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Self Management Skills – MCQs and 1 mark Questions

1. _________ refers to ‘self-control’ means the ability to control one’s emotions, thoughts, and
behavior effectively in different situations. (Ans. Self-Management)
2. Which of the following is one of the self-management skills?
1. Motivating Oneself
2. Setting Goals
3. Work Independently
4. All of the above
3. Asking about honest feedback, gathering personality traits, think about daily interactions are
related to which of the following skills?
1. Responsibility
2. Adaptability
3. Time management
4. Self-awareness
4. If an employer has assigned a task to an employee with a specific timeline. But due to a few
reasons, the employee couldn’t complete his work. The employee must
1. Ignore to report
2. Must report it
3. Remains absent for that day
4. Ask for additional time without a report
5. When an individual is prioritizing the work, it is considered as ___________ (Ans. Time-
6. Staying with the current situation with new updated information and preparing yourself for new
challenges is called _________.
1. Responsibility
2. Adaptability
3. Time management
4. Self-awareness
7. _________ can be defined as our emotional, mental, physical, and social reaction to any
perceived demands or threats. (Ans. Stress)
8. Stress can be impacted positively also in our life. (True/False)
9. Which of the following is the most effective technique of stress management?
1. Healthy Diet
2. Exercises and Yoga
3. Positivity
4. Time Management
10. Which of the following technique help you to become more active physically?
1. Exercises and Yoga
2. Sleep
3. Healthy Diet
4. Sleep
11. Which of the following technique provide you with the strength to do your daily work efficiently?
1. Healthy Diet
2. Sleep
3. Holiday with family or friends
4. Completing work on time
12. Which of the following help to recharge your brain and your body to function better?
1. Healthy Diet
2. Sleep
3. Holiday with family or friends
4. Completing work on time
13. Which of the following refreshed your routine?
1. Healthy Diet
2. Sleep
3. Holiday with family or friends
4. Completing work on time
14. Becoming self-aware, self-monitoring, and self-correcting, knowing what you do, taking initiative
rather than being told, recognizing your own mistakes, not blaming others, and the ability to learn
continuously referred to as ____________.
1. Self Dependent
2. Ego
3. Self Controlled
4. Emotional Intelligence
15. The ability to understand and identify their own emotions and other emotions as well is known as
emotional intelligence. (True/False)
16. The ability to identify and name our emotions is called ____________
1. Emotional Awareness
2. Harnessing Emotions
3. Managing Emotions
4. All of the
17. The ability to apply emotions to tasks like thinking and problem-solving is referred to as
harnessing emotions. (True/False)
18. Managing emotions refers to the ability to regulate our own emotions when necessary and help
others to do the same. (True/False)
19. Being emotionally intelligent enhances your chances of failure and an imbalanced life.
20. Which of the following technique help you to keep calm?
1. Meditation and Yoga
2. Watching TV and Web Series
3. Playing mobile games
4. All of these
[1] What is self-management? What does it include?

Ans. : Self management refers to as ‘self-control,’ is the ability to control one’s emotions, thoughts and
behaviour effectively in different situations.
This also includes motivating oneself, and setting goals.
[2] State any four areas that help to develop a personality.

Ans.: The areas includes discipline discipline and timeliness, goal-setting, problem solving, teamwork,
professionalism, etc
[3] Mention some skills to be mastered to succeed in life.

Ans.: To succeed in life following skills must mastered:

1) Self-awareness
2) Responsibility
3) Time Management
4) Adaptability
[4] Milan is a class 10 student. He is learning self-management skills. Help him to understand
Self-awareness and time management.

Self-Awareness – Ask for honest feedback. Gather insights on your personality and work-specific
proficiencies. Think about your daily interactions and how you handled situations well or could have
handled them differently.
Time Management: Prioritise the things you have to do. Remove waste and redundancy from work.
Make a time table and follow it diligently.
[5] Differentiate between responsibility and adaptability.

Reponsibility: Taking responsibility for your tasks is very important. Taking ownership is the step towards
For example, if you have been assigned a task by a teacher; ensure you take complete ownership. Even
if you are unable to complete the task on time, you must report it and then correct it.
Adaptibility: Stay current with best practices and read up on new information always. Prepare yourself for
new changes, so that you can
transition seamlessly.
[6] What do you mean by stress? What are stressors?
Stress can be defined as our emotional, mental, physical and social reaction to any perceived demands
or threats.
These demands or threats are called stressors. Stressors are the reason for stress.
[7] Write any two instances where stress can be helpful.

• have a joyful life.
• focus and complete tasks on time.
• be a happy person as you are stress free.
• be more energetic and spend quality time with your friends and family.
[8] Write any two adverse effects of stress.

Ans.: Stress can harm our emotional and physical health, and limit our ability to function well at home, in
school and within our relationships.
[9] What is the ultimate goal of stress management?

Ans.: The ultimate goal is to strike a balance between life, work, relationships, relaxation and fun. By
doing this, you are able to deal
with daily stress triggers and meet these challenges head on.
[10] What is the ABC of stress management?

A: Adversity or the stressful event
B: Beliefs or the way you respond to the event
C: Consequences or actions and outcomes of the event
[11] What are the stress causal agents?

Ans.: The stress causal agents are as follows:

1) Mental
2) Physical
3) Social
4) Financial
[12] Identify the kind of stress causal:

1. Mansi is a class 10 student. She looks tensed as her exam is going on. She is feeling chronic
anxiety and stress.
2. Miken is feeling frustrated due to a pimple on his face.
3. Prit has a responsibility to run his family without disturbing his study as his father is not able to
earn for a few months due to an accident. He looks worried about what to do!
4. Suresh and Mahesh are twin brothers and studying in class 10. Suresh is performing excellently in
exams and got a 95% average result for every exam. Whereas Mahesh is scoring 60% on
average. So his parents force him to do well as compared to Suresh. Mahesh is looking stressed
due to this reason.
Ans.: The stress causal agents are as follows:
1) Mental
2) Physical
3) Financial
4) Social
[13] Stress has some positive impacts also. Write any four benefits of stress.

Ans.: The stress causal agents are as follows:

• Improves mood
• Boosts immune system
• Promotes longevity
• Leads to burst of physical strength, which is vital for reaching goal
• Complete mental and physical engagement for task accomplishment
• Increases efficiency and effectiveness
• Prevents psychological disorders and behavioral problems
[14] Snehal is a class 10 student. Her teacher asks her to make a list of a few signs that suggest
stress. Help her to make a list.

Ans.: The signs of stress are: breathlessness, dry mouth, butterflies in stomach, indigestion, nausea,
acidity, fatigue, sweaty palms, cold hands and feet, irritation hyperactivity
[15] What symptoms may reflect stress at the mental level? Make a list.
Ans.: At the mental level following symptoms may reflect stress: irritation, impatience, loneliness, upset
mood, anxiety, , depression, , frustration, boredom, guilt, insecurity and forgetfulness.
[16] Pradeep is working as a team leader in a multinational company. He wanted to know some
simple stress management techniques. Suggest to him a few stress management techniques.
1) Physical Exercise
2) Yoga
3) Meditation
4) Enjoying
5) Vacation with family and friends
6) Taking nature walk
[17] Mohit is an entrepreneur. He wants to know the steps to manage stress. Suggest 3 steps to
1. Be aware that a person is in stress
2. Identify what is causing stress
3. Apply stress management methods
[18] What do you mean by the ability to work independently?
The ability tp work independtly refers to:
1) Becoming calm and relaxed person
2) Becoming self-aware, self-monitoring and self-correcting
3) Recognizing mistakes and not blaming others
4) Knowiing what he is doing
5) ability and will to learn continuously
[19] Jayesh is a manager in the company. His boss asked him to make PPT on the ability to work
independently. He wants to make a slide on the importance of the ability to work independently.
Help him to complete the slide.
• Ensures greater learning.
• Individuals feel more empowered and responsible.
• It provides flexibility to choose and define working hours and working mechanisms.
• Failure and success of the task assigned are accounted by individuals.
• Individuals become assets to organizations, groups and nations at large.
• It ensures creativity and satisfaction amongst individuals.
[20] What do you mean by emotional intelligence? Which skills does it include?
Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions
of others. It includes the following skills:
• Emotional awareness : the ability to identify and name one’s own emotions.
• Harnessing emotions : the ability to harness and apply emotions to tasks like thinking and problem
• Managing emotions : the ability to regulate one’s own emotions when necessary and help others to do
the same.
[21] Write steps to manage emotional intelligence.
Ans.: Some steps to manage emotional intelligence are as given below.
• Understand your emotions: Observe your behaviour and note the things you need to work on. You can then work
on the things you need to improve.
• Rationalise: Do not take decisions abruptly; be rational in your thinking.
• Practise: Do meditation and yoga to keep yourself calm.
[22] Define the following:

1. Self-awareness
2. Self-Motivation
3. Self-Regulation
1. Self-Awareness
Having conscious knowledge of your own self, capabilities, feelings and one’s own character is called as
self-awareness. It helps individuals to chart their ways for working independently. They become aware of
their strengths and weak points and work accordingly. They try to focus on strengths to become successful
in various arenas of life.
2. Self-Motivation
Self-motivated individuals have an inner urge to do something, achieve their goals without any external
pressure/lure for award or appreciation. It is a life skill and must be necessarily developed.
3 Self-Regulation
Self-regulation guides independent individuals as it helps them consider long term consequences rather
than just transient feelings. It leads to a responsible and a value driven behaviour. It teaches self –
control and well directed efforts to reach goal. Self – regulation inculcates discipline that helps in
consistent efforts to move towards goal.
[22] Enlist the important factors to help to understand the person and to analyze him.

Ans.: The important factors to be considered to help to understand the person are as follows:
1. Beliefs
2. Background
3. Opinions
4. Likes/Dislikes
5. Values
[23] What do you mean by strength and weakness?
Ans.: Strength refers to the ability of a person in which the person is good at,confident to accomplish the
Weakness refers to the activity which seems difficut and a person who wants excel.
[24] Write a few techniques that help to identify the strengths.

Ans.: The following are some techniques to identify the strengths.

1. Think of anything that you are always successful at.
2. Think about what others like in you.
3. Take out time and think about what you do well.
[25] How to find the weaknesses of a person?

• Point out the areas where you struggle and the things you find difficult to do.
• Look at the feedback others usually give you.
• Be open to feedback and accept your weaknesses without feeling low about it. Take it as an area of
[26] Differentiate between interests and abilities.
Interests Abilities

Things that you like to do in your free time

An acquired or natural capacity
that make you happy.

Things you are curious about or would Enable you to perform a

do even if no one asked you to do it. particular job or task with
[27] What are the types of motivation? Explain them in short.

Ans.: There are two types of motivations:

1. Internal Motivation (Love): We do things because they make us happy, healthy and feel good. For
example, when you perform on your annual day function and you learn something new, such as dancing,
singing, etc., you feel good.
2. External Motivation (Reward): We do things because they give us respect, recognition and
appreciation. For example, Suresh participated in a 100m race and won a prize. This motivated him to go
for practice every morning.
[28] What are the qualities of self-motivated people?
Ans.: The qualities of self motivated people are as follows:
1. They know what they want in life
2. They are focused
3. Know what is important
4. They are dedicated to fulfill their dreams
[29] What are the steps to be followed to build self-motivation?
Ans.: The steps for building self-motivation are as follows:
1. Find out strength
2. Set and focus on goals
3. Develop a plan to achieve goals
4. Stay loyal to goals
[30] Write the importance of goal setting.
Ans.: Goal setting is a very essential factor in your personal life. The process of goal setting in your life
helps you decide on how to live your life, where you want to be, and how you want to be in the future.
Goals allow you to separate out what’s important. It helps you to focus on the end result instead of less
important work. This will make you successful in your career and personal life.
[31] Expand SMART with respect to goal setting.
S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Achievable
R – Realistic
T – Time Bound

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