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A New Electronic Feedback Compensation Method

for Rate Integrating Gyroscopes

Parsa Taheri-Tehrani1, A. Dorian Challoner2, Oleg Izyumin3, Bernhard Boser3, and David Horsley1
University of California, Davis, CA, USA, 2Inertialwave Inc., USA and 3University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA

Abstract— Towards the objective of a rate integrating (a) (b)

gyroscope (RIG) without a minimum rate threshold and
Axis A
performance limited only by electrical and mechanical thermal
noise, we present our progress on a new, generalized electronic
feedback method for the compensation of resonator damping
asymmetry (anisodamping) and stiffness asymmetry
Axis B
(anisoelasticity) with a new method of RIG operation using
self-precession. This enables overcoming the precession
angle-dependent bias error and minimum rate threshold, two
issues identified by Lynch for a MEMS RIG [1]. To correct Fig. 1: (a) SEM picture of the DRG (b) resonance mode
angle-dependent bias, we augment the electronic feedback force of shapes of the 2θ wineglass modes.
the amplitude regulator with a non-unity gain output distribution On the other hand, anisodamping error has the same phase as
matrix selected to correct for anisodamping. Using this method, Coriolis force, its direct cancellation still has limited success [8].
we have decreased the angle dependent bias error by a factor of
30, resulting a minimum rate threshold of 3.5 dps. To further In this paper, we present a disk resonator gyroscope (DRG)
improve RIG performance, an electronically-induced self- (Fig. 1) with a ring-down time 10,000 times shorter (0.1s),
precession rate is incorporated and successfully demonstrated to frequency 50 times higher (250 kHz) and resonator volume
lower the rate threshold. The RIG’s output noise is also evaluated, 1,875,000 times smaller than the classical 30 mm quartz HRG
demonstrating an ARW of 11 mdps/√Hz, similar to rate gyro (600 μm in diameter) in whole-angle mode operation first
operation at same amplitude. presented in [2], with an electronic feedback method for
anisodamping compensation. The control algorithms are
Keywords — Rate integrating gyroscope; anisodamping implemented at based-band using a modification of our earlier
compensation; disk resonator gyroscope; whole-angle mode; controller using the method of averaging [4]. In addition, a
quadrature cancellation; self-precession
method of RIG operation with a continual self-precession
I. INTRODUCTION rate [5] is investigated to facilitate identification and
compensation of general anisotropy, improve gyroscope
MEMS vibratory gyroscopes operates based on Coriolis performance and eliminate the threshold rate. Furthermore, the
force coupling between two distinct resonance modes of a single noise characterization of RIG is studied and compared with the
resonator and can be divided to two operational modes: 1- rate RG performance of the same device.
mode (RG) in which angular rate is measured and 2- rate
integrating mode (RIG) in which the angle is measured. In RG, II. CONTROL APPROACH
one of the resonance modes is driven as the drive mode and the
The FPGA-based stand-alone platform presented in [2] is
Coriolis force caused by rotation induces vibration in the other
used to carry on the experiments on the RIG. The block diagram
resonance mode whose amplitude gives a measure of rotation
of this platform is illustrated in Fig. 2: the digital hardware
rate. On the other hand, in RIG, both modes are driven, so an
including phase-lock loop, modulation, and demodulation are
angle dependent energy controller, or more generally viewed as
implemented in an FPGA using Verilog programming language
common mode velocity feedback [1], can be implemented to
with reference clock of 200 MHz. The control algorithms are
allow free precession of vibration angle between two resonance
implemented in a softprocessor embedded in the FPGA with a
modes [2]. In RG, the scale factor is dependent on Q factor of
sampling rate of 1600 Hz. The 16 bit DACs and ADCs have a
the sense mode and vibration amplitude of the drive mode, and
sampling rate of 2 MHz.
increasing either of them will increase scale factor and as result
decrease noise (ARW) of the gyroscope [3]. Unlike RG, in RIG, A. Energy and quadrature control
the scale factor is independent of quality factor and the Methods for open-loop anisoelasticity compensation has
amplitude of vibration, and is only dependent on geometry of been comprehensively studied in [6,7]. However; further closed-
the resonator through Coriolis coupling between two resonance loop feedback control [1-4] is needed to compensate for the
modes known as angular gain [2]. residual anisoelasticity. The anisoelasticity error also known as
Major sources of error in RIG comes from anisoelasticity quadrature can be quantified using equation 1:
and anisodamping. The former can be traditionally solved using Q  2xc ys  yc xs  (1)
a quadrature cancellation loop [4], which is also adopted here.

978-1-4673-6939-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

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(a) (a) (c)


(b) (c)

Fig. 3: (a) Gyro output with 200 dps rate applied with rate
table. (b) Residual error before and after compensation. (c)
Fourier components of error before and after compensation.
The dominant error terms are 2θ and 4θ harmonics.
modes, and θ is the angle (sensor’s output). Equation (4) shows
Fig. 2: (a) Block diagram of the RIG controller. (b) Measured the modified matrix G in which δτ (anisodamping error) and θτ
controller performance. Energy is controlled at an amplitude (primary axis of damping) is used to calculate its value.
of 70 nm, and the Q/E ratio is 0.004. (c) Measured bandwidths
The anisodamping error can be characterized through
of the energy controller (140 Hz) and the quadrature several test presented in [2]. In this paper, we use a method by
controller (105 Hz). applying a rate to calculate the anisodamping value and primary
where, xc and x s are in-phase and quadrature portions of the X axis of damping. Due to existence of anisodamping, the angle
axis resonance mode signal after demodulation and yc and y s precession measured from gyroscope includes 2θ angle
dependent error. By subtracting a linear fit (Fig. 3 (a)) from the
are in-phase and quadrature portions of the Y axis. The rate output and performing Fourier analysis on the residual (Fig.
anisodamping error and its compensation will be discussed later 3 (b)), the nθ components of the residual can be calculated. Also
in the paper. frequency sweeps in both X and Y axis confirms a 13.3%
In addition to closed-loop controller used to null difference in quality factor and 12% different in gain of each
anisoelasticity, a closed-loop energy controller is needed to axis due to transducer electrode gap difference and amplifiers
control the oscillation amplitude [2,4]. The energy is calculated gains.
by: After implementation of compensation for anisodamping
E  xc2  xs2  yc2  ys2 (2) and gain difference due to transducer electrode gap difference
and amplifiers gains, the RIG is tested under rate from a rate
The implementation of closed-loop controllers on quadrature table for three different conditions presented in Fig. 4. The figure
and energy, result in measured stabilized quadrature and energy shows the angle dependency of the residual error calculated
for all angles illustrated in Fig. 1 (b). The measured bandwidth using the method presented in Fig. 3, and the measurements are
of the controllers are illustrated in Fig. 1 (c) respectively compared with simulation models made using a modified
showing a BW of 140 Hz and 105 Hz.
B. Anisodamping compensation
To compensate for anisodamping error a modified angle
dependent controller from [4] is used. The modified equation is:
 FEx  cos 
 Ey 

 F   [k p ( E0  E )  k I ( E0  E )dt ]G  
 sin  

 cos sin  
G  I    (4)
 sin  cos 

where equation (3) is the PI controller introduced in [4] if G is

an identity matrix. In this equation E0 is energy set point, kp and Fig. 4: Measured and simulated rate dependence of the
kI are the controller gains, and FEx and FEy are in-phase force residual error: as-fabricated gyro, gain compensated, and
amplitudes to control the energy of the resonator in X and Y anisodamping compensated.

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version of original base-band model presented in [4], showing a (a) (b)
significant reduction in residual error.
C. Phase-Locked loop (PLL)
The reference signal for phase-locked loop (PLL) used in this
work unlike [2] is a combination of signals from axis X and axis
Y. The signals of the feedback loop to the PI controller of the
PLL are shown in equation (5) and (6), Ls being the quadrature
and Lc being in phase portions of L signal: (c)

Ls  2xc xs  yc ys  (5)

Lc  xc2  xs2  yc2  ys2 (6)

With this reference signal the PLL will be always locking to
a signal allowing 360 degree rotation. The PLL block diagram
is illustrated in Fig. 5 (a). Having such a PLL will create an angle
dependent frequency of oscillation which will exchange Fig. 6: (a) 2θ dependence of the quadrature force measured
between resonance of X and Y (Fig. 5(b)). By looking at the and Fourier fit. (b, c) Fourier analysis of the quadrature force
frequency of the NCO as the gyroscope rotates the frequency of to find the primary axis of stiffness.
the modes can be extracted. Fig. 5 (c,d) illustrates the frequency phase forces to the X and Y axes. After re-modulation, these
offset from PLL center frequency, showing a 0.63 Hz difference forces amount to antisymmetric velocity feedback at the
between the two resonance modes of the gyroscope. The 2θ resonator’s natural frequency in our generalized view of RIG
components the amplitude and also direction of the maximum operation and control [5]. The modified energy control equation
and minimum resonances aligned with X and Y axes. selected to apply this approach with our basedband controller is
D. Quadrature error presented in Equation (7):
By measuring the effort needed to cancel the quadrature one ( 2)
can measure the primary axis of stiffness. According to [4], the  FEx   FEx  0  1 cos 
F     ASP    (7)
quadrature cancellation effort should follow a 2θ dependency  Ey   FEy  1 0   sin  
(Fig. 6(a)). Using Fourier series fit (Fig. 6(b)), the primary axis
of stiffness is measured to be 81.1° (Fig. 6(c)). This method of where ASP is the amplitude of the force applied to create the
characterization of quadrature could be potentially used to self-precession rate. A benefit of using this method is that the
compensate for all anisoelasticity using full position matrix noise sources coming from rate table (e.g. vibration and
feedback control in the same manner presented here to electromagnetic interference) are eliminated and the applied rate
compensate for anisodamping. may exceed the limits of the rate table. Most important, the
minimum rate threshold or rate bias can be greatly reduced or
III. PERFORMANCE LIMITS eliminated [5]. Fig. 7(a) illustrates the calibration done with the
A. Self-Precession DRG driven at an amplitude of 70 nm and varying levels of ASP,
resulting in a force sensitivity of 0.000915 nN/dps. This self-
For further characterization of the gyroscope performance, precession test is done for compensated and uncompensated
a method of self-precession rate is used, in which the gyro’s RIG, showing a nonlinearity in uncompensated operation
vibration pattern is precessed at a constant rate by applying in- resulting from anisodamping error. Also the minimum rate in
which the RIG could self-precess is characterized using this
method, resulting in 100 dps for uncompensated and 3.5 dps for
compensated versions showing comparable results to the recent
report of 2.5 dps on a much lower frequency device [8].
However, in terms of compensation effectiveness we note that
our result represents a significant 30X reduction in
anisodamping which appears an order of magnitude more
effective. This performance is also confirmed using rate table
(d) tests showing a 3.5 dps minimum precession rate. To overcome
this compensation residual, an operational self-precession rate
of 725 dps was implemented on the gyroscope and the
gyroscope was tested on a rate table. After applying rates from
50 dps to 500 dps in both directions for 10 full rotations, the
offset of 725 dps self-precession rate was subtracted from the
gyroscope output resulting in a direct angle measurement. The
angular gain, AG, measured in this operation is plotted in Fig. 7
Fig. 5: (a) PLL logic introduced by Lynch and implemented (b), the same as measured for operation without any self-
here. (b) PLL Frequency changes between ω1 and ω2 precession rate. To show the benefit of a RIG operating with
depending on the angle, (c,d) Δf = 0.63 Hz at the operation. self-precession, an inertial rate of 1 dps (previously undetectable

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(a) (a) (b)

(b) (c)

Fig. 8: (a) Residual and residual after subtracting the first 8

Fig. 7: (a) Self-precession calibration, showing a linear harmonics. (b) Residual in dps. (c) Allan deviation plot of RIG
behavior and sensitivity of 0.000915 nN/dps for 70 nm for operation under rate and operation without rate.
amplitude oscillation. (b) Measured angular gain of a RIG
with fixed 725 dps self-precession rate for different rate table scale factor and a rate measurement for 1 dps inertial rate which
is below its anisotropic rate threshold with conventional RIG has
speeds. (c) Net precession, θN=AG∙θI=-θ–AG∙θS due to inertial
been demonstrated for the first time. In addition, noise limits of
rate input of only N =1 dps after calculated self-precession, the RIG have been evaluated to be approaching the same thermal
θS is subtracted from measured (total) precession, θ. noise limits as in RG mode using the same MEMS and
by the gyroscope) in both directions, each for 90 seconds, was electronics.
measured for the first time (Fig. 7(c)). We demonstrate that a ACKNOWLEDGMENT
RIG operated with self-precession can detect input rates below
its compensation residual potentially eliminating rate bias due to This work was supported by DARPA under grant W31P4Q-
anisotropy. 11-1-0003. The authors would like to thank Professor Thomas
Kenny and his research group at Stanford University for device
B. Noise Limits fabrication.
In this paper, we present, for the first time a method to
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