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NAMA : Muhammad Fadli fausi

NIM : F021221040
PRODI : Sastra Daerah

Exercise 6
Skim the article from a travel magazine about "jet lag." (Jet lag is your body's reaction to
a long plane trip across time zones.) Read the questions and then skim the article for the
answers. Work
as quickly as you can. (Not more than two minutes for the skimming!)
According to this article, is jet lag worse when you travel eastward or westward? Why?
What causes jet lag?
What can you do to minimize jet lag?
Is there any quick cure for jet lag?
1.This means that, for most travelers, the effects of jet lag are less severe on trips toward
the west, because the travel is fol lowing the sun. In traveling toward the east, the body
must adjust by shortening its day, going against the body's natural tendency. This
explains why trips from west to east often result in greater suffer ing from jet lag.
2. Dr. Minsky points out that there are three pri mary causes of jet lag, and of these, two
are avoidable. First, people often wear themselves out getting ready for a trip, so they are
already exhausted when they get on the plane. Second, long distance travelers often have
a couple of drinks to pass the time. The alcohol can cause stomach distress and interfere
with getting a good night's sleep.The third and unavoidable cause of jet lag is the fact that
long distance air travel upsets your internal biological clock. Dr. Alvin Lacy, chief of
general medicine at Northern Medical College. explains that our inner clock controls our
cycle of sleeping and waking 3.-Get plenty of rest and eat healthy meals prior to taking a
long flight.
-On the plane, set your watch to your desti nation's time immediately. Then allow that
time to

guide your behavior. During the trip, eat and sleep according to the new time zone. Once
you arrive, begin to follow a normal routine for that time zone. Try not to take naps.Set
an alarm clock to wake you in the morning.
Spend time outside during the day, and sleep at night.
-Avoid sleeping pills, alcohol, or other drugs that you do not normally use.
4.Many people believe that there must be some quick and easy cure for jet la-and, in fact,
all kinds of cures have been popularized, from vitamins to special diets, but research has
shown that none of these are very effective. However, Dr. Minsky assures travelers that if
they follow certain common sense strategies.

Exercise 7
Is this writer hopeful or discouraged about the future? How can you tell?
Answer:It seems that the author discouraged about the future, we can find it out from the
first paragraph if the humanity species doubles its number by 2050 to nearly 11 billion
and the author projecting all the worst occurs such as countless millions will become
enviromental refugess swamping the nation that tried to conserve their nature resource
like soil, water and forest and also the grand-grand children would be live with lack of
resource and would face some extreme wheather.
What are some negative effects of population growth, according to this author?
Answer: If the population keeps growing at the current rate , million lives-form
could become extinct, it could bring extreme extinctions Also there will be huge
market fails such as over demand, thus causes high price for food, oil and other
earthly resources. What does this author say must be done to avoid disaster?

Answer: to avoid this disaster the world have to reduce burden placed on the biosphire by
rising human numbers and the life style of rich nations . The affluent nations must have
move their economy rapidly toward patterns lf production and consumption , poorer
nations must make monumental efforts to remove incentives for people to have large
families. This will require massive social change, better education and and improved
access to family planning.

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