Wedding Dance Activity

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The Wedding Dance by Amador Daguio

1. Setting of the Story:

The story is set in a mountainous region in the Philippines, within a tribal village. The narrative takes

place in a traditional house and the surrounding environment, particularly near a village bonfire

where a wedding dance is being held.

2. Main Characters:

Awiyao: A strong and kind man who loves his wife Lumnay but is compelled by cultural expectations

to leave her because she cannot bear children. He remarries to fulfill his desire for a child and to

meet societal norms.

Lumnay: Awiyao's wife, deeply in love with her husband and devastated by their separation. She is

a talented dancer and a hardworking woman, grappling with the pain of her husband's remarriage

and her inability to bear children.

3. Culture Observed that I Liked the Most:

The strong sense of community and the celebration of important life events, such as weddings,

through traditional dances and music. The communal gatherings, where the entire village

participates in rituals, reflect the close-knit nature of the tribe.

4. Culture Observed that I Would Like to Change:

The cultural expectation that a man must have children to be considered successful, and the

consequent pressure to remarry if the first wife cannot bear children. This practice causes emotional

pain and disrupts families, as seen with Awiyao and Lumnay.

5. Different Ending:

As Lumnay sits in the mountain clearing, she hears footsteps approaching. Awiyao appears, unable

to bear the thought of leaving her. He declares his decision to defy the tribal customs and stay with

her. The village elders, moved by their deep love, gather and decide to amend the tradition, allowing

couples without children to stay together if they choose.

Awiyao and Lumnay return to the village hand in hand, where they are met with a mix of shock and
admiration. Over time, their love becomes a symbol of change, encouraging others to question and

adapt old customs. The tribe begins to honor the strength of love and partnership over rigid


6. Photos Related to the Story:

Mountain Village: [Insert Image URL]

Traditional Dance: [Insert Image URL]

7. Creative and Modern Presentation:

This activity was crafted using modern digital tools and formats, combining traditional storytelling

with contemporary design elements to make the content engaging and visually appealing.

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Daguio, Amador. 'The Wedding Dance.' Provided PDF document.

Submission Instructions:

Ensure all activities are saved and submitted in PDF format before the deadline to avoid deductions.

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