Final ProIOT111

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Debre Tabor University

Gafat Institute of Technology

Department of Information Technology









Name ID/NO
1. Adisu Admasu……………………………………………………………0113
2. Ahmed Ali…………………………………………………………...……0122
3. Fikremariam mitiku.…...………..………………………………………0647
4. Wuletaw Yihun…….……………………………………………………..0258
5. Dursa Shamshadin…………………………….…………………………1292
6. Alemnew Menan……………………………..…………………………...3021
The IOT store in Debra Tabor University (DTU) uses manual process system. When
customers need to borrow an item and return the borrowed item they must go to the
office and record what they want manually, that’s way it is making the process too
late. Which requires the employee to use paper based recording files to know the
status of each customer and to perform the process in the system. The paper includes
three chapters or phases. The first phase covers the introduction, which contains
background, Existing system study, proposed system, objective of the project, benefits
of the project, scope, methodology and significant of the project. The second phase
covers the system features which contain existing system description, hardware
requirement, software requirement, user requirement, system requirement, functional
requirement, non functional requirement, Use case diagram, Use case description,
activity diagram and sequence diagram.

The third phase covers system design which include Deployment diagram, user
interface design, ER diagram and Algorism design.
We would like to express our deepest appreciation and special thanks to our advisor
Eyob G. who give us immeasurable help to done our project .without his guidance
and persistent help this project would not have been possible with this time.

We have special thanks to the workers of Debra Tabor University (IOT) store system
who helped us in providing the necessary information and material such as working
manuals for preparing this document.

Finally we would like to forward our special thanks to school of Gafat Institute of
Technology who gave us immeasurable help by preparing computer class and
internet to done our project.
Table of Contents
Chapter one....................................................................................................................................................1

1.1. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................1

1.2. Background................................................................................................................................1

1.3. Existing System Study...............................................................................................................2

1.4. Proposed System........................................................................................................................2

1.5. Objectives of the Project............................................................................................................3

1.5.1. General objectives......................................................................................................................3

1.5.2. Specific objectives.....................................................................................................................3

1.6. Scope..........................................................................................................................................3

1.7. Beneficiaries of the project........................................................................................................4

1.8. Methodology..............................................................................................................................4

1.9. Significance of the Project.........................................................................................................4

Chapter Two:.................................................................................................................................................5

2.1. Existing System Description......................................................................................................5

2.2. System Features.........................................................................................................................5

2.2.1. Hardware Requirement..............................................................................................................5

2.2.2. Software Requirement...............................................................................................................5

2.2.3. User Requirement......................................................................................................................6

2.2.4. System Requirement..................................................................................................................6

a. Functional Requirements...........................................................................................................6

b. Non Functional Requirements...................................................................................................7

2.3. Analysis Models.........................................................................................................................8

2.3.1. Use case diagram.......................................................................................................................8

a. Use case description...................................................................................................................9

2.3.2. Activity diagram......................................................................................................................26

2.3.3. Sequence diagram....................................................................................................................41

Chapter Three:.............................................................................................................................................56

SYSTEM DESIGN........................................................................................................................................56

3.1.1. Deployment Diagram...............................................................................................................56

3.1.2. Architectural Design................................................................................................................57

a. Class diagram...............................................................................................................................57

3.1.3. User Interface Design..............................................................................................................59

3.1.4. Data Structure Design..............................................................................................................66

a. ER-Diagram.................................................................................................................................66

b. Entities and attribute with descriptions........................................................................................67

3.1.5 Algorithm Design.....................................................................................................................68

List of figure
Figure 2.1: Use case diagram........................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.2: log in.............................................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.3: Delete user...................................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.4: View item....................................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.5: add item.......................................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.6: Search item..................................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.7: update user loan............................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.8: update item info............................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.9: accept request................................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.10: View loan..................................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.11: cancel request............................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.12: Request online.............................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.13: Register user................................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.14: Approve request........................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.15: View request................................................................ Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.16: manage user.................................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.17: update item info............................................................ Error: Reference source not found
Figure 2.18: Search item................................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.19: Cancel request.............................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.20: View item..................................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.21: Delete user.................................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.22: View own loan............................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.23: View user loan............................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.24: View report.................................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.25: Add item....................................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.26: Request online.............................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.27: Update item info........................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.28: Approve request........................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.29: Manage user................................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.30: Register user................................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Figure 2.31: View request.................................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Figure 3.1: Deployment Diagram.......................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Figure 3.2: Class diagram...................................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Figure 3.4 Adding Item page................................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Figure 3.5 Register user page................................................................ Error: Reference source not found

Figure 3.6 Request online page............................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Figure 3.7 Manage user form................................................................ Error: Reference source not found

Figure 3.8 Update item information...................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Figure 3.9 Search item.......................................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Figure 3.10: E-Diagram......................................................................... Error: Reference source not found

List of table
Table 2.1: log In................................................................................ Error: Reference source not found

Table 2.2: log out.............................................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Table 2.3: Add Item.......................................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Table 2.4: View Request................................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Table 2.5: Approve Request.............................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Table 2.6: Update Item info.............................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Table 2.7: View user loan................................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Table 2.8: View own loan................................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Table 2.9: Request online.................................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Table 2.10: View item....................................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Table 2.11: Cancel Request.............................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Table 2.12: Search for item............................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Table 2.13: Delete User.................................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Table 2.14: Register User.................................................................. Error: Reference source not found

Table 2.15: Update user loan............................................................ Error: Reference source not found

Table 2.16: View Report................................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Table 2.17: Manage user................................................................... Error: Reference source not found

Table of Contents

Chapter one 1


1.2. Background 1

1.3. Existing System Study 2

1.4. Proposed System 2

1.5. Objectives of the Project 3

1.5.1. General objectives 3

1.5.2. Specific objectives 3

1.6. Scope 3

1.7. Beneficiaries of the project 4

1.8. Methodology 4

1.9. Significance of the Project 4

Chapter Two: 5

2.1. Existing System Description 5

2.2. System Features 5

2.2.1. Hardware Requirement 5

2.2.2. Software Requirement 5

2.2.3. User Requirement 6

2.2.4. System Requirement6

a. Functional Requirements 6

b. Non Functional Requirements 7

2.3. Analysis Models 8

2.3.1. Use case diagram 8

a. Use case description 9

2.3.2. Activity diagram 26

2.3.3. Sequence diagram 41

Chapter Three: 56


3.1.1. Deployment Diagram 56

3.1.2. Architectural Design57

a. Class diagram 57

3.1.3. User Interface Design 59

3.1.4. Data Structure Design 66

a. ER-Diagram 66

b. Entities and attribute with descriptions 67

3.1.5 Algorithm Design 68

List of figure

Figure 2.1: Use case diagram 8

Figure 2.2: log in 26

Figure 2.3: Delete user 27

Figure 2.4: View item 28

Figure 2.5: add item 29

Figure 2.6: Search item 30

Figure 2.7: update user loan 31

Figure 2.8: update item info. 32

Figure 2.9: accept request 33

Figure 2.10: View loan 34

Figure 2.11: cancel request 35

Figure 2.12: Request online 36

Figure 2.13: Register user 37

Figure 2.14: Approve request 38

Figure 2.15: View request 39

Figure 2.16: manage user 40

Figure 2.17: update item info 41

Figure 2.18: Search item 42

Figure 2.19: Cancel request 43

Figure 2.20: View item 44

Figure 2.21: Delete user 45

Figure 2.22: View own loan 46

Figure 2.23: View user loan 47

Figure 2.24: View report 48

Figure 2.25: Add item 49

Figure 2.26: Request online 50

Figure 2.27: Update item info 51

Figure 2.28: Approve request 52

Figure 2.29: Manage user 53

Figure 2.30: Register user 54

Figure 2.31: View request 55

Figure 3.1: Deployment Diagram 56

Figure 3.2: Class diagram 58

Figure 3.4 Adding Item page 60

Figure 3.5 Register user page 61

Figure 3.6 Request online page 62

Figure 3.7 Manage user form 63

Figure 3.8 Update item information 64

Figure 3.9 Search item 65

Figure 3.10: E-Diagram 66

List of table
Table 2.1: log In 9

Table 2.2: log out 10

Table 2.3: Add Item 11

Table 2.4: View Request 12

Table 2.5: Approve Request13

Table 2.6: Update Item info. 14

Table 2.7: View user loan 15

Table 2.8: View own loan 16

Table 2.9: Request online 17

Table 2.10: View item 18

Table 2.11: Cancel Request 19

Table 2.12: Search for item 20

Table 2.13: Delete User 21

Table 2.14: Register User 22

Table 2.15: Update user loan 23

Table 2.16: View Report 24

Table 2.17: Manage user 25

8. List of abbreviations and variables

On a separate page(s). Should be written in alphabetical order.

4.2 Text Chapters / body of the text

The text of the project report should be organized logically according to the
nature and range of

the project work being reported; suggested chapters (depending on context)


Chapter one
The IOT store in Debra Tabor University (DTU) is giving an important service for
its community which is found in that Institute.
The properties of the store are acquired from donation or supplier with
appropriate procurement these properties are distributed based on formal request
forms. The current system gives vast service however it uses manual management
system which leads the system to be inefficient. As part of the effort to bring
efficient and modern store management system in IOT, The new system should be
designed and implemented that enables properties to be controlled and managed
1.1 Background
Debre Tabor University is one of the comprehensive universities launched at a
historically valuable town – Debre Tabor. This town is one of the ancient towns of
Ethiopia which is located at the foot of Mount Guna. Mt. Guna is the third highest
mountain called “the water tower of Ethiopia” whose wet breathing helped the town
much to take advantage point in keeping its surrounding conducive to live
in.pedagogy was established in 1972 by the tripartite agreement of the imperial The
elderly people of this town assume that the town was established during the reign of
King Seifared in 1350 E. C., and that it was named so, as a result of the king’s
religious visit to Israel and its semblance with Mt. Tabor in it. History has also
registered that Debre Tabor town was the capital of Ethiopia in the 1950s during the
reign of Emperor Tewodros II, who is currently the symbol of unity and hero of the
millennium for Ethiopians. This king built the first African industrial village at a place
called Gafat (some five kilometers from Debre Tabor), where the first Ethiopian-made
artillery (Sevastopol) was produced.

The town is nowadays the capital of South Gondar, which is one of the thirteen
administrative zones of Amhara Regional State found in the north-western part of
Ethiopia. Debre Tabor town is about 99 kilometers away from Bahir Dar, the capital
city of the region. With regard to the means of living of the people of Debre Tabor
town, the majority earn their living by engaging mainly in business activities, some in
civil services, and still very few engage in different agricultural activities like poultry
and dairy farming.

Our region (Amhara National Regional State) is an affluent region with cultural and
tourist-attractive sites like The Lalibela Rock Hewn Churches, The Gondar Castles,
the Semien National Park, the Tis Esat Fall, and other religious places that accumulate
enormous cultural and religious records. Debre Tabor University (DTU) was
established in 2008/2001 E.C. on 126 hectares of land in the eastern part of Debre
Tabor town, about 3 kilometers away from its center.

Debre Tabor University has five colleges (College of Health Sciences, College of
Social Sciences and Humanities, College of Natural Sciences, College of Business
and Economics, and College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences), one faculty
(Technology Faculty), and two schools (medical school and law school). When the
university started its work, it was teaching 628 undergraduate programs at Wereta
Agricultural College. It is now expanding its enrollment capacity to educate more
than 18,000 students in first, second, and third degrees through 75 regular and
extension education programs.

Debre Tabor University also established seven research centers that will benefit
farmers in the South Gondar Zone. Apple Development Research Center in Hagere
Genet, Guna Tana Integrated Field Research and Development Center in Awuzet,
Ebnat Research Center, Kuhar Fish Livestock Project, Semada Research Center,
Poultry farm and free law and psychosocial aid center in Guna begemider district
were the most important and successful research centers.

1.2. Motivation
1.3. Statement of the problem
The Statement of the Problem in an IoT (Internet of Things) store management
system outlines the challenges and issues that the system aims to address. Here's a
general outline of what such a statement might include:

Introduction to the Problem: Begin by introducing the context of the problem. Explain
the significance of managing a store efficiently in today's digital age and how IoT
technology can enhance this process.

Identification of Current Issues: Discuss the current shortcomings or challenges faced

in traditional store management systems. This might include manual inventory
tracking, lack of real-time data analysis, inefficient energy usage, security
vulnerabilities, etc.
Potential Risks and Consequences: Highlight the risks associated with these
challenges, such as inaccurate inventory data leading to stockouts or excess inventory,
security breaches leading to loss or theft of valuable assets, increased operational
costs due to inefficiencies, etc.

Opportunities with IoT Integration: Explain how integrating IoT technology into the
store management system can mitigate these risks and address the identified

1.4 Objectives of the Project

1.4.1 General objectives

The main objective of our project is to explore the overall existing system of
DTU(IOT) store management and to develop web based store management system
for the existing system.

1.4.2 Specific objectives

In Order to achieve the general objective, the following specific objectives are

 Understand Manual process and its efficiency of the existing system

 Review the current system to know the problem.
 Identify functional and nonfunctional requirements.
 Propose possible solutions for current system.
 Model the new system using object oriented methodologies.
 Finally implement and test the new system.

1.5 Scope of the project

In this project we were occupied in the assessment of the existing system and
identifying the problems of IOT store management system. We proposed possible
alternative solutions which can help to choose the best feasible solution and
design an efficient online system for IOT store management system. At the survey
of the existing system, we found that DTU store management system is very broad
and complex to implement within a period of academic semester by team of
regular students.

So we decided to bound our scope to develop an automated online store

management system for POLY (IOT).

1.6 Significance of the Project

 Unauthorized person will be out of service

 Each tasks are performed easily

 Can perform many tasks in short period of time

 Every staff will be participant

 Change the manual system of the organization to computerized system

 Reduce unnecessary resource wastage.

 Reduce employee overload work.

 System gives fast service to the customer

1.7. Feasibility Study

A feasibility study for an IoT (Internet of Things) management system involves
evaluating the practicality and potential success of developing and implementing such
a system. This study covers various aspects including technical, economic, legal,
operational, and scheduling feasibility.

1. Technical Feasibility

Infrastructure Requirements: Assess the necessary hardware, software, and network

infrastructure to support the IoT devices and management system. This includes
sensors, gateways, servers, and cloud services.
Scalability: Evaluate the system's ability to handle a growing number of IoT devices
and the increasing volume of data generated by these devices.

Interoperability: Ensure the system can integrate with various IoT devices and
platforms, considering different communication protocols and data formats.

Security: Assess the measures needed to protect data integrity, confidentiality, and
availability. This includes encryption, authentication mechanisms, and regular
security audits.

Reliability and Maintenance: Evaluate the system's reliability and the resources
required for ongoing maintenance and support.

2. Economic Feasibility

Cost Analysis: Estimate the total cost of ownership (TCO), including initial setup
costs, operational expenses, and maintenance costs. This includes hardware, software,
development, and personnel costs.

Return on Investment (ROI): Analyze the potential financial benefits, such as cost
savings, increased efficiency, and new revenue streams, against the initial and
ongoing costs.

Funding and Budgeting: Identify potential sources of funding and ensure that the
project fits within the organization’s budget constraints.

3. Legal Feasibility

Compliance: Ensure the system complies with relevant laws and regulations,
including data privacy laws (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) and industry-specific regulations.

Contracts and Agreements: Review any contracts with third-party vendors or service
providers involved in the IoT management system.

Liability and Risk Management: Assess potential legal risks and liabilities associated
with the deployment and operation of the IoT system.

4. Operational Feasibility
User Requirements: Identify the needs and expectations of the end-users and
stakeholders, ensuring the system meets their requirements.

Training and Support: Plan for training programs and support systems for users and
administrators of the IoT management system.

Operational Processes: Define the processes and workflows required for the effective
operation of the system, including monitoring, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

5. Scheduling Feasibility

Project Timeline: Develop a detailed project plan with timelines for each phase of the
project, from initial planning and development to deployment and ongoing

Milestones and Deliverables: Identify key milestones and deliverables to track

progress and ensure timely completion of the project.

Resource Allocation: Ensure that adequate resources, including personnel, equipment,

and budget, are allocated for each phase of the project.

1.8 Methodology
The project is to be carried out by a team of students. Initially there will be
continuous discussion with the entire store worker to get detail information about
the store through interviewing and physical observation. To see how the current
system works, the problem associated with the current system, skill that is needed
by the store management and workers to reduce the problem that they are facing at
present. The implemented of the system will be user friendly and built in php
programming language and the database. The approach we are going to implement
will be structured query language (MY-SQL) server which will be more
appropriate to store database and queries.

1.8.1. Software Process Model

The Software Process Model for an IoT Store Management System outlines the
systematic approach to software development. Given the complexity and specific
requirements of IoT systems, the Iterative and Incremental Model is a suitable
choice. This model allows for flexibility and iterative refinement, accommodating
changes and improvements throughout the development process.

Software Process Model: Iterative and Incremental Model

Requirement Gathering and Analysis

 Objective: Understand and document the system requirements from

 Activities:
o Conduct stakeholder meetings and interviews.
o Define functional and non-functional requirements.
o Develop use case diagrams and descriptions.
o Create a detailed requirements specification document.

1.8.2.Tools and Techniques

2.1.1. Hardware Requirement
 Window XP server with the following attributes:
o Minimum 512 MB Memory
o Printer: To have a hard copy for the data.
o Keyboard: To give input to the computer.

2.1.2. Software Requirement

The client PC running the system may use any of the following operating system:
 Windows

 The client PC may use one of the following browsers:

o Internet Explorer

o Commit Bird

o Mozilla Firefox
o Google chrome……..etc
But the system needs to fulfill the following software:
 Operating system: MS-window server will be used for the system.
 Database management software (DBMS): is the mandatory one for the
new system. To implement the database easily, (MySQL) is
 Application software: to develop user and administrative interface it also
used for connecting to the database, Most MS-Office applications are
 PhpMyAdmin: choose PHP scripting language which aims at providing
the user with an interface that is easy to learn and attractive.
 Macromedia Dreamweaver and notepad++: to edit the PHP code.

1.9. Roles and Responsibilities

Roles and Responsibilities for IoT Management System Final Project
Implementing an IoT management system involves various roles with specific
responsibilities to ensure the project is completed successfully. Below is a breakdown
of key roles and their associated responsibilities.

1. Project Sponsor

Responsibilities: Provide overall direction and support for the project.

Secure funding and resources.

2. Project Manager

Responsibilities: Plan, execute, and close the project.

Develop and maintain the project plan, schedule, and budget.

3. Software Developers

Responsibilities: Develop the software components of the IoT management system,

including user interfaces, APIs, and backend services.

Implement communication protocols for device integration.

4. Hardware Engineers

Responsibilities: Select and configure IoT devices, sensors, and gateways.

Ensure compatibility between hardware components and the IoT management system.
Design and implement device firmware.

Conduct hardware testing and validation.

5. Security Specialists

Responsibilities: Develop and implement security measures to protect IoT devices

and data.

Monitor and respond to security incidents.

Ensure compliance with security policies and regulations.

6. Quality Assurance (QA) Engineers

Responsibilities: Develop and execute test plans and test cases.

Conduct functional, performance, and security testing.

7. Operations and Maintenance Team

Responsibilities: Monitor the IoT management system and ensure its continuous

Perform regular maintenance and updates.

Provide technical support and troubleshoot issues.

Manage system backups and disaster recovery.

8. End-User Representatives

Responsibilities: Provide input on user requirements and usability.

Participate in user acceptance testing (UAT).

Offer feedback on system performance and user experience.

Help ensure the system meets the needs of the end-users.

9. Compliance and Legal Advisors

Responsibilities: Ensure the project complies with relevant laws, regulations, and

Advise on data privacy and security regulations.

Review contracts and agreements with vendors and partners.

Manage legal risks associated with the project.

1.10. Work breakdown Structure
Creating a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for an IoT Store Management System
involves breaking down the project into manageable tasks that align with the system's
functionalities and objectives. The WBS should cover various aspects such as
hardware setup, software development, integration, testing, deployment, and
maintenance. Here's a structured approach based on the provided sources and general
IoT project management principles:

1. Project Initiation

1.1 Project Definition: Define the scope, goals, and stakeholders of the IoT Store
Management System.

1.2 Requirements Gathering: Collect detailed requirements from stakeholders,

including functionality, performance, security, and scalability needs.

2. System Design

2.1 Hardware Selection: Choose suitable IoT devices (sensors, actuators, gateways)
based on the store environment and requirements.

2.2 Network Architecture: Design the network topology for device communication
and data flow between devices and the central server.

2.3 Software Architecture: Outline the software components, including the backend
server, mobile app, and cloud services.

3. Software Development

3.1 Backend Development: Develop the server-side application for managing data,
processing transactions, and integrating with external systems.

3.2 Frontend Development: Develop the user interface for both the store staff and
customers, focusing on ease of use and accessibility.

3.3 Integration: Integrate third-party services (e.g., payment gateways, shipping

providers) and ensure compatibility with existing systems.

4. Testing

4.1 Unit Testing: Conduct unit tests for individual components to ensure they meet

4.2 Integration Testing: Test the interaction between different components of the
system to identify and resolve issues.
4.3 User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Validate the system with real users to ensure it
meets their needs and expectations.

5. Deployment and Maintenance

5.1 Deployment Planning: Plan the deployment strategy, including rollout schedules
and training sessions for staff.

5.2 System Deployment: Deploy the IoT Store Management System across selected

5.3 Post-Deployment Support: Provide ongoing support, including troubleshooting,

updates, and enhancements.

5.4 Maintenance: Regularly update the system to address new requirements, fix
bugs, and improve performance.

6. Monitoring and Evaluation

6.1 Performance Monitoring: Continuously monitor the system's performance to

ensure optimal operation.

6.2 Feedback Collection: Gather feedback from users to identify areas for

6.3 Reporting: Generate reports on system usage, performance metrics, and user

This WBS provides a comprehensive framework for planning, executing, and

managing the development of an IoT Store Management System. It ensures that all
critical aspects of the project are addressed systematically, leading to a successful
WBDS for IOT stor management system

1.11. Schedule
Phase 1: Initiation and Planning (Days 1-3)

1.Define Project Scope and Objectives

 Discuss and document the scope and objectives of the project.

 Identify stakeholders and their requirements.

2.Feasibility Study

 Conduct a feasibility study to assess technical and financial viability.

3.Project Plan Development

 Develop a detailed project plan including timeline, resources, and risk management.

Phase 2: Requirement Gathering and Analysis (Days 4-8)

1.Stakeholder Meetings and Interviews

 Conduct meetings with stakeholders to gather requirements.

2.Define Functional and Non-Functional Requirements

 Document detailed functional and non-functional requirements.

3.Requirements Specification Document

 Create a comprehensive requirements specification document.

Phase 3: System Design (Days 9-13)

1.System Architecture Design

 Develop the overall system architecture.

2.Database Design

 Design the database schema and structure.

3. User Interface Design

 Create wireframes and mockups for the user interface.

4.Use Case and Activity Diagrams

 Develop use case diagrams and activity diagrams to illustrate system functionality.

5.Sequence Diagrams and Class Diagrams

 Create sequence and class diagrams to detail system interactions and structure.

Phase 4: Development (Days 14-24)

1. Set Up Development Environment

 Install and configure necessary software and tools.

2.Front-End Development

 Develop the user interface and ensure responsiveness.

3.Back-End Development

 Implement server-side logic, database integration, and API endpoints.


 Integrate front-end and back-end components.

Phase 5: Testing (Days 25-28)

1.Unit Testing

 Conduct unit tests to verify individual components.

2.Integration Testing

 Test the integration of all system components to ensure they work together seamlessly.

3.User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

 Conduct UAT with stakeholders to validate the system meets their requirements.
Phase 6: Deployment and Training (Days 29-30)

1.System Deployment

 Deploy the system to the production environment.


 Train users on how to use the new system.

Phase 7: Project Closure (Day 31)


 Complete all project documentation including user manuals and technical guides.

2.Project Review and Handover

 Conduct a project review meeting with stakeholders.

 Handover the system and all documentation to the client.


Chapter 2
Study of Existing System
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Existing System
The existing store management system currently is functioning using manual system.
Firstly the user requests their needs to the purchaser and the purchaser approves the
request. And also the store manager checks the item whether it found in the system or
not. If the requested item is exist the user fill the form and take the item that he/she
need. But if the requested item is existed, store manager permitted to the purchaser to
buy the requested item and the manager announce to the user the item you need is
2.2. Organization Structure
An effective organization structure ensures that roles and responsibilities are clearly
defined, facilitating efficient project execution. Below is a proposed organization
structure for an IoT Management System Final Project, including key roles and their

2.3. Services provided

(you can use activity diagram to show the flow of events)

The IoT Management System Final Project aims to deliver a comprehensive suite of
services that ensure the effective deployment, management, and optimization of IoT
devices and networks. Below is a detailed list of the key services provided:

1. System Design and Architecture Services


The IoT Store Management System involves various users, each with distinct roles
and responsibilities. Identifying and defining these users helps in designing the
system's functionalities to meet their specific needs. Here are the primary users:
1. Store Manager

2. Store Staff

3. Students

4. Instructors

5. System Administrator

6. Suppliers

2.5. Business rule identification

Business rules define the operations, definitions, and constraints that apply to an
organization in achieving its goals. For the IoT Store Management System, these rules
ensure that the system operates efficiently, securely, and according to organizational

1. Inventory Management Rules

2. User Authentication and Authorization Rules

3. Borrowing and Returning Items Rules

4. Request and Approval Process Rules

5. Notification and Alerts Rules

6. Reporting and Analytics Rules

7. Maintenance and Updates Rules

8. Security Rules

9. Compliance Rules

2.6. Existing infrastructure

Understanding the existing infrastructure is crucial for designing and
implementing an effective IoT Store Management System. This involves
analyzing the current hardware, software, network setup, and organizational processes
that support the store's operations.

1. Hardware Infrastructure

Computers and Servers:

Store Manager’s and Staff’s Workstations: Desktop computers or laptops

used for daily operations such as inventory management, approval of requests,
and report generation.

Database Server: A dedicated server to host the database containing all

inventory and user information.

Application Server: A server to run the store management application,

handling user requests, and processing transactions.

IoT Devices:

RFID Readers and Tags: Used for tracking inventory items in real-time.

Sensors: Environmental sensors (temperature, humidity) to monitor storage


CCTV Cameras: For security monitoring within the store.

Networking Equipment:

Routers and Switches: To ensure reliable and secure communication between


Wireless Access Points: Providing Wi-Fi connectivity for IoT devices and staff
mobile devices.

2. Software Infrastructure
Operating Systems:

Windows/Linux: Operating systems for workstations, servers, and IoT devices

as applicable.

Database Management System (DBMS):

SQL-based DBMS (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL): For managing and querying

the inventory database.

Store Management Application:

Web Application: A browser-based interface for managing inventory, user

requests, and generating reports.

Mobile Application: For on-the-go inventory management and item tracking by

store staff.


IoT Middleware: To handle communication and data exchange between IoT

devices and the central system.

Security Software:

Antivirus and Anti-Malware: Protecting workstations and servers from threats.

Firewall: Securing the network from unauthorized access.

3. Network Infrastructure

Local Area Network (LAN):

A high-speed LAN connecting all computers, servers, and IoT devices within the

VLANs: Segmented virtual LANs for different departments or functions (e.g.,

administration, inventory management).

Internet Connectivity:
ISP Connection: High-speed internet connection for external communications,
cloud services, and remote access.

VPN: For secure remote access by authorized personnel.

4. Existing Processes

Inventory Management:

Manual entry of inventory data into spreadsheets or legacy software.

Physical checks of inventory levels and conditions.

Borrowing and Returning Process:

Manual request forms filled out by students and instructors.

Approval and record-keeping managed through emails or paper documents.

Reporting and Analytics:

Generation of reports through manual compilation and analysis of data.

Limited real-time data access and analysis capabilities.

User Authentication and Authorization:

Basic user authentication methods (e.g., username and password).

Role-based access control might be minimal or non-existent.

5. Challenges with Existing Infrastructure

Manual Processes:High potential for errors and inefficiencies due to manual

data entry and processing.

Lack of Real-time Data:Inability to track inventory levels and conditions in

real-time, leading to delays and inaccuracies.

Limited Security Measures:Basic security measures that may not be

sufficient to protect against modern threats.
Scalability Issues:Existing infrastructure may not be scalable to accommodate
growing inventory or user base.

6. Potential Upgrades

Upgrading Hardware:Invest in more powerful servers and modern IoT

devices to improve performance and reliability.

Enhancing Software:Implement a comprehensive store management software

that integrates all functionalities and provides real-time data access.

Improving Network Infrastructure:Upgrade networking equipment to

support higher bandwidth and better security measures.

Automating Processes:Automate inventory tracking, borrowing, and

returning processes using IoT devices and middleware.

2.7. Proposed System

Our proposed online store management system that attempts to replace the manual
system has the following nature.

 The system can record any new item issue requested items with
appropriate specification and category.

 The system generates a unique ID for each new fixed asset which is added
to the database.

 The system can enable to search items that are available in the store house
and use.

 It shortens the step by step processes in delivering or returning items.

 It generates up to date report at any time for decision makers for budget
allocation and controlling.

 The system has database security. Since each workers in the store house
has its own privilege to do their allowed operation on the database.

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