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9. Jane’s classes bore her.

a. Jane’s classes are **boring**.

b. Jane is a **bored** student.

10. An article in the newspaper surprised Mrs. Perez.

a. It was a very **surprising** article to her.

b. Mrs. Perez was very **surprised** when she read it.

11. The loud noise frightened the children.

a. It was a **frightening** sound.

b. The **frightened** children ran into their house.

1. In winter, the weather gets *cold*

2. In summer, the weather gets *hot*.

3. This food is delicious, but I can’t eat any more. I’m getting *full*.

4. I think I’ll go to bed. I’m getting *tired*

5. Let’s stop working and take a break. I’m getting *sleepy*.

6. Sam is wearing one brown sock and one blue sock today. He got *dressed* in a hurry this morning
and didn’t pay attention to the color of his socks.

7. This work has to be done before we leave. We’d better get *busy* and stop wasting time.

8. I didn’t understand Jane’s directions very well, so on the way to her house last night I got *lost*. I
couldn’t find her house.

9. It’s hard to work in a garage and stay clean. Paul’s clothes always get *dirty* from all the grease
and oil.

10. Don’t waste your money gambling. You won’t ever get *rich* that way.

11. Mr. Anderson is losing some of his hair. He’s getting *bald*

12. Was it a bad accident? Did anyone get *hurt*?

13. Calm down! Take it easy! You shouldn’t get so *angry* It’s not good for your blood pressure.

14. When I turned around and around in a circle, I got *dizzy*

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