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TIME: 1: 40 HRS

CANDIDATE’S NUMBER…………………………………………………………………
SCHOOL NAME..................................................................................................................
WARD ..................................................................................................................................

1. This paper consists of six written pages.
2. This paper consists of sections A,B and C which makes a total of seven (7) questions with thirty five
(35) items.
3. Answer all questions in each section.
4. Remember to fill all the preliminary information.
5. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.


Listening carefully to the passage read by the invigilator and then answer questions i-v by choosing
letter of correct answer.

1. (i) What is the passage about?

A. Tanzania B. Foodstaffs C. Traditional dancers D. Visitors [ ]
E. Citizens
(ii). Tanzanian citizens are ___________ and welcoming to visitors.
A.Kind B. Helpful C. Warm D. Dancers [ ]
E. People
(iii) Many people from other parts of the world come to visit__________
A. Citizens B. Tanzania C. It [ ]
D. Different groups of traditional dancers E. Beautiful country
(iv) During festevals, Tanzanians prepare different kinds of___________
A. Food B. Drinks C. Sweets D. Coffee [ ]
E. Foodstaffs
(v) Traditional dancers showcase their skills in order to entertain their___
A. Friends B. Tanzanians C. Citizens D. Visitors [ ]
E. People
(v) Traditional dancers showcase their skills in order to entertain their_____
A.Friends B. Tanzanians C. Citizens D. Visitors [ ]
E. People

2. Choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the spaces provided
(i) The children _____ playing football at the moment
A. was B. were C. is D. are [ ]
E. have
(ii) Kamurungi asked, “Did Mushaki _________ the dishes well”?
A. Washing B. Washed C. Washes D. Was washing [ ]
E. Wash
(iii) Kagemro is having a Confirmation ceremony this weekend. Are you...?
(A) inviting (B) invite (C) invite (D) invitation [ ]
(E) invited
(iv) She cut vegetables ___________ a knife
A. are B. with D. for E. on [ ]
(v) My sister __________ to Nairobi last year

(A) went (B) gone (C) will go (D) leave (E) going [ ]

3. Choose the most correct answer in the box.

should they, Thomas', neither...nor, shouldn't they, Water is drunk by everybody, pork, not
only...but..., Water is drinks by everybody, Thomas's

(i) We found the lost car. People said that it belongs to Thomas. It is _______________________ car.

(ii) They like__________________________ Reading______________________Writing and that is why

they are the laziest pupils in our class

(iii) They should play here________________________________________?

(iv) “Everybody drinks water, change into passive voice______________________________________

(v) Beef is to cow as___________________________________________is to pig.

4. Match the following items from the table given from LIST A corresponding to LIST B by writing the
letter on the space given.

i. Pity ( ) A. Something that you own.

ii. Cruel ( ) B. Causing pain and suffering.

iii. Torture ( ) C. The act or practice of inflicting pain or suffering on someone

as a punishment.

iv. Realise ( ) D. A person who lacks knowledge.

v. Scavenge ( ) E. Suddenly begin to understand.

F. Felling of sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of other.

G. Search through things that other people do not want.

SECTION B: (20 marks)
5. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words [ for, so, yet, or ]

(i) Organic chicks are free to go anywhere________________are kept for meat.

(ii) Ajuna went home, ____________________she wanted to rest.

(iii) Chakupewa wanted to go home________________he called a taxi.

(iv) You can be a queen________________a king, but you can't be free.

(v) Eagle did not drink alcohol________________ he did not want to be poor.

6. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow:
Thomas is a boy of nine years old. He stays at Katoke. He lives with his uncle. He is in class seven
at Katoke primary school. His friends are Francis, Evance, Sophia, Anna and Irene. Thomas’ class
has ten pupils. He likes playing football. When he goes back home, he helps his uncle by feeding
cattle. After doing his homework, he watches cartoons as he waits for supper.


(i) How old is Thomas? ___________________________________

(ii) Which game does Thomas prefer? _________________________

(iii) What does he do after going homework? ___________________

(iv) With whom doesThomas live?______________________________

(v) In which school is Thomas studying?_________________________


7. Re-arrange the following sentences to make a good composition by giving them letters A, B, C,
D, and E.

(i) Before he left he cooked some food. [ ]

(ii) Then he left. [ ]

(iii) He put the rest of the meat in his cupboard. [ ]

(iv) He ate some of it and gave some to his dog. [ ]

(v) One day Mr. Temba went to the bush to hunt. [ ]


Tanzania is a beautiful country. Many people from other parts of the world come to see its beauty.
Tanzanian citizens are warm and welcoming to visitors.

During festivals, Tanzanians prepare different kinds of food staffs. Different groups of traditional
dancers showcase their skills in order to entertain their visitors. I encourage any one who has never
been to Tanzania to visit it.

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