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Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 00 : Dt.


Title : Project Registration & Progress Review FF No. 180

Department: Chemical Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024

Semester: 8th Group No.: 11

Project Title: Plant Design and economics analysis of Propylene Oxide

Project Area: Polymer Industry

Group Members Details:

Sr. Class Roll

G.R. No. Name of Student Contact No. Email ID
No. & Div. No.

1. 12120007 PARESH S BHANGALE 9623212218 shekhar.paresh21@vit.edu

2. 12120023 EKLAVYA Y 7420965660 eklavya.chaudhari21@vit.edu

3. 101 12010787 VIRAH KHANDAGLE 9552305562 viraj.khandagale20@vit.edu

Name of Internal Guide: Prof. Adwita Joshi

Contact No. & Email ID: 9325744255, adwita.joshi@vit.edu

Project approved

Guide Project Coordinator Head of Department

FF No 180
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 00 : Dt. 01/08/22

Project Synopsis:

Project Title: Plant Design and economics analysis of Propylene Oxide.

1. Introduction:
Propylene oxide (PO) is an important chemical intermediate used in the production of various
industrial products, including polyurethane foams, coatings, adhesives, and detergents. One commonly
employed method for the production of PO is the reaction between propylene and hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2) using a fixed bed reactor. This process, known as the propylene oxide synthesis, involves the
selective oxidation of propylene to form PO.

2. Objectives:
• Study and analyses the procedures involved in Propylene Oxide production.
• Conduct a case study encompassing manual and Excel-based calculations for mass and energy
balance, equipment design, and costing.

3. Scope:
The project will cover the entire process of Propylene Oxide production, from raw material
inputto final product output.

4. Methodology:
• Literature Review: Review existing literature on Propylene Oxide production processes to
gaininsights into best practices and innovations.
• Process Analysis: Study and analyze the various steps involved in Propylene Oxide
production,focusing on efficiency and sustainability.
• Case Study: Perform a detailed case study involving manual and Excel calculations for mass
and energy balance, equipment design, and costing.
• Economical Analysis: Conduct a thorough economic analysis, considering capital investment,
operational costs, and potential revenue streams.

5. Expected Outcomes:
• Comprehensive understanding of Propylene Oxide production processes.
• Detailed manual and Excel-based calculations for mass and energy balance, equipment
design, and costing.
• In-depth economic analysis providing insights into the project's feasibility.

FF No 180
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 00 : Dt. 01/08/22

Group No. 06

Progress Review Report

Activity Review Schedule Signature of Guide

Review 1 Mid Sem. Semester Yes / No

Review 2 End of Semester Yes / No

Format of Progress Review Report:

Review No.: 1 Group No.: Date:

Progress Review Report

Signature of Guide:
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 00 : Dt. 01/08/22

Review No.: 2 Group No.: Date:

Progress Review Report

Signature of Guide:

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