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Question: Write down the space law and policy for Pakistan.

Name: Aqsa Zahoor

Reg. no: 200601033
Submitted to: Dr Qamar-ul-islam

Title: Islamic Republic of Pakistan Space Act of 2024.

Chapter 1: General Provisions

➢ Article1: Purpose and Objectives,

o Peaceful Exploration and Use of Outer Space: Emphasize the peaceful nature of space activities and commitment
to using outer space for the benefit of all countries, free from weaponization.
o Scientific Discovery and Research: Encourage space exploration for scientific research, knowledge advancement,
and technological innovation, contributing to a better understanding of the universe.
o International Collaboration: Foster international cooperation and collaboration in space activities, promoting the
sharing of knowledge, resources, and technologies for mutual benefit.
o National Security and Defense: Safeguard national security interests in space while emphasizing the peaceful use
of space for defense-related activities, such as satellite reconnaissance and communication.
o Technological Advancement: Support the development and advancement of space technologies, contributing to
economic growth, job creation, and competitiveness in the global space sector.
o Space Commercialization: Encourage private sector involvement in space activities, including satellite launches,
space tourism, and commercial exploitation of space resources, while ensuring regulatory oversight.
o Education and Public Outreach: Promote education and public awareness about space, inspiring the next
generation of scientists, engineers, and space enthusiasts.
o Human Spaceflight: Develop capabilities for human space exploration, including crewed missions to space
stations, the Moon, and beyond, fostering national pride and international prestige.
o Global Connectivity: Support the development and deployment of space-based communication systems to
enhance global connectivity and bridge digital divides.
o Space Diplomacy: Utilize space activities as a tool for diplomatic engagement and soft power, building
international partnerships and collaborations.
o Emergency Response and Disaster Management: Use space assets for monitoring and responding to natural
disasters, providing critical data for disaster management and humanitarian relief efforts.

Chapter 2: National Space Agency

➢ Section 2.1: Coordination: The Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) must be responsible
for coordinating and regulating the space activities of Pakistan.

Chapter 3: Licensing and Authorization

➢ Section 3.1: Licensing Process: The Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) is hereby
designated as the licensing authority for space activities within the jurisdiction of Pakistan.
o Types of Licenses: a. SUPARCO shall issue licenses for the following types of space activities:
i. Satellite launches
ii. Spacecraft operations
iii. Space research and exploration missions
iv. Other activities fall within the purview of space law and international treaties.
o Application Process:
a. Any entity or individual intending to engage in space activities under the jurisdiction of Pakistan, including SUPARCO
itself, shall submit a detailed application to SUPARCO.
b. The application shall include, but not be limited to:
i. Purpose and objectives of the space activity
ii. Technical specifications and details of the spacecraft or launch vehicle.
iii. Orbital parameters and intended trajectory.
iv. Environmental impact assessment

v. Risk mitigation measures

vi. Any other information deemed necessary by SUPARCO.
o Review and Approval:
a. SUPARCO shall conduct a thorough review of each application to ensure compliance with national laws and
b. The licensing decision shall be communicated to the applicant within a reasonable timeframe, and any necessary
conditions or restrictions shall be specified.
o Compliance with International Treaties:
a. All space activities conducted under the authority of SUPARCO must comply with relevant international treaties and
agreements to which Pakistan is a party.
b. SUPARCO shall take measures to ensure that licensed activities do not violate the principles of international law
governing outer space, including but not limited to the Outer Space Treaty, Liability Convention, and Registration
o Period of Validity: Licenses issued by SUPARCO shall be valid for a specified period, and any changes to the approved
space activity must be communicated and re-evaluated by SUPARCO.
o Revocation of License:
SUPARCO reserves the right to revoke or suspend a license if the licensee fails to comply with the conditions outlined
in the license or violates any applicable laws or international agreements.
b. An entity or individual aggrieved by a licensing decision may appeal to the designated appellate authority, as in

Chapter 4: Space Activities and Exploration

➢ Section 4.1: Permissible Activities: SUPARCO authorizes the following types of space activities within the jurisdiction of

i. Satellite launches for communication, Earth observation, scientific research, and other peaceful
ii. Spacecraft operations, including satellite deployments, orbital maneuvers, and interplanetary
iii. Space research and exploration missions, such as lunar or planetary probes and space telescopes.
iv. Remote sensing activities for environmental monitoring, disaster management, and resource
v. international collaborations in space science, technology, and exploration.

Chapter 5: International Cooperation

➢ Section 5.1: Collaboration

o Encourages collaboration with international entities for peaceful space exploration and research.

Chapter 6: Space Debris Mitigation

➢ Section 6.1: Debris Management

o General Principles: Parties engaging in space activities within the jurisdiction of Pakistan shall adhere to these
guidelines for the mitigation of space debris and the minimization of environmental impact.
o Prevention of Space Debris Generation: Spacecraft and launch vehicles must be designed to minimize the
creation of space debris during all phases of their lifecycle and operators shall use propulsion systems, staging,
and other technologies to prevent the unintentional release of debris.
o Post-Mission Disposal:
a. Operators shall develop and implement plans for the safe and controlled disposal of space objects at the end of
their operational life.

b. Disposal plans shall conform to international best practices and guidelines for minimizing long-term space
o Orbital Altitude Considerations: For missions in low Earth orbit (LEO), operators are encouraged to choose
disposal altitudes that facilitate rapid orbital decay and for missions in higher orbits, operators shall adopt
measures to minimize the risk of collision with other space objects.
o Debris Monitoring and Collision Avoidance: a. Operators shall employ tracking and monitoring systems to assess
and predict potential collisions with other space objects. b. Collision avoidance maneuvers shall be executed when
necessary to prevent conjunctions with active satellites or debris.
o Space Object Registration:
a. All space objects launched by entities within Pakistan's jurisdiction must be registered with an international
registry, following the Registration Convention.
b. The registration information shall include details necessary for collision avoidance and space situational
o Public Availability of Data: Non-sensitive information related to space debris mitigation efforts and orbital
parameters of active satellites shall be made publicly available, contributing to global space transparency.
o Environmental Impact Assessment: Applicants for space activities must conduct an Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) to evaluate potential environmental effects beyond space debris, including the impact on
ecosystems, air quality, and water resources.
o Mitigation of Other Environmental Impacts: Measures shall be taken to minimize the environmental impact of
space activities, including the use of environmentally friendly propellants and materials, as well as adherence to
relevant environmental laws.
o Continuous Improvement and Innovation: Entities engaged in space activities are encouraged to invest in
research and development for innovative technologies that further enhance space debris mitigation and
environmental sustainability.
o International Cooperation: Pakistan shall actively collaborate with international partners, organizations, and
forums to contribute to the development and implementation of global standards for space debris mitigation and
environmental protection.

Chapter 7: Liability and Insurance

➢ Section 7.1: Liability

o Liability for Space Activities:
a. Entities engaging in space activities within the jurisdiction of Pakistan shall be liable for any damage caused to
third parties, both in outer space and on Earth, because of their space activities.
b. Liability extends to government space activities, commercial entities, and international collaborative ventures.
o Strict Liability Standard: A strict liability standard shall be applied, making space operators liable for damage
without the need to prove fault or negligence and this liability standard is by international treaties to which
Pakistan is a party, including the Liability Convention.
o Financial Responsibility:
a. Space operators shall maintain financial responsibility to cover potential liability arising from their space
b. Financial responsibility may be demonstrated through insurance coverage, financial guarantees, or other means
deemed acceptable by the designated authority.
o Insurance Requirements:
a. Space operators are required to obtain and maintain insurance coverage for their space activities.
b. The insurance coverage shall be under the following minimum requirements:
i. Coverage for liability to third parties, including damage to space objects, in-space collision, and damage
to Earth's surface.
ii. Adequate coverage for potential environmental damage resulting from space activities.
iii. Insurance coverage for the entire duration of the space activity, from launch to final disposition.

o Verification of Insurance: Before granting a license for a space activity, the licensing authority (SUPARCO) shall
verify that the space operator has obtained and continues to maintain the required insurance coverage, and the
proof of insurance coverage shall be submitted as part of the licensing application.
o Financial Security Alternatives: Space operators may, with approval from SUPARCO, demonstrate financial
responsibility through alternative means such as escrow accounts, surety bonds, or other instruments that
guarantee the availability of funds to cover potential liabilities.
o Periodic Review and Adjustment: Insurance requirements may be subject to periodic review and adjustment by
SUPARCO to ensure that they remain commensurate with evolving risks and international standards.
o International Cooperation on Liability: a. Pakistan shall cooperate with international partners to address issues
related to liability for space activities, including harmonizing liability standards and facilitating cross-border
cooperation in cases of damage.
o Exemptions and Limitations: Specific exemptions or limitations to liability may be considered on a case-by-case
basis, considering the nature and purpose of the space activity, as well as international agreements.
o Reporting of Incidents: Space operators shall promptly report any space activity-related incidents that may result
in liability to SUPARCO and relevant national and international authorities.

Chapter 8: National Security

➢ Section 8.1: National Security Considerations

o National Security Oversight: SUPARCO acknowledges the critical importance of national security in space
activities and shall coordinate closely with relevant national security agencies to address and mitigate potential
threats and the National security considerations shall be considered during the licensing and approval process for
space activities.
o Classified Space Activities: Certain space activities, when deemed necessary for national security, may be
classified. SUPARCO, in coordination with national security agencies, has the authority to classify space missions
and restrict access to sensitive information.
o Security Clearance Requirements: Individuals involved in sensitive aspects of space activities, including the
design, development, and operation of classified missions, must undergo appropriate security clearance
procedures. Security clearances shall be granted based on established criteria and standards to ensure the
protection of sensitive information.
o Protection of Launch Sites and Facilities:
a. Launch sites and space facilities shall be designated as restricted areas with controlled access to prevent
unauthorized entry.
b. Security measures, including surveillance, perimeter control, and personnel screening, shall be implemented to
safeguard launch infrastructure.
o Secure Communication Protocols: Space operators, including satellite communication systems, must utilize
secure and encrypted communication protocols to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized interception.
o Data Encryption and Transmission Security: Measures shall be implemented to encrypt sensitive data
transmitted between ground control stations, satellites, and other space assets to prevent unauthorized access or
o International Security Cooperation: Pakistan, in collaboration with international partners, shall engage in
information-sharing mechanisms related to space security to address mutual concerns and contribute to global
o Cybersecurity Measures:
a. Space operators and SUPARCO shall implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect space-related
information systems from cyber threats and attacks.
b. Regular cybersecurity assessments and audits shall be conducted to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of
sensitive information.
o Non-Disclosure Agreements: Entities and individuals involved in sensitive space activities shall be required to sign
non-disclosure agreements to legally bind them to maintain confidentiality and prevent the unauthorized
disclosure of sensitive information.

o Oversight and Compliance Monitoring: SUPARCO shall establish mechanisms to oversee compliance with
national security measures, including routine audits and inspections of space facilities and operations.
o Appropriate Legal Framework: Legal provisions shall be in place to prosecute individuals or entities engaged in
unauthorized access, disclosure, or sabotage of sensitive information related to space activities.

Chapter 9: Enforcement and Penalties

➢ Section 9.1: Compliance

o Violation of Licensing Conditions:
a. Any entity found in violation of the conditions stipulated in the space activity license issued by SUPARCO shall
be subject to penalties.
b. Penalties may include fines, suspension of current licenses, or denial of future licenses, as deemed appropriate
by the licensing authority.
o Unauthorized Space Activities:
a. Engaging in space activities without obtaining the required license from SUPARCO is strictly prohibited.
b. Individuals or entities found conducting unauthorized space activities shall face penalties, including fines and
possible imprisonment.
o Non-Compliance with National Security Measures:
a. Non-compliance with national security measures outlined in Article 8.1 shall result in penalties, with severity
commensurate with the nature of the violation.
b. Penalties may include fines, license suspension, or legal action based on the impact on national security.
o Unauthorized Access to Classified Information:
a. Unauthorized access to classified space information, including classified space missions, launch details, and
satellite capabilities, shall be treated as a serious offense.
b. Penalties may include imprisonment, fines, and legal action, with consideration for the potential national
security implications.
o False Information and Misrepresentation:
a. Providing false information during the licensing process or misrepresenting facts related to space activities shall
lead to penalties.
b. Penalties may include fines, license suspension or revocation, and legal consequences for intentional
o Appeals Process:
a. Entities or individuals subject to penalties have the right to appeal the decision.
b. An appeals process, as outlined in relevant sections of the space law, shall provide an opportunity for a fair and
impartial review of the case.
o Coordination with Law Enforcement:
a. SUPARCO shall collaborate with law enforcement agencies to enforce penalties and take appropriate legal
action against violators of space law.
b. Coordination may include sharing information, conducting joint investigations, and ensuring compliance with
legal procedures.

Chapter 10: Amendments and Review

➢ Section 10.1: Periodic Review

o Provides for periodic reviews and amendments to the space law to ensure it remains current and effective when

~~~***---THE END---***~~~

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