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Overall, although most people ate fast food, frequent consumption generally experienced a

downward trend, while there was an upward trend in less frequent consumption, and more
extreme patterns remained relatively unchanged.

At the top and bottom ends of the scale, most patterns changed slightly in 2006 then
remained stable. Over the ten-year period, the proportion of people who rarely included fast
food in their diet increased, while the two most extreme patterns decreased. Interestingly,
these had the lowest figures overall, with only slightly more people never eating fast food in
comparison to those eating it daily.

More regular consumption had higher figures, and similar trends were observed in those who
ate fast food once or multiple times a week. In contrast, the figures for once or twice per
month fell initially before rising to around 37%. Notably, this marked a peak in the data,
showing that most people ate fast food on a monthly rather than a weekly basis by the end of
the period.

Band 8.5
265 words

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