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This report is for:


born on the auspicious day

04/07/1985 at 12:20 PM Place of birth
is Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Birth Chart & Natal Horoscopes

Your True self & Personality

Nakshatra: Your Nature
Ascendant/Lagna: Your Archetype
Sun: Your Soul & Inner Self
Moon: Your Emotional Needs

Health & Wellness

Love & Relationships

Career & Money

Karmic Life Lessons

Your Strongest Motivator in Life

Lucky Colours & Gemstones

Celebrities who share your Birth-star

Birth Details Astro Details
Date of Birth 04/07/1985 Varna Vaishya
Time of Birth 12:20 Vashya Jalchar
Place of Birth Kolkata, West Bengal, India Yoni Vaanar
Latitude 22.572646 Gan Dev
Longitude 88.36389499999996 Nadi Ant
Ayanamsha 23.654623087544 Sign Capricorn
Sunrise 4:56:19 Sign Lord Saturn
Sunset 18:25:15 Nakshatra Shravan
Nakshatra Lord Moon
Charan 1
Yunja Parbhaag
Tatva Earth
Name Alphabet Khee
Paya Copper
Ascendant Virgo
Ascendant Lord Mercury

Planetary Details
Planets R Sign Degrees Sign Lord Nakshatra Nakshatra Lord House

Sun Gemini 18.58939225938 Mercury Ardra Rahu 10

Moon Capricorn 11.607958496929 Saturn Shravan Moon 5
Mars Gemini 22.762880400732 Mercury Punarvasu Jupiter 10
Mercury Cancer 12.938726981664 Moon Pushya Saturn 11
Jupiter R Capricorn 21.978420790763 Saturn Shravan Moon 5
Venus Taurus 4.1611936635254 Venus Krittika Sun 9
Saturn R Libra 28.186277269474 Venus Vishakha Jupiter 2
Rahu R Aries 21.738580778663 Mars Bharni Venus 8
Ketu R Libra 21.738580778663 Venus Vishakha Jupiter 2
Ascendant Virgo 27.581038648504 Mercury Chitra Mars 1
Lagna Chart Navmansh Chart
11 11
Ke Sa Ra Me

7 5 7 5
8 4 Me 8 4 Ju

6 6
9 3 Su Ma 9 3 Sa
12 12

MoJu 2 Ve Su 2
10 10
11 1 11 1

Ra Ve Ma Mo Ke

Moon Chart Chalit Chart

11 11
Ke Sa

11 9 7 5
12 MoJu 8 8 4 Me

10 6
Ra 1 7 Sa Ke Mo 9 3 Su Ma
4 12

Ve Me 6 Ju 2
2 10
3 5 11 1

Ma Su Ra Ve
Nakshatra: Your Basic Nature

From a reading of your kundli we can see that you

are a very peaceful and loving person.

You were born under an auspicious birthstar and

it promises that you will lead a life of abundance
and success.

Knowledge and education will play a very

important part in your life. You will grow a lot in
your life as long as you continue to learn. This is
because your horoscope has the benevolent gaze
of Ma Saraswati – the Goddess of learning.

Inherently, your horoscope shows that you are

quite intelligent and are capable of a good
academic life as well. Therefore, you will be
generally good at studies but concentration
power may be a challenge in the initial years of
your school years.

You are more of an auditory person – listening

has a deep impact on you. Your horoscope shows
that you are a good listener. That’s why you will
have friends who will come to you and share
about their troubles and woes because they know
that you will always lend them an ear.

As a person, you are guided by your feelings and

emotions. This is because your kundli reveals that
you are a very sensitive person. How others act
and behave around you has a huge impact on
how you feel.

In that sense, you are quite moody, too. This

shows that you can have a perfectly good mood
in one moment and then something ticks you off
and you get in a pretty awful mood.

Therefore, fluctuations in your mood is going to be

a trait you will need to be aware of and manage

Basically, not allowing anyone or anything to spoil

your mood and not allowing your actions to be
influenced by your changing mood are going to
be important karmic changes you will have to
make in yourself if you want to become truly

Also, being under the lordship of Moon, your

janma nakshatra makes you have a fickle-mind.
This indicates that it would be normally difficult for
you to focus on one thing at a time.

You can get quite impatient or restless and will

constantly get distracted by something or the
other. Therefore, getting your mind fixated on
tasks to do and completing them can become
very challenging, too.

Towards that, it is important that you associate

with someone who is very disciplined or focussed
in their behaviour and actions and perhaps, even
being accountable to such a person will help you
a lot, as per your kundli’s energy.

But the influence of Moon on your chart shows

that you are someone who had a relatively good
childhood and the home where you grew up has a
special place in your heart.

In other words, you will have fond memories of

your early childhood, your home and your

It also becomes very clear in your birthchart that

you will be very close to your mother and will
generally tend to listen to her advice and counsel.

Your parents have a special place in your heart

and you will remain as a loyal child to them
throughout your life

You will have a lot of desire to be there for them

and to even sacrifice for their sake. This is a very
interesting prediction about your personality
because it reveals many things about you.

You see, your horoscope shows that you will gain

a sense of usefulness and self-worth by being
present and available to the needs of your family,
especially your parents.

You will also tend to prioritize their needs over

yours. This can be a tricky situation because on
the one hand you will feel happy and content due
to the fact that you are physically and emotionally
there for your parents.

And on the other hand, there will be certain

frustrations in your life where you will feel
restricted or bound by your duties and
responsibilities as a child.

This is something, therefore, you will need to be

mindful of. Learning to take care of your own
needs, too.

Apart from this, it can also be seen in your kundli

that you are good at protecting and preserving
things. Maintaining your vehicle or preserving your
prized possessions, perhaps your own perfume
collection, for instance.

You can save well and are quite resourceful. For

the sake of saving, you can forego immediate

Apart from this, you are also quite intelligent and

will inherently know how to get your results in the
sense that you can either adapt or manipulate
according to what you want and somehow you
have a knack for getting what you want.

You will choose to be either very innocent or why

clever depending on your purpose but this
adaptable nature is present in your personality as
per your kundli.

This indicates that in your relationships, others

may perceive you as someone who is somewhat
selfish or who can become shrewd in order
achieve their chosen objectives.

Also, you will have a helpful attitude towards

friends. And you will give them practical advice
and guidance.

Your kundli also shows that you have been

blessed with great communication skills. You are
someone who will be great at narrating stories or

Listening to music is something that gives you a

lot of joy and peace. And you are creatively gifted
as per your horoscope.

Apart from the above, it can be seen that you are

someone who will have a keen interest in history
and politics and will make efforts to gain
knowledge about these.

This stems from your basic nature which makes

you want to preserve historical information and

However, another area of challenge in your

personality is that you can at times get very
stubborn or fixated in your views and opinions on
subjects that you think you are knowledgeable

This means that others often struggle to get their

points of view across because you can be quite
unyielding and unaccepting of other people’s
differing points of view.

In that sense, you can get argumentative and get

stuck on one perspective and it is very difficult to
change your mind.

This trait can often make people distance

themselves from you. To counter this, you will
need to be more accepting that there can be
many ways of looking at one subject.

Also, as per your janma nakshatra you are also

prone to engaging in gossip or engaging in
useless gathering of information that ends up
wasting a lot of your time.

Either you will constantly be on social media even

when you are in crowded room or you will not be
present to the conversation because your focus
has moved on from what was being discussed.
These are traits you will need to be mindful of.

Also, you are someone who is comfortable with

the tried and tested. You are set in your ways to a
great extent and you like predictable outcomes
because it brings a certain amount of security in

In that sense, you like following a health routine

and an organized life.

In fact, you are also quite particular about keeping

your surroundings clean and are good at
maintaining hygiene.

You see, your horoscope shows that your janma

nakshatra makes you a benevolent person. You
are essentially a pure-hearted being who yearns
for love in their life.

You are someone who will also strive for gaining

stability and security in their life.
Ascendant/Lagna: Your Vedic

They say that clarity is power. And the purpose of

this lagna report is to give you superb clarity
about what the stars have in store for you as a
person. Your lagna is the sign that was rising at
the exact time of your birth in your birth-chart.

As you read this lagna report, you will begin

learning many things about your own life and this
process of self-awareness helps you gain
maximum clarity about your life.

Judging by your birth details, it can be seen that

your lagna is Kanya.

Neatness in personal dressing and personal style

will be seen in your personality. You are otherwise
someone who prefers dressing in a simple way.
Even though we have gone in great lengths about
your health later on in this report, but your janma-
lagna shows that you are conscious of your health
and body weight. Usually, natives of this lagna
don't put on excess weight.

Your Lagna Chart also shows that you are

extremely responsible as a person and will
generally tend to take responsibility of a lot of
people - be it in your personal or professional

Ironically, this trait will also cause you to feel

frustrated and often you may find yourself feeling
angry because others don’t do what they were
supposed to and instead, you had to step in and
take on the load.

Your Lagna Chart shows that you will be a

perfectionist by nature and you yourself have a
strong desire to do everything on your own so that
it is done perfectly, without any errors.

In order to have relationships that are balanced,

you will have to allow others to do their respective
bit as well.

Apart from this, being a Kanya lagna also shows

that you have high amounts of logic and
reasoning ability. If there are different angles to a
situation, then you are perfectly capable of
figuring out the details.
This is because Mercury, your Lagna Lord, makes
you highly detail-oriented as a person and details
generally don't escape you. You are someone who
will like going into the deep end of things rather
than be happy with the surface level information.

However, you don't like philosophising too much

because you have quite a practical side to your
personality that gives you this utilitarian point of
view of what is the most essential that needs to
be done in regard to people and situations that
occur in your life.

So this practical side is your plus point because it

can help you manage resources, be frugal if need
be, and work out all details in your personal and
professional plans so that you reach your desired
objectives in life with surety.

Another super-power that you have as per your

Lagna Chart is sense of personal
commitment. Once you commit to someone or to
do something, then we know that you will do it at
all costs. The only flip-side to this is that due to
your overcommitted nature, you often end up
working too much and feeling burdened.

Mercury is the strong planet in your birth-chart

because it rules your janma-lagna and it can
make you critical of others because it makes you
question people and their motives. As a Kanya
lagna native, therefore, this is something you need
to be aware of because it can make you assume
incorrect things about people.

Sometimes, of course, having an inquisitive mind

can help you identify people’s real intentions but
you will have to judge when it is being healthy and
when not.

As a result of your perfectionist nature, often you

will find that people close to you keep things
secret from you in the fear that they may
disappoint you. So the karmic life lesson for you is
to be not so serious at all times.

You will be quite caring and giving by nature and

this is especially true of family members with
whom you feel a strong bond since Venus rules
the 2nd house in your lagna chart. There will,
therefore, be a lot of love in your heart for your
family members.

You yourself will always be someone who goes out

of their way to take care of the family’s needs.
With friends and loved ones, you will have the
nature to really be there for them and take care of
their needs. That’s also your nature as per your

Your birth-chart shows you are an intellectual

person who likes their surroundings neat and
clean. This makes you feel clear-headed. You
can't stand clutter because you need everything
to be organized. At least that's what you are truly
supposed to do if you want to feel more in
alignment with your janma-lagna energy.

Since the Dhanu rashi is placed in your 4th house,

it shows that your mother is extremely benevolent
by nature and is someone who is well-respected
because of her nature of always giving great
advice and guidance to everyone, including you.

In fact, if you take your mother’s advice on issues

that bother you, it will definitely help you. Your
mother would also be someone who doesn’t
compromise on her principles in life and gives a
lot of importance to one’s personal reputation or

There would be a certain unmissable dignity with

which your mother would always carry herself. It is
possible that you may have a love-hate
relationship with your mother. Love because of all
the things she has given you and hate because
she will be strict about certain things that are
non-negotiable, like value-system, doing the right
thing even at the cost of personal expectations.

Your father is a fun-loving, jovial person. He would

be stubborn in many ways but he would be
someone who knows how to enjoy their life. He
would also value simplicity in his personal

Apart from this, your janma-lagna shows that

your father would be resourceful by nature and
will know how to save for a rainy day even though
he would have had many phases of unending
personal expenses. It also appears interestingly,
that your father will have a sweet tooth or will be a
foodie to some extent. May also be good at
cooking or baking.

These are strong possibilities but may also be

dormant desires that your father has but not

When it comes to your sibling, you are quite

secretive about them. They would also be quite
practical and have a solid work-oriented mind
where they execute their own professional or
career plans with precision.

Your sibling, if any, will also be good at conducting

research and do such work which requires going
into the deep end of things. Will also have an
inquisitive and good investigative mind which will
help them in their own career as well.

As far as your own personality traits are

concerned, your janma-lagna shows that you
may have the habit of bottling up your negative
feelings inside instead of sharing them with
friends and well-wishers.

This is something you will need to work on.

Other than the karmic life lessons already

mentioned later on in this report, be mindful that
you will need to fight the feelings of self-doubt in
order to achieve more success in your personal as
well as professional life.
Sun: Your Soul & Inner Identity

Your horoscope reveals that Sun is positioned in

the 10 house of your birth-chart. Here, we will
share what Vedic astrology reveals about your
amazing personality and about your life.

As per your horoscope, you are a very ethical and

fair-minded person. You like doing things for
others selflessly and the nature of your work will
be such that you will get a lot of respect from
others in society because of your reputation.

You are also destined to shine and excel at your

career because your horoscope shows that you
will gain a fair amount of authority in your work. If
working in a company, you will quickly get

You see, as we can see from your birth-chart, Sun

blesses you with a lot of self-confidence. However,
you will need to guard against people who make
you doubt yourself.

In your career, especially, things will work great as

long as you follow your own plans instead of
following someone else’s lead. However, at a
young age, you will have to take advice of elders
in your career.

Your horoscope shows that you can come up with

creative solutions to problems because you are
excellent at strategy. Your mental faculties are
sharp and will always aid to help and protect you.
Having Sun in your horoscope’s 10 house also
reveals that your father will have a great influence
on your profession or occupation. In fact, you may
even be in the same profession or line of work as
your father (or a prominent father-figure in your

However, frustrations may arise in your heart

because you may find it difficult to make an
independent name for yourself. The struggle will
be to come out of other people’s shadows and
create your own identity.

You see, your horoscope shows that your father is

a highly principled person and also a very strong-
headed man. He decides how to do things and
usually others in the family would have followed
his directions, including you. Your father is a very
caring and responsible human being, who would
have taken care of his entire family at one point.

However, your father may also have been very

harsh towards you or might have adopted tough-
love in the initial years of your childhood.

As the years go by, you will develop a friendship

with your father that is very deep and meaningful.
This can also happen because you may either
share the same profession or work alongside your

You will also experience the warm, kind-heart of

your father in the form of his guidance in your
professional life. However, in your later years, you
will strive to move out of the influence of your
father in order to prove your own worth to
Having Sun in your horoscope’s 10 house also
reveals that in your career you will gain an
enviable reputation because of your hard-work,
effort and your achievements. Your superior
domain knowledge will impress others without a
shadow of doubt. But there would be bouts of
severe self-doubt or frustration owing to doubting
your own capabilities in life.

Another important prediction about your

personality is that you are not someone who will
be comfortable following other people’s orders or
playing second fiddle to anyone.
You will prefer doing your own business or running
your own show so as to speak.

However, this may not be as easy as it sounds

because it will require you to get out of the
protective shield of your family and venture out
into the world on your own, taking bets on yourself.

Also, you will have a strict attitude towards the

quality of your work and generally, it can be seen
that you are a perfectionist when it comes to
professional matters.

You may even come across to others as harsh or

strict but that is only because you have the nature
to take complete responsibility when it comes to
your professional affairs or work in general.

Suffice it to say, in an organization, you would be

given a lot of responsibility to do a lot of work to
prove yourself. There would also be periods where
you feel that you have to do so much hard work
but you get very less benefit or money in return for

But the promise of your horoscope is that in your

later years, you will gain goodwill, reputation and
prestige in society because of your professional

In whatever you undertake to do, you do it

perfectly and you strive to make sure that you are
known for the quality of your work. For you, work is
divine and you usually take your work pretty

Ethical to the core, you can get highly

uncomfortable doing or thinking about doing
anything that is inappropriate or wrong at your
workplace. However, you will have temptation to
indulge in short-cuts or quick-money-making
schemes. Better to avoid these as they will not be
beneficial for you in the long run.

Also, in your area of work, you will have crucial

periods where you may find yourself at
crossroads or where you have to choose between
careers. When you follow your heart, you will have
chosen the right course of action – that is for

When we look at relationships from the lens of Sun

in your horoscope, we can see that you are not
someone who falls in love very easily and most
likely, your soulmate will first fall in love with you.
Your ego makes you not take the first step in your
love life.

But your passionate spirit and your endless thirst

for life will attract others to you. You will also
display a great, adventurous spirit and will go on
adventure trips with your special person.

You may even take steps in your personal

relationships that are bold and courageous.

At your heart, you will have an inherent desire that

others should acknowledge your efforts and even
though you are kind of shy and don’t want to be in
the limelight but there is a part of you that really
relishes such moments.

As a person, you will also be highly versatile and

will be blessed with many talents and natural

You will have a strong mind to learn things

throughout your life, whether through formal
education or informally by reading books. You will
be blessed with creative talents, as mentioned
before, and you will have a love for music or art.
Sun in your horoscope’s 10 house also reveals
that you will earn money through your intellect
and mental faculties rather than selling products.

Even if you are in a product-selling business, your

role in that business would be more from a
strategy or high-level role involving more mental
work than physical.

And you are also blessed with leadership skills

and will be adept at managing teams on your
own. However, you will have to learn how to take a
step back and celebrate your small wins along
the way of your achieving big ones.
Having Sun in your horoscope’s 10 house also
means that you will be very ambitious and will be
always chasing success and glory. There will be
restless and impatience about quickly achieving
success and this is something you need to be
mindful of, in order to have a happy career.

In your life, you will be more worried about your

mother than your father and generally, you share
a very close relationship with your mother, who
becomes your emotional anchor.

All in all, you are blessed with the power and

ability to succeed at anything that you choose to
do, provided you do not become lazy or
complacent and provided you follow your own
heart rather than basing your actions only on the
advice of others.

Astro Tip: Strengthen your Sun by always valuing

punctuality; being on good terms with your boss,
government or higher authorities and lastly,
making sure that you take care of your own needs
first and that includes spending money on
Sun: Your Soul & Inner Identity

As per your horoscope, Sun is in the Gemini sign in

your birth-chart. This means that you have been
blessed with a brilliant mind.

Your mental faculties and your ability to think on

your feet – are your superpowers that you were
born with and these qualities will always hold you
in good stead.

As a child, you may have hated being told to sit in

one place and for this reason alone, you’d have
been quite a handful for parents or even your
teachers at school.

You may have grown up in a father-dominated

household or perhaps you’ve had your share of
disagreements with your father. However, this
relationship transforms in your adult years into a
friendship you value.

Your horoscope shows us that in your school

years, owing to the Gemini’s signature laser-sharp
brain, you will have fared well in your studies
because Geminis have an unquenchable hunger
for knowledge and for accumulating information.

This is subject to whether you have had the

fortune of good teachers or not because for you
learning will be essential and the medium will be
equally important.

This is what causes you to be extremely street-

smart and wise beyond your years.

You see, Sun in the Gemini sign shows that you

intrinsically understands the value of money and
financial transactions right from a fairly young

Also, Sun in your horoscope blesses with the ability

to always look at the funny side of things. No
wonder, you are sure to have an amazing sense of
humour and will be exceptionally gifted in the
dwindling art of sarcasm and satire.

At the core, you are an excellent communicator

and you have the special knack for articulating
your thoughts and views artistically and yet,

In the realm of relationships, you may be more

extroverted than otherwise. You will thrive in
forming connections with others because it is
usually easy for you to make friends.

This is because Sun in the Gemini sign gives you

the superior faculties of embracing the flaws of
others without any judgement.

No wonder you will have a lot of friends and

acquaintances in your life. Sometimes, though,
your partner or special person will feel
overwhelmed or even annoyed with the ever-
increasing people in your inner circle.

But your horoscope shows that you really like

entertaining friends. You will also be great at
music and the creative arts in some way because
the Gemini-Sun gives you the excellent ability to
communicate creatively.

In fact, having this position of Sun shows that you

are a great friend to have because you are
always bubbling with energy and enthusiasm.

Apart from fun, there’s also a lot of depth in your

personality. You are a life-long learner. You seek
out knowledge and you do it in many ways - be it
by reading books, watching videos or just
observing the world around you. This way you
strive to accumulate information.

Your horoscope reveals that whenever you are

learning or accumulating information, you will feel
a sense of inner peace and contentment.
The fact of the matter is that you are an extremely
versatile person who constantly needs variety and
change for you to feel alive.

Your horoscope also shows that you will

absolutely hate monotony of any kind. No wonder,
you will hate desk-jobs, especially if your role
doesn’t involve any change or variety. Also, any
job or a business around the idea of
communication will work wonderfully for you, too.

Street-smart management skills and a comfort

with numbers will also give you a great
professional success in banking, finance and

Knowledge-seeking and information-gathering

are great skills for finance professionals as well as
lawyers or journalists and these professions will
greatly suit you as per your horoscope.

Like we mentioned above, you will tend to get

bored easily and your sense of time is, like Einstein,
completely relative to whether you are enjoying
something or whether it’s a drag.

Of course, you will be versatile and will be multi-

talented. Will have a number of interesting

You inherently are someone who is always on the

lookout for information and you are impatient
about it because you want to know everything
there is to know right now.
You will have challenges in relation to focusing
your mind on one thing at a time. With you, the
conversations keep on moving from one topic to
another because you are a master

Also, since you are very social in nature, it may

look as though many a times you’re really
interested in a conversation when in reality you
could be feeling very lonely.

Your horoscope shows that you have the nature to

often ruminate over and evaluate your life even
while sitting in a crowded room.

The position of Sun in your horoscope can make

you often brood over things. Anytime you find
yourself wavering off, catch yourself and remind
yourself of all the blessings that you have been
born with.

You see, having Sun in the Gemini sign in your

horoscope shows that you are your worst critic
and this often leads to feelings of depression or

But all this can change when you realize your own
worth and give yourself the permission to live life
joyfully without always knowing all the answers to
your ever-questioning mind.

In personal relationships, you may have a

tendency to over-think and over-analyze when
your significant other wants to you to just feel

You can tend to get very objective about things.

And this is something you can start working on.

Also your horoscope shows that you generally feel

the need to first see all possible sides of a
situation in order to understand that situation (or
even a person).

And the Sun in your horoscope will always make

you question everything and doubt everything. So,
this too, becomes an area which you can
consciously challenge and work upon in order to
permit yourself to be okay not having all the

Duality is at the core of your nature because this is

the energy of Sun in the Gemini sign. This means
you can display conflicting emotions
simultaneously. Sometimes, though this can also
mean that you live a double-life, one which is
accepted by others and the other which is very
personal to you.

These are, of course, behaviour patterns that add

to the mystery and charisma of your personality
as per the position of Sun in your horoscope.
Moon: Your Feelings & Emotional

As per your date of birth, your horoscope shows

that Moon is positioned in the 5 house in your

As odd as it sounds, your horoscope shows us that

you will have a ‘love-hate’ relationship with love
itself. Constantly falling in and out of love.

Very strong emotional attachment to your

significant other is extremely important for you.
You want to feel intensely for your lover and yet
you want a lot of space in your romantic
relationships. These erratic feelings cause you
some ups and downs in your relationships.

Even if you feel that a certain relationship is not

good for your emotional well-being or that your
other half is not being fair to you, you will not feel
comfortable leaving because of your emotional

Episodes of your partner (or even you crying) and

avoiding break-ups can happen early on in life. In
due course, as your inner self matures, your
relationships too become stronger and long-

But one thing is for certain. As per your horoscope,

you don’t have the nature to ever hurt your
partner in any way. Your heart tells you things that
your mind doesn’t agree with – when it comes to
your romantic partner.

It is also true that you will never be able to hear

anyone criticizing your significant other or even
saying any ‘truth’ about them because your ears
are only tuned in to hear good things about your
partner. And that may be a good thing after all.
Moon in your horoscope’s 5 house also shows a
strong attachment to your children, if any. You will
do anything in your capacity for the sake of your
children even if you agree with them or not. Logic
will not work. Only feelings operate in this domain.

Apart from this, interestingly, there could be

something about your education that you feel
embarrassed or secretive about. Either there was
a break in completing your education or it may
also be that you are not comfortable revealing
about your school or college to others. Or it can
also be that you hide your educational
qualifications from others.

In other words, you will feel somewhat secretive

about your education. This sounds strange but
this is how the energy of Moon works when it is
placed in your horoscope’s 5 house.

For those of you who are married, you will have

some secrets or something hidden about your
child or children, as the case may be. Either you
hide something about them or you don’t feel quite
comfortable talking about them openly.

As a person, you feel a strong need for emotional

validation and for support from others and
sometimes, you may bully them to get this

You can easily fall in love and quite as easily fall

out of love, as we mentioned above.

Seeking emotional pleasure is something that’s

almost a need in your life as per your horoscope.
In other words, love will be the fodder for your soul.

In your case, love will be expressed not always in a

subtle, romantic way but rather in an extravagant,
not-so-subtle way.

However, you will also not be easily satisfied with

your relationships and it takes a long time before
you feel the need to finally settle down.
You are someone who wants to experience and
explore life because that’s just how you are, as per
the position of Moon in your horoscope.

Your horoscope also reveals that you will be quite

ambitious as a person and will have the knack of
knowing which relationships serve you well and
which don’t.

However, there is also, like we mentioned, the

difficulty of getting out of relationships that you
know to be more harmful than good.

You will also have the drive and determination to

achieve your dreams and fulfill your desires. Such
is the energy you possess.

Underneath your tough exterior, there is also a

softer-side to your personality, which is vulnerable
and you don’t show it to others unless there is no
other way out.

In your relationship with the outside world, you

can be quite like a child, demanding love and
demanding respect from others.

This means that if the situation demands it, you

can be quite melodramatic to make sure that
your needs are met.

When we look at your other relationships from

your horoscope, it can be seen that your mother is
a strong-willed lady with a great personality and
she’d have really taken good care of you, almost
like a father. She may have been the person
pushing you towards your educational goals or
pushing you to be ambitious in life.

You will also be creatively gifted as a person and

your artistic sense is one of your strengths.

You can find beauty in a sad song, though you like

happy, celebratory songs more.

The placement of Moon in your horoscope shows

that you will make easy profits and gains in your
business dealings or in your profession.

Luck will favour you, even if it may not seem

apparent at the present moment. In your life, you
will become very prosperous and rich.

It can also be seen that your spouse will be a very

sweet-natured and good-looking person.

Luck will favour you in matters of love and

marriage and as long as you learn to be happy
within, the environment will always support you.

Astro Tip: To strengthen the power of Moon, you

can do the following: Always respecting and
taking care of your mother. Don’t ever waste water
because it is directly linked with Moon and also
money. Don’t waste any milk or food products.
And when you take care of these things, trust me,
the money in your life will also be free-flowing
because Moon signifies liquid cash! Also, be
mindful of your emotions – never take hasty or
knee-jerk decisions. They will not be good for bsp;
Moon: Your Feelings & Emotional

Firstly, what this tells us about you is that you are

someone who feels happy within when you are
moving forward in life and progressing in your
career or profession.

Work has a special place for you because it gives

you that sense of security and identity.

Sometimes, you want to feel nourished and

nurtured but your hard exterior makes it difficult
for you to seek help or tell others about how you
are truly feeling in a given moment.

Inability to express emotions or even feel things

because the analytical mind takes over. Because
of this, others can perceive you as a cold or
calculative person when it reality you are
completely the opposite.

By nature, you are very serious-minded and are

constantly thinking about your plans of action.
You are able to accurately assess your strengths
and weaknesses and sometimes this helps you
and at other times, this makes you somewhat

Perhaps you may think of it as realism but your

horoscope shows that you don’t usually allow
yourself to dream and imagine things. Everything
needs to be tangible and tactical, there seems to
be less space for abstract thinking.

You are also someone who is very down to earth

and rooted in the reality of your own life. The good
news is that this nature makes you work super
hard at your job or profession and you are able to
take great strides towards progress and success.
This is also because of the energy of Saturn that
rules over Moon in your horoscope.

There will always be some insecurity within you

about losing all that you have achieved and
because of this, you can almost keep going on
autopilot on a treadmill, working or slogging it off,
trying to quickly move from one achievement to
another goal.

This tendency can also make you somewhat

obsessive about achieving things and no wonder,
you are someone who is an over-achiever.
Winning at all costs and a healthy competitive
spirit define your mind. You are geared to run the
race; to fight the war as long as you are moving
onwards and upwards.

Moon in the Makar rashi makes you highly

responsible as a person and you are someone
who will take the entire weight of your family and
loved ones on your shoulder.

And your nature is such that you will always feel

very happy when you feel useful or when you are
able to take a lot of responsibility. This double-
edged sword also makes you have complaints or
frustrations of having been burdened with a lot of

Another interesting things that comes from a

reading of Moon in your horoscope is that you will
generally be very respectful of time and will be
mostly punctual, unless there is an emergency.
You are someone who values time and timeliness.

And that is a great trait to have.

In personal relationships you will find it difficult to

emote your feelings or to really bare your
vulnerable self (of course, we know that you are
never vulnerable). Also, being overcommitted to
achieving your own objectives can make you look
self-centered to your partner or special person.

Therefore, taking a step back from the race of life

and savouring the small-but-meaningful
achievement of everyday life with your loved one
will go a long way in balancing both your

Your horoscope also shows that you will find it

difficult or challenging to ask others for help or to
share your worries and anxieties with others. This
is because you will feel that you yourself are
responsible for your feelings and emotions. While
this is true to some extent, it never harms anyone
if you allow others to be there for you.
Health & Wellness

As per your Janma-Nakshatra

The ancient science of healing that has been

practiced in India since the last 5000 years is
known as Ayurveda. This system of holistic healing
believes that each person is much more than the
mere symptoms he or she is facing and health
conditions vastly depend on whether your body-
type of dosha, as per Ayurveda, is aligned to your
lifestyle and food habits.

As per Ayurveda, the human body is made up of

the five primary elements that are found in the
cosmos, namely, Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Ether.
The human body has three primary biological
humors or tridosha, namely: Vata (wind or vayu
tatva), Pitta (fire or agni tatva) and Kapha (water
or jal tatva). These are basic to understanding a
person’s physical as well as psychological

Therefore, aligning lifestyle and eating habits

you’re your primary Ayurvedic dosha will ensure
that there is perfect harmony and balance in both
one’s body and mind.

As per your horoscope, your Ayurvedic dosha is

Kapha which is the water element. This means
that in your physical constitution there is more of
the water element present. This shows that you
will have a strong body and will usually be either
shorter or even taller than average height.

Persons with Kapha type of Ayurvedic dosha often

have a large body-frame and have a strong, well-
developed chest. In fact, they also have a
tendency to easily put on weight.

This indicates that you could have struggles with

problems related to obesity unless you guard
against this from an early age. This will require
you monitoring your diet and not eat too much of
junk food.

Other physical features that are seen in your

horoscope as per your Ayurvedic dosha are that
you will have large, expressive eyes and you will
also have well-defined, large teeth. Generally
speaking, your hair will be healthy, abundant and

Kapha type of persons have a strong attraction to

eating good food. They can eat in small quantities
throughout the day but they prefer eating most of
the time. They prefer being around food because
they are very fond of eating.

However, they have a slow metabolism which, in

turn, leads them to putting on too much weight
that can pose health risks. Therefore, this is
something you can also be mindful of and
change your lifestyle accordingly to ensure some
physical exercise.
Another cause for Kapha persons putting on
excess weight is their love for sweets. We can see
from your horoscope that you will find it really
difficult to control their sweet tooth.

Being a Kapha person means that you will

absolutely love eating sweets. This may be
another area of concern for you because your
sweet tooth will make you prone to getting
diabetes in your later years.

Kapha type of persons are also prone to problems

related to excess water and mucous in their
respiratory tract. They are prone to getting colds
and congestions and this is why they prefer
environments that are dry and warm. They cannot
function well in cold or damp environments.

Emotional wellbeing: Your horoscope shows that

you are mentally strong but physically inactive.
You will be prone to inaction and inertia and it
takes may take lot to get you moving about.

Your nature would be to believe in making slow

but steady efforts towards everything and you
won’t prefer doing things fast. In other words, you
don’t like rushing into things and like taking your
own sweet time.

It will also not be in your personality to behave in a

scheming or calculative manner. This is because
you are quite straightforward as long as you are
allowed to do at your own pace.
Once you get really excited about an activity, you
will exude a lot of energy and then can exert a lot
of efforts, too. However, you will need to guard
against getting caught up in a sedentary lifestyle
as this can pose various problems for your health
and wellbeing.

Being active and developing a strong sense of

discipline can really work wonders for you. It will
be hard but extremely rewarding.

Apart from this, your horoscope also shows that

you will have a good memory and will be able to
easily retain everything you learn.

You will believe in completing what you set out to

achieve. If you are allowed to take your time to
learn things, your mental skills can easily astonish

But if someone rushes or pressurizes you, you will

even lash out because you just can’t stand being
prodded out of your comfort zone.

This is also the reason that a person with the

Kapha type of Ayurvedic dosha will be very good
at laying the foundation for large institutions or
bodies that require steady, persistent efforts
because such a person will be great at building
things slow but steadily.

By nature, your Ayurvedic dosha shows that you

are also emotionally sensitive, warm as well as
caring. You are a true romantic by nature. That’s
why it is comfortable for a Kapha person to even
cry at a movie theatre if they are watching an
emotional movie.

When we look at your mental and emotional

wellbeing, we can see from your horoscope that
you will have stress-related problems that can
develop from your obsession with success or with
earning a good income.

Sometimes, you will tend to get too attached to

the material things and this will invariably mean
that you will take on a lot of load on your head
than required. However, to balance this negative
tendency of taking stress, the good quality that
you have been blessed with is the art of

In other words, you will be very smart about

spending your hard-earned money and you will
be great at saving money as well. No wonder,
having a Kapha type of Ayurvedic dosha means
that you can get success in professions like
banking and finance.

While we are at outlining some of the thinking

patterns that you will be prone to as per your
Ayurvedic dosha, we may also highlight that you
are a good Samaritan and you will believe in
upholding the societal norms and convetions.
There will be a part of you that will always want to
be part of or belong to the larger group.

This also indicates that you feel secure when you

are functioning within order and reason. You are
not someone who takes pleasure in saying the
most politically incorrect things. And you are not
cynical just for the sake of it.

What this also contributes to is the fact that these

emotional traits make you the perfect
collaborator or colleague in the professional
realm. In other words, you will be an excellent co-
worker or a co-founder if you so choose. You will
thrive in collaborations.

On the family front, it can be seen from your chart

that you are generally very fond of your family
and of your friends but at the same time you will
prefer keeping a small but familiar group of
people who are part of your inner circle of trust.

Being the Kapha type indicates that you are not

always comfortable meeting new people or
making new friends. You like the familiar.

Lastly, having the Kapha type also reveals that

you will be creatively gifted and will be good at
music and arts.
Health & Wellness

From a reading of your horoscope, we can see

that you are someone who really takes care of
fulfilling all your duties and obligations.

And this nature of overcommitting to work or

overexerting at your workplace is one of the chief
causes that can lead to having an adverse
impact on your health.

You are someone who feels compelled to work to

fulfil your deadlines and this tendency of meeting
deadlines will often lead to you neglecting your
own health. Unless you prioritize your own health,
a lot of problems can crop up without you

But otherwise, you are someone who is generally

mindful of their health and are quite health-
conscious. You will have the control and restraint
to not overindulge in food or drinks. And that will
always help you in maintaining good health.

However, there will be some ups and downs in

your health and stress-related health problems
can be present.

Since Rahu and Saturn both rule the area of

health in your chart, it can be seen that you may
have health issues that suddenly crop up, without
any warning. But at the same time, the presence
of Rahu energy shows that no matter what the
health problem you face, you will have the fighting
power to win over the same.

Further, your chart shows that stomach disorders

related to stress will be a cause for worry unless
you know how to manage your high stress levels.
This indicates problems related to depression, too.

Therefore, keeping a healthy social life, sharing

your worries with others and not stressing about
things unnecessarily – are habits that will help
you tremendously.

Apart from this, you are prone to problems in your

lower leg area like shin, calf muscles. Will need to
take care of these.

Like we mentioned above, overworking or getting

too hassled about your work will be one of your
negative life tendencies. This will lead to you not
striking a heathy work-life balance which is the
real or potential cause for health problems in your

Therefore, going on holidays or even just de-

stressing at the end of the day; shutting down
your constantly work-centric mind will help you
Love & Relationships

In romantic relationships, you will want to shower

your lover or special person with extravagant

You will also not hesitate spending on your dates

and will want everything to be perfect because
you are a true romantic at heart.

Also, as per your horoscope, you are extremely

loyal to your partner. Honesty and loyalty in a
relationship are critical factors that make you
choose a life partner or spouse.

You will also look for a partner who is very

knowledgeable and intelligent. There are a lot of
unsaid rules that you follow in your dating,
relationships and marriage.

Your spouse or life partner will share your

philosophical and religious views. They will be wise
and creative by nature. They will also be very
innocent in the way that they think about the
world in general and there won’t be any malice in
your spouse’s heart.

Somehow, you might still feel as though you are

more hard-working or efficient than your spouse,
who seems like a person living in their own
dream-world, aloof from the rest of the folks.

You will have to put forth your expectations from

your spouse at the beginning of the relationship
rather than let any unspoken disagreements

Generally, you don’t have the nature to jump

straight in a relationship and take your own time
to get to know the other person or to open up to

It is also very difficult for someone to check all the

tick-boxes in your exhaustive checklist for a

You will want your partner to be practical as well

as imaginative and creative. That’s a tough
combination to find easily.

That’s why settling into a long-term relationship or

marriage may take time for you.

Apart from that you will also value someone who

is intelligent and yet not too intelligent. They need
to have a lot of money in their life and yet money
is not the deciding factor.

To top it all, you take a lot of people’s advice in

your personal relationships. Consulting with
friends and multiple experts till you feel
comfortable is also a trait that you possess.

Dating and relationships have their own

challenges for you. Because you are essentially a
practical person, you don’t like the idea of wasting
money on dates. However, as we mentioned, you
will always end up spending money buying gifts
for your special person. You may complain about
how much you’ve had to spend.

However, speaking of marriage, you will tend to

wait and take a long time to settle down because
you will be generally very particular about your
prospects and it takes a process of many
rejections after which you approve of someone to
be worthy of your life partner.

In marriage, issues could arise if you are too

critical of your spouse or get into heated
arguments to get your point across.

With respect to your spouse’s family, there will be

some problem or the other because a lot of
energy is concentrated in that area of your life.
Interestingly, there will be something different
about your in-laws that would be out of the norm
in your family.
Career & Money

As mentioned before, your horoscope shows that

you have the best planetary positions that are
suitable for success at work. There will be
challenges, too because the Kanya lagna energy
primarly relates with making a lot of efforts but it
is through this very journey that you will find that
you are coming close to feeling strong and
ultimately securing a successful career for

You will have a great career and this is due to

many reasons that we will share with you here.
First of all, your horoscope shows that work is
worship for you.

You will always value your work commitments and

are someone who upholds the sanctity of their
work ethics.

Making efforts and taking action at work are

things you will not struggle with as per your kundli.

If you do a job with a company, you can be

expected to be the most committed person on
the team.

The lagna in your kundli shows that you are

essentially a service-oriented person. Serving a
collective goal or following instructions of a leader
of an organization is something that you will be
inherently good at.

Therefore, jobs or even businesses where you are

able to provide some sort of service to others, will
suit you more. You will be successful in the service

However, you have the nature to doubt your own

abilities and this becomes the single-most force
that pulls you down.

Your horoscope reveals that you will be prone to

self-doubt or even suffering from the imposter
syndrome. Therefore, this is something you will
need to actively work on.

Also, you have a tendency to always allow others

to take the spotlight and you are too eager to give
others the credit for the hard-work that you have
done. However, this is also a cause for a lot of
frustrations for you. You will expect others to
praise or applaud you but you will have to toot
your own horn.

Your kundli shows that you have a somewhat self-

evasive nature and this can mean you pass
opportunities for promotions at work or bigger
projects on to other people.

Further, you feel uncomfortable when someone

compliments you for your efforts and your work
ethics but that, too, needs to change if you are to
move up in the corporate world.
You see, your horoscope clearly tells us that you
are a King-maker. This indicates that the
company you are working for or the boss you
report to will benefit greatly from your sincerity
and hard-work.

They will not give you your dues and this will hurt
you, too. The message of the planets here is for
you to be slightly self-centered as far as your
career is concerned.

The biggest frustrations you can face is when you

feel that no one cares for your needs and they
only care about how much you are contributing to
your work.

You will be street-smart and wise and will be very

resourceful when it comes to your work or
business. Your professional success will come
largely due to your superb communication skills.

This could entail that you either enjoy being a

successful writer, a journalist or even a lawyer. But
you will have success in writing short pieces of
articles, stories or the like.

At your workplace, you are a person who will be

greatly respected and valued.

When we talk about finances and money, your

lagna kundli shows that you will be practical and
pragmatic in money-matters. You will be good at
saving your money and consolidating your
personal financial resources.
But for you, earning a consistent salary or making
profits consistently might prove to be somewhat
challenging as per your horoscope. This is
because of the influence of Moon which creates
fluctuations in your salary or income.

But this instability will completely settle down with

time because we can see that you will be
financially very well-off.

Importantly, your horoscope shows that somehow

or the other, your needs will always be taken care
of by the higher powers or the Universal energy.

You are very particular about your working style. In

many respects, you are a perfectionist. However,
interpersonal relationships can suffer because
you will have sudden outbursts at work where you
may get angry or too critical of your colleagues.

You are extremely detail-oriented at your work

and this will ensure that you complete your
projects on time and don’t make any mistakes.
These traits do indicate that you will get rewards
and accolades in your office for sure.

Also, overworking and stiff work commitments can

lead you to neglect your health and also cause
health problems. That’s why you will have to
balance work and life more consciously.

Your horoscope also shows that you will have high

chance of success when living, studying or
working abroad or away from your place of birth.
You are very practical by nature and your superior
domain knowledge makes you a successful
professional who is great at managing,
coordinating, organizing and getting resources

Defined work roles and organizational policies are

important because you don’t like things like that
to be haphazard or vague.

Professional success, therefore, is assured in your

life. It can also be that you may do some job or
work in a cause-driven sector or where a large
number of people are impacted by the work.

Lastly, it is guaranteed that you will bring a lot of

positive change to your company, office or
Karmic Life Lessons

In this interesting section, we will share the most

important life lessons that you are supposed to or
are meant to learn in this lifetime. This is as per an
in-depth analysis of your birth-chart and
nakshatra kundli.

These life lessons are karmic in nature and hence,

they will be tough lessons for you to learn or follow
in your life because of long-standing karmic
patterns. However, as you begin to incorporate
these lessons that are contained in your
horoscope, you will see subtle but remarkable
changes in your life and will witness your karmic
patterns dissolving.

Please note that some karmic life lessons may

appear too simplistic and you may want to not
pay heed to them because they require
introspection and changing your behaviour or
habitual responses. But they are extremely
important and significant life lessons that will lead
to wonderful growth and development in your life.

There were times that you wondered why you

behaved in a certain way or why you said
something mean or hurtful when you could have
controlled your response. This is because these
responses are originating in your karmic patterns
which are behaviours that are ingrained in your
subconscious because of the planetary influences
in your birth-chart and nakshatra kundli.

You may also wonder why certain events or

certain type of people keep re-appearing in your
life. This too, is a karmic pattern that can be
resolved when you start applying the karmic life
lessons given below.

From a deeper analysis of your birth-chart we can

see that your married life will be good but it is also
possible that your spouse is somewhat
conservative by nature. Therefore, the karmic life
lesson for you is to not function from a
conservative but an expansive state of mind.

Otherwise, your nature will be to become too self-

obsessed or selfish, thereby leading you to give in
to narrowmindedness. These are subtle traits but
you can be mindful of not falling prey to these
negative life tendencies.

Also, your kundli shows that you get fascinated

with things that are not materially useful to you.
Therefore, the karmic life lesson would be to use
your time and attention wisely and not get too
carried away in accumulating information that
you find no use for. This will otherwise cause you
to have problems in focussing on important
things that require your attention.

Another interesting thing that comes to light in

your horoscope analysis is that people will try to
feed your ears and manipulate you. You will need
to be mindful of not indulging in gossip because
you will have the nature towards that.

Lastly, your kundli shows that you can get quite

stubborn or fixated in your views and opinions.
Sometimes, you don’t allow change to come into
your life because of your ways. So the karmic life
lesson for you is to be more flexible in your views
and allow yourself to change positively.
Your Strongest Motivator in Life

As per your horoscope, your greatest motivator in

life is Artha, which refers to economic need. This
refers to the fact that for you, it will be important
to ensure that economically, you are independent
and have all your material needs met and fulfilled.

In other words, the strongest motivator for you is

going to be your desire to be materially successful
in life. This shows that financial security and
stability will have the strongest force to drive you
in life.

Unfortunately, there is a misconception that

money is the root of all evil or that material
comforts obstruct your spiritual growth in life but
that is completely false and misguided. In fact,
real spirituality is where you live in abundance on
all levels because you feel aligned with the
Universal benevolent forces.

As per your horoscope, it is also seen that striving

to accumulate material wealth will perhaps not
be something that you had set out to do in your
initial days. It is something that you will invariably
see as the strong power that forces you to re-
evaluate your decisions and act accordingly.

At the same time, Artha refers to feeling financially

or materially comfortable. Having said that, it
should be kept in mind that desires can also be
endless and one’s pursuit of material success and
sometimes stem from base emotions like greed or
deep-seated insecurities. This is where you will
have to distinguish and use this motivator wisely
in your life.

Lastly, the planetary energy in your horoscope

indicates that you are meant to work towards
fulfillment of your material goals and to ensure
that your material needs are met and taken care
of in this life.
Colors and Gemstones

Lucky Colors

As per your horoscope, the lucky colors for you are

Green, Off-White and Pastel Pink.

You can wear clothes or even accessories of the

above colors so that you are in alignment with the
positive energy of the planets in your horoscope.

Lucky Gemstones

As per your horoscope, the lucky gemstone for

you is Emerald.
Celebrities Who Share Your

Shahjahan (Mughal Emperor)

Abigail Johnson (Businesswoman)
Britney Spears (Singer-Songwriter)
Diane Keaton (Actress)
Sarah Palin (US Politician)
Kareena Kapoor Khan (Actress)
Manisha Koirala (Actress)
Melanie Griffith (Actress)
Medha Patkar (Activist)
Saif Ali Khan (Actor)
Denzel Washington (Actor)
K.K. Birla (Industrialist)
Prince Edward (British Royalty)
Rajnikanth (Actor)
Vijay Mallya (Businessman)
Tony Blair (UK Politician)
Shatrughan Sinha (Actor & Politician)
Abhinav Bindra (Olympic Medalist-Shooter)
Shah Rukh Khan (Actor)
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