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. B.R.B.


[ Suggested Investigatory projects]

1- To study various factors of which the internal resistance EMF of a cell depends.
2- To study the Variations in current flowing in a circuit containing an LDR because of a variation in
(a) The power of the incandescent lamp, used to illuminate the LDR (keeping all the lamps at a fixed distance
(b) The distance of a incandescent lamp (of fixed power) used to illuminate the LDR
3- To find the refractive indices of (a) water (b) oil (transparent) using a plane mirror and Equi converging lens (made
from a glass of refractive index) and an adjustable object needle.
4- To investigate the relation between the ratio of (i) output and input voltage and (ii) number of turns in the
Secondary coil and primary coil of a self-designed transformer
# To estimate the change induced on each one of the two identical Styrofoam (or pith) balls suspended in a
Vertical plane by making use of coulomb s law.
5- To investigate the dependence of the angle of deviation on the angle of incidence using a hollow prism filled one
by one with different transparent fluids.
6- To estimate the charge induced on each one of the two identical Styrofoam balls suspended in a
vertical plane by making use of coulomb s law.
7- To study the Factor on which the self-inductance of a coil depends by observing the effect of this coil, when put
in series with a resistor bulb in a circuit fed up by an A.C Source of adjustable frequency.
8- To study the earth s magnetic field using a Compass needle- bar magnet, by plotting magenetic field lines and
tangent galvanometer.

# Each student has to perform one project.
# First of all, investigates the related things, prepare flash cards and arrange synopsis accordingly.


Businees Studies
Roll No Topics
1 Principle of management -A departmental store . V.Mart
2 Element of business environment
3 Marketing - Shampoo
4 Marketing - Sauces/Ketchup
5 Marketing- Inverter
6 Principle of management -A Establishment of fast food centre
7 Marketing -Suitcase/Air bag
8 Marketing -Toothpaste
9 Marketing - Washing Machine
10 Marketing- Tea
11 Stock Exchange
12 Element of business environment
13 Marketing - D.T.H. service
14 Marketing- Noodles in Indian market
15 Principle of management -A ice cream pastor
16 Stock Exchange - Prepare a list of at least of 25 companies listed in stock exchange
17 Marketing- Baby Diapers
18 Element of business environment- The change of import & Export of goods
19 Principle of management -An Industrial unit
20 Marketing - Bathroom cleaner
21 Marketing - Cosmetology products
22 Marketing -present condition of fairness cream in market
23 Principle of management -Establish A fast food corner
24 Marketing - Ladies bag
25 Marketing - Types of lipsticks
26 Marketing - R.O. system
27 Principle of management -A Pizza Hut establishment
28 Marketing -Mixer Grinder
29 Marketing -Toothpaste
30 Principle of management -An Industrial unit
31 Element of business environment
32 Marketing -Suitcase/Air bag
33 Marketing -Toothpaste
34 Marketing - Washing Machine
35 Marketing -Toothpaste
36 Element of business environment
37 Marketing -present condition of fairness cream in market
38 Marketing- Baby Diapers
39 Marketing -Suitcase/Air bag
40 Marketing -Toothpaste
41 Marketing - Washing Machine
42 Element of business environment
43 Marketing- Tea
44 Stock Exchange
45 Marketing - D.T.H. service
46 Marketing- Noodles in Indian market


1 National income
2 Money and its evolution
3 Banking
4 Five year plans
5 Agriculture and green Revolution
6 The Role of India in Foreign trade
7 India Vs China - A critical study
8 Poverty and Unemployment
9 The New Economic policy
10 Calculation of National income
11 Infrastruture in india
12 Human Capital Formation In India
13 LPG reform In India
14 Foreign Exchange and its market
15 Demonetization In India
16 Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy
17 Goods and Service Tax(GST)
18 Sustainable Development
19 Banking System In India
20 Globalisation
21 Agrarian reform In India
22 Poverty -A challenge in India
23 Tax Structure in India
24 Government Budget
25 International Trade
26 Problems of India on the eve of Independence
27 Money and its evolution
28 Green Revolution
29 National income
30 Inflationary Gap and Deflationary Gap
31 Government Budget and its components
32 Foreign Exchange rate
33 Balance of Payment
34 Exessive demand and Deficient demand
35 Tax Structure in India
36 Government Budget
37 International Trade
38 Government Budget and its components
39 Problems of India on the eve of Independence
40 Inflationary Gap and Deflationary Gap
41 Infrastruture in india-A critical evaluation
42 Calculation of National income
43 Infrastruture in india
44 Human Capital Formation In India
45 Relation of Poverty and Unemployment
- Prepare a investigatory project file on any one of the given topic with specific resources
- You have to mention some important Contents like-
(ii).theories and mechanism
(iii).utilisation or need
(iv).economic importance
(vi). bibliography by which you will get help to complete that project
(i).Pollination is necessary event in plants
(ii).fertilization in animals
(iii).ART and infertility
(iv).evolution- necessary for life
(v). DNA – a genetic material
(vi).Central dogma- an important process of life
(vii). r DNA technology and the world
Write all the activities in ultra Bright Learning lab manual only.
List of Activity
Q.1- To verify that the relation R in the set L of all lines in a plane, defined by R = {( ) } is symmetric but
neither reflexive nor transitive.
Q.2- To verify that the relation R in the set L of all lines in a plane, defined by R = *( ) +in an equavalence
Q.3- To demonstrate a function which is not one-one but onto.
Q.4- To find analytically the limit of a function f ( ) at c and also to cheek the continuity of the function at that point.
Q.5- To understand the concepts of decreasing and increasing function.
Q.6- To understand the concept of local Maximum , local minima and point of inflexion.
Q.7- To construct an open box of maximum volume from a given rectangular sheet by cutting equal squares from each
Q.8- To verify that amongst all the rectangles of the same perimeter , the square has the maximum area.
Q.9- To measure the shortest distance between two skew line and verify in analytically.
Q.10- To explain the computation of conditional probability of a given event A , when event B has already accured .
through in example of throwing a pair of dice.

Q.1- Pen down in 120 words about Anees Jung according to the following given key points.
(a) Her education (b) Her life style (c)Her achievements.
(d) Her writing style (e) Her tone in the lesson Lost Spring. [150words]
Q.2-Write your views regarding the misuse of mobile phones. How can we use it to make
ourselves more genius?[150words]
Q.3-How can you say that there are similarities between Saheb e Alam and Mukesh Elaborate
your answer with the help of your text book[ Flamingo]
Q.4-Highlight your views regarding Jack Finney. What does he write in his books ? Which type of
story is the third level? Is it science fiction or a general perception about human
nature? [120words]
Q.5-How did the Tiger King meet his end? What is ironical about his death?
1. The Indus Valley Civilization – Archeological Excavation and New Perspectives.
2. The Revolt of 1857 – Causes, Planning, Coordination, Leadership, Vision of Unity.
3. The History and Culture of the Vedic Period.
Prepare a case study file on any one of the given topic using appropriate methods like
interview, observation and psychological tests.
(i) DomesticViolence
(ii) Alcohol
(iii) Mentalhealth
(iv) Depression
(v) AnxietyDisorder
(vi) Schizophrenia
(vii) Phobia
(viii) Obsessive–CompulsiveDisorder
(ix) SubstanceAbuse
(x) EatingDisorders

Investigatory project
(1). Surface chemistry of colloidal solutions
(2). Extraction of essential oils from fennel seeds, cardamom, and carum
(3). Amount of casein in different milk sample.
(4). Presence of oxalate in guava
(5). Analysis of honey
Water concentration and texture
(6). Study the effects of metal coupling on the rate of corrosion
(7). Effects of voltage and concentration
(8). Study of common food adulterants
(9). Extraction of essential oil from saunf ,Ajwain
(10). Solutions
(11). Electrochemistry
(12). Chemical kinetics
(13). D and f block elements
(14). Coordination compounds
(15). Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
(16). Aldehyde ketones and carboxylic acid
(17). Amines
(18). Biomolecules
Lab manual
Exp 1 Volumetric analysis
Exp 2 Salt analysis
Exp 3 Functional Group Analysis

TOPICS: [Any one]
* Role of women in modern india
*Picture of society after covid-19
*Role of mass media in modern society


Program 1-: Program to enter two numbers and print the arithmetic operations like +,-,*, /, // and %.
Program 2-: Write a program to find whether an input number is perfect or not.
Program 3-: Write a Program to check if the entered number is Armstrong or not.
Program 4-: Write a Program to find factorial of the entered number.
Program 5-: Write a Program to enter the string and to check if it’s palindrome or not using loop.
Program 6-: Write a Program to show the outputs based on entered list.
Program 7-: Write a Program to enter the numbers in a list using split () and to use all the functions related to list.
Program 8-: Write a menu based program to perform the operation on stack in python.
Program 9-: Write a program to count the number of vowels present in a text file.
Program 10-: Write a Program to read data from data file in read mode and count the particular word occurrences in
given string, number of times in python.
Program 11-: Write a program to delete a record from binary file.
Program 12-: Write a program to create a library in python and import it in a program.
Program 13-: Write a program to generate random numbers between 1 to 6 and check whether a user won a lottery
or not.
Program 14-: Write a Program to find factorial of entered number using user defined module fact().
Program 15-: Write a Program to read data from data file and show Data File Handling related functions utility in
Program 16-: Write a Program to read data from data file in append mode and se writeLines function utility in
Program 17-: Write a Program to read data from data file in read mode and append the words starting with letter ‘T’
in a given file in python.
Game:- Volleyball, Handball, Cricket, Football, Kho- Kho, Kabbadi , Basketball badminton
 History
 General rules
 Court field specification
 Equipment and sports gear
 Specific exercise
 Injury
 Related sports terminologies
 Important tournament
 Awards
 Important personalities
 600 m
 50 m run
 Shuttle run 10×4
 Standing board
 Push up boys modified push up
 sit and reach
Yoga project file
 Asthma
 Hypertension
 Diabetes
 Back pain
 Body disorder
 10asan

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