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Insights: Branding - The Genius-Maker

March 3, 2023
Cielo Rodriguez

Ge ng Started:

Ques on for all: Why is it important to a ract and retain great talents in a company?

Principles and Prac ces:

“If you want to be the best, always run with the best.” – Magic Johnson

There are two reasons why we should always choose the best people in our company. First, it is
prac cal. The best are dependable and can produce great results, so working with them will
lead to success. Also, being around the best means you can learn from them, which is valuable
in itself.

Second, choosing the best is perpetual. The best people want to work with other successful
individuals, so by surrounding yourself with the best, you'll a ract more top- er talents. This
creates a cycle of excellence that can lead to even greater success in the future. For a startup
company, working with the best is a smart and strategic decision that can help them build a
solid founda on for long-term growth.

One of my key takeaways is that we must care about how people see our company. If we focus
on building our company's brand, we'll a ract more people regardless of what we sell or offer.
People's percep on of our company is crucial to our success. Moreover, how people see things
dictate their behavior towards them.

"Brand associa on shortcuts the brain's decision-making process," as Sir Fah noted. When
people see a familiar brand, it ac vates parts of their brain associated with posi ve emo ons
and memories, making them more likely to choose the familiar brand over an unfamiliar one.
Therefore, as a CEO, it is crucial to priori ze building a strong brand associa on to improve the
chances of success.
Why does being branded as a Genius-maker company ma er?

1. A racts Talents – The best only want to work with the best. When a company is known
for being a great place to work and for producing excellent results, talented individuals
are more likely to want to work there. In other words, a company that is known for
crea ng a posi ve and innova ve work environment is likely to a ract highly skilled and
mo vated employees.
2. Accelerate Performance – Once you a ract great talents it will accelerate your
performance. By emphasizing the importance of crea vity, collabora on, and
con nuous learning, a company can mo vate its employees to work harder and achieve
be er results, leading to accelerated performance and greater success.
3. Ac vate The Flywheel - where success a racts more success, leading to greater growth
and achievement over me.

How do you establish a Mul plier Culture that a racts talent?

● Purpose - It's important to have a clear sense of purpose, mission, and DNA. It inspires
and a racts people to our company. When employees understand the purpose behind
their work and feel like they are contribu ng to something greater than themselves,
they are more likely to be engaged and commi ed to their jobs.
● Performers - it is essen al to iden fy and retain high-performing individuals while
removing those who do not meet performance standards.
● Profit Sharing – It is also important to give back to the people who work hard in the
company, sharing the profits with employees, it can increase their mo va on and
engagement, leading to improved performance and loyalty.

In closing,

If you want to achieve great results, then you must have great talents. It is important to a ract
and retain great talents. One way to do this is by branding your company as one that produces
genius makers.
Taking it Home:

1. What key insight did you gain from the write-up?

2. How do you apply the insight you gained in your company?

3. What can your fellow CEOs do this week to grow your business?

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