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(~tuo11 ml~)
.LJmllJAOmldbmJ@maamiaomaumaoimaamioamiuG3il11tilJlmJll i JL:mimimama~au:miaall ldbelddmlddllllbdml

• hunter (l!-i<) fl1 1J1~. to hunl - ~.m .Hri\

hcnt (tsl) lll'i!h,i\:_i 21<,1 n herd of clcphnnts

• look all uound (~ .; >,i\(-t >,m(J ..~) >113 '>IL~ ~~

~<d, to graze - ~<a, )mets • to snlfr Cs IM<i) (~ ~mt c.Mt ;\i1) <i.q1
• w · {~;»f,,1)
• stain (l~--t) -Ill{ , qc,c,u ;
• mrndow ('iJ'\.) 1m1.,j , :ii\~t<
• to weep ~ cfitt) >.1tiij \{l-lCll , i) s , (c\({l\{ HqL ~ . R >,H
, (~'i<-t) ~ . •Htl , 111u
• fomale
Cl!,t wept
• to crawl (blC c!f~t~ 'H ~'{qi -q~ t{~Ulrtl :Ull"IU! q1tg
{) hl's[l ),
• Im mediately (1NlJl.~2({l) rl<c1. "IJ', fc'I. 11 (qc{i;l
• to leap (c{ll{) .~..f-5 (~tfi4.t -ct<l'4 'Mcfi) <'i.,hl. leapt
~ • club (h<"lC.l) .!JUlt, <'Ill ¼'1. 't'll'~ct <-tu.fl
• cub (b<>t) ~~ . Clll{, ~1.9 q:,).~1 "l~
~ wicked (fclhl-1) !i~, ~<-Ul , ~ IPl
~ • bush (~ t i) ;>1dl, ;>ll\.ol<l
• to get angry with ~ ->tl ¼~ fcltt) 1l '4.< JjNt tt~
• meal. (~kt) ~l"M
~ • bate (.12) IA!Jma
• to brigh ten ("llU2-t) ~~5, ~~1q5 I
, lazy ( ~ -0\IU!~
~ • to c~vy (~-41) o"l( 1 ~1i ut1u' .Heil I

• strength (~-lit) rtl!slrl

~ • effort (~~l) '4~~'1{ , 'l{l!-trt • skill (~c'."l) Jlw:-1{, ¼ICl.!.ct.
• to train {s ~-t) rtl<-0.1-l ~ll'{cfi • thief (efi~) ~h
• ~omfort able (.i,'l{Q'l"l<"l) ijfcl\{t'i,.i, ~Hlltf.Llti • dishonour ([l~~t.•H)\fi, &lO"lr"trtl , :Otl{~(rt
~ • quite (¼CllU2) rtt-t, (i;ic~~, quiet -4Lirl, quit -l!lt.!.5 . • to drive away (& AIO'l q1q) ~Hl !sl~S, !sttl 'i!s:!
• to follow (& ~t<:tt) ~ j ~<S • forev~r (~h~q< ) <i.f.l-1. '1.L2, J~u-1. ltl~
• experience (u'b~tl ~~) ~j~Cl • maturity (~:u.t'\.tlzl.) '{~'{bClctl, ~~[
~ • to attack (~~) ~lt<:tl b<Cll, ~l/Jl{lit HS • identification (~uo1..zl.~1u-t) ~)ul"l

~ • safe (~~) ~<:tlltrl, oai..t'I{ tcl-tlj, safe - fct.-&tl • habitat (.l[c;i22) llllifij ~f.tctl. l1Al~ ~11., !{l
• to bide (l:!l.U.i) ijl{lct~L <i.rtl-13, <'i-hl. bid <li+ hidden • habit (~[c;i2) 2Cl, ¼If.ct, ~C\\lq
• spear {[~~<) ~L<:tl • maintainI (~..2-t) "61.utcfi <l"lS, l!slClS, R.('1{1q5
~ • to run away ~ <-t ~q) ~ 1->U 'll'S, -tl<fi "lfS • prey (11.) [k~l<

• to throw (& u)) ~h5, -tl"l5, <'i,hl. threw <'i-t thrown • preserve (D'l;>1c[) ("llU ~"cit-t) c.t:i1-1ctl., ~.srtl "i~ct<U , "l~lClS
• need (.fu) 'II'~< ~lcfi • solitary (~R"l2tl) ~~. ~c1.q1~
.:3 • .slave («lq) ~<:Ult • separte ~~'{~2) ~c-t:i1, ~. fcl~ \{l-1~

~ ( (ltlttiel~ )
o - - - - - --- --- --- --- "-- --.... - - - - -- - -- - -- - - ----, 0
~ 'I{!{ 'll9l rt-ti &l -tl'1l <>tutl ;)11.flltlefi c.t~l< <l{lc.l.{L. (>\\{I~
.!) <lial <:U<>tl ~'I{!{ '{~<1i ~~ -&fct.-tt ~b lllhttl ~1-1 .{l~ ~6l
~&. it:i -till o.!l ~rl- d.1i1. ,-O.<:t~'I{ ,u~-1.1 ~<rl ~i~u~ li.ufi rtlt-tl <itt.'11''1.-tl ~l'if. 'Wl4.l.
~ ll~:J1<!1 "ll~. \5.! ~lut'\.li.i ~~ ~Lcfi. rl'1l 'l{-t\i.l f<l~L< ~<>wll. -rl~
.:· q'?l rt.U ~rt-1 .,~, 11
~1 ei~i l9 rt'\. '1,"l ~H<i '{qi -01.itl~ -qc1i c.tutHl ~iuittS' ~1cfi. "ti ~ ~l c.tuti <%2<-tl ('l{l"4.~11utl (>{.{l
~~ ·-qi ·'U.13 e'\.!{ ctt ltl~ rt.U '{~ut t'\..15 <>t l{l. U~blt-1. t~ ? rt~H hl.O \{Isl "a\<1.'1.1 ll4M tcl-tl ct'l{j (\\l.",!-t 1t<Jtl ':if~.
rl'l{.fi 'l{l oa-q'\ hlO flthttl ltltl l{L~ ~I.I{ rt'\ ? rt fcl~l<ql C1li)lil.

0 ~-1.<11020. 'U.!l ru1«l. ~q1. hto «nt -1.@ ~'\.4. ?"

~~-tb rtia ltltl~'tll-t lfii\ lfii\ il<1l ~~rll ~~l(ll,{l '1.Wh
rl'sl ~:nl-tl ~lb <>tutl-1. ' rl-1.l 'l{ll fllhl< ncu ~ <-Oli.
-01l\{<{lj -1.t&l. bf \{l.91 i 111. !st:ilU, "~l ~l({l, -& <>11. 1tl<.l
~<.!sdl "i u. 'll9l rt~ rtl1'tit1tl ~-1. ¼b ~<Ql-1. '4.h.!l ,~. ~1-11
.. ..
r-4. ·w:,41 :iwo:,1:,A, 01 p;)J:,411J8 pMoJ:> 3iJJlll I >a:>n1 JO 1s:>9 'Jo811uev,J [UJ:iu;io :iq1 JO 1sod
'U!~J..041 UA, op 103 1U11:i1 Qlll puY u,u1d11:> :i41 u:,11M ·suy :i41 J OJ M:l!AJ:l)U! :i41 Ill Jc:idde 01 su,08 S! IU!Jll)I
..... (c)
··, , 'W:>41 ;)W0:>t:>M 01 p :>J:>41118 p M0J:> lll!WS 13
" 'u!~ l -.~41 uMop 108 wu;i1 ;i41 pue u,e1duo at11 U:l4M (J ) fTuop
11.lM ·1;i;iJJS aq1 U! Sop p:unfu! ue p:>811puuq U!lt!f (t) ·. ...
[ ~-.•pa:pfill 'pD!i ';,JqD/.JOjWO:J '/11/ flllD;Jq 't(soa ';J8.JO/]
._,. . ' l.l)IJCJ(J 3ljJ WOJJ a u!U83W 3J!SOddo :lljJ j 31UllljS £
~.ut~ll'I spJ0M 3ljl lll!M spJ0A\ pau1papun .llll :>lU(lfall t'J\: JUlj,\\ 'UO!)l!U!lUBX:l :l4l U! SJ:lMSUl! p:>!dO:> !lnll%'\ ( I)
;; j Sll(V 'l!ro) ISUI ::lll) U! Pcll!tlj !113l1S04 )1 (9)
{i )f:Jt11 /o JS,J[/ 'i SOJV
i o,uu g
1, ·; suo11v1n,o.J2uo:J '/ ;mop ll"M ·; 0M.18 ·; a111011s v /OlfM]
' l[3M AJ ;)A )jJ0M:l W04 S!4 pa1.i1dwoo U:lJIIN (s)
i suo11111n11w luo::> ·1,np,uq 3 1(1 U! U3A!ff spJOM 3 1(1 a u,sn S>fUBIQ 31(J u1 11!:J I 'A
· w.~.x~ 1uu!J :>41 U! %i6 p:,Joos !)d!a (t,) IAHV'I.ClSV~OA I
-- ' . . ~ tllcb 1?\.R~ U~lP ½'f-i lJ:>~ ~h zni lbbl-)\_l<i ? ·~ \Fllil!J ~ lnll't ~ ? µih. ·~9~ \_bH cl"l) l}aµmµ tl<t
-=:~ tclh. lrt> e ]lttl<> 11-t -~ l,_cll-) c.3~ ~ 1<)'1-,. ]ltlflb~ 1P~ l;]lt ]lttl<i µ~bl~ l}-1µ\_h. ~l;Wll) t ~l§1 ~ U~W.. ~ h.1i-~ ·0 "~ e l<t °Rlnll<t
-.. 't!¼~ ' 'h,-7,, . ~ t_ill't 'ft.-.R. e ]lttl<> elk
t 'tJ ~lR lj\_'t 13llt : }h!tl<>
...... p 1 lacW "@cl~ c'µ ~m ~, \_l-lt\.li l)bhll't ·fl '.'cl~
· '.-i ·~ tni (~llt -,lc\_l<l) loh. t\.l<t~h. J?lk r
ell 'u-9,, \hell-) lb'efj lPZllt el<t \.h lc l)tli ~lfh.~ lr~ ~
~ tt; ~l-)RR ~ · ~ 1iT!:\.'k h<\~ \.l-~ ~ 1e1cr JJ..3, 1-tmlt : lfl'!:llrl · ' \_hlch> He ch U'9 \> '€) .llo fU-9 hl~~ ll't t 91c l}'h ~),J),,. t t>
...._ -~ h~ l}'h ~ l lhl ]~W lM)l t1~'1<> (l'l-llllt]) ]l'>t1µ1c ~l.,1----U l lhRo
½~ J.. µ cµ 'i {hlli l?\_lt) hlli 'Ii..~ ]lttl<l lb~ ' '\PJ.. 1µ-ec ]ltlln\_? ' 'l_l,)r 'l_l,)18W.. ~'h tc'!<c \.l<tUbllt tl<t 1_l)r 'l_l,)rllt t~ttUbllt ]: ''l_l,)r
.. ~
~ -~ l)bnt ?b~ l-Mo 171~ ~ -~ tc1b \_l-lbclt e l~ l'>
en" {tltR) · ll91~ 'l<>M l,_J..,-n R1a11t ,t 11<t ' lhnli"\r clr'l<l '\P1ltlfh.~
clb ,u-n,: tp111t ·tp1-- (1_1,)c'h1c) 'l_l,)bltlR c-clflll 11,~ ~ · ~ l llt u--1µ\.h l;,-l't lN}' (u-m,) l}-lµ lh. Jo µcµ ~~ 'lhlc ~It~
hlcll ch n.~ lM'ih. e~ 1§Th l'l<t ~ f!:lc ln~lh. cl~ 11,1µ lh ~lo11t ,-1, l,}-1~ \> ? r ~..., fi -~h>]lc 'lclbllt ll<)W ~ ]ltltllc 'l-3£
lPlTh ~ -~ l;llt t,,1 \.'1<>1l-' c?l}t S'Z: ~ clb1}-'2'i: -~ 'i:n
v, 11<t 'i: l}lr lPH J..3£ uazt1-t t??~ 1µltJ (131lt)W11-t ~ le
... \}'tlc 7.. l)l~ cl,)J<c W\_ll 'e h.~ llrc 1:l~h. . 0 tJc lf\.3 t_irlC 1}-'l}t t)
'(lPil wrc) l}l'? lPH hll-)~ \> ~ h l 'i" ·F,
, OO1_. 11,.m ,;- i: ·0 u~11t (clWt,) U1J1C '\Pl.R 1e ~ch \p1h : l.b?
... ' lltS'c ~'e Th~ ]hJ 1hlc l}'h. ~lr \.1'1!1't lr\> hl~ H• ~ ]l<t 1~\>
' (lJli- \.µltl
• ••1
... J'h.\:-c'l}t.) 1-) lr ) ' lh<\l\. 1;11t ltt\.1't\F111tJ Jlt OS'61 lll'trj t1-~0
lltS'c Th°R ~1R l}-Rb~ W..lJ'l tl't µ1cl}'\ll't tzi'e ·ucll-) lM c lP~llt
lbh ·1µ r1 1ll1l) llo'h ]ltl,)cllt> ·0 \!)lt lb'('- 9o ]ltW~ll<c lclltl
~ Zll t \:l't 91c 5ni 1mlcl ~ 'z1:,~ "t)l-- ]hnlt tilM pn1<7 n ..l>
(1.h,ll l-)l'i'l ·0 ~c Jltll-)k~ Jl➔)M c>l; h--11trn \.'llltJ: llll9 t'c e\Flk~ lbh ' Ucll-) lbh~ ~ll<l i nc l_l ' Ucll-) lbH 31 131° '\Pt~
. .0 h\_'i') ]l<\lt~ lJ..(11<>1'1-i)lhll'
...,' .sn, ~fc \')M \> 'l_l,) ]l-''th •;\?- l 11<i ~1~ ~~ ·~1-- Jhn-,1 l~l-1
lbllrc ch ct;n hl; ~lh.9. ·0 h \_r (ll<>ll1)l'hlr lhlb6'H?f:l ]l-\> \:\;I '1;9 l§'llh lll~ (1311-t) - 1µ11-t l§1h hh~ lrl'ta
• ch clflc ~lll1l) lJ.i]l'> ~llib ]PH
·0 hlfl lch. l\.Whl; lch 1l-•l>
- . lh\;
·0 h \.f' f 11ytt Jltl-~h JPH 1:1;n 11--1r hl; clfn Fn1'tu : l<i\/lll't U,Jhg) ~lr U:>hl? l?~ ~ e l~½ fl<c lh lc ,S\1-) r lfRh ~n~
,- / ~ J /j- pb Z: : clt,l) l!,t lr\> (l-llttl<l) \_-h\> \> ,,' '.'cm fib 1_l) h\_fl Hl)-- ~ p.>c, c, l)-- 'i\'t
..... .. ,.. 1fllh,. 'ftnt~
~'t> 1&n 'lP" c t~, l}-Jktl<l 7.. ~ \"t> ·1h1c 9w~
"'' -,':)') '• ' . '
•' }~ h n~ ooc : l-Jlob l1ltlc lt,,J/o
.. ~
,_ ~- ~-,,,,.,.
Ii" .... ' , ~ --- ·
., .- , •
Jlttl? e ltt u"n.
1n~ c h ll--lt\> telf5l ' !lll.,r' 1,. ht> £1} 51'" ucrlt>
.... ~ - J .. (, ., ' . ,~: l,}-Jfl S'9: l-Jlob
- ,,. . t
\> 11-1~ ]'f.H• llil'> ]l->'?l<c (11~ 1•)) \)'t\> ' ]ltj~ 5'~ \:'e t'b 1,l<1]¼ot
...... c?l}t \;--\.< 00 I : 5lllb)!) l}lflnlt Jkcl<l ' Jh~ Jktl<J Jl-11-- ~ ~t> ' lhlc ~ll !h lfl\C l}-) ~ el•c
' -' ~
- ]lll}) ~)llt) e l~ lnW. 1}-l\Jlh. '\Ph~ (tt'lf5') tc~l 'i\U ll'>'t,1 t1'1c
'I . V'1f~ - t)'~llt U•llllt]
.t.. lbU1 l)blh) lfhl) lbY., 9c\J l~c\C \:-1't Jhl) l})lhfl Jltlfl\C t llc
·11,\< Ihle l)h lhlr 1\111~ ~n, r lt ~ ·r c h lcl_ltc ll•ll~J.u ~tc l"Jltcl<l ]1-\_l l<tlll¼j lllllt c>~l<t lht• ~Jh'fc 1M l6ll}\ l}-1<i~1/
(1, lhJ 11,,n, l}flbH l~c u-,~ \Jl,,h flJ.; t ,;~ ~~ Jlnll~ 1~1\\ ll,.11, l}l~ Jl.)l~ ~~ '1,P'l' l}--11..~ lt),,~ \pH tnle l}-lltc\.J ~ \:I
l-lh l}-\J l'l<c flu lh() c h llt>l'I ll-\:l \:]kcl<1 ~,~...1, 'lhlj' h~\u ' U•l• 'l_l,)H l_l-) h~ ch ~~11-t ~" ~ ltj l ~ 'r) l_Vll!W.. lf,SI u,b lu\;\.c
l}-lt-~ I\ l, Jfi U•ll-tltllc ll·h l' <lh \-U \;H' ~ \}'S\ t clllc'e lhll Ji~ \j~I- ~lb\? ~ ll-t ~ l~ ~\ \.lilt}\ \:'lh:t l-1 1.-l~lt) ~t
lk )\I , ., lt-J )., 11,j},; 11-l'J i.:. U•h~ .. ~_l lfi twll't\:1 t ~\'4 U•1l\.c -~,t• (}l it ) 'i }-IJ.c 1<)1,, ch cltt~ 11--1µlh ll-\;> \-\;> ,d l'~
~ ~_; JU k lu l\•~111\-j ll•(\'Jli..) h \.~ t)bhll•c ~ , 'll l ~c ~~ l}-J.1 O,1%1i 1J.c p'{ ~\J<lo ~lh. I \11b ' bl}) ~lh. \i!l~\'I ,tc (lh
(• 1·!)) ll~llh iJ : U,~hc o ' fl l.) /VII,\
~nlr-I . C'hretoli's rn, 1 s
(l) When the qucsrion pnper Is dlfficull, rhc ,rudents (S) Kr,,hna played on f11s nu1e and within n m,mrte a
seem illl.PJlY " of his cow, ru1hccl to him
Ans, Krishna played on his Oute 11nd within a minute ~
A" 1 · When the quc, 1,on p11.pcr is difficult. lhe student,
seem ffll1 herd or h11 cows ru'lhcd to him.
(6) Dipli Wa!I thinking how to get rid of rhe 'lltue11on
(J) He I• very n_oblc so pcoplo hate him.
Suddenly her eye"I " wilh an fde:i
Ans, I le l.t very "'kks:ct , o pc~plc hoto him Ans. 01pti wa, thinking how to get rid of the situation
(4) I ast wee).., I travelled by tho llt1Jdha11! IJ~µrcs, In Suddenly her eyes sparkled w11h nn ,dee
the . My Jo urney wo s qu ire
uncomfoanblc. ICOMPREHENSION I
Ans. Last week. I travel led by the Rojdhanl Express in C,li Wh11t do you reel when you read thc.,e sentences?
the A C coach. My Journey was.qulto com[ortabJr. Write "Well done!" or " How u df' or ''Whal a
Sh11mel" Follow the cumplc.
(5) Bindu 1s il.i!JIDl'. because she got less marks In the
Example: The female cheetah crawled silently. leapt
and caught n deer.
Ans. Oindu is filul because she got less marks In rhc
Ans. : !Howsad!j
(I) (;die decided lo steal a cheetah-cub.
(6) Some i1.£1m citizens do not use dustbin 10 dump
rubbish at public places. I'
Ans. Whal a shame I j
Ans. Some la1y citizens do not use dustbin to dump (2) Edie threw his net over the cubs and C11ught them
rubbish al public places. Ans. I. Whal o sh:imc! j
(7) The ~ sight of nature always attracts us. (3) But alas! The mother cheetah could not find her
A ns. The beaullrul sight of nature always attracts us. young ones.
w V.3 Select the proper word from the bracket and use it at I
Ans. How sad!
proper place. (4) Shanno, the wise old man took the cubs on his
{herd, meadow, 1parlcled, envied, habltol. stain, wicked, shoulder and retumed them to the mother.
Example : The Giant was so " that he didn't allow
Ans. Well done!
(5) ~die, by his wicked act, h:id brought dishonour to
the children to play lo his garden.
the whole Zulu tri be.
Ans. TI1c Giant was so wicked that he didn't allow
the children to play in his garden.
Ans. I What a shame! I
(6) The Zulu hunters decided to drive Edie away from
w ( I) Yes1erday Roj's pen leaked in his pocket so his
ohi rt hod blue "'. tlicir village.
Ans. Yesterday Raj's pen leaked in his pocket so his Ans. IWell done!
shirt had blue stains. ~ .21 Arrange the following phrases In ,uch sequence th111
can show how Edie's thought of easy way 10 hunl
(2) All the members of lhe " decided to send Edie out
resulted In e11tchlng cub,. Write numbers of
of the village for his ml:idccd.
phrases In the steps.
Ans. AII rhe members of the tribe decided 10 ,end Bdic
J (I) seeing the deer
out of the village for his misdeed,
(2) cubs got meal
(3) Nirali's papa bought her a bicycle so her younger (3) thought about II hunter like cheetuh
brother " her, (4) used not
Ans. Nirali's papa bought her a bicycle so her younker
(5) saw female cheetah crawling
brother envied her.
(6) decided to catch nnd tmln
(4) If you visit any vllluge in monsoon, you will Ond (7) envied cubs
lu.11h green /\, (8) lenpt and cnught deer
An1. If you vrslt ony village In monsoon, you will find (9) easy wny 10 get deer
· lush green meadow11. (10) coucht culls
""~ Fd~ ~- ,e• , . .• ,. 1 ..... ~ ..... , ....,. h , . t,,.. 111

I~ •'<:'I!' ,r f'ol~. '" •• , .....~ 1

"°'!-:- , )" I 'f' "!"I fi ,~ f,,r,
<l' rl· , • ,. , l'.4""11 1,,01 I• • i,,. I .-~-;1,

Wtl v •tt•r"" f'rl,._ tn •~ t i .,

It • 1ft r 11h'
,,.. , "' \--..~• ff· ,. cJ..: -.-•t•• .,. " , ~ •L
a? , r' ,., ,

2 "--~ qt.t ,,~ F,i • 11, (''' .,. 1 • I..

\{ ,ti,. ,
\ a• F'.dr.t fo I'!'' •,t • "° ~ l~• r
r.-~•her &~, hirt r~ her
<',-_,.,.,,!\ \• 11..,...,,
c•1"'- ,., th,. b• ~h ••~ ft!•
11 th•

.., \t,. "' ,-., dnnt t t~ elKl" t tu rcke. '\10 111 In 1 m, I '<C vrc.a~ f doe r•:t•·~t'd th " •f:"'· rhr-c·• h,, ru,1
...., .. ',,..~"ti
H1r mrK1 lmporu,- 1 tlttit p\r-.«~ !M (.Al'1th l rh, c1•f-•
ht lllt !.r•C'r f n , n ~\ In~ ~ h lcb tt'llt lht ~IM ') ( ~l l fow dwi thf' m n thf'r d ittl.911 Natt ,.h,.n , h,.
•llfl• I t .,r ,~1n, ' "' tl•r t httiah' ~ <'hu i._,_ \Uri dMfn' t nnd htr p1u n1 nn"1 '
(rod Cl• l'ttl'l lb1 t c hf tllh ' • ,..,,. ,_n rrofll lht
,1ru•" 1: An•. ,, r ...,\hot ~ "-ti 111 , n"l"'f q,~ ~ ; 11•(' " 1!,!N •nd
I,, ~red \ 1 lldh c;~ •ri11T.:d "" ar.,i,ntf h• 1 O•Jldn I
11t Thr mr.fflcr cheetah did no1 find her cu~ fjl),'f ~r '™'"~' IVW'C nen ,t,.. oar l Cl'\IO~

• l) ~~ lt, .-,led a.rmr.,d '" find ~..., C'UbJ (6 ) •· t h it )OU. '6u • " wlcl.fd 1nd '--'Y " Whn
.l - uld th!J:" To whnm 1
() l__. ~ht C'OOld not find ht-i dear babia.. A'" · 'I halt )-00. )1111 are ~icll;td and lu;v C:t,, 1rrio ~nJJ
IM'-C ~-ord~ lo f4-<
(7) ll o~. accord,na to S h1111 no, did [d1• tiri nQ
d b ho nour lo lhe Z..h1 trlb41"
!fll ~ht, c.'tancd ~,ni Au. Atcotdina '° Shwmo, CJ,c brougt:1 1,h1l•onN,r In
the whole tnbc by ,:eat,nv. the cub~ t'\Stc:w of
t - 1 '-he cr,cd for n•£hl a_nd day 0.1lchin1 or huntina them by h1-1 stn:r.t1:h Jf".J ~ltlll
(5) Her ~ccpcng nadc d2fk wains down ltcr chccL.s (8) W h1.C drcblo" did tbc tnbnmcn lilke?
, ~D•'CI' tk qu~oons. Ans. The rnbc,mcn decided to dn~e EJ,c: .a\~J) from
their v11lJ~c forever
( 11 ~ 1'1~11 ~DlHC'.t.s tn L11 c t ut l h O\lt I hat [ d ie
(9) What Is the m«uitt o r the 'Cbettiall ~ tear•~~
•~ • tu; b 11n1u ?
A••· ilic- ttr'Jcn0cs • l",c<-~ deu vc reall)' "oodr1 ful
Ans. The,"'C of the stOI) of Chce!llJ\', te3" L'l
l';-.J I ":::'\ ~ so run l I<>' to cm:h one of lhm1. Ccn't
~ l'C DII CII.~ \'I..) lo p;I one,?" 1ho" lmll Celie
that OM .shoold not be Ji,honc,t 11rd •(art the
f~llll.r, of &n) anim.lls.
1$ • lu) ~ ter
Rnil fht' racn •bO.tJl Clltttab from Ult lrl l and rom plclc 1bc lllblt.
,- r
tit>•t b1 \\l'f:1111 Alt or mantrlry I CJt'OII0 01lon I ll a l>IIII Sp«J Fuull 7
I -t
OD ar.a Mlg z ) CGn • Llghta boJ) fl)UoJ in • MA.'Uan~m , ~ cJ M idJ,,. 11.!.:J
• Longer let>
• lsolmed black I the jungln
of Africa • Auirage s ~
b\lclu, I JJ C'1
,1/'IJ la11,c b11tl'I

spot.s on body I onl) I
90 kph.
-- I

Cu.mpktr tJu n,.ta,c,iu ulq appropriate ~ ords or t roup or ~ Ol'(b from lhc l t\l.
1J I t:,fc wwtcd All eal)' \U) to catch deer.
O I Ldat en~ le'd L c d'Utdn cubs because I bey got 1hdr rood ~ llboa1 an dfort.
1J, (.;« c ttlOUV11 lb;,e t".t i.c, Id ,ns,n the cubs to hunl for him and tus life " oul,1 be H I') co mfor table 1h.-n.
◄ 4) Tnt mother c.heeUh IM'1lJ M C:f)lng unnl btr ffl 1"1 1111dc dnl.. a11hu dou n '°htd,s
c~} A"°'ding w <-twin<>. a huntw mu1r bunt wlfh hlJ Otto , 1no1rb 111d sl..llh.
I OI r..c~ had brought d1shonow lO Im ""hole tribe b) u lcblng Hd hl<lt1o1i tbtl rvbs.
~ ~ {l,,il.=\ '{~ (1JU,.!h ~) '{{~ 0.

I£ rt"i
.... !. ~'t-4~ kt~ ~tQ ~ -{ 'tllrtl h ~q[ a.!~4°1, "o.!J., - HJ Ye:;-~~:

ht lf....J. t~ ~ ({'1 ~ Hil . hnta ! d "t~ : iuu ~ ~a ~ 1 :,JH <-t«tl~ ~At ~ 14. 0. ?t-~ ~~-~. ' , ,/ ~;...¼1 ~
~~~ : ij. ~'lill 4fi~~
\fuu--0. ~'U rt '-4.aj ~.u~ ~c{l ~qitJ .aj ya~ ~6 ~U
<:¼J.ii c:) . 6tl (..._~;.l
~~a ~-1 &~ 0 . ~•'{ta -.'ill~ E91.~ l ()J.L.'1~ ~
Au. Y~
~-'{~ J«Mrt!fi llih'Li !~cu ,i~ . 'l~ (i ~ ~ ui1 ~ a ll . d c-il<:tctcu ~ 't~ i<tl '1''1. dllifi la; ct;;u:~

in the fi na l e xinr.
tVO CAB ULA RY I (4) Di_pt i scor ed
Congratufation5 !

la the bracket. Au. A!! ~ 7'

V.1 Fill i:1J tbe blaJtkl llsbtr file word s cfven (5) Nare n com plete d his hom ewor
k •1ery well .
O':i of -::
r#hai o 6liame !. Brm,o !. Well done !, Cangratulatio111 !, Brav o!
Abs !
(3) X~ .Ji•~ ;:
Ala.s .'. iJNt of Luci !] (6) .Khushali failed in the last test / tro:.~ /
the won fi;hm ~ ng.
(J) VUJ!wti copi ed answers in the exam
ination. ~ aa •- y ace
DonJ the und.erlined word
the bnck .et. -~ -- ~a ?;.-=:.··~Jrs ;

<::....·:.. • - - ;
the o~ mean
[large, easy, beautiful., comfortab le. ead, wkke d. t~ l ~~,

l aful hzrndtgrd an qun :d dog in ~

street. Well down ~ n , <- { 4) tf ) 'D"J ·. :
-;; J~ (I) When the captain and the team got !,. !£j ~
/...,, b:..:.'.'.'-•. ~: ..
a small
crow d gathered to wek.ome thelt
.... _,.
·c;.:, the ~ gp1 down ~ ~ - ~ - - lfyuu 1.~
Am. When the c.aptain and
K2rl!!l ii ~ to ~ z the ~
for fhe
· :~:::iJ) gm orow d ga:thued to wdcomc them.
~..?!f l~

post or tt'-e Geoe.!zJ Mar~ . Bat or Lade .!

au a a £
Unit- I I Chcc, t1h's Th1u

(2) When the que~tlon p8per Jq dlffir ult, tht student~

('\) Kri~hM plAytii on hit 0111<' end wllhln , inln,1
tr R
seem hDPJIY " of h,~ Mws r111hetf ,,., him
An•. When the question p11r,r1 I~ <11ffic11lt, th!' ,111de AM. Krl~hM pleyetl on hit 0111.- ,wl uol1hln 11 ,,,,no,
nt~ ,. B
srem w herd ()( hl1 cow, ri1~h, d tn him
(3) He I~ very noble so peopl e hate h,m (6) Dlpti wo, thinking ~ow tn rct rlrl of rl,. cl11~u
A. n11. He i~ very .n:.Wwt so peopl e hate him ';uddenly her eye~ with 3n 1'1!'!11
An~. Drpti wa• thlnlc1n11 how to g-et rid of th" 1,t,Jlitfc
(4) l RSI week , 1 tnwelled by the R11jdhanl Express In ;,11
Suddenl y her eye, 8park led with an ,rfe11
th e A My Journ ey wag qu ite
i\ ns. Last week, 1 travelled by the R11jdhani Express
in C. U Wh t do you reel when you read lht1e ,enl etfce1
th~ A My journey was quite com[ortabh:. 1
Write " Well done!'' or " How ud l' ,.,, '' What
(S) Bindu Is llilw because she got less merks Sham el" Pollow Che example.
In the
test Example: The female cheetah crnwled ,,lentl/, leapt
Ans. Blndu is Ifill because she got les, marks in the and caught a deer
test. Ans. : !Howm.11!
(6) · Some ~ citizens do not use dustb in lo (I) Edie decided to steal a cheetah-cub
dum p
rubbish at public places.
~'Ii~. Some !all. citizens do not use dustbin 10 dump
Ans. I What a shame' I
(l) Edie threw his net over the cubs and caugh tfhc,r
rubbish at publi c places.
':::· '(7) The ~ sight of nature always attrac
Ans. What a shame! I
ts us. (3) But alnsl The mother cheetah could not
·An._s. The beautiful sight of nature always attracts us. find her
young ones.
\7.3 Select tile prop er word from the bracket and
proper place.
use It at
Ans. How sad!

[herd. meadow, sparkled, envied, habitat, stain, wicke (4) Shanno, the wise old man took the cubs on hr
tribe] shoulder and returned them to the mothe r
Enmple : The Gian t was so " that he didn'
t allow
Ans. IWell done!
the children to play In his garden. (5) Edie, by his wicked act, had brought dishonour tG
Ans. The Giant was so wicked that he didn' t allow the whole Zulu tribe.
the children to play in his garden. Ans. I What a shame! I
I /
' ( 1) Yesterday Raj's pen leaked in his pocke (6) /
The Zulu hunters decided to drive Edie away from
t so his
.•· ,,. shirt had blue " .
'• ,•
their village.

,,. ,>
Ans. Yesterday Raj's pen leaked in his pocket so
shirt had blue stains.
'his I
Ans. Well done!
Cl! Arrange the following phrases in such wquenc;th
(2) All the members of the " decided to send Edie at
out can show how Edie's thou&hl of easy way-t0:hun
of the village for his misdeed. resulted In catching cubs . Write num bers of
Ans. All the members of the tribe decided to send Edie phrases In the steps.
out of the village for his misdeed. (I) seeing the deer
(3) Niral i's papa bought her a bicycle so her young (2) cubs got meal
(3) thought about a hunter like cheetah
.,,,.,,.. brother " her.
~. Ao·s. Nirali 's papa bought her a bicycle so her younger (4) used net
brother envied her. (5) saw female cheet ah crawling
(6) decided to catch and train
..· (4) If you visit any village In monsoon, you will
fi'nd (7) envied c ubs
lush green ".
·...--Ans, If you visit any village in monsoon, you will (8) leapt and caught deer
find (9) easy way to get <leer
... lush green meadows.
(10) cau.:ht cubs
G VM) Sir! 9 iu~t{\ : F,nellqh (S. L,)
,\ n.~.
(2) F.dle decide,! to cAtch A cnh. Why?
Ans. t dle decided to cntch A cuh beomse by catching II.I

~ one of two, he wanted to rre in ii to hunt for him
~n !hat he could get. his food easily

9) (J) Why w 11, It 11• fe for Edie to stea l A cuh 7
An~. Edie knew that a cheetah never attack a m11n ~o

.' ~--t~'l I 1)
it wns safe for Edie to catch a cub
(4) How did Edie c11tch the cuh~7
Ans. Edie fol lowed the mother cheetah As soon as-tlie

......~::,........ -----------------' mother afier hiding her cubs in the bush left f9r
C.J · You have done the above exercise. Now In the same the stream Edie reached the spot, threw his- net a
way write down the most lmportAnt eight phrAses end cnught the cubs.
in the s pace gh1en below which tells the story ~
(5) How did the mother cheetah react when ~he
About the stains on the cheetah's cheeks. Start
didn't find her young ones?
from the mother cheet11h's return from the
(J.): The mother cheetah <lid not find her cubs.
Ans. At first she looked all around. She became angry and
jumped wildly. She sniffed al l around but cou ldn't
find her younger ones. Then she started cryj ng.
·-:;tz} She looked around to find he; cubs. (6) " I hate you. You are wicked and lazy." W,~o • c;:.
. '·
said this? To whom?
::. ~:(1)
-~ .~:{~) She got angry.
She could not find he·?°' dear babies.
Ans. 'I hate you, you are wicked and lazy.' Shanno:'"~lrio
these words to Edie.
' : . (.5f Then she became sad.
(7) How, according to Shanno, did Edie bfJng
dishonour to the Zulu tribe? .,,.
(6) She started crying. Ans. According to Shanno, Edie brought dishonour to
the whole tribe by stealing the cubs instead of
(7) She cried for night and day.
catching or hunting them by his strength and ski ll.
(8) Her weeping made dark strains down, her cheeks (8) What decision did the tribesmen take?
:.4 Answer the questions. Ans. The tribesmen decided to drive Edie away from ~
( I) Which sentences in the text show that Edie their village forever.
_-·;\ was a lazy hunter? ~
(9) What Is the message of the 'Cheetah's tear's,-, ·
.•· .
.::A.·ns. The sentences " These deer are really wonderful &ory? . .
.... ~
~~ .-·· but I have to run a lot to catch one of them. Can't ' Ans. The message of the story of Cheetah's tears-· is:-
t ~
there be an easy way to get one?" show that Edie that one should not be dishonest and hurt :,the
' . .;
--'.>:-- was a lazy hunter. feelings of any animals.
5 ,·k ~ d the facts about Cheetah from the text and c_omplete the table.
.,...- ·· t
. ····· ·•
Height Weight Age of maturity Identification Habitat Speed Food
- ~
100 ems 65 kg 2 years • Lighter body Found in • Maximum speed Middle sized
• Longer legs ,the jungles 100km bucks. hares ~
• lsolati;d black of Africa • Average speed and large birds
spots _on body only 90 kph. ~
6 . ..erm'plete the statements using appropr:late words or group of word!! from the text. ~
·~"t-h .::S<tle wanted an easy way to catch deer. I
~:~~ Edie envied the cheetah cubs because they got their food without an effort. ~
K(3) Edie thought that he would train the cubs to hunt for him and his life would be very comfortable then.
A4J The mother cheetah went on crying until her tears made dark stains down her cheeks ~
-~.(s) .According to Shanno, a hunter must hunt with his own strength nnd skills.
(6) Edie had brought dishonour to the whole tribe by catching and hiding the cubs.
Unit-I : Che.tah 't lt■ r,
C.7 DlKtw Cllttt with )'Otlf ft!Hl'h 111d IOt htr In tht'
Un U1t vndtrllntd ~ Or'd, fl) in1"'er th~ qot1fio111
d 1'1 (Yo• fnl) ••-e
tnothrr tonJut .) In foll ,entenc n. F'nd rde '"•t
,-.ord In th, an,-,
( I) Wh11 tlo y<-u thinlt ab<lut w

(){l'Ciit~ • )(4M ~'11-fl ~'t1QO (1'~ rt~

l:-l1minR w11hti\1I efTon?
/N;,; .-~-Jr;,~~ Old ~~ ~'U't'.1 'ilJ\~ ij -v11~~1
\4 'tMl I-'\ ?
did ~ 'll'-t ~" Cl!U\tij ~ !\. 1~~ 116 ~~ J)
(2) Do you justif)' Edie'~ &ct of catching lhe cub,?
l)U~,u dld not ~'i 'l_9\J' 4 o, p,, J
• No '\\ ,:ql~
' - - - - - - -. - - - - -- - - - - - -
\\'h) ..,

l\ll"Uit~ : it'{ ISll-u w{.:\ 4)=>1( >t1-il t,'\ ? m 'Ul ' Eu. ~ two rr~ l!!.J Into the pit ?
{3) E~I')• tnbe has its own lr■dltion s Fmd out some An!. Ye'!. l\vo frogs ffiTI) inln the p,t
trad itions of the adiv&si s of lhc Dangs and ( I) ID!l
both the frap la to jump out 7
Ans. YC5. both the fros, ~ to Jump ou•
llti'Ult~ : lh ~cmfi--0 'Urll--0 \{~IHI t!.\4 u .U 1bt-1
(2) 1"!l the other rr~ keep the two frog., telling
'i~' h.U<¼-11 ~1~<t1~~1-<l 12clh 'tt'tw,,"\. tt\1{1 3~)
not to try ?
(4) Wh11 would you like to be: Edie or Shanno? Give
reasons for your choice
Ans. Yes, the other fros, §!] fell ing the t~o froi?3
not to try
<'U'U!t~ : rt't-1. ~ "\1 ~~ c.t-1ct1:i :11'tu- u!l 1 u-11 , (J) Did the second frog HQJ1 j um ping ?
rt'IUtl 'Hit.:>ft-u ! l~'i\l ~'U .
Ans. No, the second frog (did nol slop) Jumping.
(5) What would you have done If you were Edie?
(4) QM the second frog li, ten to whi t othu frog,
~' : rt~ 15.n ~ rt rt\ rt~ u!~ l!trt ? said?
! LANGUAGE PRACTICE ! Ans. No, the second frog [did not li1trn] to what the
L. l Read lbe story and notice the underli ned ~•ords. other frogs said ?
,-- --- ---- --- -- --- ----- -- ---- , (5) Um the second frog t!JU!in
lhat he win deaf ?
' Note : ~l
cuit!-au '¥ t1c.i'l.U .U~ Ellil ~~~ t3 cl tt<>t1iu' Ans. Yes, the second frog [ uplaine d ) that ~c was
~E.1 ~cUlU\ ~~ ~~ Oi,.!Ulll\ (was/were + lag)-U 1 deaf.
~'U ~'Rl«44l f}. ~ Work in pairs and complete tllese dblogu es usiag
' -- A----- ---
group of frogs---- ----g----
was travellin ----
through -- ~
the jungle.
'was / wasn't' or 'were / weren' t'.
when two of them ft!! into a deep pit. All the other Example :
frogs pthered around the pit. When they ~ how
A : Where were you in the evening yesterday after
deep it was. they !Q.lll the two frogs that they were as
school hours ?
good as dead.
B : I was at my cousin's house.
1llC two frog s~ the comments and tried to
jump out of the pit with all their efforts. The other (f) A' : Where were you at 9.00 in the mornin g
frogs kept telling them not to try, as they were as good yesterday ?
as dead. Finally, one of the frogs followed what the B : I was in bed as it was Sunday
..,. other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and (2) A : Were you present in the class yesterday ?
d ied.
B : Yes, I was I No, I wasn't
The other frog continued to jump as hard as he
could. Once again. the group of frogs yelled at him to (3) A : Was Sardar Patel the fim Prime MinisreJ of
stOp the pain and just die. He bepn jumping even har4er India?
and finally made it out. When he got out, the other 8 : No, he wasn't. It was JawaharlaJ Nehru.
frogs said, "Qi.Q. you not hear us?" The frog explained (4) A : Was Yuvrajsinh a pan of Indian cricket team
~ "'Jhem that he was deaf-he though t they were during the World Cup 2015 ?
,_ ,,.enoouraging him to jump out of the hole all the time.
B : No, he wasn't.
• pit (!Az) "U.i°l, • ignored (o ~ <>1.q:>L!!_•U -,tl (S) A : Was there power cut at your pla~e yeste~ y -~
• comments (.~).~~~ ) fz'lllliil~, • followed (~\cal.s) B : No, it wasn't, In fact, ..,,e watched a mo,, e
<>1.-j:aa, • yelled (i{(.5) ~~ ~. • explained (o~<t\Cl~) last night.
(i\i~aj , . deaf Q.~) "l.~<1, . encouraging (o~~~~) (6) A : Were there guests at your home last Sunda) n
raxrt. ~'tcU ~ . 'B : Yes, there were. They were my fath«s friends.
ff v~~, ~rrl () 111nO Ii nii tt•h (<; ~I

!"'l '\ Wr r-r )'/'1 11 n r 1111 nl ~<'hoo l r11lt11r1tl J'ro~nunm<' L.4 1-"I Rud lht" •rntr n r t• 11nd (JUt •flr,n• In p11fr

I l
,,.~, , rn, ? Al l hl' f'ljl11 rr.

n Yrs. I "'"~ I rrrfo, mcd n folk dnnco

'\ Did r011 p111 1ici1'nte in thr c11lt11rnl progri1mmr
" ' r tnyed
( c,ml'. /
> ( 11m l'

r1ny .,,.
111~1 )'('Il l ?

( I) J21!! ynu ~ foofh a ll ye•teriJAy In lhe morn lnJt 7

n Yr~. I drd I pc, formed n folk dance
An•. We pf11ye d football yeslcrdny In rhe morning.
W11s Sansk111 romr,ul~o,y for you in cln~~ ?
( Ii ) I\
[J Yes.fl WIIS
( 2) !lliJ J 11y come llllc 10 •choo f 11111 Mond
An , . JAy c11mc lille to ~choo l 10,1 Monday
ay 1
L.J Ask th ese qucs llons lo your luch cr.
nction ■ nd m11ln lnform11llon from your
Wrll c the
lcachcr•~ (J) you .n'.!! lhe movl t fa,t week "
ID.!! QJ

( I ) When did Ind la hccomr an lndcp ('ndc

nl nallon 7
An~. I walch ed the movie last week
IDI Now, m In fhe blank, to complete the senle nce~
,411s. Indian bN'amr an lndcpcndenl nation In
194 7 and quc11lons.
Q/ng ~1
(2) Who was lndla's nnt Prim e Mlnl slcr 7
Ans, Ja,u harl al Nehr u wns India 's first Prim
< sang ~l
Minis ter ? Did
(J) Who was lndla 's first President 7 ing ? o; I
ent. (I) Did the yellow bird sing a song yesterday morn
Ans. Or. fujen dra Prasad was India 's tirsl Presid
(4) When did Guja rat ~come a scp,r ate state
7 The yellow bird sang a song yesterday morning, (sang)
(2) Did you see my brother during recess
6r I
Ans. Guj arat became a separate slate in May 1960. I saw your brother during recess. (saw). 'r I
(5) When did you join this school ?
Ans. I joined this school in 2002 .
you reach the .school yesterday 7
(J) Did you hear lhe terrifying noise last
I heard the terrifying noise last night.
(4) Did you visit lhe fun fair last Sunday ?
night ?

( 6) When
Ans. I reached school at 7. JO a.m. yesterday. I visited the fun fair last Sunday.
nd ?
(1) Wha t time !fut you retur n home yeste
rday ? (5) Did you attend the Panchayat meeting last weeke
Ans. I returned home al 12.30 p.m. Yesterday. I attended the Panchayat meeting last weekend.
(8) What !lhl, you ~ In the last class

Aas. I taught unit No.3 in the last class.
m!f you
summer vacation ?

any new place durf'1g your last

ICJ Work in

pairs . Ask your part ner I.hes~
questions and gather the information abQut

(qcut{[.fi iuQrtl ~CiJl -1lo t~ El.

~Jr th
..... ,, '
your friend. Then present it to your class. :1
Name of your friend : Kandarp Patel
Ans. Yes, I visited a new place during my last summ
(I) In which year were you born? S/he was &om
?· ~l
during the last Ans. S/he was born in July-2000.
(JO) What places §tlJ1 you !'..1111
(2) At what age did you start going to schoo l
vacation ? si.,.
Ans. S/he started going to school at the age of
Ans. I visited Rantltanbhor, Udaipur and Chittor
of ~
(3) What was your first schocl's name? The name
during my last summer vacation.
his/her school was _ _ _ __ ~
( 1l) With whom did you go there ? isfiil
Ans. The name of his first school was Shree Panct
Aas. I went there with my family and friends. Madhyamik Scho ol, Katos an Road . ·.
,<.. ~
l thut ~;;;e?
{ 12) How lone did you stay there 7 at schoo
play 111
(4) What games did you
S/he played _ _ _ _ ~
Ans. I stayed tJ,ere for five days.
Ans. S/he played Volleyball in the school at thaM ~
(13) Wha t d id you see there 7 is best
alace (5) Who was your best friend then ? Her/H
Ans. I saw the tiger sanct uary, cily place, lakep
friend was Asho k Patel. ~
and manyhisw rical places there .
l 11111- I : <'hN-l1h'~ Turt

t..~ I A I Wort! In r•lrs 111nd rompltll' tht ,enttnC'U alYtfl ( l) Old ynn ' " Y ynur pt 11y<'r, yc,ter11A y ?
hrlow. U~t thr n~•th•r ro, m of thr ut1tft1 llnttl word•. An•. Yt'I. I qald my prayrr yt 'ltcrclny
ltumrlr : I Uk~d thr f()O(I bur I didn't li~ tho (.\) Oltl ynn plAy erlt ket ye,tC'rdn y 1
sc,vlcr 1) f thl, hotel An• . Ye'I, I ph1yed r rlrket yc, trrrlrly
\ I) I crtjqycd tho movie hut 1 didn' t tnjoy the ~Mg.~ (4) !lid you read new,pRper, yc1tcrda y
(2) ~ho fQ.uod her phone but she didn't nnd her keys. Ans. Yc_q, I rend ncw, pnpcr, yc1tcr0By
(3) M y lhthe, bmwilil II cAke but he didn't bring colcl (5) Old yo u vl,lt your friend ye~terd11y ?
drink!l Ans. No. I didn 't visit my friend y-c,terday
( 4) My sister Dni the prt1yE'r song very well but ~he (6) Old you go to the market y~terd11 y ·t
didn't ~lnl_l the welcome song so well.
Ans. Yes, I went 10 the market ye1tcray / Nn. I 0111n·1
(~) TI1c prlnclpnl annouO,QCd the cx11m dnte~ but didn't go to the market yesterday
•nnounc, the dAtes for vAcntion.
(7) Did you WAtch A mm ye,tercl11y ?
{l'i) Our school ll'..Qil tho cricket mAlch hut didn't win
Ans. No, I didn't watch a fi lm ye, rcrdey
the hockey motchcs.
Yes, I watched a film yesterday
(7) The school mgujrcd teaching staflbut didn't require
administrative staff. (8) Did you nght with your sister ye.11crday ?
(8) The police gyiJl1 the thieves but didn't catch Ans. Yes, I fought with my sister yesterday
their leader. L.6 A group or people Is talking about how the.y , pent
(9) Asma WI.Ilk the gloss of milk but didn't drink the their weekentls. Complete the conversations u1ing
syrup. appropriate rorms or the verbs given in the br11ckw.

(10) Dishaan finished his homework for drawing but ~ D',ttl D,111 @)

didn't finish his homework for Maths.
IBI Work In pairs. Ask your . partner these
•. questions and complete the table &lvcn below. (I)~
The partner will answer 'yes' or •no'. Write \::::::,/ What did (do) you do on the weekend ?
the response in the table below.
------ --------- -- --------- --,
: ~"1: \4Ql ~qit.t 'Yes'. ! lNo' iti th I mn.t (go) to watch n movie
It l!.H (be) fantastic. ··
~ - - - -~!'! _ll_\U_ti_ ~~~! ~§ _t~~ - -
Did you ... yesterday ?
- -- - - - - - :
Yes No (II) /4")\l
\::!J How~ (be)_your weekend ?
Eg : Did you brush your teeth yesterday ?
Oid you go to school yesterday ?
✓ J

Did you help in the· kitchen yesterday? ✓ It 'n:ll (be) great ! I !!l!! (meet)
some friends on Saturday, and we
~.- Did you do your homework yesterday ? ✓
~ (go) for shopping. We also
~._ Did you study English yesterday ? ,( vjsited (visit) a fun fair. We
Did you listen to music yesterday ? ✓ thoroughly enjoyed (enjoy) the
Did you receive phone from any of your evening.

friends yesterday ?
Did you watch TV yesterday ? ✓
(Ill) © What did (do) you do on Saturday
.. Now, frame similar questions based on the activities
mentioned above and write the answers that your I l!rul (have) guests at home and I
partner gave. You can add more questions by ukJng ~ (cook) dinner for them.
questions on : Then we watched (watch) a
,~- ---
_., !'Note : ~"1:---- ------------------ ~,
\4'cl "cuc.titl (q{q\tdl ..u1S '11 l). I
programme on TV. And what
about you?
•• - •.:··"' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,I
iakc breakfast, say prayer, play crlclcetlkabbadilgame,
(IV)© Oh, nothing special. l ~ (stay) at
Yf ad newspaper, visit frlend'6 home, etc. home and studied (study). Ok. Bye.
'.... •.E.g. Old you have breakfast ?
:-:- ~ ns. Yes: I had It. / No, I hadn't it.
(J) Did you take breakfast yesterday ?
A~-~- No, I didn't take any breakfast yesterday.
Vrll\j Std. 9\: Engli,h (S.L.)
L. 7 \\ ork in n group of four or n\lc. Sort out whkh •cllons end llcllvlllcs given In the left box motch with e
~lluations gl\lcn thr right ho~. Frnmr sentences ns given In th~ exnmple. &-:=:
Is1rng songs, bought clothes, plnycd music, ntc lce-crcnm, plnycd gnmcs, swnm in river, snw oncicnt weapons, donc~d &;=:
with friends. cooked food , went for bootjng, wntchcd JO fllm on Solnr system, went up the hill, enjoyed the corn
collection, withdrew money fromATM, lcnmt nbout history]
On a olcnlc To the market To the museum ,•
,,• fir"
snng sonw; bought clothes saw oncienr weopons
played music nte lce-crenrn sow 3D film on the solar system fr
played games withdrew money from the ATM enjoyed the coin collecrlon
swam in the river learnt about history ·" ·;:
danced with friends
cooked food - - fi=-
went for boating
went up the hill """1
felt (feel) something pulling them down to the ground.
Example :
Student l : Yesterday I went to the market and bought
I could (can) not lift my head, my hair was tied _(ti_~)
to the ground with nails. My whole body was ~x~d
Student 2 : Last weekend I went to the museum and
(fix) to the ground with hundreds of thin, but _s'tr~ilg
threads. Strange noises were coming (come) ~E. }l1Y
learnt about history.

ears but all I could do was to look at the sky ~b:O~e. y-1
Student 3: Last Sunday I went on a pichic and I remember how my ship had sunk. I was 1.l!§~{to
songs. have swum across the sea. But I was so tired (!ir-e:).tltat
(Jr Last Sunday, I went to the museum and s a w ~ I fell (fall) asleep as soon as I touched (touch) 1h·e land.
weapons. While I was thinking what to do, I fill (feel)

Yesterday, I went to the market and ate ice-cream/
bought clothes.
Last week, I went on a picnic and played music/
' something moving on my left hand. The strange thing
crept (creep) up to my chin. I looked (look) at him,
it was a tiny human being about six inches ta~I with a
sang songs / danced with friends. tiny bow and arrow.
(4) Last Saturday, I went to the museum 'and enjoyed ~:?,) Frame a question for each of the an~wers_ given
below. Use the question prompts given an t~~~ ·
(5) ,
the coin collection:
Yesterday, I ~ to the market and wjthdrew brackets for each statement, .-··<>·' ~I
' money from the ATM. Example : ·.-~:::::·:·;-:.-.~
~ .. ·:··;,;
Last week, I went on a picnic and played games. The principal declared a holiday in the mor,:u.,g.
Last Sunday, I ~ to the museum and saw a 30 (who, what, when)

film on the solar system. Who declared a holiday ?
. (8) Last week, I went on a picnic and swam jn the What did the principal declare ?
When did the principal declare a holiday ?

(9) Last Sunday, I went on a picnic and danced with
(t) Bhaskar sent an SMS to his friend an hour ago.
friends .
(when, whom, what)
( 1O) Last Saturday, I went on a picnic and cooked
Ans, When did Bhaskar send an SMS to his friend ?
( 1!J Last week, I went 00 a picnic and went for baoting. · Whom did Bhaskar send an SMS an hour::!)g,q:1

(12) Last Sunday, I went on a picnic and went up the What did Bhaskar send to his friend an hour,li6 ?

••,, hill, . (2) Juhi drank orange juice in breakfast today mq~~~g.
L.8 Fill: in the gaps using appropriate forms of the verbs (who, what, what time) .(\:::..
1• • ••• • • .J

given in brackets and complete the passage. Ans. Who drank orange juice for breakfast this mor.~!r.~ ?
' ,.. -., Gulliver's Travels What did Juhi drink for breakfast this n)?.i in·g ?
·- -· - , I awoke (awake) as the bright sunlight struck my When did Juhi drink orange juice ?
face. I ~ (want) to stretch m_y anns and legs but
Unit-I : Cheetah's Teen
(3) Mihir had his lunch In the college contcen in the W.) Read the race, about the Tlacr. Undentand them
oftemoon. (who, what, when) with the help of your lucher. rhen write 11 1rn r11gr11ph
Ans. Who had lunch in th(' college cnntccn in the lnclur11n" All thHe detall1.
nfkmoon ?
What did Mlhlr hnve in 1hc college canteen In lhe
allen,oon ?
I I ," " 1.R m,o,, '""' •I I
When did Mihh hnve lunch In the college c11ntcen 7
J 'f1I - I 100
(4) Dolly's f11 thcr -bought n new cnr Inst week. (who,

""'.;_. ___,_ .- ·2
whnt. when) f)!:,~,$.p~~
~ ns. Who bought a new car lest week 7 :1 JOO ka
What did Dolly's fllthcr buy last week 7 weight
When did Dolly's father buy a i,ew car 7
(S) The meeting ended very lote yesterday. (what,
The tiger is a memmel. A mammol i~ an nn lmal that
Ans. What ended very late yesterday 7
gives birth to young ones. The tiger Is a carnivore
When did the meeting end yesterday 7 (l{l~lt!ltl) . It eats meot. For food it ollecks different
(6) The police went on a search operation till midnighl. types of onimals. It uses its weight to knock down the
(who, what, ,vhen) prey. It bites on the neck to kill the prey. Its life span
Ans. Who went on a search operation at midnight 7 is abopt IO to 15 years. It has a long, thick reddish
coat. II may be 1.5 to 1.8 meter long. Its belly is white.
What did the police do ot midnight 7
Its tail has black and yellow strips. Its tail may be 0.6
When did the police go on a search opemtion 7 to 0.9 meter long. It may weight from 100 to JOO kg.
-·· --17): TI1e train got delayed by six hours. (what, how It is found from snow covered Siberian Taiga to hot
many) Indian ' forests. II also lives· in tropical mangroves. The
Ans. What got delayed by six hours ? !icientific name of the tiger is- Panthera Tigris. Unlike
other animals, it lives a lonely life. It doesn't live in a
By how many hours did the tmin get delayed ?
herd or a family. It may cover an area of I00 square
(8) The Prime Minister announced a new life insurance kilometer as its territory. It is one of endangered spices.
policy this morning. (who, what, when) ([ct~l{ •etrtl "Ifrtl"111.Lct)
Ans. Who announced a new li~e insurance policy this ~ '. Write about ten sentences on-' A day in the life of
.. .... morning ? I a Tribal'
·· ·· What did the Prime Minister announce this ~ ------ ------ ,----- --,J·
morning 7
When did the Prime Minister announce a new life
insurance policy ?
• >
·W.'i You have found a baby-monkey whose mothe~ is
missing. How will you help it? Read the suggestions
and write what you will do:
• First I will put it at a safe place.
• Then I will give it some food to eat. (give foofi)
• < Thereafter I will offer it water to drink (water)
<..::~·-·.· Meanwhile I will take care of the baby and try lo
· ·· · '·--~ protect it from dogs. (protect from dogs) Mohanbhai is from a tribal area. He lives 1n the
I .-
.· • I will try to find its mother. I I will try to seatch forest near Sagpada, Gujarat. He lives a hard life. He
*'; •.
: -~ for its mother (search for its mother) has no land for farming. In rainy season he wo~-)as
:, '<•....I wi II take help of my friends, a farm 1worker. Ln rest of the seasons, he collects hone)
(~It) to run his family. He gets up early. After completing
·-··· --;; ··' When I find its mother. I will Jet it go to her. hygienic activities, he moves to the jungle with an earthen
Vn.,j Shi. 9 ~u~tO : En11ll~h (S.L.)

~1cn "II' :flrl btO'llit lurlfi fc\,1.n tt1~,n rt11 11!1\•0 uh1 !!11.
pol nnd n clolh bng. Ho look~ for honey combs (~'l'i,Jl)
He climhs on trees. He fires lrce lenves 10 produce
• ~JI· ~~A ttU t\l\leJ~•II ll'II l_,111 ~ fj, :i,u~Gfi 1-11fiUl•11 l.1(1111~
smoke. Ho swipes lhc bees fnro the couon °hng. He then rnrnRrnph Wrllh•R m.U\ ttO "11\ll
rnkcs down the hone)' comb. He squeeze~· the comb In
the pot lo get honey. He sells the honey in the loenl
marker. His luck doesn't favour hfrn every dny. fie goos flrnwn with II llallt~r
ro bed early. He lives n very hard llfo. His fornily rncrnbers
~uppor1 him. He cams a little, yet he llvc, happily.
W.4 Gnlhcr lnfor111111ion about any animal around your
belly 11ncl II llaltt l111ncl
acrnn the the thlah "I
rc~idcncc 11nd nil fhc dcfall9 In the table. j ""I
Lona tMII tn ni t'
1 .=:1
Pouch whrr _ __,
lu1by (Joey)
for bnlsince whllc
/Jumr,lnl( rl
grows 11nll

~ L•rse back le1,1
for Jurnplng
N11me Orey Kangaroo ( Mncropus gignnfeus) ·
· Nt1me
. 'fy,pe
.. '
Domestic and Wild

Male : Height - 2 meter (6.6 fit): . :
Weight : 50 to 66 kg ( Female 17 to 401~g.)
Highest speed : 64 km per hour
Open grassland with areas of bush for

Some are medium-sized. Some are large.
Mostly in villages, in forests too, some
day time shelter and mainly inhabits tlie
wetter parts of Australia.
pet in houses
Territory Mostly it enjoys its own territory where
Territory Souchern and Easlem Australia ~I
it lives like street, house etc
Life Span 14 years In the zoo : 20 years
Life Maturity: 17 to28 months.
Life Span IO to I3 years
Most lime spent in grazing and reproduclion.
Life They are more like human. Mother takes ... ,,
·" Lives in small or large group . '••
care of her young ones. Then when they
Colour : light coloured gray or brown·i~jj'::
get matured they separates from the
, family. They are useful to man as they
gray with a lighter white li2!i~. ~
can learn many tricks. The dog is a loving Food : wide variety of grasses :r: \~ ~
!111imal. D .......... \ .",
_. \,.,

/ MCQs /
1swcr tl,c questions selecting the most appropriate (3) It was safe to steal a cub because...
tfons : (a) a cheetah sometimes attacks a man.
saw female cheetah crawling closer to the
_ animals.
(b) a cheetah always kills peop:.:?.
(c) a cheetah ls never afraid of man.
,,:,..'\· :
1) gazing (b) grazing (c) wondering (d) sitting (d) a cheetah never attacks a man. ,: ~-...,

• word 'Zulu "refers to ..•. (4) The cubs did not run away because... •...... ··
) a group of hunters (b) a hunter tribe (a) they were too young. (b) they were too •~ '{~~tl.
I a group of Adivasis (d) a group of villagers (c) they were over . eaten. (d) they were frightened.
Unit- I : ChcclAh's Ttars
(5) When lhe molher cheetah did nol nnd her cubs ( 15) The opposite word or 'envied ' Is _ _ _
.. . _
(a) she sat down and rested . (n) prayed (b) praised
(b) she went out in scorch of lhcm . (c) enlnrgcd (d) practi sed
(c) she began to look nround. (16) Edie w,mted his food without _ _ _ _
(d) she become angry nnd j umped wildly. (n) efforts (b) pain
(6) All lhe mem bers of lhe hunte r tribe dech. (c) problems
led to .... (d) labour
(a) garland Edie. (17) Edie wishe d to train cubs to _ _ _
:(b) drive nwny Edie from their village. (n) protect him. (b) hunt a deer for him .
•(c) beat Edie. (c) perform tricks . (d) help him in his-·work.
(d) honour Edie. (18) Which of the following Is not a similar
worcf tor
(7) Edie had 11n Idea .... 'comfortable' ?
(a) To be ns lucky as the cubs (a) easy (b) cosy
(b) to hunt the cubs (c) uncomfortable (d) snug
(c) to catch a cub (19) Edie knew that cheetah never attacks a man
(d} to have a hunter as the cubs had
(8) ·Edie wanted a cub to ..... (a) he had read it.
(~) eat it. (b) he had experienced about it.
(b) play with it .
·· ·· · (c) train it to hunt for him.(d) save it. (c) ~he cheetah is a hannless animal.
(9) ..~'Find the odd one out. (d) the cheetah is not a wild animal.
: ...··...
-.: ?(a) takes care of its cubs. (20) Why was it safe to steal a cheetah ?
(b) does not preserve its prey. (a) they were calm.
(c) attacks a human being. (b) they never kill man.
(d) creeps silently to catch the prey. (c) they never attack man.
( I 0) Where is a heard of deer grazing ? (d) the cheetah was a domestic animal.
(21) Find out an adverb from the following.
{a) In the farm (b) on a plain
(a) thick (b) quickly
(c) in the jungle (d) in a meadow
(11) Edie thoug ht of _ __ _ (c) safe (d) comfortable
(22) What did Edie do to catch a cheetah ?
(\i) an easy way of living
(a) followed the cheetah family. ..· _,,,.·
(b) a comfortable life style _

(b) picked up his spear and net. ...:·::.:•..._.....

' \ c) an easy way of hunting
(c) threw the net over them .
.' (d) an easy way of getting food
(d) (a), (b) and (c)
(q)' 'What did Edie see ?
(23) Why Was Edie glad ?
(a) a mother cheetah sleeping ' . -
(a) he got the cubs easily. ~ ........... : : ~
(b) a female cheetah running
(b) he caught two cubs.
(c) a mother cheetah crawling
(c) (he mother cheetah was not there.
(d) ll male cheetah crawling
(d) his idea worked.
( 13) Edie's eyes brightened means _ _ __ I

(24) Where did he hide the cubs ?

_.(a) He had a good vision .
(a) ~nder a tree (b) in the bush .. •::::--·:
, ... (b) an idea occurred to his mind.
(c) under a basket
) c) he wanted to have a cheetah.
(d) in his hut ··;::(
· ·, . ..: (d) he found a solution.
(25) Whic h state ment is corre ct for the worr
ied mo~-~~~ ?
(a) she became angry and sad. ••"\. · '
(t 4f·Edie wanted to have _ __ _ .::.: .}
(b) she became angry and jumped. .:·.-:·.->· ..
'. ··· :::·:: ~,)a lion (b) a hunter (c) she did not return after a while. .,•·

(c) a deer (d) a leopard (d) she looked at the basket.

171,1 ,\h•t h1 pr,r1I 111 1111 rntllhr, <hnt• h • f htflt• , f\1\ 1 \-\>'fllfh Hitfl',nrnl ,-n,,,flf lh" ( 1ll•1~lnl I~ Int ,,rr ,orl I
( II l tl1r I hntl IC'llfl

fh l 1hr1 ltntf hl11d llpw r

11 I lhr1 lu•rl , ,,.,,,. nn fhrrn

rdl fhn 111111 hll( " dMlpn

I (,) CI ~,,,

<h) 11,
(ti II, r,rth,,I
f , I '",, 11 " hit ,,.
,1I n, , •,m , rlinr

,111 , ,.. , 1111>,1 r ,,...

lhtt h111

" ,, ~,
1 , ,, "

~nI 11 m,,,. l
I die • • ~,. ,
•1 1 ' " "
t 2 1 \\ h1 dltl 1hr mtll hr1 r h rt>l ll h U•1 I c, i ' "• 7
(11)h 1n1• n4J1" 1r
ta) •- r hr w 11ld nnl • nlff hrr ! 11ht
(hJ t,t t1\, n url'r.rh u~I •td th tr
(h) ht'L■ ll~e 11hr "''" lnnrl y
(1) 1hr r nuld not fintl hN h~hlr•
(r J hy r,t, nntn,r 11n,I r111111 lnA
hy w• 1t111•
(ti )
(d l ~ht' w11 \ lrl(lhtr nrtl

(2H) T' hr mother rhcr111h '~ " r lna wu h rar,I hy

( 11) \h11no r11 11,,1 J, ,11,
(11) 11 111 , y hun,,.r (hi 11
111) 11n nld rnnn n11rnrtl '-hnnno (c ) 11 t kllterl (tlJ hNh (11) n11,f lhl r
(h) 11 young h11nt1'1 I die (JJ) P.tlle' • wlrlcrff 11t1 hr11111h1 10 '"" ,,,,, ..
(c) 11 young m11n nnrnrd Shano (n) ltspplnc,1 (h) Jny
triblc mnn In the Jungle
(d) 11 (c ) udnc•• (di ,111hnno11, ~
(29) \\ hy did Sh1no IC'I YC for 1hr cryln1 Chrrl1h mofh,r ? (J-4) Whit w•• the rwnl1hn1 ent for f:,11,. for •rullnfl t'tl ll• 1

(n) he wo, bclllen hy rhe lrlt,,,I

(o) he wa• wise
(h) he loved nnlmol~. (h) he wo1 rn11dc lo v in(e11
(c) he hod II strong club. (c) ho WA1 driven 11w•y from the vt llni,1
(d) he knew that Edu~ hod stolen her cub~. (d) the rrlbe mnn , topped r11tkln" w11h hrm F
-o Rud the followln i utr•ch and anawer the (') Wha l 1toordfn 1 to f.d lt, d id he have lo do lo
deer '!
que1tlon1 given below them : hunl I
Ans. A ccording to Edie, he hod ro run o tot hunt (lQ
IAI long long ago o Zulu hunter WOj j ffllng under a tree.
His name was Edie lie saw o large hud of deer co1clJL(O hunl) n deer
(6) Which stnlence In lhe IHI show, lhJ1t Edie
grazing In lush green meadow.
He sold to ltlmu/f. "These deer ora laally w■ r n Lazy hunter 7
wonderfu l but I h(/\le to run a lot to ca1cl, one of Ans. The sente11ce, "Cnn 'I there be an coy way to
Jhem Con '11here he an ea.,ywoyto g et one?" catch one of them," (deer) ,how, th1t Edie w11._,

( I) Wh•t w•• Edie 1 Which tribe did he be Iona o lnzy hunte r. c__l
to 1
Ana. Edie was a hunter. He belonged to Z ulu tribe.
I II I Suddenly, he saw o female cheetah cruwllns .11/1,11/y
clrucr to the graz ing on/ma/,. Then. JM l11u(Jl. u,fli
(2) What don the word .. herd" here mean ?
caught r, deer. After 1om11/m.,, h, r rwo y<Jung cu/!,
came 0111 of the bu.1h They ull i n/oytd thi:lr meul
Ana. The word "herd" means a group of animals. (I) Whal did Edie •ee lbl r,male Chtrlah dol•K 1 ~1
(J) What did Edie see In the meadow ? What Ans. Edie sow the female Cheeuih cniwllng very ,ilcntl}'
were they dolna 1 closer to the " nuln" deer
Ada. Edie saw a large herd of deer In the meadow.
They were a,azing.
(l) llow did lhe fenuele Cheelah n l \'h a dt tl' ? ~1
Ana. 1 he female Chcctuh cruwlcd sltenlly cfo,cr cu rhc
(4) Whlle 1IU1n1 under the tree Edie . .. ...... , ... deor, Leapt at the l'roup and cau"ht .i uccr
(Complete the Sentence)
(J) Where were lhe cubJ 7 ~)
~ n•. While slnlni under lhe rrec, Edie~ a large herd
of deer ,vulng in the lush aircen meadow.
Ana. Tho cub:s were 111 rhe bl.Cih ~)
Unit-I : Cheetah's Tears
(4) How many young ones did the mothe r Chtetah (3) Edi e would ord er ...... . (Comp l ete th e
have 7 ~tatement)
Ans. n,e mother Cheetnh hod two youn~ oneq An~. Ee.l ie would order the youn14 one/the c11h to gn
nnc.l kill e deer for him
(5) How did the cubs at1 their food 7
Ans. The mother Chcctnh crawled 111 the deer, lcnpt ot (4) llow would F:dle'~ life be ? Why ?
them, cnuglu end killed one of them 011d brough t Ans. Edie's II fe would be very very comfort11ble hec1Hrsr
it 10 her cubs for food. n ,u, lhcy got their food. he wouldn ' t have to go out to hunt an rinin,aJ for
food. The tra ined cub would bring rood for him
(6) Where did the cubs come out from 7
(5) Wh11t was Edie's Idea ? Was he pleased with
Ans. n,c cubs came out of ftom the bu~h. TI1ey enjoyed
that Idea.
their meal.
Ans . Edie's idea was to catch one or the cubs and train
ICI Edie~ eyes brightened. They sparkled with 0 11 Idea. He
it to hunt for him. Yes, he was very much pleased
envied the cubs. "Can I be as lucky as 1/,eu beauti ful
with him Idea.
cubs? They got their faod without any effort. Can I
(6) Which Idea of Edie pleased him ?
/:ave a /11111ter like their motlier?" lie 1l,ougl11.
Ans. Ed ie's idea of catching n cub and then trai n it re,
(1}. How can we say that Edie was e lazy mon ?
hunt a deer for him pleased him.
ft. ns. Edie was a lazy man because he wanted lo gel !El He so~ two tiny cub.r. They loolced at him wi1ktf1eir
his food without any effort. bright eyes. They were too young to run uway. t:d,le
· (2) Why did Edie envy the cubs ? threw rhe net over them and the cubs were caug,it: lie
Ans. Edie envied tht: cubs because the cubs got their needed only one cub b111 he thought, "Ahl It is alwdys
better to have two slaves instead of one!" He d,:a~ged
food without any effort.
them ~ ilh him and hid them under a big basket.
(3) What did Edie wish ?
(I) Was Edie a greedy man? How ?
Ans. Edie wished to have a hunter like the cub's mother.
Ans. Yes, he was a greedy man. Ed ie needed only one
(4) How did the cubs get their food ? cub but when he saw two, he caught both of them.
Ans. The cubs got their food without any effort with (2) How many cubs did he wante to catch ?
the help of their mother.
Ans. He wanted to catch only one cub.
1D1 .R~ decided to catch a young cub and train ii to hunt (3) What did Edie use to catch the cubs ?
:... f'?r:l1im . Then I shall only say, 11 0 mY_ dear, go and lei//
Ans. Edie used his net to catch the cubs. ·· ··· /
-:: a deer f or me. Ah! My life will be very comfortable
.: then. 11 He was quite pleased with his own idea. (4) 'What is always better ?

~: : ...( 1) What decision did Edie take ? Ans. It is always better to have two slaves instead ofone.

.:·- A'ns. Edie took the decision of catching a young cub (5) ~here did he hide the cubs ? ·:_:::~ :
and train it to hunt for him. Ans. He hid the cubs under a big basket.

OR (6) Find out from the text the sentence that

mean~: "The cubs ffhey were so young that
What did Edie decide ? '
they could not run away ?
Ans. Edie decided to catch a y~ung cub and train it to
Ans. ihe sentence is "They/The cubs were too young
hunt for him.
.···~ ·to run away.
__., -[2,' What did Edie want the young on~/c~b for
(7) How many cubs were there ? How were•· tho . ··- -- ~
'·· ::.::_-.. him to do ? ?
, •.• • '1 •J
~ :... 1
Ans. There were two cubs. They were very small'J t~r:iy)
::._: A ns. Edie wanted the young one/cub to go and hunt a
(8) What did Edie do ?
deer fo r h im.
Ans. lfdie threw the net at the cubs and caught°':them.
:· .. .. . OR
..... . ..,, Then he drugged them away and hid them undi:r
Edie wanted the cub to hunt for him. J big basket.

fO) " '"' m11n, r 11'1• tfkl F,1111 • r t1111IIJ "11111/nr«t 7 (0) \ Vh• t h•pr-, 11 , ,t •• ~ ,.._.1111 l'lf ,-.ntfl~ r t httt111!1 · •
Ho" mllnJ cfld ltr l11kr "" t y 9'-llh h im ? M nll1111no• ,o,f'i'l)in c 7
-\ n • I d,r ~,-1111111) \\llnlNt 'nrt'cf!'d onl) 01'1(' ruh foli,t hr <'flT'{l( t,,-r dw:ctt '• , , ..., ,.,,.,.~ •~t nL
-\n•. "I• 1 rt•ult
h'tik ""'" ~ 1th 1hr ruh• (l\~c,) w1fh h,m tlw-rf AJ"~1,....1 hr, ,, !II\'< iv, ,.. d..-ch

f I 0 ) ll nw, 11rrordln11 f l> ) '('I U I• fidlr 7 ,.-, ,,..,./ ~,. Ir~• - ak ~ • • :I'"'
f(, I ,;1,, rrit I ~1 r,
r\ ns. A"'--ordln~ 10 uenic. rd fr I• wicked and ft~ly rim," ,-,,,,. c~b ~ 1tn • •tlll ... v-,p;,.,;

( II ) W hlr h 11r nl t ncr In fh t I n t 11 ho..-, fdt,•, ••()(/vr el-ttul i 1, -I , , /,,.,/(v I · .t

.fl 11/,~l,t 11,,
hllflfllnro ? ,,,, i.m h,ar,/ "v a .., ,,, ,-. in l,Yl,-,; '"" ,,.,, n '!rzv,,
.\n~. TI1e ~<'ntrncr " Ah 1 11 ,~ 11lw11~ heller 10 have n,,. nld man 11nd,rwrd ,~ 11 l:ad J . ~ Ht
two • lcvc• ln~leAd of one: · Show hi• hApfline,o h,, d•"'
,,.-,J ,.,- , • 1 4/ It '
/rn,.,,,di atth,• t(l(>t rh'Ol1f
I Fl 7'1,,. MOtht!r chrrtah rrrvrnr d af1er a wl,i/r She did nnr h111 Thlt old 1110,r 'iJ,..:mrn ..,_, v,,r;· .,, ,, H, wwd
fl11d her cubs Sh<' lnnfrd nll ,,m,md Fir.ff of all sh, <mlmol, und .t11,w nil 0&1111 ,Iv..,
!,t•{'ame Oftl!I")' 011d j umped " ·,Idly She .rnlfled ull omm,d
Whi t did fht tH r1 do 1
Rut alas! She could nor find her dear b11bl,s. Ar /arr. ( I)
!lite becom e sod and started .:ryl11g Slur criqd and cried A n~. The rears made dark stn1ru: 011 mo1her ch«:a ·;
fnr the 14•/tolf! nlghr till the 11cx1 "''cning checks .
,W1e cried and er/ad until/ ht!r.f modt! dark stains dawn (2) Whal wu Shan no ? Where d id h lh-e '.."
her cheeks rh~
A ns. Shnno w as n hunter. He 11'\l'Cd in a villue r 01

( I ) Which special ability did lhe mother use to jungle.

find her cubs '!
(3) How wu Sha nno '!
Ans. TT1e Mother cheefnh sniffed for her cubs to find
her cubs. Ans. Shano was very wise. loving and kind
(◄) How d id Shann o undcn tand aboat th J;iid
( 2) F'lnd sentence with the ~lmllar meaning, "The
mother wept for hours together." Incident ?
Ans. She cried and cried for the whole night. Ans. When Shanno heard the mother chtttlh crying
loud ly at night. he immcd iatel) undentood .aoout
(3) What did the mother find when she came
back' ! the sad inciden t

Ans. When the mother came back, she found thar her (5) What did Shanno do on haring the load cryl•g
cubs were not there. or mother cheeta h !
Ans. On hearing mother chtttnh crying. ~ ,Jcft
( 4)' Whal did she do to find her cu~ ? I
for the j ungle to help the cheetah.
Ans. She looked all around and sn iffed around lo find
her cubs. fHI He rushed lo the hut and sJro11ted. "/ hate you. Edi,! ~

(5) What was her first reactio n ? Everybody of our rribe will hare you ~~ ycr~:cn

Ans. She became angry and jumped wildly. lazy and wicked too. We know thaJ a hunJu m ~
with his own strength and skill But .~ J1'l! _,:i ~ •
(6) What did the mothe r Cheet ah do on not
finding her young ones ? (her cubs) hunter. You are a 1hief You haw broken th.: nJes oj
our tribe. You have brought a,shonow to ti:~ whol~
Aas. On not finding her cubs. the the mother cheetah
tribe. "
looked all around. She became angry,jumpcd wildly
and sniffed all around to find her cubs. (I) Which rule of the triM had Edit broken !
(~.),· What did she do at last ? Ans. Edie hnd broken the rule oi the tribe oi hunting
A,Js. Al last she became sad and started crying. with one's own strength and skill.

(8) Did the mother cheetah find her young ones (2) Which qualiti es should • bunttr bin c ~
despite all her effor~ ? What did she do then ? Ans. A hunter should ha\ e strength onJ s}.ill tu hunt.
Ans. Despl~ all her efforts , rhe mother cheetah didn 'r (3) How was Edie ?
find her young ones. Then she very sadly started
Ans. Edie WllS wicked and hu) .
crying and went one crying till the next evening.
ll11t1 I : l htN1h'1 1'tUl
(4) Who "'•~ 11 thlt-f ? (1 ) Wh y 111d th• mc mber1 llf t h e hun lrr lrlh,
A n~. Pdle wu II thlrf 11ftld, In drtv11 ,,11.
11w11y '
(~) Wllat "'Ill lun,ttra do with Edie ? OR
At11, AII lht hunltrt wlll hale I die and drive him nut Wllt t dl(I lht m,m~ n nf thl' ltlhl' 1l•R1I P '
f111m lhtlr 1rlht" Wh y?
(fll How, acr(lrdlt1l ~h11t1no, m••• • hut1ttr flnnt ' A"~- iM mcrn~ n of 1hr hun,er trlt-r d"c"l"J •o rlr\~"
A n!I. AeeotdlnK lo Sh11nnn. 11 hunter mu(t hunt with Fd1t BWAy Imm their vlll.igt! her 111v hr h •d t,f!1jJP 1
hit; own ~treng,h 11nd ~klll d11honour to the whole tr1t,,, by 1realln11 ,he cu~ ,.
(7) Why did Shanno bttom , anary with Edit 7 i,nd ror bre11kin& the rule o( their 1rlh<!
(3) Whtt '1kt Sh1nno do ?
A n1. Sh11no became 11ngry with Edie beClluse he had
!ltolcn the cub~ in II wicked w11y 11nd mad«! the Au. Shanno took the cub, on hi, , hn111rlcn r,ncl
mother cheetah sad. He h11d s1olen the cu~ instead returned them 10 1helr mother
of hunting them with his strcnath and skill. (4) What win lhe re1ult or mother r hetlnh '1 lone
(8) Wh)' attordlng to Shanno, would the trlbum n weepin g ?
hale Edie ? Ans. Mo1her cheelah 's long weeping hod ~t:uncJ her
A ns. Accord ing 10 Shanno, the tribesmen would hole chcccks for ever
Edie ~ u~c he w11_s very luy and wicked and he (~) Where did Shanno 10 7
h[ld stolen 1he cubs llke a thief. Ans. Shanno went to the jungle.
{9) Shanno told Edie that he ...... .... and had (6) Find out • phra,e wllh slmllar mean,n ll to
.. .... ... (complct the sentence) " the mother had cried toomuch."
Ans. Shanno told Edie that he had broken the rulesof tbm Ana. Long weeping of the mother cheetah hnd :,wrncJ
m and bod brought dishonour to the whole tribe, her face forever.
All the members of the hunter tribe got together. They (7) What did Shanno take with h im ?
decided to drive away Edie from their vii/age f orever.
Ans. Shanno took the cubs with him.
Shanno rook the cubs on his shoulders and returned

them to their mother. He saw that long weeping of the
IJI Irdoe., not presrrve fls pr,y. This som,llmit.f caU$«.
mother cheetah had stained her face forever. death of cubs and young cheetah. II Lr a solitary crcatur11
(I) Why do young cubs die ?
(1) Why did the members of the hunter tribe get

~ together 7 Ans. Young cubs die becaus e the chcctnh nevc·

preserves its food.
1-..> Ans. The members of the hunter tribe got togeth~r to

decide to drive Edie away from their village (2) Does a cheetah live In herds ?
1-~ forever. Ans. No, It doesn' t live in herds.


I-@ .. Answer these questions in two or three lines :
( I) How can you say that Edie was II lazy hunter ?

r~ Ans. A hunter must hunt with his own strength and sk!II but I
Edie stole t~e cubs to train them to hunt for him. So 11 can

be y aid that Edie was a lazy hunter.
Why did Edie decide to steal a cub ?
Ans. Edie decided to steal a cub to train it to hu_nt for himself. He wanted 10
1..0 to steal a cub.
have his food without any effon. So. he dec,Jed

I~ (3f• What did Edie think when he saw a large herd of grazing detr

J\n.1, W~en Edie saw a large herd o f deer grazing, ho lhought that those
lot 10 catch one. He wondered if there was any easy way 10 get one.
deer were really wonderful but he haJ hl run J

111 \ 1 tj ~hi fl ~,,,n l' nt11•'1 1'11 I I

,., ,,~("l'f~ 1hf C'Ml!Ht ~ n nr "11'11h tt r-huta h ~"'" '"4' ( ~l lf nt, d l tf r ,Ht h rl "t d ld1.,n nr Ult ,.,11,,lt /

f"onfi t1u1 1h11 h r, c-el't• "trt ,n~ti ftt lrlht "

\\ hc-n fN'lhr t l 'x-t- 1Jh r(' in.i 1h,1 htr rut,, \\m m « •"It. I ' "' \ h mfrr ,,.,.~, """' \\ ""' "'" f't \ l1 t l l"l'n11111 1nd
... ,II hH
'"" 11 •
l~~I\ F,i r t-n-'-t ,,-.., rt1lt1 "' ,i, .. /11111 1,,,-,. He ,,.,,,. "

d~ fci{,l ...1 ..111.m.m.1 <-!it ""'... mt ll!lffi 1·~ , l"TI~ l ing

, ~i h I rhtm umlrr I hllf t,, ,i.,tr fhu• 1rrnr1
'"r l rl"t1 I'\ 1 ht-r '"~ ,.,,,,ir \II•~ ffi1"Tt ~ , ('~ \ (
n C.htl'n (\. f ,i~ t,n,11gl11 l r'lhf'n N If' ,1,,. .,,.,1,, ln 111

I c:, \\ hit ktn •tntrk f- dlt \\ htn ht o-. 1hr chttt1 h Ir• ~
f1 mfh Nllo, Intl thtlr mul" (7) Wh v wt• It u(t (or fdlt rn (ollo•" lhl' r ub•
~m \\ h(-n f d 1r ~,, ttlr chtttah fam il} rnjop nfl
their mnl.

~ t'>\lltghl th..'11 ,~ C'Uti, got 1hr1r foo.:t " 11hou1any cfTm

•tul ont"
,, ,,._ It \\.Jt t.,ft for fcli.! ro rc,11m, lht' c11h~ in,l
1r1I '"~ r=,
Th, ,de-1 suahng a rub 100 train 11 11, <'A lcl, a dttr for ~cau-<c from hr• e'ltr'('rten.;, h( knt'\' 1h111 c htt11h
h" f1~,1d ~rue~ to ht~ m,nd

ne\'t'r attac~• a ~n
\\ rite • ,hon note ul ng lh, d•u glnn btlo,,.,
Ihem In abou t ~ In 6 cenltn cl"I r=l
<t) Edit- - 1 " lc'-td min :

""--'- Edre ~as a 7 ula hunter He wn_s very huy He

"ante d an rasy way 10 get food wi thout efTom ~o he
decided 'cl c.llch
h I le follo,\'CJ
a young one of a chtttn h and train ii 10 ~tch
food for him. I le decided to stcnl n cub of ,1 mo1h(r ch«tu

1lc female ch«ti h till late evening As soon 115 the

to dnnk water, Edie came out. threw his net and
female cheetah, onrr hidrng her t"o cubs rn o bush. left
caught the cubs. Ile dragged both rhe cubs tiw.iy and
for .i ~rtJm
hid •hen un<kr ·1

rnbe by ht~

stealing the cubs so he wns driven al'luy from h,s
a b1g b:ss~c L He brought di~honour to his lribc by
tribesman ~J
( 2) Ho~ the chttta h got stains on Its chttks.

Ans. Edie. a wicked and a lazy Zula hunter

once stole the cubs of a female Cheetah and hid them
the mother cheetah returned to the spot where she had
cubs all around but didn't find. She became very sad
under a b,g ~ kel when
hidden her cubs. she did n't find her cubs. She
and begnn to cry. She went on crying lllld crying 11II
l ror
tho nc..xt
II ,,
her check s. These tcnrs made dark stluns down her cheek~
evening. She cried and cried. The tears rolled down
said that since then the chcclllh.s have got stains on their
(3) Shanno : kind, old man :

Ans. Shanno was an old and a wise Zula hunter

. He was kind. He loved nnima ls. Once he heard
fenule cheemh ccymg
the mothe r
11 ~J
loudly, he immediately rulized what had happened
to her. He look his strong club and went out 10 help
last he found
of that cheeta h so he started looking for the cub.,. Al
He knew !hat somebody might have stolen lhe cubs his shoul, k~
the cubs hidden by Edie. He got angry with him
and scolded him blnerly He carried th<" young ones on
from the
all ~is tribesman and suggested them 10 dri,e Edie ll\\'ll)'
and returned them 10 the molher cheetah. He called
WJ ~1
Answers cJ
MCQi2 ~
(6-b) (7--<f) (8-<) (9- c) ( 10-b) ( 11 - J) ll~ ~, ( I J- b)
(5- d)
(1--b) (2-b) (J-d) (4-fl)
(2 1- b) (22- <l) (2) - b) l24 cl l~5-b) l!k ) ~
( 17- b) ( 18-<) ( 19-b) (20-c )
( 14-b) (15-b ) ( 16-a)

(27-c ) (28-a ) (29-b ) (JO-b ) (31 - b) (J2--<f) (3)--<f) (J.l-< ) ~


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