 We have lots of food. We've BOne / been to the
that was our only tri p. (stop)
A Too bad!


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