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kisi kisi english final test

1.the english of
-penyebrangan jalan : Crosswalk
-diantara : between
-belok kanan : turn right
-lampu lalu lintas : traffic light
-stasiun kereta api : train station
-mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah : doing housework
-menyapu lantai : sweep the floor
-pergi jalan jalan : go for a walk

2.the example of transportation in the future!

flying car,jetpack,rocket.

3.the invention of :
-compass : China Han dynasty
-light bulb : Thomas Edison

4.She was filming the game at 2.30 p.m.

5.Salsha always warming up before the game started.

6.After the game,our teacher took us out to celebrating

7.Bayu saw too many endangered animals. Bayu wants to help them by volunteer at animal shelter.

8.the superlative of :
-bright : brightest
-large : largest

9.write 3 activities about :

-helping at home : sweep the floor,mop the floor,set the table
-a school competition : do the long jump,do the high jump,run a marathon

10.Change the senteces below into indirect speech! “We visit elderly people.”
they said that they visited elderly people

11.Make a sentences using comperative degree!

staying at a resort is more enjoyable than staying at a campsite.

12.The team was losing when the referee blew the whistle.

13.Your friend likes to throw rubbish everywhere, you can help him by give advice.

14.The meaning of “I have won a prize once” is

saya pernah memenangkan hadiah sekali

15.There are not enough garbage cans,we could write a letter

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