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2.0 Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Library Networks: An Overview
2.2.1 Objectives of Library Networks

2.3 Library Networks: The Indian Scenario

2.3.1 History and Growth of Library Networks in India
2.3.2 Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET)
2.3.3 Developing Library Network (DELNET)
2.3.4 Calcutta Library Network (CALIBNET)
2.3.5 Ahmedabad Library Network (ADINET)
2.3.6 Mysore Library Network (MYLIBNET)
2.3.7 Pune Library Network (PUNENET)
2.3.8 Madras Library Network (MALIBNET)
2.3.9 Bombay Library Network (BONET)
2.4 Library Networks: International Scenario
2.4.1 Online Computer Library Centre (OCLC)
2.4.2 Research Libraries Information Network (RLIN)
2.4.3 Joint Academy Network (JANET)
2.4.4 Consortium of University Research Libraries (CURL)
2.4.5 China Academic and Library Information System (CALIS)
2.4.6 Australia’s Research and Education Network (AARNET)

2.5 Summary
2.6 Keywords
2.7 Answers to Self Check Exercises
2.8 References and Further Reading

After reading this Unit, you will be able to:
 understand the meaning and importance of library networks;
 know the important library networks in India with regard to their objectives,
services and current status; and
 have an insight into the well-known library networks at the international
Library Networks : National
2.1 INTRODUCTION and International

You have already studied the Unit on “Network Concepts” in the first course
of this Programme, which basically covers the technological aspect of the
networks. The first Unit of this course “Introduction to Library Networks”
deals with the objectives, need, purposes, services, etc. of the library networks.
In this Unit we will acquaint you with some of the functional library networks
in India and abroad.


Due to information explosion and accelerating prices of information services
and products, present day libraries are unable to meet the information needs of
the users. Earlier, resource sharing methods like Inter-Library Loan (ILL) were
used to meet the demands of users. With the advent of information technology,
libraries work in a networked environment where data and information
resources are accessible in electronic format and are shared electronically.
The main advantage of the library network is that data and other information
resources can be shared between a number of users. Library network ensures
that data and other resources can be shared quickly, reliably and accurately.
Before we talk about various national and international library networks, let
us first understand the meaning of library networks with the help of some
As Franklin David Jebaraj and Fredrick Robin Devadoss define,“ A library
network is broadly described as a group of libraries coming together with some
agreement of understanding to help each other with a view to satisfying the
information needs of their clientele”.
The National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) gave
definition of a library network in National Programme Document in the year
1975 as:
“Two or more libraries and/or other organisations engaged in a common pattern
of information exchange, through communications, for some functional
purpose. A network usually consists of a formal arrangement whereby materials,
information, and services provided by a variety of libraries and other
organisations are available to all potential users. Libraries may be in different
jurisdictions but agree to serve one another on the same basis as each serves its
own constituents. Computers and telecommunications may be among the tools
used for facilitating communication among them”.
In simple words, library network means a group of libraries situated at different
locations are connected to each other using computers and communication
networks. The basic purpose of library networking is sharing of information,
data and resources in order to provide better services to its clientele. As we all
know, factors like inadequate library budget, accelerating prices of documents
and availability of huge amount of information resources, make it difficult for
any library to acquire sufficient number of documents to fulfill the needs of its
readers. The term “library network” is being used increasingly for library
cooperation and resource sharing. 21
Library Networks 2.2.1 Objectives of Library Networks
From the above definitions it is apparent that the library networks have been
conceived as mechanism for optimum utilisation of resources which is
necessitated by the shrinking of library budget, increased cost of materials and
varieties of demands of the users. The general objectives of such networks can
be spelt out as follows, though individual networks may have one or more
specific objectives depending upon their requirements. For example, networks
of metropolitan area thrive to support the information resources of the users of
the community based on the resources available within the area. However,
such specificity is slowly blurred due to the development of ICT. The primary
objectives are:
a) promoting sharing of resources amongst the libraries;
b) improving information handling capabilities through networking of
libraries and information centres;
c) accessing document collection of member libraries through online union
d) providing bibliographic information services from indigenously created
e) establishing mechanism for access to international databases;
f) organising document delivery service;
g) optimising utilisation of resources through shared cataloguing, cooperative
acquisition, sharing expertise, sharing equipments etc.;
h) promoting computerisation of libraries and information centres through
international standards which will facilitate exchange of information;
i) augmenting weaker resources in the network by increasing cooperation
among the member libraries;
j) avoiding unnecessary duplication of materials through development of
adequate collection development policy for member libraries;
k) coordination with other networks – regional, national and international;
l) developing databases of projects, specialists and institutions.


In this section you will be studying some of the functional national library

2.3.1 History and Growth of Library Networks in India

History of library networks in India can be traced back to the year 1958 when
on the instance of Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru, Scientific Policy Resolution was
adopted emphasising the development of scientific temper among people. As
a result, several committees and commissions were setup who came up with
various recommendations. Some of the reports submitted by these committees
and commissions included: Sinha Committee Report (1959), Ranganathan Library Networks : National
and International
Report to UGC (1965), Peter Larzer Committee Report (1972), V.A. Kamath
Report (1972). All these reports recommended cooperation among libraries at
local, regional and national level. During the 7th Five Year Plan (1985-90) the
Planning Commission of Government of India appointed a working group
under the Chairmanship of Dr. N. Seshagiri to study the aspects of
modernisation of library services and inter-linking of library systems. Further
the Government appointed Prof. D. P. Chattopadhyay as a Chairman of a
Committee to evolve a national policy on library information systems. This
committee submitted the report and stressed the need for resource sharing and
linking of education and research organisations. National Information System
for Science and Technology (NISSAT) established in the year 1977 as a project
in the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Government
of India, took initiatives for the setting up of Metropolitan Library Networks
in India. The main purpose of setting library networks was to strengthen the
resource sharing, to avoid duplication of resources and also to minimise the
cost of acquiring resources. Keeping in mind the above mentioned objectives
the Metropolitan City Library Networks, namely, Calcutta Library Network
(CALIBNET) in 1986, Delhi Library Network (DELNET) in 1988, (now
Developing Library Network), Pune Library Network (PUNENET) in 1992,
Bombay Library Network (BONET) in 1994, Ahmedabad Library Network
(ADINET) in 1993, Mysore Library Network (MYLIBNET) in 1995, etc. were
established and funded by the NISSAT. It was expected from these networks
to promote resource sharing, prepare union catalogue of books and periodicals
and create centralised databases. The NISSAT has ceased operation since 2004.

2.3.2 INFLIBNET: Information and Library Network

a) INFLIBNET is an acronym used for Information and Library Network. It
is a major national programme of University Grants Commission (UGC)
started in the year 1991. INFLIBNET( is an
autonomous inter-university center of UGC, located at Gujarat University
Campus, Ahmedabad. It became an independent inter-university centre
in the year 1996. INFLIBNET is also working very seriously for effective
communication among academicians and researchers in India through
electronic mail, bulletin board, file transfer, and computer/audio/video
The INFLIBNET has made provision for document delivery service by
establishing resource centres around libraries having rich collection of
INFLIBNET offers the following services to fulfill its objectives:
Catalogue based services
 Shared cataloguing of monographs, serials and non-book materials;
 Union catalogue of books, serials and non-book materials;
 Online catalogue access for shared cataloguing and location identification;
 Catalogue production in card, book, magnetic tape/floppy, optical (CD-
Library Networks Database services
 Bibliographic database services;
 Retrospective searches, SDI, current awareness services.
Information services
In order to ensure free flow of information to the end users and strengthen
interaction between academics, INFLIBNET has started many information
 Access to Union Databases of Books, Periodicals, Experts, etc. through
the INFLIBNET website.
 CD-ROM based services
Members can access CD-ROM databases in the area of social sciences
and humanities, free of cost.
 Internet based services
The network provides academic community with various resources and
1) Due to rising prices of information resources libraries cannot buy and
acquire all possible information sources. Some of the library networks
are running consortia for its member libraries and offer information sources
and services at a very low cost and bridge the gap between libraries with
regard to information have and information have-nots. UGC-INFONET
has been set up by UGC and ERNET India, Scientific Society and the
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology. Indian
universities constitute one of largest education system in the world. There
is a great need for effective communication and coordination among UGC
and each university for modernising university campus with campus wide
networks and also setting up nation-wide network.UGC-INFONET
programme with this objective, functions on consortia approach, with 294
universities, institutions and 13150 affiliated colleges. It covers more than
88.21 lakh students and 4.27 lakh teachers. INFLIBNET which acts as a
liaison between UGC, ERNET (Education and Research Network) and
universities provides training to library professionals for using the network
and resources made available on it. For further details on UGC-INFONET
please refer to Unit 1 of this course.
Self Check Exercise
1) What are the information services offered by INFLIBNET?
Note: i) Write your answer in the space given below.
ii) Check your answer with the answers given at the end of this Unit.

24 ...................................................................................................................
................................................................................................................... Library Networks : National
and International

2.3.3 DELNET: Developing Library Network

DELNET (Developing Library Network) earlier known as Delhi Library
Network till 2001 started in the year 1988 and registered as a society in 1991.
Initially, it was sponsored by NISSAT, DSIR and currently is being promoted
jointly by National Informatics Centre (NIC), Department of Information
Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology,
Government of India and India International Centre (IIC), New Delhi. In
addition to fulfilling the objectives of library network, DELNET also undertakes
scientific research in the area of information science and technology, creates
new systems in the field, applies the results of research and publishes them.
Delnet ( provides ILL Online, Retrospective
conversion, Referral Services, Document Delivery Services, Training
Programmes, Creation and Maintenance of Bibliographic Databases, E-mail
Service, and Internet Connectivity Service.
The following database services are also provided to its member libraries:
Online Databases of Union Catalogue of Books, Union List of Current
Periodicals, Union Catalogue of Periodicals, Databases of Periodical
Articles, Indian Specialists Database.
Bibliographic Database of CD-ROMs, Union List of Video Recordings,
Sound Recordings, Newspapers, etc.
Apart from these services, DELNET provides some useful software products
namely, i) DELSIS – a powerful library networking software; ii) DEL-DOS –
for creating MARC (Machine Readable Catalogue) Records of books; iii) DEL
PLUS – a stand-alone library management software for database creation and
maintenance and for OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue); and iv)
DELMARC – a LAN based library management software for larger libraries
with large collection and clientele.
DELNET offers links to related databases and websites on the web in different
disciplines. DELNET’s effort, in resource sharing and providing a number of
services and products, is definitely a significant step towards provision of
automated library services, especially in India.
Self Check Exercise
2) Mention the products of DELNET.
Note: i) Write your answer in the space given below.
ii) Check your answer with the answers given at the end of this Unit.
Library Networks ...................................................................................................................

2.3.4 CALIBNET: Calcutta Library Network

CALIBNET (Calcutta Library Network) project funded by NISSAT, DSIR
and managed by the Calcutta Society was established in the year 1986 under
the West Bengal Government’s Societies Registration Act, 1961.
CALIBNET, in the first phase, undertook the task of linking 38 computerised
libraries in the field of science and technology located within the Calcutta
metropolitan area and would then proceed to connect to other Metropolitan
Area Networks namely, Developing Library Network, Bombay Library
Network, Madras Library Network, Mysore Library Network, Ahmedabad
Library Network, etc.
The CALIBNET ( activities are centered around
providing access to materials available in the eastern region and creation of
databases particularly with respect to intellectual assets of West Bengal.
CALIBNET offers the following services to fulfill its objectives:
 Centralised Database (CDB) Service, which contains bibliographic records
of participating libraries.
 ConFile Service provides contents of journals of users choice.
 CalibOrder Service offers the requisite backup service by providing full
 ConAlert Service gives user the customised service by providing current
and tailored bibliographic information.
 RetroFile Service provides trend of research on any given specific topic.
 CalibLink gives e-mail connectivity to member libraries.
The CALIBNET website ( provides access to
bibliographic information resources available through its centralised databases.
The CALIBNET website also provides the following active links for the benefit
of member libraries:
 Indian Library and Network Resources
 Overseas Library Resources on India
 Worldwide Library Catalogues
 National Libraries of the World
 Newspapers and Journals
 Electronic Reference Tools
 Factual Information Sources
 Document Supply Services
The website also provides details of varied CALIBNET programmes for: Library Networks : National
and International
 On-Demand Information Services
 Consultative Service for Library Automation
 Manpower Development Opportunities, and
 Research and Development in IT Applications.
CALIBNET has developed inhouse “SANJUKTA” – a multi user storage and
retrieval software to support its centralised database and to provide online
access from remote areas. The other Software “PARAPAR” which is a
conversion software package has also been developed to support interchange
of bibliographic data.
CALIBNET also provides Current Awareness Service (CAS), Selective
Dissemination Information (SDI) Service, Union Catalogue, access to
databases, CD-ROM databases, LC MARC (Library of Congress Machine
Readable Catalogue), Biblio File, and E-Mail Service.
Self Check Exercise
3) Name the software package developed by CALIBNET.
Note: i) Write your answer in the space given below.
ii) Check your answer with the answers given at the end of this Unit.

2.3.5 ADINET: Ahmedabad Library Network

ADINET is the abbreviation used for Ahmedabad Library Network
( It is a network of libraries located in and around
Ahmedabad. In the year 1993 it was registered as a society. ADINET sponsored
by the NISSAT. Its membership is open to all institution libraries, information
centers, library professionals and students.
The services from ADINET includes the following:
 Database of current periodicals received by over 100 libraries of
 Inter-Library Loan
 Content Pages of LIS Journals
Library Networks  Supply of photocopies from journals received by libraries in and around
 Internet surfing facility
 Database of databases available in LIS Centres in and around Ahmedabad
 JOLI (Job Opportunities for Librarians) Database
 Special Internet training to fresh qualified librarians
 Computer training programmes to library professionals
In order to meet the objective of cooperative mode of working among the
libraries, ADINET is now offering the following services by special expert
team at a reasonable charge:
 Computerisation of libraries
 Cataloguing and classification of documents
 Labelling and shelving of books
 Stock verification of documents
 Manpower development programmes
 Planning for library development
 Completion of any backlog work in the library
 Some selected cyber café to give 20% discount to ADINET members.
 Giving facility to LIS professionals to put their resume on the ADINET
website for searching of jobs.
Self Check Exercise
4) What are the databases provided by ADINET?
Note: i) Write your answer in the space given below.
ii) Check your answer with the answers given at the end of this Unit.

2.3.6 MYLIBNET: Mysore Library Network

MYLIBNET (Mysore Library Network) was set up by NISSAT, DSIR in the
year 1995 and is located in the Central Food Technological Research Institute
(CFTR) Campus, Mysore. The MYLIBNET (
organises various training programme for LIS professionals.
Some of the services provided by MYLIBNET are as follows: Library Networks : National
and International
Providing technical assistance in the area of LIS. Web access to the Union
Catalogue of Periodicals subscribed by member libraries for updating their
records in the union catalogue database online. It subscribes to e-mail service

2.3.7 PUNENET: Pune Library Network

PuneNet is a joint endeavour of University of Pune, Centre for Development
of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) and National Chemical Laboratory (NCL).
This project, funded by NISSAT was started in the year 1992. PuneNet
( is housed in Bio Informatrics Centre, Pune.
PuneNet Database Services
PuneNet hosts many databases namely, Union Catalogue of Periodicals,
Databases of Booksellers and LIS Professionals, PuneNet Libraries Database.
These databases are updated yearly. Through its website, the users can access
PuneNet databases on the Internet. This network acts like a gateway to Internet.
Other Services
Apart from the database services some of the other services includes E-mail
and Internet Connectivity, CD-ROM database services, online search facility,
Current Awareness Service (CAS), photocopy services, etc. The participating
libraries are provided with login and password, which is issued for short period
of time. For the sharing and exchange of bibliographic data from the
participating libraries PuneNet follows the international standard for
information exchange – 1SO 2709.
PuneNet is planning to include Indian language databases, which contain old
and rare valuable manuscripts, for the benefit of the users. For periodicals
database PuneNet may add Ulrich’s database so that more information regarding
periodicals may be given to its users. There is also a proposal for online updating
of records and databases.
At present there are more than 20 participating libraries who deposit their data
on regular basis.

2.3.8 MALIBNET : Madras Library Network

The MALIBNET started in the year 1991 in order to provide effective
information services to the users in and around Madras. MALIBNET was
registered as a society in 1993. INSDOC, (now NISCAIR) was the executing
agency for the MALIBNET project. The membership of MALIBNET
( is open to universities, colleges,
R& D institutions, industries and individuals.
MALIBNET offers the following services to its members:
 E-mail service.
 Photocopy service. 29
Library Networks  Document delivery service.
 Specialised databases which gives abstracts of articles.
 Current serials acquired from the libraries.
 Databases from INSDOC (now NISCAIR) and other participating
institutions are also available on MALIBNET host.
 Directory Database of Current Serials in Madras (Gives journal holdings
of member libraries and it is available online).
 Contents Database of Journals in Madras (Gives contents information of
important journals which is also available online).
 NISCAIR services are also available to MALIBNET users.
 MALIBNET permits its members to offer information services on the

2.3.9 BONET: Bombay Library Network

BONET supported by NISSAT, DSIR started in the year 1994. It has enrolled
more than 25 libraries as its members. It gives access to databases CD-ROM,
etc. and also conducts seminars, training programmes for professional


Library Networks are the extension of the concept of library co-operation,
interlibrary loan, shared cataloguing and resource sharing. The history of library
cooperation can be traced back to 200 BC when Alexandria library shared its
resources with Pergamen library. In the beginning of 20th century Library of
Congress compiled National Union Catalogue. After this, the publication of
union catalogue of different types by different countries started appearing in
increased numbers. The development of MARC during 1960s is a step towards
such cooperation. Due to this standard the exchange of bibliographic
information among computerised library system became a reality. In the
developed countries, the growth of library networks started long back. USA is
considered to be the birth place of library networks. In the year 1963, OCLC
(Online Computer Library Centre) earlier Ohio College Library Centre, began
as the first successful library network. It is the first computer based library
network, which led to the development of many library networks in different
parts of the world subsequently.

2.4.1 OCLC: Online Computer Library Centre

In the year 1967 OCLC (Ohio College Library Centre) was founded to develop
a computerised system, where academic libraries of Ohio State shared their
resources so that the resource costs could be reduced. OCLC emerged as an
international network from a regional computer system for 50 Ohio Colleges.
In the year 1981, the name of OCLC, was changed to Online Computer Library
30 Centre.
Library Networks : National
The main objective of the OCLC is to have more access to information and and International
reduce costs by offering services to libraries and users. The vision of the OCLC
is to be a leading global library cooperative, helping libraries, and users with
economic access to knowledge through innovation and collaboration.

Membership: OCLC membership comprises more than 50,000 libraries (all

types) in the US and 84 countries of the world. OCLC member libraries make
up the world’s largest consortium. Member libraries can take full advantages
of OCLC products and services. They can share the world’s largest union
catalogue (WorldCat), and receive discounts on OCLC products and services.
Members can make their collections available to the world through resource
sharing, cataloguing and reference. Member libraries worked together for more
than 30 years to build and maintain WorldCat. It consists of many OCLC
services. It holds location listings contributed by member libraries. It is a
database in higher education designed for research and development.

The following are some of the OCLC services, which are used by the member
libraries to share information by reducing the cost.

 Cataloguing and Metadata Service provides online cataloguing, copy

cataloguing, record supply and collection sets, etc.

 Collection Management service helps in achieving the collection goals of

the member libraries.

 Digital collection and preservation service is designed to protect and share

the digital collection.

 Reference service gives access to full text documents, abstracts, WorldCat

and virtual reference service. FirstSearch is the powerful reference service
for locating references and full text articles. Resource sharing service helps
in sending ILL requests on the web.

 E-content service enhances the e-collection and other online databases

through the net library – electronic collections online services.

WorldCat: It is a world wide union catalogue developed and created

collectively by more than 9000 member institutions. With millions of online
records, it is one of the largest and most comprehensive bibliographic database.
Many OCLC services are based on WorldCat. It lists resources from stone
tablets to e-resources and MP3s, DVD and websites. It provides libraries with
rich source of cataloguing records. Connexion, PromptCat are some of the
cataloguing tools of WorldCat.

WorldCat is the building block for the services provided by OCLC. For OCLC
cataloguing services WorldCat is the authoritative source which helps in
resource sharing service of OCLC. For reference and electronic content service
WorldCat works as a map showing the users what resources are available and
the way to get it. For OCLC’s digital collection service WorldCat acts as a

Library Networks Self Check Exercise
5) What is WorldCat?
Note: i) Write your answer in the space given below.
ii) Check your answer with the answers given at the end of this Unit.

2.4.2 RLIN: Research Libraries Information Network

RLIN (Research Libraries Information Network) is a bibliographic information
system, developed by the Research Libraries Group (RLG). RLG is an
international non-profit membership organisation of more than 160 universities,
libraries, archives, historical societies and other related institutions. These
members are working towards the mission of creating solutions for challenges
of information access and management in the digital era. RLG was founded in
1974 with its headquarters in California. With the collections of research and
learning of member institutions, RLG provides a framework for cooperation,
problem solving and development of new standard products and services. RLG
provides researchers the access to research resources and many innovative
information services. In order to meet the cooperative action RLG is working
towards full online access to research resources, new modes for effective global
resource sharing, and to provide continuous access to resources through digital
preservation. The members of RLG use RLIN system for cataloguing, authority
work and archives and manuscript processing. RLIN also refers to a computer
interface program that is used to work with RLG’s bibliographic records for
finding, creating, maintaining, and contributing records in RLG union catalogue.
The RLIN legacy computer program is now being replaced with RLIN21: a
new web-based interface to RLG databases.
With the RLIN 21 there are some structural changes in all RLG databases. A
new RLIN21 interface is used to retrieve, display and export MARC records.
Further, a new RLIN21 client is now used for creating and updating
bibliographic and authority records.
RLG gives free access (instructional) to a variety of RLG databases to
Accredited Schools of Library and Information Science (SLIS). Under this
programme the SLIS can access the Art Museum Image Consortium (AMICO)
Library from RLG, RLG archival, cultural resources, English short title
catalogue, Hand Pressbook Database, SCIPIO (Art and Rare Book Sales
Catalogue), RLG Union Catalogue, Authority files. With SCIPIO RLG Union Library Networks : National
and International
Catalogue and the Authority files, RLIN 21 can also be used as a searching
Online Database Service
RLG also provides online access to databases. These databases contain
information and resources, traditional library resources, archival collection,
artifacts, digital collections.
Resource Sharing Service
SHARES – It is an Inter Lending and Document Supply Programme of RLG
for resource sharing among the members of RLG. RLG’s ILL Manager software
programme is for Inter Library Loan.
Technical Services
RLG’s RLIN 21 software, which is windows based, helps the members to
create records in RLG’s Union Catalogue and SCIPIO database and Authority
File. With the help of RLIN web interface, users can take advantage of the
cataloguing already done by RLG members and can have a copy for their local
RLG and Backstage Library Works developed Marcardio service to provide
inexpensive, fast automated cataloguing.
Self Check Exercise
6) Enumerate the services offered by RLG?
Note: i) Write your answer in the space given below.
ii) Check your answer with the answers given at the end of this Unit.

2.4.3 JANET: Joint Academy Network

JANET (Joint Academy Network) is an education and research network funded
by UK Government. All the higher education organisations and research
councils are connected to this network. This network is operated and developed
by UKERNA (United Kingdom Education and Research Network) under the
Service Level Agreement from the Joint Information System Committee (JISC)
of UK Higher and Further Education Funding Councils. The objective of
JANET is to advance and support UK’s education and research network. 33
Library Networks The Joint Academic Network was established in the year 1984, initially with
50 members by late 1980s there were 200 sites, of research and higher education
interests. JANET is connected with the academic networks of other countries
and also forms the part of the global Internet. JANET interconnects local
computer network in UK Research Councils, Universities and Poly-techniques.
JANET members are thus able to get access to the local computer networks
free of charge.
UKERNA organises workshops, conferences and training programmes for the
use of JANET Network and services.
JANET Services
UKERNA offers the following user services over JANET:
 JANET-CERT is a Computer Emergency Response Team provided by
UKERNA as a service on the JANET network. This team advises on
security of computers and networks and also provides training programmes
for this.
 JANET gives multipoint video conferencing service and UKRENA
supports the training on equipment and technique side.
 JANET NetSight service is basically a networks monitoring service, which
is developed by UKERNA to view and understand the performance of
the JANET.
 JANET Co-location service helps the customer, equipment and services
to be securely located on the Super JANET backbone.
There are many other services provided by JANET including Usenet News
Service, Mail Services, Advisory Services and Web Services which includes
web mail service, web filtering and web hosting.
Super JANET: Super JANET is the core of JANET network and is the
backbone of the JANET. It ensures fast, and effective communication among
the members of JANET and the network to meet the changing needs of the
community. Super JANET is being implemented in phases. It was proposed in
1989 with the aim to develop a high performance wide area network based on
optical fibers. Super JANET II started in 1995 to increase the spread of Super
JANET and create MANs (Metropolitan Area Network). Super JANET III
was aimed at consolidating the pioneering work of Super JANET I and II in
2001. Super JANET 4 was launched to increase the network capacity and
strengthen the user base of JANET with further inclusion of education
community and the use of Super JANET 4 backbone to inter connect school
networks. Super JANET 4 will be over by December 2005.
Self Check Exercise
7) What is Super JANET?
Note: i) Write your answer in the space given below.
ii) Check your answer with the answers given at the end of this Unit.

................................................................................................................... Library Networks : National
and International

2.4.4 CURL: Consortium of University Research Libraries

CURL (Consortium of University Research Libraries) was established in the
year 1987 with the mission to “increase the ability of research libraries to
share resources for the benefit of the local, national and international research
community”. Its membership is 25 which include 22 university libraries, British
Library, National Library of Scotland and Wales.
Objective of CURL is to help the researchers to search, locate, request, and
access the resources irrespective of place, discipline and format from the
Services: CURL has created a database for bibliographic records. Its access
for members is free. For non-members there is a flat rate for searching. Currently
the database contains 38 million records which are mostly from the member
libraries and also from LC (Library of Congress) and BNB (British National
Bibliography). These records are stored in UKMARC and can be accessed
through telnet or Z39.50 client. The purpose of this database is to provide a
unified source of cataloguing records for use by library staff. The members of
CURL get free access to the union catalogue COPAC (National Online Public-
Access Catalogue). It contains about 30 million records, which represents
merged holdings of 26 CURL member institutions and a small portion of non-
CURL libraries.
Future Plans of CURL
CURL-COFOR project is initiated for the sharing of responsibilities in
acquisition, preservation, digitisation and retention. The future plans of CURL
include development of e-resources tools, strategy for digitisation and digital
preservation and also developing and implementing communication strategy
for consortia, networking and cooperation.
Self Check Exercise
8) What are the future plans of CURL?
Note: i) Write your answer in the space given below.
ii) Check your answer with the answers given at the end of this Unit.
Library Networks ...................................................................................................................

2.4.5 CALIS: China Academic and Library Information

CALIS (China Academic and Library Information System) is a nationwide
academic library consortium, funded by the Ministry of Education. CALIS is
a part of the Higher Education Public System, which is one of the projects
supported by State Commission of Education. CALIS is a resource-sharing
network based on CERNET (China Education and Research Network). Its
members include academic libraries, public libraries and information service
organisations. Its primary functions include cataloguing services, resource
sharing, e-content licensing, e-content loading/presentation, ILL, document
delivery service, storage facilities, training, union catalogues, union lists, shared
online catalogues, coordinated purchasing and data searching.
CALIS has created databases like Union Cataloguing Project, Dissertation
Abstracts and Conference Proceedings, Current Chinese Periodicals, Key
discipline databases.
Goals of CALIS
By the year 2010, CALIS envisages itself to become an advanced academic
and library resource supporting and serving system. CALIS endeavours to
transform the role of traditional libraries with the adoption of new technologies.
The three level network (local, regional and national) of libraries is to get
connected with other international network and information system. CALIS
future plan includes:
 development of a set of databases based on the available resources of
individual libraries in China and abroad;
 organise training programmes for staff;
 develop more e-resources databases and provide e-access to databases
developed in China and abroad.

2.4.6 AARNET: Australia’s Research and Education Network

Australia’s Research and Education Network (AARNet) is managed by a non-
profit APL (AARNet Pvt. Ltd.). AARNet, which was initiated as a project in
1989, was responsible for the origin of Internet in Australia. AARNet apart
from helping in teaching, learning and research activities in universities also
acted as Internet Service Provider (ISP). During 1997, Australia Vice-
Chancellor’s Committee (AVCC) developed AARNet 2, which was a further
improvement of the Internet in Australia with high bandwidth, ATM links and
Internet services. AARNet is also cooperating with local regional networks
36 organisation to increase the capacity of metropolitan regional networks.
The main objectives of this network are to: Library Networks : National
and International
 collaborate in the area of teaching, learning and research by connecting
people to the Internet resources.
 provide high capacity cost effective Internet services to education and
research committees.
 help in the development of advanced network infrastructure and
applications with access to the global Research and Education Network
in North and South America, Europe and Asia.
AARNet Services: This network plays an important role in giving the services
to its clientele base of more than 80,000 staff and students of universities and
research organisation. This network enables its client-base to:
 collaborate effectively.
 access information for teaching and learning, research and administration.
 participate in alternative and flexible modes of course delivery.
This networks provides primary IP services as:
National On-Net – provides IP Connectivity between members
National Off-Net – provides IP Connectivity to the Australian
domestic Internet
International On-Net – provides access to global Research and
Education network
International Off-Net – provides access to international commodity
This network also provides access to GrangeNet, which is a high capacity
research network.
Some of the Value added Services provided by AARNET are AARNet Large
Object Mirror, Voice Over IP, Video over IP, Carrier services for members
and advanced Internet workshops.
AARNet 3 is the third generation of AARNet network. It was placed to put in
active use during 2004. Its main objective is to provide AARNet with a network
serving the academic community in Australia at a world-class level.
Self Check Exercise
9) What are the value added services provided by AARNET?
Note: i) Write your answer in the space given below.
ii) Check your answer with the answers given at the end of this Unit.
Library Networks
After reading this Unit, we conclude that library networks play a major role in
bridging the gap between academic libraries and information centres and ensure
resource sharing. They can also support research and development, national
and international cooperation and contribute to the growth and development
of trained manpower through seminars, conferences and symposium. The
primary purpose of the library network is to modernise and help the libraries.
The networking of libraries is expected to bring in changes for library and
information services in the country. NISSAT has been instrumental in setting
up of library networks in India, for example CALIBNET (1986) in Calcutta,
DELNET (1988) in Delhi, PUNENET (1992) in Pune, MALIBNET (1991) in
Madras, MYLIBNET (1995) in Mysore, ADINET (1993), in Ahmedabad and
BONET (1994) in Mumbai (earlier Bombay). UGC has established INFLIBNET
in 1991, which is considered to be a national network.

We have also studied some of the important library networks at the international
level for example OCLC (America), RLIN (US), JANET (UK), CURL (UK),
CALIS (China), AARNET (Australia).

Note: Students are advised to visit the relevant websites (see section 2.8) for
more details.

CAS (Current Awareness : A service designed to aid research workers
Service) in keeping themselves abreast of the
current developments taking place in their
subjects of interest.
CD-ROM Database : An organised collection of information
available on a CD-ROM.
Centralised Database : It refers to centralised storage and usage
of unified reference information.
Consortia : A group of libraries or other organisations
that form a partnership to achieve a goal,
such as resource sharing, that cannot be
achieved by the individuals alone.
Digital Collection : A digital collection is a body of materials
in digital format treated as a group or
considered as a whole.
Document Delivery Service : A service whereby the Library provides
full-text copies of the documents research
papers, conference papers journal articles
etc. to the users on demand irrespective of
the location and form of the original.

E-Resources : Electronic information resources accessed Library Networks : National
and International
via the internet.
Gateway : A network point that acts as an entrance to
another network, such as the server through
which people on a company’s local area
network access the internet.
Inter Library Loan : A cooperative arrangement among
libraries by which one library may borrow
materials it does not own from another
Internet : The vast collection of interconnected
networks that all use the TCP/IP protocols
and that evolved from the ARPANET of
the late 60’s and early 70’s.
Intranet : A private network inside a company or
organisation that uses the same kinds of
software as the Internet, but is only for
internal use and is not connected directly
to the global Internet.
MARC : Machine Readable Cataloguing. The
MARC formats are standards for the
representation and communication of
bibliographic and related information in
machine readable form.
Metropolitan Area Network : A network of computers spread over a
metropolitan/city-wide area such as
buildings located throughout a town or
Online Database : A database located in a remote computer
and accessed through the Internet.
Online Union Catalogues : Union catalogues of the libraries available
OPAC : Online Public Access Catalogue. It is an
online catalogue of a library collection that
is available to the public.
Resource Sharing : Collaborative arrangements made between
libraries for mutual assistance, by the
sharing of resources or division of costs,
which can be advantageous and efficient.
Retro conversion Service : Retrospective Conversion Service is a
service that involves conversion of a
library’s paper catalogue records into
machine-readable form.
Library Networks SDI : SDI is a current awareness system which
alerts the user to the latest publications in
his/her specified field(s) of interest.
Shared Cataloguing : A form of cataloguing undertaken by the
Library of Congress and other agencies
responsible for material bibliography.
Union Catalogues : Union catalogues reveal information about
the collections of more than one library.
They are a way for groups of libraries to
share information about their collections
in a consistent way, both for cataloguing
and inter-library loan purposes.
Virtual Reference Service : Virtual reference is reference service
initiated electronically where patrons
employ computers or other Internet
technology to communicate with reference
staff, without being physically present.
Communication channels used frequently
in virtual reference include chat,
videoconferencing etc.


1) The INFLIBNET is offering the following information services:
Access to union catalogue of books, periodicals, experts, etc. through
INFLIBNET website. Members can also access CD-ROM databases in
the area of Social Sciences and Humanities and it also provides number
of Internet based services.
2) Some of the products provided by DELNET are as follows:
3) CALIBNET has developed in house softwares, such as, SANJUKTA and
4) Database of Current Periodicals, Database of Databases in LIS Centres in
and around Ahmedabad, JOLI (Job Opportunities for Librarians) Database.
5) WorldCat is a world wide union catalogue of millions of online records.
It is developed and created collectively by more than 9000 member
institutions of OCLC.
6) Online Database Service, Resource Sharing Service, and Technical
7) Super JANET Project was proposed in 1989 with the aim to develop a
high performance wide area network based on optical fibers.
8) Future Plans of CURL:
CURL will contribute to the development of strategies to coordinate
provisions of research information and generating solution to the Library Networks : National
and International
information needs. CURL-COFOR project initiated the sharing of
responsibilities in acquisition, preservation, digitisation and retention.
CURL will adopt the strategy for the development of e-resources discovery
tools. It will also develop and implement a strategy for digitisation and
digital preservation. It will also develop and implement communication
strategy for consortia, networking and cooperation.
9) Value added services provided by AARNET are as follows:
Voice over 1P, Video over 1P, Carrier services for members and Advanced
Internet workshop.


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