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Facultad de filosofía y letras

Análisis del discurso en lengua inglesa

Evidencia 2

Maestra Alicia Esther Torres

Grupo i86

Dayra Camila Banda Valerio
Andrea Linnet Palacios Estrada
Karen Alessandra Cardona Cardona

Understanding the nuances of argumentative and narrative texts is crucial in deciphering the
intricate tapestry of human communication through the written word. These two distinct
genres, while serving diverse purposes, share the common goal of engaging and influencing
the reader. In this analysis, we delve into the intricacies of argumentative and narrative texts,
exploring their unique characteristics, techniques, and effects on the audience.

Argumentative texts are a cornerstone of persuasive discourse, crafted to sway the reader's
opinions or prompt action through the presentation of evidence, logical reasoning, and
compelling rhetoric. They often serve as platforms for advocacy, debate, or critical analysis,
seeking to establish a clear stance on a particular issue or topic. Whether found in political
speeches, opinion editorials, or academic essays, argumentative texts employ a range of
persuasive strategies, including appeals to logic, emotion, and credibility, to shape the
reader's perspective and evoke a desired response. Through systematic examination, we
uncover the underlying structures and devices employed by authors to construct compelling
arguments and navigate complex rhetorical landscapes.

On the other hand, narrative texts transport readers into captivating worlds of imagination and
emotion, weaving together characters, settings, and plotlines to tell compelling stories. From
ancient epics to modern novels, narratives serve as vessels for human experience, offering
insights into the complexities of identity, culture, and society. Through vivid imagery, sensory
details, and nuanced characterization, narrative texts evoke empathy, provoke reflection, and
illuminate universal truths about the human condition. By analyzing narrative techniques
such as point of view, narrative voice, and narrative structure, we unravel the artistry behind
storytelling and uncover the underlying themes and messages embedded within the text.

While argumentative and narrative texts may appear distinct in their purposes and
approaches, they often intersect and complement each other in practice. Narratives can serve
as powerful vehicles for conveying persuasive messages, embedding moral lessons or
ideological viewpoints within the fabric of storytelling. Likewise, argumentative texts may
incorporate narrative elements to contextualize evidence, humanize abstract concepts, or
engage the reader's emotions. Through interdisciplinary analysis, we explore the dynamic
interplay between argumentation and narration, revealing how these two genres converge to
shape discourse, inform understanding, and provoke critical thought.

In this study, we embark on a journey through the realms of argumentative and narrative
texts, dissecting their structures, unraveling their techniques, and uncovering their impacts on
readers. By illuminating the complexities of language, persuasion, and storytelling, we aim to
deepen our appreciation for the art and craft of written communication, empowering readers
to navigate the diverse landscape of textual discourse with insight and discernment.
Argumentative text

The main argument proposes to replace public libraries with iPads y suscriptions to online
libraries, highlighting the benefits such as saving expenses and accessibility. However, in
contrast there is evidence that suggests digital reading is less effective than printed reading,
with retention and comprehension issues. Furthermore, it is signaled that the excessive use of
digital devices may have negative repercussions to health.

It outlines that libraries offer a wide line of services more than just a book borrowing,
including areas dedicated to studying, community events and reference services. It enfazises
that these functions are critical for creating a connection and the community’s wellbeing, and
it cannot be easily replaced by digital devices.
In conclusion, it is exposed that replacing libraries with a tablet would lead to a negative
outcome and limit access to important benefits that libraries offer to the community.

Narrative text

The texts depicts an embarrassing incident from the author’s sophomore year, it details how
they acquired the nickname “crash”. This occurred after school when the author turned onto a
busy street near the school. They stopped behind a truck at a stop sign, they intended to tell
another student to get back in the car. However, since they were distracted they did not notice
that the traffic had not moved, this resulted in them rear-ending the truck in front of them.

The authors car ended severely damaged , with the hood buckled, the front end pushed back,
and the highlights broken. Despite their efforts to move on from the incident, it became a
recurrent topic at schools throughout the year.

Finally, the author’s most embarrassing moment came from a lack of attention while driving,
which resulted in an accident that left their car damaged and them gaining the last name

Padilla, C., Douglas, S. y Lopez, E. (2010). La comunicación académica como construcción

argumentativa: perspectivas de lectura y de escritura de estudiantes universitarios. En V. M.
Castel y L. Cubo de Severino Rosario.

Weston, A. (2006). Las claves de la argumentación.Barcelona: Ariel

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