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7/10/2024 Biology

Biology : Foundations of Biology : 01.01 Exploring Life

What is Science?
Science is our knowledge of the natural world and the process through which that
knowledge is built. This body of knowledge consists of information gathered over
thousands of years and is the result of observation, inquiry, rational thinking, and
questioning. It has developed from group efforts and individual discoveries.

Science as a whole is not easily described in a simple definition, but we can broadly
describe it by using a set of characteristics. What are some of the characteristics that
describe science?

Science attempts to explain natural phenomena by

analyzing and observing the world and testing ideas
about it.

Science must be able to answer a testable question,

using observation and experimentation. Investigations
must produce empirical evidence that can be observed
or measured to be considered science.

Empirical evidence can be replicated, or reproduced, and

verified by other scientists if they conduct the same
tests under the same conditions.

The more an experiment is repeated, with the same

outcomes, the more reliable the evidence becomes.
Evidence without bias also increases reliability.

Science is an ever-changing body of knowledge as new

observations are made through experimentation. As
new information is discovered, new evidence can add to
current evidence, allowing scientists to improve their

Testable vs Not Testable

Before you can begin a scientific investigation, you have to ask testable questions that have
observable answers. The simplest way to determine if the information you are reading is
based on science or not is to review the question being asked. There are just some
questions that science cannot answer. Here are a couple of things you can look for to
determine if a question can be answered with science: 1/3
7/10/2024 Biology

If the question is asking about an opinion or a moral value, it is not something that
can be measured using a scientific process. Therefore, it cannot be answered with
If the answer to the question cannot be tested and observed, it is not considered

See if you can identify the sample questions that can be tested by science.

Is it Testable

Categorize each of the list items as testable or non-testable.

What gives a person's life meaning?

How long does it take water to freeze?
Why should we value the environment?
Should mining for phosphates be stopped?
What career should I pursue after I graduate?
What gases make up the atmosphere of Earth?
What are the effects of high winds during a hurricane?
How many people live in an area prone to earthquakes?
Should the use of coal and other fossil fuels be banned?
To what extent has climate changed over the past 100 years?

 Check your answers

Did you know?

Science involves creativity. Many people think that science just involves following
a series of steps, with no room for creativity and inspiration. To the contrary, most
scientists describe creative thinking as one of the more important skills they
have. That creativity is used to develop an alternative hypothesis, to devise a new
way of testing an idea, or to look at old data in a new light. Creativity is very
important to the scientific process!

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