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Insights – Ending it Strong (12-02-2022)

Emmanuel Bautista III

Chief Executive Officer, Koumizen, Inc.

Getting Started:

Question for all: As a leader, why multiplying yourself matters?

Principles and Practices:

"Control Growth." - Edward K. Lee

What is Strategy?

The fundamental methodology an institution uses to achieve its purpose. Put simply, strategy is how
we plan to achieve our purpose.

2 Types of Multiplier

1. Values
2. Person

What is Multiplier as a Person?

People who accomplish beyond individual capabilities through reproduction of oneself in others.
Once you multiplied or duplicated yourself to others, you'll now get a higher ROT (Return on Time).
That way, they have more time to accomplish more important activities.

Why Multiplying Matters?

We have 3 reasons:

1. Series of Ventures - Before the scaling part, we make sure our current venture is stabilized.
We can achieve it by multiplying ourselves. Once we multiply ourselves, the one we multiply
ourselves with can now sustain our current venture so that we can now focus on starting a
new series of ventures.

Most companies die not out of starvation, but indigestion. Indigestion is getting all
opportunities without duplicating oneself or we call it "premature scaling".
2. Sustainability - In the game we're in, it is not about how many we start, but for how long we
last in this game. When we multiply ourselves, our DNA will also be shared with that person.
If that person also shares the same DNA, he or she will be able to sustain your venture.
3. Scale - Since we multiplied ourselves to many, we can now accommodate many. We have
visions and we have the money to make it happen. The question is do we have leaders to
sustain it?

When we're good at what we do, opportunities will come. The problem is when opportunities come,
not all leaders in our organization are as good as ours.

"The only way to grow an organization is to grow its people." - Florentino A. Hernando

The Difference between Developer and a Multiplier

When you become a leader, your job is to develop people. It usually doesn't happen because of 3

1. Deal - "I don't know it's my job to develop people.".

2. Skill - "I know it's my job to develop people, but I don't know how.".
3. Will - "I know it's my job to develop people, I know how to develop people, I just don't want

The Developer teaches another person. The Multiplier teaches another person how to teach
another person. Here's an image your brain can easily digest based on "The Law of Numbers".
Why is being a Multiplier is the best strategy?

The answer in two words is Organizational Execution.

The Knowledge Gap

The mismatch between what you as a leader knows and what your organization knows. The bigger
the gap, the harder it is to execute.

Our job as leaders is to shorten the gap. The shorter the gap, the faster we execute. The faster we
execute, the faster we get the results. That's why teaching is not just really a good thing, but it is a
great strategy.

What Causes Knowledge Gap?

● Reading - As CEOs, we get different readings. Is our team also reading books? If yes, are
the books the same as ours?
● Relationships - As CEOs, we're working with other CEOs. That's why our conversations are
different from our team.
● Real-World experience. - As CEOs, the experiences we have are different from what our
team experiences.

Getting Practical: How do you shorten the Knowledge Gap and multiply yourself?

Step 1: Teach What You Know - The faster our team knows what we know, the faster they
understand. The faster they understand, the faster the alignment. The faster the alignment, the
faster the execution.

Step 2: Train People to Read - They will not read spontaneously, meaning is "Hindi sila kusang
magbabasa". We need to force them to read. We must add it to our system.

Step 3: Take People with You - In masterminds, it is also best if we bring our trustworthy leaders as
well. That way, we can multiply ourselves and shorten our knowledge gap to them faster.

In closing, here are two things that will make the biggest difference between who you are now and
who you will be in the next 5 years:

1. The books you read.

2. The people you associate yourself with.
Taking it Home:

1. What key insight did you gain from the write-up?

2. How do you apply the insight you gained in your company?
3. What can your fellow CEOs do this week to grow your business?

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