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of Printed Pages : 4 I MSO 002-


Term-End Examination
June, 2019
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Answer any five of the following questions in

about 500 words each. Answer at least two
questions from each section. All questions carry
equal marks.


1. Distinguish between methods and methodologies

in social science research. 20

2. What is epistemology ? Explain its place in social

science research. 20

3. What is a case study ? Discuss how it is used in

social research. 20

4. Discuss the significance of reliability of data

according to Kirk and Miller. 20

5. Discuss the significance of the feminist

perspective in social science research. 20

MSO-002 1 P.T.O.

6. What is hermeneutics ? Explain how it is used as

a method in social research. 20

7. What is survey research ? Discuss its strengths

and limitations. 20

8. What is a hypothesis ? Discuss the steps

involved in testing a hypothesis. 20

9. In what way does the Internet help in data

collection ? Discuss. 20

10. Discuss the role of ethics while conducting social

science research. 20

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arrwr Ar14R I 20

3. %-fr aivErzrq -471-r t ?*114.11 7111T 4 wilf 51t1 4 1 t-14

14)11 ?wq.fAr4R I 20

4. '1414) (Kirk) 140( i argrR

fdqcm-flemr*IiTer At tri-A-R I 20

5. fdom 7hti 4 Tft-4r4t tria4a 1

aaf A=tr-A7 I 20

MSO-002 3 P.T.O.
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*Cr-4R 1 20

8. kiRar-411 VEIT t ?lifka,(-.4-11-trfraTur TrPed-d- -qv! .

-ttr-4R I *zr 20

9. 34-4 cnt4 > ie.(4d f cm{ k-i1 NqqAIR Trrka.

~~ dT t?vi I 20

10. tip-il Act, id i4 ant;- TITRE mar 1ti-rwr

417 I
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MSO-002 4 17,000

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