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So NOTE U, LRoalel De /p AR AVSOFT® B737-300/500 QUICK STUDY GUIDE ! 805.873A.81-P1 WWW.AVSOFT.NET i AVSOFT* All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise - especially ‘translating into other languages - without prior wtitten permission of the publisher. All rights also reserved for restitution in lectures, broadcasts, televisions, magnetic tape and methods of similar means. Each copy produced by a commercial enterprise serves a commercial purpose and is thus subject to remuneration. Copyright © 2002 Avsoft Systems L.L.C. ‘This Quick Study Gulde (Q5G) is meant to be a supplement to the FAA approved aircraft manual and Flight Operations Manual (FOM). The information provided herein fs not official, and all materials provided by your company are the final authority. ‘This QSG has been designed with you, the pilot, in mind. It will help you focus your studies 50 as to fully prepare you for your checkride. Based on an’ extensive study of orals at different companies, we have designed @ manual that vill go over 25 much of the information that will be covered during a typical orl. In order to accomplish this goal, every cockpit panel is reviewed. This QSG Incorporates an extensive set of typical oral questions. However, this list Is not ‘complete since many examiners like to come up with their own questions. Do not rely solely on this manual to prepare for your oral. Use it in conjunction with your Company's Aircraft Manual. Most of the information in this CBT will be applicable to your situation. We can configure this QSG to your Company's specifications. Have your training department contact Avsoft Systems at 888-254-1213 (US and Canada), or 303-750-5084 (International). TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. OVERHEAD PAGE 5 2. FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS PAGE 71 3. CENTER PEDESTAL PAGE 141 4, REVIEW QUESTIONS PAGE 165 5. SYSTEM DIAGRAMS PAGE 189 LEGEND HERE IS HOW THE NUMBERING SYSTEM WORKS ON THE PANELS X. CHAPTER NUMBER Y. PAGE NUMBER Z. PANEL NUMBER Ae. CHAPTER ONE: OVERHEAD OVERHEAD STATION @ LE DEVICES ANN. PANEL D easyer bc paar PERE ei iu Fy S Bi Eu Bt 4 5 5 {| P A rs al cael rer LE DEVICES INDICATION LE FLAPS: Consists of the two inboard panels. They will fully extend at flaps {and the green extend lights wil luminate, LE SLATS: Consists of the three outboard panels. They will move to the “EXTEND” position at TE flaps position 1-5, and the three middle green lights will illuminate. “Aft of position § the LE slats move to the “FULL EXTEND" posi- tion, and the aft three green lights will illuminate. ‘TRANSIT: Indicates the respective leading edge device |s in transit. When each device is fully retracted, the associated transit light will be off ‘TEST: This switeh tests all the LE DEVICES lights on the annundator panel, OVERHEAD STATION @© rircowr to paner. Gageout Tole STANDBY rn cy HYD 1s ew Clie = f eda te : { EU ary oo Pay OFF ce} 1.FLIGHT CONTROL SWITCHES ‘ON: Opens the associated Fit Cont Hyd Valve, which hydraulically powers the associated autopilot, aileron, rudder, elevator end elevator feel. (OFF: Turning off either switch will + Close the A or 8 shutoff vaive, de-powering the autopilet, aileron, Rudder, elevator and elev feel on the associated system. + FLT CONTROL LOW PRESSURE, FLT CONT annunciator lights illuminate, + Turning off the B FLT CONTROL switch turns off the Yaw Damper switch, which causes the YAW DAMPER light to iluminate, STBY RUD; Selecting this position on either switch will ++Clase the A or 8 shutoff valve, de-powering the autopilot, aileron, rudder, elevator and elev feel on the associated system. OVERHEAD STATION (continuo) ‘+The Standby Rudder PCU is pressurized by the Standby Hydraulic System through the standby rudder valve. +The STANDBY HYD LOW PRESSURE light Is armed ‘+The associated FLT CONT LOW PRESSURE light remaining off indicates the Stby Rudder valve is open to allow hydraulic pressure to the Standby Rudder PCU. +The YAW DAMPER switch moves to the off position when the FLT CONT B switch is of, eo FLT CONT HYD PANEL GageolN io) Sr g ry 8 HYD Bg ris a cre) ‘ALTERNATE FLAPS aces | Or SPOILER Va f niaed Ee Say 2. FLT CONT LOW PRESS LIGHTS ‘These lights indicate the following conditions: ILLUMINATED: +There is low hydraulic pressure to the respective hydraulic systems flight ‘controls with the FLT CONTROL HYD switches in either the ON or OFF position, OVERHEAD STATION (CONTINUED) ‘+FLT CONT HYD switch is in the STBY RUD position, lack of ft cont hyd press and the Stby Rudder Shutoff vaive not open: EXTINGUISHED: ‘Hydraulic pressure exists to the respective hya systems flight controls, with the FLT CONTROL HYD switch in the ON position. +FLT CONT HYD switch in the STBY RUD position and the Standby Rudder ‘Shutoff vaive is open, eo FLT CONT HYD PANEL FLT CONTROL ENDL a 8 HYD Big cy oy Pro) ‘ALTERNATE FLAPS (ke te i @® oF = ie 3 iy Sys id en 3. SPOILER A AND B SWITCHES SPOILER A: Controls the inboard flight spoilers via @ hydraulic shutoff valve, SPOILER 8: Controls the outboard spoilers via a hyd shutoff valve. ON: Opens the respective hydraulic shutoff valve to the fight spoilers. OFF: Closes the respective hydraulic shutoff valve to the flight spoilers. 19 OVERHEAD STATION FLT CONTROL Sg ry 8 HYD Bid id cy cory a (eetcia rr Tass rec. —.. POILER Poe Bs a oe a a = a { Rey im on 4, STANDBY HYDRAULIC LIGHTS Low QUANTITY: Standby hydraulic quantity is less than 50% full LOW PRESSURE: Indicates low Standby Hydraulic pressure when the standby ump is powered through elther the FLT CONTROL or ALTERNATE FLAPS switches. it. OVERHEAD STATION 6 FLT CONT HYD PANEL FLT CONTROL BND Lg 8 HYD Bing ri) ceetil Ey) Da Nae) 5. ALTERNATE FLAPS MASTER SWITCH OFF: Alternate flaps not armed ARM: +#Turns on the Standby Hydraulic pump and arms the STANDBY HYD LOW | PRESSURE light. -+Arms the ALTERNATE FLAPS position switch, ‘isolates hydraulic system 8 from the Trailing Edge Flaps by closing the Flap Bypass valve, ++Traling Edge Flap asymmetry protection no longer available. OVERHEAD STATION © ier cont 10 pane FLT CONTROL BSL cy 8 HYD stay cy aiods Exo) ‘ALTERNATE FLAPS rr Oy: ied — co] l Sas ia en 6. ALT FLAPS POSITION SWITCH ‘Armed for operation with the ALT FLAPS MASTER SWITCH in the armed posi- tion. UP: Retracts the traling edge flaps only, using an electric motor attached to the flap drive gearbox. DOWN ‘+Leading Edge Flaps extend using Standby hydraulics. ++Leading Edge Slats move to the FULL EXTEND position using Standby hydraulics. ++Traling Edge Flaps extend using an electric motor. 13. OVERHEAD STATION e FLT CONT HYD PANEL, FLT CONTROL SND cy cy HYD Big Bg cy cy rn Fees | ry) BON i Ear) ee a S ee = a) s. 7 t se bras | oad en 7. FLT CONT SYS FAIL LIGHTS FEEL DIFF PRESS light: ‘illuminates for diferential pressure between the elevator fee! output | lines, caused by either a difference between L and R elevator pitot system pressures, or a diference in pressure between A and B hhydraulic system pressures. ‘+Armed only with the flaps up. SPEED TRIM FAIL: ‘tlluminates for fallure of speed trim channel in one Flight Control Com puter when the system annunciator panel is recalled. ‘illuminates automaticaly for failure of speed trim channels in both FCC's. ‘lluminated prior to any IRU alignment on airplanes with the ~4 FCC. OVERHEAD STATION (continueD) MACH TRIM FAIL light: “illuminates when the mach trim channel to an FCC has failed, i the sys- tem annunciator panel is recalled + Illuminates automaticaly if the mach trim channel to both FCC's have failed. AUTO SLAT FAIL light: ‘illuminates when one auto slat computer has failed, and the system ‘annunciator panel has been recalled. ++Comes on automatically i both auto slat computers have failed eS EFI/IRS TRANSFER SWITCHES ea) i) COLA a CIG EAR 2 an) Y Yon ce Saas ) ww: 1. EFI TRANSFER SWITCH NORMAL: Captains EADI & EHSI signals originate from SG1, and the First Officers from S62. BOTH ON 1 OR BOTH ON 2: The falled system receives data from the operat- ing side, with the result that the EADI and EHSI on the falled side can only be Controlled from the operating sides EFIS control pane 2. IRS TRANSFER SWITCH NORMAL: “+Each IRU provides information to it's associated systems. +A autopilot receives pitch information from the LIRU and roll information from the R IRU. B autopilot receives pitch information from the R RU. and roll information from the LIRU. This isto provide for autopilot hard over protection, BOTH ON 1 OR BOTH ON 2: +All associated systems receive information from the operable IRU. +The autopilots receive pitch and roll information from the operable IRU, and no redundancy is provided for hardovers.. 15. OVERHEAD STATION 1. FUEL VALVE CLOSED LIGHTS. Powered by the Hot att Bus and controlled by either the fire handle or start lever. OFF: Fuel valve open, BRIGHT: Fuel valve in transit, oF valve Is not in commanded position, IM: Fuel vaive closed. OVERHEAD STATION 2. FUEL CROSSFEED VALVE OPEN LGT OFF: Crossfeed valve closed, with crossfeed switch closed. BRIGHT: Crossfeed valve in transit or disagrees with switch position. DIM: Crossfeed valve open with crossfeed switch open 17. OVERHEAD STATION FUEL PANEL 3. FUEL CROSSFEED VALVE SELECTOR ‘The FUEL CROSSFEED selector opens the Fuel Crossfeed Valve when selected to align with the flow lines. ‘The Crossfeed Valve receives power from the bat- tery bus. 4. FILTER BYPASS LIGHT Indicates the engine fuel filter is approaching @ bypass condition due to fuel filter contamination or fue! ice. 5. CENTER TANK LOW PRESS LIGHTS. EXTINGUISHED: When the associated pump switch is off, or the associated ‘pump switch is on and the pump is supplying normal pressure. OVERHEAD STATION (CONTINUED) ILLUMINATED: The associated pump switch is on and the pump Is not supply- ing normal pressure. 5. CENTER FUEL PUMP SWITCHES on: “+Powers the associated CENTER FUEL PUMP. -+Arms the associated LOW PRESSURE light. oFF: ++0e-powers the associated fuel pump. ++De-energizes the associated LOW PRESSURE light. 19. OVERHEAD STATION 7. MAIN FUEL PUMP LOW PRESS LGTS ‘The main tank pump LOW PRESSURE lights are illuminated any time the asso: ciated MAIN TANK FUEL PUMP is not supplying adequate pressure, regardiess (OF switch position. ' 8, MAIN TANKS FUEL PUMP SWITCHES Controls the associated MAIN TANK PUMP. If Doth FWD and AFT pumps in a tank are inoperative, the engine can suction {eed using the engine-driven fuel pump. OVERHEAD STATION 9. FUEL TEMPERATURE GAUGE Reads the fuel temperature fram main tank 1 a. OVERHEAD STATION 6 IRS DISPLAY UNIT 1, IRS DATA DISPLAY Displays selected data from DSPL SEL switch, 2. DSPL SEL SWITCH esr “+ Tesis IRS DISPLAY UNIT lights and number displays. ‘initiates a ten second self test. TK/GS: Displays true ground track on the left and ground speed on the right. POS: Displays current latitude and longitude. WAND: Displays current true wind direction on the left and current wind speed ‘on the right, Hog/sts ++Dispiays true heading on the left and any malfunction status codes on the right ‘4Displays minutes remaining until alignment completion beginning at 7 minutes. 3. SYS DSPL. LEFT OR RIGHT: Selects the left or right IRU for display data, 4, DISPLAY UNIT KEYS ENT KEY: Both green cue lights illuminate when alphabet keys are pressed. When ENT key Is pressed, cue lights extinguish and data is entered to both IRU's 7 OVERHEAD STATION (CONTINUED) CLR KEY: +P data entered is not acceptable to he IRU, both green cue lights liuminate. Pushing the CLR key will delete the unacceptable data. +The CLR key can also be used to erase data entered prior to pushing the ENT key. Allows control of the data display and arms the display unit, NUMERIC KEYS: ++Permits manual entry of present position when in the ALIGN mode. ‘allows entry or mag heading when either mode select switch is in ATTITUDE. oe IRS MODE SELECTOR UNIT 1, ALIGN LIGHTS, ON STEADY: +IRU aligning when in the ALIGN, NAV or ATT positions, +n 2 30 second shutdown made if mode selector is OFF. ON FLASHING: Alignment fault due to the following, “+Airplane movement during alignment process. +10 minutes has expired without entering present position. +Signiticant distance between last position at shutdown and entered posi- ton, “+An unreasonable entry oF: ‘+The alignment is complete, and the IRU is providing data to respective systems ‘+The IRS mode selector is off. 23. OVERHEAD STATION 6) IRS MODE SELECTOR UNIT Ee Ce it Toa 2. ON DC LIGHTS ‘The associated IRS is operating on the Hot Battery Bus due to a lack of AC power. MODE SELECT switch has been placed in ALIGN, NAV, or ATT from the off position and the IRS is testing the backup DC source of power for S seconds. 3. FAULT LIGHTS, A fault exists with the respective IRS. 4, DC FAIL LIGHTS Backup OC power source Is not available to the respective IRV, 1f normal AC power is avaliable, IRU will operate normally. DC FAIL lights will iluminate if the battery voltage less than 18 volts. ‘5, IRS MODE SELECT SWITCHES ‘OFF: Shuts down the associated IRU after a 30 second shutdown mode. ALIGN: +IRU initiates @ 10 minute alignment mode, +#¥ihen placed to ALIGN from NAV, will accomplish IRS fast alignment. NAV: Data provided to associated systems after 2 10 minute alignment proc- ‘ess. Alignment can be accomplished by moving the selector to the NAV mode Father than ALIGN. = ATT: Will display attitude and heading information to the associated ADI, HSI {and opposite ROMI. Heading must be manually entered by pushing the H key fon the IRS DISPLAY UNIT. Navigation data is not available. OVERHEAD PANEL @ “10 worcaroR conrRoL PANEL Cae om DC AMPS & VOLTS, DC AMPS: Indicates DC amps of selected source using the OC METERS Selector. = DC VOLTS: Indicates DC volts of selected source using the DC METERS Selector. 2. AC FREQS & VOLTS [AC FREQS: Indicates AC amps of selected source using the AC METERS Selector. = AC VOLTS: Indicates AC volts of selected source using the AC METERS Selector. — 25. OVERHEAD STATION oe AC/DC INDICATOR CONTROL PANEL, T ca oe ity es Dita od crs Lae naan) Daud Cr 3. DC METERS SELECTOR 'STBY PWR: Displays voltage of STANDBY DC bus. AMPS meter de-activated. BAT BUS: Displays voltage of BATTERY bus. AMPS meter de-activated. ear: “+Indleates rate of discharge of the battery on the DC AMPS meter when Pointer is minus, and rate of charge when pointer Is plus. +DC AMPS meter pulses for approximately 2 minutes while battery 's charging -4When battery charger is not powered, DC VOLTS meter indicates the battery voltage through the HOT BATT bus. When battery charger Is. Powered, DC VOLTS indicates charging voltage. 26. OVERHEAD STATION Qe AC/DC INDICATOR CONTROL PANEL Cee ard ry 3 ie is fa Bat bur tama} 3 Che as 3. DC METERS SELECTOR ‘TRA: Displays TRL amperage load and DC volts of OC BUS 1. “TR2:_ Displays TR2 amperage load and DC volts of DC BUS 2. ‘TR3: Displays TR3 amperage and voltage TEST: Maintenance use only. 27. OVERHEAD STATION Qe AC/DC INDICATOR CONTROL PANEL Cee ard ry 3 ie is fa Bat bur tama} 3 Che as 3. DC METERS SELECTOR ‘TRA: Displays TRL amperage load and DC volts of OC BUS 1. “TR2:_ Displays TR2 amperage load and DC volts of DC BUS 2. ‘TR3: Displays TR3 amperage and voltage TEST: Maintenance use only. 27. OVERHEAD STATION @ 110¢ mnorcaTOR CONTROL PANEL APU GEN Td ry cis a Stas ais io eceamen Tar} im oy 4, BATTERY SWITCH on: ‘+Allows power from TR3 (primary source) to power the BATTERY BUS. ++I TRS not powered, BATTERY BUS receives power from the HOT BATT BUS (secondary source). ‘Allows the SWITCHED HOT BATT BUS to receive power from the BATT ‘CHARGER (primary source), the battery (secondary source), or External BC Power (if available) OFF: De-powers the SWITCHED HOT BATT BUS and BATTERY BUS regardless of power source, mR @ ‘1c worcaToR conTROL PANEL | . | OVERHEAD STATION oe sup Po pe oN, Dein od Ef Bice pir’ | rnc) | | ‘or ota 5.AC METERS SWITCH 'STBY PWR: Displays voltage and frequency of stanoay ad bus. GND PWR: Displays voltage and frequency of External Power if plugged in, GEN 1, APU GEN, GEN 2: *+Displays volts and freqs for selected generator. + Indications available with associated field energized. ++0pen field is indicated by pointers deflected full left. INV: Displays voltage and frequency of the static inverter, TEST: Maintenance use only. 2. OVERHEAD STATION & AC/DC INDICATOR CONTROL PANEL. GND pire Bhs test Be ba co Oa mer orF Coy Cn Cre oces 6. GALLEY POWER SWITCH Controls power to the forward and aft galleys. 7. RESIDUAL VOLTAGE SWITCH Displays residual voltage from selected generator on the AC VOLTS meter on scale from 0-30. Used only when the selected generator field is open. OVERHEAD STATION eo ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANEL 4. BUS TRANSFER SWITCH auto: “+Associated TRANSFER BUS switches to the opposite GEN BUS with a less Of the it's associated GEN BUS (primary souree). ++With a loss of the GROUND SERVICE BUS, the battery charger will switch to MAIN BUS 2 (secondary source). OFF: Prevents transfer of power to ensure electrical isolation in the event of {an electrical malfunction. ++Prevents transfer relay operation with a loss of primary power source. ++Prevents the battery charger from switching to the MAIN BUS 2 (Secondary source). ++Opens the DC Disconnect Relay, isolating TR1 from TR2 and TR3. 5. TRANSFER BUS OFF LIGHTS ‘The associated TRANSFER BUS is not powered. 6.BUS OFF LIGHTS: “The associated GENERATOR BUS is not pomered. 34 OVERHEAD STATION © cenerator oRIve & CONTROL PNL Pro acd Bsconmcett Rana ac chin eid Cad Cees cn city 1. GEN DRIVE LOW OIL PRESSURE Generator drive oil pressure is below minimum limits. 2. GEN DRIVE HIGH OIL TEMPERATURE ‘Generator drive oll temperature is above maximum limits. 3, STANDBY POWER OFF LIGHT Indicates the STANDBY(AE)BUS is not powered 4. sTanoBy POWER SWITCH controls power tothe staNDBY Aa 6 busses Bar: “+The BATTERY BUS is powered by the HOT BATTERY BUS regardless of BAT switch position, ‘+The STANDBY DC BUS is powered by the BATTERY BUS, regardless of the availabilty of the DC BUS 1 (primary source), +The STANDBY AC BUS is powered by the static inverter, regardless of "TRANSFER BUS 1 power (primary source), 31, OVERHEAD STATION (conTinuED) IN: Displays oll input temperature, This can indicate a generator drive coo!- ing problem. 1. GRD POWER AVAILABLE LIGHT Indicates external power Is available, and remains on when external power is powering the airplane. ‘The EXTERNAL AC BUS is powered Does not indicate proper voltage or frequency of external power 2. GRD POWER SWITCH OFF: External power is disconnected from all busses except the EXTERNAL AC BUS, if the GRD POWER AVAILABLE light remains on, ON: Extemal power is applied to the airplane busses after the BUS PROTEC- TION PANEL determines the power is acceptable, and opens the generator breaker(s) for the previously applied power. 3. AC AMPS METER Indicates associated engine generator load. Does not indicate External or APU. load. 83; OVERHEAD STATION eo ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANEL 4. BUS TRANSFER SWITCH auto: “+Associated TRANSFER BUS switches to the opposite GEN BUS with a less Of the it's associated GEN BUS (primary souree). ++With a loss of the GROUND SERVICE BUS, the battery charger will switch to MAIN BUS 2 (secondary source). OFF: Prevents transfer of power to ensure electrical isolation in the event of {an electrical malfunction. ++Prevents transfer relay operation with a loss of primary power source. ++Prevents the battery charger from switching to the MAIN BUS 2 (Secondary source). ++Opens the DC Disconnect Relay, isolating TR1 from TR2 and TR3. 5. TRANSFER BUS OFF LIGHTS ‘The associated TRANSFER BUS is not powered. 6.BUS OFF LIGHTS: “The associated GENERATOR BUS is not pomered. 34 OVERHEAD STATION © stectaicar contro pane GEN OFF BUS LIGHTS ‘The associated GENERATOR BREAKER Is open. 8. APU GEN OFF BUS LIGHT ILLUMINATED: The APU Is on speed and both APU generator breakers are open. ExTINGUISHED: “+Either APU generator breaker is closed. “+The APU control switch Is OFF, or the APU has shutdown automaticaly. 9, APU GEN CONTROL SWITCHES ON: “Closes the associated APU field and generator breaker after the APU ‘generator control unit has found power acceptable. +Removes previously applied power by opening the generator breaker and ‘applies APU power to the associated GEN BUS. + On the ground both APU generator breakers can be closed, which powers both GEN BUS 1 AND GEN BUS 2 +n fight the APU generator can only be applied to one GEN BUS, Both APU generator breakers remain closed if a takeoff Is made with the [APU on, until an APU GENERATOR CONTROL SWITCH is opened. as. OVERHEAD STATION © srectaicar conrRot paver Ew As 10. APU GEN CONTROL SWITCHES OFF: “+Opens the associated APU generator breaker which removes power from the associated GEN BUS. +The APU field will open ifthe opposite APU generator breaker is already open. on: “+Closes the associated field (if open) and breaker after the generator Control unit has found power acceptable. ‘+Applies power to the associated GEN BUS and opens the previously applied power generator breaker. OFF: Opens associsted generator field, which causes the generator breaker to ‘open and remove power from the associated GEN BUS. 26 OVERHEAD STATION 1. APU MAINTENANCE LIGHT If active, indicates the following, and does not cause an auto shutdown: ++0ne of two speed sensors inoperative. ++0ne of two exhaust gas temperature thermocouples inoperative. ++Starter brush wear +Low oil quantity 2. APU LOW OIL PRESSURE LIGHT Iluminates during normal star until oll pressure bullds up. With the APU on speed, iow oil pressure will cause the light to iluminate and the APU to automatically shutdown. 3. APU FAULT LIGHT Indicates an APU auto shutdown has occurred for the following reasons: -+Battery switch turned off during ground operation, -+Elecrical failure ++Low oil pressure ++High olf temperature +APU fire ++0verspeed +Overtemperature 37: OVERHEAD STATION 4, APU OVERSPEED LIGHT ‘The APU OVERSPEED light illuminates for the following reasons: +Overspeed sensor has caused an auto shutdown. Light reset by maintenance, ++Overspeed sensing maifunction during normal shutdown, For subsequent restart, overspeed protection is not available. “+APU start is terminated prior to the APU being on speed. Light will extinguish for restart. 5. APU EGT GAUGE Indicates APU exhaust gas temperature, end does not require electrical power. Will indicate EGT until § minutes after shutdown, 6. APU AC AMPS METER Indicates electrical load on APU generator. 38. 4. TRANSMIT MIC SEL SWITCHES Light illuminated in switch pushed for selected channel to transmit on, Only one channel can be selected 2. VOLUME CONTROL LEVERS Increases volume of selected channel More than one channel can be listened to at 2 timeTRANSMIT MIC SEL SWITCHES: Light illuminated in switch pushed for selected channel to transmit on. Only ‘one channel can be selected. 3. PUSH TO TALK SWITCH Keys selected microphone, either boom or mask, to talk on channel selected by the MIC SELECTOR push button. 4, FILTER SWITCH Controls the type of audio received by the VOR, ILS, and ADF radios. V: Voice only B: Both voice and station identifier cod : Station identifier code only. 5. MASK/BOOM SWITCH ‘Selects which microphone will be used, either the headset boom or oxygen Trask, when a mike is keyed through the PTT switch, contro! whee! switch, or pendant switch ao. OVERHEAD STATION @ hci seer rane G.EMERGENCY DEGRADE SWITCH Allows manual selection of the degrade mode of the associated Audio Selector Panel when switch is placed to EMER. In the degrade mode the Captain can only receive on the VHF 1 radio, the First Officer on the VHF 2 radio, and the abserver on the VHF 3 radio, 40. OVERHEAD STATION @® Power Management control 1. REVERSER LIGHTS Reverser sleeves are asymmetrical. One stowed and the other one lun-stowed. REVERSER UNLOCKED light on the center instrument panel also illuminates. ‘Comes on when the reversers are commanded to stow, and will extinguish ‘after approximately 10 seconds when the isolation valve closes. IMluminates ifthe isolation or selector valves are not in their commanded posi- tions, Iluminates when the reverser is in transit. PMC CONT SWITCHES & INOP LGTS 2. PMC CONTROL SWITCHES: ‘ON: Switch is selected on and the PMC is armed for operation at or above 46% N2 RPM. ‘OFF: Indicates the PMC switch is selected off. De-energizes the PHC so the MEC controls engine operation. PMC INOP LIGHTS: The PMC has detected an internal fault, or the PMC CON- TROL switch has been placed off 3. ENGINE LOW IDLE LIGHT Illuminates for the following reasons: ++0ne or both engines are in low idle when they should be in high idle. +The speed of either engine is below 25% N14 in fight. +As applicable, an engine start switch is in FLT and one or both engines ‘are operating at oF below 45% Ni above 500 ft AGL, Aa 41. OVERHEAD STATION Ge Muouenl a Cia 1. CREW OXYGEN GAUGE Indicates crew oxygen pressure upstream of the oxygen shutoff valve. Power to gauge fs from the BATTERY BUS. 2. PASSENGER OXYGEN SWITCH NORMAL: Passenger oxygen system armed for automatic operation when cabin altitude reaches 14,000 feet. ON: Manually activates the passenger oxygen system. 3. PASSENGER OXYGEN ON LIGHT Passenger oxygen system is activated, 42. OVERHEAD STATION ©) wincow a pitt Heat Panel 1. WINDOW HEAT ON LIGHTS ILLUMINATED: Power is applied to the forward and side windows {85 applicable. EXTINGUISHED: “+The switeh is off +An overheat has occurred +A window heat failure exist 2. WINDOW OVERHEAT LIGHTS Indicates an overheat has occurred. ‘The associated window heat is tuned off, and the ON light goes out. Window heat can be restored after turning the appropriate off for several minutes. ‘The overheat lights do not monitor the eyebrow windows for an overheat condition. Radiation from the sun can cause an overheat condition on the ground, 43. OVERHEAD STATION 14) Window & Pitot Heat Panel Pee 3. WINDOW HEAT SWITCHES. ‘ON: Arms the window heat controler to apply heat to the following windows: ‘+L Side- Captains side L-2, and eyebrow windows L-4 and |-5. +LFWD- Captains forward window L-1. +R FWD- First Officers forward window R-1 4A Side- First Officers side R-2 and eyebrow windows R-4 and R-5. OFF: Turns off window heat to the associated windows 4. WINDOW HEAT TEST SWITCH PWR TEST: Maximum power is applied to windows with an associated window heat switch ON. OVHT: Simulates an overheat condition 5. PITOT STATIC HEAT SWITCHES SWITCH A: In the ON position, electric heat is applied to the left side Pitot Static probes, TAT probe and Angle of Attack vanes. SWITCH B: In the ON position, electric heat is applied to the right side Pitot Static probes, TAT probe and Angle of Attack venes. 44, OVERHEAD STATION @® window 8, pitot Heat Pane! 6. PROBE HEATER LIGHTS. ILLUMINATED: Indicates the associated probe heat is inoperative. Also ‘comes on for the PITOT STATIC HEAT switch of. EXTINGUISHED: The associated probe heat is receiving power. 45. OVERHEAD STATION B cnsine & wing antiice Panel WING ANTI-ICE oF 1. WING A/I VALVE OPEN LIGHTS. BRIGHT: The wing anti-ice valve Is in transit, or the valve and switch post tions do nat agree. DIM: ‘The associated wing ant ice valve is open. OFF: ‘The associated wing anti-ice valve is closed. 2. WING ANTI-ICE SWITCH GRO TEST: Opens both wing anti-ice vaives on the ground only. oth valves will close if an overheat is detected, OFF: Closes both wing ant-ice valves, ON: Opens both valves in flight only. 3. COWL ANTI-ICE LIGHTS Indicates overheat or overpressure in the anti-ice duct downstream from the valve. “OWL VALVE OPEN LIGHTS BRIGHT: Anti-ice valve in transit or valve and switch position do not agree. DIM: Cow! anti-ice vaive is open with the switch ON. OFF: Cowl antt-ice valve is closed with the switch OFF. 5. ENGINE ANTI-ICE SWITCHES ‘ON: Opens associated engine anti-ce valve. Valve Is electrically controlled ‘and pneumatically operated. OFF: Closes associated engine anti-ce valve, 46. OVERHEAD STATION @ Herautics controt Panel 1. ENGINE HYD PUMP SWITCHES ON: Solenoid is de-energized to allow blocking vaive to open, allowing engine pump to pressurize hydraulic system. OFF: Solenoid is energized, which causes blocking valve to block hydraulic pump output. 2, ELECTRIC HYD PUMP SWITCHES (ON: Provides GEN BUS 1 power to ELEC pump and GEN BUS 2 power to ELEC2-pump, 2 1 OFF: Removes electric power from the associated pump. 3. ELECTRIC HYD OVERHEAT LIGHTS. Indicate associated electric hydraulic pump has over heated. ‘There is no overheat indication for an engine hydraulic pump. 4, HYD PUMP LOW PRESSURE LIGHTS The output of the associated pump is low. ‘The engine pump LOW PRESSURE lights are inhibited when the associated fire handle is pulled. 47. OVERHEAD STATION @ Doors Light Panel ds 3 4 1, FWD/AFT ENTRY LIGHTS Indicates the forward or aft entry doors are not locked, 2. EQUIP. Indicates the Electronic Equipment door or the lower nose compartment door Is not locked, 3. FWD/AFT CARGO LIGHTS The forward or aft cargo doors are not iocked 4, FWD/AFT SERVICE DOORS The forward or aft service doors are not locked. B coc vie recorder 26 ( ad 3 Second Se 1. AREA MICROPHONE Picks up cockpit area conversations any time AC power is applied to the air- plane. 2. CVR METER Indicates when the CVR is recording or erasing on all channe's. Pointer deflects to the green band during test. 3. CVR TEST BUTTON Tests all four channels. ‘Tone will be heard in headset if plugged in to jack during test. Meter will deflect into the green band during test 48. OVERHEAD STATION ©® cockpit voice Recorder een led sed 4. CVR ERASE BUTTON {vill erase all channels if on the ground and parking brake is set Total erase takes approximately 10 seconds. 5. CVR HEADSET JACK Allows listening to tone during test or playback of recorder. | | ] ressucaion incest Far | | 1. CABIN ALT/DIFF PRESSURE GAUGE Cabin altitude displayed on inner dial and cabin differential pressure displayed fon outer panel. Red flag indicates point the positive pressure relief valve will open. 49. OVERHEAD STATION ® Pressurization Indicator Panel 2. CABIN RATE OF CLIMB GAUGE Shows cabin rate of change « 3. CABIN ALTITUDE HORN CUTOUT SW Silences cabin altitude warning horn when pushed. | Horn sounds above 10,000 feet cabin altitude. 50. @ Pressurization Control Panel | ee fr ~ i — Macs ern Corns 1. AUTO FAIL LIGHT Indicates failure of the AUTO pressure controller. Pressurization automatically transfers to the STANDBY mode 2. OFF SCHED DESCENT LIGHT ILLUMINATED: ‘when the airplane starts a descent prior to reaching the altitude set in the FLT ALT window. ‘The cabin will descend to correspond to the altitude set in the LAND ALT win- dow, in the event a return to the departure airport is initiated. TO EXTINGUISH: ‘The light will extinguish at every level off when descending to departure air- port Can be extinguished by placing the FLT ALT knob to a point lower than the current altitude. Placing the pressurization mode selector to MANUAL or STANDBY. 51. OVERHEAD STATION @ Pressurization Control Pane! ce Ard Pt ts | Cu pet errs A beers ro 4 3. STANDBY LIGHT ‘The pressurization mode selector has been placed to STANDBY or the pressure controlier has automatically switched to the STANDBY mode, 4, MANUAL LIGHT ‘The pressurization mode selector has been placed to MAN AC or MAN DC. 5. FLIGHT ALT WINDOW & KNOB Used to reference the proper cruise altitude for the auto pressure controll Selecting a different altitude prior to reaching cruise will erase the departure airport altitude from the auto pressure controller memory. 6, LAND ALT WINDOW & KNOB Used to select the landing field elevation for reference to the auto pressure ‘controller. 7. CABIN RATE KNOB Used to select the cabin rate of climb or descent when in the STANDBY mode. Index mark selects 300fpm. 8. CABIN ALTITUDE WINDOW & KNOB Selects the eabin altitude used by the STANDBY controller. 5 5 OVERHEAD STATION @ Pressurization Control Pane! a3 rr} Ou ees ony 9. OUTFLOW VALVE INDICATOR Indicates position of the outflow valve. Not operable when on standby electrical power: 10. MANUAL OUTFLOW VALVE SWITCH [Active when pressurization mode controller is in MAN AC or MAN DC. When FLT/GRO switch is in GRD, outflow valve opens or closes fully when (OUTFLOW VALVE SWITCH is held in the OPEN position, ‘When FLT/GRD is in FLT, switch can be manually positioned to either open or close the outflow valve in increments. 11. FLT/GRD SWITCH Furs ‘SAUTO- On ground, pressurizes airplane to 200 below field elevation, +STBY- On ground, pressurizes airplane to altitude in CAB ALT window, MAN AC or MAN OC- On ground or in fight, outflow valve moves in in- crements, ro: “FAUTO and STANDBY: Depressurizes the airplane on the ground, MAN AC or MAN DC- On the ground or in Fight, moves the outfiow valve ‘continuously when the OUTFLOW VALVE switch is held in OPEN or CLOSE, aS. OVERHEAD STATION @ Pressurication cont Fone staoer | manual eq re fratr eon e|_ Pa rr Epa my ces To oe i T Se [nay a 412, PRESSURIZATION MODE SELECTOR CHECK; Tests auto failure function of auto system AUTO: Automatic pressurization Is active STBY: Standby pressurization Is active. MAN AC: Outflow valve operates manually from AC power, MAN DC: Outflow valve operates manually from STANDBY DC power at a slower rate then AC power. 54, OVERHEAD STATION @ Flight Recorder Panel Cee aeol , 4. FLIGHT RECORDER TEST SWITCH TEST: Allows ft recorder operation without the engines running. NORMAL: Recorder operates whenever either engine is running, or in flight regardless of engine operation. 2. FLIGHT RECORDER OFF LIGHT Power Is off or a tape malfunction exist, 3.MACH/ AIRSPEED WARNING TEST Tests the associated MACH/AIRSPEED warning system, and the airspeed clacker sounds. 1. STALL WARNING TEST Tests the associated stall warning computer and the associated stick shaker. 55. OVERHEAD STATION ® Air Conditioning Panel CeCe Uy 1. AIR MIX VALVE INDICATORS Indicates position of air mix valves, 2, AIR TEMP SOURCE SELECTOR ‘SUPPLY DUCT: Left eabin supply duet. PASS CABIN: Passenger cabin temperature. 3, DUCT OVERHEAT ‘Supply duct temperature overheat. Associated air mix valve drives full cold 4, TEMPERATURE INDICATOR Displays temperature of the area selected by the AIR TEMP selector. 5. TEMP CONTROL SELECTORS AUTO: Air mix valves modulate in response to selected position to maintain temperature automatically in the cockpit or passenger cabin. MANUAL: When controller is moved to the six o'clock position, selected air imix valves are controlled manually 56. OVERHEAD STATION i ® Air Conditioning Panel Cone cr aston Ped rd pr ord % 7 Ay awe Indicates one of the following, ‘+The APU bleed valve is open with the number 1 engine bleed valve open “+The APU bleed valve is open with the numer 2 engine bleed valve open and the isolation valve open. 7. RAM DOOR FULL OPEN LIGHT Ram air doors are in the full open position. Normal operation on the ground, or in flight with the flaps extended. May come on with flaps retracted if additional cooling is necessary. 6, DUAL BLEED LIGHT Iluminates to warn that back flow into the APU is possible. | Bs I OVERHEAD STATION RCIRCFAN IR PACK) mis 3 1. RECIRC FAN SWITCH OFF: Turns off the recire fan, AUTO: Recire fan operates unless both packs are on and at least one pack Is in high flow. 2. MANIFOLD PRESSURE INDICATOR Indicates pressure in bleed air duct for the lef and right sides. 3. PACK CONTROL SWITCHES. (OFF: Tums pack off [AUTO: Pack opertes inthe following Now schedules Got packs in AUTO, ‘One pack in AUTO ifight withthe Naps down (ne pack is operting and on the ground wth an engine Bleed valve open, 58. OVERHEAD STATION {CONTINUED} “+High Flow- (One pack in AUTO inflight with the flaps up. (One pack in AUTO, APU bleed vvalve open, engine bleed valves closed, on the ground. HIGH: +The associated pack switch is placed to HIGH. +0 pack switch is placed to HIGH, on the ground, the APU bleed switch open. 4. OVHT TEST SWITCH Tests the continuity of the wing/body overheat circuitry. The WING-BODY | OVERHEAT lights should come on after several seconds, | 59. OVERHEAD STATION 5. PACK TRIP OFF Pack has exceeded temperature limits. Pack trips off. Associated mix valves clase Pack cin be reset by pushing the pack trip reset button: 6, WING-BODY OVERHEAT LIGHTS Temperature sensors have detected a bleed air leak outside the duct in the following areas: LEFT: Left engine strut bleed air duct through the left inboard wing to the left keel beam and air conditioning bay to the APU bleed valve, RIGHT: Right engine strut bleed air duet through the right inboard wing to the right kee! beam and air conditioning bay. 60. OVERHEAD STATION Cena Cn ma ce Sat (TENN ia fa) "ato, (ooo 7. BLEED TRIP OFF LIGHTS. Indicates the following: ++Excessive temperature downstream of the engine bleed valve. ++Excessive pressure upstream of the engine bleed vaive. 8. ISOLATION VALVE CLOSE: Closes the AC motor operated valve. auTo: ++With both pack valves and both bieed valves open, isolation valve clases. +4With any engine bleed vaive or pack valve closed, isolation valve will open. OPEN: Opens the isolation valve. 61. OVERHEAD STATION fc LEED TRIP RESET BUTTON Resets the BLEED TRIP OFF, PACK TRIP OFF and DUCT OVERHEAT lights. 10, ENGINE BLEED AIR SWITCHES OFF: Closes the associated engine bleed valve. (ON: Opens the engine bleed valve with pneumatic pressure avallable from the engine 11, APU BLEED AIR SWITCH OFF: Closes the APU bleed valve. (ON: Opens the APU bieed valve with pneumatic pressure availabe from the APU. 62. OVERHEAD STATION B Lancing taxi/eunway Turnott Uw 1, OUTBOARD LANDING LIGHTS Retractable lights located on the outboard flap track fairings.. Can be extended or retracted at any speed. 2. INBOARD LANDING LIGHTS Fixed light located on each inboard wing leading edge in a glass fairing. 3. RUNWAY TURNOFF LIGHTS Mounted in each inboard wing leading edge enclosed by a glass fairing, 4, TAXI LIGHTS. {A single ight mounted on the steerable portion of the landing gear strut. Light does not turn off with retraction of the nose gear. 5. APU CONTROL SWITCH OFF: +Shuts down the APU. -+De-arms the APU caution lights ++Ci0sas the APU door in approximately 30 seconds. on: ++0pens the APU inlet door. -+Arms the auto shutdown circuitry, -+Arms the APU caution lights start: “+The BATTERY BUS provices power for starting contral and ignition ++The HOT BATTERY BUS provides power to the APU starter. 63. OVERHEAD STATION Pets Cire 1 ae ENGINE START SWITCHES. Gro: +40 pens the start valve ++Arms ignition for operation when the start lever is moved to IDLE. ++Held in GRD by solenoid until starter cutout, then switches to OFF. ++As applicable, ensures engine bleed alr valve is closed. OFF: Ignition removed from igniters. ‘CONT: Supplies high energy to selected igniters when start lever is in IDLE. FLT: Supplies high energy to both igniters when start lever is in TOLE. 2. IGNITION SELECT SWITCH IGN L: Loft igniter selected for use on bath engines. BOTH: Both igniters selected for use on both engines. IGN R: Right igniter selected for use on both engines. OVERHEAD STATION sort roar tl 1 45) 1. STROBE LIGHTS "Strobe lights located on each wing tip and the tail turn on when switch is placed to ON. 2. POSITION LIGHTS ON BAT: With the BAT switch ON, and no other source of power, BATTERY BUS power will turn on position lights. ‘ON: Tums on the left red wing tip and right green wing tip position lights, ‘and turns on white trailing edge wing tip lights. 3. ANTICOLLISION LIGHTS ‘Tums on two red upper and lower anticolision lights with switch placed ON. 4. WING ILLUMINATION LIGHTS ‘Turns on right and left wing leading edge Illumination and both wing ice detec tion lights. 5. WHEEL WELL LIGHTS Turns on area lights and downlock illumination lights in all three wheel wells. @ service interphone sence rei a 1. SERVICE INTERPHONE SWITCH ON: Allows communication between the cockpit, ight attendants, and seven external locations using the service interphone system, OFF: Disconnects the seven external locations from transmitting, but they can stil receive. 65. OVERHEAD STATION @®) come tints ona bos ar Cd 1. DOME WHITE LIGHT SWITCH Controls two overhead dome lights above the captain and fist officer. @ Circuit Breaker Lights ‘CIRCUIT BREAKER Ne 1. CIRCUIT BREAKER AND PANEL LGTS CIRCUTT BREAKER: Controls the variable intensity of the ca ‘officers circuit breaker panels. 66. OVERHEAD STATION EB) Eauipment cooting CoW reer) Ei ae eae 1 1. EQUIPMENT COOLING SWITCHES NORMAL: Energizes the normal SUPPLY or EXHAUST fans. ALTERNATE: Energizes the alternate SUPPLY or EXHAUST fans. 2. EQUIPMENT COOLING OFF LIGHTS Indicates low airflow in the SUPPLY er EXHAUST ducts, If on the ground, and at least one IRS operating, the ground crew call horn in the nose wheel well will sound. ©@ Emergency Exit Light Panel 1. EMER EXIT LIGHT NOT ARMED LOT Indicates the EMER EXIT lights are not armed. 2. EMER EXIT LIGHTS SWITCH OFF: Turns off the emergency exit light system, ARMED: The lights will automatically come on with 2 loss of charging power (0c bus 1). ON: Turns on the emergency ext lights. Battery packs cannot charge. 67. OVERHEAD STATION ® cabin signs switch Panet NO FASTEN 1. NO SMOKING SIGNS (OFF: Turns off NO SMOKING signs. AUTO: NO SMOKING signs come on when the landing gear is down, ON: NO SMOKING signs come on. 2. FASTEN BELTS SIGNS OFF: ‘Tums off FASTEN BELTS and RETURN TO SEAT signs AUTO: FASTEN BELTS and RETURN TO SEAT signs come on when the landing (ear is down or the flaps are not up. (ON: FASTEN BELTS and RETURN TO SEAT signs come on, @ Fit Att & Grd Call Panel i) Cu oa 1, ATTENDANT CALL BUTTON. ‘When pushed, causes a two-tone chime in the passenger cabin, and both pink master call ights come on, 2. GROUND CALL BUTTON Sounds @ horn in the nase wheel well while pushec. 3. COCKPIT CALL LIGHT Indicates the cockpit is being called by the flight attendants or ground person- rel. 68. OVERHEAD STATION © windshield wiper Control WINDSHIELD WIPER SELECTOR PARK: Stows wiper blades to the PARK position when switch is held until wipers are parked. OFF: Turns off both wipers. LOW: Both wipers operate at low speed. HIGH: Both wipers operate at high speed. 69. SLNAWNYLSNI LHS FOML 4aLd VHD FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION @ wer 2eron igs 1. MARKER BEACON LIGHTS Marker beacon lights on the captains and first officers panels illuminate when a single marker beacon receiver picks up station passage of the associated fan marker. Light intensity is adjusted by rotating the light assembly. 1. CAPTAINS CLOCK Used to display Coordinated Universal Time, and the captains clock also pro- vides time to the FMC to calculate waypoint and destination ETAs, and to the flight recorder. 2. €T/CHR ET: Indicates elapsed time since ET selector was moved to RUN. CHR: Indicates elapsed time when CHR button is pushed, Overrides ET, but ET returns after CHR is reset 73. FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION 3. CHR BUTTON Stops, starts and resets the CHR indicator and second hand with successive pushes, 4, ET SELECTOR RUN: Starts ET indicator. Continues to count from HLD time when reselected from HLO. HLD: Stops ET indicator at existing time, RESET: Resets the ET indicator to zero time, 5. GMT SELECTOR RUN: Starts GMT indicator. Continues to count from HLD time when HLD reselected. HLD: Stops input to FMC and fit recorder, as well as the GMT indicator. SS: Sets seconds to zero and resets minutes. FS: Freezes minutes and advances hours. 74. FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION © cows tions ‘e, 1. PULL UP WARNING LIGHT Indicates the following: -+Excessive rate of descent ++Excessive terrain closure -+Aittude loss after go-around or takeott ++Unsafe terrain clearance when notin the landing configuration. 2. BELOW G/S & P-INHIBIT BELOW G/S: Indicates more than 1.3 dots below glides slope. INHIBIT: “Inhibits below glide slope alert if pushed below 1000 feet radio altitude 4+Rearmed above 1000 feet radio altitude oo FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION TE ro 298 TTT TRAN ai 1. AIRSPEED CURSOR Positioned manually or automaticaly as selected by airspeed control knob. 2. AIRSPEED CURSOR MODE ANNUN AUTO MODE: Removes flag from view MANUAL MODE: Places flag in view. 3. EXTERNAL AIRSPEED BUGS Manually placed to remind pilots of specific airspeeds, 4. MACH INDICATOR Indicates mach from associated air data computer. Blank below .40 mach Red flag in view if alr data computer fails, 5. Vmo POINTER Indicates maximum operating speed es computed by associated air data com- puter. If vo pointer is inoperative, red flag is in view in Vmo window on airspeed ingicator. 6. KNOTS INDICATOR Indicates airspeed in knots computed from associated air data computer. AVS flag appears over digits when airspeed is unreliable, 76. FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION oror 7. AIRSPEED CURSOR FLAG Indicates the airspeed cursor is unreliable, 8. AIRSPEED POINTER Indicates airspeed as computed by associated air data computer, When airspeed is unreliable pointer moves to zero. 9. AIRSPEED CURSOR CONTROL KNOB PUSHED IN: Cursor automatically positioned by inputs from the associated [AFDS flight control computer, PULLED OUT: Cursor positioned manually, and the AIRSPEED CURSOR FLAG will be in view. 77. FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION @ w2 Distance Magnetic 1, DME INDICATORS 300 mile maximum range Warning fag indicates power lost or malfunctioning DME receiver. Dashes indicate DME receiver not receiving signal, or FMC Is agility tuning 2. ADF/VOR BRG POINTER SWITCHES Pushing switch selects bearing pointer source. Mode is annunciated above ‘switch Number 1 switch vill attempt to select an ADF, but is not installed on domes- tic airplanes. 3. Panel number 5 [ADF/VOR BRG POINTERS NARROW POINTER: Receives signals from VHF NAV 1 and on overwater air- planes, ADF 1 WIDE POINTER: Recelves signals from VHF NAV 2 and ADF 2. 78. @ wetuseorector inaetor 1, ATTITUDE DIRECTOR INDICATOR ‘The EADIS display information received from their respective signal genera~ tors. [Attitude information is ceceived from the respective inertial reference unit through the respective signal generator. Pitch and roll information is available through 360 degrees of rotation in each 2. BANK INDICATOR & SCALE Indicates bank angles from 0 at vertical, 10, 20, 30, 45 and 60 degrees on either side. 3. AIRPLANE SYMBOL Indicates airplane attitude in comparison to horizon generated by associated IRU 4, PITCH & HORIZON SCALE Changes in relation to IRS input for horizon versus the airplane symbol Pith seale is in 2.5 degree increments. 79. FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION @ ‘iuce director ndiator 5. MACH INDICATION Displays current mach as computed by associated alr data computer. Displayed when mach increases above .40. Removed when mach decreases below 38. 6. PITCH LIMIT SYMBOL Indicates pitch at which stick shaker will occur. Displayed when any amount of flaps are extended. 7. FLIGHT DIRECTOR COMMAND BARS. Displays commands received by the associated fight director computer. 8. SLIP INDICATOR Mechanically indicates a skid or slip by position ef ball from center, 9. DECISION HEIGHT INDICATOR Displays decision height selected by knob on the EFIS control panel Removed from display when a negative decision height Is selected. When descending through decision height, indicator becomes larger, yellow, and flashes momentarily, DH alert resets automatically after climbing 75 or more above selected DH FLIGHT INSTUMENT STATION {CONTINUED} after landing, Dit alert’can be manually reset by pressing the RST button on the EFIS Con tol Panel. © dtitude Director indicator 10. RADIO ALTITUDE Displayed below 2500 feet AGL, Changes from white to yellow below DH. ‘Changes back to white when climbing 75 feet above selected DH, or after pressing RST switch on the EFIS Control Panel. 11. RUNWAY SYMBOL Centered over localizer indicator, and is visible when radio altitude js below 200 feet, at which point it will rise toward airplane symbol 12, LOCALIZER POINTER & SCALE Magenta pointer indicates localizer position, while scale indicates deviation. Pointer is blank whenever the ILS localizer signal is too weak to receive. 13. GLIDESLOPE POINTER & DEV SCALE Pointer indicates glideslope position, Scale indicates deviation Pointer is not displayed if glidestope is unusable or when track and the front course on the MCP differ by more than 90 degrees, 81 FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION 14, AUTOTHROTTLE FLT MODE ANNUN. ‘The following are descriptions of each flight mode annunciation, and what ttle will be displayed on the EADI in the proper color. Ni: The NI switch is illuminated, and the autothrottle maintains the Ni limit as selected from the CDU. Pushing the Ni suitch again changes the A/T mode from Ni to ARM. ‘The Ni mode is also active when in a LVL CHG dimb. GA: Armed when below 2000 feet RA and the A/T ARM switch isin ARM Pushin ether TO/GA switch engages the A/T inthe GA mode RETARD: Annunciates during LVL CHG or VNAV descents. When at idle or with manual intervention, RETARD changes to ARM. During landing, RETARD engages at 27 feet RA. FMC SPD: Engaged during VNAV operation. Speed window closes and speed 's controlled by the FMC. MCP SPD: Engages when speed select switch is pushed, and is automatically ‘engaged when in ALT ACQ, ALT HLO or V/S. FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION {CONTINUED} THR HOLD: Engaged at 64 kts during takeoff, until 400 feet RA, then switches to ARM, |ARM: A/T ARM switch isin ARM, and no autothrottle mode is engaged. SPEED or N1 switches de-selected, 15. PITCH ARMED FLT MODE ANNUN. G/S: The APP mode is armed, but G/S capture has not occurred \V/S: The autopilot is in the ALT HOLD mode, and a new MCP altitude different by over 100 feet has been selected. V/S will become engaged when the W/S selector is moved FLARE: Annunciates when the autopilot has completed self-test below 1500 feet RA. FLARE mode will become engaged at approximately 50 feet RA. 16. PITCH ENGAGED FLT MODE ANNUN TO/GA: Engaged during takeoff by pushing the TO/GA switch on either throt~ tle. Throtties advance, and the AFDS initially commands 10 degrees nose low, Until 60 kis when the F/D commands 2 15 degree climb. AMT annunciation changes from ARM to Ni V/Si The V/S switch has been pushed (except when in ALT HOLD or after G/S capture in the APP mode). The vertical speed window changes from blank to the current W/S, and the W/S selector is active, 83. FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION {CONTINUED} ALT ACQ: The ABTITUDE ACQUIRE mode is in the process of leveling the alr~ plane to the MCP altitude from the V/5 LVL CHG or VNAV climb or descent modes. While in CWS PITCH, ALT ACQ is armed with the &/P command switch in CMD. ALT ACQ is inhibited when in G/S or ALT HOLD switch is pushed. ALT HOLD: ALT HOLD switch has been pushes. ‘The MCP altitude has been reached, and airplane has entered the ALT HOLD mode. ‘. NAV SPD: The airplane is in a climb or descent in the VNAV mode, and the airplane will pitch for speed rather than an FMC calculated vertical path, NAV PATH: The airplane Is in the VNAV mode, and will pitch to maintain the FMC calculated path. During cruise speed may increase, MCP SPD: Annunciated during @ LVL CHG climb or descent. Airplane main- tains selected MCP speed, (CWS PITCH: The A/P was overriden while in ALT HOLD mode with control input. 84, FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION (CONTINUED) G/S: The glide slope has captured at 2/5 of a dot. Previous pitch mode disengages and the APP light on the MCP goes off when the localizer is captured. ‘Thrust mode changes to G/A. FLARE: Flare has captured at approximately 50 feet RA. Command bars disappear. @ bce director indicator 17. ROLL ARMED FLIGHT MODE ANNUN VOR/LOC: The VOR/LOC switch has been pushed, and a VOR or localizer course has not been intercepted. 18, ROLL ENGAGED FLT MODE ANNUN HOG SEL: The HDG SEL switch has been pushed. Airplane will turn shortest direction toward selected heading. Bank angle selector is active Automat ly disengages when VOR or localizer course is captured. VOR/LOC: The selected VOR or localizer course has been captured. Course can be captures from LNAV, HDG SEL or CWS ROLL. LNAV:_ FMC programmed route has been captured if within 3NM, or if outside 3NM, 90 degree intercept, if possible, prior to reaching active waypoint. Disengages when HOG SEL switch Is pushed, or VOR/LOC capture. 85. FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION 700 19, AUTOPILOT ENGAGED ANNUN (CMD: Either autopilot COMMAND switch has been pushed, If no force is being ‘epplied to the controls, and the stabilizer trim AUTOPILOT switeh is normal FO: The associated flight director switch Is on, and an autopilot is not en- gaaed. 20. CWS PITCH & ROLL FLT MODES CWS P: With an autopilot in CMO, control force was used to override the active pitch mode. {An autopilot is in CMD, and a pitch mode has not been selected, or was de- selected An A/P CWS switch vas pushed. The A/P will maneuver the airplane based on pilot control inputs. CWS R: With an autopilot in CMD, control force was used to override the ac- tive roll mode. ‘A command roll mode has not been selected or was de-selected. ‘An A/P CWS switch was pushed. The A/P will maneuver the airplane based on pilot control inputs. 86 FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION @ £101 spece Tape BWNrE sl 1. V1 DECISION SPEED Displayed after entry on the COU TAKEOFF REF page. Displayed at top of scale until actual speed indication becomes visible 2. FMC/MCP COMMAND SPEED ‘Speed selected in speed window on MCP, or FMC computed speed. 3. VR ROTATION SPEED Displayed after entry on the COU TAKEOFF REF page. 4, Vi DECISION SPEED. Replaces original Vi speed when V1 indication is within view, 5. SPEED TAPE Scrolls up or down in response to change in calibrated airspeed. Receives data from associated air data computer, 6. FLAPS UP MANEUVERING SPEED Displayed when flaps are up. 7. ROTATING DIGITS Digits change one knot at a time. Box and numbers remain fixed on the cen: ter of the scale, 8. AIRSPEED TREND ARROW Indicates where the airspeed will be in ten seconds based on current airspeed and rate of acceleration 9. MINIMUM MANEUVERING SPEED Top of yellow bar indicates minimum maneuvering speed, 87. FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS STATION @ e101 spees Te 11,FMC/McP COMMAND SPEED Displayed here when a speed is selected on the FMC/MCP. 12, MINIMUM FLAP RETRACT SPEED Displayed during takeoff or go-around. 13, STICK SHAKER SPEED Stick shaker occurs at top of barber pole. 14. PLACARD SPEED Indicates maximum gear extension speed, oF flaps extended speed for the selected flap position. 15, NEXT FLAP POS PLACARD SPEED Displays the next maximum flap extension speed. 16. VREF SPEED Indicates the VREF speed for the flaps setting inserted on the CDU APPROACH REF speed. 17, MAXIMUM OPERATING SPEED Indicates Vmo/Mmo, 18, HIGH SPEED BUFFET LIMIT Bottom of yellow bar indicates the speed that provides a .3G maneuver margin to high speed buffet at high altitudes. AR FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS STATION Lae | Cer 1, HSI ACTIVE WAYPOINT DISTANCE Horizontal distance to the active waypoint. 2. HSI MAGNETIC TRACK In the MAP mode, the number will indicate magnetic track, unless the airplane {s above 73 degrees north, or 10 degrees south, when the track will automati- cally switch to true track 3. ACTIVE WAYPOINT ETA Indicates estimated time of arrival atthe active waypoint. 4. GROUND SPEED Indicates current ground speed based on inputs from the ADC and IRS. 5. HEADING POINTER Indicates the airplane heading when the selected mode has track orientation on top. 89. FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION 6. BEARING POINTER Indicates relative bearing to the ADF station as received from the respective radio. ADF 2 depicted here. ADF 1 only on some airplanes, 7. HEADING MARKER Indicates heading selected on the MCP heading window. 8. TRUE AIRSPEED Indicates true airspeed as calculated by the associated air data computer. 9. INACTIVE WAYPOINT ‘A white star indicates a waypoint that is 8 component of the route, but is not the active waypoint in the FMC. 10. NaVAIDS When the NAVAID switch is on, all navaids, VORTAC, VOR, VOR/DME, are dis- played if within range. When at or above the 80 mile range, only high altitude navaids are displayed. Naveids tuned in are displayed in green, and will be displayed in all ranges. 90. FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION 11, ALTITUDE RANGE ARCPredicts the point that the present MCP or FMC altitude will be reached at the current vertical profile. 12. RANGE MARK Displays half the current range in nautical miles 13. WEATHER RADAR RETURN Displays weather returns if the WXR ON switch has been pushed Red indicates intense echoes, yellow is medium intensity, green is low inten sity, and magenta indicates turbulence. 14, ACTIVE WAYPOINT Displays the waypoint currently active, and the FMC would fly to if LNAV were selected and captured. 15. AIRPORTS Displays airports visible within the range selected when the ARPT switch is pushed. 91. FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION {CONTINUED} The departure and arrival airports are always visible, regardless of the ARPT switch postion 16, FMC CALCULATED VERT POINTS. The FHC will calculate vertical profile points to indicate where specific points will be reached, T/C* The point at which the airplane will ach the FMC programmed cruise altitude, ron the FMC calculated vertical profile, (i.e. VNAV). ‘S/C- The point at which the airplane will be light enough to climb to the next step climb altitude, based on FMC calculations. ‘T/D- The point at which the FMC has determined to be optimum for descent to be on the FMC calculated vertical descent profile to the landing airport. E/D- The FMC calculated end of descent point 92. FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION @© 151 map mode 17. WIND DISPLAY Displays magnetic wind and velocity supplied by the IRS. 18. AIRPLANE TRIANGLE ‘The point of the triangle represents the actual position of the airplane. 19. VERTICAL DEVIATION SCALE Displays deviation from FMC calculated vertical descent profile. Full scale deflection represents 2 400 foot deviation. Beyond that, the digital readout is displayed below the scale. 20. POSITION DIFFERENCE DISPLAY Displays deviation in nautical miles of one or both IRS's # their postion is different from the FMC position by a certain amount. 33. FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION © ist center map Mode Centers the airplane symbol on the map and the compass indications are ex- Panded. Selected on the EFIS Control Panel by selecting CTR MAP, 1. HSI CENTER MAP MODE | 94 ©] ericonta situation indiator 1. HSI PLAN MODE Displays an overhead view of the flight plan as referenced to true north. ‘Waypoints can be scrolled through by selecting PLAN on the EFIS Control Panel, and then accessing the LEGS page on the COU. Line 6 left will have @ STEP prompt, used to select each waypoint for viewing on the HST Different ranges can be used in the PLAN mode to view more or less of the route, 95. FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION Tome Pos | < 1. DME DISPLAY Displays slant range distance to the tuned VOR 2, HEADING DISPLAY Magnetic heading is displayed, rather than magnetic track, as in the MAP mode 3. COURSE DEVIATION INDICATOR Indicates deviation from tuned VOR ‘One dot deviation equels 5 degrees. 4, VOR SOURCE INDICATOR Indicates source of VOR. 5. VOR FREQUENCY Displays frequency of selected radio. If the NAVAID is automatically tuned, the word AUTO mill be displayed in place of the frequency. FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION 11620 1. VOR COURSE POINTER & DEV “The course pointer rotates to the selected course as selected on the course knob located on the MCP. ‘The deviation indicator shows 5 degrees of deviation at one dot. ‘The TO/FROM triangle flips to show relation from NAVAID. 2. DRIFT ANGLE POINTER Replaces the track line when in the FULL VOR made, and indicates the present magnetic track. 97. FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION 1. DME INDICATOR Indicates the slant range OME to the tuned localizer. 2, COURSE & DEVIATION INDICATOR Indicates one degree of course deviation for one dot deflection 3. GROUND TRACK LINE Displays the current ground track taking wind into consideration, 4, GLIDESLOPE INDICATOR Indicates the position and deviation from the glidesiope. 98. PLIGHT ANSI RUPEN! S1ArUr 1. HSI FULL ILS MODE All indications are the same as the FULL VOR mode, with the exception that the course deviation indicator indicates one degree of course deviation at one dot. 99, FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION B wwst sw & ar Alert Lights ‘ 2 1, INSTRUMENT SWITCH LIGHT Indicates one or both of the instrument transfer switches are out of the nor- mal position. 2, ALTITUDE ALERT LIGHT Iiluminates steady when approaching the MCP altitude within 900 feet, and ‘goes out at 300 feet, Flashes continuously when deviating from selected altitude by 300 feet. Will ‘extinguish when deviation is over 900 feet, altitude Is re-acquired within 300, feet, ora new MCP altitude Is selected. © wen ht Annunciator Lights 2 1, A/P DISENGAGE PUSH/RESET Illuminates for the following reasons: FLASHES RED AND TONE SOUNDS: “+Autopilot has disengaced. ‘+Reset by pushing light or either A/P disconnect switch. STEADY REO: “Stab out of trim below 800 feet on autoland approach or go-around. “+Alttude acquire mode inhibited with light illuminated, STEADY AMBER: Flight mode annunciator test switch in position 1 2. A/T DISENGAGE PUSH/RESET IMluminates for the following reasons: FLASHING RED: Autothrottle has disengaged. STEADY RED: Flight mode annunciator test switch in position 2 STEADY AMBER: Flight mode annunciator test switch in position 1 100 FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION ® Autoflight Annunciator Lights 3 4 3. FMC ALERT LIGHT Mluminates for the following reasons: +#The FAIL light on both CDU's are illuminated. +An FMC alert message exists for both COU's +The fight mode annunciator test switch is in position 1 or 2. 4. DISENGAGE LIGHT TEST SWITCH TEST 1: Autopilot, autothrottle and FMC alert lights illuminate steady amber TEST 2: Autopilot, autothrottle lights illuminate steady red and FMC light ilu- Iinatessteay amie. ®@ Altimeter ‘ y 5 remy Oe 1, DIGITAL COUNTER Indicates current altitude in increments of thousands, hundreds and twenty feet. \Warning flag appears for malfunction or ADC failure. Green flag appears in the left window when altitude Is below 10,000 feet. ‘An NEG flag appears over the left 2 digits when altitude below 0 feet is dis- played. 101. a Cir) 2, ALTITUDE POINTER Completes rotation in thousand foot increments. 3. BAROMETRIC SETTING KNOB Adjusts barometric setting, 4, BAROMETRIC SETTING WINDOW Displays barometric setting in inches of mercury. 5. REFERENCE ALT MARKER KNOB Used to select marker bug to reference altitude. 6. REFERENCE ALTITUDE MARKER, Use6 to select reference altitude. 102. FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION © vertical speed indicator 1, VERTICAL SPEED POINTER Indicates vertical speed from 0 to 6000 FPM, ® Standby Airspeed Indicator 1, STANDBY AIRSPEED INDICATOR Indicates uncorrected airspeed from the number 2 auxiliary pitot and alternate static sources. 103. 1. ALTIMETER POINTER Completes revolution in thousand foot increments, 2. BAROMETRIC SETTING WINDOWS Displays barometric setting in inches of mercury anid milibars 3. DIGITAL INDICATOR Indicates altitude in thousands of feet. 4. BAROMETRIC SETTING KNOB Adjusts barometric setting, @ Master Lights Switch 1. MASTER LIGHTS SWITCH ‘Test position used to test the Operation of various lights werning lights. Lights not tested are: Marker beacon, autofight annunciators, parking brake, ‘and the master fire warning lights, 104, FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION @® stancby attitude indicator 1% e 2 3 1. BANK INDICATOR Scaled at 0, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60 degrees. 2. GYRO OFF FLAG Indicates the gyro is unreliable, or power has been lost. 3. HORIZON LINE AND PITCH SCALE Pitch scale is in $ degree increments. 4, APPROACH MODE SELECTOR OFF: Glideslope and localizer pointers retracted, ILS: Glideslope and localizer pointers in view. ILS signals provided by number 1 115 receiver. BY/CRS: Reverses sensing of localizer pointer for back course approaches. Glidesiope pointer not displayed. 5. CAGING CONTROL PULL: Fast erection of the gyro occurs. RELEASE: Control retracts. € speed brake annunciator tints 1 1. SPEED BRAKE DO NOT ARM LIGHT Indicates a fauit exists in the automatic speed brake system, and the speed brakes must be manually deployed, Light disarmed when the speed brakes are down, 105. FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION Speed Brake Annunciator Lights a 2, SPEED BRAKE ARMED LIGHT Indicates the speed brake handle isin the armed position and the speed brakes are armed for automatic deployment on the ground. Light is disarmed when the speed brake handle is down, @ S300 018 oF Hn Lone 1.,STAB OUT OF TRIM LIGHT ‘The autopilot is not trimming the stabilizer correctly 10 seconds after recognl- tion, to prevent nuisance warnings. 106. FLIGHT INSTRUMENT STATION @ Fuel Quantity Indicators 1. FUEL QUANTITY TEST BUTTON During test, quantity indicators drive to zero, and the errar code 2 or 3 ap- pears. When button is released, quantity indicators momentarily blank, then four 8's ‘appear with a zero at the end, then normal quantity reappears. 2. FUEL QUANTITY INDICATORS: Indicates the usable fuel in each tank within + 3% of full scale quantity Powered by the STANDBY AC bus. {An error is indicated by an ERR above the LB symbol, with a number displayed below that. ‘The numbers 2 or 3 are normal for an empty tank, or during the QTY TEST. @ Feet Flow Display Switch 1, FUEL FLOW SWITCH RESET: Displays fuel used for one second then resets to zero on both fuel flow indicators. RATE: Displays fuel flow on both fuel flow indicators. 107. FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS STATION {CONTINUED} USED: Displays fuel used by each engine on i's respective indicator for 10 Seconds, Counts from zero after RESET was accomplished, @® ‘2w Damper Position Indicator 1. YAW DAMPER INDICATOR Indicates rudder movement due to yaw damper inputs. Does not indicate rudder movement as a result of rudder pedel or trim inputs. @® Enoine oi Qry Test Switch 1, ENG OIL QTY TEST SWITCH Drives oil quantity indicators toward zero. Indications recover when switch is released, @®) Thrust Mode Annunciator Pane! LSuen oe: (RZ G/A CON Sa" Ya 1. THRUST MODE ANNUNCIATOR PANEL “This panel is installed on non-EFIS aircraft. Indicates which thrust limit reference mode is active. A/T LIM annunciated indicates that the autothrottle computer is calculating thrust limits and not the FMC. 19a

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