Stratmarkmgt Finals

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A.Strategic management process has following four steps:

1. Environmental Scanning

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of an organization.


Environmental scanning is the continual analysis of the environment

inside and outside of your organization. An environmental scan is used to
evaluate potential opportunities, threats and markets, and to learn any number of
lessons that can affect your company.


 Business and academic organizations respond quickly to changes in their current

operating environment. Information collected and analyzed during the
environmental scanning process allows organizations to make informed
decisions about the overall health of their organizations. Examining the external
and internal environment allows organizations to identify strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats.
 Environmental scanning improves organizational performance
 Scanning is an important component of the organization’s strategic planning


 Overlooking important information due to excessive amounts of information

gathered by organizations
 Difficulty locating all available information sources, causing organizations to miss
important information highly beneficial to the outcome of environmental scans
 Difficulty gathering and selecting anticipatory information
 Inability to pull information together
 Difficulties to perceive positive impact of environmental scanning on company's
 Complexity understanding and shaping the meaning of environmental scanning

2. Strategy Formulation

Differentiate Formulation to Implementation.


Strategy formulation refers to strategic planning or long-range planning.

It is connected with developing an organization’s mission objectives, strategies,
and policies. This begins with analyzing the situation: finding the strategic fit
between external opportunities and internal strengths. Also, while working
around external threats and weaknesses. As analyzing the strategic factors in
the light of the current situations.

Strategy implementation is the act of executing a plan to reach the

desired goal or set of goals. The brainstorming process helps formulate these
ideas, while the implementation process puts those strategies or plans into
action. Strategy implementation depends heavily on feedback and status reports
to ensure the strategy is working and to rework any areas that may need
3. Strategy Implementation

Explain the steps in implementing a strategy.


Strategy implementation is the act of executing a plan to reach the

desired goal or set of goals. The brainstorming process helps formulate these
ideas, while the implementation process puts those strategies or plans into
action. Strategy implementation depends heavily on feedback and status reports
to ensure the strategy is working and to rework any areas that may need

4. Strategy Evaluation

The significance of strategy evaluation lies in its capacity to co-ordinate the task
performed by managers, groups, departments etc, through control of performance.
What are the process of Strategy Evaluation?


Strategy Evaluation Process

The strategy evaluation process involves several interconnected steps that are
continuously repeated to ensure the strategy remains effective and relevant. Here are
the main stages in the strategy evaluation process:

1. Setting Objectives: The first step in any strategic evaluation is clearly defining
what you hope to achieve with your strategy. These objectives should be SMART:
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
2. Developing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Once the objectives are clear,
the organization needs to define the KPIs to measure the strategy’s effectiveness.
KPIs are quantifiable measurements that reflect the critical success factors of an
3. Data Collection: This stage involves gathering data on the previously established
KPIs. This data could be quantitative (e.g., sales figures, customer retention rate)
or qualitative (e.g., customer satisfaction surveys, employee feedback).
4. Analysis: In this stage, the collected data is analyzed to see if the strategy is
working as intended. This may involve comparing actual results to projected
results, benchmarking against industry standards, or using statistical methods to
identify trends and patterns.
5. Interpretation: Based on the analysis, evaluators interpret the results to
understand the strategy’s performance. This is where the evaluators can conclude
whether the strategy is meeting its objectives, where it’s failing, and what might be
the causes.
6. Action: If the interpretation of the data reveals that the strategy isn’t effective or if
there are areas that could be improved, this is where adjustments are made.
Actions could include modifying the strategy, developing new tactics, providing
employee training, or reallocating resources.
7. Reporting: Finally, the evaluation results and proposed actions are reported to
decision-makers and other relevant stakeholders. This ensures transparency and
allows for further input and discussion.
8. Review: Regularly scheduled strategy reviews should be conducted to ensure its
continued relevance and effectiveness. This helps an organization adapt to
changes in its internal and external environment.
This entire process is iterative and should be repeated periodically, not only when the
strategy fails to meet objectives but also as part of a proactive and continuous
improvement approach to strategic management.
B. Go to the internet and look up one of these company sites: / / or What are some of the key events that would
represent the “romantic” perspective of leadership? What are some of the key events
that depict the “external control” perspective of leadership?


Ford Motor Company’s website dates all the way back to 1986 when
Henry Ford built the first motor powered vehicle called the “Quadracycle”. The
timeline goes on to show Ford Motor Company’s incorporation in 1903 and
shares Mr. Henry Ford’s vision for creating a company with virtue and morals. In
1914, Ford instituted a policy to pay factory workers $5 per day

The history of Ford details the romantic perspective of the company’s leadership
from the start.
Ford’s vision of Quality, Safety, Environment (Eco-Friendly) and Innovation was
initially inspired by its founder in 1903, and these values are still evident today in
the present leadership.
From an external control perspective, Ford details their organizational hierarchy,
leadership style, focus on quality, responsibility to the environment, customers
and shareholders. Ford also invests in new technologies to bring the best
products to market.

C, Give example on technology in leveraging knowledge and human capital.


Digital Devices

Using digital devices offers numerous advantages, including:

1. Efficiency: Digital devices allow for faster and more efficient communication,
data storage, and processing compared to traditional methods. Tasks can be
completed more quickly and with fewer errors.
2. Accessibility: Digital devices provide easy access to vast amounts of
information and resources through the internet. This enables users to quickly
find information, connect with others, and access services from anywhere with
an internet connection.
3. Productivity: Digital devices can enhance productivity by providing tools for
organization, time management, collaboration, and automation of tasks. This
can help individuals and organizations accomplish more in less time.
4. Communication: Digital devices enable instant communication through
various channels such as email, messaging apps, and video calls. This
facilitates quick and efficient exchange of information and ideas.
5. Creativity: Digital devices offer a wide range of creative tools such as graphic
design software, video editing programs, and music production apps. These
tools empower users to express their creativity in new and innovative ways.
6. Entertainment: Digital devices provide access to a vast array of entertainment
options, including streaming services, social media, games, and digital
content. This allows users to relax, unwind, and enjoy various forms of
7. Flexibility: Digital devices are portable and versatile, allowing users to work,
communicate, and access information on the go. This flexibility enables
remote work, distance learning, and mobile productivity.
8. Cost-effectiveness: In many cases, using digital devices can be more cost-
effective than traditional methods. For example, digital communication can
reduce the need for expensive printed materials and postage.
9. Environmental impact: Digital devices can help reduce paper waste and
lower energy consumption compared to traditional methods. This can
contribute to environmental sustainability and conservation efforts.
10. Innovation: Digital devices drive innovation by enabling the development of
new technologies, products, and services. They provide a platform for
continuous improvement and advancement in various fields.
Overall, the advantages of using digital devices are numerous and have transformed
the way we live, work, communicate, and interact with the world around us.

D. Identify 2 CEOs whose leadership you admire. What is it about their skills,
attributes, and effective use of power that causes you to admire them?

Ramon Ang

President and CEO, San Miguel Corporation

One of the top business tycoons in the country is focusing his sights on a greener future
His actions during and after the pandemic reveal why Ramon Ang has become a
respected business leader whose words and deeds have inspired established and
young entrepreneurs.

After the lockdowns, he lost no time setting in motion his next moves, such as San
Miguel Corp.’s takeover of its subsidiary, Eagle Cement, in anticipation of a continuation
of the construction boom. Ang showed confidence even when thrown unexpected curve
balls, such as the rejection of a small energy rate hike, which impacted San Miguel
Corp.’s deal with Meralco. The conglomerate’s contributions don’t stop there. San
Miguel Corp. is responsible for bringing infrastructural advancements to the Metro with
the Metro Manila Skyway, allowing motorists and travellers to get from one place to
another in minutes.

Al Panlilio

Former President and CEO, PLDT and Smart Communications Inc

The former president of PLDT led the pioneering telecoms company through economic
The past couple of years challenged Panlilio as a leader, particularly with the changing
market conditions, natural calamities and the aftermath of the pandemic affecting his
company's operations. But the PLDT Group remains resilient, thanks to his focused
leadership. In fact, PLDT was named the most valuable brand in the Philippines by an
independent study from Brand Finance, a London-based business valuation firm, in
2023. It has achieved a two per cent annual increase in brand value to USD2.6 billion,
allowing it a higher market share, and posted the highest Sustainability Perceptions
Value among all brands listed at USD222 million.

Evolving technologies also challenged Panlilio and PLDT, and the cost of applying and
implementing them on local systems is considerable. “The telecommunications industry
is capital-intensive,” Panlilio said. “We must ensure we achieve investment returns as
the evolution is rapid.” Yet he also sees these developments as opportunities to better
serve the company’s clientele and ensure PLDT’s continued relevance in the industry.

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